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If a three-hundred-foot-tall folk monster was rampaging its way across the country on a mission of vengeance, what would you do? This earthen abomination walked straight out of a fairytale and he’s got a bone to pick with the people that wiped out his family. Sure, they’ve all been dead for hundreds of years, but he’s not gonna stop until he’s made sure of it. One thing’s for sure, we’d better find his weakness before Oslo’s wiped off the map, although it might not even be the creature that does it. I’m going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to beat the Troll in TROLL. It’s just another day in paradise for the men and women building the Dovre Railroad: the roar of machinery, inhaling dust with every breath, and the screeching of eco-geeks rallying against the steady march of human expansion. Must be nice having enough free time to stand around screaming all day while the people building the world around you work their fingers to the bone. In times like these, it’s the little things that make it all worth it, like clacking off a huge pile of explosives and watching the look of sadness and horror on the bleeding hearts’ faces. Strange, I think I just heard something echo out of the tunnel during the blast. I sounded like, “get a job.” All right, fun’s over. Time to Rock and Stone. Hang on, what’s that groaning sound? Did someone just grab an egg? Ah, crap, I sure hope everyone’s beneficiaries are up to date. Huh, maybe they should have listened to the rock-huggers, after all. Nah, let’s be real. No one’s ever actually going to do that. What I really don’t get is why they wouldn’t try to pile back in the pickup truck and go for the Warthog run. The tunnel is long enough that you felt the need to drive in, so what exactly makes you think you’ll be able to make it out on foot without getting pulverized? Meanwhile, back in Oslo, something about this tragedy has gotten the attention of the Ministry of Defense, prompting them to scramble a recon sortie to take a closer look at the situation. Wait, you’re really breaking out the F-35s for this? Classic government spending. Why use inexpensive drones or helicopters, or even a Cessna, when you can shell out $5K a minute sending Maverick and Goose to snap a few Polaroids? Let’s see here. Looks like we got a big hole in the ground. Excellent work, boys. Mission accomplished. Better alert the prime minister about this, not because hundreds of innocent people were just obliterated and/or trapped under a freaking mountain, of course. Don’t even bother mentioning that. We’re just looking for her expert opinion on the matter. Your prime minister, everybody, clearly the well-informed leader Norway needs in its time of crisis. Then again, it’s hardly a shocker that a world leader would be an imbecile. Probably the most realistic thing about this movie. However, it turns out the Devil’s Gullet isn’t the only thing this multi-million-dollar fly-over turned up. There appears to be a pair of giant footprints leading away from the site of the cave in, at least according to the PM’s milquetoast little lapdog, or ya know, anyone with working eyeballs. Nah, don’t be silly, dude. This is no time to go forming your own opinions based on concrete information staring you right in the face. What we really need to do is roundup a bunch of eggheads to explain this phenomenon in ways that justifies additional grant funding, which brings us to the plucky heroine of this colossal crapshow. Elsewhere, Nora Tidemann and team are in the process of celebrating their latest addition to the fossil record, when a few soldiers in a Huey swoop in to ferry her off to the brain trust. Not sure why they’d be bringing in a paleontologist when whatever this is already dug itself up and walked away, but screw it—blank check, remember? While we’re at it, let’s grab a botanist and a couple astronomers and fly them in on an SR-71. Oh, well, I’m sure she’ll be the one to crack this mystery wide open, ya know, once she’s done complaining. Okay, chill out, She Hulk. You think they brought you to a war room in a secret underground bunker to watch Jurassic Park? Obviously, what we’re dealing with here is serious crap of the highest magnitude, so maybe stop machinegunning the messenger and just appreciate the fact they actually place value on your knowledge of dinosaurs. Wow, thanks doc. Aren’t you just a joy to be around? I’m totally rooting for you and not the giant cryptid about to carve its way across through Scandinavia. You realize you’re wearing a shirt that says, “I dig dinos” on it, right? I can’t rip on her too much though, cuz while the neck beards are busy pinning this all on swamp gas and weather balloons, she’s the only one that looks at the photographs and sees footprints, which is exactly what they are. I mean, good God, is