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If you only had seven days to kill enough vampires to pay for your kid’s tuition, what would you do? Bud’s awful taste in women has cost him his house, his money, and his dignity, and it’s about to cost him his daughter, that is unless he comes up with some serious cash to cover the cost of her expensive private school. Shouldn’t be a problem for one of LA’s foremost vampire exterminators, IF he lives long enough to collect. Turns out, the underworld has a new overlord, and she’s just dying to have him and his family for dinner. I’m going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to beat the Vampire Queen in DAYSHIFT. Bud’s not your ordinary pool cleaner. I mean, sure, for the right price he’ll fish out a possum or two, but he’s mostly concerned with taking care of the owners, and I’m not talking about desperate housewives. Ya see, it turns out Fright Night was basically a documentary, and now LA is pretty much full to bursting with fanged freaks, which brings us out to this little slice of suburbia. Old Bud isn’t really in the pool cleaning business; he’s in the killing vampire business… Once the coast is clear, he begins his usual Van Helsing glow-up montage and creeps in through the back door. Not sure why he’d wait until committing felony trespassing to conceal his face, but hey, what do I know? Oh, and now he’s setting down his primary weapon to screw around with a neck-high ga-rote wire deal. Imagine having your 870 swiped out from under your nose because you were too stupid to buy a single-point sling. That loop on the back ain’t for hanging Chibi charms, bro. You’re probably gonna wish you had some way of securing your gun to your body once Nosferatu starts yeeting you through the sheet rock here in a minute. Really off to a roaring start with this op, huh? Gonna take a wild guess and say that SBS probably doesn’t even have one racked into battery. That’s a negative. Dude literally strolled through this entire house on an empty chamber and has the nerve to strap up with a Taran Tactical G45. Forget about the vamps; that’s how you get shot. Gonna be real easy for them to suck down a pint of your cherryade with a blown out spine. Besides, what’s the point of doing all this sneaking around if you’re just gonna give yourself away like that? There’s only one other thing in the world that sounds like a pump-action shotgun: a pump-action rifle. If you’re gonna go ringing the dinner bell like that, you might as well have just stayed by the entrance and baited them out into the open. At least then you could dip back out into the sunlight if things get hairy. Clearly, you have no idea what the layout of this place is like, and without anyone to watch your back, Dracula could easily creep up behind you and go for the jugular while you’re nosing through the bloomers. And what do you know? Here comes Gramma Moses from the open bathroom you didn’t bother to clear before going all in on the linen closet. Jesus, did you see her coming at us like that?! Had no choice but to put her down. Oh, crap, she’s a vampire—I mean, yeah, I knew that this whole time. Good thing we shot her. Should probably have gone for the double tap while she was doing all that demonic yoga. Now you have to clap a wildly unpredictable moving target before she breakdances your butt to death. Round one ends with Django getting dropkicked through the wall, but instead of immediately getting back on his feet and posting up in a corner to have a better view of the entire room, he decides to maintain the most vulnerable position possible while honing in on the hole like it’s the only way she could get through. Fortunately, despite the rampant rookie mistakes, this is far from Bud’s first rodeo, and after a healthy application of Gun Fu and a couple New York reloads, he’s able to stake the old bat through the gizzard in time to give her the Gurkha treatment. The fun’s not over yet though. Evidently, her basement-dweller son had the Raycons cranked up to eleven this whole time, and he’s not too thrilled with having to find a real job. Good thing we left that silly string up in the doorway. Don’t lose your head, bro. Your Twitch streams weren’t going places anyway. Hey, if it works, it works, but maybe leaving a razor-sharp monofilament trap up when there’s a chance of you being tossed around like a ragdoll isn’t such a great idea. And while we’re on the subject on questionable weapon choices, what’s with the sawed-off? It took you nine shotgun shells to clear this dump and you only landed two hits the entire time. Probably could have cleaned up that hit ratio a bit with a firearm that allowed for faster follow up shots, like a short-barreled AR in .300 Blackout, or a