Could the Phantom Troupe take down Meruem?

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everyone it's your host set the programmer today I'm finally going to be talking about Hunter hunter on the channel so we'll be taking the entire phantom trooper my entire I'm referring to an almost composite variant of it including crow low Nobunaga Phaeton machi Fink's franklin she's a Cubano letnov Hisoka sean art Paco Noda Vogon and corto P Collett oh and even illumi zoldak included as yummy joins a little later on in the manga and pitting them against the king of the Chimera ant Madeline some people might think this is a mismatch maybe you think Madeline absolutely obliterates the true maybe you think you so go alone is enough to put up a good fight against him regardless I think it's very good for talking about inverse Hunter hunter scaling as there's so much ground to cover in different things you have to acknowledge for this topic and all honesty it's just the best topic you can really do to show how the power scaling and the ceilings work in the show so without further ado let's begin first things first is the hunter hunter hotkey or Espada the Phantom troop now unlike the Akatsuki and the Espada which are actually established with specific combat goals in mind such as being able to take down jinchuriki with teamwork or potentially help Aizen fight Shinigami captains the spider has no real specified level of strength you got to be at to join there are some things you have to do to join if you want to though and that's usually being selected by crow though if there's a vacancy or defeating a member currently in it so you could argue most of the people in the trooper more than likely significant enough that chrono trust them with the very existence of the spiders and to help him with his plans however one thing you'll notice is that there is a huge gaps of strength between the members and this is pretty exaggerated in current hunter hunter and spoilers for anime only viewers when he Sokka starts killing troop members now the Phantom troop does have a strength hierarchy but they don't have a combat hierarchy in terms of strength the manga gives a list of those that win the most consistently an arm-wrestling which I'll show on the screen now obviously characters like Vogon who can punch with the force of a small missile a state of new vegans manga description page is considered the physically strongest as he's a master enhancer whereas the other specialize in other things but this doesn't mean there isn't a massive strength gap for those that are enhancers such as Hisoka pretty much off-screen and korto peace so fast that nobody even heard them battle and the implication that he so could killed shell narc and possibly one attack or so although it's argue shell narc didn't have his net ability by some or even Hisoka easily manhandling machi with his Bungie gum this is better defined in the data but says three combat stats skill and combat physical ability or athletic skill and your overall nen and nen ability so someone like core topi who's a three out of five in all of these areas gets absolutely flattened by a character like ahsoka who is a four in all of these areas there are exceptions such as could a pika and others who can amp themselves such as the scarlet eyes and Emperor time absolute mastery there's also usually debate over the credibility over the hunter hunter data book solder there's actually a few of them there isn't just one at this point so even the criticisms people have is usually only for one of them however when it comes to actual character abilities and its scalings there isn't much contradiction in them as it's a very vague with the most contentious points and characters and most of the characters are outlined more specifically in the series I promise I won't be using it as my only evidence throughout the video but mainly as a supporting point a lot of people also usually have a problem when you say that hunter hunter has distinct power scaling and like to heed the advice of morale in this case which Maurel doesn't believe or level determines a fight which it doesn't inherently have to Morell's a great example of using your 300 big brain fight IQ to win a battle in the series but as kill what later challenges if you have so much aura that it makes you our ponents looks like it doesn't exist in comparison it does definitely put the battle in your favor this is obviously outlined with the Royal ants and the Chimera ant arc in general but we'll go over more about them later during the matter of segments but it's also pretty self evident throughout the series I mean take a human who does have a reverse as one who doesn't you can see why morels logic while not narrowly wrong is questioned by kilauea and doesn't ease his anxiety about Neph repeat oh this is also debunked when GaN fights to chimera and officers and despite them using amazing teamwork and their biological advantage isn't hitting God dozens of times without him hitting them once as far superior aura and talent allows him to tank all the attacks with