Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 With Poison Only?

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poison the gentleman assassin's death dealer of choice capable of dishing out terrible punishment to your foes in the right hands in the wrong hands however in this case mine it becomes the coward's favorite play thing so if the idea of watching an entire video of me running away from bosses like a yellow-bellied milk drinker gets your heart rate pumping harder than uh dark souls then join me as i set out to answer the question can you beat dark souls 2 with poison only well the answer is um mostly let's quickly get the rules of this run out of the way poison only means that the only damage i can do to enemies is by poisoning them if that wasn't obvious anything which also does an element of physical damage is therefore disallowed so goodbye poison arrows and knives we've had some fun times together the goal of the run is to complete the game and that's about it really so it's time to get more toxic than the voice chat for team deathmatch on highway let's do this my wife melted my house developed a spider infestation i couldn't believe my eyes when 10 million fireflies lit up the world and the game began with me making my way to drangleic's worst brothel where i gave myself an appropriate name for such a toxic play through made myself beautiful settled on swordsman as my start in class and chose the bonfire ascetic as my birthday present a quick word about poison in ds2 before i continue poison builds up on an enemy and once their meter is full the poison will steadily tick away around 1100 hp from them until their meter clears again poison's big brother toxic works the same way but does around 1500 damage you can't increase the amount of damage that poison does only the speed at which poison builds up on enemies which is boosted by your poison attack stat which in turn is increased by leveling dexterity and everyone's favorite adp simple stuff which meant my shopping list for this trip would be thankfully sure the beginning of this run goes pretty much the same way as the beginning of most of my ds2 runs it goes without saying that i grabbed all the items from majula but too late because i just said it i got the covenant ring from mr happy the friendly clown waited for a door to open [Music] [Applause] [Music] ran off to the forest looting everything along the way particularly consumable souls spoke to geography boy and grabbed the key firebombed the wall opened up the shortcut to last giant looted the house in majula proceeded on to hides did the counting trick to cheese dragonrider messed it up because only noobs get it right first time did it again and watched him fall like bitcoin prices after a cringy elon musk tweet spoke to alicia unlocked the wharf returned to majula pop my souls filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against shaoquah bought the cat ring and spent the rest on getting my vigor up to ten ten vigor plus the cat ring is enough to survive the drops down the pit so i plummeted down to the grave of saints unlocked the bonfire there and pushed onwards into the gutter which is a wonderful place to run around at the beginning of the game when you have no way of attacking anything yet still there are some really useful items to grab around here including one that's essential for the start of this run the dark pyromancy flame i progressed through the level until i reached the bottom of the ladders where i grabbed another important item the dark fog hex dropped into black gulch said hello to luka till because i love her too much to ignore her and boned back to majula [Music] i hope you enjoy setup because we're not done yet now i had some cinnamon sticks i could go and unpetrify rosabeth and enjoy some of the best voice acting of the game top work from softb team i reloaded the game to get her to move out of the room enjoyed a bdsm orgy with the ballsack bros went all the way to the shaded woods for more good loot including the karanthi ring and the clear blue stone ring unlocked the ruins bonfire and went back to majula to pop all my souls and buy my first damage dealer of the rom from rosabeth the poison missed pyromancy with my current stats i could only get two casts of this so i leveled up making sure i had enough achievement for a spell slot returned to things betwixt to grab the two amber herbs and it was last giant time do i really need to tell you that this was easy well this was easy goodbye fella see you in your memories with an abundance of souls in my pockets i went back to the fire fire and burned my bonfire ascetic and spent my money on the most useful thing i could think of 15 sets of infantry armor now i'm feeling op don't worry there is method to my madness spending 15k with maulin unlocks new items in new game plus sadly i was broke again so it was about time for the pursuer to have an unfortunate ballista-related accident that i definitely played no part in at all i said it was about time for the pursuer etc etc despite this working fine on every normal run i do whenever i'm actually making one of these videos the pursuer always manages to recover before the second shot and then i'm forced