How To Never Miss An Open Net Again In Rocket League

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so i asked you guys on twitter to send me the most embarrassing missed open net clips you can find let's check out this first one oh too fast oh come on saw that i definitely don't have 200 viewers all right here's another one okay looks like this is someone's montage nice pass mid okay you know it happens oh oh oh my gosh no okay it's tie game 16 seconds left all right okay how do you miss this no what was that why did you oh come on all right here we go it's open oh wait wait what what all right oh man that's just wait oh no please tell me why are we still here open nets in rocket league are like the easiest thing to score but also the hardest it's weirdly complicated we've all been there where it's like the game is on the line and you've got an incredibly easy shot to score the final goal for the win but you end up missing anyway because clearly your controller has been malfunctioning ever since the new update and on top of that your fan is on full blast making your eyes water up faster than usual causing you to blink more often and be less aware that you actually need to flip five more degrees to the side in order to hit the ball anyway um i wanted to make this video because i made a video about how to shoot effectively about a month ago and ever since then i've been noticing the times that i miss open nets more and more it made me think about how important it is to be in the right mental state when you're taking your shots because you can be an insanely good mechanical player but that all goes away and doesn't matter if you totally choke when the moment arrives overthinking something or just not being focused at all on your shot can have a huge effect on if you accomplish your task or not so i figured it would be useful for you guys to know some tips on how to score those free goals we're given every once in a while because i know this is something we're all familiar with so in this short video i'm going to talk about why open nets are so difficult and how to be in the right state of mind so that it comes down to just relying on your mechanical ability to accomplish the task so having an opportunity to score a wide open net is like the best situation to be in as a team because it's the easiest it gets when it comes to scoring a goal but open nets are also the worst situation to be in as an individual player because you can't gain anything out of it with most shots it's usually seen as if you score it you went above and beyond and had good placement on your shot when you weren't necessarily expected to and if you miss it then that's fine anyway because you weren't really expected to score in the first place but on an open net you can't go above and beyond there's no way to look good in this situation you either do what's expected of you and you score it or you miss and look like you're horrible and you don't belong at the rank that you're at you just can't win you can only not lose so knowing this subconsciously or not creates way more pressure on you to not miss the shot your brain suddenly shifts from the mentality of i'm gonna score this to i hope i don't miss this so you try and be extra careful by jumping at the last second to make sure you're lined up and well there you go you just missed the open net [Applause] so that's one thing that makes opennets so difficult but there's actually more to it surprisingly there's certain types of shots that are much harder than you'd expect i made a training pack that's full of them they all look like they're just super easy routine shots but once you actually try them you realize how difficult they are there's just something about each of them that makes it harder to score efficiently on the first try and be precise with your placement when situations happen like this in game and you do end up missing not only are your teammates hard on you but you're also hard on yourself because you know you should be scoring those that's actually a huge reason why ones is so tilting you get punished for almost every little mistake you make and you have way more opportunities for those mistakes to happen as well since you're the only player on your team it's the main reason why i don't play ones very often and probably why most of you don't either as soon as you miss one open net which is bound to happen eventually you get tilted and start trying to be more precise on your shots but unfortunately focusing harder and trying to be more precise makes it even harder to score those open nets here's why overthinking is one of the most common but hidden problems people have in rocket league with open nets you usually have some extra time to take your shot so you end up using that time to your advantage and you make any last micro adjustments to confirm that you're hitting the ball correctly but those micro adjustments you just made end up being the reason why you miss for a lot of people including myself that extra time that we're given on opennets actually does more harm than good i would see the opportunity and think oh yeah if i slightly turn my car to the side and then flip in this direction then that should 100 confirm that i'm scoring instead of 99 dot okay well there it goes but if i had less time to think about the shot itself it would have gotten something more like this where i keep it totally simple and place it right on net without any issue so how do you apply this even when you do have that extra time for me there's a few different tips i've used that have helped me out with them recently let's start with the first one which is think of the task broadly so obviously the task in this case is to score the open goal right so instead of thinking jump and turn my car to the left and flip slightly to the right or whatever it may be i instead think of it as just place it in the goal if i think of it as a more broad topic like that then there's less of a chance i'm gonna make some sort of last second adjustment that throws me off don't think about the mechanics that you're doing think about just hitting the ball where you want this mentality with practice of course removes the pressure of the shot which is the main thing that makes openness so hard it's much better to think of it as a command that you take action on so like score this goal instead of don't miss this goal on open nets since you can't really look good from scoring them our brains automatically try and shift the motivation to trying to not miss instead of trying specifically to score the motivation being not to miss only adds more pressure so it's important that you don't think of it like that open nets on their own are the easiest shots to hit it's not about if you're capable of hitting the shot mechanically because you know you are the thing that makes them difficult is the pressure on you to hit it correctly so if you can minimize that pressure and make it just about putting it on target the shot becomes exactly what it should be a free goal now for tip number two which is aim small miss small if you've played a sport like soccer or baseball before you might have heard a coach tell you this it basically means aim for a smaller target that way even if you miss your small target it'll still count for rocket league this means aim for a specific part of the goal even if you miss that spot you'll still score it which is all you cared about in the first place but be careful with how you perceive this tip because i'm not saying think specifically if you do that directly contradicts the first tip you should still be thinking about the shot in a broad way in terms of mechanics but you should be aiming for a specific spot so pretty much think specifically about where you want to place it but broadly for what you do with your actual car the more you look at and think about your car the more of a chance you'll try and adjust the way you approach the shot which isn't what we want we want to think broadly in terms of mechanics but specifically in terms of placement and of course as i mentioned changing to this mentality isn't the flip of a switch it totally takes practice and the more you practice it the better you'll be at it it's all a mental battle against yourself when it comes to openness so try and keep this mentality in the back of your mind while you're playing and pull it out whenever you realize it's an open net after some time you'll notice yourself missing open nets way less often so if you use these two tips correctly open nets will become way easier a lot of the time missed open nets are the main thing that's holding people back from getting better flippy sets and air dribbles even though those seem like the popular things to practice they never really become essential until you get way up in the top one percent of gameplay but knowing how to score open nets is important no matter what rank you are so if what you really care about is improving and ranking up then chances are this is the next thing you should focus on anyway thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed this and learned something and of course you should hit that subscribe button if you made it this far you'd probably enjoy more content like this and chances are you aren't subscribed yet because i can see you i can see you and it's totally free and you can always unsubscribe if you don't enjoy the videos other than that thanks for watching and i'll see you later you
Channel: Wayton Pilkin
Views: 1,135,578
Rating: 4.9426875 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, tutorial, wayton, pilkin, how to, open, net, open net, open nets, wayton pilkin, walton, walton pilkin, rocket, league, leauge, tip, tips, rank, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, champ, champion, grand champion, gc, grand champ, ranks, rlcs, soniqs, pro, pros, coach, coaching
Id: S7U9n-7UYtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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