How Strong Was Aizen?

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[Music] hello everyone it's your host Seth the programmer and today we're gonna be talking about some more bleach on my channel more specifically the former captain of squadron 5 of the goat 813 sosuke aizen now I've talked about Aizen once before on my channel now it's a pretty in-depth actually although it was granted over two years ago I still think it was pretty decent you can check that discussion in moderate vs Aizen that I'll link down below now while I did talk about some of his power level per se in a cross burst cent I'd really like to discuss Aizen as a character within his own verse in some things I think I missed out on in my moderate video now before we get started I did get sponsored today and I do guarantee that you guys will want to support this one this one is pretty important for Bleach especially if you guys want the series to come back is always important to sponsor bleach products so today's lovely sponsor just so happens to be the new bleach mobile game bleach immortal soul first and foremost this game is an officially licensed RPG game so this means that if you love the story of bleach then you'll love the story of this game obviously as a fantastic bonus it comes balanced with an equally good chunk of action and the game you collect level up and use your favourite characters to create a strategic team to devastate any potential enemies in your way of course there are various modes to choose from with its story mode PvP battle arena and for those of you are looking for more of a challenge roguelike so if any of this interest to you which 100% should if you're interested in this video especially since you're more than likely a bleach ban then go to the description below and follow all of the relevant links pre-registering will allow you to receive a very generous gift at launch which can be done via Google Play or the App Store of course in order to get the gift pack you will have to register via the official website so what are you waiting for once this video is done go to the description pre-register and get your gift and enjoy a fantastic new bleach mobile game I think everyone can agree that the way aizen present himself is on a totally different caliber than most if not all other characters in Bleach it's sort of similar to how the sage of six paths presented himself to Naruto in their first introduction except instead of being some super experienced smart being that wants to help the world as he is instead uses all his brainpower to be an absolute shot Freud to everyone he is engaged with to destroy them in the absolutely most humiliating way possible this massive intelligence isin claims to be the second in the soul society only second Hara with his thousands of every battle Jimmy Neutron brains and power he claims nobody can actually can test him on injustice Baystate said maybe Yamamoto and Kenpachi is one of his stark characteristics most people are familiar with however what people aren't usually familiar with is specifics of these and how isin evolved and regress from that numerous times within the story and often mistake all his showings for being normal even before all of the crazy hogyoku amplifications isin receives later isin is still a godly powerhouse with the power to manipulate everyone around him when captain hitsugaya and shunts we tag-team him later on claiming they won't let him use kyokasuigetsu an ability that allows eyes and it perfectly throws all the senses of someone that sees his shikai release gene has a monologue about how arguing that isin each kilkis who guess who is a massive underestimation of his abilities and it's confirmed that if Aizen were to use kyokasuigetsu to win all his fights that the Espada would have never respect him enough to follow him meaning even aizen's raw reiatsu and spirit powers are enough to give every single member of the Espada a concussion and more than likely be immune to all of their hacks abilities and power-ups which as Aizen describes an Arrancar thinking that they stand a chance against the lord of iran cars as illogical the most notable of these taxes being Espada number 7 Samaras released Brujeria and it's a more ability in spotter number 2 by Oregon's passive Hakkasan SM SIA is a release date Aragon tey and it's respira ability this is impressive because the Mara's armoire is an ability that can completely control whatever it looks at with beragon senescence SIA being able to manipulate time itself to slow people down and even age them on top of respira that is pretty much this aging effect on roids yeah none of the Espada are convinced that these abilities will work on him and just his base state without even using his chic eyes ability it's actually implied there's not even a sliver of hope for them to beat him implying as I said earlier the eyes and more than likely outright negates these abilities with his raw spirit energy this is pretty much confirmed two times later in which for one aizen's notable quark as a war potential is his reiatsu and in his battle with the captain's during the fight with the captain hitsugaya freezes quote unquote Aizen in place and - is able to land two taps of her shikai which activates Haruka satsu ability that causes instant death however Aizen explains that due to his far superior spirit energy can simply overwrite hers and its abilities it can be argued that Aizen is not actually there in this scene and that she simply