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since they say as they said the cats out of the bag all right guys it's official awesome right our marriage were officially married [Music] all right what's going down all right so Jay Bernie called me and I'm assuming she was like on a run or something and saw a Hertz Eagle so she called us because I think she's seen videos where we've saved birds before because it happens way too often to us where we see a bird that's hurt we got to save it so she is with one right now it's a seagull he's bleeding and his wings hurt and it's in long fort so we're going over there to rescue him and bring him to the lovely bird Lady Mary Lee seatbelts he can't be taking on makeup we got lives to save let's go let's get this bird what's up man how are you sorry about that earlier so that's it so what happened to it my brother has a dinghy that he had it on and he used it to like surfing it like two enlightened chill okay and it capsized and that's it and then he brought it back in and never tried to start it again and so what he just used in salt water yeah and he lost the top yeah and yeah I got a bike same exact thing months a Nissan today uh Tohatsu bought out Nissan so it's the same exact thing so yeah I mean like I think they could get running again yeah but I never tried and I have too much stuff so I'm just getting rid of everything yeah yeah I mean I just really need to lower unit I figure if I just get the whole thing yeah yeah I can help you get this thing if you want yeah you bought it like one year ago used it like 15 times for I only write flipped it didn't trying to start it ever again yeah yeah he paid like 900 for it yeah so like it was pretty much you know yeah yeah into good voters when I got the I think runs like a chin later all right there he goes putting his monitor in the back so another sale successful that guy looks like he knows what he's doing so yeah murder grease all over his hands dream what would you say that's the freedom enduring shipping department it's just like our this press machines nice I I think it might be a little less we both think it would be a little bit less time consuming to just have the the hats already like pre-dawn but it is what it is this is how we doing it but to see Andrew bit we're helping me earlier be in bed all right normally when something goes up around here it doesn't come down you're trying to get rid of the hoard gotta sell whatever you can so I believe someone is buying this it's actually wood that's what we got going on we saw it where a cell sold and are selling a lot of big items so we're gonna show you guys in the garage what we got going and we haven't even started on our liquidation stuff yet because we got so much other stuff going on cuz we had to pack everything that we need to sell first before we start but not bother stuff alright so we're gonna pack up the banjo Vicky Oh bought this for her brother and then we have the on air sign that Kiki classic-rock bought so I'm glad that they're both going to good homes the on air sign super cool and the banjo really cool oh also the records are going with the banjo as well for brahbrah so and then we have did you pack up oh she's getting the antiques too they're not separate all the Occupied Japan and I know there's more than that like it's not a it's not a pain in the butt to pack the stuff it's finding the perfect box to pack the stuff that's pain in the butt cuz like these are all really like big pieces to [ __ ] and you don't want them to get ruined so you need a box that's a little bit bigger than the item so that you can have enough stuffing to be able to protect the item especially the Occupied Japan pieces because they're tiny I guess those are easier cuz you just wrap them up and bubble wrap but yeah so that's what we're doing I wanted to apologize to three people that have been waiting for t-shirts for a long time we did email you but I just want to say it again April Cox Todd hot or hope however you say that and then Rick Wolman thank you so much for being really really patient with us obviously we emailed you guys but you already know that the shirt sizes were all messed up and we are waiting to get the t-shirts and as soon as we do get them and the sizes that you guys ordered we're gonna ship them out so I just wanted to say thank you because you guys didn't even complain at all which is very rare for humans in general so thank you for being really patient with with us like it means a lot so we we have a lot going on so but I just wanted you guys know that we didn't forget about you we didn't okay so okay cat the porch swing how it bought the occupy Japan antiques and I know you buy a lot off of us so I'm gonna be put in a little bit more than just those items in there because we do have a lot about to try Japan so all these and then the other one this one we never even showed but this is part of this app she spent a good amount on him so she's getting everything and this one that's up on the top next to that helmet that's a red that and then she also collects a lot of like old like concert tickets like paper stuff for like scrapbooking style stuff which I don't really think we have anything like that so yeah that's what we're doing today packing up everything we sold a boat motor this morning and if everything goes right