everyone else in here on spray paint? All the rest of these so-called scientists should be taken out and horse whipped for not immediately making that observation. Oh, but you just know they’re going to call it preposterous. “Ummm, actually, there are no animals that big, so therefore they must be a series of identical sinkholes separated at fixed intervals.” Fortunately, before she’s forced to address this stupidity, one of the defense…worker…people comes barging in with rock-solid evidence. As we all know, the most important part of protesting is posting videos of it on Social Media, and it just so happens one of the activists was in the middle of this when the collapse occurred, giving us a front row seat to her and her friends getting absolutely shrecked by falling debris. I don’t know. Might just be a smudge on the lens. Wait, so you mean to tell me that neither of the fighter jets that arrived on the scene within minutes spotted the literal giant the size of an upright warship lumbering away from the crater? Awesome. Just your tax dollars at work. It’s a good thing miss insta-clout was more concerned about filming the eruption than running for her life. Pinky swear we totally won’t let her sacrifice be in vain. Following the Mensa meeting, Lapdog informs Nora she’s been made scientific advisor to the PM. Yeah, don’t get too excited for her. This is pretty much like when President Camacho did the same for Not Sure. You’re not a genius; you’re just the smartest idiot. For her first assignment, she’s being sent to investigate the site of where King Kong smooshed some old couple’s home for, like, no freaking reason. For real, there’s literally nothing around in every direction. Thing is probably just trying to get a rise out of people. Once on the ground, she meets up with Captain Chris Holmes, who brings her up to speed on the situation, ya know, cuz all this really needs an explanation. Unfortunately, besides it making sad whale noises while tearing the crap out of their house, the homeowners can’t provide any real information on the creature that did this, and there’s no trace of any biological material inside any of the footprints. What they do find, however, is some kind of pungent smell lingering in the area. According to Nora, it sort of smells like nature, only more than that. Man, if only there were a word to describe this. Hypernature, of course. Jesus Christ, if she’s really the smartest person in Norway, it’s not looking good. With the addition of Captain Holmes to their party for… reasons, Commander Shepard and company set out to study the area where the giant footprints suddenly disappeared. Oh, “Camouflage?” she writes in her notebook. Well, unless it somehow camouflaged itself down about a thousand tons, we’d still be seeing the footprints, wouldn’t we? Otherwise, it would still have to be right there, so let’s go check it out. Wait, on second thought, let’s not. Instead, I say we have Captain Boyfriend over here ask his buddies to work this place over with the 155s until it looks like Verdun. After all, it was an explosion that got this thing moving in the first place, right? Having reached a dead end, Nora begrudgingly admits they need to bring in an expert, and luckily, she knows just the guy. A brief chopper ride later, they arrive at a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere, only to be met by a wide-eyed old hermit with a coach gun, and no pants. The surprises keep coming, however, as it turns out No-bark Noonan here is actually Nora’s father, although apparently there’s a bit of estrangement involved here. I can’t imagine why. Really? You’re gonna go to the troll guy for help and then act all mad off when he starts talking about trolls? Besides, what else could it possibly be? No, no, you’re right; it’s just too farfetched. What we got here is a Pacific Rim Jaeger in toe shoes using jump jets. Although, it did come out of a mountain, and there’s no burn marks on the ground. Hmmm, this really only leaves trolls. God, why does everyone have to cling to the whole “it can’t possibly be (dot, dot, dot)” schtick. “Zombies? That’s ridiculous. Millions of people must have all ate pounds of Dr. Teals epsom salts at the same time.” Did you not see the swimming pool sized footprints going on for miles? What about the footage of what can only be described as a massive humanoid creature rising from dormancy beneath a mountain? He isn’t asking you to believe these things turn to stone in sunlight or smell the blood of Christians, ya know, yet, but with all other explanations out the window, isn’t it possible that some of that folklore might have been based around a modicum of truth? Despite Tobias’ troll trutherism still forming a wedge in his relationship with Nora, he eagerly invites himself along for the ride, and the gang dusts off to revisit the spot where the tracks