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If you and your friends came under attack  from living folktales while stranded out at   a remote summer camp, what would you do? The season’s nearly over for our group of seven   young camp counselors, but when circumstances  force them to spend just one more night sitting   around the fire, they suddenly find themselves  caught up in a dark local secret. Now,   with a horrific death waiting around every corner,  they must not only fight for their very lives,   but also solve the mystery as  it unfolds all around them.   I’m going to break down the mistakes  made, what you should do, and how to   beat the HACKETT’S CURSE in THE QUARRY. Okay, we’re trying something a little different   with this video. In case you don’t know  by now, THE QUARRY is a video game, well,   sort of. It’s more of a series of quick time  events with a tiny sprinkling of 3rd person   combat. Whatever you want to call it, we’re going  to actually play through it and try to make the   best decisions possible throughout the campaign,  while also explaining how we could have done it   even better using our special Nerd powers. That’s right, all game play footage you’re about   to see was captured using Martin’s  dinosauric, inferior Xbox thing,   so any screw ups are one hundred percent his  fault. Honestly, same goes for this whole   video. If it sucks, it was all his idea. Anyway, this is definitely a first for a channel,   so if you want to see me cover  more video games in the future,   let me know down in the comments and maybe I’ll  try and find more that fit the channel.   So, without further ado, let’s see  what’s going on in THE QUARRY.   Ahem. Jacob is about to do something very stupid.   While spending the last few months working as a  summer camp counselor at Hackett’s Quarry, he had   himself a nice little thing going with one of his  fellow counselors, the beautiful Emma. However,   now that summer has come to an end, Emma’s decided  their extended summer fling should end with it,   and so she decided to dump him flat the  morning everyone was set to leave.   Gotta say, that’s kind of a sh*tty thing to do  to the guy knowing you were then going to spend   the next several hours cooped up in the same  van during the ride home, especially when it’s   pretty clear he’s got serious feelings for her.  Not saying she needs to marry him or whatever,   but I feel like this is probably something that  could have waited a couple hours until they could   chat in private without it immediately becoming  the business of literally everyone at camp.   Whatever the case, there’s no way Emma could have  known the dude would react to this rejection by   deliberately sabotaging the camp’s only van so  they’d be forced to spend another night or two   stranded out in the middle of nowhere. Or maybe  she totally did and thought it’d be romantic   making him win her back. Who the hell knows? What  matters to us in this situation is whether Jacob’s   going to execute his master plan by severing  the fuel line or stealing the rotor arm. And no,   before you ask, there is no third option where he  simply takes the L, bucks up, and finds another   squeeze who’s thinking long term. So, here’s what I’m thinking. If we take   the arm thing, we can at least put it back  and GTFO should things go horribly wrong,   provided we don’t lose it, of course. Severing  the fuel line could take longer to repair and   might even necessitate abandoning the van  altogether and waiting for something to come   get us. In that case, gotta go with the arm. Oh, by the way, Jacob straight up asked Kaitlynn   what the best way to sabotage the van would be and  she told him, undoubtedly knowing he was going to   do this to buy himself more time with Emma. So,  yeah, she’s one hundred percent complicit in this   mess as well. Just putting that out there. Anyway, Jacob sneaks away with the part and   goes back to loading the van, and eventually  everyone else shows up to get the show on the   road. All they’re missing now is the keys. In enters Chris Hackett, host of Hackett’s Quarry   Summer Camp, and it’s clear no one’s more anxious  to see the counselors leave than he is. However,   this isn’t your typical “finally some peace  and quiet” type urgency. Dude seems to be   seriously concerned about something coming up  tonight, and whatever it is necessitates every   last one of them clearing out pronto. Knowing  this, you can probably imagine his reaction   when he finally finds his keys only to  discover the van won’t turn over.   Yeah, this is not normal human behavior when  faced with such a mild inconvenience.   