Every Apocalypse Sketch - Key & Peele

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(people chatting softly in the background) (people gasp) (bomb detonates) (people scream) (people continue screaming) (sirens blaring) (spacecrafts blaring) - (whispers) Wait, wait, wait. Gotta be careful here, this place is crawling with them. (high-pitched whoosh) What was that? - What? - Cover me - Guys! Hey guys! Hey guys! Oh thank God! Yeah, we started a community of survivors. Y'all come live with us. (gun cocks) (gun fires) (gun fires again) - Wait, how did you know? - Come on. Redneck wants us to move into his community? Us? Let's go. - All right. (guns cock) - Guys! Over here! (laughs hysterically) Oh thank god, there are other! - Would you let me date your daughter? - Of course! (gun fires repeatedly) (cloaking crackling) - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! (screams) (guns cock) Please don't hurt me! My best friend's and I love Jay-Z! And my favorite movie is "Think Like a Man." - She's good. - Come with us. - Okay. - [Key] Stay close. - Okay. - What's your name? - Emily. - (in unison) Of course it is. (dramatic suspenseful music) - Hey, hey! Don't shoot, don't shoot! - What do you think about the police? - Well, I love their third album. (gun fires repeatedly) (man screams) - I don't have any money! I've no money! (screams) (continues screaming) (suspenseful music) - Oh my god, oh my god! Thank god you guys showed up! I got to get outta here. It's a silver Lexus. Just pull it right up front and don't scuff the paint, all right? I just had it buffed. (keys jingle) (gun fires) - Was he an alien too? - Yep. (dramatic music) (footsteps) (soft dramatic music) - There's gotta be another human being out there. Somewhere. It's been 173 days since the undoing. (metallic scraping) Today, I may be the last man alive. However, if there is another, I will find them. The loneliness is more than I can... (engine reeving) (man whooping and cheering) - There we go! Let me get some of that! (man groans and crunches loudly) ("Non-Stop Party" by Key & Peele) ♪ Well, tonight we gonna party ♪ Oh yeah! That's my jam right there! (whoops) ♪ And the party don't stop because it keeps on going ♪ (metallic scraping) Huzzah! She'll take ya! Just like that! Ooh, no not the butt though. (smacks lips) Milady. - Yo! Hey dude, how you doing? - Yeah! Oh yeah baby! (groans) ♪ ...All night ♪ ♪ Friday night every night ♪ Oh hey! Dude! Hey, I'll come over there! Dude, hey! I'll come to you man! (gun fires) (gun fires) (music stops) (soft dramatic music) - There's gotta be another human being out there. Somewhere. - [Voice Over Radio] The zombies have broken through! I repeat, zombies! (man screams) - Oh my god, Tommy's been bit! (slow distorted music) - Ah damn! - Oh my god! (men screaming) Damn it! No, no! - What are you waiting for? You know what you have to do! - No, I can't do it. - [Bitten Man] Do what? - You have to do it. He's been bit! (gun cocks) - No, no, no, no! - Forgive me Tommy! - No, no, no, no! (man screams) (gun fires) (man pants and gasps) - (sobs softly) I can't believe the zombies bit him! - It wasn't a zombie (sobs), it was a raccoon! It's...the zombies are raccoons, right? (thunder rumbles softly) No? It's just zombies? (thunder rumbles) (electricity crackles) Oh (beep), you just killed Tommy. (dramatic music) (guns cock) - All right, listen up, sheriff's department is close by, we'll be safe there. - Okay. - Stay close. I'll get you out of here. (zombies snarling) (man screaming) (men screaming continuously) - Oh my god! They got Brett! - What? - They got Brett! They got Brett! - They didn't get us. They didn't get us, okay? We're still alive, but keep it together. - Yeah, okay. - We gotta make it to that sheriff's station. - Right. Oh my god. (zombies snarling) (bell tolling softly) - We got to go through them. Just stay together, keep moving, and don't get bit. Go! (suspenseful music) (zombies snarling) (men panting) Are you getting this? - Yeah, what is up? All right, just go. This is crazy. (zombies continue snarling) What... - Ain't that some (beep). - These are some racist mother (beep) zombies. - Why would you even lock the door? I mean the windows broken and... (zombie snarls) (man gasps) - Oh, hell no... - That's... - No, no, no. (suspenseful music) (zombies snarling) Oh, come on! - What is that? - They seriously wouldn't let her eat us. - Hey guys! Isn't this great? These racist zombies are leaving us alone. Come on, we having a party. ("Party in the Mission" by Latin Soul Syndicate) The beer is here! And look who I brought! Come on, man. (party-goers cheer) ♪ There's a party in the mission ♪ ♪ There is only one condition ♪ (zombie snarling fearfully) ("Key and Peele Theme Song" by Reggie Watts) ♪ All I want, yeah ♪ ♪ But I don't need, yuh ♪
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 1,486,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Apocalypse Sketch -, Key and Peele Apocalypse Sketch, Key & Peele, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, kay and peele, sketch comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, Get Out, Us, Jordan Peele Get Out, Jordan Peele Us, Key & Peele sketch, Key and Peele comedy, Jordan Peele stand up, Keegan-Michael Key stand up, comedy central, comedy, skit, sketch, joke, sketches
Id: yziANFamTds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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