left off. Much to his daughter’s embarrassment, the old man’s methods prove a bit… unorthodox, and his constant use of the T word is giving her a massive flare up of everyone’s favorite character flaw. What, you didn’t think I was just gonna ignore her unresolved daddy issues that will almost certainly affect her decision making throughout this entire ordeal, did you? Face it. It’s Current Year. If today’s writers had any original tools up their sleeves, I’d probably be out of a job. Just then, Nora notices that smell again, ya know… Yes. Hypernature, only this time it’s coming straight from the source. Yikes. Imagine alienating yourself from your father, and then scolding him like a child in front of complete strangers, only to come face to face with thirty stories of “I told you so.” Sure, he’s not exactly the most grounded of individuals, but Nora’s not exactly one to talk. After all, the rest of you must be out of your friggin minds to actually get out and walk around the end of the bunny trail like that. What, do you think this thing just wiggled its nose and teleported back to Narnia or whatever? In fact, the entire MOD would have to be completely freaking nanners not to immediately blitz the house when they saw where the sidewalk ends. Oh, that’s right, they’re still thinking it might be some kind of high school prank. In that case, it’s a good thing we were able to get airborne before the Big, Fugly Giant gobbled us up like Raisinets. Otherwise, this thing would probably be standing right on top of them before they managed to pull their collective heads out. Now that we’ve finally tracked the creature down, we can’t let this opportunity go to waste. Instead of booking it back to base after a ten-second zoom call, we should loiter outside his reach until the military can establish a 24/7 elephant walk of RQ-20 Puma surveillance drones to monitor its every move. From there, the primary goal is containment. As long as we can keep the troll down in this Ravine, we don’t have to worry about collateral damage, and that goes for both him and us. Look, I’m no military strategist by any means, but at this point, I think we can justify rolling in a few of Norway’s several dozen F35As to see what big boy’s made out of, and with Dovre only being about 150 miles from a Norwegian Air Base, we could have them on the scene within minutes of leaving the runway. Since we don’t have to worry about stealth, we can take full advantage of each jet’s four internal and six external weapon stations to weigh them down with as many JDAMs and AGMs as possible. That said, I’d still kick things off by raking him head to toe with a GAU-22A rotary cannon in case all it takes to put him down is a well-placed tungsten penetrator from a 25-millimeter APEX round. If he’s somehow still standing after all that, then the remote location would allow us to slap him with a few home-grown land attack cruise missiles without the risk of endangering human life or infrastructure. And before you start tapping away in the comments about how old troll face is a mythical being and could, therefore, be impervious to all our mortal devices, Papa Tobi already mentioned that most of his kind were wiped out during the Christianization of Norway, which took place like a millennium ago. I mean, come on, what the heck could they have had back then we don’t have ten-thousand-fold now, ye olde death ray? If it makes you feel better, we can spare a few minutes to draw crosses on our missiles or douse them all in Holy Water before the main event. One way or another, today the world becomes a little less magical. Or not, because what do you think the MOD opts for upon seeing the giant, lumbering biped with no means of ranged attack? Yeah, cue the obligatory “boots on the ground” debacle. I wonder how this is going to go. Oh, and just for fun let’s have the untrained civilians tag along, ya know, the pathetic wimpy one, the NPD girl boss with daddy issues, and the semi-sane, troll-pilled geriatric that hates humanity. Whoa, whoa. Hold up. Isn’t that against the rules? Well, she did ask nicely. Great. Can’t wait to see how many brave soldiers are sacrificed to save a bunch of stupid randos after they get cut off. Ah, yes, such refreshing pessimism. Can always count on Tobias for a truth bomb. Of course, once you see their half-baked battle plan, it becomes pretty clear the geezer might be onto something. So, you’re facing down an unprecedented threat of unknown magnitude and all you’re willing to throw at are four self-propelled guns some distance away and a couple dozen grunts with all of two AT4s to share between them. No air support, no main battle tanks, and not even a single CV90 infantry fighting vehicle to work it over with the Bofors gun. You’re all gonna freaking die! First off, you’re springing the ambush by sending two small teams right up to