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[Music] all right good morning everyone what is up today we are in Atlantic City New Jersey and we're about to well here we go here it is another beautiful day in paradise but we are about to meet up with this realtor lady and check out a house that she wants to clean out so if you guys haven't seen far enough back in our videos or didn't know we used to do foreclosure clean outs basically for banks like we did a lot of them years ago I guess at this point or at least a year ago it slowed a lot down because the pricing went way down and we just couldn't do it anymore really it wasn't worth it for us but if we have a friend or a friend of a friend that wants us to do it basically we at least bid the job on the last Street so here we are on Massachusetts Avenue nah it's all the way down that person's didn't wonder it in 600 feet your destination will be on the left okay I guess all right so this is the house here it's a big house the potential could be really a lot of stuff but so far I'm seeing in the backyard just a pile of stuff right here which could be all of it for a situation like this you really never know until you check it out but even like all these are kind of usable you can use them for the flea market so here I think this is the lady gear that just pulled off I'm hoping yeah so far not that crazy at all hey how are you yeah how are ya so what are we what are we looking at the inside of the house okay I figured as much we're good what they just started throwing stuff outside okay this thing's pretty cool you are self the screen doors boys this this is hey stuff so that won't be included but almost everything else will be ok I'm gonna take a gander and this goes back into a room back here right alright so this could be hey yeah for sure so did you have like in your mind a budget for what you thought it would cost because it's a lot of stuff up here and how long there's a treasure shop oh man there's some freaking crazy stuff in this house it is really a hoard in here this guy [Applause] that's a telescope that's cool these newspapers are from like 1977 huge yeah it's a big job it's uh aggressive it's so doable though I think it would I think it would take more than a day though there's more in the down down is this part of his family like these pictures some some history in here though the problem is it the only thing you can't the only reason why he's left here because he has trouble with his legs going up and down look at this thing yes I bet it works too yeah cuz that old stuff you saw this stuff gotta be worth some money I'm sure it is it's just like there's a lot of trash mixed with it that's saying yeah if he started like years ago throwing stuff out and just got down to the good stuff then he wouldn't have a problem like look at this picture frame I mean I don't know what kind of pictures in there but just a frame alone someone would want vintage Redskins jacket ruined but it's old these things could be I guess check out the basement right you got to go outside to go in it right now the kitchen okay we're coming a couple times which way is it down here oh my gosh I don't know brother no way so we can do two choices though one flat rate fee for everything - I'm saying like option number two we try to help them out by taking some stuff okay do you I'm saying like cuz if he doesn't have any money how do we know do you go them saying cuz like there is like probably hundred items that would be worth takin Cathy you free she knew there that it was cool look at those all old barbels [Music] there's a Christmas tree yeah look at this sword no this is wild in here that old ashtray is cool this lamp is cool they actually taped it all it looks like yeah look some old signs Red Dog frosty but Michelob broken coat hanger old lamp it's like some full brass I don't know what they are and peace is still a good cabinet I got some old fishing reels don't look like they've really ever been used pen fishing rails like look at these things like you hang this up and it holds like a napkin like a you know like letters or a piece of paper look at grocery list I'm kind of like trying to get wrap my head around how much like how much this would actually no I'm disregarding anything that's worth money because it's just pointless to think about I'm just thinking like you'd almost have to get a dumpster and that would be like 500 already by itself one other guy would be like 300 on top six or eight dude so this is part of it too this is like an insane amount of stuff all there like this vise is cool it's hard to see what's in here really but there's a old crucifix with a old vintage license plate there's a brass bronze copper [ __ ] 'ln little late sigh here's the US Army that's really really cool actually buncha crowbars and hammers those are always good for like the flea market but not very valuable and then and then to store it wherever like if you took it from here you'd have to keep it somewhere you know there's this pretty much really cooled out of this thing and the key that goes to it Wow [Music] [Music] yeah that's what I would be doing if I was the grandson I would take it on to Lambertville though he probably wouldn't have any idea how to do it even this table right here is kind of really cool set up I mean he put it like each one he got somewhere and put it on their prize so it's like a collection of his life really or like experiences that he had some of this stuff is like I mean all of it looks like antiques at least vintage enough like you're sitting here with looking at this this lamps even cool you'll ash Olympic training I get it ladder this is a ladder that went double long like an extension ladder but what separated all the good stuff in there all right you wouldn't even have room you'd have to have a huge warehouse to horde that stuff although it's really