How To Dribble In Rocket League For Complete Beginners

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this is toby this is toby's gameplay notice how toby can keep the ball on his car consistently and move it where he wants what's his rank [Music] dribbling is one of the hardest essential skills of basic rocket league gameplay pretty much anyone is capable of tapping the ball a couple times as it rolls on the ground to line it up toward the goal but actually carrying it on your car is extremely difficult especially carrying it toward a specific direction that you want at a specific speed at very specific angles and jumping and turning and flipping at specific times and you get the point but in this video i'm going to go over the specific training regimen that will help you learn this very difficult mechanic all the way from this level to this level all right let's get started dribbling can be broken down into five main skills within it there's gas boost turning catching and jumping this is also the exact order i suggest you practice these skills in you could also argue flicking is one of those skills within dribbling but it's so complex that it needs an entirely different video so if you want to see my flick tutorial that'll be in the description the first skill to master is the gas or the right trigger button on your controller or w if you're on keyboard this one is so simple and you probably don't even need to put that much practice into it but it's important that you don't skip it because the skills following it build off of each other to go along with this video i have a training pack that you should use to practice these skills individually if you don't use this training pack and you use free play instead that's basically equivalent to jumping straight into step three in this tutorial which is where things get really complicated and you don't want to do that trust me the first shot in this pack is the ball just resting on your head and you carry it all the way across the field into the other goal super simple also kind of boring when you do this first shot i don't want you to use any other button on your controller you can literally take your left hand off of it if you want the purpose is to carry the ball all the way to the goal with only using the gas no need to turn or boost or hit the brakes or anything this is very basic so hopefully you can do that another quick thing to keep in mind is that your car choice isn't a big deal when you're learning how to dribble i personally first learned how to dribble with the dominus but now obviously i use the octane and the skills i learned with the dominus translated over to every other card just fine so you don't need to worry about which car you choose if you can successfully do this five times in a row you're ready for the next step incorporating boost and brakes at will is definitely a lot harder than only using the gas but it's still really easy in the big picture so you may be able to get a hang of this on your first day of practicing still going back to the training pack you'll use the first shot in the pack for this as well but this time instead of just going straight toward the goal using boost you're gonna speed up by feathering your boost at the start and then you'll tap the brakes at midfield to slow it down a little bit and then you'll speed up again with boost to put it into the goal again no turning necessary when you tap the brakes at midfield do not hold it down that'll just send the ball flying forward just lightly tap it only for a brief moment if you do it any longer the ball is gonna go way out of your control the point of using the brakes in this drill is not necessarily to get good at actually using them competitively but instead to get used to how jarring it is when you do use them it's really natural for us in real dribbles in game to want to hit the brakes when the ball is getting a little too far behind our car but doing that is clearly way more powerful than you think so the purpose of using the brakes in this drill is to train your brain to not enjoy using them so you can eliminate that bad habit before it even starts instead in real situations to slow down you should simply stop using boost and gas for a moment you should only use the brakes if the ball is way behind your car in a situation like this other than that you shouldn't use the brakes in a real dribble also if you're needing to like hold down reverse to maintain control at one point in the middle then you're not doing it right it should just be a little tap or two of the brakes at midfield and then speeding up again with boost but again for this stage once you can do this five times in a row you're about ready to move on to the next one [Music] okay this is the hardest jump in difficulty because you're basically adding an entire dimension to everything you've been doing to get used to turning you kind of have to go back a step in the previous skills to make it easier on yourself in real games you'd be using all of these skills at once to keep control but obviously that's just not possible if you haven't gotten the basics down so in shot number two in this pack it's pretty much the same thing except the ball is slightly on the side of your car so you can't go in a straight line at first when you're doing this don't even worry about the goal just try and keep the ball on your car for as long as possible but the other big thing is i don't want you to use any boosts or the brakes at all even though you were just practicing those skills in the previous step adding this entire dimension is hard enough so only use the gas and turning for this even if you know for a fact that the ball is about to fall off the front just fight your urge to save it and let it fall down just do not press that boost button what's most important when you're adding the element of turning is that you keep every other complication to a minimum because