the troll to pop off with unguided, should-fire rockets, and judging by the blasts, I’m gonna say you went for the high explosive rounds instead of the high penetration. And then, when that fails, you light him up with indirect fire from the M109s, which you can’t even do without nearly obliterating the retreating soldiers. Sure, the guns manage to keep him pinned down for a minute, but once they inevitably stop firing, you have nothing else to hit him with, which is why he’s currently stomping you all to death like a bunch of stupid cockroaches. Okay, let’s rewind back to life for a second. The four guys that they sent in first must have just gotten caught with the general’s daughter, cause they were basically being sacrificed to the troll. Yes, the Gungooses they rode in on are awesome and I want one, but what’s the point of putting a bunch of squishy dudes with minimal firepower fifty yards away from this thing when a sabot round from the main gun on one of Norway’s fifty-sum-odd Leopard 2A4s can penetrate over twenty inches of RHA from a mile away. With RHA being significantly harder to penetrate than the stone armor the troll’s wearing, those APFSDS rounds shouldn’t have any trouble poking through its skull and into it’s brain based on the perceived thickness around the eye. Norways also got FGM-148 Javelin’s which can crack over 30 inches of RHA. Sure the troll doesn’t give off a heat signature, but you can direct-fire the Javelins at its head. If anything, we should have used the ATVs to lure him into a kill zone pre-sighted for artillery fire, then once he’s temporarily immobilized, we light him up from a distance with no fewer than a dozen main battle tanks and all the Javelins they could muster until they run out of ammo. As they say, you don't stop shooting until they hit the ground. At that point, if Big Chungus isn’t leaking like a sieve, we should all GTFO and let the flyboys handle it, ya kn ow like we should have done in the first place. Oh, and that reminds me, just like drillers in the beginning, why did everyone choose to disperse on foot when they would have easily jumped in their vehicles and driven away? Do you honestly think you’re going to outrun something with legs the size of cellphone towers? Predictably, the goat rodeo concludes with our heroes among the sole survivors, along with this guy. Yeah, you’d better pray, dude; I can’t even find your name in the credits. That said, I don’t see this working out for anybody, only one thing to do now. And sure enough, it seems our friend has caught a whiff of something tasty. No, not that. Evidently, the stories of trolls being able to smell the blood of Christian’s weren’t as greatly exaggerated as we thought. Lucky for team Nora, they figured this out in time to split before getting munched alongside Saint Nacho. Hey, man, I know getting eaten alive by a troll is scary and all, but if you’re gonna go out anyway, the least you could do is clack off a couple claymores inside his esophagus. If it works, the rest of us totally won’t take credit for it; I promise. However, instead of taking advantage of the man’s death to escape with his friends, old Papa Tobi decides that looked pretty cool and rushes in to get himself devoured too. Sadly, before he can get his wish, one of the last remaining soldiers starts popping off with the ma deuce, and it doesn’t go well for either of them. Yeah, nice try, Audi Murphy. What, did you sleep through the part where this freakshow shrugged off multiple direct hits from a howitzer? As for Tobias, old man must have eaten his Wheaties this morning, because instead of being smeared across the grass like raspberry jam, he somehow manages to keep it together long enough to ramble incoherently for a few seconds. Yeah, I don’t know. Something about a palace and a kingdom. Dude just broke every bone in his body. Nothing he says is probably going to make sense at this point. That said, might be worth checking in with the royal family in case they have any hidden troll knowledge. After all, the Norwegian Monarchy’s been around since 872 AD. If it’s true that troll-kind was eradicated around that time, it’s possible the crown might have some kind of record on it. Following the dismal failure of their first attempt, the MOD is now planning to hit the troll with an airstrike, ya know, a full twelve hours after tossing dozens of perfectly good men into the meat grinder with woefully insufficient firepower. However, upon hearing that the Norwegian government is about to make a half-decent decision for the first time since this nightmare first began, Nora immediately flips out and demands they do something painfully stupid instead. Assume? You just witnessed this thing sniff out a man’s religion. There’s definitely some things the fairytales got right. That said, this thing’s also been walking around in broad