GHM-9. Also, whatever you go in with better be suppressed if you don’t want the neighbors bringing the cops down on you. Oh, but muh California compliance. Bro, you literally go around breaking into people’s homes and smoking them up for being mythical creatures. We’re well past gun charges at this point. Besides, if that’s really your concern, I’m sure Reno May’s still got a few better options for you. After yanking the fangs from each of the ghouls and hiding his shame under one of granny’s finest muumuus, Bud heads back to his apartment to wash off the stench of vampire before leaving to pick his daughter up from school. Gotta admit. This is hardly the fortress of solitude I envisioned for someone in his line of work. Sure, all those locks might buy you thirty seconds against the LPL, but what about that huge, unreinforced pane glass window right next to it. Never mind the fact these things can plow through a wall like someone called for Kool-Aid. As we’ll find out, things aren’t exactly going great for Bud financially right now, so security by obscurity is probably his only option for the time being. In that case, we might not want to head straight home after a hard day at the office in case the vampires decide they’re tired of us wiping out their friends and family. They could easily follow us to our apartment in a car with tinted windows and then come back in force once the sun goes down. At very least, we should throw a tarp or car shammy over our beater pickup to keep them from randomly happening upon it during a nightly prowl. Buddy the Vampire Slayer rounds up his beloved brat and takes her back to the lovely two-story house he used to call home. Yeah, hunting down the undead is one thing, but how in the heck were you able to fool the IRS into thinking a pool cleaner could afford a place like this in Los Angeles. Once inside, he finds his ex, Jocelyn, in the middle of a little remodeling. Uh, oh, big reveal, and that’s not the worst of it. Turns out she’s planning to take the kid and move in with her mother back in Florida. Something about needing stability, and nothing says stability like ripping a child away from one of her parents and moving 3,500 miles away. Of course, what she really means is money. Turns out the bill for her glorified daycare is due in seven days to the tune of $5,000.00. Oh, and just for fun, Joss decides that she also needs braces by then, cuz, that simply can’t wait, I guess. So, basically, Bud’s gotta come up with $10,000 in a week or else he can say goodbye to that duct-tape wallet next Father’s day. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, as apparently vampire fangs are the best thing since rhino horn for keeping the party going, if you catch my drift. However, his long history of recklessness in the line of duty got him kicked out of the Vampire Hunters’ Union, meaning he’s forced to settle for pawn shop prices on all his pilfered pricklies. Bud takes the haul from his most recent hunt to vampire fence and K-pop enthusiast, Troy, but even after giving him his sob story, the most he’s able to get for the lot is a measly $2,800.00. Sure, a few grand for a few minutes of blasting sounds like a good deal on the surface, except… it’s definitely not. You can’t just go blowing away every old lady you see and hope for the best. You have to catch them doing vampire crap first, and that means spending God knows how long canvassing neighborhoods, looking in on mysterious disappearances, and staking out shut-ins just to have a chance at cashing in. Plus, in the age of work from home, Uber Eats, and Amazon groceries, you could very well be kicking the door in on some pasty agoraphobe, and while he certainly might look like a vampire, no fangs means all that prep work was for nothing. And then there’s his ham-fisted execution. How much money do you think he spends at the chiropractor after a day of fending off kung fu corpses and getting tossed through walls? Not to mention any other injuries he might incur on the hunt. There’s got to be a better way to go about this than just rolling in like Max Payne and assuming you’re not gonna walk in on a Dracula family reunion. I’d put some trail cams up around suspected vamp dens and try to get a sense of their habits. Depending on the environment, we might be able to snipe them with a silver bullet the second they come out at night, or even leave that cheese wire trap up in the doorway and let inertia do all the work. Also, it seems Bud’s been neglecting a major source of secondary income built into his profession: STEALING THEIR crap. Seriously, these things supposedly live forever unless someone cuts them down to size, so you gotta believe they’ll have plenty of time to loot some pretty valuable swag off their victims. What