How to Beat the SHADOW WITCH in "LIGHTS OUT" (2016)

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If you turned the lights off to go to bed, and a shadowy figure appeared, what would you do? In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow a haunted family, see if we can make better decisions, and ultimately attempt to beat the SHADOW WITCH in, LIGHTS OUT. If you think you have a better way to beat it, let me know in the comments! If you like these how to beat videos, consider subscribing. We start out by following Paul, the manager of a textile shop. I don’t know about y'all, but I wouldn’t have mannequins placed around my office like that. Especially if I worked at night by myself. Bare minimum everytime you walk into your office you have to double check that it isn’t a friend standing still trying to prank you. At least put them in front of your desk. The best case scenario is that the mannequin is a highly attractive cursed peasant girl that comes to life and falls in love with you. Paul’s about to find out what the worst case scenario is. He tells his employee to finish up the rounds and head out for the night. Why is the lighting so poor in this building, and how the heck can you do inventory in near complete darkness. Oh great, not only does the poor lighting make it impossible to do the job, but he also has them hooked up to a motion sensor, so if you stand still and actually try to do your job the lights shut off. I don’t think this business has a bright future. She handwaves the lights back on, and clothes next to her rattle. I would just check mark everything on the list and head out. If the manager got mad that anything was wrong, I’d just blame it on the poor lighting. Maybe try turning it off and on one more time. Esther tries to tell her manager that something was in the backroom, but he’s too preoccupied talking to a psychiatrist about his wife’s declining mental condition. After blowing off his disturbed employee’s warnings, he finishes up his work and heads home. Sure, he initially dismissed his employee, but hearing a strange noise coupled with his employee saying something was back there should trigger a little red flag to pop up in his brain, or dare I say, a lightbulb. Look, it’s either a rat, in which case you won’t be able to catch it. It’s just the air currents causing something to make noise, in which case there’s nothing to worry about. It’s a robber or mugger, in which case you're screwed because they have the element of surprise and you don’t have any weapons. Or it’s a supernatural entity in which case you couldn’t fight it even if you did have a weapon. There is no benefit to checking this noise out right now. It’s the evil jelly bean trail, with something baiting you into its grasp. Hell, most people would think nothing of a noise like that and just walk out, especially if you’re so preoccupied with your family. Or they’d do the opposite of checking it out and leave as quickly as possible. Oh man, that was optimistic. Bet you wish you didn’t cheap out on motion sensor lighting now. Paul sees that the ghost is stopped by the light, and considering the lights can go out at any time, he makes a break for it. When he passes through the darkness between lights, the ghost lashes his legs. Well, he couldn’t have realized that this thing is impossibly fast either, still, running was his best and only shot. He makes it back to his office, locks the door and turns the lights on. Seems like he’s safe for now. Or not, as apparently this entity has control over the electricity. That’s not really fair, but okay. Paul didn’t stand a chance, this thing is like a ninja assassin. Meanwhile, Paul’s stepdaughter, Rebecca, and her boyfriend, Bret, are in disagreement over Bret’s desire to keep his socks at her apartment. As fascinating as that storyline is, we cut over to Rebecca’s brother, Martin. Martin finds his mom talking to someone else in her room. Earlier in the movie he FaceTimed his dad, Paul, complaining that his mom was talking to herself. I think there should be a distinction made between talking to yourself, which is actually good for you to an extent, and talking to an imaginary friend, which is called Schizophrenia. The mom, Sophie, is exhibiting the latter. Okay, time to go sleep over at your friends house. Martin goes back to bed and turns around to see the ghost's creepy fingers. After seeing that you’re going to sit in your bed for the next 8 hours. Nope. I don’t know how the kid survived the night. I would have opened the window, aimed for the bushes, and figured out a different living situation. The next day the school calls child services on Martin because he's been passing out in class everyday for the past week. A symptom