So what if the counselors have to  stay an extra night? They’ve been   running this place for the last two months;  it’s not like he has to babysit them. Hell,   he wasn’t even going to be the one driving them  home. Jacob was going to handle that.   No, whatever’s going on with him is serious, and  that means everyone should take it seriously.   After all, like I just mentioned a minute ago,  the man is acting wildly out of character,   and a bunch of people who know and respect him and  spent the last sixty days working with him should   easily be able to pick up on this. In that case, if I’m Jacob right now,   I’m coming clean about the rotor arm so we can  just get out of here. Yes, I know it hurts to   let someone go when you know there’s still mutual  feelings, and yes, sometimes fighting to save your   relationship really is the right thing to do,  but not if it puts both your lives in jeopardy,   and based on Hackett’s little meltdown  that could very well be the case.   Besides, if Jacob owns up to it now, everyone  will brush it off as just a harmless prank at   worst. I mean, come on. It’s not like this place  has f*cking fire tornadoes or something. It’s   basically paradise. Literally no one aside  from the boss is upset about the prospects   of them spending another night out here. Not  to mention the fact that he and Emma aren’t   the only ones with romance issues to work  through. Abigail and Nick have been making   googly eyes at each other all summer long. I’m  sure they’d appreciate an opportunity to spend   a little extra time together without a bunch  of snot nosed camper brats running around.   All this is to say, no one’s going to burn  him alive at the stake for what he did. No,   he won’t get his extra night with Emma,  but he already admitted to Kaitlyn that   it almost certainly won’t work anyway.  And hey, maybe she’ll still appreciate   his efforts. You really never know. Oh, and speaking of Kaitlynn, right now   she should be absolutely kicking the crap out of  Jacob to get him to fess up to this. Honestly,   were I in her shoes, it might even be time to  just call him out in front of the group if he’s   not willing to own up to what he did. But no, apparently, everyone’s just going to   pretend there’s nothing wrong with Mr. Hackett and  forget all about his bizarre outbursts, especially   now that he’s finally accepted they aren’t going  anywhere and agreed to leave them the camp for the   night, albeit with some conditions. Yeah, for sure, dude. Hey,   where do you keep the hard stuff? Seriously though, Hackett’s got to know   there’s exactly zero chance of them obeying  that command unless he can put the absolute   fear of god in them, so if he’s not going  to open up about what’s got him so frazzled,   he should at least make something up. Ya know  maybe tell them the police are searching for   a pack of escaped Army psychiatric patients  who somehow broke out of the metal boxes they   were kept in and began slaughtering unsuspecting  campers at random. That’ll probably do it.   Ultimately, Hackett’s warning only gets  through to Ryan, and while he certainly   tries convincing the others to lay low  tonight, they’re not about to let a prime   opportunity like this go to waste. Well, the man’s got a point.   Still, before we let our guards down completely,  at least one of us should go up and use the   landline in Hackett’s office to make sure there’s  at least someone back on planet earth who knows   what’s going on and when we’re expected to return  just in case something goes horribly wrong. Oh,   yeah, it’s probably also worth mentioning  that all the counselors have their phones,   but there’s no service up here, so they’re  basically just sh*tty flashlights.   As for Jacob’s whole situation, everything  seems to be going according to plan. Emma   suspects nothing and everyone’s happy to stick  around. So, since we probably don’t have to   worry about anyone wanting to leave, why not  discreetly put the rotor arm back in the van   so it’s ready to go in case we need it. Besides,  they spent all of thirty seconds troubleshooting   and never actually diagnosed the issue, so if it  miraculously started right up the next morning   I doubt anyone would be all that surprised. Getting back to the party, the gang splits up to   gather supplies, with Jacob and Emma raiding  the general store for booze and pretty much   anything they can get their hands on. Not sure  why they’d expect to find a substantial amount   of alcohol at a camp meant for kids, but maybe  I’m just naïve. And sure enough, Jacob uses   his Fallout level lock picking skills to break  into the freezer where they immediately find a   twelve pack of cold ones, and that’s not all. Starting to figure out what he sees in her.   