barely any damage and take out the officers and almost single attack in retaliation now well this physically strongest of the troop can vaporize large portions of the Arison can easily overpower super bazookas that could take out tanks without any effort at all many of the other troop members are still kind of lacking an example Shaun Ark is one of the weakest members of the troop ranking in at number 10 on the list and during the Chimera ant arc he was stopped by two henchmen of zazen pail and beaucoup shell mark actually struggles with pail a bit and beaucoup is more so a manipulator than a physical combative type goes into control shell narc in which he goes into his autopilot mode also known as its last resort to defeat them which causes immense strain and fatigue to his body this is extremely sad for a combat feat as pail the Chimera he can't even really damage without literally using super saiyan is a chimera ant peon as a reminder a chimera ant peon level fighters such as meliora is stated to be able to get one shot at bay a leader class chimera ant such as on this further reinforces the idea that Hisoka one of the stronger members and someone list is stronger than Zaza and the data books could 1-shot shawl narc in his base state with shell marks autopilot mode only being able to show that if he a peon in a non combative officer ant of Zhou Zhan then quickly wearing off in him running out of energy this is also bad for PACU Noda and poor topi who were stated even weaker than he is and while core topia is a good support ability such as his ability to clone 50 large buildings Pocky Noda has no good combat feats other than manhandling gone and kill Oh before they even properly learned men with Kahlua even then being able to snap her arm and bash her teeth in let alone a John Ken from gone that can amp his strength by 10 times I could take out powerful hunters like then through while also getting many more nen amps later on such as his training with Biscay next we can go over Nobunaga we don't really know a whole lot about him other than his ability to instantly fodder eyes and kill gone and kill a pre greed island if they were to fight lol also compares Nobunaga and even machi at one point to Hisoka to help gon understand the tier of fighters they are although we don't really know how accurate that is considering machi got pretty destroyed by Hisoka you could argue that she was perhaps off guard as she has stated even more physically powerful than crow low could even take lethal attacks from Killaloe that were destroying Paco Noda or Nobunaga was also a teammate of vegan and while vegan was always destroys him when they fight he was able to fight alongside I'm gonna keep up allegedly when they work together to have teamwork move again the same guy who can catch bullets point-blank with his teeth and so forth bone iliev and his chimera ant fight couldn't pierce the shell of a nameless chimera ant officer with his spear and had to resort to his Jupiter in an ability in which he claims that sound is too fast for his opponent to ever escape from this Jupiter power must mean he's large planet level obviously but no in all seriousness it does not seem to be all that impressive especially if it is his strongest attack it barely does anything to his surroundings and kills the nameless land it has no real ap we know of besides that if anything begins normal punches such as the Big Bang punch are actually probably stronger than that final resort Caesar qu isn't an even worse boat as she states she was forced on the defensive by Pike and at one point stage she might not even be able to beat him without taking damage first her ability also doesn't work on living beings and can only suck pikes blood after she damaged him what she struggled to do I know I'm being a tad vague with how strong chimera officers are but I'll get into that later Franklin is overall pretty feet list but he stated to be the fifth physically strongest member even above machi and Phaeton but below Hisoka Fink's in oof again he fires nen most similar to chimera ant squadron leader blow ster kala toe is able to defeat an officer named small beetle but when watching Zaza and her base State vs Phaeton she is overwhelmed to think she is far beneath him and even questions her ability to rise in the ranks of the true implying Phaeton would obliterate her without even using his net ability thinks is implied to be the second physically strongest intense does not have much trouble with the Chimera ant officer he faces implying he could have body to him with half the effort however Fink's to us to use his ability to defeat him they can't simply just bodied the ant with his raw base physical strength and aura Phaeton is the only troop member that we saw to actually fight a squadron leader and it's against Zaza and despite being the fifth physically strongest cannot actually damage Zaza at all once she transforms and has to rely on his paint packer ability this his ability is stated to be able to vaporize Carlito in all the other troop members say it's dangerous to be around