HOW TO BEAT: The Hole in the Ground

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so you might have just watched a video on a psychological horror film the hole in the ground but you're still looking for more answers don't worry I've got you covered because I'm going to be breaking down the movie going over the mistakes made along the way and tell you about the details that you deftly missed as well as ways to prove the changings are real and destroyed their nests first you will analyze the details of some key scenes and gather information we need to beat the monsters if you want to jump ahead to those sections go to the timestamps below if you got your own ideas let me know in the comments down below this is the hole in the ground so let's jump straight into this one the film is about a woman who believes her child is taken by creatures and replaced by a shape-shifting imposter but what are these creatures here's what you don't know these creatures are mainly based on legendary changelings which the director of the film confirmed as his source of inspiration changelings of the offspring of fairies that replace the children of human families think of them as like serial killing Tinker Bell's ish so who are the poor Schmucks about the deal with that well Sara and Chris who are moving to the middle of nowhere Ireland far from the demons of their past she almost went to this creepy old woman standing in the road whose muttering under her breath and staring at Chris old ladies of horror movies never a good sign the O'Neill is moving to this fixer-upper but that night after dinner we learned that Sara lied to Chris about his dad coming with them and runs away after calling his mom a liar the joys of motherhood chasing after him Sara can't seem to find Chris anywhere in the dark wood but she does hear him screaming from somewhere and stumbling around she ends up near this giant sinkhole like its massive it's gotta be as big as a football field smack dab in the middle of this clearing and the thought occurs to Sara did Chris fall to the hole well no he's fine and he's sorry for throwing a temper tantrum did you catch that this scene has key information that we need to beat the changelings this hole is where the changings live and we learned that they disguise themselves as the children they kidnapped and replace them but one weakness is that they can't steal the children's and memories if you want to beat them we need to use this against them so when Chris says I know that dad makes you sad this confirms that he didn't fall into the hole and hasn't been kidnapped or replaced yet now as the you Neil get used to living here Chris is doing good in school if a bit of a loner while Sarah is making friends or some of the locals but as you can see she's a bit distracted but the conversation turns to Noreen Brady that crazy woman Sarah met who rumor has it ran over her son with a car no if she had guard surance during the night Sarah wakes up to the floor creaking and checking it out she finds that Chris is missing from his bed in fact he's nowhere in the house did you see that for split second someone was poking their head out behind the tree there you can see that it's actually Chris but he's shirtless in hiding like so like Scoob let's get out of here reah rachel urato we're sprinting back home she goes to call the cops to report Chris missing but she hears a Ford creaking and Chris's here waiting outside of his room he's been here the whole time which brings me to the next key piece of information changelings are very sneaky and fast they've managed to slip into the house take Chris bury him and get back all up in the blink of an eye and they've broken - the previous night - i sarah find the front door open in the middle of the night so how can we use this information to beat them sarah obviously should have locked all the windows and doors after finding open the first night look I get it they're in the middle of the woods but it's honestly common sense in the most basic way to protect yourself this would have taken away their advantages stealth and left them to brute-force making more noise and giving Sarah better chance to prevent it but as it is Sarah isn't sure what's happening and why Chris went missing whether she was hallucinating or Chris was naked out in the forest like an ancient druid either way Sarah's not taking any chances and kids checked out by a doctor on the next day and she leaves a doctor were three weeks worth of sleeping pills now when she wakes up the next morning she finds Chris has a bouquet of flowers for her that he got from the guard it's unexpected almost out of character at school chris has made some friends and as the two of them drive back home there's a small detail that you might miss but when Sarah asks him about his new friends Chris mentions a Stewart Mackin so when he earlier called a buttface and when Sarah asks him wait didn't you hate him he gets this look on his face that's almost scared like he was caught in a lie but that's when they run into that crazy lady Noreen again standing at the end of the road and when surge fisa get her to move out of the way she tells Sarah they got her husband - is there to rein her in Sarah takes out her cue to leave but as they're about to go Noreen begins shouting and slapping the window like a crazy person which I mean she is but looking at Sara's face it gives her something to think about the next thing when she goes over to talk to Noreen about her boy she finds the old bat lying face-down Ravens nipping at her skin as her heads been buried in a hole in the ground what the hell is going on now take a look at what you missed our next key point to mention is that changing to hide their true identity at all costs in this scene Chris is instantly on guard of Noreen because she knows who Chris really is she doesn't respond to the car honking but to Chris's Changeling being nearby zeroing in on this instinct that she knows him and