to finish him off the way the challenge intended because apparently fromsoft don't like it when i break my own rules just let me live guys now i was rich again it was time to flash the cash and buy the butterfly wings from mauling for 15k these are an important item for this run because they make you look like a butterfly and that's great oh yeah they also emit a regular pulse of poison when you're near enemies which isn't amazingly useful on its own but every little helps a word of warning don't wear the wings near npcs not everyone shares the same appreciation for high fashion as you if you ever try to contact me or my family again i will [ __ ] kill you [Music] no man's wolf was my next port of call so i prepared for my usual pro tactic of lighting a torch and running past everything as fast as possible to reach the bell and the shortcut i went for an impromptu swim hooked up with the local weed dealer me and the boys had a party in the back room and it was time for the century you need to poison him then three times to finish this fight so i would need to use my stock of herbs and use the pillar to get him to stay in the poison cloud the only thing to watch out for here is the rising water so don't hang around the sentry evaporated which is a natural by-product of being poisoned of course i sell the good ship dark souls to the lost bastille and returned to majula to impress the emerald herald with my perfect body and level up making sure to keep 2 000 souls aside to open up the path to huntsman's cops now this was the point that i tend to reach in every run where i just roam around places in a random order doing menial tasks for a while while i decide what to do next and that's definitely something i do for content and nothing at all to do with the fact that i'm crap at planning these runs out in advance i took in the sights of the cops forlorn invaded me to remind me just what the [ __ ] i was playing i headed to the bastille to speak to mukdoth who you calling easy old man got gangbang doggy style unpetrified strayed and unlocked the sinner's rise bonfire i had some spare fragrant branches at this point so i decided to get a small task out of the way before continuing and return to the things betwixt to poison the two ogres that protect the coffin they don't respawn so you can do this in multiple trips with both big babies dead i returned to the most underrated milf in the series and she gave me a big spoon which was nice sadly in its current state it did a whopping 20 damage which was absolutely no good to me so i smashed it against the nearest thing i could find normally people use the nest up where donatello or whatever they're called live to break things but you could probably break this ladle by looking at it for too long so anything will do congrats you now have a weapon that does absolutely zero damage perfect i'll put that one aside for later [Music] i hadn't fought a boss for a while and it was about time to try my luck so i went to the shaded ruins for lorne invaded me again to remind me just what the [ __ ] i was playing and it was time for quaylag [Music] [Music] okay it's time to address the elephant in the room only it's more like a room that's mostly full of elephants and i wish they'd shut the [ __ ] up because i'm trying to write this script you see najkar can't be poisoned that means the route to freyja is locked off completely the skeleton lords can't be poisoned either and even if they could mitha obviously can't be which also locks us out of iron keep and the old iron king dlc which doesn't matter anyway as fumin alone can't be poisoned lost sinner can be poisoned although she's fairly resistant and moves around a lot so it's better to leave her for later which leaves everyone's favorite ball of limbs the wrong a boss who despite living in a flaming boss room at the end of an area full of poisonous statues is weak to fire and can be poisoned huh not all is lost though because lighting all the primal bonfires isn't the only way to access the shrine of winter having a cool one milli soul memory will do the trick too and the fastest way to do that is to kill this dude not once not twice not three times not for oh no wait it is four times fun dark souls 2 is fun i did a test run to figure out how many costs i'd need for the first fight because old johnny rotten has a fair bit of hp and needs more than one cast to poison i farmed the jailers at the bastille for herbs brought up more from majula and it was time to do it for real make sure you're wearing the silver serpent ring for extra cash oh boy i hope i don't miss time two dodgers in a row and die like a [ __ ] when he's almost dead oh boy i hope i don't get stuck under his arm as he's charging up his aoe only to get dropped into the fire what can i say i was rusty third time's the charm though and i finally had some big boy bucks in my pocket to play with i bought some more amnesia lemon chocolate strawberry machine gun haze from carillion kids these days and leveled myself up my next goal was to get enough points in in faith to use dark fog but i plan to respect for that anyway so for now i just put them where they were most useful [Music] as any good necromancer knows in order to