of a developing problem with Martin’s dad being recently murdered, and his mom being diagnosed with depressions and schizophrenia. Yah, I can see how it’d be hard to pay attention in social studies if that was the case. The fact that this has been going on for at least a week now and Martin hasn’t ran away yet is crazy. They call his rebel half-sister to see how she can help. Surprise surprise, sk8r girl just wants to take him back to the psycho mom. Do they not have an aunt, uncle, cousin, anyone else? Seems like keeping a kid in a home with a manic and depressed mom would be very damaging and unhealthy. Seems like a chill dude, i’m sure he’ll die horrifically soon enough. When they show up at Martin's home, he tells Rebecca that someone named Diana is living with them. There's some spooky music and her eyes light up, Rebecca obviously knows who Diana is too. The kid packs his bag, but wait, he hears a strange noise in the room next door and is somehow compelled to go check it out, as if he doesn’t know what it is already. I wonder how many more times people are going to, check it out, I bet a lot. The kid moves in with the sis for a few days to get his bearings. They’re going to have to figure this situation out one way or another, but for now he needs to get some sleep so he can think clearly. He makes sure to pack his flashlight just in case. It should be clear that Diana can short out the lights somehow, a flashlight should be more reliable, but I wouldn’t risk only having that. The flashlight also only produces a beam of light, which is effective and better than nothing, but you really need something that floods light in every direction. You also need to watch your back, shining a beam of light in front of you ain't gonna stop Diana from ripping your spine out from behind you. I think the most tactically sound option is light armor, like armor made of light. AKA. Wrap christmas tree lights around you and plug into a handheld battery. Your move, Diana. I'd also light enough candles in my room to look like a prayer ceremony. And not just some off-brand, found in your mom's kitchen cupboard candles. I’m talking survival, smokeless, wind-proof candles that won’t get blown out if someone opens the door too fast. They go to sleep for the night, and nobody lights a freaking candle. You both know about Diana, you both know that it comes in the darkness. Why aren’t you taking any precautions? Diana takes advantage of their ineptitude, and starts scratching the floorboard? She easily could have killed them before they even woke up. I guess you gotta season the prey with fear. I think you made mommy's ghost friend mad. Rebecca defeats Diana with the flip of a light switch, and finds Martin hiding in the bathtub with his flashlight on. Initially I didn’t understand why he chose the bathtub, but it kind of makes sense. This thing can get you wherever it’s dark. That includes under the bed, where she could grab your feet once you stepped down. Maybe back in his mom’s house earlier in the movie he experienced her creeping under his bed at night. They survive the night, not from their intelligence or wits, but because Diana doesn’t seem to want to kill them, or she just sucks at it. Maybe she’s trying to scare Martin and Rebecca away to keep Sophie to herself, but why attack them at the apartment if that was the case, you already accomplished your goal. The child services lady shows up and gives her a breakdown of why Rebecca can’t house Martin, and that he needs to go back to his mother according to the law. Martin could continuously run away, but the Police and courts will get involved, and Martin and Rebecca could find themselves in detainment without the means to defend themselves. Much like the kid in Polaroid. Didn’t end well for him. Rebecca and Martin both know the danger they are in, and need to stay together and watch each other’s backs. While Martin hasn’t been harmed in the past weeks of Diana haunting him, he’s obviously in danger. Rebecca is also in danger herself, so it doesn’t make sense to stay at her apartment alone. Running isn’t an option anymore, it’s clear Diana wants to do harm. I’d suggest that Rebecca moves back in at home to help Martin, set up proper defenses, and sort this out. The mom nor the Police will have a problem with it. Rebecca has a flashback to when she was little, coloring a stick figure fam picture, and when she was first confronted by Diana, who crossed the dad out and drew herself in. Apparently it just now dawns on her that Diana is a real entity that is somehow connected with the mom’s behavior. She heads back home to confront her mom about Diana. I’m completely onboard with this, but can you at least stop by a store and pick up some