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[Music] all right good afternoon everyone so surprised trip we are at the ACA International Airport and we are about to get on a plane to go to Florida for about four days so crazy situation good and bad mostly good I would say for my dad but the guy that was running loose terms running the house ended up not paying my dad for like a whole year and he ended up kicking him out of the house in Florida where we were last month and he asked us to come down and just get everything situated with him and my mom and him are there now we're about to get on a plane fly down meet my parents and try and clear out the whole house and fix anything we can to just keep it good for pretty much the whole next year because I don't know what my dad's next step is either sell the house or rent it but he wants to make sure it's all cleared out and good to go but we get a mini vacay out of it and get to do what we do best clear out the house but here we are AC Airport it's going down and we just brought and literally just these bags everywhere and a skateboard and that's all we got so do or die dude they're making me leave my skateboard in here Thursday what time bring a folder why because we won't give it won't even give it to her yeah yeah okay can I use one of those pens okay even though I know she would yeah thank you very much is your name Eddie you're the man thank you I really appreciated that's the sector 9 ad right there right [Music] I think in this coming here and call the restaurant rashers when they're not even let me bring my skateboard up here right so they took my skateboard away at security and said I had to pay fifty five dollars to put it under the plane because it looked like a clubbing item like a weapon they were saying so I ended up just leaving it in the Security office with our boy Eddie I didn't want to pay fifty five dollars just to put the skateboard on on the plane that's crazy but it makes sense in my head now should have just brought a different carry on at that point all right so the moral of this story is first don't bring your skateboard on the airplane just check it with your bags or just buy one when you get there at that point also my dad pretty much got screwed out of five to six thousand dollars on this rental situation that I was talking about and he's turning a disaster an opportunity to go down to Florida and take a week off from work and s me and Sammy to come down and help him out just to make sure everything's good at the house and to get everything that's in the house out of the house pretty much he got smoked and allowed a friend of his to take advantage of him as the bottom line I mean there's no way they'd really say anything else about it I know the guy I'm friends with the guy I'd like the guy but at the end of the day he smoked my dad and still it wasn't like more than five thousand dollars just because my dad was a good person and allowed him this stay at the house because he was going through some hard times he ended up getting screwed so what do they say no good deed goes unpunished which is crazy but it's so true trying to be a good guy gets you screwed a lot of the time this is the ultimate gummies look at this thing the ultimate gummy my skateboard cop skated because it was too dangerous how's this crowd every this is poor anxiety this isn't even our gay [Music] hello Clarice dude how are you willing enable to aid the case of an emergency yes thank you [Music] whether to scare a baby I bet you're wishing to start walking for a minute oh yeah [Music] whoever being parta I love it I like warm weather look at this place this is like from one of those movies where like the world's done and everyone just lives inside like a mall to be what's wrong with you Florida crow this is the crew dad Gabby maybe June and me and I had to go to Urgent Care he goes in my ear I have like a pool of blood in my ear but the AVA said they don't know what it is because they can't see anything dude the Florida heavy crew why does dad look like you saw my western film woody are you lurking since we got here you don't know how much we've scrubbed and what we've done can you believe that guy screwed you out of 5k well more than that at this point how much in total ten grand at least Wow we spent like 1500 so far today we bought a washer and dryer a mattress a table four chairs and tons of other stuff like outlet covers have our screwdrivers wait Sammy you were here before us when it was packed and stacked with like flea market bonanza yeah but I mean it was it packed and stacked yes yeah we are gonna be so tripping out so turn over to Nancy yeah we have it like who really got it almost took snow took a lot but we took a lot of stuff and we still have a lot to bit about what's on those bookshelves is there anything on there not much I cleaned those bookshelves last night it throughout town stuff that was on him and then left I left the videos at that something post and the games you got your snake snakes yeah yeah whoa ah the squats cleared this place out already dude right this is like a whole different house you guys went ham why did you do that why'd you sleep on the concrete what