Magnus Midtbø Dominates Game Show

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Magnus mippo is a professional climber who went on to make a very successful YouTube channel where he has proven time and time again to be an extremely versatile athlete whether it's parkour gymnastics running swimming grappling Magnus has done it all but the thing is Magnus is always competing against himself and a lot of people want to know how would he compete against other professional athletes well that's exactly what he did in the show master of Masters this show pits 10 professional athletes against each other in a series of mental and physical challenges to see who's the Supreme overall athlete and they have professionals from all different backgrounds whether it's skiing Motocross Sharp Shooting soccer or clattering clattering that's Magnus so the first thing right when the show starts they get all the competitors together and they head to the first Challenge and I was like what's the first challenge going to be is it is Magnus gonna get out right away is he going to struggle on the first thing I mean these are all professional athletes this first challenge could really determine how far Magnus gets in the show so after an extremely dramatic walk-up the first challenge is finally revealed the bar hang yeah I wasn't the only one who immediately was like oh okay a Magnus is going to win this one yes and things go pretty much exactly how you'd expect they would Magnus easily wins this Challenge and even goes on to setting the record on this challenge for the show so all the Magnus fans out there were off to a pretty good start right Magnus first place right off the bat and now the competitors head to the house that they'll be staying in this really tripped me up when I was first watching it because uh you know being an American I don't know if it's the same ever else most shows you watch where all the the people that are on the show are staying in a house together they usually aren't very like wholesome shows they're definitely not usually game shows they're usually like too hot to handle or love island or something like that this is definitely the first show I've seen like this where it's like a hybrid of like a reality TV show in a game show like they go out they do these competitions and then they come back to the house and uh you know it's not quite like the other shows nobody's like pulling each other's hair or getting in fights or banging at least that they show show on camera so they have their first night in the house Magnus takes a dip in the pool they all share a bottle of wine except for Magnus who has a beer because he's a Chad and then they all get a good night's sleep before the second challenge now this is where I started to get really excited about this show because this challenge was awesome it's basically a Sprint circuit back and forth where you have a weighted bag tied to you and you have to bring puzzle pieces from one end to the other until you have all the pieces on one side and then you have to solve the puzzle and my first thought was that Magnus would do really well at this right because it's a mix of puzzle solving and Athletics which you know sounds really similar to to another Sport and at first it did seem this way Magnus was off to a really good start he was the first one to get all the pieces over and to you know start solving the puzzles like there's no way that he's not going to win this event but there is a little bit of extra information I left out if you go back to where you got the pieces from you can lift the panel up and see an image of the solved puzzle every other competitor got all their pieces over went back checked the beta if you will and then went and solved the puzzle Magnus on the other hand was the first one done getting the pieces over but you you know being a rock climber it was instinctual for him to not look at beta right that's cheating so he never went back to look at the actual chart and just tried to basically just smash the puzzle pieces in so not only did this cost Magnus a bit of time it actually made him go from first to dead last and after this first episode I immediately realized this was one of the best game shows I've ever seen like the variety of the challenges the competitors have to do and like the entertainment value was just off the charts it even goes into the backstories of the competitors which if you've watched my other game show reviews I hate the Back stories I I absolutely cannot stand listening to the backstories of the competitors and these ones are 10 to 15 minutes long that's not an exaggeration they have 10 to 15 minute just chopped out segments of the show where they talk about some of these backstories and they're still better done than any other game show they're actually interesting to watch and I think part of it is a lot of the shows I watch Are Made in America and the American shows have this this weird fascination with everybody just cleaning all the time like every backstory is like oh this one time when I was in high school I was trying to play fortnite with my friends and my dad made me do my homework instead and I really just I never recovered from that trauma so you know that's what got me into rock climbing and I'm just like shut up and climb they also do this thing where every single episode when the competitors leave the house in the morning to do their first challenge they get a whole new intro [Music] so we're gonna do our best to focus on Magnus from now on because even just focusing on Magnus I'm gonna have to skip through a lot of events and stuff because there's just so much in the next event that competitors have to do is this biathlon where they basically have to do two laps through this uh water circuit go up onto the shore and then run two laps on land this one was kind of weird because they kept the water so shallow that it was faster to like trudge through the water than it was to swim and you can see Magnus makes that mistake pretty early on of burning a lot of energy freestyling when everyone else is just like walking past him and this does come back to bite him a little bit because it does use up a lot of his energy and he ends up getting third place out of the four men that are competing in this Challenge and this is where one of the most badass competitors in the entire show comes in and Margaret who's an orienteerer I guess it's basically like a very European version of cross-country running where you like run with the map and compass and you have to like I guess is spine treasure or something like that I have no idea what they do it's cross country running she absolutely dominates this biathlon she wins by so far that you can't even see