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[Music] [Music] that's pretty good right and it's rolling what is up everyone good morning here we are in Williamsburg Brooklyn New York City in the United States I don't know if there's people watching from other places they might not know we're Williamsburg is honestly I didn't really either but tomorrow is Sammy's birthday so wish Sammy a happy birthday everyone look at these cats so we saw this week que serĂ­a like we gotta just first just to Polly and she was now we love kitty so smalls for cats all right they just wheat paste advertisements all up ever here but today we made it a tradition we come to New York on Sammy's birthday this is the third year in a row and we decided to do a full day of basically showing the thrift slash vintage stores around in Brooklyn before we checked into our hotel later so that's what we're gonna do we're about I don't know two blocks from the first stop so we're just gonna cruise over there and then I'll show you guys some sights on the way I know there is a lot of people that may never or have never been to this area before so part of what we like to do in our videos is show areas that people haven't been to or it can't go to and then they can see it for themselves through our eyes so we're in Brooklyn New York check it out [Applause] my head that's a pretty cool piece of art all right so from what I've heard this area used to be less desirable to live and a lot less to buy houses or grant apartments and the term I guess is reject refer keishon and now it's become really expensive around here and it's kind of like the center of what is called like the hipster movement crazy first stop we're at Stella Dallas living and it's this store and then there's another store that and their birthstone [Music] but we're gonna stop in this one first to a check it out well it's really nice in here I get this all Brack is that chain meal what's it called chain meal something like that some oriental rugs you like those rugs could you see why my mom likes it in here look at this fat dude but you don't get this style anywhere because there's only one of those ever made yeah I get this what are these called but actually there's only there's 100 which is a lot of money but they're cool legit cheap skins over 100 120 that's not that crazy then right in here is probably 10 grand a month how they do like dry cleaning and stuff to this display of the belt though it's really cool this is cool that it looks like a little like creature vintage mash this is part of the stores yeah yeah yes I mean they have price tags on it oh it's like vintage wedding dresses too I guess that's room right back there it's like where they sort stuff looks like it to me looks like they got this keith haring dedication mannequin just pretty cool definitely some vintage for sure look at this guy which like I said is connected as well it's gonna check it out this is the more a car style side that because I've been here before that's they're just opening now cuz they open at 12:00 all right let's check it out it's actually redone since I've been here that I think look at that vintage surfboards all over in there I think they got like just say like holy girl t-shirts in here [Music] then ditch tease for days that did mr. 20 bucks pretty much the price that you would have to charge for this stuff so 24 vintage true vintage t stuff like that right there true vintage Disney - 20 bucks not that bad actually that way to have the largest selection of everything ever I mean that's the kind of stuff that sells I guess right shoe selection shoot you train see we can find something fierce in here look at this that's just that back even joy Club 1985 sneaky life really cool 30 this one it looks like you now right now dude so oldest room at the 80 yeah that's the thing though these prices are what I would charge for this stuff if not more I guess that's the point though because they have so much [Music] look at this New England Patriots sweatshirt is so nice super goal that's one that tap-tap 3x there's definitely some in here alright there's like a fire alarm going off in there they claimed false alarm but they made all the all the hipsters relocate outside sadly I'm one of them because I was thinking all those Styles and they were so good even though I just wear sweatshirts every day but this rack right here is just all Flair look at this all Flair do that silver [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah all the difference over dyed purple blue green u.s. army everything all the army tops you can still actually the best vintage best sweatshirts army jackets there then we have like these old varsity jackets this one's a Yank when I said I thought it was something said Yankees but not varsity jackets it was like corduroy school jacket got the vintage fella Bob Chin's Crab House Perry Ellis all the scores looney tunes are gone into the back section now [Music] this is like super flare and Saturday can't even move through here this is like SuperDuper flare in here look at this rack you like its little jackets and then what do we got oh man these are nice this one looks interesting that's a Mickey Mouse claim right there look at that it's unbelievable they haven't here actually like this [Music] that thing is super sick look at this these fans are cool and then we got this jumpsuit that's really cool let's add a would stop jacket 94 Woodstock jacket it's a pretty well got vintage tees here everything's super organized and you know Christ the true value of it pretty much sets the pricing I mean these motorcycle jackets all up on the top there leather jean jackets here Wow unbelievable I'm the vintage army these pants organized perfectly the way that the displays are set up in here it's like a museum check this out everything's set up so cool [Music] supercool check out some vintage tees here just for a glance like stance it's not that all if you like new old like new but still cool all points that's pretty cool like a ballet shirt I guess think that their grail shirts are up there the real vintage real old good ones are hanging for the most