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[Music] yo what's up it's your boy about from about plays and in today's video we are coming at you guys with another tutorial for 5m this is going to be how to condense your guys's vehicle files to be able to be 5m ready and actually working your server if you guys did not already check out part 1 on how i got this far go ahead and open up the description below part one will be right there at the top of the description however if you guys are here from part one this is what we were dealing with in the past video our vehicle spawned in an ugly lime green all of our vehicle add-ons are this ugly light purple and obviously something is wrong this usually happens when your vehicle size is way too big for 5m to handle we're going to go ahead and teach you guys how to get rid of this and how to condense your vehicle files to actually be 5 and ready so without further ado let's hop right into the video i'm gonna go ahead and f8 quit on out of here and i'm gonna go ahead and stop my server so here's the box i'm gonna go ahead and completely exit the box then what i to do is i want to grab these ytd files and i want to grab all of the files that we have already downloaded from the openid i'm going to launch open iv if you're brand new here and you guys did not come here from part one go ahead and open up the description below i'm going to have winrar and an open iv download link for you guys to be able to go ahead and download these programs if you don't already have them go ahead and download those and come on back to the video whenever you guys are ready however those guys from part one already have this so let's go ahead and launch grand theft auto 5 and we're going to go ahead and launch that and we need to grab some files from there which is going to be really easy guys so again we're going to hit edit mode in here we're going to then hit yes and we're going to open up wherever we installed this vehicle so me personally i installed into my mods folder that we made in part one we're then going to find the vehicle which is right here gt86 and we're going to open up the dlc rpf you want to open up the x64 you then when i want to click on the vehicles.rpf and you guys are going to want to grab specifically this file right here the thing that you guys want to pay attention most to is that you guys see that this size right here is 7.6 and 7.6 however this is 20 000 kilobytes we need to get rid of this and we need to go ahead and turn that down so what we need to do is we want to right click on our desktop we want to say new folder and i'm going to call this original after we have done that what we want to do is we want to double click on this ytd do remember if it doesn't open you need to be in edit mode and what we want to do is we want to take all these files from this and basically put into this original folder to do that go ahead and on the bottom left hit export all textures and i always do png's go to desktop and find this folder that says original and select that folder what you might be met with is a spinning ring of blue of course we hate those just go ahead and give it some time i promise that this will put all those files in there and it's actually not going to do anything to this ytd yet until we import new ones so all we have to do is just kind of play that waiting game and wait for these files to all download into the original perfect so now what we need to do is we can go ahead and cancel out of this and we want to open up this folder and as we see this is what's making up the textures on the vehicle outside this is what makes everything look how it does and all that good stuff if we go ahead and right click this and we say sort by and we go to size you're going to see that at the top these are the biggest files this one's all you know 2.19 megabytes these things are huge guys and this is what we need to go ahead and turn down to make this vehicle a little bit more applicable and actually be able to work inside of our server so what we want to do is we want to open up an editing software me personally i use photoshop you guys will need photoshop for this or just a resizing program in general i'm not too sure on any other program that's out there that allows you to resize i'm sure you guys can find something on the internet literally you guys need something just to resize images we want to go ahead and file open and we want to find that original folder that we made i'm going to go ahead and open up the original and right here this is probably not laid out like you want it to be so right click and go ahead and sort by and then size again so again these are the biggest files that we need to mess around with a lot of these are going to be those files that you guys might not even be aware of or what they are so what i highly recommend is grabbing a pen and go ahead and grab a piece of paper so you guys can write down some of this stuff so here on this vehicle it looks like the toyo motto leather is the biggest one um which can be found right here as if you guys scroll over this it's 2.1 megabytes so we need to look up and we're going to find that um the bride gs is huge as well so we want to look up the bride gs and the reason i'm telling you guys to write all these down is going to be for a later thing that we're going to be doing in this video just just trust me go ahead and go ahead and write them down um this one looks like it's mod 7 metal this one right here looks like the gauges are pretty big as well we can go ahead and get those resized so we want to look up gauge we're then also going to look up this plate and the decal label looks like it's pretty big and anything else that i'm thinking um it looks like this uh this under body looks like those are pretty big as well let's look up underbody and anything