is it, beneath you? You’re fine violating the sanctity of their homes and ripping their teeth out, but snagging a watch or two is where you draw the line? Screw that. We should have come out of grandma’s house looking like the Grinch who stole Christmas. It’s not like she’s gonna miss any of it. Realizing he won’t be getting anywhere with this slime ball, Bud decides his only option is to get back in with the Union if he wants any chance of scraping up the cash in time. Fortunately, he’s still got a man inside willing to vouch for him. After linking up with the D O Double G, the two men sit down for a meeting with the boss man, and right away it’s clear Dan Halen isn’t thrilled with the idea of him rejoining the force. Evidently, Bud’s loose cannon approach to cleaning up the streets really had the mayor on his butt, but because he’s such a huge fan of Snoop Dawg, he’s willing to give the man one more chance, only there’s a catch. Sucks to suck, Jablonski. Now, you’ll have to settle for whatever sloppy seconds the real vampire hunters leave behind in the morning. For real though, if working the night shift was that important to you, then why were you operating in broad daylight as a free agent, ya know, when there’s literally no one to make you do otherwise. Besides, given your preferred approach to vampire slaying, daytime is probably the better option since there’d be no where for them to run once you came in shooting. Not to mention the fact that your whole pool guy disguise doesn’t really make any sense once the sun goes down. However, Mr. Mullet doesn’t stop there. He knows good and gosh darn well, Dirty Harry here’s gonna fly off the rails and blow up a convent the second he walks out the door, so he’s partnering him up with Regular Legs to help keep him in line during his probationary return to active service, which brings us to this little Turbo Nerd in Underworld Accounting: Yeah, he seems like a real Solomon Kane. As for the fangs he collected this morning, with his Union status finally restored, he’s looking at a cool ten Gs, but you know it can’t be that easy. After union dues and other assorted fees, he’s only able to walk away with barely more than what he would have got at the pawn shop. Gotta love that collective bargaining. Here’s an idea, since Bud would have had to have known these dentine mafia jerks would try and shake him down for something, why not just give the teeth to Snoop and have him turn them in on our behalf. After all, they’re paying in cash, and it’s not like they’re actually going to go back and verify the origin of each one. Even if he skimmed a little bit off the top, it’s still bound to get us closer to our fundraising goal than we’re at now. From there, we could probably just hock old Snake Eyes and our Jordans to at least keep from losing our daughter while we work out a more cerebral way of stacking vamps. The next morning, the Other Guys meet up at Bud’s storage unit to get to work. Their first stop is an old, abandoned bowling alley supposedly occupied by a nest of juveniles. How do they know that you might ask? Apparently, they saw some Renfield MOFO hauling a whole bunch of rescue cats in there, and that’s all they need to run in guns a blazing. Well, Bud anyway. Turns out Allen Gamble’s got a bit of a hang up pulling the trigger. Bro, you literally make a living counting teeth that were ripped out of their owners’ skulls by heavily armed lunatics. Half that cash you’re handing out probably goes straight to Optics Planet. Besides, I don’t know what you’ve heard back in the office, but these things aren’t exactly huge fans of the dentist. How exactly were you planning to be of use to anyone if you aren’t willing to throw some lead…or silver. Then again, I guess we could always use a little live bait. Might be able to kill two birds with one stone. After all, how can Seeger hold it against us if our little babysitter got himself savagely ripped apart by vampires because he refused to arm himself appropriately. With the dead weight holding down the truck, Bud enters the bowling alley to handle business on his own. Gee, I wonder if he’s learned anything from yesterday’s debacle. Let’s see, PPE, non-existent, identity, totally exposed, and pump-action shotgun, deliberately un-racked. I guess not. Yeah, forget what I said about all the prep work that must go into these hunts. Clearly, he’s just shooting from the hip. For Christ’s sake, he could at least make sure the place is clear before going into collect. This is the second time he’s blindly turned his back on the unknown to start yanking fangs, only this time he doesn’t have his magic string to keep the uglies off his back. Better hope Dave Franco’s spidey senses are tingling or your daughter’s gonna