For real, props to Emma for immediately  shouldering that 12 gauge and not shrinking away   in terror like it was a cobra. After all, guns  don’t kill people; you’ll also need ammunition.   So it’s a good thing she found a few boxes  of shells and some fireworks. Never know when   troublesome wildlife might need a refresher on the  food chain. Plus, as freaked out as Hackett was,   it’d probably be wise to have some firepower  close by in case things start getting freaky.   Meanwhile, back at the lodge, Dylan and Ryan are  hanging out in Hackett’s office while waiting   for their phones to charge, which naturally  creates a prime opportunity to do a little   snooping. It also doesn’t hurt that Ryan is a  total pushover who turns the keys over to Dylan   with barely any resistance at all. Predictably, most of what they find is   unremarkable. There’s a landline we can use  to call for help once the baddies attack,   and a break action shotgun we can use to  shoot them. However, things get all sorts   of weird upon entering Hackett’s private  quarters, as a closer investigation of   his wardrobe reveals a hidden, bunker-like  room full of surveillance equipment.   Now, before you sickos take it there.  We’re not talking about cameras in the   shower huts, or anything messed up like that.  It appears he just has a bunch of live feeds   monitoring various trails around the property,  which certainly makes sense given he’s responsible   for the safety of all the campers. What’s weird  about it to me is the fact that it’s all hidden   away like this. No one would bat an eye if he  had this kind of equipment in his office. Plus,   then he could use the extra space behind his  closet to hoard guns and ammunition.   The fact he’s trying to hide it suggests he  doesn’t want anyone to know he’s watching,   and this could be because he doesn’t want  people to feel uncomfortable. On the other hand,   it could be because he doesn’t want anyone  to know what he’s watching out for.   Bro, what are you talking about? You clearly  saw some creepy dude you don’t recognize roll   up and disable one of the cameras,  which you know are on this property.   How could that possibly be okay with you? This is something everyone here needs to know   about and needs to know about right now, and yet  when the boys rejoin the group back at the fire,   neither one of them bothers to mention it. Hell,  the only reason Dylan mentions the surveillance   room at all is so he can make a few tasteless  remarks implying Hackett’s a perv, so right   off the bat everyone thinks it’s BS, anyway. With all their party supplies assembled the gang   decides to crank the angst levels straight up  to eleven with a rousing bout of truth or dare,   which is always a great game  to play when you have immediate   access to both alcohol and firearms. Eventually, Kaitlynn’s turn comes around,   and out of what I can only assume is a deep seated  urge to make everyone here very uncomfortable,   she dares Emma to kiss either Jacob or Nick.  Keep in mind Emma and Jacob just ended their   relationship twelve hours ago, and Abigail  is known to be head over heels for Nick.   Then again, I suppose Kaitlynn might be  trying to help her buddy with his little   scheme to win Emma back. After all, most people  would probably assume she’d probably kiss Jacob,   right? Well, apparently, they’d be wrong. d*mn, who actually does something like that?   Obviously, this results in both Jacob and  Abigail angrily storming off into the night,   because of course it would. Now, Nick and Emma  are forced to chase down their respective love   interests and explain how that totally  wasn’t what it looked like. Fortunately,   neither of them get very far. Nick finds Abigail wandering around   a particularly dark and spooky part of  the forest and sits her down for a heart   to heart. It goes pretty well, as apparently  watching her supposed friend practically make   out with the guy was just the nudge Abby  needed to give him a shot. Hooray.   The good vibes don’t stick around for long,  however, as just when things start getting cozy,   they’re suddenly interrupted by the sound  of something growling off in the bushes,   and I sh*t you not they actually go look for  it. Just want to make it clear the game did   not give us an option here, okay? I had  absolutely nothing to do with this.   I mean, do I really even have to explain it.  It sounds like some big, p*ssed off animal.   