Digital Planning 101 | Tips & Tricks for Using Digital Stickers | Planning to Prosper |

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so today we are here to go over some tips and tricks for using digital stickers in your digital planner so i am kind of a nervous at this but i've been kind of playing around with things and i've learned some like little hacks and things for using digital stickers and all that so the first thing i wanted to share with you guys was the two different ways that you can actually pull stickers into your planner so there are two main ways that you can pull stickers into your planner the first way is to use a goodnotes file if you're using the goodnotes 5 app it's important to note that goodnotes files will not work with other note-taking apps like noteshelf or notability or anything like that they will only work in good notes so you'll want to directly import the goodnotes file into goodnotes in order to be able to use it and for today's video i'm going to share this new kit that i just put up in my shop today it's the pumpkin spice kit and i absolutely love it like it's got these little pumpkin spice coffees they're super super cute and the fall leaves and i just love the colors it's a little bit brighter and cheery and um yeah so i just love it so i wanted to use this kit to share my little tips and tricks with you guys so when it comes to good notes i'll show you guys that first um what you'll want to do actually when you're you've got your planner pulled up i've got my planner pulled up over here i just started putting together my monday or my monday my monthly spread and everything like that and this is the purple fall kit which is also in my shop but i was able to make the washi a little bit thinner i was able to get the date dots in in a record amount of time all that kind of stuff so i want to show you guys sort of how that all works but i'm still setting this up but um yeah so we've got our planner open let's go ahead and go to an empty week where i can show or actually let's go first what do i want to do first well let me just in general show you how to do it so here's the goodnotes file i find it easiest to open a new window so you're not having to flip back and forth this way you can kind of look at both at the same time so if you click on this little box here with the line down the middle and click open in new window that will pull your kit over to the side here so and you can kind of make your planner a little bit bigger that's what i personally like to do and what you're going to want to do over here is you're going to want to make sure your pen tool is turned on so currently it's turned off you're going to want to turn it on and you're going to want to go to your lasso tool which is this little rope looking thing right here so you're going to click on your lasso and then whichever sticker you want so say i want to bring in a full box and bring in this full box you can just lasso a little tiny bit of that sticker and tap it and then go to copy and then come over here make sure your pen tool is turned on over here as well and you've got your lasso tool on and you're just going to hold down your pencil and click paste and now our sticker is over in our planner spread and when you first put your sticker in it's going to look fuzzy a little bit until you tap out of it and then it'll clear up so just fyi the stickers should not be fuzzy at all once you click out of them and everything like that so um let me just show you one more time how that works so we've got our lasso tool turned on over here say i now want to bring over some washi so and let me show you why you just want to lasso and this is something i've discovered lasso like a tiny bit of it so say i am like oh i want this um i want this i don't know a decorative box here so i lasso that or something like that and then i click copy and i click paste over here notice that it brought in multiple stickers this is something that i have discovered so even if i'm like kind of close to it like i'm drawing around it and i'm like pretty close to it and stuff like that you just kind of it it can get frustrating to like accidentally pull in multiple stickers when you just want one so that's why i recommend just taking the lasso and grabbing a tiny bit directly on the sticker and then clicking copy and then pasting it into your planner like so so this kind of goes into the washi tips and things like that so something that i recommend for washi because if you like just blow this up and put it here you're going to notice like oh this doesn't like like fit or you can make it fit but um so here like there we go that actually fits pretty well but i found it particularly helpful to do the longer side first and then to do the shorter side so you're gonna get your longer side where you want it make sure you are always on the photo tool when it comes to like repositioning resizing and cropping your photos because you can literally resize and crop these digital stickers to fit any of the layouts and that's the beautiful part of it so i think this actually looks pretty good i just kind of want to move it down a smidgen let me check this side over here um maybe i will make it just a little bit longer so i can take this little lengthening thing here and make it a little bit longer and just kind of cover that up as best i can so i'm pretty happy with that now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually take my lasso and i'm going to lasso that washi that i've sized for this side i'm going to click copy and then i'm going to click paste over here and now it's the exact same like size as far as the width and everything like that's concerned and now we're just going to crop it to kind of cut it so you can keep it like this if you want it to go into like your sidebar area you can totally keep it like this and it's fine i personally like to kind of cut mine off so what i'm going to make note of is this like line right here so here's where i kind of want to crop it too so i kind of visually look at okay that's where i want to crop it so you're going to take your photo tool which i clicked on up there um and photo i mean not the camera the actual photo and you're gonna tap it tap it one more time click crop and i remember we wanted to kind of cut it down to like halfway through that green cup on the bottom and click done and now you can kind of put it back there see like okay i still kind of want to crop more of it off so i'm gonna again click my photo tool click crop and i'm going to go a little bit further over and you just kind of keep like messing with it until you get it where you want it to be [Music] let me see crop oh whoops that might have been my problem there we go okay and then i'm gonna erase this oop that is