else um this one right here is very unnecessary the plate f right here you can go ahead and get that turned down as well [Music] all right so we've grabbed quite a bit of stuff right here you guys can continue picking out stuff that you guys want to shrink down and it'll literally just be a rinse and repeat method through here um however you guys want to be careful around some things but that'll be for another video that we can go ahead and talk about that if you guys absolutely need more support but i think this will be good enough for us to be able to make this car work in our 5m server so i have my piece of paper with all the stuff that we need to resize what i recommend doing is right clicking sorting by and going back to name and finding all of these stuff that we need to select so i'm going to hold down control and i'm going to select all of these so our first one was the mod leather so if you just find the mod leather it's right here and look at this so the reason i was telling you guys about this was the fact that the reason that you want to sort them by the name is because of if you see this mod 07 leather and now you see mod 07 leather these are actually two files that actually overlay each other to give it a gloss effect and stuff we want to select both of those files so i'm going to go ahead and select both of those i know i said mod metal so we're going to go ahead and select that as well i know that we said plate f and we did the plate in i think that we did the underbody which we are right here so as you see all of these have two different files it has the actual file and then the gloss effect file right here we're then going to want to find all of these so if you guys remember we said bride so there's the bride and bride two and i think we said frame as well and make sure to select this one as well you guys do want to make sure of the fact that if it says frame frame and frame you guys want to select all of them we also said that we're going to redo the gauges and the decal label so those were all the ones that i wrote down personally for me so now if we get these all shrunk down my car should work inside of my 5m server let's go ahead and open up all these and i'm going to show you guys a really easy way especially if you guys have photoshop how this is going to be super easy for you so if you see this the under body and under body are right next to each other which is fantastic that's what we wanted so we're going to start all the way from um so if you see right here all the way up top we have all these files that we need to condense down which are going to be super easy and basic it's just going to be a whitewash effect so i'm going to go ahead and hit control alt i inside my photoshop i'm going to hit pixels go to percent and i'm just going to turn this down to about 50 i'm then going to go to the other one and make sure that anything that you turn down you want to make sure that they're both the same size so i'm going to turn this down to 50 and now if i click on these two images they're both the same size they're just smaller now so we're going to do that basically on every single one so i'm going to take this we're going to turn this down to 50 if i did that to the plates i need to do that on all of them so we're going to turn them all down to 50 just like that so we turned the plates so you see those are both the same size this one we turn down to 50 as well we're going to make sure that that's the same size and honestly what we're going to do is i want to show you one other thing is that this is still three megabytes which is absolutely insanity i'm gonna go ahead and turn this down to ten i'm gonna come i'm gonna really shrink this one it's gonna turn really really small because of the fact that i actually don't use this plate in my server so i don't need it to be that big on this one it's 12 millimeters i mean sorry 12 megabytes we're gonna go ahead and turn that down to maybe 40. let's let's go ahead and get it down to 30 maybe 30. okay we're going to change this down to 30. and then mod leather is not the same one as this one but it is the same as these two so we want to go ahead and just get these shrunk down and essentially what i'm going to do is i'm just going to do this really really fast i'm going to speed it up maybe throw some music on over it that way we can get on over to what you guys actually came here for all right guys so now that i have completely redone and resized all of these images we are now ready to save them if you are lucky enough to be doing this in photoshop with me fantastic go ahead and follow along however if you guys have not you guys are going to want to make sure to follow this step so for you photoshop users literally all we have to do is just click the x hit yes and this is going to override that save which is fantastic however if you guys are not able to do that go ahead and go to your program whatever you're using hit file save as and you guys are going to want to find your folder that you guys had originally put all of these and you have taken them into that program from so i saved all of my originals into the original folder so if i just open the original folder which i'm already in and i hit save and i hit ok then i hit none and fast and i hit okay so now it's already saved we don't have to do anything else however you are going to want to save them and do that for basically every single one of them so again um you photoshop users we literally just hit the x we hit yes we are going to do that on basically all of the items that are in here so i'm just going to mass produce this i'm going to speed this part up as well because it's very tedious and i will meet you guys when we are done okay so i have saved all of my files and i've rewritten the ones inside of the original folder that we have edited i'm