stabbed an illusion of kyoka suigetsu however it can still be said that Aizen said his reiatsu counter acts hacks and then it was supposed to be believable enough for the captain's to still fall for his trap later obviously he said something ridiculous that they can't believe they might be less willing to believe it's actually him this long side the can brawl all of the Espada and they have no chance of winning statement is pretty telling that he more than likely can't outright negate things like time acceleration deceleration and body manipulation hacks without much effort even injustice Baystate which I'm gonna keep saying over and over for this video it also implies that it's very possible that every other hacks and audibility we've seen in Bleach is beneath him so long as he scales far above it after this Aizen that proceeds to dismantle all the captains and visors that challenge him including SOI fons sunsweet hitsugaya komamura and shinji with absolutely no effort even after Shinji tries to manipulate him and beat him with all the senses distorted Aizen instantly learns how to counter and fight within shinji's collapsibility then mocks him for literally being a Walmart knockoff version of kyokasuigetsu which pretty much allows him to let people see a tsukuyomi like illusion at all times and control everything that can possibly sense from here Aizen only has two things he's actually scared of left in his way and those two things are captain-general yamamoto and Kenpachi Zaraki not even una Hana the old Kenpachi remotely intimidates him for a discussion despite the fact he used to teach at the spirit Academy and even shunsui and shinji know of her abilities and she's the only one that can train Zaraki later on during the blood war to reach a level to fight you Honda Quincy's and despite the fact that yamamoto who even with one arm later and the wars confirmed be the strongest of the goat a 13 and 13 blades faces Aizen and Aizen can actually still do damage to him and even with yamamoto actually sacrificed and gives arm at one point in exploding with jato 96 Aizen takes virtually no damage at all from this attack this is following of course the massive planning that went into this whole encounter that allowed him to even outsmart both Yamamoto and Haru Hara at the same time both of which are insanely intelligent with Yamamoto having a maxed out intelligence stat in the data books and horahora being confirmed be even greater than that yeah Isaac could read the hogyoku and its effects even better than he skate could and he could easily construct a plan to seal away Yamamoto srujan jakka which is confirmed to be the strongest zanpakuto in existence even purposely stalled Kenpachi with order he maze rescue Yami and houki aura so they could obtain immortality to body him when they did battle later although in all honesty with kyokasuigetsu he could probably have defeated Kenpachi even in base he simply could have had Kenpachi since a different level of power than what Aizen was actually using and when Kenpachi suppressed himself to have a good fight like he always does he'd one-shot him or something like that although I'm not so skate so I'm not going to claim that it's a 100% idea you might also be able to say that he just wanted to pit himself against kampachi with his hogyoku state to see how far he could evolve using him as well it doesn't 100% mean Kenpachi would be him and he was even confident that when it came down to it that his spiritual powers were the greatest in the soul Society even before the hogyoku even after fighting yamamoto as well although he's not 100% sure he could it be him either you could once again say he's still only saying that if he fought yamamoto straight up that he'd lose which is not his style to really begin with although I'll probably concede that if Yamamoto went bankai or something that eyes would not be able to win as in Bleach guidebook on mastery it is stated that Aizen is actually not a true threat to Yamamoto and that he never actually surpassed him but I still think that shikai Yamamoto is somewhat debatable as obviously Yamamoto spawn Kai's was truly evolved to the point of insanity the past thousands of years not really his shikai and even if it were true that she kai Yamamoto were above Aizen this is also not an anti feat as Luca talked and since we were pissing themselves at the mere sight of it and who could talk a states that its spiritual pressure is like an ocean of transcendent energy on top of this at even half power during the war being greater than every captain this isn't really all that crazy and if anything that would actually be an intelligent feat for him for being able to defeat someone stronger than himself another thing that kind of bugs me when you discuss base Aizen in this community is that people think he actually lost tuition Kurosaki now while is she more than lucky one of the big three that the Espada are warned to avoid fighting with this battle never once reaches its conclusion and it's somewhat questionable if issue was ever shown kyokasuigetsu in the past although you could say it's more than like it is the entire point of protecting ichigo is that he was the wholly unsullied child that never witnessed aizen's shikai there's two reasons in particular I say the eyes had never lost or really struggled all that much with issue for one only Kenpachi and yamamoto were ever stated to be threats to his plan and he knows how issuing would ever regain his powers