How to Beat the VAMPIRES in "30 DAYS OF NIGHT"

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If you got stuck in a remote Alaskan  village that hungry vampire’s descended upon,   what would you do? In this How to Beat video,   we’ll follow Barrow’s townsfolk, see if we can  make better decisions, and ultimately attempt   to beat the Bloodthirsty Vampires in, 30 Days of  Night. If you think you have a better way, let   me know in the comments! If you like these how to  beat videos, consider liking and subscribing.   We start out getting a little backstory on a  town full of innocent people who’re about to be   massacred. It’s a real town called Barrow, Alaska  with about 4000 residents. They go on to say it’s   the Northernmost town in Alaska surrounded by 80  miles of roadless wilderness, and that for 30 days   of their winter season, it’s completely  cut off from the rest of the world.   Since it’s a real town, I think we can dig up some  more background on it that might be helpful.   The movie is correct about it being the  Northernmost town, as well as having 80   miles of roadless snowy tundra between it  and the next closest town, but their point   about the town being completely cut off for  30 days of the polar night is incorrect.   Because the town is isolated by roadless  tundra and resupply by truck is treacherous,   the only real way the town gets food and supplies  is by plane. Every ounce of food is flown in,   which is why flights to Barrow are  completed using planes that are half   passenger seats and half cargo space. Multiple  flights come in and out of Wiley Post-Will Rogers   Memorial Airport on a daily basis, and they  don’t stop because it’s dark outside.   Boats do supply the town as well, but only  in the summer when the ice surrounding the   coast is broken and melted enough. It is possible for trucks to make the drive   to neighboring towns in the winter polar nights  when the tundra is frozen solid. It’s risky, but   if there was an emergency and a bad storm grounded  all aircraft or all the pilots were murdered,   you could make it out of town to get help. This is good news for our protagonists,   because they aren’t as cut off  from the world as they think.   It’s not all good news though, the polar night  is not 30 days long as the movie suggests,   it’s actually over 60 days long.  The vampires have twice the time   for their feeding frenzy. I don’t think the  vampires will need this much time though,   if they do things right, they likely could suck  out everyone's blood in less than a week. I might   play both sides on this one because the vampires  undoubtedly are going to do dumb shit.   A mysterious ship arrives at the coast,  probably around the Elson Lagoon area   which would be remote enough that nobody would  see the ship. They likely chose this area   because if the ship was seen, people would  be suspicious of it. Like we talked about,   normal ships need to wait until a  narrow window of time in the summer   when the ice is melted enough for the ship to  get close enough to drop supplies off.   The next morning Josh Hartnett and Crixus find  a bunch of satellite phones torched in the snow.   For all they know, it could just be  thieves, vandals, or pranksters.   With some of the townsfolk on the  fictional last flight out before the   fictional 30 day polar night, the strange  happenings in the small town continue.   Someone is shanking all the sled dogs. I get the vampire’s strategy of eliminating any   transportation or communication out of the town,  but killing sled dogs? Is that really important at   this stage? What dumb son of a bitch would try to  escape a vampire attack on a dog sled with a bunch   of howling Alaskan Malamutes pulling some dude  at a breakneck speed of 5 miles per hour.   The vampire’s next objectives are to have the  human destroy the town’s helicopter and cell tower   right before the polar night begins. I gotta commend the vampire’s here,   destroying most of the satellite phones first  before destroying the cell tower was key.   If they had destroyed the cell tower first,  obtaining and destroying the satellite phones   would have been much more difficult since it’s the  only remaining means of communication and people   will hold onto them tightly. The sat phones being  destroyed wouldn’t raise any immediate red flags,   and then all you’d need to do to cut the town’s  comms is take out the single cell tower.   Shortly after losing comms with the outside world,  the town will send people out to get help via   plane or helicopter, so disabling these aircraft  quickly is important. Once that option is off   the table, the townsfolk will resort to sending  some truck drivers to nearby towns to get help.   I don’t think the vampires would need to  worry about a mass exodus 2 fast 2 furious   style because it’s risky and there’s no need if  you only need a few drivers to make the trip.   While it’s a roadless tundra, i’m sure there  are established routes in and out of town.   All you’d need to do is have some vampires  guard these routes and kill any escapees.   The next problem is the daily resupply flights.  This is a tough one. If you destroy the landing   planes, the airlines will be alerted  immediately. It might take a few days   of no contact and planes being destroyed  for the National Guard to be called in,   but a few hundred soldiers with Blackhawks showing  up will definitely ruin the vampire party.   