good oh there's gone in there gold at first look I'm talking about the clothes oh man the Olympic Training Center and this is how you can go in the basement so this is set up nice that squirrel was just munching on that cookie to seven one seven eight five five yeah yeah and then I'll shoot you over like an estimate with everything breaking down I don't know yeah how much would you charge is y'all good solicitor I mean if he wanted to work with us and we could take like some of the good stuff and see and then like maybe put out some cans ever like out to the trash maybe take some stuff too good well I don't know I would like to I would it would be a shame for us if we didn't do the job at the same time most of our jobs are like know what I was up for sale it is nice that it could be real nice [Laughter] my face is all red from the mask but thank you so yeah that lady was super cool she is the realtor selling the house but she also knows the guy and she does that there's good antiques in there so we're gonna send her just a flat estimate guys if everything's trash and just said we can do this get rid of everything and she's gonna also talk to the guy and there's a possibility of basically us working with him on some level to try and clean out the trash but also be allowed to you know salvaged items that can make us money too so there's two options on the table I think he's probably going to try and go for option B because there is enough antiques in there as the grandson of the guy who still lives there he could sell those items and pay for the clean-out I think 100% even if he just picked literally every good item out of there it would still even lighten the load a lot because there's a lot of good stuff there's also a lot of trash so to be honest there's so many things that go into these jobs that like sitting there and just talking with her made it easier because there's so many options like you could literally to occur blur you could you know bring out a bunch of the furniture that you don't want and call the thrift store that comes and picks it up and they would take it away you could take loads of it like to Goodwill I don't know I don't know to clean it out full-blown here's a couple thousand ways it so it's like it's a lot under it ourselves being blinded by the light it is it would just be cool it would be cool to work but the guy it would be but he is she said he was 18 oh not the kid it's the grandson the guy I'm saying like he's not coming in there to help me it would be the grandson pick your hands that's what I'm saying like saying like if I was the grandson but like you have to imagine yourself at 18 like well you're right because I I was like and I was still into like that kind of stuff at 18 but I wouldn't have known the value of it either at that point yeah if I was even young kids probably just worried about partying straight up I mean even when I started doing cleanouts well I probably would have thrown out most of that stuff even knowing that it was good but not he's not a kid 18 the garnet oh you probably knows that that stuff's worth something and I'm not that like it might meets a little bit to him he was hope so like his grandfather's and people have different family dynamics maybe he's just living their ex is nowhere else to live who knows you never know never know Bongo apart but I think I was seeing and make sure I'm like the grandson stuff - that was like cool stuff that's not old but I was thinking it was old just cuz it was in there cuz we didn't know that he was still living there did you know that no I went in his room because I was seeing like cool like I'm used to going in and being like this is all owned by the bank get rid of it all oh my god that's what I was but I wasn't like I kept looking through his stuff and then I was like oh wait I got a hold back on this because like I was basically going in someone's personal stuff but like I mean if someone could break in there and take whatever they want at any time think of where that is so I obviously there's not like stacks of gold in there literally we'd love to do that job and hopefully we get it but for them it has to be for the right price that's for sure I got one word for you guys though look at all those antiques it was like the tinkerer of Atlantic Atlantic City seriously he had the coolest lamps in there there's one lamp upstairs I don't know if you got enough [ __ ] but just like marble the white marble and then on the top there was this great glass like marble ball but that it was like the light there was no light bulb just that green marble like it was all that was connected and there somehow unless you could active your supercool clothes hopefully we'll have an update video number two on this property so stay tuned but see you guys in the next one peace alright hi guys so Landis is back home now as you can see and the vet gave us fluids to give to him at home and then this stuff called merit as which is like an appointment that you put on his ear and it somehow stimulates his appetite so I'm gonna do that first thought Landis ate some snacks basically just treats though this long I want so it's pretty much good like right here right I know that's what I was thinking I mean he's so easy to deal with he isn't they all really really really liked Landis they said he was super nice to work with he's a baby boy no way no we did it well it's right so what did they call these words but I do know that he's not eating with his I guess cuz he's dehydrated and he doesn't feel good but he did eat a little bit of ten temptations like treats but those aren't like regular food and they're not really that good for him if he eats a lot of uh but the vet said yeah yeah but they're high in carbs give him anything if he eats it give it to him so I might go to the store pick him up some turkey cuz all cats like Turkey he's not eating his dry food