be schlepping it to public school with jacked up teeth for the next eight years. Fortunately, the boss picked that exact second to micromanage him into action, and not a moment too soon. Seth rushes in just in time to awkwardly fumble the shotgun over to Bud, only to suddenly find himself on the wrong end. Classic “there’s a bad guy right behind you” fake out, cuz who needs muzzle discipline, right? With yet another goat rodeo concluded, the boys head back to the truck with their prize. Huh, the bean counter doesn’t look so good. Realizing what a toll this trial by fire has taken on his new partner, Bud decides to call it a day and give it another shot in the morning. Wait, a second, for real? You guys have been at it for what, an hour and a half today? Get Puddles a Redbull and tell him to shake it off. We’ve got a failed marriage to chase after. Seriously though, kid’s no good to us if he can’t kill. In fact, he’s a liability. We should have tried to blow the legs off one of those mansquitos and forced him to squeeze trig like Wardaddy did with his own useless desk clerk back in ‘44. No matter. I’ll make a man out of you yet, Spanky. The next day, the bat boys kick things off with a trip to Troy’s pawn shop to round up some supplies, only it looks like he’s gone out of business. Evidently, whoever did this has it out for our hero. Man, I wonder why that could be. Surely it couldn’t have anything to do with the crap-poor opsec he exercises on literally every single hunt. No way, he probably just lost his Duolingo streak. Well, the good news is our vampire hunting days are over, cuz we just hit the jackpot. I mean look at all these guns! All we gotta do is go Lord of War for a little while and we’ll be able to buy our brat whatever kinda braces she wants, that is after we save a few choice cuts for our personal collection. I’m looking at you G36C. Of course, we’ll probably have to brutally murder the lesser Franco to keep him from ratting us out to the ATF, but, ya know, that’s fine. What the…what? You’re just gonna take one measly pistol? Do you not see the freaking AT4 he’s got leaning up against the wall. Screw that, back the truck up to the door and pick this place clean before it all winds up rusting away in some evidence locker. Might as well put it to good use combatting the forces of the undead and/or people that don’t return their shopping carts at Freddy’s. With hardware like this, old Troy really should have beefed up his security. After all, vampires aren’t the only thing you gotta worry about in LA. That said, if you’re making most your living selling off their body parts, you should probably have some specialized anti-vamp security measures in place in case they decide to cake on the SPF and make a run on the joint, something like tripwire UV lights or some of that silver fiberwire stuff Bud was using to cut them down to size. Even hanging some strings of garlic up in all the doorways is going to slow them down a little bit. At very least he should have invested in a heavier door to buy himself enough time to slap a belt of silver bullets in his MG42. Also, gotta wonder why the ghouls wouldn’t make off with at least some of the weapons. Nothing gets the blood flowing quite like a five-round burst to the torso. Besides, even if it somehow violates their vampire code or whatever, they could still at least sell them to buy more gaudy jewelry and black leather trench coats. Stupid blood suckers. Sometime later, discount Blade and his manlet arrive in the suburbs to follow up on a lead from Snoop Dogg, only it looks like they’re not alone. That’s right, the Nazarian brothers, also known as the baddest couple of tooth fairies in all of LA county. However, today it seems they’re looking to play it safe. They offer to join forces on this op in the interest of saving time, and with time being a critical factor, he decides to take them up on it. Right away, it’s pretty obvious why the Naz Bros are killing it in the streets. That Saiga 12 means business, plus they actually bothered to strap on some sort of body armor. Unfortunately, that’s where the bright ideas come to an end. I mean, would it kill you guys to kit up a little closer to the target house so you don’t have to cross the street in broad daylight looking like you’re about to hack someone’s Myspace. It’s bad enough if one of the neighbors sees you, but what if one of the vamps happens to peek out the window and sounds the alarm? The whole point of having a disguise vehicle is so you can get in close without arousing suspicion. This is basically the exact opposite of that. Fortunately, it seems the vamps are too preoccupied playing some generic movie FPS to actually give a darn about the legions of armed jobbers looking to pillage