today by the end of the day we're gonna have sold the transfer case from the gold chevy to someone hopefully because they didn't question it that you said i'm coming to get it when i'm done work so we'll see what happens and clean was we might i might start to just on the XR extra channels channel i might just start going through certain things that we have and then just put my email out there for you guys to email me just in case you guys want any of the items so just keep a lookout for that cuz that might happen okay so the waiting game has paid off well we don't know for sure but we think we are about to sell this transfer case from the chevy for 170 hopefully probably take 150 if we have to it's for its to turn it from two-wheel to four-wheel drive and it was one of the pieces that was pulled by the guys that took the transmission and he said put it up for 250 which I originally did no hits for like a month now I took it and put it down to 170 and someone that locally lives near here messaged me last night and said today they were going to come and now they're coming to check it out so hopefully they buy it just put it up there and see what happens that's the way it goes hey what's up man is is that the truck it's going on to set at 250 yeah rode in this what year is this truck this Joe for so it should be compatible for sure no hole GM's should be it's uh I mean you can look at it but yeah okay yes so I had this same truck it was the same exact truck basically it was the z71 and the while the transmission went I rebuilt it and then not myself right and then something flew a bar out of there and cracked the engine block and I just didn't want to fix it but but those trucks are amazing Oh two problems I had the brakes yeah brake pedal up and down the piston up side holds the brake makes it go up and down the brakes gave the way and all the final solder flows and everything airbags came in and hold on you like this heavy better I'm always a GM a I was a grease monkey you learned the be a GM and that's what I stages this is what it is what do you want it's up there for 170 give me 150 deal that's exactly what I was thinking in my head so I had it up for 250 originally but that was just that was just hoping for the sky but I sold everything off the truck so I can't complain hey thank you sir I'll help you get it in in the truck you want to put it in the bed right yeah get in the garage now it's like 6:30 at night whatever either way we've been busy doing a lot of other stuff today but we just finally got the table that we were organizing that we are showing this stuff on out of here and this one shelf that was just had stuff on it for the last six months I've never moved it was just stagnant now in here so this is a if we had one more it would be preferable even like a couple more now we can't put stuff on here that may be worth like this is like a $20 at least I am NOT something like this that you would practically this is pretty nice power bag but these are you must be do a big lot of these on like Facebook or if we take them out to like I don't even know I guess stores would just buy liquidations they probably wouldn't buy it off of people like us but if we did a huge lot of these on Facebook it might work but these are more like flea market $2 3/4 dollar one dollar whatever you can get for them you have many of them but then like this is worth 10 bucks I would say at least so you put that on there try and get 10 for it if it doesn't sell take it to the flea forever letters you'd have to search that but it could be worth 10 is certain items are yardsale certain items or fleamarket certain items are very few items in this lot are trash but some of them probably are but even like just these pair of gloves like you can't really couldn't really post that on Facebook you could but you want to get my boy and get much for it I'd take that one to the flea market and then you have like I don't know I don't I guess he doesn't want the signs back either way you can buy these signs omit anywhere you can get them online people make them at the flea and sell or you could actually make them yourself because they're just finals but you do like boxes like three dollars each or two dollars each one eater so you can use them if he doesn't want them back I didn't talk to him yet but have fun we could use him this weekend when I can see before that well like two dollars each you can just put that with like a nice organization of different items that you don't think are worth much and even if people talk you down this she had a dollar she's like always talking silver easy on these glasses but like yeah and like some of them are labeled ten dollars yeah I start a match ready personally the ones that Herbert Herbert him but and if someone's like oh I like you glasses all fake even South at my store all of them then you just say yeah the end of the day who cares well you know we gotta get some organization don't but this is fun nicely we sold a lot of stuff today too big items and then we actually this was not really a part of the plan because I wanted to fix this ride it then sell it what I'm realizing we already made the decision that takes up a lot of space I can't personally fix it and if I did it would take me way too long it would take up so much time that I need to use for other things because