the other women when she comes across the finish and she even beats the times of all the men in the men's heat and it's not just in this event the very next challenge is an all-out Sprint and Ann Margaret also completely dominates this one and seeing how Magnus performed on the biathlon I was a little worried about this one when the men had their heat right I was like eh maybe Magnus can pull off second if he gets really lucky I was shooting more around third place but I did not realize that Magnus is fast as so at this point Anna Magnus are just dominating this show right they're at the top of the leaderboard and has a considerable lead on Magnus and he has a pretty big lead on the people behind him now we gotta skip over quite a bit now uh you know this video is gonna be way too long if I go into every challenge everybody does but basically there's a wall sit challenge Magnus gets fifth there's a bike race magnus's team comes in first this chick wipes out there's a plank Crossing challenge thing magnus's team gets first again and an obstacle course [Music] foreign episode of the show is split in half right there's the challenges and then there's the reality TV hanging out at the house and I guess at the house just outside is a bouldering wall so Magnus gets some crash pads and he takes the other competitors to the bouldering wall to show him some bouldering so Magnus shows the other competitors how to climb this Boulder and you know they're all a little nervous but they all want to try it too but before they go Magnus gives them some of his chalk and for those of you that don't know the chalk that Magnus uses is rongni's mag dust and guess what happens they all send it every single one of them for those of you that don't know I made a video a few months ago ranking every climbing chalk I bought every chalk I could find and I ranked them all in a tier list in the Undisputed winner the best chalk No Holds Barred was rongni's mag dust and after I made this video I got multiple sponsorship offers from chalk brands that I had reviewed in the video but I had to turn them all down because I felt like it was disingenuous for me to you know Market something to you guys when I had said there was a better product out there like how can I say to byproduct a when in an unbiased review just before this I had said that product B was better so I kind of gave up on ever having a chalk sponsorship but to my surprise one of the brands that reached out a little bit later was in fact rongni so this video is officially sponsored by rongni and I'm even wearing one of their cool shirts that I found on their shop um there's really nothing I can say about mag dust Rugby's chalk that I haven't already said I did it like fully unbiased review on this Chalk in another video it was without it out the best chalk I'm extremely excited that I got sponsored by them definitely try it out um it's it's just it's the best it 100 the best it wasn't even like a close margin it was noticeably the best chalk I have ever used so click the link below and enter your email for a chance to win a year's supply of chalk from rugni a year's supply I don't even have a year Supply I'm sponsored by them I I can't even enter the competition not really fair but let's get back to the video so the next challenge the competitors do is a modified form of red light green light where there's four different color pistons and whichever color comes up you have to do that action and the last one to do that action is out and Magnus gets out immediately so things aren't looking very good in this episode right getting last place in an event is not a great start but thankfully the next challenge is a balance test where the competitors have to stand on one leg and the last one standing wins and Magnus pretty much has this in the bag right he's a rock climber he's got the best balance everybody else starts falling it's just Magnus and this guy named Axel left they're standing there balancing axle's looking a little shaky Magnus looks rock solid as always but then Axel has a genius plan foreign so Magnus pretty consistently finishes either in like the top three or in dead last it's just kind of his thing he's either like I'm gonna get last place or first place he's basically Ricky Bobby's dad always remember first last and the next challenge is one that really stood out to me because I don't know why maybe it's just me personally I found this absolutely hilarious basically what it was was each competitor had three targets and two tennis balls for each Target so you have six throws in total to hit three targets now In fairness the targets are pretty small so I can see this being you know a relatively difficult challenge but they're at Max five meters away so it's definitely not a far throw now after the completion of this challenge there were a total of 40 balls thrown across all the competitors can you guess how many targets were hit four Magnus actually was one of the competitors to hit a Target and then this absolute psychopath axle threw the ball underhand and still managed to hit two of the targets so he accounted for 50 of all Targets hit in this challenge throwing the ball underhand that is the most European thing I've ever seen I could be wrong but I feel like if you did a show like this in America you'd have significantly higher rate of people hitting the target I don't know like baseball is not very popular in Norway or something but uh 10 of targets hit it's pretty abysmal so when they get back to the house Magnus decides to take some of the competitors out climbing again this time to a different wall in some absolute degenerate bolted fake holds on a real Rock I have never seen this before in my entire life the whole point of fake rock climbing holes is to simulate the real Rock the real rocks right there the holds are on the Rock you'll need to bolt holds on to it maybe you know I'm just inexperienced in rock climbing in the culture uh but I've never seen this before I do not understand in any way when this would why this would ever be necessary it is absolutely absurd but anyway they finish their rock climbing and then we have the most wholesome moment in the entire show among this is [Music] foreign [Applause] can you see why I like the show so much now the just non-stop entertainment there's action right they're out climbing standing on a pirate ship rock climbing having a birthday party drinking some Brews they got everything and as if Magnus wasn't already dominating in this show the next challenge they do is a rope hang which also if you can't tell heavily favors Magnus and when it comes down to the final two it's just Magnus and Anne left and uh we get one of the funnier moments on the show