I've seen some arguments saying this attack is as hot as the actual Sun power in the manga this is not actually stated in the surrounding areas not at all that affected by his attack although it's implied phaeton is rusty and that the paint packer that defeated Zaza was on the weaker side because she's gonna damage him enough so it having a set heat doesn't even make sense to begin with it obviously changes his heat depending on the damage taken but it is never stated for as much as I know in the manga to be as hot as the Sun Frollo and Hisoka are pretty evidently established and while it stated that crawl on Hisoka are physically weaker than characters like Fink's with carla being stated weaker than Phaeton i find it somewhat hard to believe at times due to how high crow low and he soaked his physical and athletic ability in raw an N scale above Zaza in the data books as well as the fact that crow those combat feats with hand to hand should be way greater than Phaeton and Zaza ins to begin with you could imply however that perhaps crow low and Hisoka never went all-out in the arm wrestling matches or didn't use their nen to amplify their strength when they did it they strengthened skill being stated above jaws on with rivaling men or that saws on with her nan abilities simply gets to a a stoker level tier of physicality like some Zarb on power up from Dragon Ball Z that can amplify her power and durability beyond the physical abilities of Phaeton Hisoka and eme are also used as gatekeepers by kilowatt which he uses later on to try to scare other hunters such as Net Zero morale and Navarro and knuckled themselves rivaling kite and physical strength give or take kite being able to destroy platoons of officers with no difficulty with single attacks you can also argue that ahsoka and croelick and further amp their high nen and athletic ability with their actual men powers with Bungie gum being stated to increase its power if it's stretched out far enough and krill having an entire dictionary of abilities in his disposal Hisoka crow load while near each other in actual power favors Hisoka is slightly more powerful and this is shown pretty well in their actual fight if you pay attention in which he Sokka hit scroll at one time and damaged him pretty well Rikuo has to attack him numerous times for barely any damage in comparison there's also debates if Crow who actually had help during the fight with Hisoka as he had a very long time to Pera for the battle and it's implied by Takashi that the reason he Seok is killing the troop is because he learned the secret of what happened in the fight versus Corolla the theory is that shawl narc machi and cork topi actually helped him in the background which is why Kronos uses shawl narcs ability was weird such as calling with it like a phone instead of using it as a game device or how the cloning and control was far more in number than Hisoka a genius by the way his prediction machi is also applied to have helped as he soaked his Bungie gum he was using as a safety line at the very end randomly disappeared and all three of these people conveniently just appeared at the end after Hisoka loss just to see his dead body although this is only a theory is still implies Hisoka is very powerful to the point that even chrono states he was forced to prep extremely long and when it just fight him right away and use more abilities than he ever had versus anybody else even trying harder than he did vs NO and Silva zoldak at the same time the same Zeno and Silva who saw Shia poof amped Squadron Leader Tito thought he was a waste of time and one shot at him these two still took damage versus they suppressed krola this is another reason why I think the armwrestling rankings probably don't include their net enhancements or work them absolutely going all-out at all times maybe to conserve their true powers or their status versus the other members maybe not give away with their true capability elegant being number one and the other members compared to each other is still probably the case another reason I don't think nen is involved is due to durability which hunters and fighters in Hunter hunter amplify using men or more specifically Ren which enhances strength and durability which may allow people like crow to reach those number two or number three spots over Fink's and phaeton and the others that they have far superior nan or net ability things could also be insanely strong for all we know but that's not really heavily implied by a spy in the arc ela me is someone who Sokka thinks he can take even if he makes in rage and ela methinks he can kill Hisoka if he's enraged Hisoka also hires ela me onto the Phantom troop because he thinks he's such a competent fighter on decent challenge dem ranking him a 9.5 on his weird power scaling scale even higher than the zodiac members nearby that he ranked 8 through 9 which they think they are stronger than morale we've seen what morel can do so it's safe to say that ela me at least scales to Hisoka somewhat where do you think he's weaker or stronger he hasn't shown all he