What more reason could you possibly  need to leave this thing alone? Besides,   it’s the middle of the night. Even if there is  something there, you’re probably not going to   get a good look at it before it scurries off into  the darkness. And that’s if you’re lucky.   Oh, look, it’s worse than you could have  ever possibly imagined. Awesome.   See that’s what happens when you ignore  obvious signs of danger. Not to mention   the fact Nick made everything worse by running  off like that. Whatever the hell this thing is,   it's clearly some kind of predator, and this  was apparent even before the big reveal based   on that god awful noise it was making. Yeah, I’m not a biologist, but anything that   sounds like that definitely wants to eat you. The point is, you never want to run away from a   predator like a bear or mountain lion, as this  will almost certainly cause them to chase you,   and you will one hundred percent not be winning  that race. The key is to back away slowly while   making a lot of noise and then move laterally  to the beast until you break line of sight.   That being said, I’m not entirely sure it  would have helped in this situation as it   appears we’ve just encountered a demon  from hell, but launching into a panicked   sprint like that when you don’t know what you’re  dealing with is generally not a great idea.   As for what we do next, we’re given a choice as  Abigail between running back to camp immediately   or trying to help Nick. Now, ordinarily, I  would choose the first option as what else   can we actually do here? I mean, just look at this  thing, there’s no way Abby could possibly fend it   off without a weapon, and she’s supposed to drag  a grown man out of there too? Forget it.   However, this situation is unique in that  we’re suddenly receiving cover fire from an   unseen marksman. And it’s a good thing too because  Abby would have been completely f*ucked out here   otherwise. Plus, without someone else’s story to  corroborate hers, there’s simply no way any of the   other counselors are going to believe this. That’s some clutch shooting. Unfortunately,   the unseen marksman can only seem to wound the  creature, and while it’s enough to buy Abby a   clean getaway, she has no other choice but to  leave Nick behind. In fact, it’s almost like that   last choice didn’t matter at all. Crazy. After breaking contact with the monster,   we kept Abby running past the hiding spot in  the log as well as the climbable tree as neither   seemed like a good idea. We don’t know what this  thing is or what it’s capable of, so our best   chance of surviving is to create distance and get  back to the others as quickly as possible. Hiding   in the log would have almost certainly resulted  in death if the creature sniffed us out, and as   strong and agile as it is I can’t imagine a tree  would be that much of an obstacle for it.   Ultimately, we must have done something right  as Abby makes it back to the campfire totally   unharmed. However, before we go any further  here, let’s rewind the clock a bit and head   across camp to the boathouse where we find  Jacob and Emma hashing out their thing.   Honestly, it goes about as well as it  went for Abby and Nick. Emma decides   she and Jacob are technically still on  since summer’s technically not over,   and they jump in the water to smooth things  over with a little PG-13 skinny dipping.   Unfortunately, before Jacob can seal the deal, he  hears what sounds like Abby screaming followed by   gunshots, but just as he’s about to spring into  action, he realizes he accidentally knocked the   van’s rotor arm off the dock. Without hesitation,  we opted to have Jacob dive back in and focus on   finding the part as we could easily wind  up needing a quick getaway, especially if   someone’s been hurt. Of course, when our guy  gets tangled up in the lengths of barbed wire   all over the place, we have him calmly untangle  himself instead of recklessly pulling away,   thereby allowing us to make it back up to  the surface with the goods secured.   As for Emma, apparently, she neither heard nor saw  any of what just went down and decided to swim out   to the island in the middle of the quarry. This  is going to be a serious problem for her here   in just a bit, especially because the game, once  again, prevents us from making the objectively   correct decision to have Jacob go in after her  and warn her about the potential danger.   Fact is, if there really is a threat out  there, no one should be alone right now,   and that works both ways. We need her to watch  our back just as badly as she needs us to watch   hers. Besides, if those gunshots are the reason  Abby’s in trouble right now, there’s pretty much   nothing we can do to help her while we’re running  around in our underwear completely unarmed.   