if he did as he pretty much was the cause of the entire Ichigo Vasto Lorde a fiasco to begin what the second reason is that the end of the fight issuing says what's the matter reaching your limit already but neither Aizen or issuing are actually fatigue or I've tried to use bankai he then follows up with the hogyoku says that he's at his limit of his Soul Reaper state this can be interpreted as two things that one he was actually using his full power and his Sheen was stale mating it while warming up or two that the hogyoku was about to transform him and as we learned shortly after the hogyoku is literally transforming in devouring eyes and soul mid-battle with issuing so that he could transcend due to this it's not very solid to say that ischium is without a doubt able to defeat base eyes and normally it's questionable but there is no concrete answer due to how vague bleach can be sometimes on top of this the kyokasuigetsu argument is still a thing as well also it should be noted that the menage-a-trois yoruichi or a hara an issue are all pretty relative to each other so even if you just say oh we never expected issue to get his power back he didn't know that we were hara and yoruichi were a thing and he never once stated they were threats so if they were so comparable to his level and issue it doesn't make any sense in the end it's literally probably just the hogyoku was devouring him mid-battle was about to transform him eventually his hokey oku powers do activate and has stated that his power surpassed the horizon and our heaven and earth compared to what they were before it's to the point where the entire battle with the bleach sannin is pretty much him telling burrow hard to prove that he should actually be cautious about any of his strategies bruja points out the Aizen it's usually much smarter than this and he's letting the power get to his head and is somewhat true however the instant he powers up and tries remotely he instantly destroys all three of them it's to the point that even Ichigo is scared out of his mind and doesn't even want to fight anymore his sheer power wouldn't engulf it ichigo's entire world in a depressing ocean of despair that takes a month to get beaten out of him however once it did Ichigo would also become transcendent as well and become one with zangetsu Aizen gets pretty beat up by ichigo's new abilities even with his new ability to teleport kor doeng chol apparently we don't really know for sure if he can teleport but it's employed and then proceeds to get roasted for creating distance between them that he mocked Ichigo for earlier Aizen evolves again in which some call his monster form or his fifth fusion or final form whatever you want to call it and in this state can actually damage this transcendent Ichigo who is manhandling an Aizen that was stronger than even yamamoto with a simple frag or ability not even his ultimate variation that Ichigo stops working fire later ichigo then unleashes mu guts ooh and fires the final getsugatensho and attacks data to be above anything named in the verse up to that point and bleach unmask three possibly and more than likely even superior to me me Hoggy which resides within huka taka and the soul king even the royal palace is more than likely weaker than getsu with this statement in all honesty which I'll explain more later on who gets to obliterates Aizen out of its monsters say but Aizen survives and it's heavily implied that if anything Aizen was begin to fuse it with his vomit oh like Ichigo did to achieve his faith is on pop toast 8 which once again I'll go over this later Aizen then while low on power gets sealed by a Kido that were ihara put him in while he was being arrogant earlier which is why her Hara said he was smarter than that before his hogyoku cry soulless despite losing quote-on-quote Aizen was actually going to beat Ichigo in this battle despite Ichigo showing something that was contending for top tier in the entire series and quisqueya needed to step in to save him in the end this is very impressive considering what his future plans were and many people often question if Aizen could have taken on the zero division which he was bound to run into eventually if he wasn't stopped and I'd say that all of them by each ebay get pretty much no diff the zero division consists of shoot ara Kiki foon Akio dingy and Amaya and each e-bay and together their five powers exceed that of the goat 813 and while this sounds like a huge deal you can just argue that most of the power of the goat 813 just resides in Yamamoto Kenpachi and una Hana obviously not me me hogging who could talk a because nobody knew that yet and in fact Yamamoto scaling to the zero division makes it's extremely disappointing actually even worse when you consider the fact that all of them but each EBA get pretty much off screened by the Royal Guard using their base forms this is because at one point the Maya actually thought he's going to fight you ha and starts theorizing how strong he actually is citing the battle with Yamamoto 1000 years ago and the clone of him that Yamamoto defeated with bankai after citing these in the Maya states that he probably can't cut you ha and 1 attack despite the fact that over 1,000 years ago Yamamoto is probably much weaker not even using all of his bankai abilities and the clone got absolutely fodder eyes by him anyway even if you somehow disregard that the Royal Guard flatlined the zero divisions for normal members and base like I said