How to Beat the RAGE VIRUS in "28 WEEKS LATER"

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If the zombie apocalypse actually happened, but the zombies were fast as frick, reasonably intelligent, and you lived in London where there are no guns, what would you do? In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow the batshiz insane repatriates, see if we can better avoid the hordes of infected, and ultimately attempt to beat the Rage Virus in, 28 Weeks Later. If at any point you think i’m wrong, say.. for thinking Doyle should have sniped Andy. Drop that nonsense in the comments. If you’ve binge watched all my videos but you’re not subscribed, you’re doing YouTube wrong. We start out following Don and his wife Alice, surviving the outbreak which occurred in 28 Days Later, the original movie that people are going to give me shiz for for not covering first. This isn’t Don and Alice’s house. They live in the city but luckily managed to get out during all the chaos, which I imagine was like Philly in World War Z. It’s been a week or so since the outbreak, so the zombies are relatively fresh, and fast. Let’s clear this up real quick, I know they aren’t legit ‘zombies’, but that’s what I’m going to call them. Calling them ‘the infected’, just makes it sound like they are suffering from an affliction. These things are adrenaline pumped, blood-vomiting, heat-seeking, ravenous cannibals. They’re fricking zombies. What I like about 28 Weeks Later is that the zombies are just normal humans gone crazy-er. There’s no magic bullshiz like in Dawn of the Dead, where the zombies don’t die from anything other than a bullet to the head. Infection, dehydration, starvation, and blood loss are lethal conditions for those infected with the Rage Virus. Human mouths are filled with bacteria and will cause severe, potentially deadly infections if untreated, which will be the case because zombies don’t go to hospitals. These aren’t bites from your bastard 5 year old nephew that barely breaks skin. These are full grown adults trying to eat your face off and chew through your neck. The Rage Virus also causes internal hemorrhaging and zombies to puke blood everywhere. Infection and blood loss are going to cause the first 10f-20 percent of the zombies to die out within the first days or weeks. The 80% of the zombies that survived their initial wounds will be faced with starvation and dehydration. While Don and Alice never saw the zombies eat or drink during their escape because they were too busy trying not to get murdered by everyone, it’s not safe for them to assume that the infected won’t try to eat or drink by scavenging, cannibalizing each other, persistence hunting animals, and drinking whatever water they find. You don’t want to walk into town assuming that everyone’s died of inanition and realize your hypothesis was wrong. Cannibalizing each other, eating uncooked foods, and drinking river water is going to cause the zombies to be riddled with other diseases that make them vomit and shiz everywhere, leading to more dehydration and illness related deaths. Still, it will take a lot longer for them to die out. That and not everyone will be infected at the same time. As bands of survivors get infected over the following weeks, the time it will take for them to die out will be even longer. For Don, Alice, and the others living in the home, survival is an uphill battle of attrition that may take up to a year. Their primary concern is not being spotted. The home they’re sheltering in is situated many miles into the outskirts of London, I'm guessing somewhere Eastward along one of the streams that connects to River Thames. Far enough that the millions of infected in the city won’t find them. This is more of a psychological consolation than a realistic advantage. Even one or two zombies could easily overpower them. This isn’t America where every household has enough firepower to mow down every living thing in a 2 mile radius 4 times over, with a gun store down the road so they can do it again. This is Britain. They have diddly shiz in the way of guns, which is about the only way you can fight those infected with the Rage Virus. Getting into a fistfight with them is pretty much guaranteed death, as one scratch, one spittle in your eye, and you turn into another zombie trying to kill what used to be your family. If they need to go outside for any reason, they need to do it under the cover of darkness. It’s possible the zombies don’t sleep from the uncontrolled anger they are experiencing, and that they are actively trying to hunt down any uninfected humans night and day. Humans can stay awake for weeks, even months without sleep or with micro naps. They should assume they’re