their mouths, which is probably good considering this pathetic excuse for a stack against two pane glass windows would certainly be the death of us if the freaks bothered to pull their heads out for even a single second. With everyone in position, Stickman pops the cork, and the fun begins, starting with the pair of couch potatoes. Not sure why you’d wait for them to go for the Uzi before you smoked these turkeys. I mean, after all, we ain’t exactly in the prisoner taking business. As more and more vamps come crawling out of the woodwork, it becomes apparent that this is no ordinary haunt. Turns out we’ve stumbled into a hive, and to make matters worse, it seems none of our vampire slayers have been brushing up on their Ready or Not, as they pretty much all split up the second the bullets started flying. We should all stay together in an organized group and methodically clear the place out room by room. Not only would this prevent us from getting isolated and overwhelmed, it’d also keep us from shooting each other if someone popped out somewhere unexpected. All this Deadpool crap is going to get someone killed, especially with Seth blazing away with that 1911 as Deviant Art Mavis flops around on the floor. I’d have big bro take the lead with the autoloader with little bro second to cover mag changes and dingus in the middle koala hugging the guy in front of him for dear life. Bud would watch the rear with his 870 to make sure none of the freaks pulls a sneaky on us. It’s not gonna be sexy, but it’ll at least ensure we’ll still be able to see our daughter for thirty minutes a week while our ex-wife is out blowing all our hard-earned tooth money on more cashmere yoga pants. Of course, all of this is yet another reason why we need to be doing more recon ahead of each raid. If there’s even a remote possibility of walking in on a hive, we need to know about it ahead of time. I mean, it was hard enough with the four of us. Can you imagine what would have happened if this little milquetoast was our only backup? Right there with you, dude. Starting to think the boss only sent him out here to free up the headcount for his niece or something. Once the coast is clear, the gang begins tickling the ivory. Should be way more than enough here to get us over the finish line. Oh, except, apparently Bud can’t cash in right away as he has to take his kid to a birthday party. Meanwhile, Joss is doing all back at the house, probably gearing up for her divorcee OF shoot or some whatever. However, things take a dramatic turn when Bud receives a call from an unknown number. These scam calls are getting crazy. I mean, she didn’t even mention our vehicle’s extended warranty. That was vampire queen and real estate mogul extraordinaire, Audrey, and it turns out that old lady Bud merc’d the other day was her daughter. Yeah, it’s some kind of Fallout 4 Father ageswap thing. Just go with it. In any case, it sure was nice of her to telegraph her intentions like that instead of just rolling on the party and catching us off guard. Now we know to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, ya know, like this half-blind creeper we saw hanging around our neighbor’s apartment last night. Knowing things could pop off at any second, Bud cuts the party short for his daughter before strapping her into the front seat and hooking her up to the digital babysitter. Meanwhile, Audrey’s one-eyed wonder goon closes in for the kill, apparently forgetting his gun was, in fact, a gun. I know your depth perception is probably a little wonky, but you should have probably started popping off the second he saw you coming so he wouldn’t have time to Pez Dispenser your butt. With a murdered-out motorcade in hot pursuit, Bud tears through the city streets back towards his old house, all while phoning ahead to make sure Jocelyn’s ready to roll once he pulls up. Can’t wait to hear that conversation. You really picked a hell of a time to explain your career to the mother of your child. Probably should have done that a long time ago in case this exact set of circumstances started to unfold. I mean, come on, did it honestly never occur to you that the ghouls might track you down some day? Besides, Jocelyn would have probably been a lot more likely to keep you around if she knew that A. vampires exist and B. you kill them for a living. As for picking her up, we should have told her to meet us somewhere public where the vamps might be less likely to make a move on her, although given what we’re dealing with right now, that might not be possible. Either way, if they were able to track us to the birthday party, they were almost certainly following us when we went to pick up Paige, so heading back to the house is out of the question. Sorry kiddo, but