he definitely knows her her son James was replaced by changeling long ago and after being shipped off to see a doctor she came back and ran James over with NASA's car chris is changeling likely knew about James's own imposter and knows who killed him and why she ends up dead the next morning to keep his secret safe and get revenge if Noreen hadn't could friended the changeling she would be alive and be able to help Sarah defeat him the best thing to do here is to quietly gather evidence and let the changeling think that you don't suspect anything it gives you time it makes them less guarded this is really important because otherwise you'll end up dead just like Noreen the thought is terrifying and when Sarah's being interviewed by the cops about the body she has this vision or hallucination she's looking across the way to her son having this arm wrestling match of this guy she sees that he's strong like really really strong and he breaks the other guy's arm at the wrist just thank God is all hallucination or was it when Sarah returns back to that giant hole going out for a jog she finds someone at Chris's action figures nearby she needs answers and dinner is the perfect time for that Sarah asks him if he's been outside and where's been playing with Chris sane again and again no I haven't and Chris gets so angry that he shoved the table plates and all so hard that he pushes back his mom against the counter it here's another key moment we learned that changelings are freakishly strong and this time it's not just the vision we can use this information against it because we learn it is easily provoked which could help us prove that chris is a changeling provoked aided in public would be best as it keeps you safer than confronted alone and hopefully people don't just think that the kids on steroids of course that's not the only hint that Clues Sarah in that night she's enjoying some me time doing her home spa thing and she hears noises coming from Chris's room and she creeps down below to peek under the doorframe and we see the spider crawling on the floor increases their crawling after it on all fours like an animal it's weird because Chris is afraid of spiders and now he's fine with it and when she peeks with a keyhole to get a better look at what's happening she sees him hunched over like a goblin or something munching on the spider and it freaks Sarah out you know if that was my son we'd be having a talk like dude you know we have leftovers in the fridge was my cookie that bad that you would literally rather eat spiders that's it from now on you're eating bugs for dinner don't come cried to me because you may suspect any sundaes again you brought this on yourself so anyways she takes the child to the doctor for a visit and the doctor finds that nothing's wrong with him it's not the most unusual thing a child's even now even though the doctor doesn't believe her Sarah's got a plan and goes to buy a digital camera that she hides in Chris's incredibly neat and tidy room yeah definitely not her kid alrighty good for that matter I mean have you seen my bedroom yeah anyways she finds the perfect place to hide a digital camera that she leaves running in this hole now I really wish she was more careful because Chris finds her and Esther what she's doing in his room and she tries to wave it off as just doing laundry but you can tell the both mother and child are stuck in a cold war as they are both suspicious of what the other one knows and when Sarah comes back for the camera the next day she sees something shocking that might prove she's not crazy and this brings us to proving the changeling is a changeling without Sarah letting and know what she's trying to do the best ways for Sarah to get as much information as she can to prove that something is wrong with Chris taking that along with video recordings of Chris's odd behavior she could then go to a child psychologist and give them all this evidence a child psychologist would ask the changing questions about its mood about its memories like keep telling me you felt scared do you miss your dad things are the change they wouldn't be able to answer and the psychologist would be able to confirm Sarah's thoughts yeah there is something wrong for your son but okay what if the changeling is able to pass all the questions since we know he was able to behave normally in a social environment at school talking with other kids and befriending Chris's voli we might need some harder evidence Sara took a camera and evidence to desks but it turned out to be a big mistake des doesn't believe what he sees and destroys the camera but we do learn some key information from the scene that we can use to prove the changelings are real des tell Sarah that Noreen used mirrors that check if someone was a changeling because the reflection showed their true form something Sarah can do is hang up mirrors throughout the house keeping them around places where the changeling would be and secretly take photos of its reflection using her smartphone now wait a minute there are several scenes where the changeling is in the car where he should have been seen in the rearview or sideview mirrors but if you look closely the sideview mirror isn't there because it broke off the first time Sarah ran into Noreen with the photo the changings reflection and of course that changed they locked up she has enough evidence to prove without a doubt that she isn't a crazy unfortunately she doesn't do any of that and now she's beginning to crack we see how far she's gone as she watched this performance at school the kids in chris's class sing the song with smiles but chris is soulless and when it's his turn he speaks it [Music] [Applause] never blinking only staring straight at Sarah and freaks out running off like a L'Oreal commercial the long hair bouncy floor Lauria because I'm worth it Sarah's now more determined than ever and is hatching a plan those are her meds in the rubbish there and it seems her plan