do you be there's like six bathrooms right there dude this is all put it in the rim right unless you want to sleep right there okay dude this guy went hard for this looks huge in here now though do you want to put it in here that might be a little year so you guys gotta clean it out dude oh damn yeah I got up today at 6 o'clock I'm on work till 7:00 and go ham that's how you do it that brought us don't oh this is mine namaste that's hers oh there you go i'ma stay in bed this kind of a [ __ ] that's a pop thank you really bad that that didn't see vedras need 48 hours in to air out like that - Oh blow up so we're still gonna be sleeping on the floor tonight no just to like maintain the air in the room it needs like three days like we'll be back in the dairy today here for the night the little J she's a decent replacement for my cats but not nearly as good but she'll have to do you could never top [ __ ] what are you attacking you attacking Tigger look at her mouth isn't that funny notice for this now we just say M days but that's what he does he just goes to say this real what's going on right now this is a cheerio and cheese delight this is the craziest dog ever you messed up girl Gabby Gabby what are you doing over there alright I guess I get June for the weekend alright we're in Florida we are about ready to go to sleep and we got jb eating their Cheerios and this is important gonna spend the next four days with the most important people in my life so I'm stoked this is about to be awesome well we spend time with the people you love because you're not gonna have them forever whether you die or they die first but either way use your time wisely in life what's the claim we went to three places today how'd it go to running tents tomorrow well you guys can you guys can go if you don't want to wait for us thank you come on peace out everyone we'll see you in the morning you but yeah this is what the last claim of the day but if you guys can see this house it's pretty much totally empty compared to like a month ago we were here everything if you guys saw the video of me doing the walkthrough this whole place was filled but uh yeah that guy just screwed my dad us my family and it is what it is as always my dad is the bigger man and the better man and he came down here and he's taking care of it and he's not sweating any of that [ __ ] so it's just like he came here to take off work to work on this and it's cool to have parents that you can actually look up to and be proud of because that's an honorable thing and it's pretty awesome to see in action because I would if that was my personal this isn't I'd be so pissed everything there was stuff all over in here he actually ripped out this piece of wood that was building here by the previous Manor it wasn't even something he put in and he ripped it out just for spite and stole my skate deck that was up there but good night everyone dude the bullet showed up an hour and a half early with the washer and dryer look at these gods dude hey 9:30 here it's 8 o'clock you guys are an hour and a half early that's the tree right there bro that's good for the boys dude when they left they took much watching my weight took it all everything he doesn't care though because he's famous in Norway that's why I film him all that yeah look at that man watch your drive ash that's how the Sasquatch does it see eyewitness I would have found one of these in the trash different lifestyle that give him one - all right thanks thank you can you see what's up with that foam hem yeah well yeah if you got it fee if you do any I mean ya know you take the fridge - this guy's a god dude on their way yeah I don't know I know yeah running down here over here he capped it off like three days ago he capped this here he came over here and catch this here and this is the water for the toilet this isn't even hooked up from that we can't there's no plumbing from here over yet sink worked last time we were here 100% what yeah I used it yeah we use that bit yeah cut out I don't know about that it did before that alright so first dead here in Florida so here's the claim my dad just got washer and dryer because the guy took the washer and dryer so here's what he did there was a washer and dryer here that my dad had here the guy took that threw it out put his washer and dryer in here when he moved out took that so a little bit insane but pretty much my dad's idea is to clear out this entire house and every item that has any trace of the other person that lived here and I just put these shingles on Craigslist for a hundred bucks let's see how that goes but I'm just gonna try and help my dad clear out this whole place because he wants to get it back to normal so he can continue to then rent it again at some point but uh there's a lot of stuff back here this dish that was here since my dad bought the house he's owned this property he thinks since 2005 so that makes sense 15 almost 15 years 14 years is it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're in Florida it's cold in the water like 60 but I have a sinus infection infection that I just came across by a hole yeah you guys can hear my talking so I'm gonna go in the border and see if I