gonna go ahead and exit out of photoshop and what i'm going to do is then come back and open iv um so just come back here if you exit out of the program that's completely fine just get right back to where we open those up so go to edit mode and click on this ytd and we should see all of the files now these are the original files that were over 20 kilobytes um so what we want to do is we want to take this folder i'm going to select one of them i'm going to hit ctrl a i'm going to move this over just a little bit and i'm going to just go ahead and drag and drop if you come back in open id it's going to say choose import options you're going to hit yes so what this is going to do is it's going to completely override what we already have had inside of this folder which is fantastic as you guys see it was very fast to import for me i'm going to go ahead and click save after i've done that i'm going to go ahead and come on over here and i'm just going to x out of this and now we're completely good to go again if you guys see right here we started off with 20 kilobytes now we're down to four um 4179 so which is fantastic so this is exactly what we need to do you're going to want to open up your resource folder on wherever you guys had saved your current vehicle from part one if you guys are not coming here from part one you guys are going to want to find the vehicle that you guys have already imported into your server and that it's bugging out so mine was saved into cars and avow pack if i open up the stream file and open up the gt86 we have the yfts and the ytds i'm then going to select these items i'm going to bring it over here and i'm going to drop them into this folder it is going to want to say do you want to copy and replace these you're going to want to hit yes on all of them so copy and replace all of them after we have done that we have successfully completely condensed down that vehicle to be 5m ready so now if i open up my 5m and this is going to take a little bit of time for it to completely launch um one thing that i will mention is that i am not doing right now is that you're actually going to want to start up your server box which i'm going to do right now so i'm going to let all these resources download we're going to go into 5m and i will see you guys once we are in my city all right guys we are now in my city and we are ready to see if this vehicle is now working so as you guys saw before it was an ugly lime green the extras look like they were like a light purple so now if i do car and i spawn in that same car which is a gt86 it is now gray and it is fully working it is not an ugly lime green and all of the stuff is working and if you guys see the way i condense my vehicle the inside still looks great and looks fantastic so now what i want to do for especially for your part wonders that are coming over here from the part 1 video what we're going to do is we're going to come on in here we're going to go ahead and personalize the vehicle cosmetics and the biggest deal that you want to see is if you guys are able to paint the car if you guys are able to paint the car you guys are good which as you see right here i'm able to paint my car i'm then able to go into my body parts and if we go to the i think it was skirts that i did in part one um you see that they're not purple anymore so i can add all of these stuff to them we can add the wing to it so we can add the i think there's a rear bumper to it we can add a hood to it we can essentially do all this stuff that we weren't able to do before and also you guys should be able to do window tint as well so we can just go ahead and add some window tint and as we see right here the vehicle is fully working it is fully customizable you can change the colors and they are actually working so this is how you guys are going to fix the either flickering of your guys's textures or to fix the problem with the lime green and purple colors that are showing on vehicles it's just the vehicle is too big for your guys's 5m servers and you guys need to condense them down that's the major issue that comes from something like this so hopefully this video did help you guys out if it did guys please give the video a big thumbs up it really does help me out and it goes a long way on my part if you guys had any issues with this video please drop a comment in the comment section below i will try to get to every single comment as fast as possible and help you guys out because i really want you guys to be able to have custom vehicles that are actually working um for your guys's player base inside of your guys 5m servers again if the video did help you out please give a big thumbs up drop a comment on any feedback on the video and if you guys are new here to avail plays please drop a big smash on the subscribe button it really does help me out it takes you guys three seconds turn on those post notifications you guys will be notified any time i upload new 5m tutorials other than that guys you guys have a wonderful rest of your morning evening or afternoon wherever you guys are at in the world and until next time i'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Views: 40,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Custom Vehicles, FiveM, Server, 2020, Easy To Do, How to add custom vehicles to a FiveM GTA 5 RP server 2020, GTA RP, How to add custom vehicles to FiveM, Updated, Easy to follow, OpenIV, WinRar, __Resource.lua, Resource, Custom Frame Work, How To, Custom, Add on, Step by Step, #grandtheftautov, GTA 5 RP, RolePlay, Role Play, #gtamods, #gtaroleplay, PC, Mods, How To Fix Broken Textures On Custom Vehicles FiveM, How To Fix Textures For Addon Vehicles FiveM, How To Fix Cars Now Spawning In FiveM
Id: 2TUFAk92hp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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