How to Beat the EVIL SMOG in "THE MIST" (2007)

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If a thick mist suddenly rolled into your town, and anyone who entered that mist got slaughtered, what would you do? In this How to Beat video, we’ll follow the characters, see if we can make better decisions, and ultimately attempt to beat the evil smog in, the mist. If you think you have a better way to beat it, let me know in the comments! If you like these how to beat videos, consider subscribing. We start out following the Punisher doing a little art in his spare time. There’s a pretty wicked lightning storm raging outside. It’s a good thing David takes his family downstairs, because the storm sends a massive tree through their front window. It also knocked out all the power and cell service in the area, so David makes plans to grab some extra supplies and food. While observing their completely demolished boathouse, they notice a mist rolling in from the mountains. Like David said, it’s moving in pretty fast, but it’s not impossible or anything to really be alarmed about. David, his son Billy, and his neighbor Brent all hop in the Landcruiser and head out to get supplies. On the way to the supermarket, a convoy of military trucks passes by. Normally, military trucks passing by would be cause for some concern, but it’s not crazy that the National Guard would be helping out with disaster relief after a storm like that. So they aren’t the National Guard. If this military convoy is coming from an infamous Area 51 type base, you should be a little more concerned. It doesn’t really change anything though, the most reasonable thing to do is get food and supplies and return home. When the tornado siren turns on, it’s pretty clear something is not right. A senior man with a bloody nose comes running into the store. He busts in yelling that there’s something in the mist that took his friend. He yells to shut the doors so the mist can’t get in. We have no reason not to trust what this guy is saying, and obviously he got hurt from something. This guy and the tornado sirens is easily enough evidence to shut the doors and hunker down. Well, not for this guy. Honestly, running to your car to drive away from the fog is pretty reasonable, depending on your car’s location, how far away the fog was and how fast it’s rolling in, how fast you can run, or if you have James Bond’s BMW with it’s Smart Summon feature. This guy was actually pretty close to making it, but fumbled his keys and got killed. After hearing Mr. El Camino’s deathly screams, they lock the doors and windows to prevent the mist from getting in. We don’t know how this guy died, it could’ve been some kind of poisonous gas cloud that he inhaled. But it didn’t sound like he was asphyxiated, and he died more abruptly than chemicals would typically kill. Sarin gas is among the deadliest, and it still takes a couple minutes. His screams sounded more like he was being physically attacked by something, and with the senior man talking about something taking John Lee, it sounds like there is some form of predator out there. I’d cover my face with some cloth to prevent inhaling any gas, grab a knife, and get someone who knows the store layout so we can move through the building checking all the windows and doors to make sure they’re sealed and locked. It might be good to take inventory of exits, rooms, escape plans, basements, or anywhere else that could be used as a fallback if anything happens. I’d also start duct taping the door frames so gas can’t seep through the cracks, as well as turn off the HVAC system and seal the vents. This also might be a good time to ask the soldiers trapped in here if they know anything related to what’s going on. With the secret base, the military convoys, hopefully they know something that we could use to help us survive better. Wow that's so profound and intelligent, i’m so glad i’m locked in here with you. The man with the large mustache seems to think this was caused by the chemical mill exploding. Explosions could cause some shakes, but you’d probably just get hit with a distinct shockwave from one direction. With how long this was, it’s definitely an earthquake of some sort. We already noted some fallback rooms, which will be helpful in case the massive fragile windows blow out in another earthquake. Normally, i’d say knock yourself out, she’s basically volunteering to be our guinea pig to test exposure to the mist. Since we still don’t know if the gas is toxic we can’t let her leave as it could endanger everyone inside. Well, now we know the gas doesn’t immediately kill you, nor was it what killed Mr. El Camino. In the meantime, good things to do would include: Cleaning up aisles, tallying up the food and drink inventory, prioritizing what food should be eaten first, getting a headcount and estimating rations, assessing the medical needs of the people, and figuring out how long the backup generator can last. The mist is seemingly dangerous to venture into, but it doesn’t appear to be supernatural or anything. With all communications being down, the best thing to do is shelter in place unless you absolutely need to leave. With changing weather patterns, the fog should dissipate within a day or two at