revolves around cooking up Chris's favorite spaghetti and she's very careful not to sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on her pasta whatever she's put into it makes Chris all sleepy and tired that should make it easier to deal with his super strength smart and was even smarter is that she's gonna play a game with him his favorite game of making funny faces to each other after the count of three guess what Chris doesn't know what to do and now they're at a stalemate okay maybe not a stalemate he definitely has the upper hand you know as smart as Sarah has been up until now this has got to be the stupidest thing she could have done tricking the shapeshifter into a Mexican standoff and she doesn't even have a weapon with her it's a great strategy if you want your last words to be I told you so not so much if you want to find your kid and live now she's waking up except that she's in a forest being buried alive by the child wait chris is falling going to a drug laced ooh parmesan induced food coma right next to his mom who struggles to get back up and dragged that child back home dropping him down to the basement like a sack of potatoes but she's got a mirror which he holds him next to the child's face and whatever the hell replaced Chris he is not happy with Sarah waking up and attacking her only to get his hand slammed into a wall that was super easy and she locks the thing in the basement but as soon as she gets out the thing in there starts screaming its head off and when it stops she realizes where she has to go and although this feels like a bad idea Sarah with nothing more than a flashlight jumps into that massive hole in the forest sinking into these old tunnels but they're crammed full of dirt soil bones human bones which have been here for who knows how long but looking closely that's school right there has two missing front teeth I guess we know what happened to him and to Chris who she finds here asleep carrying her son to take him back around Sarah she's more of those things waking up in the cave now one of them chases her and Sarah makes a mad dash out of there but as she's dragging Chris out that thing grabs her wrist and Sarah just began smacking on this thing's wrist then she stops because she realizes it now has a human hand and face her face looking at the other Sarah you can see there's something missing in her eyes something not quite human now somehow she gets out of her son and goes back home to pick up the car keys but there's still one loose thread to deal with the thing locked in the basement was still life Sarah's got the solution burn it burn it to the ground destroy any chance of this nightmare coming back to get them and leaving it all behind going from one who start to the next Sarah returns to her studies in the city away from her husband and from the whole and yet that paranoia that trauma confusion still remains still unsure for son isn't one of those things as she has mirrors placed throughout the house it seems like Sara's figured everything out she was smart enough aim determined enough to find her kid and rescue him find out of the changing wasn't her son and of course when I get out of there alive however she made a lot of mistakes so let's rewind the funny thing about horror movies is that they never talk about what happens after the hero survives sure Sara was able to burden on the home and probably kill the changeling locked inside of it but that's a stupid idea as soon as she leaves town people are going to be wondering what happened why she left in a hurry and why Chris hasn't been coming into school lately someone's going to come poking around find the house and the charred remains of a looks like a child in the ruins an investigation is going to be opened and Sara will be the prime suspect in an arson murder investigation how is she going to explain the body the police will be asking her friends in the village and they will tell them how unhinged Sara became about her son not being Hurst a delusion that she shared with Noreen desta's wife who also killed her own son so that one can get for Sara who won't be able to give any answer that doesn't sound crazy she's also left a whole bunch of loose ends untied the nested changelings who are going to get revenge on the nearby towns folk taking their children and replacing them again and again and again thanks a lot Sarah last time I invite you to the school bake-off did that end how do we beat the changelings once Sara has proven that the changes are real and that her son was abducted she can tell them about the whole and the fact that she found human remains down there these things should get people over to the hole to excavated cops excavation teams emergency medical personnel or strangers people like that who could cordon off the area dig it up and put a stop to the clan of changelings down there the human bones alone would make this a heavily monitored crime scene if a changeling came out it would definitely be seen by someone at least they would know what they're up against they could do a variety of things like smoke them out said deadly traps around the exit hole blow the tunnels of dynamite I mean once the government gets involved what could go wrong and there you have it ways we shared the that changelings were real and ways to destroy the changing zest once and for all but what do you guys think what else could have Sarah done let me know I'm curious and hey if you're into this sort of thing learning about monsters and how to beat them I've got a whole playlist up on the channel already that you can check out thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like down below and of course subscribe for more content and until next time have a damn good day
Channel: Cinema Summary
Views: 4,175,521
Rating: 4.9396758 out of 5
Keywords: the hole in the ground, how to beat
Id: 83Bg2c6asrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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