still being hunted at night, but at least the zombies will have more trouble seeing them. The human sense of smell isn’t that great, but any scented candles or cigarettes should be avoided. They also have a hell of a lot of China propped up high. If someone knocks that over while a zombie is rummaging through their garbage, they’re all dead. Package all that shiz and put it on the ground. Their secondary concern is drinkable water. Distilling water from the nearby river at night and collecting rainwater in barrels should be able to sustain them. Their tertiary concern is food. This is the hard one. Their home is well stocked with cans of tomato soup, chickpeas, and bottled wine. Presumably enough for a couple months max with six mouths to feed. That’s not the biggest problem though. Cooking it is. The rage virus may have turned everyone into young men who are on the losing side of a call of duty game, But they still have eyes, ears, and noses. Well most of them. Some may have their noses bitten off. Point is, the smoke billowing out of your chimney might as well be a dinner bell for all the starving zombies nearby. You’re going to want to cook at night only, very briefly, and moderate how much smoke is being put out at once. If I can smell someone barbecuing from a block away, you better bet the zombies can sniff out the chef boyardee you’re cooking on your wood stove. It’s not even just the zombies you want to hide from, you’d also want to remain unseen by roaming bands of scav’s or desperate survivors who will lead zombies to your front door. Great, someone saw the smoke coming out of your chimney because you decided to cook with a wood stove in broad daylight. Now some kid is forcing you into a lose lose situation. You let the kid die and have to live with it, or let in another mouth you have to feed and risk being seen by the infected chasing him. Or the third scenario, the kid is a scav scout that is using your empathy against you to infiltrate your home and signal to his friends that you are unarmed and well-stocked so they can come kill you and steal your supplies. Personally, and I know I'm saying this from my comfy chair with no skin in the game.. I'd let the kid die. His screaming indicates immediate danger with zombies in close vicinity behind him, possibly within eyesight, in which case opening the door is a death sentence. If he ran over here and had lost the zombies, he’d be more discreet about it. Then again, they’ve been cooking up a feast so at that point the zombies were already onto them regardless of the boy knocking. The young lady opening the blinds to see if her missing boyfriend was out there is beyond moronic. The zombies chasing the boy are probably lurking around the house looking for him, and if her boy toy is out there, he’s probably undateable. The fact that the infected haven’t barged through your home is lucky enough. If you’re going to look outside, it’d be better to do it from the attic so you aren’t at eye level with the infected. This is what happens when you try to hold up with too many PTSD stricken people in the apocalypse. Someone is going to do something stupid. Holy shiz those wood barricades did nothing. Who was this zombie, Jean Claude Van Damme? Helping whoever is under attack is a waste of precious time. One scratch and the person you’re helping is going to be trying to kill you. You’re all basically dead now unless you have a stocked vehicle in the shed with the keys in the ignition or a super secret crawl space you can all quickly hide in. Also, everyone should have had something on them to use as a weapon at all times, or atleast sharpened sticks in each room. I know I said fighting is futile, but if you have to fight, a sharpened stick is better than bare knuckle brawling. Seriously, did they cover their windows up with styrofoam painted to look like wood? The time slowing down at this moment perfectly encapsulated the intensity . I’ll probably get shiz for it, but frick Alice. She knew seconds mattered and prioritized the dumb little kid that led zombies to their doorstep over her husband who she’d been married to for decades. What the frick was Don going to do, judo chop it in the neck and swoop you off your feet to safety. You dicked around in the open and got caught. That’s not his fault. Not to mention you both have kids which will be orphaned if Don gets himself killed too. Don justifiably uses his wife as a distraction to make the run of all runs. The zombies in the house weren’t the only ones. There’s an entire horde of zombies coming down the hill in a dead sprint towards him. Tom Cruise doesn’t have shiz on Don. Don screams at Jacob to hurry his ass up. Seems Jacob had the same idea. Don crank starts