part it's just a pretty good idea so you can see them well look at that David Bowie shirt thing got an Elvis one made in and then over here they got all rock T's on this wall blowing stones 89 tour Wow the ball here has been to t-shirts to who's all Mickey Mouse there what you know why for real that's wait a second we might have just found something that might actually have to be bought let's see how much it is for didn't come here on any expectation of buying this thing but dude it's so small but look at this it's freakin unbelievable this shirt oh man I know Sammy likes big shirts but Wow 1989 that's crazy I know that the audio went out on this section so I just decided to leave the clips and just talk over it because the shirts and the selection was so cool check out this lone wolf jacket it's probably the name of the racer who used it because it was a racing jacket it looks like probably one of a kind they just had such a large selection of you know one-of-a-kind or very rare jackets in this section they had ridiculous amount of extremely rare and vintage jumpsuits check out these mechanic suits the striped one and the blue one there looked like that came from the gas station Esso their mechanics jumpsuits really rare I've never seen him anywhere else a bunch of army jumpsuits I thought this US Airforce case was really cool I think it was priced at like $125 which is a ton of money but never saw one before like that in my life they also had a huge selection of vintage Jean denim jackets this one caught my eye because it had a huge iron maiden t-shirt patched onto the back of it and some other patch on the front I'm not sure what it was they also on this rack was like the biggest collection of rock band slash rock concert t-shirts that I've ever seen mostly all black which is probably the most desirable I'll try a name off what I can see in the video there's a Genesis one which I think there was about two or three Genesis ones on Brack Arrowsmith these are tore t-shirts this was a Grateful Dead one was just insane I showed at the end in more detail I'm not really sure what this one was I couldn't I couldn't I didn't catch that one someone probably knows for sure though they had I don't know if this was a rock shirt but it was really cool had like a wizard on it that was a stick shirt rush these are all just true vintage so they had a bunch of hot like real vintage Harley single-stage shirts on this rack this bon jovi shirt was amazing it said new jersey on the back of it too which is really unique I think it was a hundred and twenty-five dollars or 130 dollars though which is really crazy for a t-shirt but I doubt you'd be able to find really any of these elsewhere it would take you a long time to find these shirts again UFO Megadeth brush.this had wasted Rock rager don't know if that was a band or what they also had at the end of the rack a huge selection of these baseball like 3/4 sleeve shirts but they had like rock prints foreigner on the front I wasn't really familiar with that style to be honest but I can see now this shirt is just insane Grateful Dead in the dark I think also that was over $100 but you don't see I've never seen any Grateful Dead shirts that old in person before single stitch ever so extremely rare [Music] Turner was talking that whole time with the mic not hooked up and you don't know the mics hooked in but it's not on you're not gonna be able to hear what he's saying so they ran out of batteries but I can just improvise it was only two clips at the end just narrate marriage and even funnier stuff than when I was acting Stella Dallas was really cool so the one sides mostly like like sheepskin oriental rugs tapestries and like not quilts like old quilts like hipster stuff the enemy and then the other side is more like vintage clothes pretty short while the clothes are vintage I'm like cheap so like this door was a little bit pricey for me I wouldn't go in there and go like clothes shopping but there I think that the prices are fair specifically for this area like people have money in New York like $40 for a pair of jeans might be cheap to somebody so it's a good story if you guys are ever in New York still a Dallas the number but still don't know the number but yeah so that was cool we're gonna put the audio back in the car because it's useless right now and we're gonna go check out another store all right we're off to the second location that we're going to be checking out today it is called monk vintage [Music] I think we cross this street and then we will say hold on a second but basically we're doing this we're turning here we're doing this little tour of the vintage thrift stores around the area's just in case people want to check it out I know it's right up our alley with its kind of stuff that we like enjoyed looking for it's kind of good to see the pricing on stuff and it's good to see people are buying and if it's in that store or this store it's probably something people are buying because these people spend a great deal of money to have these stores so we're not gonna fill them up with stuff that doesn't sell also if anyone wants to come do the same tour we did it'll be easy for you guys to find the stores they got some cool artwork over here [Music] it's 600 feet all right this would be our first time ever here so we don't really know what to expect it does already look cool that I will say one day I say yeah but classic classic bike right there that Uncle Scrooge it's not having it to the Tiki shirt [Music] cool pants - - god sure it's cool but $20 [Music] [Music] all right so the month vintage was more like a thrift store just with the really high prices which is fine if you can go through all this stuff and find something you really want it would be worth it but here we have Buffalo Exchange they have these in Philadelphia - in Pennsylvania as well we've been to that one never to this one so stop 3 is Buffalo Exchange thrift store I got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this dream leather harley-davidson jacket thanks ash [Music] I've been chowder yeah just wanna make sure that you showing you guys the goods it's