I'd have to literally research every tiny step because I don't know anything about it so we sold so far this piece of plastic for 10 dogs and this piece of plastic that goes here that was never even attached to it the other side of this for $10 so we made 20 off of it already and haven't saw anything but plastic off of it so we're probably gonna part this outside the engine on eBay if someone doesn't offer us enough for it here which the kid earlier seemed to think that he could sell just the motor of this bike for 500 he said he did before if it runs so that's crazy I don't know I was thinking like 350 [Music] all right we're in Walmart right now many people that make videos don't show this part of their lives but we do so so expensive now they were half-price before that one with $7 yes well they got her what do you have to say about that all right we searched far and wide for sidewalk chalk for Sammy Jay Jay ten at the local Walmart I'll J 10 if anyone's looking for sidewalk chalk okay call how do you feel about this wedding it's gonna be a fun wedding have fun very fun why do you say that because it's just it's so laid-back I can wear my cargo pants and my flannel any enough to wear a suit [Music] [Music] that's really perfect look all right this is it we're all one all right so first I'm going to read a passage from sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments love is not love which alters when it alteration finds or bends with the remover to remove oh no it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken it is the star to every wandering bark whose Worth's unknown although his height be taken love's not times fool though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickles compass come love alters not with his brief hours and weeks but bears it out even to the edge of doom if this be error and upon me proved I never writ nor no man ever loved [Music] so do you James Turner grave take Samantha John Weiss to be your wife to have it to hold from this day forward for better or for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part I do [Music] do you Samantha John Weiss take James Turner grave to be your husband to have him to hold from this day forward for better or for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part [Music] there goes [Music] Carroll by the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss each other like [Music] it is official I didn't leave [ __ ] opponents look the house on fire down on my an account it's official she cut his own generator birthday suit whoo [Applause] [Music] that look [Music] okay and that I was [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here we are another beautiful day back here in the tent right now sorry that yesterday's video ended without an actual closing but it'll all be part of the same video I have posted I guess more people than I thought watched our videos locally because I posted a video and these were in the video someone messes me about them I don't know it's a local guy kid and I'm assuming had Sally saw them from the video so he's coming to get him now I'm selling all three for 25 which is a really good deal but at this point a lot of the items that are sitting here are gonna be sold for any amount of actual cash offered because that's just how you got to do it sometimes you can't I got these for free and if they sit any longer they're gonna get scrapped at some point so these are going out the door and just started going through all the liquidation stuff that we got and it was a lot of really quality items in the Lots in the boxes and I'm saying the number in my head keeps going off some of them I sorted for the flea market this is probably a flea market box right here and then I put a lot of stuff on the shelf right here and the Skullcandy the baby monitors and all the hair accessories are all good items for selling either on eBay or on you know Facebook or even just over YouTube if anyone wants anything that they saw in the unboxing video please reach out and let us know even like this set right here is you know this stuff's really expensive to buy and this I know I said like to say buy new but this is basically open box brand new I can't say it's brand new but it's open box now like the majority of these items were never used or they were turned on one time some of them never at all really good stuff so thanks again to Joe that was really good cool of him even like this phone new brand new it's open obviously I think sells for like one hundred and ten dollars so even half that value it's still good really good considering how many items we got for the price we scored big what's up Tucker this right here this is what this was so - yeah but that's gonna be parted out because no one wants to pay what it's worth this right here this is what you were looking for right yeah how are you you've got this car for those you're gonna put them in there too bad it's not for right too bad it's not on for all right okay nice thank you yeah dude there he is local legend what's going on today you get this there's something that that goes with that if you put what down your camera Oh in the car yeah look at this thing you know if he's hit this day works this guy's a complete god look at this thing I can see that [Music] did you ever giving this there's a fuse in them two batteries