he tried to he was licking it and then he was just over it so alright so giving them this fluid right here has a specific name for that remember though 100 milliliters a day to keep him hydrated and this is a 10 day supply he got it yesterday nurse this off this is until that we made on yesterday use a fresh needle every time she said the nurse showed us how to do it and she was really good at it so that specific nurse and that specific doctor that we saw yesterday were legit but there's a lot of staff that work at some of these places so it does get a little sketchy sometimes because you never know I mean like four or five different doctors worked on Landis when we got the sheet back he was there for how long four days five days four or five days and he got so many different things done to him that we realized the pricing wasn't that out of control at first it was just like are they trying to get us but then we realized he's really sick so all right so it's clearly working it just squirted out of there time right there yeah [Music] there's this thing called the scruff just like right here he has a lot of it cuz he was a heavy boy so what you do you can see the that little flat and you probably can't but you put it in that way the longer end of the needle goes in the in the bottom like faces down basically this is kind of weird to say but you basically put it in the back of his neck I know this isn't like a tutorial his neck that's a weird sound but like right there pretty much but I mean this is not a tutorial of how to do this is just we're doing it to land us because he needs it so when you pull the scruff up you can kind of like stick your finger like you lift it up no other cat would ever let you do that say like yeah like Landis is just a really good cat so it's off right now I'm gonna push it down after I got it in him so then the fluids yeah go in there so that's the scruff and I just want to make sure that it's not going into anything so you just go so it's in there open it up the valve and as you can see this just starts flowing so we're gonna go from she said you can squeeze it a little bit to get it go go from well it didn't even get to the one so I don't know what that's all about well we're gonna try and get it to if we can and then he'll be nice and hydrated hopefully for wanting to eat a little bit more that's the goal you can see it's dripping and it is going through I can see it I saw it go through before you can see that it's like in his scruff I mean I don't know my mom does did this before they won Mike her cats are cats it was the same cat that I had kind of grown up because the cat died when she was like 15 so but she was doing it by herself but did she have like a she put it up like you could just put it on like a nail or something or one of those Hospital things if you have them like that holds it but doing it with two people is easier all right so it seems to be working a little bit even faster than I thought so it's almost to the to line and that's all he needs for today and then I'll go to the three it's done turn it off please and then pull it out and then that needle I'm gonna keep it on here so that I know that it was used and then tomorrow when I do it I'll take it off I cap on this is definitely all right so we're doing what we can for Landis this is the update video Lando get them some snacks I hope was that if we give them some treats and he eats them he'll start to realize that it's gonna make them feel better to eat yeah and then he'll start eating the regular food do times at all right we'll keep it updating hopefully he just makes a rebound but we're gonna have to say hey what's up everyone good morning I hope everyone's having a good day so far whether it's morning or night where you are I know that we have people watching from all over the world mostly in the United States but the timeframes are a little different here we are another beautiful day in paradise check this out it is probably yesterday today we're the nicest days so far the year it's springtime almost here in New Jersey but I just wanted to start off this video showing a few items that sold not not crazy amount just two items they both sold yesterday which was actually a Monday I usually stuff sells over the weekend more this Gameboy sold for $25 $25 and 30 cents that's not all profit because we bought it and we had to pay the fees but we bought this Gameboy and all these games from a thrift store for $5 and we sold already the Gameboy non-working it turns on I don't have batteries in it now it turns on but the start button and these two buttons do not work so this was a nonworking for parts only $25 sale if it worked fine it probably would have gotten 50 or more so always pick up game boys for the right price how could you not I mean for $5.00 I could just play this for an hour and that would kind of be worth it but some of these games are worth 9 10 even 15 this Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 I believe is worth $24 average sale price who knows and then the rest of them I bundled together some and that's like gonna be like over $100 profit 1 those sell the next item that we sold was these Sims pure juice wheels from the 1970s these are vintage skateboard competition wheels they're actually in really good shape the buyer paid a hundred and twenty-five dollars for these I actually had him posted starting bid for 120 he offered 125 so I just took it because nobody else was really interested in them no offers before that and nobody had bid yet on the auction and it was on there for over over the 7 day period it reposted again perfect sized box I found for the wheels and I got a message from the person who bought them and specifying that they would like them sent in a box so that rather than something like this and a way to get good feedback on eBay I'm slowly learning is to go buy what the person