the motor while Jacob untethers the boat. With zombies right on his ass he kicks the boat off the dock and tries to jump in. He fails to stick the landing and ends up in the zombie infested waters. Don kicks the zombified Jacob off and manages to pull away from the rest of the infected. How the hell could you get a good night's rest ever again after that. With nowhere else to go, Don continues cruising down the River Thames where he’s found and picked up by a military unit. At this point you might be wondering, if they had a boat, why the frick didn’t they just cruise out of town. And ya know what, it's a good question. According to this boat capacity calculator, it could’ve held all 6 of them. If not, you could always leave the elderly couple since they’ll just be deadweight. From their likely location along the River Thames, it’d be about an 80 mile journey across the English Channel. With spare gas, and 4-6 people, you could cover at least half that on power. They’ll need to bring paddles to row the rest of the way, commandeer another boat, or siphon more gas. If there is a military presence, they’d be setting up camp in the harbours east of London. They don’t know if the rest of the world is fricked too, and if they’ll show up on the beaches of France only to find more zombies, but it’s worth the risk and beats the hell out of skulking around a cottage in a populated area where one wrong move results in your death. 15 days later mainland Britain is quarantined. It took, what, 3 weeks for a proper quarantine to be set up. I’m surprised more zombies didn’t slip through by boat or plane. That’s a piss poor response time. By the 4th week, the bulk of the destruction had occurred and nearly everyone except small pockets of survivors remained uninfected. The CDC or whatever state organization is mishandling this operation is saying that after 5 whole weeks the infected had died from starvation. 5 weeks. Really? 5. That is total bullshiz. Most people have enough fat stores to last them months without food. Maybe most died from dehydration or any of the reasons I mentioned earlier, but 5 weeks is really underestimating it. On the 11th week Team America shows up and takes a mere 7 weeks to eradicate all zombies and declare all of Mainland Britain free of infection. There is no way every nook and cranny of every structure, let alone every square mile of countryside was cleared in 7 weeks. Even if all the infected humans were destroyed, rodents could be harbouring the virus and pockets of survivors could also pose a danger. At 24 weeks, they begin reconstruction of the damage done. 4 weeks later, all the damage done by the zombie apocalypse was repaired. Yah, right. It takes the government a year to redo a street, but the entirety of London was patched up in 4 weeks. At 28 weeks they start moving people back in. No sane intelligent person would trust their governments word that they eradicated a zombie infestation in 18 weeks and that it’s safe to move in. London would have to be a giant nuke crater for me to consider moving back in. I think I'd just get citizenship somewhere else. Oh that’s where you draw the line. Children. Not the completely insane idea of migrating tens of thousands of people back into what’s realistically still an infected hot zone, not 4 months after the first military unit arrived in the country. I’d be less worried about moving into Syria. Not really, but it’s close enough that voluntarily choosing to go is batshiz insane. As evidenced by the soldiers present every 10 feet you walk. You’d think all of these former residents that managed to catch the last flights out of Britain during the outbreak would have been tracked down, quarantined, and assessed as soon as they landed in populated areas. But no. The military is checking for signs of infection on their return to post-apocalyptic London. By their logic, in order to be allowed into the infected zone, you need to prove you aren’t infected by getting eye-popped at the interim airport optometrist. The military’s plan is to clear the Isle of Dog’s section of London, repopulate it with people, and then I guess repeat the same process with other sections of London and Britain. I honestly don’t see what’s the rush. It’s not like there are millions of British people that were displaced. They’re pretty much all dead. The thousands remaining can go somewhere else for a while. They could at least have waited to move people in until after they finished bagging up and burning all the bodies. Not to mention you’re surrounded by 40 square miles of uncleared infected city potentially inhabited by thousands of the living dead. Even if the humans are all dead, did nobody think that maybe these rats and