How To Be a Personal Chef for Rick Ross | Jobs Unlisted

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I respect Rick Ross, he is a pretty polite and decent guy. Glad he sorted his weight problem out. He looks a lot healthier.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
it's one thing to know how to cook but it's another to be someone's personal chef especially a celebrity can I be a master in the kitchen or will I burn it down find out on the show that tackles the most unique gigs you won't find in your job search jobs and listen [Music] behind every great meal is a great person who made it with the help of my mentor celebrity personal chef hammers Jones we're gonna see if I have what it takes to get in the kitchen full-time cooking for famous people [Music] how are you doing very well I want to start this by saying this is more ingredients than I've ever seen in my entire life it's really not that much it's intimidating to say that really yes very much so but I know you are a celebrity personal chef and today I am going to become a celebrity person chef I think what makes you the job that is so unique it's so unique because you're working with celebrities number one and most of them are very private it's all about relationships when it comes to this business immerseus relationships are definitely intact just to name a few our clients include Diddy Derek Jeter and most importantly Rick Ross who will be my client tomorrow there's a lot of work that needs to be done well let's do it okay game let's learn all right I don't consider myself a cooking novice but I was about to find out the difference between what I grew in my crib and what a master chef does you want to keep your pan extremely hot you want to keep it grease as well and Andres they call it dressing the pan I normally just use canola but she told me about all different types of oils she also doesn't use adobo which is weird but apparently she has her own concoction I have here my all-purpose seasoning and it has a little bit of turmeric and I have cumin and I have saw a teeny bit of sugar and some other secret spices yeah we can't know [Music] all right is it time do you really want me to cook this pork chop right now it's a lamb chop I mean the left outside lamb chop all right let's go am i serving it on one of these dishes were you it's done it's done like that's a medium okay it definitely wasn't done luckily a murres taught me a unique trick to keep the meat Salmonella free raw medium medium-rare medium well well done you got it it's lit we're gonna make the boss salad it's a Caesar salad that's just over the top it's specifically for Rick Ross the boss the biggest boss biggest boss hmm and this is where it gets bossy truffle oil and then you have your shaved parmesan all right Emrys what do we have next we're gonna do a really small personal kale casserole another term that I use is a no mac kale mac and cheese there's no pasta so it's not it's basically an imposter did you catch that joke imposter yeah you know within an hour Emmer's prepped an impressive three-course meal and it was definitely on point is it too hot it was so good that I almost forgot that I had to prepare this same exact meal all by myself for Rick Ross tomorrow am I making this exact plate with these three things yes I'm gonna let you do it I'm gonna make this all tomorrow yes by myself yes boss salad kale casserole for lamb chops with yogurt sauce and chart a chimi chimichurri yes and you're gonna take care of all of this okay I'll see you later somebody gonna help me do this there today I'm ready to show off what I've learned I might even still Amherst his job and become Rick Ross's personal chef but I was quickly brought back to reality with this long as grocery list amorous just sent me what the hell are shell is you sit over here the shallots oh okay I got it I got it thank you can I get some of these lamb chops lamb shanks [Music] no I don't work here sorry if this whole chef thing doesn't work out I guess I can always explore life as the guy who stocked shelves at the supermarket but I think I have everything I need to put my celebrity chef and skills to the test speedy glamorous amorous how are you I'm well I see you got my tax yes and let me see the land that's very important time is only the best plan for you let me see only the freshest go Ross you know Ross will be here very shortly and when you're a personal chef there's a minimal time to get food prepared and I actually bring this back butchered and frenched yes yourself I have to cut this meat yeah okay gently right I mean maybe if you gave you a better knife I'd be in a better position of which it's probably the knife to be honest all right first things first well season them so the season we used yesterday chili powder okay all right Emrys you said yesterday don't be afraid of seasoning right I'm not saying too much right now this is supposed to be your job I just want to let you know I'm not afraid of the seasoning I'm gonna get up in there I can't forget the all-purpose seasoning that you use on everything you know boom and what does it consist of tumeric tumeric is really other thing I remember but it's a good seasoning no that's what I do know you have to know what you're serving your client are