flashlights and lighting equipment. Like in I Am Legend, you gotta get those Pitch Black light tube backpacks. It’d also be a good idea to either clue Bret in on the situation or at least keep him by your side so you can guide him around safely. How many times are people going to be baited into obvious traps like this. Rebecca finds a picture of Sophie and Diana. Diana is her mom's friend who was real, and had Xeroderma Pigmentosum, a horrific condition in which you’re highly susceptible to UV light and you pretty much can’t go outside without a full protective suit. Now that I think of it, that’s kind of what the I Am Legend Darkseekers had. She finds more medical records and recordings of Diana’s condition and therapy, which are kept in this house for some reason? Isn’t that against confidentiality. Diana was a Heliotherapy patient at the psychiatric ward Sophie was in. Sophie got better, but Diana’s condition worsened and she became aggressive and unstable. To combat her increasing sensitivity to light, the doctors strapped her into a chair and blasted her with multiple 1200 Watt UV lights. Surprisingly, instead of healing her, it turned her into a nuke shadow. In real life, there are no cures for this condition, just some drugs that may help. But absolutely no form of heliotherapy would ever be used experimentally for Xeroderma pigmentosum. That’s like standing in front of a firing squad in an attempt to develop an immunity to bullets. Or trying to callus your hands with a belt sander. If you were even going to attempt this, you’d start with extremely low doses to see how the body reacts before going nuclear with the 1200 watt UV lights. Wait, so Diana made a noise that baited her into finding this information, that seems counterproductive.. After reviewing the medical records, she has a kick of nostalgia and visits her childhood room. I’d be cognizant of where your sources of light are and how they could fail. The only source of light right now is that door, if Diana can somehow close it Rebecca is screwed. Yep. Seems that Diana is just trying to scare them away from the mom. That’s probably why their dad, Paul, died. He was trying to get Sophie better. Wait, why did Diana attack Esther, what did she do to deserve that. Bret saves the day and they take the evidence back to her apartment. Martin and his mom return home, and she has a great idea. A fun popcorn night with just the 3 of them. Ooh. When Martin mentions that he wants it to be just the two of them, Sophie looks visibly scared. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Diana is holding Sophie hostage, much like MaRina and Laura. So far it seems that throughout Rebecca’s and Martin’s childhood, Diana has appeared and disappeared in correlation with the moms mental state. What he’s trying to say is, go confront your psycho ghost friend that’s trying to kill me. Can I also just say, I hate that cliche face your fear nonsense. Fear isn’t inherently irrational. It’s an emotional response to a perceived threat. If the perceived threat isn’t real, then yah face it and get over it. If the threat is real, like Diana, then just ‘facing it’ can get you killed. If you fear certain parts of town at night because of the high chance you’re going to get mugged, facing those fears is freaking stupid and will get you mugged. This kid was acting all tough about facing fears, then when the lights get turned off he starts crying like a bitch. Since Diana is a real threat, facing it turned out about how you’d expect. Seems like there’s some Stockholm Syndrome going on. Sophie is so tormented by Diana that she tries to protect her at the expense of Martin. The mom going psycho is why I wanted Rebecca to move back in and help. Martin bolts back to the sisters' place where she’s trying to piece together what's going on with chill bro in the back taking it all in. Nobody fills him in on the threat and they send him off to shop for food at night, when he’s completely unaware. Bret’s been a clear accomplice to Martin and Rebecca in trying to fight Diana, so he’s undoubtedly a target too. I’m going to be very surprised if this dude comes back alive. Rebecca shows Martin her findings in a dark room with one weak-ass lamp nearby. According to the records, Diana was found locked up in a basement when she was 13, with her father allegedly having killed himself with blood writing on the wall saying, “She is in my head.” Since she had a very unstable mental condition, she was taken to a psychiatric hospital where Diana met Sophie. It was said that Diana was evil, and could get inside people’s heads and change them. To be honest, that sounds like what asshole kids would make up to bully a girl with a horrifying skin condition. I don’t