most. David’s son isn’t feeling well, he’s sucking his thumb and mentally shutting down. One of the ladies thinks he’s in shock, but Billy hasn’t suffered any physical ailment. He’s actually showing symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder. He’s fatigued, emotionally unresponsive, and the thumb-sucking is indicative of age-regression which is a defense mechanism to protect against stress from traumatic events. A blanket won’t hurt, but keeping his mind on things he can control is probably better. One thing is for sure, exposure based cognitive behavioral therapy probably isn't good right now. You won’t be effectively treating him until the threat is gone. Instead of blankets, David finds out that the store’s generator is burning up so he shuts it off. Can someone smack this bitch already. Drayton hears something outside of the loading dock, and then the door starts flexing. Now would be a good time to back the hell out of there. I don’t think that door can withstand much more. He tries to tell some others, but they think he’s just hearing things which is pretty unbelievable considering not even an hour earlier they heard a man get killed just outside the store. They all go check it out, but whatever it was is gone. They figure that the generator’s exhaust vent is plugged up from outside. The two mechanics and a naive kid have it in them to pop the garage door and check out what’s clogging up the generator. Despite David’s best efforts, they can’t be convinced otherwise. Since we know the mist isn’t immediately poisonous, I say use them as bait and see what happens. It’s not often that you get people to volunteer to ‘check it out’. Is this guy a grocery store bagger or Dr. Phil. They open the door but the fog seems to be unable to flow into indoor spaces. From everything we’ve seen, standing back and keeping your exit route in mind is the best call. The tentacles start wrapping around the teen, squeezing him like a python. At a certain point you gotta chalk this dude as a loss and back out of there, as soon as more tentacles showed up I'd peace out and drop the garage door. While the monster searches for food, the morons sit there waiting to get eaten. Run you idiots. Before the monster can slink away after they drop the door, Drayton punishes the tentacle with a fire axe, severing a piece of it off. How about show them the fucking severed tentacle, them the now missing kid whose blood is on your shirt, and the 3 witness accounts. That should do it. David does none of this and hopelessly tries to convince them that a Kraken is hanging out outside their Whole Foods Market. All the “I don’t believe you” nonsense that just serves to create conflict and can be avoided by just dragging the tentacle back out to the group. David and crew were lucky that he had the courage to start attacking the monster with the axe. In that situation it's unlikely that you’d actually be ballsy enough to use a fireman's axe on the tentacle and sever a piece off, especially considering the monster was already retreating at that point and there was no need to attack. If you weren’t able to sever the tentacle piece off, would we still be able to convince everyone? Honestly, the absence of the kid plus blood on your shirt and 3 witness accounts would still do the job. If not and people still think you’re nuts, tell’em to walk out the front door or shut the fuck up and listen. While they beat it back this time, there is no part of this building that’s strong enough to withstand the monster they just faced. The best move is to cover and barricade the windows and doors, and keep everyone quiet as best you can. If the monsters outside learn about all the food inside the store, and i’m not talking about the deli meat and pop-tarts, this little camping trip is going to end real fast. The survivors bring the skeptics into the loading dock to show them the tentacle. I thought it would’ve disappeared or something, but no, they find it. Harley pokes it with a broomhandle and the tentacle piece completely dissolves into mist. Everyone starts stacking dog food in front of the windows. Personally, I’d duct tape the letters S.O.S. on the windows and then barricade and cover them completely. Good lord this chick is praying to her god in the toilet stall. So she’s crazy, and a bitch. Definitely one to keep an eye on. Loose cannons like this woman are dangerous. Will someone please hit this lady in the face, really fucking hard. Thank you. Amanda reveals she has a gun in her purse, but she says she doesn’t really know how to shoot it well. Ollie keeps being more and more of a badass. Apparently he’s a state champion target shooter, so they hand the gun to him. Brent and his crew decide to risk it by heading out in search of help. Drayton wants him to carry a rope line so they can see how far he makes it. Not sure how much this would accomplish, the monsters could be lurking anywhere out there. Even if he makes it 100 feet, doesn’t mean you will. Mr Harley says he’ll do it because the neighbor would probably be a punk anyways. He's going to go for the shotgun as well. Cool, but we don’t ‘need’ the shotgun, and it’s clear that leaving shelter is insanely risky. Also, notice how incredibly quiet it is outside