if Mommy can’t make it out to us, we’re going to have to leave her behind. After all, are you really gonna risk your daughter’s life trying to save the woman that kicked you to the curb? Hmm, now that I think about it, letting the vamps work Jocelyn over like a human Capri Sun would drastically simplify this whole custody battle thing we got going on. Yeah, forget what I said about meeting up somewhere. She’s fine exactly where she is. After losing their tail in one of the canals, Bud finally pulls up to the house and rushes inside with his daughter, except guess who’s come for dinner. Who could have seen that coming? Should have called ahead one more time before barging in like that. After our last conversation, if she didn’t answer, it’d be pretty safe to assume she’s up to her neck in blood suckers right now. In true bad guy fashion, Audrey has Bud brought to his knees so she can menacingly spell out every step of her diabolical plan before leaving him in an easily escapable situation and just assuming he winds up dead. For real, she actually thought turning Seth into a vampire would be enough to slow us down for even a minute, as if he’d be any less of a wuss as an undead cannibal as he was before. Sorry bro, you’re not nearly entertaining nor compelling enough for us to resolve this situation without immediately resorting to extreme violence. Oh, thank God. He’s finally dead. Dang that was even easier than I thought. I mean, they could have at least tapped our kneecaps to make it a fair fight, or I dunno, maybe taken away our man-bag full of dangerous weapons. Wait a minute, why’s he still moving? Ah, man, are we really gonna do this whole Sleepy Hollow henchman thing? Can’t he just be dead? Fine, whatever. Get in the minivan, Ned Stark. We’ve got fangs to collect. Although first we’ve got to find them. Good thing Bud knows just where to start. Time to pay our neighbor a visit and figure out what old one eye was up to. Being nothing but a hammer, his first instinct is to go barging into Heather’s apartment waiving his 870 around, but instead of immediately blowing one of her legs off and shaking her down for answers, he lets her get close enough to go for the disarm. However, after a brief hand-to-hand conversation, she decides that she’s a good vampire now and volunteers everything she knows about Queen Audrey, including the location of her secret lair. Meanwhile, Seth manages to pull himself together long enough for the three of them to gear up for the final assault. Yeah, never mind the fact we barely know this chick and have been attacked by both these neck biters within the last five minutes. Better just trust them implicitly not to rip our throat out the first chance they get, maybe even let them ride behind us on the way over. Upon reaching their destination, the trio casually walks up on a large group of armed familiars like they’re about to stomp the yard, only it seems these guys would rather settle their differences with fists and firearms instead. Yeah, emphasis on the fists. Half these guys just run empty handed towards certain death, and it turns out the ones that actually do have guns were only expecting human company, so they’re basically helpless against two thirds of the attacking force. Oh, and speaking of which, evidently the vampirus downloads a few thousand dollars-worth of stage-fighting courses the instant you turn, as suddenly Seth isn’t a complete and total waste of skin anymore. But just when it looks like someone left this campaign on Recruit, a second wave of baddies spawns in to even the odds, and this time they’re packing the holy points. Outgunned and outnumbered, our heroes dive into cover as the walls close in around them. Fortunately, it seems one of them was able to raise the Gat Signal. I guess it figures no one smokes ‘em like Snoop Dogg. Hey, that was pretty cool and all, but why the heck didn’t we think to have him with us in the first place. I mean, we’re literally going up against the final boss of blood suckers and her whole friggin army, you’d think we’d want to spare five minutes to let him catch up before walking in the front door. Whatever, he’s here now and that’s what counts. Not sure how he’d feel about this, but if I were calling the shots, I’d have him swap that XM214 with one of our vampire friends. With their superspeed, it’d basically turn them into a ground-based mini-A10 Warthog we could use to clear a path through the horde. Oh, except, never mind because apparently now’s when Scooby and the gang decide it’s time to split up. Sure, that’d be great if we had multiple objectives in different locations we needed to accomplish in a relatively short amount of time, but we’re all going to the exact same place. We should stick together in