How to Add and Use Digital Stickers to a Digital Planner in GoodNotes 5 | A Beginner's Tutorial

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if you're new to digital planning or to goodness 5 and are curious about using digital stickers this tutorial is for you we'll discuss all things digital stickers from finding them to using them inside your digital planner because i'll be covering a lot of information i've included timestamps in the description box if you want to re-watch or to skip to a particular section in this video you'll learn what are digital stickers then on to the four main topics number one how to find digital stickers number 2 where to save digital stickers number 3 several ways to import stickers into goodnotes including importing a good notes file and number 4 how to edit resize move copy and layer stickers to use in a digital planner this is jackie at plan a healthy life and i share videos on digital planning and how to plan a healthy and happy life so let's get started so what are digital stickers digital stickers are simply images you can add to a digital planner or notebook usually they are png images with a transparent background so when you add a digital image to your page it looks just like a sticker you peeled off and placed on a paper planner you can also call digital stickers photos images or clipart so digital stickers are used to decorate your planner and to make it more functional stickers can be cute and colorful practical and minimalist or elegant and refined you can celebrate the seasons with snowflakes and winter scenes and you can use functional stickers like habit trackers and to-do boxes to customize your planning experience adding digital stickers makes planning colorful and fun you can add your own personality to your page and since digital stickers are images you can easily move resize and copy so that you can use one sticker many many times imagine trying to rip a sticker off a paper planner and moving it to another page i'm going to go into lots more detail and demonstrate exactly how to work with digital stickers but it's really important to understand the four basics or fundamentals of digital stickers so first you need to find images or digital stickers to use in your planner you can obviously purchase sticker kits from etsy or from a planner store like my online shop but you can also find free images with a simple google search number two once you find or purchase digital stickers you need to save them either to your camera roll or to the cloud so that you can use them inside your digital planner and number three saved digital stickers need to be imported into goodness five either individually or as a good note sticker book file and number four once in your digital planner you need to know how to edit and use the digital stickers sticker basics number one finding digital stickers to use in good notes five purchasing digital stickers is certainly one easy option to get beautiful or whimsical or functional digital stickers to use in your goodnotes planner i sell stickers in my online shop as do other digital planner creators and you can look on etsy for digital stickers as well remember that digital stickers are just images usually png images with transparent backgrounds when purchasing stickers to use in good notes read the product description many sellers include a zip file of individual png images others offer good notes files as well which is a quick and easy method of getting stickers into goodnotes buying digital stickers for your planner is easy but you can find tons of free digital stickers online because we're just talking about images you can search for snowflake clip art or weight loss motivational quotes on google in 2020 i decided to use free clipart from myq so if you've watched any of my other videos likely you've seen lots of the bright cutesy clip art that i've used and i haven't spent a penny another option for free digital stickers is to create your own you can use software like canva picmonkey or procreate to make fun stickers for your digital planner i'll link to a video showing how i make color coordinated stickers every month in picmonkey sticker basics number two saving your stickers to use in good notes whether you find free clipart on the web or if you purchase digital stickers you need to download and save them before you can use them in good notes you can save sticker files to your ipad or to cloud storage like the apple cloud google drive dropbox or microsoft onedrive i'll demonstrate how to save digital files using etsy purchases but the process is the same if you purchase stickers from my online shop or other shops with any digital purchase you receive links to download and save files so here's how to save sticker files directly to your ipad here's how to save sticker files from an etsy purchase and remember the process is similar if you purchase from any online shop first log into your sd account and make sure you do this in safari or chrome do not try to download files using the etsy app it's not going to work so then tap on you and then purchases and reviews here you're going to see the latest purchases that you have so i'm just going to go ahead and download the pumpkin spice digital planner stickers so then click on downloads files now you're going to see a screen that shows you the different files associated with this purchase so you can see there's a getting started pdf file there is a good note sticker file and also a zip file full of the individual png images so i'm going to download that one for our demonstration here so just click on download and then confirm clicking download again and then in the upper right hand corner you're going to see that blue circle with the little downward facing arrow that just bounced a second ago tap on that and now you're going to see the pumpkin spice zip file right here so tap on it and it's going to immediately add that to your downloads folder so you can see right in the sort of center of the screen here the pumpkin spice zip file so now you need to unzip it so that you can use the sticker images all you need to do is to tap on it and immediately you see a new file appear the pumpkin spice stickers i'm going to tap on that to show you that here are all the individual images that now you can use in your goodnotes digital planner if you're working with just a few digital stickers so say you find some cute clipart or quotes on the web you can just save them on your camera roll so when you