Damaging the runway could be a way to get the  town to suspend flights for a while, but when   the town survives on that runway, it’ll get fixed  quickly. As a vampire attacking this town, I’d say   realistically the feast can only last maybe a week  max before your welcome is overstayed. But this is   a fictional world where no flights come and go for  a month, so let’s continue with that premise.   The remaining problem is world awareness  of your vampirical existence. As a vampire,   you don’t want the world to know about  your existence because 4chan will find   you and the military will kill you. This is a  difficult task because every person you bite   or slash gets infected with the vampire virus,  which spreads evidence of your existence.   Leaving bodies in the open where  the sunlight will vaporize them   after the polar night ends won’t work, because  you need to be out of town within a week,   and the polar night lasts a couple months. I think that if you cut off comms and   transportation like they did, destroy any planes  that land, kill everyone as fast as you can,   then on the last day of the week, burn the village  down which will destroy any evidence as well as   flush out the remaining victims who you can kill  and toss into the fire, you should be good.   People are going to be suspicious as  to what caused everyone to die and the   town to burn down, but nobody will  suspect it was a vampire pack.   Their current plan is a bit over the top and  risky. They could just visit the coastal towns   and abduct a few people from each town per  year. Then harvest their blood on their   ship for the rest of the year before killing  them and abducting a few more the next year.   It’s not crazy that few people might go  missing from each town once out of the   year due to wolves or polar bear attacks. This is  just a much more long term sustainable strategy,   and sustainable living is really what we’re  after right, not some one time gluttonous   feast that destroys the town causing  you to be deprived for decades.   Back to the movie. So the vampire human  shanked some dogs, and Stella's trying   to make the fictional last flight out  before no more flights for 30 days.   How the hell does that even happen. You're on  a lunar landscape with open sightlines. Well,   Stella’s not getting to the airport in time. Eben sends Billy to go pick Stella up while he   chats with the owners of the murdered dogs.  Maybe this dude just pissed someone off.   Back at the Sheriff’s office, reports are  coming in about a vandal at the Utilidor.   That’s not good. Utilidors typically carry lines  for electricity, steam, water supply, sewage,   communications, and other important stuff. This is a small town with low crime and most   people know each other. These events all happening  on the same day is strange. It’s likely it’s one   pissed off person. It might be wise to contact  neighboring towns to let them know that you   are having issues with people attempting to  destroy essential systems, and that you may   need assistance if communications go down. With all that’s happening, and with no aircraft   at the airport, I'd be worried about someone  vandalizing the cell tower and gas stations.   Stella missed the last flight out for the month.  I’m guessing they are anticipating a storm   arriving that would ground the planes, because  otherwise flights should still be arriving.   Down at the Utilidor, one of the men mentions that  his helicopter was scrapped and the parts tossed   into the muffin monster. God those things are  terrifying. All it takes is one simple mistake,   like a loose shoelace you trip on, and all  your memories, hopes, dreams, your love for   your family, your connection to your community,  all gets instantly grinded up into a red pulpy   soup which’s flushed down the sewage pipes. I think by now it’s reasonable for Eben to realize   that someone is purposefully removing any  communication or transportation out of town. I’d   be trying to contact all the other vital utility  managers to take precautions, and radioing nearby   towns and the national guard that they may be in  trouble if the vandals destroy the cell tower too   because they won’t be able to call for help. Not that it will matter. Oh come on, who would   actually go outside after hearing that noise. If  you go to check some weird occurrence out, you   better have a plan for how to deal with it  if your worst case scenario comes true.   I mean yah, he doesn’t know there are  vampires outside, but there are still   polar bears and wolves that kill humans from time  to time. It’s just not wise to go wandering out   into the snowy abyss by yourself with no weapons  when you heard some animalistic shrieking outside.   Seriously, what the hell is this guy going to  do if a polar bear or pack of wolves show up.   He’s going to get mauled, drug off into the  snowdrift, and turned into wolf shit.   Pretty much just like that, except he’s  getting turned into vampire shit. That said,   it never really mattered what this dude did  anyways. The first person to realize there’s a   problem is usually in trouble, especially if that  problem is a pack of blood sucking vampires.   