think Diana’s mental instability helped with the bullying either. However, it did turn out to be true, because a freaking ghost witch is trying to kill them. Rebecca thinks that Diana got inside Sophie’s head when Diana got torched, and her imprint on Sophie survived. She also thinks that Diana only shows up when her mom is at her worst mentally. Here’s where I'm stuck. When Rebecca was younger, Diana had crossed the dad out of her drawing, which to me indicates that Diana murdered the husband. But how, since she had to have appeared when things were good at home? This suggests that Diana can appear when Sophie is feeling down for whatever reason, not just when she is mentally crippled. For example, if they had a dog and the dog died, that would open Sophie up to where Diana could show up and start swinging. This makes Sophie incredibly volatile and dangerous. I think we all know what needs to be done. Rebecca and Martin need to kill their mom. Instead of doing what needs to be done, they propose that the mom just needs to get her mind strong again in order to break the connection. That sounds warm and fuzzy, but the second something bad happens to the mom, Diana is going to come back with a vengeance, You could heavily medicate or sedate the mom, but turning Sophie into a zombie isn’t proven to work, nor is it a dependable solution. Martin and I are in agreement. Improving the mom is not only futile, but dangerous. Diana will try to kill you the entire time you're working with the mom to rehabilitate her. It’s much easier to just give her a different kind of pill that makes the mom go sleepy sleep forever. They hear some knocking on the door, what’re the chances that it’s not Bret. What do you have to gain by checking it out, absolutely nothing. You know it’s Diana just trying to bait you into an area where she can kill you. Clever move, distracting Rebecca to snatch Martin. This could have been prevented if Martin had some fresh ass light up kicks or a frameless bed. But yah, you can’t be standing next to dark areas like that. Realizing this has to be stopped asap, the crew heads to Sophie's house to sort this situation out. I guess they chose the rehabilitation options instead of killing her, at least for now. While they are fighting about the moms ghost friend tormenting them, unaware Bret’s over there spinning his fork. Poor dude’s just trying to get with Rebecca. There’s a saying called don’t stick your.. knife in an outlet.. The mom storms off to have her sleepover with Diana, and the crew makes a montage of their piss-poor defenses. Rebecca duct tapes the lights on, which is probably more to prevent them or the mom from accidentally turning a light off. Martin hides a flashlight, which I don’t understand at all, don’t you want easy access to it? Those flashlights have too narrow of a beam anyways, but it’s better than nothing. They open the curtains, which won’t help until sunrise in 6-8 hours, but why not. Bret grabs spares light bulbs, which is like a tertiary support system where if you knock a lamp over or a bulb goes out you can change it, but you ain't gonna be swapping bulbs when under attack. Finally some freaking candles. Overall, it’s a pretty weak defense. 3/10. They had ample time to go to a store. For first layer defense i’d buy a bunch of flashlights, headlamps, flood lamps, batteries, wind-up lights, every socket filled with sensor night lights, and christmas lights to make some 360 degree light armor. I’d be inclined to try UV lights as well, because of her initial vulnerability to sunlight. Second layer defense would be those survival candles and propane lanterns so if the electricity goes you still have light. Since it’s practically a full moon outside, there’s plenty of light outside which can add a third layer of defense. They should pack some sammy’s and do some backyard camping around a bonfire in addition to the lights and candles. This gives you three levels of redundancy. Outside is also a good idea, because there are less places for Diana to grab you from, like under the bed. Inside the house also introduces verticality, where Diana can attack you from above. It should go without saying that they should stick together, butttt, no. Martin goes off to sleep in his bedroom by himself. What the actual f. He brought one candle, isolated himself, and is making himself vulnerable to attack from under the bed. Hell, I'd be worried about Diana showing up under the covers like the Onryo in The Grudge. And he’s also making himself vulnerable to the mom’s psycho shenanigans. Sophie could walk into his room and blow his candle out and boom, Martin’s toast. Martin asks her to sleep in his room tonight. Okay, how about you all just chill in the living room