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If you found an abandoned mall in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, what would you do? In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow the survivors, see if we can make better decisions, and ultimately attempt to beat the zombie hordes in, Dawn of the Dead. If you think you have a better way, let me know in the comments! If you like these how to beat videos, consider subscribing. We start out following Nurse Ana, talking to a doctor about a man who for some reason needed a head X-Ray when he was only bitten on the hand from a bar fight. Suspicious. Ana gets back home in the morning, and finds her husband drinking beer and watching TV. It seems like movie characters always find a way to miss the emergency news, but back in 2004 nobody had iPhones. If the alert is only being broadcasted on your TV, there’s a good chance you’re gonna miss it and find out there’s an apocalypse the hard way. Louis wakes up to that rollerblader girl standing in the bedroom doorway. Who the hell is that nonchalant about waking up to a random neighbor child standing in their bedroom? I’d be on full alert self-defense mode. Talk about going 0-100 real quick, you were just waking up from your peaceful slumber and bam, some psycho child broke into your house, ripped your husbands neck out with her teeth, and now he’s bleeding out on your bed seconds away from death. This clarifies the saying, police are minutes away when seconds count. Time to clock back in Nurse Ana. Looks like his carotid artery was ripped open, meaning he has seconds before losing consciousness, and will be dead in a few minutes. There’s really nothing she can do, especially since it was torn open by a bite. Ana got super lucky that she was able to slip out of his grasp, grab the keys, dive into the bathroom while closing the door, and not knock herself unconscious by banging her head off the bathtub. Having a window in your bathroom was also super lucky. Had that been a windowless bathroom, Ana’s side to this story would be over. As stupid as this was, I can’t 100% fault her for it. She just had her entire reality flipped upside down and smashed into pieces within seconds. It’s not hard to imagine that her mind might attempt to return to normalcy considering how unreal this situation is. Ana narrowly escapes through the window by blindly back kicking Louis in the head. I guess adrenaline turns you into a Krav Maga, Parkour expert. Judging by the truck in the driveway, Louis was probably a lineman who worked similar late shifts, so I partially rescind my judgement of his morning drinking. See, some of you guys think I'd be more likely to survive in these situations. But this type of overthinking would get me killed way too often. Pretty much everything is fricked as far as she can see. Explosions, military helicopters, everyone attacking each other. Ana manages to not fumble and drop the keys when getting into her car, which is impressive considering your fine motor skills are going to be severely impaired. She finally gets the emergency radio broadcast. They are providing instructions for evacuation centers. Yah, the government set up evacuation centers in a few hours? Bullcrap. Realistically they’d just tell everyone to shelter in place. That’d be a reasonable thing to do, but not for Ana anymore. At least she doesn’t live in that nearby city. So all this chaos just happened to you, you are sitting in your car and the radio is dispersing hopium about an evacuation center that surely is overrun. Where do you go, what do you do. Well, I definitely wouldn’t be stopping for anyone or anything. A car is the only thing between you and death right now. It’s a good thing she’s driving a Toyota Corolla, very reliable car, apocalypse approved. She lives in a suburban area near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since Ana has no family, and her house is compromised, i’d say heading to the Horicon National Wildlife Area which is 60 miles away would be a good idea. The onset of the apocalypse was extremely fast, too fast for an evacuation to commence. The local onramps and highways should still be accessible. She should have enough gas to get to Horicon, but remember, 55-65 mph is the sweet spot for fuel efficiency, you do not want to have to get out and start pumping gas. There will be far less people there, and you could band up with hunters and fishers in the area to hold out and obtain food. The riskiest part is making it to the highway and getting there without someone crashing into you or shooting you to steal your car. Stopping your car with zombies and people all around you, and keeping your doors unlocked probably wasn’t the smartest move. Hope you can find a good samaritan or someone else who did the same dumb shat you did so you can jack their car.. I love how reporters are always continuing to try to cover the disasters even when it is indisputably clear that it’s the apocalypse, nobody is watching TV anymore, and they need to put the camera down and save themselves. Ana wakes up after getting knocked unconscious by the airbag. I already like this guy, but he should have already pumped the shotgun. He either didn’t have a round in the chamber, or he just pumped out a fresh round for no reason. Kenneth and