the store. There’s no cars, screams, animal noises - nothing. The outside has been sterilized of life as far as we can know. Unless there is an immediate emergency, there is no need to leave now. If I was in the group wanting to leave with Brent, it makes the most sense to use one person to check it out. And I’d let Brent and his crew test it out ‘before’ Harley went for the shotgun. I’d also have considered trying the use of bait by fishing some Tyson chicken into the parking lot. If a monster was out there, it’d go for it and then you’d have proof. Well, he didn’t make it to the truck. So this shitty experiment failed, not that it was a good idea to begin with. While the soldier and bag-girl have a romantic candlelight moment, the rest of the group is holding the wall and preparing for war. It’s obvious the light is attracting them. Turn them off and get away from the windows. They should’ve blinded the windows and kept quiet. I'm getting reminiscent of the huge mosquito in Jumanji that gave me nightmares as a kid. Oh great more lights, it’s like they want to be found and eaten by monsters. Yah, no shit. And the mechanics start turning on all the emergency flood lights, good christ. Now would be a good time to find a storage closet to get away from all these idiots. It’s all fun and games until pterodactyl looking monsters start hunting the big bugs, causing the glass to break and the mist monsters to pour into the store. Basically everyone gets savagely murdered, it's like a bloody circus. All they can do is try to plug the hole, turn the lights off and kill whatever got inside. The religious chick gets saved. But it's probably because this insect is not a meat eater considering the proportions of its mouth, and only uses that stinger as a defense. Not freaking out saved her. Ollie saves the kid with a well placed shot, and they finish off the rest of the creatures before counting their dead, starting with Sally. Yah, forecasting that people will die in the apocalypse doesn’t mean she’s a prophet. Now would be a good time to double tap the dead monsters, triage the wounded, and dispose of the dead by tossing them outside or in the garage. It's pretty clear that we are outmatched and all we can do is stay put, board up the windows, turn the lights off, shut the fuck up, and wait for help. The man who nearly set the whole store on fire is suffering from third degree burns. Without proper treatment from a doctor, he’s probably going to be dead in a day. The most we can do is give him painkillers, and clean up and bandage the wounds. Since they don’t have any antibiotics, they plan to hit up the pharmacy next door. The threat of a religious coup is also on the horizon. I get Draytons point, but as long as we have the gun, along with procuring all the other weapons in the store, we can defend ourselves. I'd risk an internal conflict. The man with the burns is likely to die, so he’s not worth risking our lives for. Sorry. Back at the sermon, Carmody is rallying her religious army. Haha this old lady is great. Drayton’s crew pushes past the zealots and heads into the mist in search of the pharmacy. I’d advise against using the flashlights because they don’t give you much better visibility, and we know that these monsters are attracted to lights. Instead of a flashlight, I'd find something to use as a shield. You’d want to know what the meds are called, and where the meds were before leaving the store. This way you wouldn’t have to bring the old pharmacy lady or the old guy cause they would slow us down. I also wouldn't bring the mechanic because he already showed that he was a panicky bitch earlier in the loading dock. While having a lot of people could help when under attack, it’s also more likely that someone will make noise, you’ll be spotted, or have liabilities that slow you down. I’d just bring Ollie, Drayton and the military guy. Yah, he’s definitely going to get everyone killed. The crew finds and bags up the painkillers and antibiotics before realizing there’s tons of corpses webbed up like the cocoons from aliens. It’s too bad they don’t have an incinerator unit with them. The mechanic panics and walks back into one of the cocoons with the MP from earlier. Well if they didn't know you were there, they do now. I wouldn't help this dude, it's likely they didn't consume him so they could use the body as a host. He keeps muttering it's all our fault, guess the secret military project backfired a bit. Run you idiots. The spiders start spraying acid at them, and one of the guys gets hit in the leg nearly severing it off. Get out of danger before treating the wounded. That's why the military drags teammates out of the kill zone before treating them otherwise more will end up dead. In their escape another guy gets a money shot from the spider’s acid. The camera pans away, but I can only imagine what his face looked like after that. Probably something like this. The cocoon bug bro explodes, releasing thousands of tiny spider babies. That’s honestly up there on the worst ways to die, being impregnated by spider eggs and having them hatch inside you, eating you from the inside out while you’re still alive. Good god. Granny torches a spider with an aerosol can and lighter, and they run