bring the rotten back to his sorry excuse for a life i would require bonfire aesthetics and the easiest place to get those is in shawva you can take the word easiest with a pinch of solder i went back to the gulch for lorne invaded me again to remind me just what the [ __ ] i was playing i poisoned a couple of giants grabbed the dragon talon and the witch tree branch and it was off to the dlc i said hi to sin picked up the poison stone from here and tried not to die to the many ganks although apparently gravity was still my ultimate nemesis there was one other item i wanted from this area but unfortunately it required some farming you see the sanctum soldiers here have a chance to drop sanctum gauntlets which give a small boost to poison weapon build up when equipped only one teensy weensy echo little problem here you can't poison sanctum soldiers well rip or is it open up the hidden wall here and lure the soldiers inside up the spiked staircase trap and rinse and repeat until the gauntlets drop these drop first try for me because the fromsoft gods love me sucks to be you though i had as much fun as always in this section making sure to grab the sanctum key while here as well ran away from jester thomas who will apparently chase you to the very end of the earth opened everything up and looted the available goodies and unlock this room to access the two bonfire ascetics in the end chest you can throw luring skulls to distract the sorceresses long enough to open the chest and dip [Music] my time in shulva was over because guess what you can't poison elana all soon either so i paid everyone's favorite alcoholic gavilan a visit and sold my unneeded gear return to the bastille and infused my soup spoon with the poison stone grab the final bonfire aesthetic i needed from the elevator shaft bought some rouge waters from straight got invaded by flan to remind me just what the [ __ ] i was playing and decided it was time to get the lost sinner out of the way so i headed down to sinners rise where i was treated to a performance by the local mummy's break dancing troop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fresh as [ __ ] the sinner herself turned out to be not too bad and i took her out with a mixture of poison mist and my trusty butterfly and spoon combo as long as you stay on her ass and keep applying the poison she goes down without too much effort i leveled up some more and it was time to grab another important item for the ron the hexers hood which grants one extra spellcast as well as an additional point in both in and faith all you've got to do to get this is to fumigate this guy just chilling in his chair minding his own business he obviously deserves to die with falcon dead you can then buy the hood from malenchia i farmed some more twilight herbs bought a second copy of dark frog from strayed grabbed the soul vessel from the basement in majula and it was time to respec [Music] dark fog is a hex that applies poison its obvious advantages over poison mist are that it can be cast faster using the witch tree branch has quicker poison build up and has more costs overall in order to use it i would need 24 inch and 13 faith as the hex's hood would add on the extra point in each that is required so i respect accordingly with gram gram and it was time for the rot on parts 2 three and four which seems like the perfect time for a rocky style training montage also that saves me some script writing take it away music man [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] i just saved so much time by doing that instead of writing a script where i just repeat the same jokes three more times you might have noticed at this point that aldia hasn't showed up because i hadn't lit all the primal bonfires but vendrick can't be poisoned anyway so that whole quest line is dead in the water regardless big f but in this case f stands for [ __ ] that guy because i had 1 million soul memory and nothing could stop me [Music] i headed through the shrine of winter and up the path towards the castle where gave me this warning i think she was talking about the shrine of amarna i cheesed the big fellas by getting them to the edge of their aggro range and oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i bought a ball a ball nothing to see here i opened up the doors to the castle for lorne invading me to remind me just what the [ __ ] i was playing and i ran into a small problem the stone warriors who you'd normally kill to open the doors in the castle can't be poisoned i wondered whether they could be toxic instead and that's when i realised that i hadn't actually fulfilled my exterminators contract in the grave of saints yet so i went and took out a few rats joined the rat kings covenant to get the crest of the rat ring which also gives a small boost to poison weapons and traded in the soul for toxic mist which is basically poison missed on roids and has the added bonus of building up a separate status barter poison to answer my earlier question no they can't be toxic either makes perfect sense they are made of stone after all but i had to satisfy my curiosity i figured i'd need to bring in some external help instead oy you fella you'll do get your ass over here right