just there's music in here so romantic cut a lot of it out or for my own use again well just narrator these shoes quebra these are kiss basically shoes this is signed by so long snacks for Dave [Music] look at this shirt Foxwoods casino but the back BAM that's cool [Music] all right so we left Buffalo exchange I would say considering a normal thrift store it's probably like an 8 out of 10 but they didn't have that much vintage clothing there is more just kind of like goodwill but much better stuff but we are at our final destination here is a place called junk Brooklyn so as you can see it's this whole corner here I'm lying it's not a corner it's these two storefronts though so we're gonna go check it out the ATMs cool in there this is mostly just gonna be for looking we're obviously not gonna be buying stuff here but it looks like he's unloading a truck here like he just did a storage unit or something Wow they got all the junk that's for sure look at that old photograph negatives this is right can't even get through that way [Music] is beaver cuz he's unloading the truck right now and it's just such brain stuff in here that was your dad's trunk 125 for that's a really weird display case look like it had bones or something in it look at this place is insane this store is kind of sad because we were just browsing through checking it out and trying to you know show other people what we were seeing at this point I even said that I liked this store and then that whole idea just went out the window when this happened stuff just got so crazy so fast and we had to get out of there ASAP abusive huh abusive that was that was insane but we're doing summer use here that's what just happened because she was in the way of Sammy walking the worst place to come to ever ever never been so disrespected in my life she pushed me first off and I didn't say anything I kept walking and if you touch me again it's just like pick a direction and I was like it's very crowded in like I was like I'm going this way that was the craziest thing that ever happened and I'm not even like worked up about it because that place was so bad that it's like obviously she had to act like that so what happened just give us the bottom line here because I've just started reading the reviews in it and there's people that hate that lady already so I have snacks in this bag and I have this big coat on regardless like I can wear coat it's a little bit chilly but I was walking and she kept like talking to herself and staring at my bag and I thought she was just like like had something wrong with her so I just ignored it and then she pushed me she pushed me and I was like I didn't say anything the first time she pushed me and then I went to turn around so until the for Turner it's a big place and then she pushed me again and I was just like whoa and she's like pick a direction and I was like you pick a direction and then she kept like mumbling something and then it just like blew up but I don't I can't even I don't even know it's just she obviously had something wrong with her but do not touch me do not put your hands on me and like the first time I let it go because like if she has mental illness like okay well like you shouldn't have somebody like that working in a store she obviously it has to be an owner because no exactly like maybe it's the gut ignore guys if you're working in a business where you want your customers to buy stuff and then come back and buy stuff like continuously you don't want to treat your customers like that and like their reviews are already really bad you guys want to you guys can leave a review too but I just don't don't touch somebody telling somebody to pick a direction is a little bit rude to begin with you could just say excuse me I'm trying to get by but you don't you don't put your hands on somebody ever there's so many period there's so many google reviews that I'm just reading while you're talking that or say that the place is cool but the lady's on you just shouldn't unacceptable I guess not ever very like like you could never buy something there there is that the one guy was like think twice about spending a dollar [Music] mental illness or not do not put your hands all these reviews up guy right now this place that used to be closed down I was looking at my bag for @issue to blow my nose with the creepy lady who works there looked me up and down like I was stealing I will not support this trash is discriminating place the staff is creepy like out of a horror film because I swear guys she was sitting there staring at my bag and I was like contemplating on giving her like one of my snacks that I had but I didn't know I thought she was homeless okay so I that's why I didn't care that she pushed me the first time the second time I said whoa like whoa because it was a harder like shovel it's just wrong you just treat your customers like that I'm under the impression that they must have money or their family does so they don't really give up whether they treat people like so I guess that's just what it is that store it's called John travesties guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] $3.99 okay that's good yeah thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] get inside don't be Brad that's a gingy right there a little comb for this guy right carpet mom look at my snacks come up here yeah they don't have that okay so wait a second what's that blotch on there oh man all right so we actually are adding on one store to the vintage store a tour guide that we're doing today this place is called the El train and I think it's in Bushwick but we have been here one time before about two years ago and we didn't really know anything about vintage clothes at the time we never really sold vintage clothes at until like maybe one year ago we started doing it a lot but uh yeah so we're gonna go check it out from what I remember it was a gigantic store and they had a lot of cool stuff so see how goes Sammie J do you think it's gonna be better than junk don't people on a piece this one here this di watch cake spot right here this place is amazing wait it's an actual skate park the books