foreign I know so Magnus takes first place and yet another challenge and at this point we're only we're only like halfway through the show this is like episode 5 out of ten so we're gonna skip through quite a bit again they do a modified version of the trial of Sisyphus which Magnus doesn't do super well on they have another obstacle course this time it's timed they have a 5k relay race which Magnus and his team take first place in they have this weird rope obstacle course which Magnus destroys because you know he's a rock climber he's good at handling rope like everyone keeps making that joke he's like the master of handling rope like I know climbers handle rope a lot but it did seem a bit silly to think that he would do super well but I guess they were right because he just cruises through the course and one of his main competitors Axel makes it to the very end and gets his rope completely Tangled on this thing like I'd rather start the entire course all over again than have to untangle that absolute mess that he's created thankfully Magnus comes in helps his boy out and he makes it across the finish in last place and as we start getting into the later episodes of the show we can see Magnus is really starting to loosen up right if we go back to the earlier episodes of the show and everyone like comes out of the house and they do their dance and stuff like that you can see Magnus he's not really having it but skip forward to the later episodes Magnus starting to loosen up starting to have a good time [Music] I did not edit that at all that's that's how the show put it in there it's just the greatest show ever made but now it's time to move on to the very end of the show the semi-finals and the semi-finals open up with something they call hell week and at first I thought the name hell week was just like dramatic television fluff you know I didn't take it too seriously until I saw the events the competitors have to do the first event requires the competitors to carry 120 kilograms which is like 264 pounds back and forth as many times as they can they then move into this absolutely grueling relay race where it's basically just pulling weight back and forth over and over again and honestly I was starting to lose a little bit of interest in the show at this point I thought this was like the least creative section it really just felt more like every other game show I watched like a lot of the creativity that went into the previous obstacles was gone that was until I saw the third challenge this challenge comes absolutely out of nowhere because all it is is a six inch leg lift but if you move your legs too high or too low you get electrocuted they have nothing else like this in the show this really just comes out of nowhere but I loved it you know I love seeing somebody get electrocuted from time to time and Magnus wins this event so he's the only one doesn't get electrocuted pretty cool the next challenge is this weird sandbag obstacle course where you have to get all four of these sandbags from one side of the obstacle course to the other and Magnus actually ends up having a pretty decent advantage in this because there's one part we have to climb over this thing and get the sandbags over and Magnus being a pro climber is able to just put the sandbags on his shoulders and climb over the thing and magnus's advantage on this one specific part of the course ends up giving him so much of a lead that he ends up taking first place and this leads to the last three competitors Magnus havered and axel in the finals and the finals all come down to one super challenge the last challenge of the entire show three competitors that have made it through everything have to use all the previous challenges all the knowledge they've acquired to solve one massive I guess like obstacle course I wouldn't even call it an obstacle course it's basically like a relay race where they have to do a rum a wall sit another run a bar hang another run uh throwing the balls again which as we saw last time didn't go so well and then run across the finish line and even though Magnus had done extremely well on multiple challenges up to this point none of them could compare to his absolutely dominating performance in the finals [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so by the time Magnus makes it to the ball throw he has over a one minute lead on the other two competitors all he has to do is get three balls through three holes and run across the finish and he wins the final challenge but this is where things go awry by the time the Axel and Havert catch up to Magnus and make it to the ball throw Magnus still has not hit a single Target and then to make matters worse Axel comes in with his his underhand throw and Nails all three targets taking first place and I gotta say watching this I did actually feel really bad for Magnus just because it looked so frustrating like you could see like the seething anger inside of him as he just kept missing the targets and eventually Havert hits all three of his targets as well and takes second place before Magnus finally gets all three of his and comes through the Finish but at least he was a really good sport about it and obviously I was disappointed the Magnus got out right he got third place which is still good but seeing him just destroy that course and then gets stuck on the ball throw for so long I was kind of annoyed like you know he did all the physical stuff but then this kind of silly Balter thing is what got him out but I do think it's still Fair because throwing a ball is still an athletic thing to do it just wasn't a common thing I guess for the competitors in that show no I'm not gonna say who won the show I know some of you are like what he covered the entire show you're not you're not gonna tell us who won well the whole point of the video was to cover Magnus in his performance on the show and I want to give you guys something to look forward to you know not spoil everything I just you know only spoiled 90 of the show so that way you guys can go watch it it's Master Masters season 12. it's awesome Magnus absolutely dominated you know if he had just done a little bit of pitching practice just don't thrown a ball a little bit here and there easily could won the show thanks for watching Everybody check out master of Masters season 12 or any other season you want to watch and click the link in the description below get a year supply of magdust
Channel: Climbing Stuff
Views: 1,555,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, Magnus Midtbø, funny, game show, master of masters, Norway, Mesternes mester
Id: PU1_E22kmfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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