past the guy who got sprayed in the face, who's now being consumed or impregnated. Good on the military man for checking the pulse, no sense in dragging a corpse. All the old folks are actually badasses, the old guy spears the giant spider and tosses it to the side like a bag of trash. The survivors make it back to the store with the meds for a guy that will probably die anyways if not already, and it only cost them 2 guys' lives. This trip cost us valuable people that were on our side, most or all your pistol ammo, your spear and axe, and the religious ladies cult has grown. Oh and the guy died anyways. Drayton’s crew plans their second attempt at an escape, which is basically getting to his car and driving South. The angry mob blames Private Jessup and the military for opening a portal to another dimension which allowed the mist monsters into their world, and sacrifices him to the mist gods Expiation! At dawn, they make their escape. Turns out Carmody anticipated our plans, took our groceries and guarded the exit. You could easily sprint at her and take her out, grab the food, and run. Giving her time to work the crowd against you is her strategy, don’t allow it. Violence of action will crumple this bitch. She’s obviously not going to let you leave, and is going to be a threat. So she wants to grab the boy who's literally not done shit this whole movie, instead of the adults who are supposedly shaming you. What a psycho. Fuck yes ollie. Where is your god now you bitch. So apparently we weren’t out of pistol ammo. If that was the case, I'd have rolled up and dropped her before she could open her fat mouth. Like Dr. King Schultz did to the Sheriff in Django. You literally just murdered an innocent man, and were about to kill all of us including a 9 year old. The mob backs off and Drayton’s crew hauls ass to his truck. Nobody has their shit together and they all end up standing around wasting time while one by one they get picked off. Noooo Ollie. The monster was nice enough to drop the gun off for us though. They all pile into the truck and Drayton considers going back out for the gun. Considering he already went for the gun, screaming is only going to put him at more risk. Drayton snags the gun and flips on the windshield wipers to get Ollie’s blood off the windshield before throwing his truck in drive. It’d be very tempting to drive the truck into the store front before leaving, but it’s probably too risky that we’d damage the car or break a window. Drayton makes a pass by home, and sees his wife. Looks like she didn’t make it after all. Instead of just driving until the car runs out of gas stranded you in the middle of the highway, you could break into houses to steal cars in their garages which is safe from the mist. The car runs out of gas and they do an ammo count on the revolver with monsters screeching close by. I guess it’s better than getting turned into a spider baby host. The gun they have fires .38 Special. According to some answers on a sketchy Quora question, this bullet might not have the power to go through two people’s skulls. So instead of lining our heads up and shooting, you’d want to line up your necks or hearts if you wanted to get a two-for Frank Castle decides that everyone will get a bullet but him. The movie ends with Drayton completely psychologically destroyed after mercy killing his family 5 minutes before rescue teams showed up. Let’s recap whose lives we could’ve saved, and whose death was inevitable. David’s wife was a goner, as she had no clue what was coming. El Camino made his own call, and got unlucky. The teen was also doomed, despite any method of trying to convince them, he’d have gone out there anyways. We could’ve done a much better job convincing the others there was a problem by showing them the tentacle, which would have avoided Brent and his crew from dying. There was no reason for Harley to go out there, and if anything we could’ve used Tyson chicken as bait instead. So he could’ve survived. Properly barricading and covering the windows, as well as staying quiet and hunkering down after you knew monsters were out there would’ve prevented the monsters from finding them, the death of the burned man, sally, and the guy whose neck was ripped open. It also would’ve removed the fear Carmody needed to create her angry mob which killed Jessup and ended with Carmody getting dome shotted in retaliation. There’d be no reason to take a trip to the pharmacy which resulted in two more deaths. Drayton wouldn’t have had to leave the store due to the angry mob, which ended with him killing his child, the old man, and old lady. The movie ended with Drayton living. I’d say this situation was beaten. Thanks for watching, and remember, don’t wander into mysterious dense fog.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 4,137,323
Rating: 4.9196906 out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, the mist, the mist 2007, how to beat the mist, how to survive the mist, the mist explained, the mist ending, the mist ending explained, how to beat, how to survive, kill count, ending explained, foundflix, dead meat, film herald
Id: tayEBQlwFSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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