like it was just thrown together right that's really should have brought my actual skateboard and said it just my longboard oh it is this skate park I'm saying like I didn't know if someone just went there one day and built that stuff or if they actually like had a city ordinance to make it we're on Grand Street new vintage place across the street all right let's check this out he'll train it looks really really organized which also could mean [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kind of what I like to look for is this sweatshirt allowing the use of personal cups right now are they not accepting cash either because I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that's pros are their personal top well I give him this right here that's nice so not that bad honestly 94 wildcats [Music] stanford low style what's this little cat shirt there Braska how was this this was an actual beer shirt before no way am i czar Bush so they were savage in the eighties they're advertising let's see be there good drink no no [Music] oh yeah see there and that's the address right there this buildings been abandoned since over two years all this this whole place I stay opening up like a flea market like wise alright it's like getting nighttime but this camera is good in low lighting which is cool so we went to places called the El train it was an accident we didn't really mean to go there but they had some cool stuff we checked it out it was just like a typical vintage store sweatshirts were running from like like non hooded sweatshirts non hooded sweatshirts were running for like 15 to 20 dollars and I didn't really even look at the t-shirts but it was it a good spot but we're looking at going to a place called the urban jungle which is in bushwhack so we're walking there now and it's a huge store we've been there one time before really big so we will show you guys Yoshi and Mario so it is 0.3 miles more and that guy quarter line on this - yeah smoke CD look at this art right here this is so crazy it's this whole entire building [Music] look how big this place is that oh wow they're claiming urban jungle corporation is it so big caveat all the way around to the other side that's just like the back of it like that's the back room no way men remember this was this is the thrift store that we went to the one time it's closed up but I found this this is what I looked up and then we found that before [Music] and then you go down this street and look at all this cool graffiti though this is real real real style legit writing vintage clothing [Music] okay so I hope you guys enjoyed our thrifting vintage clothing shopping at it from Brooklyn I did end up getting a couple pieces of clothing I probably should have gotten more because some of the prices were actually really good I got this one which was probably the coolest shirt I saw personally all day myself if it was an XL I would never sell it but it's about a small or a medium could be at large there's no tag but this is the original Wang they have great made remakes but clearly you don't want the remake you want the original that's the whole point got that and then the last store that we went to I cut the video because the ladies had no fill me in the store and there's no reason to argue with someone if they don't want you to film in there they don't leave your thumb in there so I got this they're only paid 10 bucks for it I'm probably gonna ask for tea at least maybe I don't know around 40 for it I think it's a really nice one horizon by Casey sportswear made in the USA it's a size large which it's actually a big large I'm probably not wear it before I sell it and it's I mean it's not in the best shape ever but for being actually vintage for that price you can't beat it and then I got this Jean cutoff that's cool I will not fast I guess jacket I would call the jean jacket but it's called the company that made the actual jacket is you Nick you ni kaette down 100% cotton I just thought that these patches on the back were super cool Harley Owners Group and this one's from New Haven Connecticut so I probably wouldn't wear this myself just because I don't own a Harley and be kind of strange but this will be up for sale too so definitely should have bought more but it's always fun to look and Sam you had something to say to that we found out that was really creepy okay so the lis at the store junk that shoved me twice so on her on their Instagram page it's really really weird and one of you pointed it out to meet you messaged me if you go on their Instagram page you can click on the link that's in the description so I clicked on it thinking it was like a website and it was for mail-order brides so if you go on their Instagram I don't know I have to top my head let me think I don't it's just I think it's just Brooklyn junk I don't think anyone needs to get on there you don't need to go but there's mount and female brides and grooms right on there I don't know I didn't look at the sexes but just really weird so that made me think like that explains a lot I mean they're selling their primary income is selling mail-order brides and beating people up that try to shop at their door but yeah that's our video see you guys in the next one and like we say keep pushing everyone oh yeah Landis is home we're gonna make a more in-depth video probably on the extra channel about Landis his whole situation but he is home with us today for the first time in about five or six days and he's not doing great but at least we have him here with us so pray for Landis yes please pray yes [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 53,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: almost, assaulted, by, store, owner, assault, brooklyn, vintage, vintage clothes, vintage clothing, thrifting, thrift store, stella dallas, williamsburg, bushwick, new york, nyc, hipster, antiques, attacked, rock tee, vintage t shirt, grail, birthday, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, ny, vintage clothing store, used clothing
Id: JRDUYt_zpfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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