you okay yeah I'm great I don't think that's hot enough yeah the pan has to be hot before it will all reset you always want to have the outside a little crispy all right like so use your finger oh we got a long way to go [Music] [Music] lamb chops complete sublight next I need you to start your kale casseroles I need you to grab your casserole the zucchini the squash it's a red onion and the mushrooms sure and the matter I'm gonna start your sauce I have everything here besides the mushroom pledge this book oh my god are you serious yeah is it that big yes the texture of the mushrooms won't make it work without you know part of being a chef is improvising yes No okay so we've had some missteps first I didn't get the chops good then I forgot the mushrooms but I think besides that I'm low-key killing it perhaps you need to peel this I almost can't see this is perfect my nose is running oh he is after you put your zucchini you want to put the kale just so that it will OHS wait what willows willows that wasn't the word to use you know wealth wilts till it wilts [Music] what is the main ingredient he said I told you to get that you forgot hello I'll add that now no I did forget the mushroom the consistency would have been slightly different had I had the mushrooms okay so we make with we don't recognize that always real recognize real you know okay all right let's get this boss salad going cross salad romaine lettuce mm-hmm Caesar dressing grated Parmesan shaved parmesan shallots on top egg all right let's go yeah it's you have to go faster I mean we've got maybe six minutes before there's a war I work well under pressure more done Oh everything's brought home from New York that's how we go you know boom well let's plate it now we're gonna give you an egg you got some eggs for me right on top it on top boom done we're missing one last step I'm gonna give you a hint it's made from a mushroom it's made from a mushroom and this is where it gets bossy is it here yeah it's liquid truffle oil just a little dollop right that's that all right and that's about it ladies and gentlemen this is your boss salad looks like it was made by dawn for a dawn look at that looks like he's here okay just texted me oh all right Oh Aunt Ruth I'll call you over all right get ready I think I'm ready I just got smacked with some nerves right now speedy he's hungry okay let's go I just want to just been sitting for him let's go okay all right here we go whatever I'm ready to tell it although we got some more stuff for you [Music] it's a moment of truth this right here is called the boss salads imma just let you know looking at it you know I usually like to cut it up small right to be clear I'm really only nervous because Ross definitely knows his food wing stops checkers plus he has a Mersenne sous chef if I can't cook something that tastes better than fast food I must really just be trashed done when you see the hairs come into play that's when you really win it next up we'll have you try no Mac Carol mac and cheese no good right whenever you could do something that's healthy man no you eat this you know you don't just get by but you actually enjoy it she told me that you initially didn't like kale of course she's like my biggest enemy of course is Carol your videos enemy I'm the proudest fat boy you realize right so did I do a good job of disguising the kale is the kill still your biggest enemy or does it taste good mmm you've hit the kill in the bottom and in their center extremely well that was all intentional and I actually loved alright last thing we gotta have you try here I don't even need those oh you just gonna - oh my for your big time ok word these are lamb chops this Rosie you're saying it's the Beethoven we'll meet word I do this the right way so this is a lamb chop with a chimichurri sauce shout out the chimney what's in it all-purpose seasoning parsley and collard greens collards over there a cilantro your thoughts [Music] I just think you should have called it Ricki Renzi my food was good enough to impress Ross but is it good enough to make this my new career Ross I have to ask you your opinion is this a profession for me should I become a celebrity personal chef did a great job on your first day would you say this plate is so good that you would replace glamorous Everest with me I'm not gonna say that you did a good job I'm gonna tell you you got jumped out the room I appreciate both of you guys and I want to tell you that I'm resigning as a celebrity personal chef I will never cook for a celebrity again but if I need you for the pool party you will come to funny thing you can come help out perhaps I'm a man of many talents cooking one of them and I'm just waiting for the day that there's something I won't be able to do we'll see if that day comes but until then you know I'm just here succeeding in life and winning more and more [Music]
Channel: Complex
Views: 1,257,842
Rating: 4.7512941 out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, young man, culture, cool, edgy, funny, complex tv, complex media, rick ross, jobs unlisted, speedy mormon, amaris jones, chef, celebrity chef, personal chef, how to cook
Id: J2YpkZpXOE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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