are in there batteries of Walmart both of them for about $38 so what's going on today do you think this is all I do is I just saw this really nice neat looking vehicle brake lights everything all intact even when you put the brakes on a light lecture people know thank you thank you this guy's a god this is the kind of return fraud you're bound to run into on some of these liquidation items all right so so someone used this return they're old they're old crying may different brands got their money back probably or got a new one hey man no one even looked at it obviously trash am I even dealing with that anyway but for some reason I didn't think that would happen with the the hair tools I didn't think that would happen I just imagined over the internet it seems crazy I've seen like in like stores where like someone put on the new shoes and put the other ones in the box yeah that's happened at the surf shop that our friend used to own but over the Internet that's crazy yeah so I'm just gonna go through all these since they say as they said the cats out of the bag all right guys it's official awesome right what's our marriage were officially married so we did like a little our friend our good friend Paul who you guys seen the videos he's actually an ordained minister so worked out kind of perfectly we wanted it literally from the beginning to just be right back just be River huh yeah she's got my cash we just wanted to be intimate and just literally me turner Paul with the cats here and he married us this morning so that's what happened like we were going to do a small ceremony in the backyard but it kind of became a little bit too stressful and too much for us right now because sometimes it just gets carried away weddings and it doesn't become about what it should be so we made the decision to just do it this morning and it was nice and then after we had breakfast together and got our cappuccinos from Mambo so yeah it's crazy cause like I never realized how much like paperwork you have to do to get married so yeah I know off the bucket list never again now you're stuck with me perfect me and all my babies perfect just good to marry your best friend it's the greatest feeling in the world official so people that have seen the rings on our hands for the last couple videos it's been in the works we've had the paperwork for the last like week but not this paper the actual paperwork still today once all did the actual thing we couldn't get the official certificate but now we have it state of New Jersey love yeah alright as you guys know it's not Sunday but it is a big day so the baby's got their weddings and isn't that right Friday night buddies that's so funny cuz when I yelled it says he was like literally dead asleep she was sleeping all day popped up her head so this is what a perfect wedding looks like to us hanging out all day together with people that are meaningful like Paul and T word came over and Scott actually we saw Jess yeah what at the post office and hanging out there tats so everyone has their heard and think that makes them happy and this is ours with my cat eating empanadas okay so since we did officially get married today we have these presents that came in the mail and we got five of them we've been collecting them for a while so it's almost like a wedding opening of presents even though they're not wedding gifts there's still gifts on our wedding day so basically wedding gifts I will say though the journey so far on YouTube and in general with Sami and neh has been nothing but extraordinary I do believe in true love and finding your soulmate in this life and that there's someone out there for everyone you just got to be open to because the first I will say actually the first day we hung out I pretty much already knew but I wasn't looking for love at all guys be open to things because if I never met say me my life would be 100% different and 100% worse really when you find someone go for it because to make it all work we had to do so many things and it's been over two years now and we're finally married just something that is totally unknown could be the greatest thing that ever happened to you so just stay open to Nass a man came into our presence our presence Brad a pop-up came to em yeah dear Sammy J enjoy the game system and games I got lucky at a yard sale on the system and just had extra games John sent us the cats game and it was a game that I didn't have that game by four so he went and got Sammy a system so it's really nice of him a very own Game Boy Advance my first Nintendo I never had one of these are you gonna use it for the trip I get carsick but I can I will use it at some point thank you so much I will use it dad like you use it if you don't oh my god Tetris Tetris is a good game do you learn idea I'm kind of having that Kali super spy Island horse adventures that's a Barbie me oh I play thank you very much John put these back in here for my cats trying to chew on my cords she never gets hide your presence when Drew's around this one's from Linda the four-wheel soccer and Sammy and Jeff - mr. and mrs. October 20 19 Terrence and Jay congratulations two of my favorite YouTube friends best wishes to you and love made in heaven you are truly blessed sincerely with all my love Linda for you so this was a wedding gift this was a wedding gift she knew so she now