Yeah, that too, dude. You supposedly love this girl enough to hijack   everyone’s summer for an extra night, so you’d  better make d*mn sure she stays safe. Last thing   we need is her walking directly into the line of  fire because she has no idea what’s going on.   Getting back to the others, Abby rolls in out of  breath and tells everyone they have to go and help   Nick, which Ryan is one hundred percent willing  to do, he just wants a little information first,   ya know, like what the f*uck is going on.  For real though, you can’t ask someone to go   charging into a dangerous situation without  giving them anything to go off of.   Oh, okay, let me just run  straight into certain death.   Keep in mind, that clip wasn’t deceptively  edited or pulled out of context. She literally   stopped the man from asking questions, and then  shoved a shotgun in his hands and told him to   go sort sh*t out. What an awesome friend. Now, you and I know it was some kind of monster   attack and they were saved by a mysterious gunman,  but without getting more information from Abby,   all everyone else knows is that they heard  shots, so we at the very least should ask her   if she knows how many shooters there are and  what they look like, as well as where they’re   shooting from. If it’s just one dude with a  hunting rifle who took off running afterwards,   then I might be down to go check it out, but  if there’s a bunch of guys, or someone shooting   from an unknown position, you can forget it.  Waiting for more targets to come and help the   wounded is just about the oldest trick in the  book, and I am not going out that way.   As a matter of fact, the more I think about it,  this whole mess has optional gunfight written all   over it. Let’s take who we got, fall back to  the lodge, and wait for Hackett to show up in   the morning. Sure, Nick might be dead by then,  but that’s a risk I’m willing to take—I mean,   for the others. As for Jacob and Emma, they’re  both adults. They’ll either come meet up with   us on their own or find somewhere else to  lay low. Either way, not our problem.   Of course, if I just had to go in after him,  there’s no way in hell I’m doing it alone. Dylan,   you’re coming with me. We’ll swing by the lodge  real quick to drop off the girls and grab the   other shotgun and then carefully and quietly  make our way out to where Abby last saw Nick. Oh,   and if you’re worried about target acquisition,  all the guns in this game come with a mounted   flashlight, even if it’s just crudely taped to  the barrel. See, that’s how you aim in THE QUARRY,   just center the cone of light on your  target and hope for the best.   Also, coincidently, this was supposedly  a technique used by the Zodiac Killer,   so maybe there’s something to it. I don’t know;  I think it’s stupid. Just put us in first person   for the shooting sections and we’ll use the  front bead like a normal person. f*cking Game   Cube games had ADS for Christ’s sake. Well, whatever. Ultimately, Ryan does as   he’s told and bolts down the trail,  eventually reaching Nick’s location   just as a blood spattered hillbilly attempts  to drag him off into the forest. All attempts   to reason with the Yokel prove futile,  leaving us with no other choice.   Oh, okay. Didn’t know Mr. X was in this one. Seriously, though, I don’t know if you could tell   from the clip, but we aimed right for his face,  and you could even see blood fly off in the very   next shot. No f*cking way someone’s walking away  from something like that. Doesn’t matter if it’s   nothing but number eight shot in that piece, at  that range every pellet would have penetrated deep   into the flesh, likely blinding him for life  and requiring full on facial reconstruction,   and that’s assuming it didn’t kill him instantly.  Point being, Big Country’s gonna be horizontal   after that, period. As for Ryan’s part in all this,   it was an absolutely spotless self defense  shooting. Visibly armed man attempting to   kidnap your critically injured friend,  doesn’t respond to commands or warnings,   smoke his a*s. Simple as that. At any rate, Ryan carries Nick back to   the campfire where the others are still trying  to piece together what exactly just went down.   And right off the bat, the first question I  gotta ask is why are you guys still sitting   out in the open right now? We’ve got monsters and  invincible rednecks screwing around out there,   and here you morons are broadcasting  your position to the entire world in the   firelight while simultaneously ruining your  night vision. f*cking Ronald McDonald could   be watching you guys from the tree line with a  field cannon and you wouldn’t have any idea.   