as i said adding this second dimension is the hardest part by far this will take most people many days to get comfortable with progress will seem slow and it is but it's definitely there and if you give it enough time you will get comfortable with it but again just like before if you can get this in the goal with only gas and turning five times in a row you're ready to add boost adding boost is as simple as feathering some boost into it here and there just try and make the ball go a little faster this is another one of those things that doesn't really have any tips because it's not a skill that suddenly clicks in your brain and makes sense it's just something that you grind out and get better at over time hopefully after you've gotten comfortable with dribbling with only gas adding boost when needed should be even easier once you can do this five times in a row you're ready to move on to the next skill [Music] ah catching this is where the dribble itself actually starts and you might be wondering why i didn't put this as the first skill and that's because if you aren't able to carry the ball on your car yet you don't really know exactly what's considered a good catch you know you don't really know what you're looking for until you're actually able to dribble it yourself so that's why i put it after learning the carry in the training pack shots three through six are all shots that require some sort of pickup the ball will already be rolling toward you or just be stationary in front of you and you need to pop it up softly and catch it and carry it into the goal again it's very simple notice how i'm on ball cam while the ball is rolling towards me but as soon as i get that touch on the ball i immediately switch to car cam this should also be pretty easy to learn compared to learning how to carry the ball itself they all just require you to pop the ball up and carry it to the goal that's it one tip i have for you on this is to try and catch the ball toward the front of your car instead of directly on top when you catch it on top the ball tends to bounce on your car more which makes it harder to keep control but when you catch it on the front it doesn't bounce as much and it allows you to start your forward momentum sooner also when you pop it up it's usually best to just drive into the ball slowly so you don't pop it up too high but boost immediately after your touch so you can catch up to it and get underneath it the next four shots in the pack which are 7 through 10 are ones where the ball is kind of rolling with you or at you from the side these ones are a little harder because the speed you're driving at during your first touch needs to be even more precise on the ones where the ball is following you it's best to try and match the speed of the ball roughly and try and cut in on it from the side the final six shots of the pack are all ones where the ball is flying at you from the air these are the hardest types of catches you need to be really precise with where the ball hits your car in order to get control the fastest sometimes when the ball is heading toward you faster than normal it helps to kind of soften the landing of it by turning with it a little it just allows you to get control of it faster what i mean is this is an example of a bad catch because it takes too long to actually get full control and this is an example of a good catch because it stayed closer to my car all because i softened it by turning with it overall the catch from the air is another thing that you need to do yourself to master it and that's exactly why there's this training pack for it even if you catch it and carry it in on the first try try not to move on to the next shot until you can get a few in a row on it and that goes for all of them it helps a ton to be able to do them multiple times in a row and really be in control of the direction you catch it in after you get comfortable with catching it to where you can catch all these confidently on the first try you're ready to move on to the final skill here we are the final skill of dribbling the reason i put this last is because it sends you off in a nice direction to be able to work on flicks which requires you to be really consistent at dribbling so the thing about jumping is you have to be really controlled with where the ball is on your car for example if you have the ball just bouncing around all over the place on your car when you jump it's not going to be possible to catch it again before it hits the ground so when you jump the ball needs to be on a specific spot in your car so that it's easiest for you to catch it again for the training pack you can literally just start it over and do it all again but adding as many jumps as possible on them so for the first shot here you can start by doing just a single jump and then carrying it into the goal then you can try it again but maybe doing a double jump instead then maybe doing two double jumps and three and four and so on then you move on to the next shot and do the same thing once that gets too easy you start adding flips and spins into it the point is once you get comfortable with it you can do pretty much whatever you want and it'll still be productive practice you can start being creative by implementing these crazy variations with powerslide and air dribble pops and all sorts of stuff no matter what even though it may take a long time to get here i think it's safe to say that you can now dribble in rocket league good job toby [Music]
Channel: Wayton Pilkin
Views: 392,125
Rating: 4.9650722 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, dribbling, tutorial, wayton, wayton pilkin, wayton pilkin tutorial, wayton tutorial, wayton how to dribble, how to dribble in rocket league, rocket league how to dribble, rocket league dribble tutorial, pro, rlcs
Id: 576yfVb3MUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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