Ana run into some other survivors who open fire on them. This is why you want to get away from other people. The shooter just gave away their position to all zombies in at least a half mile radius. He’s jumpy, trigger-happy, and inaccurate. Not the kind of person I want to be traveling with. I’d also grab that bike in the background. You can go 2-3 times as fast as if you were running, and with far less energy. Trying to run away from uninhibited sprinting zombies is pretty much impossible. The shooter’s girl is also pregnant, which is 100% going to be an issue. They mention that they are going to the mall right across from them. The YouTube channel, Zombie Survival Labs, has a great video on the pros and cons of holding up in a mall in a zombie apocalypse. Basically, malls are terrible, because they are amazing. You have food, supplies, space, open vantage points, security, and food and supplies in nearby shops. The problem is that everyone will be going there or is already there, and the chances that you will have first dibs on it and be able to secure it before either zombies or other survivors come busting in is slim to none. Our protagonists are on foot and surrounded, so they don’t really have much of an option. At minimum, getting off of ground level will enable them to survive for now. Obviously the first priority is to assess the security of the place, and whether or not it’s defensible. It’s also probably a good idea to wash the blood off your hands and face, you don’t want to subconsciously itch your eye with zombie blood on your fingers. The windowed doors are not good, but as long as they are locked it should give you time to reinforce them. Like we saw with Ana in the beginning, the zombies are only going to break in if they know you are there. They need to get into the security office to obtain the keys so they can lock the doors while picking up weapons along the way. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like there is a gun store in this mall. In the movie, they get pretty lucky that all the doors are already locked. If not, Andre would’ve been in trouble. This was pure luck, and without going for the keys, they couldn’t have ensured that the doors were locked. Once you have the keys, grab a map of the building layout, or snag a fire/tornado map to locate where the entrances are. If there is only one set of keys you’ll need to stay together. But if there are multiple sets of keys, I'd suggest splitting up into groups of two. Ana and the cop. Andre and Michael. And have Luda hideout in a gated shop. It’d also be good to grab some walkie talkies so you can communicate with each other when splitting up to lock the entrances. Splitting us is important, because covering ground quickly is a priority. Zombies are everywhere, and if they make it inside, it's game over no matter what. Two person groups are important because two people can overcome a rogue zombie much more effectively than by themselves. Main entrances need to be locked first, then auxiliary ones. The entire time i’d be keeping a backup escape route in mind, though there aren’t many options. If a group of zombies burst into the store from anywhere, they would only be able to shoot a handful of them. They don’t know the layout well, they can’t risk running into a dead end, and with the pregnant wife they can’t run far or fast. If they need to run, their only options are to hunker into a nearby store and drop the security gate, which only helps them survive that moment, but long term they are dead. Locking all the entrances is their only chance. Once all the entrances are locked up, you need to turn the windowed doors and areas into cover and concealment. Concealment, so they don’t see you inside, and cover, to prevent them from breaking in. Painting or taping up curtains would be a quick way to block the windows. After blocking the windows, you’ll have some breathing room which you can use to ensure there aren’t zombies inside the mall. I'd go room by room, sector by sector, and clear the entire mall of zombies. It’s not a huge mall, so it shouldn’t take too long. Making a loud noise to bait the zombies into the open isn’t a bad tactic. But you’ll still need to make sure a ninja zombie isn’t lurking in the bathroom stall. Once the building is secure, then you can spend more time reinforcing and barricading the doors, I'd find bicycle locks or chains to wrap around the door handles. Then use any wood or metal to place over the doors or windows, then build in braces that push up against it. Next, start bringing food, water, ammo, medical, and other necessary gear to the rooftop. Ideally, you’d move everything you need up to the roof. Water is going to be the most immediate issue. Setting up rain catchers on the roof is a good idea. Rainwater is pretty safe to drink, but you can boil it if you want to be sure. They also should collect as much water from faucets as they can before the electricity and pumps go out. There should be a good supply of bottled water in the mall too. They should have enough water to avoid going Bear Grylls mode, not that that’s an effective survival tactic anyways. The Rooftop is basically their Alamo. There are only a couple entrances, and the doors are made of steel. These are boots on the ground zombozos. They aren’t doing any wall