where all your defenses are at. Jesus. While it doesn’t seem like Diana needs to physically do anything to turn off lights, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to leave a light source illuminating the main electrical panel to the house, which could shut off all power at the throw of a switch. Why, that’s all i’ll say. Bret is one persevering SOB, and all for the bottom drawer at her place. He hasn’t had any actual experience with Diana, only what he’s heard. Still, all this stuff is pretty creepy, I don’t think i’d want to sleep alone at my place until I knew what was going on better. Rebecca tries to make amends with her mom, and as they part ways for the night, her mom passes her a secret message before being pulled back into the dark room by Diana. “I need help.” Who could have foresaw that your stay would be perceived as an attack on Diana, and she would retaliate by shutting all the lights off as she’s done in the past to try to kill you. This is also why you all group up in one room. Multiple people with intersecting fields of flashlight beams, the candles work better when combined in one room versus having only a couple candles in each room, and now you have to find each other in the dark since you split up. And still, nobody has filled Bret in on the situation, so there’s a good chance he gets killed. Going to the basement does not compute, it’s the darkest spot in the house. And why not wake Martin up, she just left him in a dark room alone. When he wakes up hes gonna be freaked that your gone and probably do something stupid. Zero teamwork here guys. Rebecca attempts to turn the power back on at the main electrical panel, but at this point turning it on is more dangerous than just getting everyone and going outside with your lights and candles. Diana doesn’t seem to even need to physically turn the power off anyways, even if she did, she’s probably destroyed the panel making it impossible to turn back on. If you’re going to do it, at least position the flashlight so it illuminates the room behind you. Martin inevitably wakes up and starts wandering around with his cheap POS candle to find her. He links up with Rebecca, and low and behold the electrical panel is completely useless. Diana shuts them in and locks the basement door so she can deal with Bret. Holy crap, Bret is a quick witted badass. First with the phone, busting out of the home into the moonlight, then using his car keys to vanquish the ghost witch. He then hops into the car and peels out. I’m not sure why, that poses unnecessary risks. He could just keep the headlights on and stand in front of it and in the moonlight while calling 911. Getting into the car is dangerous in the same way the bed is, Diana could snatch your leg while you're getting in. You’d have to make sure the overhead lights are on before you get in so you don't find Diana chillin in your backseat. You’d also have to worry that Diana could appear under your car while you’re driving, and pop your tires leaving you crashed in a ditch. Now's not the time to be a smartass Martin. And stop huddling around the flashlight with your back to the darkness. Sophie tries to pop some pills in order to soothe her mind and break the connection Diana has to the world, but fails. Instead of having a bonfire outside where it’s safe, Rebecca and Martin are having one in the basement. Martin rummages through some old boxes and luckily finds a giant battery powered UV light. Rebecca takes it to go ‘take inventory’, or whatever the hell that means. She finds a room in the basement filled with Diana’s creepy blood writings and mannequins she plays torture with. Inevitably, one of them turns out to be Diana. But this time Diana doesn’t disappear in the light. The UV rays seem to prevent her from disappearing, and injure her. So her pre-heliotherapy weakness is still in effect. This whole time Diana appears to be corporeal, which means she has a physical body that occupies space. She might not just be a shadow ghost. It’s just that her physical presence can only exist in the dark. Meaning that you might be able to kill her with something like a knife or bow. Unsurpressed, close range firearms won’t work because the muzzle flash will disappear Diana before the bullet can hit. It’s worth a shot, but it might not work. Diana could be similar to the entity in Polaroid, where they can physically interact with the environment, but weapons are ineffective because they kind of phase in and out of existence. The UV light works in the same way taking a picture of the entity in Polaroid did, it captures their spirit in the physical world. The UV light clearly damaged her. You can finally go on the attack now. Regroup with others, ensure their safety, get