my highlighter i do that all the time accidentally select the highlighter instead of the um eraser so now we're just going to move that down and now we've got our washi on both sides so i like to compare it sort of like to taking your ruler on a pen and paper planner and cutting the washi down so you just kind of crop it until you get it where you want it to be and i actually find the whole process pretty therapeutic i actually find this whole process of like getting stickers to fit to be very therapeutic for some reason so with like the full boxes here's another example so you can kind of size it for the most part you're probably not going to need to crop a whole lot really it's just the washi that i found that you need to crop but like that fits there pretty well so there's that um and then let me show you the other way real quick of how to pull in your stickers so say you're using note shelf notability or you just want to use the drag and drop method instead what you can do is if you have an ipad and i don't have experience admittedly with any other tablet device besides an ipad so i'm not sure how it would work on other devices i do know from the digital planner community that zoto xodo seems to be a really good note-taking app for other devices out there if you want to you know use your planner on a different type of tablet but anyways for an ipad you can kind of pull this up here and i've got my files tab over here that's where i like to keep my stickers you can drag and drop it over and then i'm going to make that a little smaller and then i'm on my icloud drive and i'm going to go to my desktop where i've kept these stickers and here are here's my sticker kit so this is the same folder that you'll receive when you purchase the sticker kit and you can just save it to your desktop like i have and when i click it open i have everything categorized for you so washi patterns and clipart solid color shapes and labels headers and date dots and icons so let me show you a little trick with the date dots using the drag and drop method so we're gonna go back to our monthly spread oh ideally an empty one and what i have found to be particularly helpful um and actually this would work better with yeah this would work better with the goodnotes file but let me just show you the drag and drop method real quick it's a little bit longer and more tedious of a process to put your date dots in with the drag and drop method but say i want to bring a date dot in all you simply have to do is click on the folder go to the date dot that you want so say i want 29 and then you hold it and bring it over voila there is our date dot now if you're using the drag and drop method what i personally recommend doing is zooming in as close as you can to the little outline here bringing your date dot in and you can kind of like resize it until you get it where you want it when like the outline's covered up so that's what i do there but what you can do so let me show you the drag and drop method a couple more times let's go to some clip art say we want to bring in um i don't know i've got a little pumpkin here say we want to bring that into our october spread you can do that and kind of place it wherever and just like decorate and all that kind of stuff oh and for thin washi let me show you that on here too so say you want to bring in some thin washi to your spread um the way i did it was i bring this over here so this is the thin washing you'll notice when you take this little thing to make it longer say i want to try to make it longer to fit my spread it kind of makes it wider as well so what i was doing would i i would um kind of get it to fit where i wanted it so say i wanted my thin washi right there and i've got that fit pretty well actually there so it's flush against the edges and stuff like that what i would then do is i would take my little photo tool tap it click crop and then you can bring the crop down if you guys can see that i've i'm just bringing it down to make it thinner and click done and there you go now it's thinner and we can put it down here so it's taking up less space say i'm like oh you know i kind of want it to be even a little bit more thin then you can simply crop it again and bring it down a little bit more and there you go now it's even thinner than it was before so you kind of get what um what the process looks like and now it looks like it's kind of hanging over a little bit so maybe i want to like pull it in a little you just kind of mess with it until it looks the way that you want it but the beauty of this is that you can really make any sticker fit in any sort of way you can tweak it as much as you need to you could even take really like a full box if you wanted to so say i want to take a full box and i want that to be my washi instead you could probably do that like you could just make it smaller and you can crop it have it go down a bit click done and then you can make it longer the only thing is it will distort your image if you um click these arrows on the side obviously it stretches things out but what you could do so i'm going to click undo is you could kind of get it to where you want it to fit so say i want it to fit all across the spread there we go so there's that and i'm going to click crop and i'm going to bring it down to where i want it to be with the washi so you're going to enlarge it first so it's not distorting the image or stretching it out and look now i've got this like thick piece of washi so you can turn a full box into a piece of washi if you don't like the ones that are provided on the kit you want to use a different one or jazz it up in any way so the opportunities are seriously completely endless so i'll show you the drag and drop method one more time we'll bring a little pattern label label over [Music] make that however we want it to be and then i did want to show you guys the headers as well so the headers this was brought to my attention so the headers in the goodnotes file if you bring it over it looks like it's crooked and i i know the fix for that now if you do the drag and drop method it's completely fine as you can see like it's totally straight you can bring it over here it looks good so i'm going to put like my meal plan for the week on the side or something like that and it's good to go now i'm going to open my good notes file back up so we'll do the pumpkin spice i'll do the open a new window again and we'll look at the headers over here so it's a little different um let me go to a blank week real quick and so i'm going to go to my headers and here they are so when you take your lasso tool and you grab like the to do header you copy it and then let me zoom in you paste it over here you enlarge it it looks crooked right see how it's like kind of slanted it should