climbing stuff like in WWZ, so we don’t have to worry about that. It’s the most secure, defensible location they have. The rooftop also provides more escape options. You can rope or ladder down from any side of the building, evac choppers can spot you and pick you up, your radios and SOS signals will travel further, and you can better find and communicate with any other potential survivors in the vicinity. Securing the stairwell leading to your rooftop Alamo is also important. Even just reinforcing the doors with door jams and security bars will prevent them from bursting through to the rooftop if they make it inside the mall. You might want to think of an evac plan, where if the mall became compromised for whatever reason, like a fire was started or Danny McBride ate all your food, you aren’t completely screwed. My evac plan would be to drive to the Horicon Wildlife Preserve. To get there, I'd rig up an escape vehicle from a mall bus or vehicle in the underground parking lot. I’ll talk more on the escape vehicle setup later. Once you got your sick zombie proof mall set up, you’ll wanna figure out how much food and water you need, versus what you have. It’s reasonable to assume these zombies have a rage virus rather than being spawns from hell or something. Which means they have realistic physiological needs and respect the first law of thermodynamics. Their bodies use energy which can be depleted, they have to have a functioning circulatory, respiratory system, and nervous system which keeps them alive. If this is the case, you don’t need much food at all. Which is a good thing, because let's be honest, none of these people are Mark Watney. Nobody will be setting up a sustainable potato farm on the roof. You don’t even need to wait for the zombies to die of starvation. They will all die of dehydration within days from just standing out in the sun. As long as you have some rain catchers and Evian, you can put out a lawn chair and stay sippin while they wilt away. Then you can pick off the stragglers, start scavenging and rebuilding society. You will still have to be careful of zombies that were chilling in cold dark areas, because they could survive much longer without water. To be safe, you might want to wait about a month before raiding houses. In addition to dehydration, zombies will also likely die from infection. The vast majority of zombies were initially infected from bite wounds. The severe infections and septic shock caused by these wounds would eventually kill them. The other good news is that the virus only affects humans, so there will be plenty of wildlife to hunt to satisfy your long term food needs. Let’s continue with what the characters did. Michael screws up badly by opening that door. He should have stayed on the mission to lock all the doors as priority numero uno, then gone for help. Haphazardly trying to clear out zombies by himself is not a good strat. The club was dumb to swap crowbar for, but you can’t argue with his results. Officer Kenneth and crew get distracted by the commotion, and a ninja zombie attacks them from behind. Kenneth whacks the zombie off Luda, then gets tackled into the fountain. Ana snags the shotty and blind hipfires, making an accurate hit on the zombie and saving Kenneth’s life. She must have had her lucky charms this morning. I think you should give your shotgun back to the cop now. They hop into the elevator to get to high ground, and get a warm welcome by the security staff when the elevator opens. The mall cops should have disabled the elevator. You want to limit any chances that a zombie could bump into the level 2 button, walk in, and kill everyone. I wouldn’t have given the guns up. But that’s a hard situation to de-escalate. Side note, not that they had options, but revolvers are terrible in a zombie apocalypse. They are slow to reload and have low capacity. Same with shotguns. Single stack pistols are better because they are quicker to reload, but they also suffer from low capacity. If I was the security, I'd check them for bite wounds and quarantine them. Let me give an alternate take here, since I tend to assume the more realistic zombies like in 28 weeks later. The shoot them in the head trope is probably derived from the fact that the human body can withstand a lot of non-critical hits. Since zombies don’t feel pain and are in full adrenaline rage mode, they will keep coming until they receive a critical hit like a headshot. This doesn’t necessarily mean zombies can’t be killed with non-headshots though. I also think it’s funny that we’re always told to destroy a zombie’s brain, but a zombie is essentially a mindless killing machine. I get the brain is a good target, I just think it’s ironic. On the news we also hear that Fort Pastor is secure, with search and rescue teams searching for survivors. It’s not a real base, so who knows how far away it is. At this point, holding out and signaling from the roof is their best option. The survivors finally start clearing and locking down the mall, putting up SOS signals, and tossing the dead bodies off the roof. They hear some gunshots coming from across the street. There’s another survivor, Andy, held up in a gun store 4 or 500 yards away. A military chopper flies by, but doesn’t stop for them. The chopper might not have seen them, but it also might