who's buying it wants you to do if they say put it in a box definitely put it in a box or even if no they don't say anything at all maybe message them and ask specifications for an item that they're spending that much money on they want it sent the right way so yeah and we are today going to be picking up the land of stickers they're finally done so anyone who pre-ordered the I heartland of stickers they will be sent to you either today or tomorrow morning depending and we are potentially going to be picking up a basketball nap or a video idea that we have that involves like trick shots so that should be fun to make and it might take months I'm not sure but this will just be like an average day kind of situation so if you enjoyed watching what we do here it is and Sammy's been inside since yesterday around 5:00 - pretty much didn't stop yeah except for sleeping doing our taxes which we did together last year but if anyone knows it can get a little bit heated when you're trying to do something as tedious as that so she decided I'll just I'll just do it myself because it's just easier for her which makes sense and Thank You Sammy because that's a lot of work and we do all of ours by hand and categorize every expense and then we send it to an accountant and he finalizes it and then sends it to the IRS I would suggest anyone who has a small business file your taxes because actually I've filed my whole life so it's worth it for sure so the dream this is probably way overboard but for the collector or the end user of these wheels the sims pure juice logo writing is probably one of the most important parts if not the most important part of the wheels so I wrapped these in paper put them in a ziploc bag and then they're going in a box and then I'm gonna pad the box as much as possible so just to protect the graphic on the wheels as much as possible all right wanted to add something real quick sending out to freedom to dream t-shirts this is the last of the shirts the real sizes we've sold out so thank you to everyone who ordered a shirt it's been amazing and that just goes to show how much support we have and there will be more coming soon probably not the exact same design but we have other clothing in the future coming I did want to say like I was saying before shout out to private or live I'm not sure he has two different names from Moscow what's up man I just think that that's amazing that people are watching from Russia and all over the world so really really appreciative of all the people who watch our videos from everywhere all walks of life - so in the local area plus Ocean City check out our friends band to the danby's Shane Matthews him and his brother brought in this place obviously he's here his van wouldn't be here he just bought some actually receiver and some speakers from us and a record player the other day actually so dude there he is how's the receiver is it up like that night the problem with it just needs a new stylist and I ended up getting another set of speakers from some good like vintage JBL's not those ones like kinda like tinny and I never even got into work really yeah oh I have to work these are called did Landa no way so we ended up because you met this cat he was in the back room and you're gonna miss the guy yeah taking him to the back acting weird no way he's got great so I snagged all of the stickers out of the file because of course I got to put it on right here right mm-hmm that's perfect I mean it doesn't get much better than that it doesn't get much better than window on a backyard car I mean you're right though because it's like I heart cats it doesn't have to be land but like did land uh for president that's nice alright that was a perfect place vid though thank you and thank you for the concept from Jeff T actually he sent us the artwork his original artwork after I already ordered the stickers but the concept was his so basically his idea fully fully his idea actually so thank you again and thank you for the shirt for the the Landis shirt it's amazing this is his first legitimate meal since he's been home from the vet and this is day three two or three thanks he's just been eating treats up until now and well maybe one or two pieces of food but he might make a turn around he might be fine he was just eating that all right slight change of plans not that we had specific plans for today but our friend Fran door I guess she just moved into a house and he needs to pick up a whole bunch of fencing that's on face book marketplace for free so he doesn't have a truck until this weekend he said he's gonna buy he's getting a truck supposedly but it's like a lot of fencing and I don't even think it would fit in the bed of the truck so we're gonna hook up the trailer right now and we're going to ride out to tuckerton it's about 25 minutes away I guess and pick up this fencing and then take it to his house and then yeah we're gonna help him out so this guy actually did t-shirt printing for a while and I've been in contact with him about us working together to make some t-shirts and burn some screens and just start doing some t-shirt printing so knowing that he has done it already and has made a bunch of shirts and knows how to do it he can help me we can help him and this is how the world should work so stay tuned we're about to pick up this fencing not what we do anyway always salvaging what we can so this goes along with it if you're looking for some fencing he has a dog he doesn't wanted to get out of the yard he went on Facebook marketplace he's found a bunch for free he's getting them we're gonna pick it up bring it to his house it's just so much better than buying it because that person doesn't want it and it's not costing him any money to get it man we're here at the fence place why they said they spray-painted on the best piece though dude yo you lived it you don't want to live in