wild dogs could be spreading or carrying the disease? They also failed to mention that there might be bands of survivors that are dangerous and on edge, and may kill you if they think you’re infected. But yah, you guys are safe, there’s just some stray dogs to watch out for. The tour guide tells them that 15,000 potential zombies have already moved into District 1, they have hot and cold running water that may or may not be sterilized, and even ‘a pub’. That last one sure gave everyone quite the chuckle. You dumbfricks, you’re walking into one of the most dangerous places on the face of the planet. And you giggle because some soldiers fixed up the Winchester Tavern and stocked it with Natty Light? I guess it makes sense considering you were dumb enough to volunteer for this experiment in the first place. If you were concerned about living standards, London should have been at the bottom of your list. Thank you. At least someone is raising concerns for how fricked this is. General Stone tells her not to worry. That if it comes back, they will simply kill it. Being a soldier you should know that if it comes back, containment will fail, and they will bomb the Isle of Dogs into dirt along with every uninfected survivor residing there. Tammy and Andy are reunited with their father, Don. After the little mishap at the cottage months ago, he cruised right into a military camp where they promoted him to section officer. He’s in charge of making sure this shizshow has enough electricity, so the military in their infinite wisdom gave him an all access backstage pass to even the most secure areas. That decision definitely won’t come back to bite them in the ass. Don shows them the penthouse suite that they’ll be staying at, and sits them down to have the talk about why their mom isn’t there. Jesus go give your dad a hug you senseless children. No, like he said, there was nothing he could do. If there was, don’t you think he’d have done it. Give your dad the benefit of the doubt for fricks sake. You were frolicking in Paris in complete safety while he lived in a constant life and death situation with fast as frick hopped up cannibal lunatics trying to slaughter them. Doyle and all the Delta snipers are providing overwatch at night while everyone attempts to get a decent night's sleep. You’d think it’d be hard when your apartment is at the epicenter of the deadliest viral outbreak mankinds ever faced, with millions of dead bodies surrounding your island that experienced unimaginable horrors in their final moments. I’m sure Flynn could have gotten a nice room. But I get it. I’d be sleeping in my chopper seat ready to go at a moment's notice too. He’s flying a variant of the Gazelle helicopter which can have doors on it. Why he chose to remove them in this environment beats me. If for no other reason than to prevent sick pranks like this. Flynn jokes about shooting Doyle, but seriously, that’s how you get shot. Like Bill Murray in Zombieland. It’s all jokes until someone freaks out and pulls the trigger. Naturally, the first day after the kids arrive, they somehow think it’s a smart idea and somehow manage to sneak out of a highly guarded quarantine zone to go explore the restricted zone without being shot or immediately captured. Tammy wants to snag the keys to the scooter, which isn’t a terrible idea if you are hell bent on exploring restricted zombie plagued areas of the city. Should a runner bust out of a shop and give chase, you do not want to be on foot. At least she got the helmet for Andy, safety first. Tammy and Andy reach their former home and split up to raid their own rooms. Andy gets his picture of his mom and hops around on the trampoline before heading back in to find Tammy. Only he doesn’t find Tammy. To his surprise, he finds his non-zombified, very much alive mom who's been holding out in their attic. She must’ve had an immunity to the virus, and the zombies just moved on thinking she was infected too. Alice had no way of knowing about the military camp and decided to sneak back into town to try to ride it out. If I was her, I’d try to find a new shelter further into the countryside. The city would have been packed with zombies. Yes, she has an immunity and the infected probably won’t attack her since they let her go after infecting her. But.. Do you really want to chance it waltzing into a million strong horde like Brad Pitt in World War Z? Like I was saying earlier, they might start cannibalizing each other, including you when starvation starts to hit. The military tracked the kids down and took Alice back to their ‘secure’ labs for decontamination and assessment. Well this is awkward. Not to worry citizens, we were just a little wrong about the