now cool that actually worked up to the next bonfire where i got invaded by definitely not licia [ __ ] you for charging me 2k to open a gate lady said hi to nashers and danced around the tubby twins whilst they slowly died of shame [Music] i climbed the ladder aggroed the mannequins and they can't be poisoned either well [ __ ] this might be a problem since there are no other enemies nearby except the ghost in the wall luckily i had a plan that was either a 1000 iq play or the stupidest thing ever because it's usually a fine line between the two with me i went to the shaded woods and grabbed the old sun ring which causes a small explosion after you take a certain amount of damage i don't have to tell you how [ __ ] annoying this part was but holy [ __ ] it actually worked i'm a genius as if drank like castle didn't hate me enough already these dudes also can't be poisoned and they're a pain in the ass to get past so i summoned ashen knight boyd and watched them take turns kung fu kicking him into an early grave before going through the fog uncontested looking last night was well looking last night he jumped around and swiped his sword a bit i poisoned him and ran away a lot how much more exciting can i make this sound oh look he did and it's best area time [Music] i carefully worked my way through the first area and didn't die then i carefully worked my way through the second area and still didn't die finally i ran like an absolute [ __ ] through the third area and killed kindler and amazingly still didn't die today was a good [Music] every time i post a video someone will comment to ask why i didn't do or use a particular thing even if it's something i did actually do or use so let me just clarify something before anyone asks yes i tried the manslayer and even a broken unupgraded manslaughter with a raw infusion still retains an e-scaling in strength and decks which means it still does a teeny tiny bit of physical damage so suck it kryptime next and i sprinted through as much as it's possible to sprint through this annoying [ __ ] of an area killed licia again because i was still salty about paying for that gate popped open the shortcut and it was time to take the bellboy down a peg or two i bought some herbs from john cena who said the king to me approximately 5 000 times ram passed dragonrider 5 return of the dragonrider watch the cutscene and let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no sweat now i had the king's ring i could get on with final stretch of the game so i made my way to aldia's keep where i spent far too long poisoning the giant basilisk so i could get a helmet that i didn't intend to ever wear but you know fashion darling before i ran past the ogre train and picked off the guardian dragon with dark frog we get it you can fly gg's my dude gave me a bird leaf i wobbled across the bridge like jelly on a vibrator indulged in honorable jewels by cheesing everything in sight listen to the ancient dragon no idea what he just said i don't speak backwards dragon got the ashen missed heart killed the giant lord who as usual was about as dangerous as stepping on lego while wearing steel boots spent all my lovely souls on leveling up and it was end game time at last [Music] as i set out on my final journey to the throne of one a million thoughts race through my mind should i take the throne should i attempt the ivory king dlc should i eat that last slice of pizza why does nobody love me you know the usual nothing like a good boss fight to put all that to the back of your mind though and this is nothing like a good boss fight this one was a bit irritating because of the mechanic where they hear each other you have to make sure you poison them both at the same rate so that when the first one goes down you can keep the second one occupied long enough to let the poison tick kill them and this took me a couple of tries to get right nashandra swaggered in like beyonce after a costume change and made some vague threats to kill me sheesh like i'm scared do you even know who i am i'm the guy who killed the rotten 627 times the most annoying thing about this fight is the curse because the fight takes a while and it [ __ ] me on my first attempt i could have just run around dispatching the cursed clouds whenever she conjured them but that would have been annoying so i decided to do something at least seven times more annoying instead i went back to the gutter and the every single torch sconce i've only ever actually done this once on a play through and that was a while ago and i'm stubborn and didn't want to use a guide which in hindsight was a terrible choice because this can absolutely go and choke on a multi-pack of dicks i want to find the person who put this one at the end of the zipline and shoot them into the [ __ ] sun with all the torches finally lit descending to the bottom of the gutter spawns in the gutter denizen invader who drops the black witch veil when killed this item has such high curse resistance that it prevents you from getting cursed by nachandra's body odor which is perfect unfortunately that would mean sacrificing my hexes hood so i burnt a bonfire ascetic and hit up the bank of giant lord for a small loan to up my faith and