be full of survivors or low on gas. I’d have fired some rounds off into the air to get it’s attention if I was Andy. If they knew the direction of Fort Pastor, they may be able to know if it’s headed back to base or not. If it’s flying away from the base, then it should come back this way, if it doesn’t.. Maybe something bad happened. The worst case scenario is that the chopper was fleeing from the overrun base. In the live report on the news a bit ago, we saw them unloading a transport truck with bloody survivors. It’s possible they turned into zombies. Everyone heads back inside for the night and reflects on loved ones lost. The next morning the rookie security kid goes to do some routine tasks and make some coffee. I would not use the elevator. Way too risky. You have no idea what’s on the other end of those doors. If a ninja zombie runs at you, good luck getting the elevator doors to close in time. Meanwhile Ana and crew are still locked up by CJ. Why did CJ lock them up on the first floor when there are stores with gates on the second floor, where it is way safer. Outside, a couple wild boys in a shipping truck are driving around the parking lot going postal on the zombies. Ana’s team wants to help, but CJ’s a stubborn prick. I get that bringing in strangers is dangerous, but with your guns and numbers you can effectively secure and quarantine them. You have enough food and could use the help killing zombies. Michael and Kenneth jack the guns and flip the script on CJ’s crew. The outsiders spin the truck around and reverse into the loading gate, smart move. Andre and Michael run outside to help the drivers and holy shat, they must be ex special forces with how easily they are headshotting everyone left and right under extreme stress and pressure. Whoah whoah, absolutely no way that lady in the wheelbarrow is coming in. I hope we aren’t going to entertain the BS that the protagonists are oblivious to what zombies are. They really need to implement a decontamination procedure to check all the new people for the zombie virus. The cop tries to leave to go find his brother at Fort Pastor, despite the truckers saying that everyone there is dead. But Kenneth has a change of heart when he sees poor Andy, stuck out there all by his lonesome. Jesus this guy has a bite too. Nobody checked the newcomers out at all, this is going to end badly. This lady looks like a special mutant type of zombie, like the bloater bile launcher in video games. As a nurse, or anyone with common sense, get some PPE on and get your hands out of her face and bodily fluids. You wanna stick your fingers in her mouth for a dental inspection too? Ana dodges fate yet again. After that, I'd take the gun from the security kid. I’m sorry, but if you have the only gun and you run and leave everyone in danger, you don’t deserve it. No. shat. Doesn’t take a doctor to figure that out. Ana, that was literally what caused your husband to die, you saw that exact thing happen in the beginning. Ana and Michael have a dispute about executing whoever is bitten. Killing anyone with an open wound is only going to cause mass conflict, distrust, and resentment which will lead to revenge killings. The infection typically takes hours depending on the wound. All you have to do is lock anyone with an open wound in a gated store. If they turn into a zombie, blast them, if not, you avoided murdering someone for no reason. The guy with the bite wound on his hand will be zombified in hours. Amputating his arm won’t work either. Blood circulates through the body way too fast. A drug administered in the arm reaches the brain within a few seconds. The virus has already spread throughout his entire body. Even if it would stop the virus, field amputations are incredibly lethal and hard to perform correctly. In the civil war, the mortality rate for amputations was extremely low (high). 1/3rd of people died from the surgery, and half of those people who lived through the surgery, died from infection later. I’d say they are under worse circumstances. They have no medical equipment or supplies beyond aspirin and bandaid, and Nurses aren’t trained to perform amputations. They really need to think about where they are quarantining and executing people. You’re getting their infectious fluids everywhere. Blowing someone’s brains out on a perfectly good bed or couch that someone could have slept on is stupid. And why not have Kenneth close the gate in front of him. Why lock himself in with someone infected. If 1 thing gets tripped up, your dead. If you aren’t paying attention, the dude throws something at your head and attacks you because he doesn’t want to die, the gun misfires, etc. You want at least 2 degrees of separation between you and death. Cool, now go check out Andre's wife who was cut in an altercation with a zombie, and the trucker’s leg that was injured from something. The standoffishness would be alarming. Especially considering what we know about bites and her close call with the zombie. Not checking in with each other to measure each other’s conditions is a mistake. I’ve mentioned before that the importance of entertainment in the apocalypse is underestimated, and I gotta say, the mall is a good choice to fulfil this need. Who’s who with a hunting rifle looks fun. For some mysterious and unpredictable