whole, everyone in London was dead, thing. Why are people always so dramatic when they are essentially getting bathed? They aren’t branding you with a hot iron. Scarlet’s performing the assessment of Alice with pretty minimal PPE. I think a survivor who is potentially an asymptomatic carrier of the Rage Virus warrants a level 4 bio suit until you are absolutely sure she’s clean. Scarlet puts Alice’s blood under the microscope and concludes that she’s infected, but that she has a genetic immunity to it. Scarlet thinks that her blood contains the key to a vaccine, or even a cure. Correct me if I'm wrong internet virologists, but if she has a natural immunity, aka a genetic immunity, she will never have had an immune response to the virus, and thus her blood doesn’t contain the antibodies necessary to create a vaccine nor a cure. Even if there were living infected people, which there aren’t per your estimations, and even if you were able to create a cure with her blood, which you can’t, how would you plan on administering it to the zombies, and what’s the plan for rehabilitating and reintegrating ex-zombies? Clearly you’re not qualified for this position nor have you thought through the realities and logistics for this situation. I’m not saying they should kill Alice because she’s useless and dangerous, but they should kill Alice because she’s useless and dangerous. General Stone’s one intelligent decision in this dumpster fire is to incinerate Alice since she poses too great of a risk. And herein lies the pinnacle of stupidity in this movie. The fricking maintenance man has access to containment quarters for possibly infected survivors and labs, which are totally unguarded by soldiers and unmonitored by surveillance cameras. The TSA had a 50 cal machine gun trained on the people entering the infected zone. But the sole survivor of the apocalypse who's a carrier for the disease effectively doesn’t have a locked door. You’d think that they’d piece together that Alice is Don's wife, Don has the dumbarse all access pass to their infected labs where she’s kept, and maybe he’d want to pay her a visit? Nah. Totally unthinkable. Don ignores any safety precautions or general common sense, and starts making out with his detained, shell-shocked wife that’s strapped to a chair because she may be infected. It doesn’t take long for the virus to kick in. Jesus Christ. Don still has the wherewithal to slide his badge through the card reader to open the door so he can start attacking everyone. Nobody can get their pistol up to shoot him in time, so the situation escalates out of control exponentially. General Stone executes their Code Red when they physically arrive at the containment room and find Alice’s mutilated corpse, because they didn’t have security cameras which were being monitored. The Code Red procedure is to move everyone into ‘designated containment bunkers’. Good luck orderly ushering fifteen thousand panicking people into some distant bunker in time while zombies are on the loose. While the Code Red is popping off, Andy and Tammy are being held in another quarantine area. Why would you even say or think this? It's a Code Red meaning there’s a zombie outbreak. The same one that had claimed over 60 million lives in the span of a week. That’s almost as many as World War 2 claimed in 6 years of brutal combat and genocide. The seriousness of the situation can’t be overstated. This idiot nonchalantly walks into a hallway lit with flickering emergency lights completely unarmed. I don’t care if you’re Barney Ross, get your gun up so you don’t have to try to unholster it if a zombie starts running at you. Yah, like that. Scarlet comes to their rescue with her gun up clearing rooms like you should, and tries to get them onto a chopper out of the danger zone because she still falsely thinks their blood harbours the cure. It’s too chaotic and they end up getting separated by the soldiers. The ‘secure bunkers’ are actually just underground parking garages that are locked up less securely than an ice cream store at night. Hell, thousands of people piled into a small area might as well be an ice cream store for the zombies. Middle school teachers have a better code red procedure for hostile visitors. Everyone goes to their rooms, locks up, and hides. The first 2 floors of each residential building should have been up-armored with unbreakable plexi-glass with a platoon of soldiers guarding the lobby, stairwell, and hallways. Blueprints for each building should be assessed so that all other entrances could be sealed or guarded. Snipers on the rooftops can pick off the zombies running through the streets or attacking the entrances. Andy hears some banging on the back entrance of the