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[Music] yo what's up it's your boy about from about plays and today i'm coming at you guys with another tutorial video in today's tutorial this is going to be a step-by-step video on how to add add-on vehicles like audis bmws ferraris etc to your 5m servers this is going to work for you if you have a 5m server that's locally basted or if it's already live and it's ready to go this is going to be a step-by-step tutorial on how to do that as well as a part 2 to this video on how to condense your vehicles if they end up showing green or purple or multi-colored so without further ado let's hop right into this video guys really quick if you guys could pause the video give the video a big thumbs up drop a comment in the comment section below if this helped you out i know this is gonna help out a ton of you so i really do appreciate the support and it really does go far for me it really takes you guys only five seconds without further ado let's hop into google and let's find out what we need so really quick what i need you guys to do is open up the description below you guys are going to need a couple things you guys are going to need winrar that will be the first link that you guys download there's going to be a link called open iv which is going to be this program right here this is how we're actually going to open the files and collect all the data and then of course you guys are going to need your 5m so if you guys are really new um you guys need to stop this video and go ahead and download 5m other than that though we should be pretty kosher and good to go anything else that's mentioned in the video there's going to be a link in the description so really quick if we go on over to google you guys will see right here this is gta 5 mods i'm sure you guys have been to this website a couple of times it's really easy to find add-on cars here guys and it's really not hard okay so i'm going to show you guys so right here on gta 5 mods you'll see tools vehicles paint jobs i clicked on vehicles and then i'm going to go to add-on this is going to be add-on vehicles only so it'll take out all the replacements me personally i like to see new stuff so i'm going to go latest versions and i'm going to go all time and i'm going to select last month i'm then going to find a car which i actually already know what kind of car i want i believe it was on the third or fourth page but we're just gonna check it out um yeah it's right here so i wanted a 2013 toyota gt86 this is an add-on and also has tuning and a template so you guys can make custom liveries and stuff like that that will also be a future video so check those out as well without further ado though we are going to actually start working with this car and we're going to download it and um as you guys can see though it looks like a beautiful car right very very customizable wide body kits all that good stuff so really good model props to this guy whoever made it did a fantastic job so let's go ahead and download that go ahead and hit this left link download and it's going to start downloading a car file and once that has downloaded we are going to click this and say show in folder from here we are going to then take this folder and it's going to show something like this we're going to take gt86 and we're just going to move that to our desktop for now after you're done with that you guys can go ahead and exit out of there now what we need to do is we need to open this file inside of open iv because this is how we're actually going to extract all the data files and all the ytds so let's go ahead and open up open iv when you do launch openiv for the first time you should see a window like this we're going to find grand theft auto 5 and we're going to open up windows let this program open up it should open up pretty fast however just give it some time it will open up eventually for you if you do have maybe a slower pc now what you need to do first is you need to find your gta 5 folder and you need to make a mods folder as you see that i've done right here is this absolutely necessary no because as you see right here i have lp 570 which is a lamborghini and it works just fine for me as that as well right there however it's a lot easier for you to make a mods folder and include everything right in here so what i want to do is i want to click edit mode and i'm going to hit yes after i've opened up edit mode and it's completely edited what i can do is i can finally add vehicles in here so i'm going to take my gt86 and i'll pop it in right here after i've done that i can actually open up this file i'm going to open up dlc rpf and then i'm going to hit common i'm going to go ahead and open up the data folder and here's all your data folders on all your metas on your vehicles that you're going to need what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click on here i'm going to also make a folder and i'm just going to type in data um i think i already have a data folder on my desktop for this vehicle actually uh yes it's right here so i'm going to open up data i'm going to open this up and when you've made a data folder as you see right here you're going to want to make another folder in here called gt86 after you've made that folder gt86 you want to double click on that and you want to extract all these files to that folder if you guys want to see me do it really quick i will do it on screen so you guys can make sure and follow step by step so i've opened up the rpf the sorry the common data i'm going to take all of these files and i'm going to go ahead and place them on over here as you see i already have the files so i'm not going to replace them they're already here they're ready to go so after i've done that it's really easy we just need to back up and we need to go to the dot 64 right here so let's go to x64 and you should see a rar package that is vehicles.rpf what you need to do is you need to open that up and there