UV lights and physical weapons, then corner Diana with the lights, burning her and preventing her from leaving, then start hacking and slashing. Homeboy brought the fuzz, which really isn’t the smartest idea. They aren’t going to believe a thing you say and their weapons are ineffective. You’re condemning them to death. It also risks Rebecca and Martin’s lives by getting shot by the cops if there’s a misunderstanding or they get caught in the crossfire. He should have gone to a nearby store and gotten a shitload of flashlights and batteries instead. The police officers start getting dismantled since their pistols muzzle flashes ruin the effectiveness of their guns. Good going Bret, you just fed lambs to the slaughter. Rebecca and Bret want to just leave the house for now, but Martin refuses, insisting that they help their mom. I kind of get that, but it’s clear that Diana won’t harm her, only continue to influence and weaken her mind. Sophie has been dealing with Diana for basically ever. I think she can hold out for 1 more day. You know Diana’s weakness, be smart. If you absolutely feel compelled to, at least check the battery on the UV lamp and grab some weapons. Police cars usually are stocked with shotguns or AR15’s. Grab those, get the UV light on Diana, then pump her full of lead. A little heliotherapy and lead therapy. I hate when villains just throw people around instead of immediately killing them, but Sophie might lose it and off herself if Diana kills her daughter. Sophie shows up and starts blasting. Like the police officers, she realizes she can’t kill Diana with the pistol. In order to stop Diana, Sophie breaks the mental tether she has to the world by shooting herself in the head. I know this was my initial strategy, but that was before Rebecca found out about the UV light. She should have told her mom that UV light stops Diana, then scrambled 10 feet behind her, grabbed the UV light, then had Sophie gun Diana down. I bet the police are going to have a lot of questions now that any evidence of Diana is gone. The lights on the ambulance wanes and flickers. Coincidence, or did Diana somehow survive. Either way, I'm not sleeping with the lights off, or going anywhere in the dark without a flashlight for the rest of my life. I’d check the records to make sure there weren’t any stones unturned. Maybe Diana was able to get inside other patients' heads, or inside their heads and create another connection that could manifest if they ever became mentally weak in the future. I’d invest in a suppressed pistol with a UV light attachment in case Diana ever made her way back into this world. If I was Rebecca, I'd make sure to maintain connection with Bret and Martin, so if they ever got depressed or things started getting weird again, everyone would be aware. Well yah, that’s easy to say now that you are older and a freaking ghost isn’t haunting you, killing your parents, and turning your mom into a depressed lunatic. You had a legitimate reason to leave before when you were a teenager and unable to deal with that situation. Lets recap how things could have gone down differently, and see who would be alive or dead. Literally none of this would have happened if the doctors weren’t insanely stupid and negligent. Heliotherapy for Xeroderma Pigmentosum is preposterous. It’s easy to say that Sophie should have gotten help earlier on when Diana was manifesting, but it’s not that easy, especially when an evil spirit is attacking your mind. Both the husband’s deaths were inevitable. Bret shouldn’t have called the police, there was no way they’d know what they were up against. If Bret had just stayed outside, or gone to get more flashlights, the police wouldn’t have died. By the time Sophie confronted Diana with the pistol, Rebecca knew Diana’s weakness and had the UV light right next to her. She should have told Sophie about Diana’s weakness, shined the UV light on Diana, and had Sophie shoot her. It’s not clear that this would 100% work, but it seems highly probable. This would have prevented Sophie’s death. I’d say we could have beat the Shadow Witch from Lights Out with less lives lost. Thanks for watching, and remember, you can't cure Xeroderma Pigmentosum with intense UV light.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 3,462,597
Rating: 4.9414501 out of 5
Keywords: lights out, lights out short film, lights out 2016, lights out scenes, lights out explained, lights out ending explained, lights out ending, how to beat lights out, how to survive lights out, how to beat, how to survive, kill count, foundflix, dead meat, film herald, nerd explains
Id: iGIbM0JbRlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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