can clear it up a little bit a little bit scared [Music] it's scary nobody in the water right now you think go to Florida oh dude what is that dude what is that dude oh my gosh it's making noises there's an infestation of these mutations there Cerveny you don't get it they're really gnarly dude dude look there's a huge one dude and right here if that thing got on you dude you'd be not happy look at that thing it's got a mind of its own dude they got a behind of the road they got a bye to their own [Music] this kicker he said the border was ever in Florida I look like I have a mop on my head right you got stung with one of these things you might have to go to the emergency room literally everywhere like if you guys can say 1 2 3 4 they can't get back in the water she's a professional plum job pretty decent daddy it's okay no no I'm not what are you by trade other than a god I don't know what we do bricks blocks would do pipe work those pipe work so there yeah yeah actually a little bit like master carpenters or Inspector Gadget over here I knew that was gonna leak out of here this is crooked all right watch out did the outside or anybody I had to bring in like a smurf rolling in bouncy ball [Laughter] [Laughter] just some water but nice boring uh-huh okay we are about to go to sleep tonight I am actually fully sick now I have sore throat runny nose sinus infection headache I feel weak so I'm just happy to be down here in Florida relaxing because who wouldn't be able to do much at home really anyway we had a fun-filled day we went to the thrift store we might antiquing the camera died the battery and we didn't have another one so that and it's short but you guys saw the stuff that we got at the flea market he didn't get thrifting that's a lot I went to the flea market you guys saw the stuff we got there my dad got the washer and dryer delivered this morning and it was just really cool to see how he dealt with this whole situation after getting totally screwed out of you know anywhere from five to ten thousand dollars in reality but he did the guy that lived here preserved the house to an extent and it's not totally abandoned and in disarray it's actually pretty decently kept up and we're thankful for that I just think it's really cool to see how my dad handled that situation and actually let the guy come back take whatever months and he's let them come back tomorrow again and take what every once said he just you know was the better person to put his head up and just said I'm gonna deal with this and I truly do aspire to be like that be that kind of and the good of a person even though my dad says he's not he truly is the man so it's really awesome to see your parents and to hold them in a light that's so high it's really cool he also gave the guys that delivered the washer and dryer $20 tip each so it's just cool to see something like that because he knows how it is to work hard and to do manual labor so it's cool to be rewarded for something that you understand and to reward someone else for something that you understand but we are going to sleep I'm gonna put the whole traveling from and today all in one video you guys already know that because you watched it if you made it this far I also did want to say we sold a bunch of these hats we got two more orders in the last two days making claims you know coffee before claims hat got that on the site it is wws crap life it cartel calm and I truly wear this hat for the last three days two to three days straight and I love it I'm not just saying that because it's my hat well maybe I am because I love the design I designed it so I'm obviously gonna like it I also didn't want to say that we have these shirts clearly left we have they can claim shirts and these turned out great they're only in white and we only have small medium large XL I'm looking to get double X xxx and 4x in black eventually but I do want to do some other designs too but if you're interested in either of these we have them up on the site and we would appreciate the support and we would enjoy people who truly want one and are gonna wear it but the dream continues and we will see you guys tomorrow morning for some more claims I think that the best thing to say is keep pushing hold your head up high and just try and be the right you know try and be the good person in any situation I learned that from the Grand sasquatch and it's kind of the best way to live life because at the end of the day you sleep you know well and you don't have to worry about the fact that you screwed someone over because if you're just a good person all the time good things happen to you and karma is real so you peace out everyone it's the clean drop try not to get sick from the sick puppy right here good night over morning peace you claim it [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 22,062
Rating: 4.8476882 out of 5
Keywords: how, my, dad, got, screwed, out, of, $10000, florida, flight, plane, vlog, money, sasquatch, family, trip, vacation, melbourne, mel beach, melbourne fl, getting screwed, tuck and sammie, sammie j., gone
Id: DzlD6HlhnME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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