parking garage. It’s his raged out dad. Did that door even have a lock on it? So much for a secure containment area. All the survivors crammed into this garage just became an all you can eat zombie buffet. Andy climbs up on a car to escape through the vent shaft. Pretty clever move compared to everyone else screaming and running for the same locked door. It was insanely lucky that the shaft was right over a car, that it could be opened, and that nobody else tried to follow him. The chained and locked front entrance didn’t even stop the horde. The military really didn’t think this through. At least tell me they have a flamethrower or nerve gas grenades. Nope, just a few soldiers with M4s, great. Initially the soldiers try to pick off the infected, but it’s near impossible. Within seconds, General Stone gives the order to abandon selective targeting. If you were in that group of fleeing people, I think your best option is to just lay down and act dead. It’s a virus where people attack anything that moves and looks uninfected. If you are still, they will probably run past you. That and you’re far less likely to catch a bullet from the soldiers. Scarlet gets on the comms to tell all the soldiers to spare and evacuate a little boy. Andy shouldn't be too hard to spot. He is the only child in District 1. The problem is that she failed to give the soldiers a legitimate reason not to kill him. Andy better hope he doesn’t end up in someone’s sights. I actually think all the soldiers should be actively targeting Andy. His genetic immunity won’t enable them to make a vaccine or cure, and makes him an inconspicuous carrier of the virus. He’s far more dangerous than the zombies. Why Andy decided to pop out of the ventilation shaft right in the middle of all this is beyond me. Doyle saves Andy with a clutch shot, and some store owner waves him into safety. The snipers aren’t too smart either. They didn’t secure the rooftop hatches and now they’re getting attacked. Compared to the dumbarse zombies in World War Z who anthill up a building side to get to the top, the Rage infected are pretty damn intelligent for spotting the snipers from ground level, navigating their way through the building, and finding the roof entrance in order to attack them. In a stroke of mad luck, Tammy and Scarlet were at the shop Andy was drawn into. Scarlet says the obvious, that the military is going to exterminate this entire area now. They need to find a way out of District 1 before it gets nuked, while avoiding getting eaten by zombies or shot down by snipers. Doyle heard Scarlet’s bullshiz call for help about the VIP child earlier, and headed down to help. That and the military didn’t line up helicopter extractions for their own snipers. He says that right now the snipers are preoccupied with shooting the infected running around, and that their night vision scopes have a fairly narrow field of view. If they sleuth around under the cover of darkness, they have a chance that z’s and snipers both won’t see them. Not that they have a choice, because this place will likely be nuked within the hour. They need to get into the restricted zone and commandeer a vehicle they can drive back to base, or find an LZ that Flynn can pick them up at. Doyle makes sure everyone is on his arse and moves out for the restricted area. He’s got a rail mounted night vision scope on his AR, but no suppressor. The lack of a suppressor is a real problem. If he fires, everyone, sniper and infected will hear it. Flynn and Doyle get comms and Flynn lets him know that in 4 minutes District 1 will be firebombed into a hellscape. Flynn tells him to go to Regents park for extraction. Why, that’s like 10 miles away. Doyle should have given Flynn his current location so they could coordinate a closer LZ. Like Greenwich Park that’s just south of them. With only a couple minutes until they get turned into crispy critters, there’s no time for lollygagging. They need to sprint for the water or Greenwich Foot Tunnel. What are the snipers still doing in District 1 if the whole place is minutes from being firebombed. Luckily he only killed a few randoms that nobody cares about. He did clip Scarlet’s leg. That’s going to be a problem. Sorry Scarlet, but if the infected start chasing us you’re on your own. Uh, dude, he blasted your Saving Private Ryan mirror out of your hand immediately with one or two shots from a tough angle and distance. I’d say he’s good. I think Doyles is just saying that to give his bait, I mean diversion, the confidence to run out there so he can get a clean shot. He instructs Sam to run in a zig-zag pattern to throw the sniper off. This is generally considered to be bad advice because it slows you down, thus making