She Proved Her Blindfolded Run Wasn't Fake

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is this what I think it is no way right so let me get this straight this girl goes and she gets accused of Faking a blindfolded run and everybody on the internet does like a [ __ ] like thorough investigation it's like if you want to see a real investigation claim that you did something in a video game that didn't actually happen and you're going to get people that put more work into that than their entire time at college so we have uh Queen pon aot made a video this is maybe two months ago 2 weeks ago excuse me about killing Alton who's like one of the hardest bosses in Monster Hunter with a blindfold on people pretty much called it in the question and I was under the impression that uh do I still have the video about this I I don't still have the picture of it but um I thought that whenever I originally looked at this that she had like partial vision and not completely removed Vision so she's made a video responding to these accusations that have been put forward because a lot of people were mad at me for watching the video they said I shame on you asmin gold for watching this video with this [ __ ] liar you knew it was fake because women don't play video games I bet that one's from my [ __ ] so that one's from my video isn't it nck 93 wow well maybe she faked the comments too guys oh boy look at this she's about to lose her sponsors on this live I love how this person thinks that sponsors care about so uh you have to understand that like so in this video game so there is this Dragon right and he's like really [ __ ] hard and uh pretty much like so she said that she she beat the dragon but like I don't think that she really did and like if she did cuz like she did it blindfolded but like there was this other video that said that she didn't do it and like then uh [ __ ] so like I think that like she fak the run and she didn't really kill this dragon and they're like okay so and this like can you imagine like being the social media manager having to deal with this you really think this spor sponsors going to give a [ __ ] about this oh people get real mad hey everybody I'm componet and there has certainly been a lot of people talking about my previous video where I posted what I've come to learn was the first ever recorded blindfolded run of alatreon what began as a fun experiment shared live on my twitch stream as a and interesting challenge quickly erupted into something bigger than I would have ever imagined I bet I bet this is real I do I bet this is [ __ ] this is crazy at first the world first rum was met with praise and brought Monster Hunters together in look who it is however after that video made by Asen gold there were multiple points of contention about the legitimacy of the run and several notable streamers and content creators have been called into questions they sure have including asmin gold himself o not a blindfold at run it's like a vision impairment run yeah the original video made by juy noted several points about which by the way is a very fair assumption to make is a very fair assumption to make video that questioned its validity with expert commentary from the notable blindfolded Runner bbia yeah the community quickly became divided and I felt the wrath of many disparaging remarks constant unhealthy criticism and slanderous Malice without even been given an opportunity to prove that my room was indeed legitimate and reproducible and I said before that I hoped that she comes back with a 30 minute video of her doing it again do you remember in the second video where I said that I hoped that that happened teleprompter script it yeah yeah she probably wrote out a response that way you know it's like something like this I mean you know she's got like what 700 subscribers like people like this aren't used to this level of attention right so yeah it's probably a stressful thing for her like a lot of people write out a script like most people um like bellor uses a script for a lot of his videos or at least I know that he used to I used to have note points for a lot of my videos too reading it off of a script isn't doesn't make it fake like most people aren't experienced public speakers that can just talk about something for 30 minutes and be coherent about it that's a really hard thing to do this forunate imitation quite frankly disgusts me while I openly welcome skepticism and fair criticism I've been met with continuous hatred fatal and constant questioning of my character and my prowess as a monster hunter this video is a response to those questions and comments and seek to prove that not only is my original run legitimate but that I can indeed replicate it oh my God I hope that she comes back and she says I did what blindfolded here's me doing it again I hope that's what happens first and foremost we got the good ending boys we got it I have played Monster Hunter World consistently for thousands of hours with some of the best and most reputable hunters in the game though I am no expert blindfold Runner I have never claimed to be a professional blindfold Runner and the video was not made to be a standardized blindfold submission so I contacted mes a world record sakiro blindfolded speedrunner for my own expert consultation after some discussion with him and