How Not To Be A Zombie | Key & Peele

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you guys know what extras are they are they are the unsung heroes of the television and film industry that's true that's true because they're the people that stand in the background they don't have lines but they make up the world it's fun to us when you see somebody maybe who's new who doesn't get how to do it which happens on our show there was one our first this is our favorite encounter favorite encounter with a guy and we to be fair we didn't give him an exact line we said all right say what you think you would say Jordan's playing Obama right and this guy was meeting Obama it was like action and Jordan goes are you doing nice to meet you everybody how you doing nice to meet you oh huge masculine black dude you can actually look this up as the Obama ATM sketch we actually started down we're like what is he saying he said hey what's up Obama baby [Applause] hey man this is your first time no man I've been doing zombie extra work on this show since day one first season man my first time oh it's your first time on this show my first time being extra at all ever kind of nervous oh wow okay man hey man sorry about you you'll be all right man it's okay man it's not that hard man you'll be all right I'm me personally dude I'm looking for that lunge bump though what's what's a lunge bomb Oh that's uh like if you um you get featured if you lunge at somebody and then you get a bump in your pay and if you're really lucky man they blow your head off that's a straight bank right there assistant director got around Jerry hey Jerry I had a thought man about the first scene that y'all not now Stan oh Steve it's Steve okay okay I'm gonna need somebody to Lunge at the fence you think you can handle it yeah uh yeah it's his first day though he kind of nervous man he kind of nervous it's his first day okay so the director's gonna yell action max gonna come by and then you're just gonna lunge into the fence like you you want me to say Graw oh listen say whatever it's crazy okay all right cool man hey you know hey that's cool hey you know I got a lot more experience man you can just use me I've been here day one first season so and okay cool all right that's fine you're gonna go with him all right good for you man good for you all right grab no don't do that you don't have to say God do whatever your hell you want to do man that's the lunch bro that is the lunge bump man you got it you got it on your first day ever being an extra ever you got it man good for you and action baby what the hell was that cut oh man I would be more than happy to fill in man I'd be more than happy to step in Max just remember when you're coming through the factory that like your mind is still in the car I mean you all gotta pick People based on qualifications man you can't just be picking random note but maybe what I was doing sort of superseded that agreed yeah we were just discussing that absolutely it supersedes it yeah but uh let's do one that just seeds it okay just same level we're going again straight away okay right away okay he's not doing a good job at it you're doing great though man opportunity knocks you gotta answer the door Man action [Applause] [Music] foreign I'll be more than happy to step in at any time you want me to I'd be more than happy to do it just a certain sense of urgency is all we're looking for clock's ticking you got survivors to find right can't take off with someone real segment did this dude right here is not doing what a zombie does this dude was literally on our last take waving his hand up in the air like this Jerry making Beaker sounds he sounds like Beaker from The Muppets y'all thank you that's great just a ticking clock on this is how we're looking for because there are survivors that's what we're after okay I found the ambivalence in there the ambivalence is Art it's gorgeous and we love it but there are zombies so if we could just pick up the pace just a hair that'd be great straight away please right away we're not doing Night of the Living Muppets are we we're not because the beaker is not a zombie do you have any notes yeah don't be a Beaker why please action [Music] God no he actually just said the word zombie come on man you ever hear a zombie say the word zombie before no you haven't I don't think so you know what get rid of this game thank you that's what I'm talking about I'm sorry dog but you terrible at this man don't do your thing amen no he's talking about him no he's talking about him because he said zombie thank you Steve no you want me to leave hey man I've been up here staggering around here for three and a half years and I've been startling extras left and right when do I get the start of the lead huh one more for safety straight away action we do if we had to go to the bathroom we like it I love it genius moving on I got it
Channel: Comedy Central UK
Views: 80,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy central, comedy central uk, key and peele show, key and peele season 1, key and peele season 2, key and peel, key & peele, keegan-michael key, jordan peele, skit, skit show, comedy, sketch, comedy sketch, short comedy sketch, funny, comedian key and peele, key and peele zombie apocalypse, key and peele zombies, key and peele episode, key and peele funniest sketch, zombies, zombie apocoalypse
Id: x8pgqXaNlAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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