reason the mall ran out of power, and nobody thought to scavenge the generators earlier on. Now they have to go into an uncleared, zombie filled parking garage in darkness. Good going guys. Before they embark on their suicidal journey, Kenneth shows Michael how to take the safety off his gun, which is inspiring as hell. I’m glad the guys I'm rolling out with don't know how to use their guns. Kenneth being a former Marine should have conducted a weapons 101 training course in their spare time, so when shat goes down they actually know how to use the gun. Shouldn’t have just fricked off for the past few days huh. It’s also worth pointing out that when fighting in low light conditions, you never want to have your light permanently on because it gives your position away. You want to use quick taps when assessing and engaging areas or threats. You also want to move along the wall to reduce the areas a zombie could attack you from. What the hell. Now we have to deal with circ de soleil zombies. All hell breaks loose and the securitas kid dies a horrific death. It’s hard to tell what is going on, but it appears they made it into a gated gas station in the underground parking garage of the mall. That makes complete sense. Kenneth runs out of ammo, which was stupid, he should have brought spare ammo. Thinking back, he racked his shotgun when making his entrance. This chambered a round, but also freed up space in the tube. He could have loaded another round in. Depending on the shell, this gives him 5+1 capacity. Whereas he only had 5. So he only anticipated needing to fire 5 rounds, optimistic. This is why I don’t like shotguns, low capacity and unless you’re jerry miculek with an extended tube and a speed loader, you’re gonna get stampeded before you can reload. It’s a damn good thing CJ had a lighter to set the gas on fire. Luda’s childbirth doesn’t seem to be going so well, I blame Andre for being a poor midwife. That’s true love, I’d have capped my girlfriend a long time ago. The granny shows up for the baby shower, and unloads on the zombie mom. Andre doesn’t take this so well and blasts Norma. If I was the granny, seeing Andre’s mental state and the zombie. I’d have blasted him first, then the zombie. Ana assesses that the granny wasn’t bitten, so she won’t become a zombie. Can you really know for sure, and do you really want to just assume that with everything that’s going on. I know I don’t. Double tap all of them, including the zombie baby. These recent events seemed to break the group's morale on holding out in the mall until help arrives. The glaring issue here, is that the marina is essentially in the heart of Milwaukee, which has a population of 600,000 zombies. You have to drive through all of that to get to the boat, whereas with Horicon, the population gets sparser as you get closer. Secondly, the boat takes time to start up and push off shore, which is a problem when a hundred thousand zombies are sprinting at you. Thirdly, you don’t know if the boats were jacked or destroyed in the chaos. The islands aren’t a bad idea though. You can easily eliminate all the zombies on the island, fish for food, and you’re far enough away from shore that other zombies won’t know you’re there. Who knows if these zombies can swim though, if so, a few miles off shore might still be dangerous. If you were dead set on boating to an island in the middle of the lake, at least drive to a remote area of shoreline and row to the island. Rowing 5-10 miles isn’t difficult. They have to do something though. It's almost been a week, and the zombies haven’t died or shown signs of deterioration from dehydration. For some reason, these zombies don’t seem to have any physiological constraints. That means they can’t stay in the mall and outlast the zombies, they will just starve to death. I think they should try a different option before going to either Horicon or the marina. In both of those options, you have to leave the comfort, security, and supply rich mall to wade through thousands of zombies for a utopia you don’t know even exists. They should stay put, and implement a shape, clear, hold, build military strategy. Shape, means to identify the nature and strength of the enemy threat in a given area. After the outbreak, Ana hopped on the highway and drove away from the city, she most likely ended up in a more suburban area like Brookfield. This is about a 5x5 mile area with a population of roughly 30,000 people. The number of zombies hanging out at their mall looks to be around 5-10 thousand. Clear, obviously means to eradicate the zombie infestation. This is the fun part, it’s like the Dead Rising game or Dying Light, but more realistic. Since the zombies can’t be killed by attrition, it must be done with violence. With 20-50 rounds of ammo per box, 6 boxes high and 8 boxes across with 32 rows of ammo shelf, that’s around 50,000 rounds of ammo. If he’s got ammo in the back or any surplus of 22lr ammo, that’s gonna be a lot higher. 