in by one and return to nash's for the final showdown now that i wasn't getting cursed every two seconds i could take out the clouds at my leisure and the rest of nashandra's scary arsenal of four moves is about as effective as a chocolate fireplace look [Music] [Applause] [Music] see pathetic with the queen vanquished i had finally come to a decision i wanted to see what my dope butterfly outfit looked like on the throne the giants bowed down before my incredible fashion sense i took my seat and my wings clipped into the throne [ __ ] 10 out of 10 game guys so that's it dark souls 2 beat him with poison only no problem wait what do you mean i can still do the crown of the ivory king dlc well [ __ ] [Music] fine dlc it is then first though i went and spooned with the falconers for a while for no other reason that i'm easily distracted with that out of my system i butterflied my way to the snow zone i'll sana did the big scary voice thing i stepped completely out of character and actually killed all the enemies instead of running past them grabbed the eye unlocked the bonfires and it was time for cap the entire arbor fight took 12 minutes which is the longest i've spent petting a kitty for a while i might have died once or twice too this fight is a battle of attrition arva like all the bosses in this dlc has pretty high poison resistance and can take between three to five casts of dark fault poison each time oh and she has around 9000 hp you just gotta watch out for her catching you with one of her really poor hit boxes get it because she's got pause yeah i've been writing this script for too long without the dead arsana warmed up to me and it was night time and i don't mean the opposite of daytime i freed the first night poisoned the barrel man headed to the lower garrison and dealt with hexa nikolai he has a tendency to try and cast healing miracles but you can interrupt his cast by bashing him with your spoon then i pretended mauldron wasn't there ran up past covetous demon special edition freed the second night dropped down all the ladders dispatched donna and her lancer friend and released the third night ready for the final showdown [Music] i had a few final bits of prep to do before braving the bloody battle with bump boy good alliteration huh first i grabbed a few bits and pieces i disregarded on my play through then i freed navlan and bought up his stores of crimson water you have to be human for him to act as a merchant well your character does anyway i barely qualify as a human i was so grateful for his services that i killed him on the spot before returning to the lower gutter bonfire game devs hate him for this one simple trick i burnt a bonfire ascetic climbed down the ladders and grabbed another copy of dark fog then i burnt another bonfire aesthetic climbed down the ladders and grabbed another copy of dark fog repeat until satisfied i headed back to the bastille took out the ruined sentinels opened up the belfry disintegrated the gank coils and grabbed the southern ritual band which gives you one extra attunement slot finally i paid giant lord another visit and boosted my attunement for even more slots before you ask yet i did consider doing the kitties and had one test run at them for shits and giggles all i'll say is there were plenty of shits but no giggles blood alone is pretty much the same as other but once xalan joins in the difficulty ramps way up since they're both so hard to poison and lod requires at least another two poisonings before you get zalan alone i considered dedicating some more time to it later and then remembered it's a [ __ ] boss in a [ __ ] area anyway so [ __ ] it time to finish things off with my favorite boss from the game [Music] i gathered up my lois bros we plummeted down towards the old chaos this dude's thought got in the way of my perfect screenshot as always the portals spewed out enemies and i was ready for the longest fight of the run a picture paints a thousand words so here are a bunch of moving pictures you can watch while i put my feet up and sip a nice secret cheers [Music] don't let your dreams be dreams if you want success you gotta put it in work what is the charge eating a meal a succulent chinese meal but if somebody don't know how to flush the toilet after they've had their [ __ ] for me well i was [ __ ] money yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mission flower [Music] so as the ivory king returned to the ether i picked up the ugliest crown in the game went back to alsana to brag and it was over i'd beaten dark souls 2 with poison only and my life was now complete the hardest part of these videos though is figuring out how i'm gonna win them so i'm just gonna you
Channel: Baron's Castle
Views: 864,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark souls 2, dark souls 2 challenge, dark souls 2 poison only, dark souls 2 poison, can you beat dark souls 2 with poison only, how to beat dark souls 2 with poison only, ds1, ds2, ds3, fromsoft, fromsoftware, barons castle, dark souls 2 challenge run, bloodborne, sekiro, dark souls 2 poison guide, ds2 poison build
Id: UN7Rbfwdyt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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