daylight, so who knows which parts we’re supposed to believe. Fact is, if Beowulf knew about Apache Helicopters, he would’ve definitely wanted one, so how about we save the hopes and dreams for when we’ve exhausted all the conventional options that we can actually comprehend. Nah, screw it, let’s just run with the very first thing the paleontologist thinks of and put men’s lives at risk making it a reality. And just what is this surefire plan? Well, because the trolls in the fairytales hated the sounds of church bells, Nora figures they can just strap a bunch of bells to helicopters and hover around the real deal, causing him to… question mark. Yeah, I might be willing to try this if the folklore said this made them explode, but for all we know it’s just going to send him into a murderous rage. Oh, well, no time for follow up questions. The birds are already in the air, and just in time to catch the colossus as it stomps its way through yet another easily avoidable, occupied structure. This time it’s some kind of weirdo, troll-themed family fun park, or something. Sure, everyone’s a troll-lover until a troll shows up. Just imagine seeing something like this lumbering in out of nowhere only to have a bunch of government helicopters sweep in and start ringing bells at it. Yeah, we’re not living in a simulation or anything. What’s even crazier, however, is that it actually seems to be working. Then again, you try keeping your composure with four huge church bells ringing right next to your head. Either way, might be a good idea to fly a little bit higher. I mean, right now you’re just barely outside his reach. Closer!? What are you, drunk? The bells are clearly taking a toll on him from here. Moving closer is just going to make it easier for him to swat us out of the sky. Just like that. *Sigh* Yeah, that’s pretty much how I saw this going from the start. I mean, come on. You think a massive chunk of metal swinging back and forth on the skids is going to affect our ability to maneuver at all? If anything, we should have tried hitting him with amplified recordings of a church bell via LRAD. At least then we could maintain a safe distance. Frankly, I’m surprised it took the troll as long as it did to turn the tables. What’s really shocking; however, is the way Hugo catches one of the falling choppers before it straight up pancakes these two brainiacs down below. Let me guess. Now we’re supposed to believe he’s really Good-guy Greg after watching him tromp through someone’s home and go crashing through a crowded park full of innocent bystanders. Speaking of which, you’re probably wondering why the theme park hadn’t already been evacuated. Well, that’s because the Norwegian government didn’t want to cause a panic. Yeah, looks like you got one. Oh, and now since you didn’t bother to warn the public about the giant, man-eating beast marauding through the countryside, they’re going to assume you’ve been lying to them about all sorts of other stuff as well. I mean, let’s face it. You definitely have, but now it’s gonna be a lot harder. Can we go back to the kid under the helicopter? What the freak are you doing standing under a crashing helicopter. Run. And what is your dad even doing? You left him standing out in the open under the MOD’s inevitably catastrophic crap show of a Troll Raid, and now when he’s about to get blended up your bright idea is to throw your body on top of him. Like that will do anything.. You picked the worst of the three options. The other two would be to 1. Stand back and let Darwinian evolution burn out the dead brush, or two, use nature’s 5 scoops of preworkout to pick his butt up and shove him out of harm's way. I digress. The good news is that now that the cat is out of the bag, we might as well invoke Article 5 of NATO and have Uncle SAM come to the rescue, ya know, show us how to really spend money. Of course, that would also expand our toolbox to include the literal nuclear option, which might be worth considering with this thing just a few hours outside the capital. I’m thinking a good, old fashioned B61-12 guided thermonuclear bunker-buster. Not only can it penetrate three meters of solid earth without generating much fallout, it’ll really annoy all the rock huggers, ya know, once they unbury themselves from the rockslide. That said, if we’re trying to keep our atomic footprint down to a bare minimum, I guess we could always seek out a true believer willing to pull a Major Kong and feed himself to the troll while strapped to a B54 Mod 2 man-portable atomic demolition munition. Just a thought. With Operation Jingle Bells being a complete failure, Nora is called back to the Prime Minister’s office for a thorough dressing down. However, the way she sees it, this was actually a step in the right direction. An effect? For real? That’s what you’re going with? The dummy bells were even