22lr is probably the most efficient round for this job, and if you have one of these stacks lying around, you’re gonna be just fine. That’s over 125,000 rounds, just right there. You could kill the zombie crowd in front of the mall 25 times over, with just that stack. A 22lr aimed down at the zombie heads from the rooftop will definitely destroy the brain. In some cases, the bullet has enough power to penetrate the skull, but not enough to exit out the back. So the bullet just ricochets around inside the skull turning the brain into soup. I know Andy is getting hungry, but I don’t recommend sipping the juice out of those coconuts. A rifle round could be heard from a few miles away, but with only 30,000 people within a few miles of them, killing the zombies won’t attract any more than that. Personally, I’d save the ammo as much as possible. They should be able to kill a significant amount of zombies with molotov cocktails or homemade napalm using gas and styrofoam. The mall is made of brick so it shouldn’t be a problem, still wouldn’t hurt to have some fire extinguishers and water nearby. A dishonorable mention for the adrenaline junkies would be the Crane Corps strategy in the Great Wall movie. I highly, highly don’t recommend this. But you could use a pulley system to bait the zombies over then repeatedly drop heavy weights onto their heads. Or just throw bricks like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone. Once you’ve eliminated close to the population of the city, you can progress to the holding phase. Reinforce the security of the mall and the gun store. Close any gaps in your bases defenses. Set up snare and noise maker traps for zombies. Generally just ensure that you can maintain your controlled territory now that the initial threat is gone. With the local threat identified, eliminated, and your position reinforced, you can start building out sustainability. Set up clear systems for supply rationing, animal traps, sewage disposal, firearms training for all survivors, how and where to raid and scavenge, as well as decontamination of newcomers and people returning to the mall from raids. I’m not sure how much food they have left, how many animals they could trap, or how much non-perishable food they could raid from nearby stores. Raiding is exceptionally dangerous too. Since dogs are unappetizing to zombies, and they’re a popular pet, there should be lots of them available and eager to come to you if you get hungry. Yes it’s fricked up, but it is the apocalypse. Your alternative is attempting that home grown potato farm, or an even less appetizing option. Food can be quite abundant if you just know where to look. I’m not saying it’s the first choice. I’m saying it’s worth a shot if you’re going to die anyways. Cooking over 140 degrees should kill any pathogens, which should make it safe to eat. You’re going to want to order this meal well, well done. No pink. I know I know, Prions and the Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. But if you only eat muscle tissue you’ll have less of a chance of getting infected. And even if you do, the time from infection to death is 30-50 years long. I’d say that’s worth it when your only other option is starving in 3-5 months. I still think driving out to Horicon is the next move. Hunting wildlife in the open is far less dangerous than raiding houses and stores. You’re also less likely to come across deranged or malicious survivors. At least now you have a fallback base at the mall if Horicon or the marina is swarmed with zombies. If you want to take back the world and start repopulating it: shape, clear, hold, build, repeat is your best option. There are enough guns and ammo in each city across America to kill all the residents many multiple times over, so removing the zombies shouldn’t be too tall of an order. With our protagonists crippled morale, they outfit the war busses to head for the marina in a last ditch suicidal attempt at salvation. Even though we would have thinned the zombie herd out, it’s still a good idea to uparmor and upgun your vehicles. In the mall crew’s case, there are still around 10 thousand zombies outside. They won’t have to run through all 10 thousand, just a slice of them. They are on the right track with the snow plow, but it needs to be pointier. You want to avoid zombies piling up in front as much as possible, and snow plows aren’t meant for piercing as much as pushing. The plow should be low enough to the ground that zombies can’t fall underneath the bus and muck the tires up or reduce the bus's traction on the road. Likewise, welding skirts around the side of the bus to prevent zombies from falling down in front of the rear tires is also important. Not as extreme as this, but you get the point. It is a colossal mistake to weld pieces of metal to the sides of the busses. All they are doing is giving zombies something to grab a hold of. The chainsaw idea is cool, but you wouldn’t need them if you didn’t create handholds for zombies to climb onto the bus in the first place. Chainsawing zombies is going to be spitting infectious blood up everywhere. The additional lights are good, because with the power grid out, it’s going to be dark as shat at night. Hopefully you don’t have to drive at night, but it’s better to be prepared for it. Barbed wire on the roof is better than nothing, but it’s not going to slow the zombies down much at all. shat, zombies would probably grab onto it as another handhold. Meanwhile, Andy is getting hungry over there. He’s a skinny fella, but he’ll last 5 more days. There won’t be any severe muscle atrophy, and he’s not going to be a weak cripple by the time they