earlier and not even the Royal Guard who can actually all amplify themselves even further is actually able to contain yamamoto xin same bankai power or even use it properly so you are asked to steal it himself yet Aizen and who gets who Ichigo are more than likely above this even if you disregard war yamamoto and just say theoretically that the maya was talking mainly about the battle 1,000 years ago and Aizen who was actually a teacher for the soul society probably knows about this and thinks he's still above it in crisis even just the stereotypical take young motos power and multiply it by 5 or 10 times for bankai is easily within aizen's ability to reason and you still think Soul Reapers cannot compete with him only being remotely scared of them when the hogyoku needed more time to evolve him to further add on to the point of only remotely scared of them by the way is one time kupo was actually asked if some sweet went bankai against Aizen against probably bass Aizen before he got incapacitated would he have been able to actually beat him and even when the guy is shoving the answer down his throat he's like yeah you know he probably would have beaten eysan right you know trying to get him to agree with him Kubo's like that's not that's not as appeal but i love it you know when i let the readers think stuff like that so even with an interviewer kind of shoving you know an anti feet down Kubo's throat for Aizen even then Kubo doesn't really agree that any of the soul reapers really would have beaten eyes and even in base including Sun Sui who is pretty powerful during the war Ark vs lily Baro and in fact that will kind of go into more what I'm saying here later because shunts we actually does extremely well against the Royal Guard whereas the zero division kind of got bodied by them in base so that is more evidence for this discussion but the only problem for Aizen in my opinion is Ichi Bane but even with that it's still very within aizen's ability to win now how strong you ha is at this point is pretty big and he's not at his maximum vs Ichi babe some argue he's just as strong as his roid clone that easily destroyed Kenpachi could even convince him Emoto he was real although if this is the case that each day is absolutely fodder to Aizen although the real you ha is still probably stronger because he could handle yamamoto as bankai when roy cohn it you could just argue that he was just going to hold it until he could actually awaken and use it later each of A's main court is his ability to power null his opponents however we've also seen that his ability can be negated by things like the almighty because while each EBA can change the name and power levels of things it touches on a pseudo conceptual level almost it doesn't seem to negate their innate or passive haxe abilities such as you ha despite being as powerful as an ant and not having a name still being able to use almighty and maintaining his foresight despite being nolde the same could more than likely be said for the hogyoku there's also once again the reiatsu neg argument from earlier as well as the fact that the hogyoku would just reamp immortal Aizen over and over again even if Aizen were somehow weakened as a reminder even when strapped to a chair with all his power sealed and the inability to move nobody could execute Aizen not shunsui and more than likely not Ichi Bay either let alone a fully mobile version constantly evolving that probably out scales him and was simply avoid outsmart or negate his hacks anyway it gets even worse when hogyoku aizen uses passive kyokasuigetsu as well as the fact that each eBay has no real serious scaling outside of just being able to be the main force of this your division whose only scaling is being somewhere stronger than Yamamoto let alone Aizen who thinks his ability can't even be put on the same dimension of power as Yamamoto let alone just being stronger each eBay if you put them in character if even if Aizen did lose would probably just slap Eisen back down to the sartet which allow Eisen to evolve beyond him with a new plan anyway as each phase only job is to defend the sole king now I'm not saying Aizen objectively wins or loses it's not a cut and dry slap for each ebay like most people think I do think it is a contentious topic especially with the transcendent lore Aizen describes being way stronger than the zero divisions and Aizen probably has in-and-out knowledge of the zero division and the soul king knowing most of the soul society's history to the point that it can even manipulate Tosun knows the sins of its creations and knows that yamamoto and body's most of it and even makes a key to go straight to the king and even knows what the soul King actually is it's no surprise that a teacher of soul Academy would eventually want to learn these things and then become disgusted in fact I'd say it's very pivotal to his character and to teach him that reality is full of illusions that he describes in the novel can't fear your own world this kind of goes into one of the biggest things that got to me when I looked further into and it was Aizen sense of a conscious despite being as malicious as he was to a lot of people he wasn't always as invulnerable as his demeanor would show even psychologically I mean you have a guy who can make the really stoic and even somewhat aloof bleach cash sweat and freak out just from a mere verbal encounter while he strapped to a chair yet the same guy was in his feelings deep down the entire