And sure enough, the gang stops cold when  something starts rustling around in the   nearby bushes. Fortunately for them, it’s only  Jacob this time, and fortunately for him, we   didn’t fire recklessly into the vegetation. That’s  because we here at Nerd Explains follow all the   rules of firearm safety. Rule number 1: don’t be  cringe. Rule number 2: if you’re gonna shoot me,   you’d better kill me. And Rule number 3:  never waste ammunition. And that’s it.   All right, so Jacob explains what he’s seen so  far, including desiccated human bodies wrapped   in barbed wire at the bottom of the lake, and  everyone pretty much just rolls their eyes as   though nothing crazy has happened at all tonight.  The most important part of his spiel, however,   is why he’s got all that red crap on his face.  Turns out he got snapped up in an over engineered   snare trap thing, but just when it looked like  the crazy redneck from earlier was about to gut   him like a deer, the strange man, instead,  wound up cutting him free before slathering   him up in whatever that is, probably blood. Gotta say, it’s a pretty far cry from the way he   was just dragging Nick off for some DELIVERANCE  action. Must like ‘em lanky. Okay, jokes aside,   there must be more to this guy than we realize.  Guess we’ll have to find out later.   Also, it’s worth mentioning that we had control  over Jacob during that sequence and chose not to   resist the guy who was helping us, ya know,  because he was helping us. Still, it would   have been nice if he’d at least told us why he  was dumping blood on our face. Otherwise, why   wouldn’t anyone just wash it off immediately? Yeah, yeah, we’ve all used that line before.   Anyway, my guess is that it’s meant to hide  their scent, which would certainly explain   why Bubba was covered head to toe in the  stuff. And if that crazy snare trap thing   wasn’t meant for us, I can only imagine  what he’s trying to hide it from.   Actually, I don’t even have to imagine, because  it’s obviously that hellish manbearpig that   nearly tore Nick a new one. Unfortunately,  Abigail still can’t pull herself together   long enough to describe what she saw out  there, not that anyone would actually believe   Nick was attacked by a living creepypasta as  opposed to a bear or mountain lion. So, yeah,   basically no one has any idea what they’re  up against right now. Although, I will say   I’ve never heard of anyone using blood to mask  their scent while hunting regular animals.   Whatever the case, now that Jacob has put  half the property between himself and Emma,   he decides he needs to go out and find her  again, and ya know what, fine. But first,   please, for the love of God, tell everyone you  have the missing part for the van so we can get   that pile up and running ASAP. Yes, I’m sure  you’re going to get all sorts of inconvenient   questions like, “why do you have that thing  there, Jacob,” and the correct answer to that is,   “go f*uck a buzzard. I’ll explain later.” Actually, screw it. Might as well bite the bullet   now and tell them about the sabotage. Of course,  they’re all going to be furious in the moment,   but the simple reality is that as foolish as  Jacob’s move was, there is no way in a million   lifetimes he could have possibly known  something like this was going to happen,   and once the others calm down, they’ll almost  certainly realize this as well. Or maybe they   won’t. Who cares? You literally never have  to see any of these people again.   Either way, once our wheels are back online,  anyone who’s ready to leave can load up and   haul Nick to the nearest hospital, or at very  least until they get enough cell reception to   call an ambulance. Oh, yeah, quick side note  here. I’ve probably said this on the channel   fifteen times already, but remember, you should  always try texting for help when you have no   service just in case there’s barely enough signal  to get one through. It couldn’t hurt to try.   As for Emma, once the others are good to go,  Jacob can take one of the shotguns and maybe   a volunteer or two and go back for her. Or… or… he  could not do that and just ride out with everyone   else, ya know, provided they aren’t p*ssed  off to the point of abandoning him. I mean,   let’s face it, bro. She’s just not that into  you. And besides, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She   seems like a tough chick, right? Well, we’re about to find out.   Back on the island, we catch Emma  angrily monologuing over the fact   Jacob didn’t join her for one last night of  summer fun. However, she refuses to go back   and find him because she doesn’t want to  come off as needy. If only she knew.   