you an easier target. Sam justifiably doesn’t want to play bait, so Andy takes off and executes a perfect serpentine maneuver. The sniper somehow misses every shot and gets dropped by Doyle. Doyle’s group hauls arse through the Greenwich Tunnel just narrowly avoiding the firebombs. They weren’t the only ones though. The delayed firebombing doesn’t seem like the best way to handle the situation. If they actually had secure bunkers, they could have pre-installed nerve gas bombs all throughout the District. Upon Code Red and everyone’s successful migration into the bunkers, these bombs would be set off and all of District 1 would be safely fumigated without harming the civilians. The survivors eventually make it to Regents Park. Problem is, there’s zombies out here too. Either the zombies from District 1 tracked them down somehow, or the military was lying about all the zombies starving to death in a couple months. Flynn arrives and starts freaking out at the sight of Doyle’s tag-a-longs. I honestly don’t see what the problem is. His Gazelle helicopter can easily take them all. We know that if you’re infected you turn into a zombie within seconds, so he shouldn’t have anxiety about that. He might think that they could be carriers, but if Doyle and Scarlet are uninfected, flying them all to the nearest quarantine zone shouldn’t be a problem. Flynn’s irrational fear causes Sam to jump onto his helicopter for fear of being left. Sam’s made out to be a little bitch, but the man’s just trying not to die. He did save all your lives for Christ sake. Flynn pulls incredibly dangerous evasive maneuvers to shake Sam off. At least he heard Doyle screaming for help on the comm’s and realized he needed to prioritize mowing down the horde. That move saved their arses, but it wouldn’t have been necessary if Flynn just picked them up in the first place. Flynn flies off and tells Doyle that he will extract him and him alone at the Wembley Stadium, which is another 8 miles West of their location. It’s also a tough spot to land a helicopter and has terrible sightlines. Flynn would be lucky to get the rotors spooled up in time if zombies burst out of the stands. If he was concerned about Doyle’s well-being, he’d just pick him up now or find a closer LZ. It’s clear that Doyle isn’t going to leave the kids, so Flynn’s just risking their lives delaying the same discussion. That’s if they don’t get overrun. There’s no telling how many infected escaped District 1. It could be thousands. If even 40 or 50 zombies showed up, Doyle would easily get overrun. He’s putting down the few zombies giving immediate chase, but his lack of suppressor is constantly giving his position away and attracting more zombies. Flynn’s also a piece of shiz because there’s no way that he didn’t see the giant clouds of poison gas rolling towards them and cutting them off from the LZ. Caught between the zombies and toxic gas clouds, they jump into a nearby car that luckily was unlocked. I highly doubt they could survive a gas attack by locking up a Volvo. Maybe if it was a Tesla with Bioweapon Defense Mode activated. It does take some time for nerve gas to kill. If they can get the car started and drive out of there they stand a chance. If not, they’ll succumb to the gas or get barbecued by flametroopers. I don’t know what’s scarier, the zombies or firebats swinging their giant torches. I highly doubt soldiers would be operating within clouds of nerve gas. That seems incredibly dangerous. I don’t know, maybe it would feel cozy knowing that zombies couldn’t get to you without their nervous systems getting fried. The car battery is dead, so Doyle opts to get out and give it a push start. Which is a thing you can do to help start cars with weak batteries, I didn’t know that. Doyle getting out and letting in some gas should still be fine, usually takes a decent amount of inhalation to start to kill you. I don’t think staying in the car and signalling to the troopers that you weren’t infected would work. Even if they didn’t outright torch you, you’d die from gas exposure. Doyle could have gunned down the flame soldiers and ensured his survival. He already set the precedent that he was willing to kill friendlies for the kids. However, he probably thought that they’d be able to escape in the car and he was dead from exposure anyways. Killing the soldiers was just unnecessary. Before Doyle can get back in, the flametroopers open up. Doyle should have handed Scarlet the radio so they’d have comms with the chopper, and so she can explain why the kids are necessary. Without it, Flynn is likely to leave them on site again. The Apache pilot needs to be fired for being unable to hit a 15 year old station wagon driving 25 miles an