Pleasantville they have free fence on your thing it'll be taken out of your yard do you go today like kind of turn it around or zone right I can't move I'm gonna get the fence all right so boyfriend er found this on Facebook [Applause] take that call those all right or you don't want that so his dog needs a fence at his house that he just moved into so if it spreads for me that's what we claim that's not bad I mean it would be nice if we could pull up right here but this guy's so we just huh I mean I got my blinkers on that's why I didn't pull all the way up just to there you could just you could just paint it you're right like make it like this again cuz it was stained originally yeah [Music] all right we got all the fencing back to his house basically he just needed like maybe as much fencing as this along the deck here a little bit that way so that his dog can't get out of the backyard so hopefully we helped them out and it works out but that's just you know when someone asks for your help in life if you are able to help somebody because it'll come back to you later here's land of style doing pretty good yeah that's right you're good boy good sweet boy all right good morning everyone what is up so actually unhook the trailer from last yesterday we were helping our friend with the fence but now I'm going to be hooking it back up again because we are going to go picking up a basketball hoop basically like a whole set up like a whole net who like the whole thing from ground to up it's an adjustable one I think but basically we came up with this idea where we want to do like some trick shots for video so we're gonna pick it up it's only twenty dollars and we have a really good idea that we're gonna try and pull off today if possible so stay tuned for that but just having this trailer in our line is insane insanely nice dude you can't do me like that now what we're gonna do with it is use it for a YouTube video like trickshot going in I mean he's like I don't care what you use it for I just get it out of here let's all try to use it as leverage it's gonna open but is it opening yeah it's an okay that's that's good then right my well if it was water we would be better cuz honestly I don't mind if we you know we can get a bucket or something take some of the sand out of it we might need to write it's really happy that vines just like so what I'm thinking is you're starting a youtube video already it is we put something on here you know lovers can do things yeah we got it if we we put something up here we can pull it down like you do it down maybe we can just get enough sand out of there into something where you can know then because once we get the sand out then we're good to go you're gonna I'm gonna push this because you're much bigger than eight and you're gonna kind of grab it on this end which way we got you can't you can't be taking pictures yet this right yeah you wouldn't mind roly-polies little snails escargot that's a hair tie nice wow this is real this is a whole world in here yeah you guys are just like taking in these guys house look at their watch I remember it's one all right Scott let me get a couple shovels and we can put the dirt in a bucket and now I get you know what I see you're gonna want the dirt yeah maybe yeah you're right you know what I have I was I'll take the dirt for sure because I might want to place it eventually are you gonna put it in nothing I should have brought something I cannot this way I got a deal for you I'll give you a trash can but you can bring it back okay I might not want the dirt though you want the dirt cuz what am I gonna do yeah that's yeah dirt no we'll get it went to dirt listen let's put it in a wheelbarrow I'll put it in my backyard if that's a burden for you we'll take it burdens of my life we live like five minutes from here okay because I can just store this in the yard - in my all over my curb right now I know why'd I do that alright I guess we're gonna have to get that out of there so we'll shoveled out enough so we can wrangle it and then eventually maybe we can wrangle it down in a roll you know pour out or whatever so let's see what we got there's got sliding down at shirt do you guys see it leaving a trail I don't know how this stuff happens every day but babies pay for this and he wants to give it to us for free now can you see him on there yeah this is a little antenna he doesn't have like is this a slug or a baby snail Sam Oh which maybe is his thug that's a slug there's a bunch of little snails they're so cute I know it's kind of sad there's so many of them you can't save all them man I mean because they're all in there yeah that's true yeah I don't think they'll get killed Commodore how's that to beat eggs of them look at that I'm surprised there's not like a snake under here so that you pulled it up and do whatever you want to do well really we can we want to be able to move it around so I've got wheels yeah I'm probably go so you'll probably pull it put like cinder blocks on it when it's in position yeah or you know what and then move it again oh you know what do you do you use water and then you can always get the water in and out that's true and also eventually we might just end up taking this off the top like a series of different shots on different things you know that's called the figure we have Alcatraz mapping that's how they got out so nobody saw you digging they'd only did it nighttime the Shawshank Redemption exactly exactly holy [ __ ] for three months honestly getting quite a bit to complete odd balls to take my freaking thing I actually had a little guy so bad saturday we're gonna come and get it and through and and I had one lady comes from Pleasant Village us was homeless not six kids husband give it to her get away damn in the car that was like his big as your tire I can do with that I wasn't been worried that it wouldn't get in the chart a