Post Malone’s Jeweler Shows How To Make Jewelry For Cousin Stizz | Jobs Unlisted

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your favorite athletes rappers everyone has jewelry but how the heck do you make it find out now on the show that tackles the most unique gigs you won't find in your job search jobs unlisted it's crazy to think that the super expensive and shiny jewelry you wear around your fingers or your wrist or even your neck comes from a place that looks like this a once active gold mine one of many from the 1800's gold rush and we're just 45 minutes from downtown LA but gold only accounts for one of the many materials and ultimately steps it takes in becoming a successful jeweler and so what better place to start my journey than right here a step above the jewelers in your local malls our custom jewelers that make bespoke pieces for patrons retail prices can range from the hundreds to the hundred thousands for customers of all walks of life Angel City jewelers out of LA boasts clients like post Malone Thank You angel city jewelers for my big rock Lonzo Ball and countless other entertainers and athletes the newest will be cousin stays whose piece I'll be helping to make [Music] when I have a fresh cut I feel better when I have flat clothes on I feel better when I'm wearing - I feel better what do you think it is about this thing that just makes people feel better about themselves Jewelry is a way to express yourself and everybody loves the fact that costs so much money so it's much more of a trophy to people so instead of just going to Zales or some some mall jewelry store and buying you know what I mean buying something that everybody's gonna have I want you to make something that no one's gonna have besides you when someone sees that piece they're gonna know it's yours I know you do things a little differently with your clients tell me about where we are and what's going on all the artists that I work with all the people that I sell to have no idea what it takes to make jewelry they're just used to spending a lot of money on it or what I wanted to do with angel city jewelers is bring people along pretty much on the ride of A to Z from the entire idea of what you have to once it's done and what it's gonna look like I assume then the next step is on you do you begin drawing or do you begin making a render of some sort what's next we start the catting process the catting process is essentially a computer-aided design it's a rendering of the image the CAD is gonna give us the blueprint to let us know where we are on the piece long story short the CAD helps budget out the piece figure out how much it will cost and what materials are needed once that squared away it's time to start making the fancy jewelry oh yeah and by the way I promise this process is not as glamorous as you'd think [Music] a million dollar piece is made in a room that looks just like this where we at now and what's happening in this station over here what we do over here is the converting of Wax and we put this on a casting tree right here we put this into a cement mixture and we take the impression of this and this is what essentially gets turned into gold like isaac said we make the piece exactly how it will look in wax once everything checks out okay we create a cement mold from that wax and that's the shape the gold will eventually take we've all heard of 24 karat gold before which is 100% pure but because it's too soft to make durable jewelry with it's essentially watered-down with a bunch of other stuff so what are you adding in there right now it's a boy with the silver alloy and silver yes got it how much money is this worth right like 1,800 $1,875 to see how gritty this process is this 1875 dollars worth of gold is sitting in a fruit cup this once had probably peaches inside and now it has literal gold now that the 24 karat gold is mixed with the other metals it's time to melt it all down into one I'm excited for this this tiny little bitty piece of gold that you're looking at about 40 50 bucks right there for that little tiny little your gold right there so I pour the gold also gold melts at one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight degrees Fahrenheit so if you're wondering why I'm so scared it's because I don't have on any gloves I see yellow or - it broke [Music] stop playing with me my work once it's melted we poured the liquid gold into the mold we made earlier and let it cool and Harden how long does this need to sit a minute 10 minutes we dip it in water oh and our gold piece is complete now we just rinse it off and we're good to go how modern would you say this process is because I'd envisioned that they would already have like robots and machines that can do all of this now this is this is how they make jewelry there's no expedited way so even though this is a little prehistoric that's been the same method since the dawn of time do you think that there will ever be a time where of human being is not doing this I don't think any robot will have the AI that a human will have and a touch I hope not this is it that's scary it's not like a parking lot attendant right you know what I mean what we do here it has a lot of feel and that's something that you can't program into a computer chip that's something that as he does it takes 20 years of time basically this guy's irreplaceable yeah [Music] that's a wrap for day one and day two is the part that gets everyone excited the reason everyone's here the diamonds later I'll be presenting the piece to the client but before that I've got some work to do it's time to put the ice in the peace Isaac tell me about who Omar is who is this guy Omar essentially the guy that makes everything nice and pretty he's my setter he takes everything from what you saw yesterday casting and he puts all the diamonds in it right after he puts all the diamonds in it he polishes it up and gets it ready for the client so he's essentially the last step in the entire jewelry making process right now we're gonna put this uh letter that we want to work on it right now this piece is gonna soon be long because it's tears and there's nothing in it right now no it's actually really dull it just came out of casting so there's no life in the middle but you're about to see what's about the course of life that yes see it lets see it so how many stones are about to go in there 306 stones between these three bags 306 diamonds how much are these bags worth right here 3,000 $3,500 $3,500 for this tiny-ass bag talk to me about how a diamond is even made they're naturally occurring in the earth and coal mines they're pretty much built over a lot of time and pressure how many of these diamonds are cubic zirconium zero none none I hear rappers all the time talk about VV s VV s is pretty much no inclusions at 20 magnification so if you zoom in 20 times there will be no imperfect it'll be very hard to see any imperfection I hear it all the time even I say it but when people talk about bust down like a watches bust down what does that mean Foley I stopped least amount of gold visible almost nothing visible just completely covered in diamonds now I take your place and you took mine yes sir they're all here all right so here we go all right really much you did it I think I just did it you want to look at it yeah you did it yeah the diamond is there it took me a week to do this first I'm good with the flame you know it's not y'all gonna go with the flame you made up for you made it forth so that probably took me like a minute or two to do one diamond these halves 306 it will take me up three and a half to five hours to finish the whole piece within a couple of hours the piece will be done and ready for delivering to stairs I've set some diamonds Omar's gonna add the finishing touches and it's on to present the finished piece - cousin stairs so have you gotten other pieces for him before not as my first one I'm not really into the jewelry like that you find me I try to keep my clean low-key settle this one is not all the way low-key this is a big bus down to say the least you bought it go ahead and see this were on suspense it looks great and it's just hot I think it's the flash on it just so we can see them diamonds dancing a little bit I'm having you trust him and you indirectly trusted me not not trust you buckle my boyos is one on one bro yeah [Music] Isak my man I appreciate you so much teaching me everything there is to know about this jewelry from casting to melting gold to molding to presenting a lot of people don't get to see what goes behind the scenes and to be able to stand here in front of some cameras and tell people what I do for a living and how I get to come to work every day and love what I do I'm blessed over the last couple of days I've learned what it takes to be a jeweller and I can honestly say it definitely is not what I anticipated now some pros of the job it's a true craft and there's an opportunity to make a lot of money a con of the job though is that it's a profession like many others filled with dishonest people that can try to get over on you all in all this is a job that I would do as soon as I get over the hole lighting the fire thing [Music]
Channel: Complex
Views: 777,470
Rating: 4.8947177 out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, young man, culture, complex tv, complex media, speedy morman, speedy morman complex, jobs unlisted, jobs unlisted complex, complex jobs unlisted, complex speedy morman, cousin stizz, diamonds, jeweler, jobs unlisted speedy morman, how to make jewelry, how chains are made, how to be a jewelry designer, vvs diamond chain, how to put diamonds on a chain, cousin stizz complex, speedy morman how to
Id: 2Bx90wMrYFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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