I know I don’t have much room to talk, but c’mon,  the apocalypse hasn't even started yet bro.   Pump the breaks a bit. And you’re not  even a vampire, just a wannabe who’s   likely being played for a fool and who will  definitely get sick from eating raw meat.   Eben finds the new guy in town causing trouble, a  likely suspect for all the shenanigans going on.   A tussle ensues, which is promptly ended by  Stella putting a gun to the man’s head.   Thanks and all, but Stella, you do realize  that the gun is pointed at my head too,   and if you pull that trigger the bullet  will go through his head and into mine.   Maybe come around to the side so  i’m not in the line of fire.   I'd take that seriously. This dude was likely  the one cutting off the town's transportation and   communication. The good news is this dipshit can’t  keep his mouth shut, so Josh needs to interrogate   him to figure out his motives and what’s  going on. Best case this guy is just a loon,   but what’s the worst case? Damn,   these vampires are freaky fast. That kind of  speed and strength is nearly impossible to counter   without firearms and expert marksmanship. Hand to  hand combat is pretty much a death sentence.   So far nobody in town has been able to  identify the problem and sound the alarms   because the Vampire’s have been doing a good job  of stealthily knocking off isolated people.   Eben interrogates the man, asking how he got  into town, because clearly he's not from here.   Is that really an important question to ask  right now? I think figuring out his motive   and if he has friends is more important. The  interrogation is interrupted when the phone   lines and internet go down. Either that’s pure coincidence,   or this guy has friends with ill intentions too.  Eben should be considering the latter.   Time to lock and load. Whoever these people  are, whatever they are up to, they slaughtered   someone’s dogs, so at minimum they are armed and  dangerous. And with no rescue efforts available   and limited resources, you should stock up,  find shelter and weapons, and watch your back.   No help will arrive if something bad happens  or a dipshit runs into you with a backhoe.   Come on Eben, there is no way you should be as  nonchalant about this as you are, what happened to   having a healthy level of paranoia. Eben decides  to check out the cell tower situation by himself.   I’m sorry, where is deputy Crixus again? I also  find it odd that the Sheriff’s office doesn’t have   it’s own satellite phone they could use. Hmm. Maybe the wind blew the tower down...   or the polar bear's situation  is getting out of hand.   They are not fucking around anymore. Everything  before this was the covert setup phase.   This is a declaration of war. Get back and tell  everyone to get out their guns and shelter in   place because people are now being murdered  with their corpses put on public display.   Then, get your deputy and load  up yourself and start trying   to hunt down whoever is doing this. Yes! I’ve thought about this as a solution   in some movies like the blob, because it’s just  such a good way to raise awareness quickly,   but I always thought you’d seem crazy and nobody  would listen. I think the idea is always good,   but people screw the execution up by sounding  crazy. You have to dial it back, so for example,   even if you know it’s vampires, you just  say it’s serial killers or something.   Josh’s execution is solid, and considering he’s  the Sheriff and all the power and phone lines are   out, his words are gonna carry weight. His plan he’s disseminating is that whoever   has a backup generator should head home,  and everyone else should go to the diner   which has a backup generator itself. Again, based on what they know at this point,   that’s about the best plan you could offer.  Too bad it’s also woefully insufficient.   With how lightning fast and strong the vamps are,   you don’t stand a chance unless they are  way out in the open or funneled into a   chokepoint. These vampires can dive through  windows and smash through wood with ease.   Racking a shotty and backing up to a concrete  or brick wall is most people’s best bet,   but most of these little piggies only  have their stick houses to hide in.   Ebens dumbass brother falls for the  oldest prisoner trick in the book,   which is to emotionally trigger someone  so they get close enough to grab.   It’s a good thing Eben was on his way back to  save the day, because Stella just stood around   useless while Jake was getting choked out. Eben and Stella decide to ride out and look for   the murderers, because deputy Billy  is on vacation apparently.   Stella was hauling ass when that dude jumped on,  I know the Vampires are fast, but that is insane.   The fact that the dude caught up to them,  shrieked, and was out there in the snow drift and   hadn’t frozen to death in the negative 20 degree  temps means some spooky shit is going on.   Back at the town, it doesn't look like the  shelter in place order helped much.   