find an image just tap and hold and then click add to photos and it's going to save it to your camera roll if you want to be supremely organized you can create one or more digital sticker folders in your camera roll i have a few digital stickers saved here for demonstration purposes but i prefer to save my stickers that i'll use over and over again in the cloud sticker basics number three getting your stickers inside of goodnotes so you've found digital stickers and you save them either to your camera roll to your ipad or to the cloud now it's time to get those diggers inside goodnotes to decorate your planner or notebook here are several ways to do so if you have images or digital stickers saved to your camera roll it's super simple to add to a digital notebook or planner in goodnotes so open the planner you're working with in goodnotes 5. then select the image tool in the center of the toolbar you're going to see your most recent images on the right side of that toolbar if you see the image you want simply tap on it and it will appear on your page or you can tap anywhere on the page and then scroll to find the digital sticker you want to insert and tap on it now you're going to see i'm resizing this and moving this and i'm going to show you exactly how to do that in the last segment of this video if you have your camera roll organized according to albums toggle the album tab by tapping on it then scroll to find the album you're looking for and tap on the photo you want to insert here's how to add digital stickers you've saved to the cloud into your digital planner and good notes while you can store digital stickers on your camera roll many people like myself choose to store their stickers in the cloud with services like google drive dropbox the apple cloud microsoft onedrive it allows you to easily organize your digital stickers and it doesn't take up valuable space on your ipad or tablet so remember the pumpkin spice stickers i saved to the cloud earlier let me show you how to add them to a planner in goodnotes using two different methods so this is method number one using the image tool so you're going to click on the image tool just like you did before and tap on your screen now instead of taking the photos from your camera roll you're going to click insert from in the bottom now here is where you're going to navigate to where those stickers are stored so i have those saved in the icloud drive and they were in my downloads folder i'm just going to scroll to find the pumpkin spice stickers here and now i can scroll through and see which sticker it is that i want to insert when i find the sticker just tap on it and then as i'm showing you i'm going to like resize it a little bit here and i will totally go over that in the last section of the video method number two adding digital stickers from the cloud using a split screen this is the method that i love and use most often particularly if i want to add more than one digital sticker so swipe up from the bottom of your ipad to display your dock tap and hold the files icon and drag it to the right of your screen now navigate to the file where the sticker or stickers are stored when you find the sticker you want to add just tap and hold the image you want to insert drag it to the left and onto the goodnotes screen now i'm going to go ahead and add just a few stickers here quickly and easily so you can see how simple this process is and that's why i love to use the drag and drop method using a split screen and as you can see you can adjust the size of the files window while you're adding stickers and when done slide that screen to the right here's how to add stickers using a good notes file often planner sticker sellers like myself offer their digital stickers in a good notes file format and as i showed you earlier i will specify that in my product description if you've purchased a goodness file be sure to follow sticker basics number two and save it either to the cloud or to your ipad but importing a good notes file is really the quickest and easiest way to use digital stickers as you can see in this set i'm showing you here they're already pre-cropped and ready to go it's like adding a sticker book into goodnotes but this only works in good notes you can't import a good notes file into another digital planning app like notability or zoom notes i'll demonstrate with the pumpkin spice digital stickers that i already have saved to the cloud so tap on the goodnotes file and you'll recognize it by the familiar goodnotes icon then tap on the share icon in the upper right corner of your screen it looks like a square with an upward facing arrow now select open in good notes and confirm by tapping open now tap import as new document if you have subfolders set up in goodnotes it's going to ask you where you want to save the sticker file for this example i'm going to add it to my test planners folder you'll see the imported good notes file is now a mini sticker book and the images are individually cropped and ready to use here's how to add digital stickers to goodnotes directly from the web since digital stickers are just images you can google things like snowflake clipart or motivational quotes and find images to add to your digital planner the cool thing is you don't even have to save the image to your camera roll and here's how this is a method of adding stickers to the web using copy and paste so in safari find an image you want to use in your planner i usually use the words clipart or png to find images with a transparent background tap on the image you want to use and tap and hold select copy now go over to goodnotes tap on the screen and select paste and there is your image beautifully inserted into your planner here's how to add stickers from the web using drag and drop swipe up from the bottom of your ipad screen to display your dock tap and hold the safari icon and drag it over to the right of your screen again you can adjust the size of the screen scroll to find an image you want to add to your planner tap and hold on it and drag it to good notes and then you can easily add more than one and it's a super quick and efficient way to add multiple images to your planner when you're done just slide the screen to the right and that's it how to add stickers from a pdf sticker sheet file back when i did paper planning i created some pdf sticker sheets that were designed to be printed onto sticker paper then cut into individual stickers and added to my paper planner you can