time Aizen is questioned by hisagi and can't fear your own world and is asked why he killed Tosun in which isin actually describes killing Tosun was a mercy because Tosun was torn between himself is the ideas of his friends versus his justice and his past would rip apart his soul and cause him to rot away so Aizen saved him from that fate altogether it could even be implied that Hari Belle was spared by Aizen as well severely damaged her and almost killing her to the point that the Soul Reapers wanted anticipated that Orihime could probably heal her remember that with Tosun we did not want to be healed he pretty much pulverized him into paste not just a quick slash or two like he gave the Arrancar this mercy of Tosun is probably a form of Aizen projecting even as Aizen himself is torn between his two desires as well one of these being his desire to be the strongest a perfect unreachable being and God for all those that have none and also for him to be normal at the time this contradiction is what causes the hogyoku to grant both his wishes which allows him to survive the battle with the strongest ascends beyond all while simultaneously losing to Ichigo at the end which makes the idea of Ichigo defeating Aizen even more hard to swallow this later on might also be why he strapped to a chair and mucus shunsui comes to visit Aizen after Yuhas energy shakes everything even you can by the way in his time and space closed off from the real one and after just removing just one seal from Aizen he breaks out of numerous others by himself just so that he can talk to shunsui on his own terms while strapped to a chair later his hero hits again was stronger than anything the current captain's around of can muster including post zero division Rukia and byakuya urahara confirms Aizen now probably stronger than even was before even while extremely sealed and enable to move and while in this state he can cast kyokasuigetsu on ueha ueha the man who could see the future in a multiverse of timelines cannot see through kyokasuigetsu and gets manipulated by it not once but twice on two separate occasions this further confirms the Aizen did truly fuse with the zanpakuto which many people still debate about it's debated about mainly because in jump force a video game they have Aizen not fused with it which many people disagreed with jump force about for doing by the way and they even gave Aizen a sheath for his sword in the game that he clearly never had nor could obtain he not only uses kill kill while he can't even move or show his sword but he literally pulls his sword out of nowhere while fighting you ha and you huh finds it believable him not being in his final transcendent stages unlikely because if he's not and maybe he just has some data Babylon ability we can pull his sword out of nowhere like Gilgamesh then that means he can still activate bankai and multiply his power by five through ten times yes still didn't even bother vs you ha and for those that don't know a zanpakuto has five stages its base state a release state its final release state its transcended state and its final transcended statement if Aizen truly did retain his powers he would have the pinnacle of zanpakuto evolutions which would explain why his power didn't decrease after being sealed but increased due to his ascension not hearing and getting a mood get to like amp even without the hogyoku he would still retain that zanpakuto fusion even still strapped to the chair shunts we declared the Aizen with just his mouth was too much of a threat to Ichigo in the novel's due to his ability to use Kido and manipulate hollows and many people also debate whether or not this Aizen still had his hogyoku powers in which it's not totally possible to confirm he has the hogyoku he still retained the amps it gave him previously including his complete immortality as when he gets an arm ripped off in a hole blown in his chest then gets completely absorbed and destroyed by you ha Aizen just kind of reappears later like nothing happened Lin's all intact strapped to his chair again and my eyes and maybe choosing to purposely be stuck in the chair dude he wanted to reset himself and find a way to fulfill two contradictory ambitions at the same time as he almost challenges my Yuri to see if he really can't break out of it like he says and that's all that can really be said for Aizen at this time and anyways guys I hope you enjoyed be sure to LIKE and subscribe if your a bleach fan be sure to support today's sponsor bleach immortal soul by pre-registering via the links down below to receive free in-game gift packs and once again thank you to bleach immortal soul for sponsoring this video seriously supporting bleach content is a must for all bleach fans who want the series back and other than that have a great rest of your day and till next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 696,332
Rating: 4.9260454 out of 5
Keywords: aizen bleach, how strong is aizen, seththeprogrammer aizen, aizen vs ichigo, aizen vs yhwach, ichigo final getsuga tensho, aizen vs everybody, aizen vs isshin, aizen vs captains, aizen vs yamamoto, aizen hogyoku, yamamoto vs yhwach, espada bleach, aizen vs hitsugaya, aizen bankai, urahara vs aizen, aizen vs urahara, chair aizen, ichigo and aizen vs yhwach, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, analysis, manga, anime, aizen vs madara
Id: -2Odopi_DzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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