How To Be A Stand-Up Comedian | Jobs Unlisted

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we all have jokes but only the truly gifted can turn that into a career can I make it in one of the hardest comic scenes in the world or will I be booed off the stage find out now on the show that tackles the most unique gigs you won't find in your job search jobs unlisted New York New York they say if you could make it here you could make it anywhere so over the next few days I'm gonna see if I can make it as a stand-up comedian my mentor Reggie Thomas is gonna guide me through this process and then I'm gonna deliver some of my own material in front of a live audience how hard can this be Reds what up bro how are you good good this is day one I'm trying to be a stand-up comedian tell us who you are Reggie Thomas from Brooklyn New York I'm a stand-up comedian been doing about six years now times got me something I was always been in love with but I didn't realize I was going to be doing I've always been a good storytelling I always liked writing and so when I first did stand-up for the very first time I was just trying it I was just like this is it this is all I want to do right now we're at the New York Comedy Club why is this place important so many amazing comics would discover here is one of the best spots in New York to perform at how well does stand-up comedy pay if you're doing a comedy club during the weekday you probably not get it much but on the weekends weekends pay way more let's say you're a comedian who's on TV and like now you're famous now you're in town and like people want to see you now there are tickets at 50 like you headline a club out of state you might make like 70 grand that weekend 70 bits at one weekend even like a regular comic you can make you can put woke up out of a city with like three four bands so at the end of all of this I am performing a stand-up set myself from what you see am i gonna sink or am I gonna swim I'm gonna help you the best I can and my pictures on the wall for a reason so shoot maybe if I do good enough mine will replace yours you got to do really good for that to happen well then stay tuned that's about how do we start this process how do we get the wheel started you start with a pen and patter you just start writing idea okay well I have neither of those so you're doing great good you're real millennial about this I'm I can show it all right so tell me something about yourself like GU your black hole what what are you I am black I'm white I'm black and white my pops is black my mom is Italian I just asked about who you are but like I'm not forcing you to make black or white jokes like tell me about Queens tell me about growing up in New York something about media like what's that like tell me about traveling there was a shorty that I really was feeling on a train like a month and a half ago it might be a good you have some train material so let's work on that all right okay let's do it [Music] all right so talk to me about being up on the stage give it up for your host and give it up for yourselves something like that you get boom something you hold the mic like a rapper I grab it like this rather like a rapper and then put it into the comedian right here yeah I'm not even a cat calling kind of guy you know I'm not even the type to be bothering women on it I don't I'm not the type to be bothered but sell it in your face but sorry I thought I was supposed to be repeating what you were saying sorry you take the one headphone out and you hold it right here boom and you lean into a what wrist what what do you want right there you go all right so red how you feeling good I mean honestly it's it's almost there I know I didn't come prepared today but I will go home tonight and [ __ ] practice no no you got your first open mic tonight puffles open mic tonight next coming to the mic you've got the guy you've all seen around town before goes by the name speedy Morman [Applause] hello hello it's hard meeting women in New York but I want to tell you guys about this time I was on the train there was this very beautiful woman you know I'm about to sit next to her sit down she has her headphones and I'm like excuse me she's like what what the [ __ ] do you want in my head I'm like damn I thought she was sweet you you mean but I'm like [ __ ] sorry I was just wondering if this train was local or expressed so yeah all right guys I'm gonna give the rest of the time to the room [Music] speedy [ __ ] sucked he did worse than I thought he would but I do see a lot of room for improvement he did catch a couple laughs so the thing speedy needs to work on is his stage presence his cadence of words and his timing son welcome to the world of comedy I got way more lined up for you before the week's over before your big show Finley's ready for it after some more work yes my first open mic was much harder than I expected but I learned a lot over the next couple of days I worked on my writing skills and did more open mics but I'm racially ambiguous I can pass for Indian and I was never able to catch a cab except for when the taxis thought we were swapping shifts then they would definitely pull over tonight is my final performance keeping it 100 I'm not really feeling very confident right now these people actually paid for tickets on top of that someone [ __ ] up the spelling of my name on the bill oh well no going back now so please welcome to the stage speedy morman everybody yeah what did I sign myself oh for goodness gracious well hello everyone my name is sweetie I don't actually do the stand-up comedy [ __ ] I have a job but before my job now I worked at Costco the good thing about Costco it actually pays pretty well but the bad thing is they promote the fact that they pay well for $15 an hour you are just a bag boy but like two customers you were their bag boy I work in media now and I was at a Chris Brown concert and Chris Brown comes on stage he's wiling right doing all his [ __ ] boom boom boom Shorty's going crazy takes his shirt off throws the [ __ ] to the side the most gangster guy in this whole entourage teardrop tattoo runs up time's it and catches the tee folds it and lays it over his arm gracefully I'm playing oh [ __ ] Chris Brown comes back out still dancing throws a jacket guy [ __ ] catches it and folds it again so like that's his job is to catch crispy it's to catch Chris Brown's clothing I'm not you like do you not know that Costco pays $15 I'm black and white which means I get to enjoy both sides of things you know it's always been interesting having white people try to figure out what I am right they'll be like hey what are you I like to [ __ ] when I'm really I'm Gemini like I know you know how do I say I beg oh five ten I'm five ten five four - do you like ah you know and I'd be like ah I got it I'm a Republican they always like me more when I said that but that's all I got for you guys thank you so much the second you got you first lad you let oh [ __ ] these they laugh so much harder than open lights I told you who I felt like I'm the funniest guy ever yeah I miss my [ __ ] hey go first off Rosen let it be known I let it be known I am the greatest sensei even though me and reg think I killed it there's only one opinion that really matters the audience moment of truth he's been doing comedy for about a week and I want you to be very honest you get to determine whether or not he keeps doing comedy stand out if you think speedy deserves to keep doing what's up with John yeah just yeah just don't feel like standing or your legs hard as out what's going on who if you think Peter should go back to his regular job alright from your very first open mic to right now how you feeling I feel like a changed man I feel like the stuff I said the first day was too rash the stuff I said today actually hit a lot of the material was the same but you figure out what they're laughing at what to lose it's a gradual process but that's how you fine tuning that high that you feelin that's what I chase little date man like that feeling of that really my feeling is chilling across describe but jokes hittin I was bored and I'm about to say like yo just call me Dave Chappelle we did all of this we did days of open mikes am I fit for this job no you were definitely a standard command I've been waiting a week to hear that you did it but I'm very proud of you son I'm a stand-up comedian and with that I'd like to tell you guys I will never do stand-up comedy again it was a great couple of days I'm going out on top stand-up comedy is over never again [Music] I hate these little kids on the train you know little kids on the train come Showtime Showtime Showtime I'm like it's time to shut up I speak for all New Yorkers when I say it's never the right time for Showtime you know they always got that one fat kid in the crew he just comes up and does it that's it he don't even dance he just does that it's [ __ ] crazy
Channel: Complex
Views: 140,124
Rating: 4.8734584 out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, young man, culture, cool, edgy, funny, complex tv, complex media, stand up, comedy, comic, stand up comic, humor, jokes, how to, jobs unlisted, speedy mormon, new york city, stand-up comedy, how to write jokes, how to be funny, speedy gets a job
Id: eXJ6B2rL7_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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