I think it’s underestimated how fast apocalypses  happen. You could have the best doomsday prepper   setup, but if you’re at taco bell when shit  goes down, you aren’t making it. You’d be lucky   to get half a Nacho Cheese Dorito Loco taco down  your gullet before a vamp breaks your car window   and sinks their teeth into your neck. Saying that just made me hungry. Back in the   day when I would play video games until 3am, I'd  naturally get really hungry and go to Mcdonalds to   get a 20 pack of nuggets and orange hi-c. But you  know what, I never let my guard down. Seatbelt on,   car gear in reverse with my foot on the break,  windows up, parked in an area where you have   open sightlines, 1 nugget 1 look procedure. My  point is that you gotta anticipate the worst   case situation no matter what you’re doing,  and develop mental models and procedures   for handling those situations. I really hope I'm not the only one   who from time to time thinks, what if all of  the sudden I heard a scream outside my home,   looked outside, and zombies were ripping someone  apart. What would I do right in that moment?   I’m starting to wonder if something really  awful happened to me in my childhood that   I'm currently repressing. Probably best not  to look into it, back to the movie.   Stella and Eben get back from their field trip.  There's blood everywhere and Jake and Helen are   both gone. Judging by Helen’s screams on the  radio earlier, she’s already vamp food.   Jake must have ran for it while Helen, being  a slower old lady, got slaughtered. I see he   took my advice from the end of my last video. That  leads me to my next semi-pro tip, always be faster   than at least 1 person around you. If you are  the slowest person in the room, figure out a way   to sabotage someone else who’s faster to buy you  time. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.   The jail bro is now complaining that the vamp  god didn’t turn him into a vampire too, so he   wants Eben to finish him off. Eben decides not to,  seemingly for moral reasons, but i’d like to add   that it would be a terrible decision also because  a desk pop is going to attract unwanted attention   from whoever, whatever is doing the killing. The people that went to the diner are all freaking   out, it seems like they know there are murderers  outside. What I don’t get is if you realize that   the power is out with multiple attackers outside  killing people, why are you making so much noise,   why do you still have the lights on and why  are you all sitting around casually with   some morons sitting with their backs to the  windows. You might as well hang up a Krispy   Kreme hot light and get on your knees. The funny part is that the people at the   diner are the smart ones. Everyone else  apparently decided the best course of   action is to run outside like chickens who  can’t wait to get their heads cut off.   Everyone at the diner is lucky Eben shows up  and shuts the lights off before the vampires   notice the one building in the middle of town  that’s glowing with lights when the power is   out in every other house. He also locks the doors,  which might seem futile, but it’s actually a good   call because the vampires would have to break  in which would give you slightly more time to   react than if they were able to sneak in. Eben proposes his plan to load up a truck with   bear traps and flares to distract the vamps  while everyone else runs for a nearby house   that has an attic which is only accessible  by a hidden pulldown ladder.   Honestly, I don’t think it’s a bad strategy  to create a diversion, like lighting a house's   curtains on fire, while you sneak off to  your truck a block away. The vamps are fast,   but by the time the fire became noticeable and  attracted the vamps, you’d have enough of a head   start to where they couldn’t catch up to you. If everyone else can hold out and stay hidden in   the attic for a couple days, you might be  able to make it to the next closest town of   Atqasuk, and use their airport and radio to  call for help from the National Guard.   Welp, things don’t seem to be  going according to their plan.   I get that vampires are fast, but stopping  an SUV going 35 mph is ridiculous.   With that speed and strength a gunshot to  the head is definitely your only chance.   Well I guess that works too. I think we can go  ahead and wave that citation from earlier.   So they can catch a suv  going 30-40 miles per hour,   but not josh and stella running on foot, k. The only explanation for this incongruence is   that the vampires are hunting them for fun, and  they let the humans go for a little chase.   Our band of survivors make it to the hidden  attic where they can take a nice slow deep breath   and let how fucked they are really sink in. I’m sorry, where have you been   the past 6 hours. Let’s walk down the vampire   lore stat sheet that anyone would know. Super fast. Super strong. Voracious appetite   for human blood. Shrieky sounds. Sharp teeth.  Black eyes. Intelligent. I’d say they check   out. At least they acknowledge that vampires  exist, that’s better than most movies.   Their plan is to take shifts, ration food,  and hold out until the polar night ends.   Based on the movie's fictional 30 days of night,  and Alaska Airlines halting flights for a month,   this is probably the best strategy  unless something changes.   