case we get mobbed by a crap ton of vampires all at once. After all, some of us still have to worry about turning into these abominations. Much offense intended. Now on their own, Snoop and Bud make their way to another mob of bullet sponges strategically placed to eat up the last of our minigun ammo so we can’t lean on it during the boss battle. Luckily, there seems to be plenty of available firepower and anti-vamp ammunition lying around in case they all got tired of living death. For real, it seems the ghouls are gearing up for some kind of massive turf war. Doesn’t seem very good for business, although you’ve gotta hold onto your power somehow. I’m sure vampire politics aren’t any friendlier than our own. Strapped up with the leading competitors in global small arms, the Union boys do what they do best and cut a swath through the undead further into the compound. Lucky for us they’re all way too stupid to actually use any of that equipment they’ve been squirreling away. Otherwise, this might have taken longer than thirty seconds. However, even unarmed, the vamps still have some fight in them, and with plenty of nooks and crannies to crawl out of, eventually one finally manages to get the drop on us long enough to take a bite out of our partner in crime. Man, if only half our freaking team hadn’t taken off in a random direction, then this might not have happened. Oh, well, one of us was going to have to stay behind to hold back the horde no matter what, so at least we don’t have to flip for it. After sealing his fate behind the final gate, Snoop fires off the last remaining rounds in his pistol before bringing them in close to go out with a bang. Nah, I’m sure he’s fine. Down to the final freaks, Bud closes in on the endzone, only to come face to face with Audrey’s right hand. But, instead of snapping his neck like a wishbone, he just sort of throws him around a bit until Heather and Seth can come out of nowhere to take over. I guess we’re getting all the basic bad guy stuff this time around. But of course, villainy 101 couldn’t be complete without a dramatic monologue leading up to the showdown, and it seems Audrey’s just been standing around all night waiting to deliver it instead of doing any of the things she said she’d do back at the house. Seriously, how satisfying would it have been to see the look of defeat on your adversary’s face after he’d come all this way just to find his fully vamped little girl feasting on the corpse of his ex-wife. Okay, well maybe it’d be more of a bitter-sweet kinda thing, but you get the idea. Without further ado, the queen bee kicks off her heels and proceeds to lay a big hurt on Bud a la Albert Wesker, but before she can administer the killing bite, Jocelyn comes in clutch with a random piece of garbage straight through the back of her heart. It’s not over yet, however, as they’re still missing the critical second half of the wombo combo needed to take her out for good. Fortunately, Joss’ little intervention takes her mind off Bud long enough for him to line up one last shot, but it’s not very effective. Out of ammo, the vampire hunter seems to resign himself to the grizzly fate barreling towards him, except he’s got one final trick up his sleeve. Fiber wire for the win. 47 would be proud. Having saved his family and the greater Los Angeles area, Bud leads the way back to the surface, where it seems the rest of the Union is busy cleaning house. I guess in hindsight, reporting the location of a massive den of vampires along with what would likely be the most valuable set of fangs to ever exist would have almost certainly brought the collective might of the vamp slaying community down on top of this place, thus making this whole ordeal, basically a walk in the park, but, oh, well. Everything worked out just fine. Hell, even Snoop Dogg managed to walk away from this somehow, so we didn’t even have to sacrifice a thing to achieve our goals. Talk about a hero’s journey. In the end, everyone on team Bud made it out alive, well sort of, and he even managed to keep his family together in the process. However, had he followed our advice he would have been able to come up with the ten grand much sooner and with considerably less effort, and could have even kept his wife and daughter from getting swiped by the head vampire, and for that reason, I think the movie was Beaten. Moral of the story, if you’re already willing to kill someone, you might as well rob them while you’re at it.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 574,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, dayshift, cinema summary, dead meat, the critical drinker
Id: bxC_PN3SRvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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