can do yet it's just safe to say he's relative with the troop out of the way we can finally get on to Matt om and now for the most part we've been discussing peon officer and leader class chimera ants and on the hierarchy they're actually two stages higher than even that and it's no exaggeration to say the difference and they're officers is nothing compared to the Royals and the leaders the royal ants are so powerful that they make powerful hunters like naav literally start to go insane just from sensing their presence and fears the royal ants more than death itself and can even take down kite one of the strongest hunters on the planet who could sweep entire platoons of officers and easily one shot leader ant even with his weaker abilities and not only does net repeat to actually take down kite so easily but it's also implied that kite got some on the verge of death amp and still got absolutely demolished the only landing some scratches on Peto if not just dirt or dry blood from kites following decapitation and the gap is so extreme that Killa says that nobody's ever encountered withstand a remote chance against net for pizza not even Hisoka or ela mean he's also met most of the Phantom troupe including crow lo as well as Zeno and Silva now usually you'd say that Killa was simply exaggerating however Killough is literally programmed within a unique ability to read the true threat level of people he encounters even be able to tell that rusty net row possessed the Guanyin Bodhisattva while he was suppressed just by looking at him and the needle in his head that forces him to retreat on a subconscious level if he sent to someone beyond his power that which is in part the actual manga volume description for PETA which is usually written and constructed alongside Takashi as takashi does the volume specials specifically for them actually says that p toe is stronger than any adversary that gone and Killa will have met up to that point meaning any character in the series that gana kill have met would get outbox and destroyed by p toe even in a fist fight as p toe has not even developed its net ability yet once again the data books make a clear distinction between Royals and everyone else in the series whereas many of the strongest fighters in the world that force or their combat abilities the Royal ants and chairmen NetZero oppose zero charge and training have all fives this isn't even just their physical powers but even their intelligence out classes are right that of even crows who's known for his insane planning and this is no exaggeration as Peto and poof or such geniuses that they could master top tier net abilities practically upon birth and instantly know how most of it works and how to learn and manipulate it something that takes most characters decades to do let alone hours poof even goes so far as to be able to absolutely boly moral intellectually and strategically despite only being weeks old in moral being an insanely experienced hunter poof was also very manipulative and was able to actually speak over dawn without him really realizing what was happening while she was healing Kaimuki basically while he Sokka crow Lozano and Silva and alumi are all talked to your fighters the Royals of Metro are pretty much the absolute pinnacle of what humans can ever achieve although it's implied Metro has a few advantages over the Royals outside of physical staff such as his enhanced speed and experience well as having no lacking trait in combat such as a lack of will or a minor fall in talent or intelligence even after you soca states he wants to fight Metro one day Metro is completely disinterested and has only reinvigorated to fight and train once again after sensing Peto and getting told by colt that the Royals could take him no problem you Sokka doesn't even make him flinch in comparison and in fact came off as boring even and even after being extremely rusty his power was still convincing enough to Navon morale that he was the pinnacle of all hunters in the world and even illumi said that forgone to even take out the top soldier of the king who forced Metro who around fifty years ago as the strongest nen user on the planet to use a Rose bomb he would have had to sacrifice all of his nen or his life in the process not even the King just the Kings top soldier convinced his ela me of this because of how far Neto stands atop the food chain another important detail is that net Row is extremely proficient in reading people's abilities which is consistent with his character since he's constantly searching for the perfect being of his dream to throw everything he has against but even with this ability we never once acknowledges Hisoka reeling me as contenders for top five net users or even acknowledges them at all for that matter as I described at the level 4 and level 5 examples this was important because Metro would actually be a level 5 enhancer probably far superior to the except Vogon who Hisoka never really mentioned to someone he truly wants to fight like Kroll Oh with punches so fast that he could execute them faster than medow