funny how three little words can mean so much love congratulations on your wedding and the rice thank you so much nicely all for the babies it's gonna be stoked and all these snacks babe look at all this for the keys now catnip tea for the babies oh those are nice I like these these are cool thank you very much yeah my guys are stuck on me but I will be wearing these in Miami closer yeah I don't want to get up till death do us part true love I love these Linda these are sick these are really sick thank you so much I got pulling these out in babies [Music] [Music] Oh Susie one sec Burke light some claims Wayne hi Tucker and Sammie I'm a semi-truck driver when I shut down my break I enjoy watching your videos are you going to video your wedding and trip to Florida yes we will be I see you like going to the beach so this is I'm sending you I hope you enjoy and wear that yes don't stop making videos I have seven cats all straight at home Thank You Debbie Oh so credit each ten character from beach sand and resin aqua collection has been inspired by Australians beauty-full kwatak surrounding each design is named after a unique ocean landscape I'll have to cope necklace this one oh that's so cool more treats for the baby and this one's one for you one for me I guess little starfish starfish and sand olives oh yeah yeah and then this MJ good even bad he's eating the feathers no it's the Cat Man he gets crazy when he needs catnip like starts pouring out did you see his head he's our super cool to see MJ getting along thank you I appreciate this thank you so much are you sure this is a much pop-up you wanna wear this okay get your catnap boy yo good boy you're good [ __ ] it's my boy Mary leaves daughters yes your name on it Sammy sorry for my dog Priscilla hearing York a true here are two kitten kitchen towels for your newly painted kitchen and the pair of earrings I made hope you enjoy them it was nice meeting you Mary Lee so Sounders yes check out Priscilla's Instagram Priscilla the Frenchy Priscilla underscores the front she had a trophy how about that Matt Farah that was and then she went off like she turned into like a Halloween cat also it was very nice meeting both of you and we're happy you guys took a bunch of stuff away because we've been trying to clean up the house and hopefully yeah I think make some money off those bikes kitchen towels today like in this stoking Halloween style doubt well he tried jump and these are say these are say thank you so much those are really cool Thank You chef can you hear the ocean Zach cop just get out on the front that's cool yeah super cool it's super super cool what Sammy and Tucker may all your dreams come true sending happy good vibes your way we had an amazing ground garage sale two days ago and they're using the money to go on a vacay heading to North Carolina Tennessee to ride our motorcycles in camp in our 97 f-350 van we are in our 50s and feel every day is amazing as long as we have each other so happy you guys found each other love always wins much love Deb and Andy from Florida I know is like teared up it's true that's awesome Sammy J and Tucker may all your dreams come true much love from Florida and they gave us a gift card to Outback Steakhouse near here a brand new one just opened yeah I'll use these oh yeah PS I found the conch shell diving Wow on this that's cool so this wasn't some store-bought claims this was a that was cool we put that out in the front thank you so much and it's so tutorial at the end of the day if you have the person that you love laying next to you what else matters other than your cats Hey what I'm saying like if your key keys aren't doing good then it's not but death people in your life matter not what he'd make not what to make or what you have dreamcatcher oh I love you gonna hang it up yes okay [Music] this time here maybe that's her mom it's like I'm a black cat I own October yeah right that's her she claims it's November 1st it's not gonna wear wrong she's still gonna act like the big dog that's sure though right lately Lou she likes to snack when mom and dad come in my room it's cool and sometimes when you think that animals don't have an ego hmm just have pop-pop first off you have [ __ ] yeah that's so true though right [Applause] just my mini right here - chomp - yeah [ __ ] there's puppy feet pop oh boy choo-choo would you do pop don't be trying to sway me boy Kim says you guys probably couldn't hear that because it was sip pop up since he was just growling though say see you good girl this is you okay [ __ ] says you go girl all right bye why you gotta be bad like that pop-pop you can't be run another house you're not big boy you're just baby he's so bratty just like his daddy should we put the shells out huh yeah all right thank you guys for the gifts we're gonna sleep our first night as a married couple see you guys in the morning [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 45,565
Rating: 4.9140468 out of 5
Keywords: we, got, married, marriage, dill death do us part, we got married, ceremony, official, live marriage, marriage proposal, i do, unity candle, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, somers point, marriage certificate, justice of the peace
Id: q161udOcESE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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