less effective than the artillery strike, and at least with the guns you wouldn’t have to put valuable military resources and personnel within arm’s reach of this thing. PM should have canned her the moment she opened her mouth with that nonsense. Now in addition to the fact they withheld critical troll-related information from the people, they have to deal with the national embarrassment of having taken strategic advice from someone who stares at dusty old bones all day. However, despite falling out of favor with the Citadel Counsel, it seems Commander Shepard still commands the respect of her crew, with her faithful Lapdog offering to give her a ride back to…wherever. The two make their way through the mid-evacuation gridlock, all the while Nora continues poring over her father’s notes. Evidently, Tobias thought the key to all this was something called Sinding, which Lapdog immediately associates with the Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Palace, Ricard Sinding. Hey, ya know, given your father’s last words, I’d say that checks out. After all, what else could palace mean, except the freaking palace! Should probably have followed up on that before staking your reputation on Pavlov’s Air Raid. Upon reaching the royal manor, the troll team nearly gets dome sliced by the guards. Yeah, I get time’s a factor and all, but it probably wasn’t a good idea to go racing up to the front gate like you had a trunk full of wired-up artillery shells. Fortunately, Sinding just so happens to recognize Nora purely off her resemblance to Tobias. Once inside, the old man spills immediately and takes them down to visit one of Norway’s deepest, darkest secrets. I mean, literally; it’s in a pitch-black cave underneath the palace. Of course, given the nature of what the secret is, that’s probably where it belongs. Yeah, brace for exposition dump. So, it turns out Nora’s dad was right about what happened to the trolls, and evidently this is where the final blow was struck. According to Sinding, the crusaders ambushed the uglies and Red Wedding’d them down to a single pair of survivors: the Troll King and his last remaining son. However, it didn’t stop there. The knights then used the youngling to lure his father into a trap they laid in the Dovre mountains, burying them both alive beneath millions of tons of rock and stone, that is until mankind came knocking once again. Yeah, cool, story bro, but how exactly does this help us out with the current situation? I mean, the least you could do is tell us how the knights went about racking up all these kills. Eh, never mind, Nora would probably just blow it off in favor of strapping some comically oversized object to a vehicle too small to reasonably transport it. And by the looks of it, those gears are already turning. Ah, Jesus. So, wait a minute. We’re supposed to believe that at no point while this thing was walking around in broad daylight did it soak up enough rays to pull a Dracula? Give me a break. If Nora’s pocket flashlight was enough to set their friggin bones on fire, then whatever trace amounts coming through the clouds and/or reflecting off the landscape would be more than enough to light this idiot up like a roman candle. I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m just saying we should be open to the possibility that we’re dealing with a day-walker here. Afterall, you sure as heck don’t become King of the Trolls off your good looks. Ya know what? Fine. I guess I should be grateful her plan doesn’t involve singing it to sleep. Speaking of which, Nora’s latest million-dollar idea is to load a baby troll skull in the back of ye olde Chevy pickup and use it to bait the Liver King into a crossfire of industrial UV lights. And just where is she gonna get these lights, you might ask? I dunno, that’s Garrus Vakarian’s problem. Seriously, dude, get on it. Birthday boy’s gonna be here any second. Check that. Looks like he’s already kicked in the front door. Just then, Lapdog receives troubling news from a friend in the MOD. With the main barricade having been breached, the PM has authorized the use of an experimental plot device to put the troll down for good, while also leveling most of Oslo. Hey, remember when they were gonna try this out in the middle of nowhere, but then you were like “no, let’s use bells instead.” Boy, that was fun. Realizing this won’t give her nearly enough time to solve everything her way and no one else’s, Nora tells Lapdog to have it rescheduled, so he asks his friend to just hack the F35 carrying the missile and stop it from firing. How hard could that be? My, God, she actually said it. Oh, and guess what. She does it immediately. All right, okay, I’m making it sound easier than it was. It actually took her three tries. Yeah, I’d say the Norwegian Military needs to watch a few more Mental Outlaw videos, but I honestly