him could move and the adult gone versus Neph repeat Oh fight the dead body of Pete oh becomes amplified with post-mortem nen and goes to attack gone with God speed Killa racing Pete OH in which post-mortem Pete Oh actually gets there first and chops Don's arm off now while God purposely let his arm get decapitated cuz he wanted to be like kite though kilowatt was still using his god speed at maximum to the point that you could actually hear his footsteps for the first time in the series yep put it out speed this Pete Oh despite being able to blitz pretty much in everyone else in the series to the point they can't even see him and just fight Pete OH having a space advantage it's still pretty telling due to how fast God speed has actually shown to be not speed for those of you that don't know is stated to surpass the limitations of the human body in terms of the speed and not even Hisoka or even he could do anything to catch him or even keep track of him in the state yet post-mortem Peto is arguably somewhat relative to him gone then regains his composure and easily tags and obliterates the same Pete Oh God speaks and moves so fast as well that kilowatt barely has time to blink or he can't keep up as the narrator states for those that don't remember gone and his adult state is stated to be relative to the king so the king being faster than God speed Kahlua and PTO's own opinion is highly probable as well as the fact that Nets are also more than likely surpassed human limitations with his decades of Prayer as Guan Yin Bodhisattva so you can kind of look at net row like a far more skilled move again that could also use most other types of men highly efficiently probably better than pretty much anyone else that can also outbox God speed kill at the same time with an IQ heavily surpassing crow low then you have Meryem who the narrator States considers net row the equivalent of an angry child throwing a tantrum and whom Arab can counter using only a flicker of his true powers however this isn't all Meryem also has a god-like intellect in the verse just like the other ants and despite only being weeks old how do some of the brightest minds on the planet some of the most challenging strategy games in the world anything comes the best go player in the world and only ten games it's the point that NetZero who's NO states is unpredictable intellectually the same Metro can read moral with almost social precognition it's hit by almost a future site level of strategy from mad web to see through his almost flawless movements after trading thousands of blows and rips his limbs off with a single attack a feat that hasn't been replicated by anybody else in the series if vegan is the strongest physically of the Phantom troupe and net Row is simply a far superior enhancer to vegan alongside higher speed and intellect then the Phantom troupe may have nobody that can even withstand a single attack from Mara and even survive even in his base state of course this is supported the data books have manner of stats not even at level 5 like the Royals but beyond the chart entirely he can one-shot leader class ants that even give Phaeton difficulty and can tank his attacks and can easily dominate even possibly the strongest fastest and most intelligent an end user we know of on the planet while not even trying to kill him and take little to no damage from him even after thousands of attacks even the zero hand and attacked metro charges for insane amounts of time and he pours all of his level 5 men and resolving to only scratches Meryem he just says oh that was okay I guess and it doesn't actually damage him of course you don't even need to get started on Rose madder um who's even stronger and has UPI's rage cannon that can vaporize massive cliffsides with more energy than needed to destroy a small city or anesthesia to travel at the speed of light and having to require an entire States military to possibly quell just by himself Rose Meryem is not up for debate at all I can't even think of any argument whatsoever that merriman base is up for debate either and I think Metro being an enhancer makes it even more concrete this is all especially true for the lesser members obviously who are arriving leader ants and officers and that no ant gon and killua included thinks anybody can hurt the guard or Merrill him and that their absolute monsters compared to the rest the only real argument I see for the troop winning is actually via poison more specifically Kronos bends knife I'm going to assume crow doesn't have anything Marin level his bandits secret book until we see it because obviously he had to do this insane plan just to take out Hisoka let alone Mara and doesn't have any crazy stats we don't understand due to being tagged by Zeno in their battle who stated net rows far inferior now while a Ben's knife wouldn't work on Silva who is a zoldak with years of poison training Meryem has no stated resistance toxins so if they could land a blow with the knife they might be able to paralyze him and win now this is really only if Meryem is super relaxed and not just trying