find tons of free pdf sticker sheets with a simple google search the cool thing is you can easily convert pdf sticker sheets into images to use inside your goodnotes planner and i'm going to show you how find a pdf sticker sheet that you like and save it to the cloud so you're looking at my cloud-based storage which is microsoft onedrive and i have a snowflake sticker set that i actually created years and years ago for an old blog you can of course save it to the apple cloud to google drive or to dropbox so once you have your pdf image in there then tap on that image you're going to see the share icon in the upper right side of your screen it's a little square with an upward facing arrow so tap on that and then scroll down to open in goodnotes and tap now confirm to open in good notes by tapping open now you'll see my sticker book is open here but instead of adding it to my sticker book i want to import it as a new document what i'm going to do is import the document extract the stickers that i want to use from it and then i'm going to delete the pdf so you can just easily tap that import as new documents here you can see my subfolders i'm just going to add it to my planner so import to my planners and now you have the pdf file as you're going to see with the lasso tool selected if i circle around that i can't pick up the sticker off the screen and move it because it's not an image it's a pdf file so we're going to actually use the lasso tool to take a screenshot of the sticker and convert it to an individual image so i have a couple of these saved already but i'm going to walk you through the process with the lasso tool selected go to the sticker that you want and draw a line around it so this time i'm trying to be a little bit careful rather than just drawing a circle anywhere in that when we normally select now tap on that image and tap take screenshot so you're going to see that it hasn't been perfectly cropped and that's okay tap on the share icon again and now tap on copy now i'm going to go over to my sticker book here and you can see i have a few images already and i'm going to tap on the screen and select paste now i'm going to try to get rid of most of the edging around there so tap on the image again and then crop and then i'm just going to use the rectangle tool and my apple pencil or you can use your finger and just remove that side border and when it's done tap on done and then you can easily resize that and now you can see this is an image that can be here i'm adding it to my sticker book but it could be added to a planner i'm just going to do one more as an example going over to the pdf document let's go ahead and let's do let's do a little snowflake so i'm just going to zoom in lasso tool select around it tap in there take screenshot click the share icon and copy now this time rather than adding it to my sticker book i'm going to show you how you can directly add it to your planner so i'm going to tap on the planner and of course this will i'm recording this in october i hope we don't have snow but we might so just tap anywhere on the page where you want to add it paste and now you can see well this is a little pixelated here but let's just go ahead and crop as well as we can around the image so tap on there and crop and you could either use the rectangle i'll just show you the free hands and i i'm not very good at drawing circles so there's still going to be a little bit of white tap done and then i'm going to shrink this down and then it's added to your planner if you go ahead and take all the stickers that you want out of your pdf sticker sheet you can simply delete that if you don't want to use it again because remember it's saved in your cloud storage if you ever need to use it again finally the fun part sticker basics number four editing and working with stickers in goodnotes five here's how to resize and move stickers in a digital planner there are two ways to resize digital images while keeping the same proportions the first is with the image tool so when you add a sticker to the digital planner it's automatically selected meaning there's a blue dotted box around that image and it has a handle in the lower right corner that you can use to resize the image while keeping the exact same proportions now the arrows on the top and the right of an image as i'm going to show you here allow you to change the height and the width of that sticker irrespective of proportion so i don't often use that on digital stickers but i do use that for solid blocks of color that i like to use inside my planner the second way to resize a digital image is with the lasso tool so tap on the lasso tool in the toolbar then draw a circle anywhere on the image to select it tap again to bring up the options menu and then choose resize so here you see the blue little handlebar in the bottom right corner again so you can resize your image as you like you can also rotate it in your planner you'll notice that resizing using the image tool requires less steps and it allows you to change the height and the width of the digital sticker so i generally like to use the image tool when working with digital stickers rather than using the lasso tool but the lasso tool is an option there's one tip that i want to point out about using the lasso tool and a lot of people will ask me i'm lassoing something and i tap on it and all i have is the option to take a screenshot i can't move the digital sticker if this happens to you double check your lasso setting so tap on the lasso and make sure that the image box is selected when it's selected and you lasso it then you'll see the options menu and you can easily move your sticker so double check the options menu in the lasso tool if you have any issues to rotate a sticker in any direction either use the image tool tap on the image and use the handle to rotate the image or you can do the same with the lasso tool click the lasso tool select the image tap on resize and again use the handle to rotate the image like before using the image tool seems to be the quicker option here's how to move digital stickers in your planner you're probably catching on that there are essentially two or more ways to work with digital stickers for almost every function with the lasso tool and with the image tool so to move a sticker to a different location on the same page with the image tool you can either select the image by tapping on it and then using your finger or the apple pencil move it to where you want it on the