hour in broad daylight. If this was real life, they’d all have been turned into red paste from it’s 30mm chain gun. I get it’s a Code Red, but it’s still crazy to me that they’d shoot at a car clearly being driven by innocent survivors instead of trying to extract and quarantine them. Scarlet loses the Apache in the subway and they ditch the car. Doyle gave Scarlett his M4, but not the extra mags. Let’s hope she doesn’t need them. Even a couple zombies can tank some serious damage. One of them was still walking after getting it’s torso chopped in half by the helicopter rotors. Scarlet hangs back and tries to direct Tammy and Andy through the corpse-littered subway with the night vision scope on Doyle’s rifle. Doyle’s M4 does have a flashlight, but it’s too risky to use with the infected all around them. Can you not scream the second they move in the wrong direction. You’re attracting unwanted attention and pumping their anxiety levels into the stratosphere. How about you lead the way since you have the night vision scope, they can hold onto your shirt and follow your steps. That way you don’t have to constantly flag Tammy and Andy with a hot rifle and they aren’t obscuring your field of view if a zombie is down there. Why Tammy and Andy don’t get up and say they are okay is beyond me. You tripped and fell. You can still talk. Now Scarlet’s yelling and making way too much noise. Through her night scope she sees someone walk across the corridor. Now would be the time to turn the flashlight on. The night scope has too narrow of a field of view and is too fuzzy with no ambient light. And to think, all she would have needed to do to survive, was squeeze the pressure pad on the foregrip to turn on the flashlight. Tammy picks up the rifle and looks through the night scope to see Scarlet’s pummeled face. She doesn’t take a pulse and leaves thinking Scarlet’s dead. She might be, but she might also just have been knocked unconscious. She wasn’t bitten, so there’s a chance. Tammy’s got more pressing concerns. Like her Dad tearing Andy to pieces. Who knew a teenage girl would be more combat effective than an actual soldier. Tammy does make the all too common and unbelievably stupid mistake of dropping the rifle after dispatching the immediate threat. Do I really have to point out that other zombies might be nearby and heard the shots. Andy runs off thinking he’s infected from the bite wound. Too bad there’s not a rooftop edge he could throw himself over if he started foaming at the mouth. Tammy, I get that you don’t want to leave Andy, but maybe bring the rifle in case he goes rage mode. Andy doesn’t turn because he shares the same genetic immunity as his mom. The thought never passes through their heads that Andy might be harbouring the virus now. They arrive at the Wembley Stadium after the movie cut out another 6 miles of them sneaking through the restricted zone. Flynn’s there, chilling in the helicopter with his MP5. He doesn’t look too happy about Doyle’s absence, but lets them on board anyways. Terrible timing on your change of heart. You got Doyle and Scarlet killed only to take the kids anyway. Oh and Sam. Can’t forget about Sam. He should have checked them for bite wounds and gunned Andy down when he found out he was infected. Instead of taking them to a secure military camp where they could quarantine and assess the kids for infection, he flies them across the channel into France where Andy spreads infectious bodily fluids on every glass cup, doorknob, metro handrail, and Uber car seat. The movie ends with the virus spreading throughout the entire world and ending 99.98% of life. If Don and Alice paddled down the river they’d have been picked up by the military and her immunity wouldn’t have inadvertently caused the entire human race to go extinct. Perhaps the most devastating and preventable mistake was giving Don a backstage pass and not posting guards outside Alice’s containment room. Besides that, Andy getting bitten and hopping on the next flight to Continental Europe is just flat out insane, even for a dumb kid. I’m quite confident I could have managed this situation better than General Stone, and Beaten the Rage Virus from 28 Weeks Later. My biggest piece of advice for surviving a zombie apocalypse that I'll leave you with, is to be friends with a helicopter pilot.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 1,966,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat 28 weeks later, how to beat the rage virus, rage virus, 28 weeks later, 28 days later, how to beat, nerd explains, ending explained, 28 weeks later explained
Id: hWZzYh-mL5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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