not be doing that this is a problem with the app it's not the sticker but the workaround is just simply click out of it take your photo tool click back in it and it should just straighten right up for you see that it straightened right up and now it's totally fine i don't know why it does that so if you drag and drop the headers in it won't do that at all um if you lasso it in let me show you again you go to email say i want to bring that in we paste it over here we enlarge in it i'll even make it bigger so you guys can see see how it's kind of like slanted so just simply click out of it click the photo tool on the top tap it again and now it should straighten up for you so we'll pull that over here there we go so that's a little trick with the headers now with the date dots what i wanted to show you guys so i'm going to click turn my pen tool off and let's go to just june just randomly and i'm going to baby's outside the door little jewels i'm going to lasso all of my date dots in you guys will see how this is a much quicker process with goodnotes file and everything like that and i'm going to click copy and i'm just going to paste them over here and what i found to be really helpful is to kind of zoom in and you want to kind of position it so oops i accidentally clicked off of it so let's lasso all these again and i'm going to click resize and you can actually get like one of the date dots to fit in one of the circles see i keep kind of like tugging at it see pulling it over see that seven there i'm getting it to line up with the little date dot section and when i get it to the size i want it there we go now all of the sizes are good and what you can do is you can just lasso it lasso an individual one pull it up put it in lasso an individual one pull it down there lasso an individual one but you don't have to like size each and every one you know what i mean you size one of them and now they're all the size that we want it to be to where we can like very very quickly just place them there i did get a request for square date dots that's something i can definitely look into making um the the one issue that i have is that i don't want the file to be too big because it can cause lagging and things like that so i'm trying to be like pretty picky about what i'm including in the kit but i could always do like a separate file or something like that but these are obviously not in order but i wanted to show you kind of a trick for the date dots so now you know all of them are sized the right way and all i have to do is you know pull them over where i want them and all that kind of stuff so that's a little trick there the other thing i wanted to show you guys is just a little trick with layering stickers so and um trying to remember who told me about this or brought this to my attention um hang on i think i've got it on my phone let's see um it was michelle yes michelle thank you for bringing this up to me so say i want to layer a sticker what you're going to want to do so say i pull in i'm like okay i want to layer this pumpkin on top of something so i'm going to lasso it copy it paste it and i've got my pumpkin and i'm like okay i want to layer that on top of a full box or a box or something like that so say i want to layer it i don't know on top of this one here so i'm gonna copy making sure you guys can see all that paste so i'm like okay cool i've got my box here i've got my pumpkin so let's bring my pumpkin over and i'm gonna layer it and you click off of it and oops it's behind it what the heck is that about so what you want to do when you want to layer something on top of something you can bring down what you want on the bottom first and that's obviously pretty straightforward you just bring in whichever you want layered on the bottom first and then put your other sticker on top but a quick work around instead of having to like lasso the whole thing and bring it back over again click the photo tool click off of it or i'm sorry do the lasso lasso there we go um and then cut the sticker and paste it again and now you can layer it right on top so just cut the sticker paste it again and then you can layer it on top but again you can just pull in like i'll do another example pull in this like um oops this full box i get a little excited paste it there's my full box and say i want to put this heart maybe this green heart copy it paste it enlargen it and there we go see it's like not a problem at all i can just put it right on top now if you do what i just did where i put a sticker on top of a sticker and you're like i just want to move the heart not the whole thing what you're going to want to do is click the photo right here and click the individual object and then you can move it so that's another little trick i discovered because if you take the lasso and you even just do the heart it's going to pick up everything so there's that that reminds me too with the lasso so say i'm going to write something on my sticker i'll just use black um i'm going to write hello on the sticker that's kind of thin um use undo and we'll make it thicker so hello and i'm like okay i want to move just my text um if you were to take the lasso right now see notice that handwriting images and text boxes are all checked so if i do that and i circle my hello and i'm like oh i just want to move my hello it's going to move everything so what you want to do is click on your lasso up here and if you're just moving your handwriting make sure that um images is checked off and then circle your handwriting and now we can just move it wherever we want it to go so those are some little tips and tricks i think that's everything i wrote down a list yeah that's everything i wanted to make sure to show you guys but if there's anything else that you guys need help with or that you have questions about sorry for all the commotion in the background um just let me know in the comment section down below and i'd be happy to do another video if there's anything else that you want to see if there's any requests that you have for this shop um in terms of digital stickers and what kind of stickers you want to see in the shop let me know but otherwise i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i'll chat with you all later bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 6,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital planner, digital planning, digital plan with me, digital stickers, budget planner, meal planner, life planner, health and wellness planner, Etsy, Etsy shop, plan with me, iPad planner, goodnotes, Apple Pencil, iPad, planning to prosper, weekly planning, September plan with me, how to use digital stickers
Id: 2fT1S9bl9Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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