make their escape to the marina. There is no point in risking the biscuit to get him a sammy right now. Andy is about 4-5 hundred meters away at least, and surrounded by zombies. Carrying food over with an RC car sounds good, but cheap store bought ones only have a couple hundred feet of signal. A potato gun also sounds good, but it’d have to be extremely powerful. DIY ones only have a range of 50-100 yards or so. My vote is to kill all the zombies then go pick him up. Instead, they send the dog over with food, which surprisingly works. The problem is the ground level pickup. Andy screws up and gets zombified because he didn’t shut the door quick enough or have his gun ready to blast the nearby zombies. Nicole goes completely insane and drives the truck over to Andy’s gun store to rescue her dog. This is a mind blowing level of stupidity. Dog’s are completely ignored by zombies, you literally saw Chip walk through the entire horde, he will be fine. She didn’t even know Andy was bit when she drove over there. Everything was going according to plan as far as she knew, and she still freaked. Now she’s stuck in a closet with Andy trying to kill her, causing the mall crew to attempt a hasty rescue, even though abandoning her dumb ass is also a perfectly good option. Their new plan is to use the sewer system. On the approach to the sewers there is a self-locking fire door, and they need someone to be ready to open it when they come back. Of all people, Steve is enlisted for this vital job. Steve would be better placed in the coffee shop, he will 100% screw you over. Why not have Ana, Glen, or Monica do it? The rescue team navigates the sewer system to get close to the gun store, but they end up having to pop out in the middle of the street filled with zombies to make a run for the store. Apparently nobody thought to stop by one of the mall stores and throw on a leather jacket and gloves to protect against bites. Hell, most of them are just rocking tank tops. Instead of the sewer approach, I'd have driven one of the busses up to the shipping truck driver door, climbed over to the store, hopped through the gate, killed Andy, thrown Nicole off the roof, then killed all the zombies and headed back to the mall. If they are going to use the sewer route where they have to traverse open ground filled with zombies, I'd have tried employing a form of zombie camouflage. It sounds like a cheesy gag in a crappy horror movie, but if you think about it, it could work. How do zombies differentiate between humans and other zombies? It has to be based on a mix of scent, sound, motion, and behavior. If you can spill some zombie guts on your clothes, make awful moaning noises, and work a limp, you might be able to fool the zombies. It would at least buy them some time. You could also try it in a situation where you are trapped by a zombie horde, it’s better than dying. I don’t know how nobody died. The crew finds the zombified Andy, and Kenneth gives him the 870 police special. Everybody reloads their guns and runs back outside to the sewer so they can get back to the mall. What’s the rush? Obviously this building is secure, just catch some z’s, kill all the zombies in the morning, then head back to the mall. If you’re going to run back outside right now, at least grab some AR15’s. No competent gun store won’t have them stocked. Much higher capacity, much quicker to reload, easy manual of arms, and soft recoil. Perfect for rapid accurate headshots. At minimum, ditch the revolvers for double-stack magazine fed pistols. Reloading is when you are most vulnerable. So I'd be tempted to roll out like Noah MacManus or Neo. Don’t need to reload if you have more guns. They scramble into the sewer, and Tucker falls breaking his leg. CJ drags while tucker shoots, but there’s too many of them. Whaddya know, Steve screws them over by leaving the door shut and locked, luckily Ana opens it before they get overrun. Nobody is able to get the doors shut so the zombies come pouring into the mall. Well, now the marina or Horicon are your only options since your poor decisions cost you the mall. They scream for everyone to get to the elevators and to the garage so they can bust out in their war busses. I hope nobody was in the bathroom while this all went down. I take that back, I hope Steve was in the bathroom. Nope, Steve was by the bus with the keys. That scumbag was probably trying to take off without everyone. I would have knee-capped him and left his ass. The busses get bogged down in the horde, probably because the snowplow isn’t diverting the zombies well enough. CJ comes in with the propane tank bomb to thin’em out a bit. That was really fricking cool. I'm glad they used flare with the propane tank, shooting it without the flare as an ignition source wouldn’t cause it to explode. And it’d be harder to find it in the horde of zombies. They peel out and start making their way to the marina. One zombie managed to hang onto the bus though. Yah, attaching railings all over the bus wasn’t a good idea. Monica shouts to drive faster, which is a terrible idea. Yes you want to drive fast enough that the zombie hordes can’t surround you, but you don’t want to go too fast and wreck your only means of survival. Michael’s chainsaw idea wouldn’t have been necessary if they didn’t create zombie hand