recommendation not youor about forward facing camera showing my hands and monitor covered my other monitors completely installed keyboard inputs into my stream kept my eye tracker on and purchased a standardized blindfold numerous other official blindfolded runners in response to all of the critic I've received I recorded an updated live run in its unedited and unadulterated form I've also so she's showing the light through it to show that no light gets through it at all that's why she's doing that defend my original video and also want to share my final thoughts but we'll have to wait and see right just have to wait and see all right here we go oh oh and she did it without the hunting Horn [Music] Guy she's not going to show her hands it has uh it has her hands right there and it has the keyboard inputs right there damn bro she's farming them holy [ __ ] someone's talking to her in a headset true brother true [Music] W bro I can barely do that without the blindfold like I'm going to be honest like that's I'm going to have to do that [Music] myself is Discord screen share you think that's it what if there's a third Monitor and she has eyes in the back of her head or something like that like bloodborne true she has like 99 Insight o is an apple Vision wait wait bro is she using an apple Vision Pro so she can actually see more of it than a normal person oh my God bro that makes sense I never even thought of that yeah [Music] duh [Music] oh she trying to make those potions o got his hand right there too this guy is such a dick sucker man damn damn she got him right out the air see what I could tell right there there she was listening to see where his head was like cuz if you had pretty good headphones like listen to how she does this yeah the head movement's loud it probably cuz he got the horns on 2,000 Jesus bro like how's that horn not broken holy [ __ ] ooh oh she got the debuff again he's going to do that red thing I bet you could probably do that to sound as well like if you if you were good at it the only time you break element I feel like she takes less damage than I do on this fight probably cuz she has better gear [Music] oh oh it's augmented gear yeah I don't even know how to do that damn bro that [ __ ] heals you a lot I was just paying attention to this like what the [ __ ] bro I need to get that so that's monster rank 100 yeah I need to get that 100% I need to I need to just kill this guy honestly I just get get him done am I going to have to like reill him for gear or is it like a one andone [Music] situation yeah that's fine I'll just do it grind no it's fine GE isn't very good I actually I as I said before I really don't think this is a bad boss like that that like fire attack and like the um like the aluia attack that oh bro this [ __ ] is so annoying um the sword is good I I might get it like what I'm saying is like I would have no problem re killing this boss like the only boss I never want to have to kill is Black Veil of bhic and uh caladora those are like the infamous dick suckers in the game this one's not so bad oh now he's mad she even turned off the music so she can hear audio signals better [Music] yeah o oh my God bro like this guy's just getting [ __ ] wrecked I need to get used to doing that myself this a fake blind run yeah this is actually uh this is a second this is a second input on OBS it's like a VOD she just practiced hitting the keys like that keyboard's unplugged bro or it's plugged into like another keyboard with like uh it's got nothing on it yeah she's faking because uh bro I [ __ ] that up even whenever I uh oo see that's what happens to me damn damn that was [ __ ] sharp damn bro he got [ __ ] up [Music] the Dodges are crazy yeah these Dodges are clean as [ __ ] man white fan fish that was fast god damn it didn't even do anything I on shifting ele why is there screen like that probably cuz she's cheating that's got to be the reason why yeah how could she see with all that on the screen I still don't believe it well if you still don't believe it like at this point like I would be impressed if somebody could cheat it right like if if you could if you could make it this believable like that that's impressive like on its own [Music] maybe it's AI this she got like a early beta test into that Sora stuff from open Ai and like she just made this with that she's like you know make it look like I did a blindfold at Ultron run to own the incels just getting direct head shots just wild yeah I know bro that was so [ __ ] perfect oh my [Music] God cuz you know I bet she practiced this [ __ ] like a thousand [ __ ] times or actually like I think that didn't the first video have her at like 4, like2 200 kills that's like 400 more kills than the last two [Music] weeks well I mean just since the uh since the video came out doing it blindfolded right I mean I'm pretty sure she didn't do it blindfolded 4,000 times is what I'm saying shames better than you with the blindfold yeah I know that I uh I know ooh why is she smirking like that because she knows she's cheating and that everybody's going to believe it that's why that's the real reason man you were right you're so right oh my God she's actually just [ __ ] doing it and I guess somehow there was like an audio cue cuz I think he only does three head smashes whenever he's enraged so like she