But, hey, she’s already on the  island, and as far as she knows,   there’s nothing out here actively trying to  murder her and her friends, so what’s the   harm in filming a little video for the Gram while  she waits for Jacob to come to his senses.   After a brief walk, this brings her to the  giant treehouse structure where we’re once   again met with another decision. Do we snoop  through the abandoned duffel bag for supplies,   or just head straight up through the  trap door and into the unknown.   Honestly, this is less of a survival choice for me  since Emma doesn’t actually know she’s in danger,   but as far as video game choices go, there is  simply no way I’m moving on to a new area without   completely scouring the place for anything I  can possibly pick up. Call me what you want.   My desire to progress through the story pales  in comparison to my own greed. And besides,   we might find another gun. People seem to be  leaving them all over the place out here.   And voila. No firearms, but we did  find a can of bear mace and a stun gun,   as well as some dry clothes. Obviously, the  first two discoveries are the most exciting,   but don’t sleep on the wardrobe change. It might  be summer, but hypothermia’s still not out of the   question. That said, Emma probably won’t have to  worry about cooling down anytime soon once she   sees what’s behind door number 2. d*mn, too bad she wasn’t filming.   Now, the question is do we go for the spicy eyes  or the stun gun. Well, let’s see. Capsaicin is   a powerful chemical irritant proven to be  effective at deterring some of the largest   and most ferocious game on planet earth, and  the stun gun is a gimmicky lump of plastic   designed to make idiots feel overconfident. Yeah,  I say, bear mace the crap out of this thing.   See, he’s not so tough. And yes, Emma did catch a little   bit of back splash from that herself, but that’s  to be expected when using defensive sprays in   confined spaces. And while this might make it a  little harder for her to breathe for a minute,   I can tell you for a fact it’d be a  lot harder for her to breathe after   Nosferatu ripped her f*cking throat out. Ultimately, our quick thinking buys Emma just   enough time to evade the creature’s grasp, but  she’s by no means out of the woods just yet.   Ol’ Whatever-it-is is still hot on her trail,  forcing us to dish out another two doses of hot   sauce before she manages to barricade herself  at the top of the treehouse. Not gonna lie,   I was a little concerned we wouldn’t have enough  juice left for that third dose. Even a big can of   bear spray runs out fairly quickly. It’s generally  meant to be something you use to break contact   a single time and then replace afterwards,  kind of like a fire extinguisher. Even so,   I’d still take a dice roll over a certified  flop from the stun gun. More on that later.   For the moment, Emma is safe, however, looking at  the overall size and physicality of her attacker,   it’s only a matter of time before it either breaks  through the trap door, or simply climbs up the   outside of the structure. Knowing this, she makes  her way to the zipline at the very top and begins   slowly reeling in the handlebars to avoid further  aggravating her new best friend. Then again,   it’s not like it’s a secret she’s up there, so  we should probably speed that up a bit.   f*uck. Well, that’s not good. At this point our only two options are   either “Reel in” or “Jump” and because the zipline  hasn’t been fully retracted yet, I’m thinking   “Jump” probably means “jump in the water.”  Yeah, not a great plan. Despite the full moon,   it’s still pretty dark out, which will make it a  lot harder to spot the edge of the water as well   as any massive skull crushing rocks lying just  beneath the surface. Besides, for all we know, the   creeper swims like a fish. I mean, how else could  it have gotten out here in the first place.   In that case, I’m picking “Reel In.”  Sure, we don’t have a lot of time,   but so far Martin’s ability to follow giant  on-screen button prompts has proven adequate,   so it’ll probably be fine. And sure enough,  we manage to dodge, duck, dip, dive,   and dodge the monster’s attacks before leaping out  to the handlebars and making a clean getaway.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 450,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, how to beat movies, how to beat games
Id: MWnsnvBd51M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 54sec (7914 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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