should be a yft a high yft and a ytd for the gt86 you then on your on your desktop want to make a folder so right click new folder and make a stream folder make sure it's all lowercase make sure it's just like mine so mine says data that says stream very easy you then want to make a folder inside of the stream folder called gt86 after you've done so you're going to move these files over so just go ahead and take these and move them on over here i already have them so i'll show you that if i just do this and i say move on over it's going to say copy and replace them i don't need to so then from there what we're going to want to do is you know what what i'll do is just for this video's purposes i'm just going to go ahead and move them on over so you guys know that i know what i'm doing so i went ahead and i copied and pasted those however you see that i have a lot more files in this that's because this vehicle has a ton of add-ons that's going to be really customizable for your 5m server i'm then going to back up i'm then going to go to vehicle mods and i'm going to open up this rpf right here as you see right here i'm going to go ahead and move on those all over i'm going to say copy and replace copy and replace and then i'm going to just click this do this for the next 22 conflicts because obviously i already have them so now i have all of my yfts ytds inside of my stream folder so guys just so you guys are aware and you guys are understanding what you're doing this data folder is all of the data for your vehicle so you're handling how your vehicle spawns in what it spawns in as what color they are it's all within these meta files that'll be for a different video for different day let's go ahead and open up the stream so you guys understand what these are these are the actual physical models this is what you guys are going to be working with and actually playing around with um if you guys actually come in here and you guys open up this vehicle's rpf and you open up one of these yft so i'll just open up this one it'll actually open up a complete 3d model of this vehicle you'll be able to turn around on it zoom in on it all that good stuff so this is what the model is going to look like inside of you guys a server which looks really good so with that being said i'm going to go ahead and exit off of this and now we're essentially done with the open iv you guys can keep this open if you guys want to but i'm just going to exit out of mine so i have my data and stream files right here and now what i need to do is i need to make a resource.lua this is what's going to actually launch the resource with inside of your 5m server and this is what will actually be able to make this vehicle spawn in if you guys want to take a really good look at the resource code you guys can however if you guys open up my description below there should be a little link that says resource lua layout if you guys click on that link you guys can download this entire lua without ever having to make anything for yourself so it's already made by myself just go ahead and open it up and download that after we're done with this all we need to do is make a folder and put this all in and that's what our resource is going to be called i highly recommend the way that i've set this up for you is to be able to add multiple vehicles within these data and stream files so really all you have to do now in the future is re-download those vehicles follow the data and stream steps and just make new folders so let's say i download a skyline i'm going to label this you know new folder skyline i'm going to put the data files in for the skyline and then it's all going to be in one resource so you guys don't have to have multiple resources for single vehicles it's going to make life a lot easier that didn't make any sense there's going to be another video on that as well so without further ado what we're going to do is i'm going to make a new folder and i'm just going to call this a bow pack i'm going to hit enter i'm going to take all these files and i'm going to move them on into that about pack and now we have an actual streamlined resource that we can now use so with that being said what we want to do is we want to open up our 5m server you should know how to get to your resources so my resources are right here we're going to open up cars and right here are all my vehicles so i already have an about pack however you see it's empty just go ahead and delete it out of here because this is just for tutorial purposes i'm then going to take this file and i'm going to make sure that it gets into my um resource pack so i'm just going to go ahead and move this on in and as we see now about pack is within my resource files i'm then going to open up my car pack and i'm just going to make sure that everything looks kosher inside of it which it does fantastic now what we need to do is since we added that about pack into or whatever you called your folder we're going to need to add that into the server cfg which is super easy if you guys don't know how to find your server cfg go ahead and open up your main source of all your resources and if you come down here you should see server cfg that's exactly where i'm going to be putting it in however i have a resource shortcut on the side of my desktop that just makes it a lot easier so i've opened up my server cfg and now we just need to ensure that this resource will start up which is really easy i'm just going to go ahead and put it all the way at the bottom that's usually typically what i do um so as you see right here i've already used to have an about pack however i'm just going to delete it and just show you guys what you guys should type ensure about pack and now that's going to launch the resource inside of my cfg so we are essentially all done this is going to have the vehicle spawn into our server and we're not going to have any issues with it what you want to do is go on back to your resources go to your files and then you're