knows he's enraged this an audio you can tell how far she is from the mob yeah true doesn't look like that's what I do a lot of I think he does that electric [ __ ] three times when he's in Rage too damn bro she just punched him in the head missed on purpose you think she missed on purpose to make it more believable it's the same as like whenever you copy somebody's math homework you get a few wrong yeah yeah just like on purpose big true I wonder how many attempts this took cuz I bet it probably took a while six that's pretty [ __ ] good [Music] Jesus pre-recorded for sitting there with the blindfold well then how you explain their hands is that also pre-recorded they could like have like a oh that's smart yeah so like the footage is pre-recorded and the hands are pre-recorded but the this one up in the top isn't pre-recorded that makes sense they're all different videos yeah honestly like if I found out that was true I would actually be more impressed than if she killed the boss blindfolded like that that would actually like I would rather that be the case because I just think that's funnier yeah that would actually be somehow more impressive and see she listened to him whenever he went that he like made that uh that rotation with like his body so she knew where his head was ooh 2,000 again God damn this [ __ ] has got a lot of Health Jesus I'm never going to kill him this never going to [ __ ] happen bro like this sh's never going to happen 50k yeah it's a [Music] lot so she forgot where he was and she was like listening there oh there it is damn she almost [ __ ] died bro like she she's using a lot of those white Fin fish God I hope this is fake this would be the most impressive fake I probably ever seen like dream if if I found out this is fake like dream probably should like keep this girl on retainer next time he wants to play [Music] Minecraft damn he dead this hunt will go down in history he [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] and how long did that take that was like four that was like a 14 minute fight cuz it says like she began combat with him at like 3:30 this is 1730 this 15 God damn and she did this [ __ ] live too bro I would be so I would be so [ __ ] afraid to do that somebody made a good point about her arms being stretched on the bottom camera but not the top one that's right true so true you're right true brother [Music] damn done she didn't even scan him that is insane as I said I I really hope that uh I hope that this was what was going to [Music] happen oh she put like a blocker over the screen we did it guys damn God damn that is [Music] nuts the most disgusted part of the Run claiming it to be fake is what happens when my friend disconnects from the hunt everyone says that this is an obvious giveaway however there is much more going on here in this exchange than means the ey let's examine the side by side of the exact exchange and see what's different about the fight the attack pattern is the same and I know the way the monster is facing at this point because I can hear [Music] him on the left the disconnect prompt is obviously shown whereas on the right I am free to move Dodge and attack the m Mouse movement in question is me trying to dodge and position myself to attack the monster as I'm trying to aim to hit his head after the claw attack I then get hit by the horn sweep because I can't Dodge and because the prompt is there everybody is claiming that I clicked the box to cancel the onscreen disconnect promp I can hear the fact that an error message has occurred from the bell sound that only plays during onscreen prompt I'm also trying to dodge the head swipe with SM wait is that true that there's like a sound that place oh I canceled the prompt why nobody bring that up spacebar and juy in his video even comments to anyone who thinks she was pressing Dodge to close the dialogue she presses twice way too fast to register two Dodges this comment argues against itself by claiming that apparently I wasn't pressing spacebar to close the dialogue yet I was hitting the space bar too fast to jump which one is it the only way I could reliably cancel the prompt while blind was to spam the space bar since I could not see the prompt to close it which leads me to my last point for those that are absolutely certain that I am clicking the dialogue box to close the disconnect prompt in your claim of how this is so obvious you missed one vital detail my mouse cursor never enters the prompt to close it and I can prove it first look closely that the mouse never actually enters the Box still don't believe it watch what happens when I recreate it notice that my cursor becomes a hand icon not an arrow watch this she got a point man she's got a [ __ ] point there doesn't she damn side by side comparison in slow motion my mouse movement is to hit the monster not close the Box moving on ju's video questions the sincerity of my reaction to being disconnected claiming that I'm only acting blind and that I have a genuine moment of lapse judgment where I forget I'm playing blind while fighting a Laton of all monsters live in front of an audience we suffer a midf fight disconnect while blindfolded all in the span of 20 seconds how is any normal person supposed to react other than confused or surprised you can even see my heart rate spike in the middle of