holds. It wasn’t good in theory, and it’s especially not good in practice in a rowdy bus. Kenneth’s panic driving sends the bus into a roll. Luckily Michael see’s this in time and backs up to rescue them. Steve leaves Kenneth hanging and gets attacked by the zombie holding onto the bus. How did Glen die? He chainsawed Monica and the bus flipped. He could’ve banged his head off of something, but you don’t know if he was just knocked out or dead. Hope they took a pulse on him to make sure. It’d suck if he woke up in the bus alone with everyone gone. Ana goes back for Steve's body to grab the keys to the boat. Why on Earth did they leave the most important item of their mission in Steve’s hands? And why was nobody aware that Steve had the keys. Everyone should know who the key-bearer was in case they get killed. I also hope you guys got an exact location and description of his boat. They narrowly escape and make it to the marina but they are already getting swarmed. The timing is going to be tight getting off shore in time. CJ buys them some time by making a last stand and nuking them with another propane bomb. Michael stops everyone to tell them he got bit back when Ana went for the keys. Dude, not a good time. You have hours until you’re a zombie based on how long it took Frank to zombify. Just get in the boat and we’ll deal with you later, or push us off and make a last stand like CJ. The zombies just stand around and wait for Michael and the group to say their heartfelt goodbyes before he kills himself. The rest of the survivors escape and flee to the island in the lake. Stupidly, they parked the boat and ran onto the island without checking it out first. They should have coasted around the perimeter of the island, and killed as many as possible from a distance. There should only be hundreds of people on the island, they easily could have killed them all, but instead ran ashore and got overrun. The movie ends. Let’s see who would have lived, and who would have died. The infection spread extremely fast and took everyone by surprise. Luis was unsavable. They got lucky that the mall was empty and already locked up, but really any high ground with access to water should have worked. Realistically, all the zombies should have died from dehydration within a week. So nobody else would’ve died. Unfortunately, these zombies aren’t affected by this. Luda got infected, as well as the big lady and Frank. They were all unsavable. Not securing the generators when they had power on was stupid. This forced them to find it in the dark parking garage filled with zombies, which led to Bart’s unnecessary death via ninja zombies. They should have kept a closer eye on Luda and Andre. Letting people go off on their own where you can’t check their condition was a bad call. I don’t think Andre would have taken his wife and babies execution easily though, and he likely would have died or been killed by the others in a confrontation anyways. Norma should have shot Andre before Luda after seeing his mental state. Andy should have killed all the zombies near the doggy door before picking up the food, ensuring his survival. After that snack, the mall crew and Andy easily could have killed off all the zombies in the area with the ammo and weapons available, then brought Andy back to the mall before heading off to the marina. Nicole was an idiot and drove over there, so they needed to rescue her too, I guess. Once they got there, they should have stayed, used the ammo to kill all the zombies, then headed back to the mall in the morning. This would have saved Tucker’s life. Using Steve to guard the sewer door was idiotic and the delay before Ana opened the door enabled the zombies to breach the mall, forcing them to leave without preparing. If they didn’t add handholds to the busses, there wouldn’t be zombies they needed to chainsaw off, and Glen wouldn’t be in the position to accidentally saw Monica in half. This event arguably caused Kenneth to crash, leading to Steve, Glen, and Michael’s deaths. The marina was a bad option because getting off shore is almost impossible without being overrun. It was almost inevitable that CJ or someone would have had to sacrifice themself to stem the tide of zombies. If they had gone to a remote area and rowed to the island or to Horicon, this wouldn’t have been the case. They should have rowed around the island, picking off the zombies before heading ashore. There shouldn’t be more than a couple hundred zombies to kill. Kenneth, Ana, Terry, and Nicole, all would’ve lived. The dog chip was never in danger, so he’s doin just fine. I think we could have beat the Zombie Horde in Dawn of the Dead. Thanks for watching, and remember, all you need to survive a realistic zombie apocalypse is some shelter and a pack of San Pellegrino.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 3,998,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dawn of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead 2004, How to Beat Dawn of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead Explained, Dawn of the Dead Ending, Dawn of the Dead Ending Explained, How to Beat, How to Survive, Dead Meat, Film Herald, Ending Explained, Kill Count
Id: 76VOdt7A-R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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