page another option also using the image tool is just to press and hold on the image you want to move select edit and then again you can move it freely wherever you'd like you can also use the lasso tool so select the lasso tool then select the image you'd like to move tap in there and just go ahead and drag it to the new location now to move a digital sticker to another page in your digital planner or to another planner or notebook we're going to use copy and paste so select the lasso tool and here i already have it selected last so the sticker you want to move tap on the sticker and select copy now go to the location where you want to add the sticker tap on it and click paste and there you go now there's three things i want to point out in moving a digital sticker using copy and paste first copy and paste is going to leave your original sticker in the same position so if you prefer to delete that sticker and just move it to a new location you would select cut instead of copy and paste just like this cut and then you can move it i don't want it actually cut so i'm just going to restore that to where it was secondly the sticker that you copied will remain a good notes memory so if you need to paste a sticker multiple times you can let's go back over here find some space in my planner i have a lot of stuff on there that needs to load so it's in my memory i'm going to just tap on my screen paste so you could add multiple copies of a sticker using this method and third you can select multiple stickers at once to either copy and paste or cut and paste so just lasso the stickers that you need i'll just do these right here oops and then i'm going to cut them since i don't really need them but we'll just add them over here and paste and again you can resize all the images together so this is a great way to move multiple stickers at a time i always do this with my weekly planning so i create one simple layout for my week and i copy and paste the two remaining weeks so just like with the stickers other things that you would lasso together in that selection would be moved as well if you have those items selected in a lasso tool so if i selected this whole segment here and then cut it and then pasted it it's going to also have my text here's how to layer stickers text and handwriting for sticker groupings just like with physical stickers you can layer digital stickers to create decorations or groupings you can also add handwriting or text but it can be a little tricky arranging multiple stickers so here are some tips here is a little sticker grouping that i made no judgement now because goodnotes 5 does not have a layer tool my best advice is to keep in mind the order when adding stickers so for this example the blue sticky note is the background i added that first i added the wish list sticker here on top of that background and then the party banner on top of that but don't overthink it if you need to move the order of the stickers use our new friend copy and paste newly pasted images will appear in the front let's say i want the wish list sticker to appear on top of the party banner so select the image tool now i'll tap on the wishlist sticker and i'm going to move it off of the grouping that's because if i use the lasso tool it would automatically select the blue sticker underneath it so now i'm going to use the lasso tool and i'm going to select wishlist and i'm going to cut it and now i'm going to paste it to the new location on top of that party banner now i don't like how that looks so i'm going to tap the undo arrow but you get the point bottom line the easiest way to layer stickers is to build your grouping from the back to the front but use copy and paste to change the order if need be you can easily add writing using the pen tool or add a text box on top of your sticker grouping so here i'm going to add a text box in my wish list which as you can see is way too small and i'm going to show you how we're going to change that i'm also going to add a line under my wishlist that black line is made using the pen tool and if i just draw my messy line and hold it's going to create a perfectly straight line to move or edit handwriting or text use the lasso tool but make sure you have the images turned off or it's going to select all the stickers in your grouping so you can see i can easily tap on that and resize my world peace text box with the images deselected how to add digital stickers to a sticker notebook just like a physical sticker binder houses and organizes all the fun and colorful stickers you've purchased a digital notebook can be used to store and organize your digital stickers this is a super simple notebook i created and organized into broad categories you add stickers to a sticker notebook the exact same way you add digital images to any notebook in goodnotes you can add an image from your camera roll you can use split screen to add images from the cloud you can copy and paste or drag and drop images from the web you'll see my personal sticker notebook is almost empty which begs the question do you need a sticker notebook to add stickers to your digital planner and the answer is not at all i personally find that organizing digital stickers in the cloud is the best solution for me i use the split screen and drag and drop approach to add stickers if i take a sticker from the cloud to a sticker notebook and then to my digital planner it's an extra step which seems especially silly if it's a sticker i likely won't use again but then again i'm pretty minimalist in decorating my digital planner and i prefer to use solid colors a few pieces of clipart and then lots of photos of my friends and family and food so using a sticker notebook to organize your digital image stash is entirely a matter of personal preference you just might love using a sticker digital binder and with that i am done with my good notes digital sticker tutorial i hope i answered all your digital sticker questions if not please ask any questions you have in the comments and i'll do my best to answer you if you found this tutorial helpful please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to my channel happy planning
Channel: Plan A Healthy Life
Views: 10,623
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Keywords: digital planning, digital stickers, goodnotes 5, digital planning tutorial, how to use digital stickers, goodnotes tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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