don’t know enough about cyber security to say whether something like this is plausible. I mean, she is a professional geek working from the inside. I dunno. Computer nerds, lend me your knowledge down in the comments section. With their ticking clock forestalled, Nora stomps on the gas to go wrangle herself a troll, and it doesn’t take long before she’s got one. Oof, nothing like the sight of your child’s skull being lugged around like a used couch to light a fire under your butt. One thing’s for sure, Captain Holmes and his men better be ready to light this sucker up like Snoop Dogg’s basement. Otherwise, we’ll probably be wishing that super missile came in right on time. Bro, are you kidding me? Unless four eyes can hack the troll, we’re getting there when we get there. Get a move on. “All right, boys, we have ten minutes until we’re all violently stomped to death by a mythical creature, and as I’ve already explained that’s not enough time to ready the trap, so let me go ahead and spend two whole minutes monologuing like Thomas J. Whitmore instead of actually taking care of our critically important part of the plan.” Yeah, thanks a lot, Captain. Luckily, we’re able to make up some time after losing the baby skull out the back of the truck. Whoa, whoa, why are you turning around? What’d do you think the two of you can dead lift three tons of bone by yourselves? Oh, great, now the troll’s making sad faces while staring introspectively at its own reflection. I mean, come on. You were literally just using the slaughtered remains of its offspring to lure it into a death trap. Don’t tell me you’re catching feels now. Eventually, Nora manages to staunch her bleeding heart long enough to realize the feeling isn’t mutual and whips the pickup around in a perfect 180, ya know, just like she was taught in paleontologist school. And by the looks of it, she’s right on time. The defense minister himself finally caught on to le heckin awesome hacker chick’s shenanigans, and she was swiftly dealt with in the harshest manner known to the Norwegian military: being harshly told to stop and getting her laptop taken away. Now that the missile systems are back online, we only have a couple minutes max to reach the ambush point, and Chris’s team still hasn’t finished setting up the lights. Hmmm, I wonder why? With the finish line now insight, Nora, realizes they’re going to have to lose some weight to have any hope of outrunning the troll, so she orders Lapdog to jettison himself away from the vehicle, but it’s still not enough. However, before trollzilla can dish out the coup de grace, one of the military vehicles just sorta honks its horn a few times, and he completely forgets she ever existed. Just then, Captain Holmes throws the switch, instantly engulfing the target in an aura of unspeakable torment, only it’s too late; the F35 has already started its attack run. Nah, I’m just kidding. The pilot sees everyone before launching the strike and the general calls it off, ya know, even though they were right about to level an entire city wherein there would inevitably be people that didn’t evacuate. Man, we are just dodging bullets left and right. Unfortunately, there’s still one final threat we can’t escape: misplaced compassion. Holy crap, just because it’s ugly and bearded does not make it your father. We all saw what happened after the artillery strike. Someone, quick, shoot her in the back before her daddy issues get us all killed! Miraculously, Nora’s unchecked flip flopping doesn’t immediately result in everyone being eaten alive. Instead, the troll king appears to heed her desperate pleas for him to return to the mountain, except there’s one thing they’re all forgetting. Time to say good night, or should I say, “good morning,” which is what a normal hero would have said in a world where people haven’t brutally conditioned to despise their own kind. “Oh, humans are the real monsters.” Barf. Rest in pieces, smelly. And with the dawning of a new day, Norway is finally safe from its own folklore, or is it? In the end, the Troll finally got put in the dirt, although not without taking dozens of lives and causing God knows how many dollars in property damage. That said, had the Ministry of Defense actually bothered to launch anything more than a half-baked ambush involving only a tiny fraction of the firepower at their disposal, they probably could have pinned this thing down for a tanning session long before it ever reached city limits, and for that reason, I think TROLL was beaten. Moral of the story, always put on sunscreen before a rampage.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 515,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, nerd explains, troll, cinema summary, dead meat
Id: uAN6a8Gw3oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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