all of that happening you really must think I delivered an Oscar worthy performance during the run if you actually believe that I'm acting the entire time ju's video claims that my eye tracker picked up my eyes during the hunt if I truly could see through my blindfold such that the eye tracker could register my eyes like it did apparently why would be looking there in that fraction of a second why wouldn't it be tracking my eyes and show them the entire time I think we can all agree that the appearance of this small blip of the eye tracker for a split second at a random time is a false yeah I I thought that too I remember in the original video yeah that's what I said too it's like maybe but probably not some argue that my movements or attacks are performed without audio cues however anyone who has fought a latron enough times knows that are some movements and attack patterns in the fight that are a lot more subtle one example of this is just prior to raton's double head swipe where he Stomps his feet this has a very small visual cue but an even more subtle audio cue which if you listen closely enough is definitely there if you haven't mastered the fight you may not know about this subtle detail but I do watch and you can both see and more important she never addresses the points where she almost always hits the head but in this new video she rarely hits said I feel like she hit the head of the boss a lot yeah am I crazy I feel like she hit him in the head a whole lot importantly hear it after fighting the monster thousands of times it truly does become second nature just because you don't notice them or you don't understand them does not mean that I don't both juy and bubs suggest that my original run is fraudulent because I said that it took me several attempts to perform the Blindfolded run I knew that we would be trying it that day on stream and I had practiced this about a half a dozen times off stream in preparation for an onstream challenge with my friend as a Duo again this was never meant to be a speedrun or an official blindfolded submission this wasn't even supposed to be solo we were practicing it as a Duo because it was just supposed to be for for fun on stream and his hunting horn was helping me locate the monster I even kept my sound alerts on during my stream which juy points out not as distractors from my concentration but because this was supposed to be carefree live stream content and I saw no reason to turn them off for a fun exercise furthermore anyone doing blindfold runs will minimize any external sound sources that would interfere with the audio cues this Runner has followed still on during her attempts the hunting hor assist would also be creating a lot of noise pollution but I'll let that slide however just because I can do something faster than you can comprehend it doesn't mean I can't do it it just means that it takes someone else longer my techniques for fighting the monster with sight still translate into how I fight it blindfolded and I fought it the same way every single time for thousands of repetitions I mean to be fair like she's done them a lot of times I think people are dismissing and forgetting that I've spent more hours in game killing this monster than some people have spent in the entire game we aren't talking about a couple of hunts or a couple hundred hunts we're talking on an order of magnitude higher thousands of successful kills not to mention all of the failed or incomplete runs that aren't counted mhm for any anyone that doubts my ability to do this why don't you kill something for almost 5,000 times and see how you do I think you'd be surprised at how easy it is and how some experts like mitas with less elaton experience have already tried and said that it is possible even after a few tries oh yeah yeah and then after this video came out there were other people that did it blindfolded and tried themselves so it's it was provable that it could happen moment where I run into a Shard of ice attempting to claim that I can see it the monster was clager and my only objective is to get straight to his head which I can hear with that same logic if you assume I somehow I'm able to see the icicles then how would you explain this clip where I run into one face first run in place and even slash through it the icicle is silent and it's literally in the middle of my screen I could see it why would I run right into it and keep running into it I even end up hitting it and not even the monster well she was pretending then and she forgot that she needed to pretend in the other circumstance obviously right because it's silent I don't see it charging up and even as a master of this hunt I still get hit by it or is it that I'm just acting clearly even a beginner who could actually see this would not have made the same mistake the same is true of this example I made that I made that mistake to be fa that takes up a large portion of my screen and yet I have no idea it's there because it makes no sound I do nothing to avoid it continue my attack and I get hit by it yep another main criticism of my blindfolded run is the fact that I adjust my camera to fight the monster without using lock on this is just how I fight it all the time every time just because I put a blindfold on doesn't that that changes here I am doing the same thing on my updated [Music] run oh God is ass in fact we can see some other examples from my original run that actually support that I am blind because I have a hard time turning and engaging the monster because I don't use lockon because I can't see or hear him well enough to engage him reliably these are mistakes in the hunt that even beginners wouldn't make if I could see in this clip he is down and clearly vulnerable yet not making much noise so I have a hard time rotating him I did that in fact I'm even facing away from him and not following up with attacks on a downed monster that is literally right next to me then the next and only moment I actually attack is the moment he Roars again because I can clearly hear him yeah she should just turn the chair around that way nobody can say she's looking you could just say she has a mirror on the other side of the room you could have this say another monitor connected like that's the easiest thing like yeah I mean I feel like that's probably the worst example you could use in this clip the monster isn't even on my screen any person even a beginner that could see that the monster isn't even on screen would instinctively turn to search for the monster yet I don't hear him or see him and stand in place trying to listen for him it's at that last Split Second that I hear him gearing up for an ice attack and I turn towards him only to get hit right in the face as he is standing right behind me I even get hit by the same ice attack once I get up I have no idea where the monster is but I can hear the lightning surges I can't even tell what direction they're coming from because at this point they all sound the same listen very closely and you will have a hard time too I immediately start panicking rolling completely in the wrong direction away from the monster on top of that I even rolled directly into one of the blasts causing me to faint if I truly could see this happening why would I be dodging in the wrong direction and why after 4500 kills would I make the mistake to roll directly into one of them at a low health and faint finally at the end of the hunt I managed to topple the monster but because I can't see him I don't know which way he's facing immediately in fact I even start moving towards the wrong end of the monster and literally stand still while he's toppled if I could see I would have taken a clear headshot TCS but I don't because I can't directly pinpoint the head because he's making less noise and I end up getting a sloppy body shot to end the hunt and that kind of makes sense you ever seen me fight this monster yeah that makes sense because in the other video she waited for him to make noise before she went in a certain direction with my eyes open you can easily see that I would never have made such terrible errors if you're going to cherry-pick all of my successes at least be thorough enough in your analysis to cherry-pick my mistakes for my final thoughts I understand that this is the internet and with such controversies and varying opinions everyone will have their own no matter what points I try to make to exonerate myself and prove my legitimacy there will always be dissenting opinions and refuse to believe me yeah there's always going to be somebody that comes up with a reason because like people just don't like to admit that they're wrong to my community please don't fight hatred with hatred be better my every hope in playing this game has always been to bring the communities together both new players and veteran players alike so that we can all partake in the surging popularity that monster hunter has enjoyed this past several months as we await Monster Hunter Wilds I'm so very appreciative of asmin Gold's contribution to that surge inial pra I did do it blindfolded and here was me doing it again I hope you stay passionate about Monster Hunter the way all of us are and if you ever want help fighting alatreon you know where to find me wow there it is holy [Laughter] [ __ ] oh God I'm so glad this happened I am this is so [ __ ] funny to me this is absolutely [ __ ] hilarious it's like she does the video and it's like yeah I'm like yeah I can kind of I could see kind of how this could make sense Etc right in terms of like oh yeah maybe she faked it who knows right I'm not like an expert and I watch the video it's like yeah maybe you're right then she comes back I I was so much hoping that this would be the case because it's just so [ __ ] funny man yeah now obviously like there's somebody there's this one guy in chat who's like for the whole video he's been going in thank you for watching of absolutely let me link you guys this video like give it a like this is [ __ ] hilarious this is so [ __ ] funny There It Is guys there's the video oh my God good stuff yeah this is insane yeah she's in chat Queen pwn a lot there you go apparently holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is just so [ __ ] funny to me oh my God this is [ __ ] hilarious but anyway yeah it looks like the Altron blindfold kill was actually real it did actually happen and the video debunking it was completely [ __ ] wrong
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 700,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: lBV-e12lls0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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