little good in that you're a little trail is beautiful so are you contractors that what you do that's a loose term for it but yes okay so you do a bunch of different things a lot we do lot so you used to do a lot of clean outs okay that's cool for banks oh okay but not anymore okay is that that part of the business just not well was it welding a lot of foreclosures is that what it was exactly the time when there was all the source well there's a lot still but it's just the competition and in that specific business got really heavy oh there goes what won't take this away we'll put it down she's using a spade not a shovel capacity now we can lift it together [Music] I know what I can do with that I can make a cat bed out of that like paint it for lucky girl yeah yeah we're about to do it I'm about to do it watch me I'll send you a picture prove it never visit Kiefer visit but he came he took it I wasn't here what he did [Music] this was the trampoline yes good fun now all right that might be all but someone sent me a link to it did you have it post it online thank you and take care of all these things all right we'll take these is your just metal right well yeah look Gary yeah this one's light [Music] [Applause] have lead no good huh that's done all right that's all you perfect man wait you know once you bring things over there at least 14 cents yeah well you know I don't all right that was a fun scenario we went to buy a basketball net for $20 off Facebook he ended up giving it to us for free and we got to meet a cool guy and we got some scrap this a cast-iron sink and a whole bunch of just metal poles hey trampoline basically we got this man to do a cool video with but yes experiences like that kind of make life really fun because we never met that guy until today and that you think you can get for free try Facebook Marketplace free of cheap because these things new are like 200 probably around so saved a bunch of money and we didn't need a new one for what we're using it for I mean this thing can totally be used just for anything any kid could use this so check your Craigslist in Facebook's for good deals if you ever looking I'm gonna clean the living room all by myself watch thank you alright got this letter in the mail knew it was coming but do Tucker and Sammy thank you so much for granting an old lady's wish the t-shirt will be a prized possession for me I've been watching your channel for more than a year maybe more than this maybe more than two years you are the hardest-working nicest kindest two people I know of course I don't really know you but you make me feel like I do watching the two of you together how you treat each other and of course you're Kiki's spelling pressure mark it's heartwarming and makes me feel good that there are people like you to take us into the future you are very special people and I wish you continued success I pray God continues to bless you something enclosed please is a check for $20 for the t-shirt and 20 dollars to help Landis's vet bill I'm praying for him I too am a kitty lover I only have to ashes my precious little girl who will be 16 years old April 1st and my big boy shadow who came as a stray about 10 or 11 years ago and I don't know his true age he is an outdoor cat something special but he is still special to me thank you again for working with me the two of you keep on keepin it real coffee before claims and keeping it another beautiful day in paradise turn it over can't wait to get my t-shirt thanks again and by the way there's some I do some dumpster diving myself at 75 I think that's what it says I can't go and do as much as I would like but it's fun and I have found some really good stuff I have a garage sale once a year to sell a lot of what I find your friend Lucille [Music] oh my he looked at me that's all that I was like wait this is my 236 this is just events that happened in 1936 yeah it's cold it's the birthday it was when her late husband was born don't I have to wash it for washing Florida and then I'll pack it tomorrow no matter we appreciate it and all the support and we are very happy that by accident we didn't throw anything out because who knows we weren't really sure that someone would want the shirt but we're happy that you did and we saved it and here is the big dog this guy been down so much better though since we took him he's got nothing left in the constipation he's been getting these fluids up here as you guys saw and that's the coop food so helps in poop that's the regular food mixed with some treats and topped with some lactulose this is treats and I love it a he's a prince thank you all for who ordered that Landis land Ito stickers there was there was a there's like 30 around 30 so I just wanna thank you guys anybody who pretty much you know don't need it to help towards his bill he's doing a lot better I don't think he's going to the bathroom but as long as he's eating and getting his lakh dollars hopefully that'll help and his fluid stuff and Lucky's eating his food she likes the food so maybe she was a little bit backed up where she just knows there's lactose on the other one babies yeah cross the street oh yeah let's just go out this way I got some guys moving we think so he's putting out like a ridiculous amount of stuff out to the trash bleats the ground smells like bleach [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 36,126
Rating: 4.8340364 out of 5
Keywords: hoarder, house, packed, with, antiques, trash out, hoarder house, bungalow park, collectibles, valuables, clean out, dumpster, antique, big money, job, work, construction, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, ac, atlantic city, inlet, uptown, treasures, gold, making claims
Id: IWBxzAsqnc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 1sec (4201 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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