to kill all the troupe and get it over with which has never been granted with anybody about net row who you perspective for it's insane ability let's say he is more relaxed and just wants to see what the true can do maybe the phantom shoe bum rushes Mattern while chrono activates his weird teleport quote-unquote like ability used on Nobunaga earlier in the series and then catches Mara by surprise and stabs and with a knife when his aura is focused towards his front and then paralyze him and win somehow this sounds like a great plan at all however we've already seen Madame get hit while completely off guard by the Guanyin Bodhisattva numerous times and it didn't do any damage to him either net Rose Guan Yin is far superior to krolow probably holding a Ben's knife which isn't even a net ability even fate ons paint packer abilities extremely unlikely to do anything and it's questionable as well why I say it's questionable say there are two fate ons and Pete so chopped the arm off of one and Meryem chop the arm off of the other and then they both activated pain packer with both pain packers be the same exact strength because he received the same amount of damage does the power of its scale to the power of the opponent it seems more like the first option if that's so we have no idea how strong and become even if Marilyn for some reason decided to chop all of Fay tongs arms and legs off instead of his head which he easily bliss him and do paint packer even from ad Lim didn't beat up bait on could even seriously damage Nefer Pete so at this point who alumi stated you probably have to sacrifice everything you have to defeat and na thought the Royals had an inconceivable level of power it just doesn't seem very promising for him and remember kite also had a on the verge of death ability that Pete oh absolutely obliterated even before he mastered men but maybe if he was put near death that prerequisite illumi said would be met and he might be able to take out Pete oh but remember the even with this prerequisite that gone was put on a level of bass marijuana and probably couldn't even defeat him in a fight due to the intelligence gap at the very head let alone an ability just from getting beat up I think I've said most of what I've had to say he so Connie let me think that even kilowatt and his friends are an issue that they couldn't even take them when you pee casually stomped all of them at the same time while not even having mastery over his own abilities you can't even argue that the fantasy would ever be even mailed the damage or use a single hacks on Mara that would be effective without putting a controller of Maryland's ass and making him stand around and even then it's heavily debatable The Phantom troupe moreso struggles with just officer to leader class ants Royals are definitely more in the question for the entire troop to face than someone like marijuana someone who's endo can't do anything but be forced to fear and respect not say that he's a rival - oh no I think he told you P versus the fan Troop would make more sense although I would not be surprised if they actually won as well especially post-mortem Peto who blitzes all of them and is stated to be able to take out every hunter who raided the estate outside of Metro at the same time or you pee with his aura that's over ten times morale and level for nen user and his ability to span his rage kins she passes anything over again ever did and he's also stated to be more than ten times stronger than God speed Killa moral knuckle and shoot will not even be able to use as nen abilities hunters that are all stated to be rivaling kite the fact you P might have more aura than the entire troop combined and be over ten times stronger than pretty much all of them should make it pretty obvious all in all that Mara is not on the plate here Meryem is beyond the normal cast of human characters and that's kind of the point but as I said the beginning of the video I just wanted to do this to explain that yes there is power scaling in hunter hunter it is not just raw strategy all the time or anything it's more like strategy resolve and power if that makes sense so hopefully no more Hisoka versus Meryem requests I think I made that pretty clear other than that guys I am curious do you think PETA or you P could take on the Phantom troupe if not what about all the Royal Guards at the same time and other than that guys I hope you enjoyed and till next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,996,545
Rating: 4.8895121 out of 5
Keywords: meruem vs the phantom troupe, the phantom troupe vs meruem, hisoka vs meruem, chrollo vs meruem, phantom troupe vs chimera ants, feitan vs zazan, chrollo vs hisoka, meruem vs netero, how strong is meruem, gon vs pitou, adult gon vs pitou, killua vs youpi, godspeed killua, adult gon, hunter x hunter, hxh, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, seththeprogrammer hxh, analysis, anime, manga, rose meruem, pitou vs kite, meruem, pitou
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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