Based on realistic circumstances where the polar  night lasts 60 plus days, and Alaska Airlines   would continue to make flights to Barrow, the  strategy is pretty much the same. The airlines   will notice there’s a problem and help will arrive  within the week. Unfortunately, there’s no way   to signal to the plane that the town is under  siege and that landing is a death sentence. The   first airline to land will be massacred. Jail bro finally got his ticket to vampire   heaven. Why would you even want to join  this type of vampires. They are dumb,   ugly, and live in a busted as ship docked  in some isolated arctic island with no   hot vampires or anything to do. If it was the underworld variety, which   has sophisticated culture, highly intelligent  citizens, superhuman physical abilities,   aesthetic physiques, sustainable food  sources, incredible architecture and cities,   and most importantly, hot vampires, I'd understand  his motives, but not these wild animals.   Outside they hear vamps searching nearby homes,  which means their current strat isn’t going to   work for much longer. Especially with the old  man with dementia freaking out every 30 minutes.   I hate to say it, but that man is a liability.  Even if they can keep him quiet should a vamp   enter their home, and even if the attic ladder  is hidden, the vampires do have a heightened   sense of smell which they could track you  down with if they got close enough.   Their new plan is to sneak over  to the general store for supplies,   then make a second break for the utilidors  to hold out there. It’s not too far away,   but with vampires potentially anywhere  outside it’s extremely risky.   Food will be a problem, but I think they should  try to hold out as long as humanly possible before   risking going outside, or at least wait for an  opportunity. Maybe the vampire’s will get bored,   something will provide a good distraction or  a whiteout storm will provide them with cover.   I would also advise against going to any  supermarket or general store. These are prime   targets for vampire’s to watch over as survivors  start to get hungry and run out of supplies.   Raiding other houses is less risky. Their combined body heat in the attic with   blankets and coats should keep  them warm enough as well.   Going to the utilidor makes sense in some ways  because it’s a strong building with choke points   you can guard with guns, but that’s only really  relevant if they have enough ammo to kill the   attacking vamps, which they don’t. They’d have  to stop by the police station to get more ammo,   which further increases the chances they get  caught on top of an already risky plan.   Is there anything else our  protagonists can do?   Trying to drive out of town is  clearly out of the question, but man,   if only we had some sled dogs, right? They could try sneaking into houses they   heard the vampires search already because  they aren’t likely to search it again,   but having your big group which includes  a man with dementia traverse open ground   just isn’t worth it the risk. The new house might  not have super secret hiding spots either.   I think they should stay put in the attic, and  to prevent a vampire from sniffing them out,   they could try to throw their scent off with  household chemicals like ammonia, vinegar,   or bleach. This might be their best option. You want to avoid getting into hand to hand combat   at all costs, but should you need to, it’s better  to be wielding weapons with range. They could   break some chairs up and sharpen the legs to use  to shank the vampires. The old wooden stake to the   heart. You still have almost no chance, but you  have a better chance than using your fists.   Guns are the preferred means of vampire disposal,  but ammo is sparse, so you want to make sure   whoever you’re with who has a gun doesn’t blow  their ammo like Russ did in The Crazies.   On the vampire front, they really should maintain  a perimeter around the town and start burning the   buildings down to flush out any remaining  survivors. Manually searching each home is   ineffective with only 10-20 vampires in your  tribe. You could search a house and then go to   the next one, and humans could sneak over to the  house you just searched. By burning the houses   down you eliminate their hiding places. Day 7.. Wait, 7 days since the polar night   started? Isn’t this the 1st day  of vampire attack. I guess time   is hard to judge during the polar night. No, we do not. That’s bait. Eben confirms this   suspicion by looking through a peephole in the  attic and seeing a vampire on the rooftop behind   her lying in wait. Stella, stella, stella,  you would have gotten killed right there   had it not been for Eben. Even if Eben didn’t spot the vampire, with   the lady screaming and how fast the vampire's are,  there is no way you could get to her in time. The   only reason this lady isn’t dead yet is  because the vampire’s are trying to get a   2 for 1. Even if you could rescue her, do you  really want a lady in the same attic as you,   that thought walking in the middle of the  street yelling for help was a good idea?
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 4,997,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, how to beat 30 days of night, how to survive, how to kill, kill count, 30 days of night, ending explained, dead meat, foundflix, 30 days of night ending, 30 days of night explained, 30 days of night ending explained, 30 days of night kill count
Id: DnTBnaBPc18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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