going to want to do the server starter so let's go ahead and start our server and let's let all these resources load in i know guys i have a ton of resources this is a really old server that i used to run you guys ever want to check out a good role play server come on over to city life role play it's a fantastic server we love new people we're a completely public server and we have very active staff that will help you guys out and we have a ton of custom resources that'll help you guys out and you know have come have some fun while you guys are trying to escape the reality we're going to let this load up and once 5m launches we'll go ahead and get into what we need to do all right guys so now that you see this on this means that my server completely successfully started up and everything is working with it one thing that i just wanted to show you guys that you guys can kind of understand and know that your guys's resources are working is if you guys scroll up here you guys notice how i placed it all the way down at the bottom you guys see right here that it started the resource about pack and that it's completely working also one thing that i always tell people that they can do is if you scroll all the way down to the bottom so let's go down to the bottom and right here if you just say restart about pack you should see this it should say stop resource and started resource with no errors that means that you guys did every single step correct and that there was no errors inside the script which means that it's going to successfully launch when we get into the server let's go ahead and launch by them and once i'm inside my server we will go ahead and pick up where we left off on this video all right guys so now we are inside of the server we are ready to test out the vehicle so this vehicle you can spawn in as gt86 if you've been following along with the same vehicle however if you guys are unsure what your guys's vehicle is called you guys can actually go ahead and find that within the resource so again we go to cars go to your pack and whatever car that you downloaded so mine was the gt86 you're gonna go to cars about pack your data and then go to the car that you have downloaded the car that you have downloaded or if it was the gt86 you can open up vehicle meta and you guys should have a notepad that populates right here and this is going to be the model name this is what your model spawned name is going to be so this one is gt86 so all we need to do is just come in here and let's go ahead and i'm going to spawn in a gt86 and by the boom by the bing we are all loaded in as you see the vehicle works perfectly it has custom handling line and she is ready to drive and we have successfully downloaded a vehicle made a complete resource for it and now it is ready to go ahead and drive inside of your 5m server now guys part two of this video is going to be how to condense this file because if i go ahead and i drive on over to a mechanic shop you guys will see that you guys are going to have some issues with this specific vehicle this is why i downloaded this specific vehicle is that there are some errors inside of the ytd that we're going to need to get fixed with this specific vehicle now if your vehicle spawns in as a color besides lime green or some flickering colors or anything like that you guys are actually in the clear you guys have successfully already imported your vehicle however i'm going to show you what this one does and if your guys's vehicle does do this you guys need to just go ahead and open up the description and part two to this video is going to be down below so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to personalize this vehicle i'm going to go to cosmetics and i'm going to go to a respray as you see when i go to respray and i go black nothing happens if i go to secondary nothing happens and then if i go to my body parts which is all those extras that we added on if i go to hood you'll see that the hood spawns in as a purple it should not do that guys and if it is doing this that means that there's something wrong and we need to fix it so as you see all of these parts and if you see the purple parts might turn that lime green but they're still not able to be customized so now your vehicle looks all whack as hell and this is not how a vehicle should look so if your vehicle is doing this pause the video open up the description go to that part two video and this will help you out tremendously however if your vehicle doesn't look like this you have successfully completed the tutorial and you guys now know how to add in add-on vehicles to any grand theft auto 5m server of your choice if this video did help you guys out guys please give the video a big thumbs up it literally takes three minor seconds and it really does help me out drop a comment in the comment section below if you need any additional support or if this video did help you out please just drop a comment saying thanks it worked other than that if you guys are new here to a ballplays go ahead and smash that subscribe button and turn on post notifications it does let you know anytime i post new gta 5m content and other than that guys wherever you guys are in the world have a wonderful rest of your morning afternoon or evening and until next video i'll see you guys very soon [Music] you
Views: 138,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to add custom vehicles to FiveM Server 2020, How to add, Custom Vehicles, FiveM, Server, 2020, Easy To Do, How to add custom vehicles to my FiveM server, How to add custom vehicles to a FiveM GTA 5 RP server 2020, GTA RP, How to add custom vehicles to FiveM, Updated, Easy to follow, OpenIV, WinRar, __Resource.lua, Resource, Custom Frame Work, How To, Custom, Add on, Replace, Step by Step, #grandtheftautov, GTA 5 RP, RolePlay, Role Play, #gtamods, #gtaroleplay, PC, PS4, XBOX ONE, Mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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