How Long Can I Hide In Someones Base Disguised As A Mob?

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so I was crying myself to sleep a few days ago when I got an idea what if I could turn myself into a chicken and then live inside of someone's chicken coop it seemed too good to be true at first but I knew I had to test it so today we're gonna find out how long my brothers and I can survive inside of someone's base disguised as random moms boys choose your animal Tigers I'm gonna disguise myself as they how's it going for the chicken I'm gonna take over a pig folks oink oink is that right Oh dad follow me pork chop is it weird to see a sheep a pig and a bat moving a unit like this you would not accept no no I'll squash just play it play it safe all right hurry go to the wheat this price seems natural chicken stew my boy can't even freaking he's gonna drown himself perched up there tensed Chum think that you've been weirdest home invaders you've ever seen in your entire life there's a chicken there's a chicken there's no pigs okay open this up oh I can't you're better you did it one of you knows how much change to a chicken there we go I think you should do the same no it's okay bats and chickens are like the same species animal basically so they blend in together okay so we need to do is go get some tools boys all right these chests right here or beefed up clean up boys you don't know that chickens are here robbing them chickens are about to make their own base you're about to be the animal now buddy Simon don't take too much just take everything you can inside of the bit Wow nice kitchen you're you even got a toaster a Jesus toaster with a cross on it papa bless oh oh you blend in Ben you look great ooh diamond Seward take down some paintings companies wait guys oh my gosh we have hey put the sword away who's got the sword out oh that's me oh man there's an attic for you then I'll start a bad base up top Isaac and I'll start to chicken base down low we will turn this dudes base into a new Animal Haven Tiger king will come home for you buddy we got an opportunity to start working on our base Ben's creepin and flying outside right here this is such a good shovel like honestly what the heck efficient like why is this so strong you ask you ate the entire freaking South American continent with a shovel like this Oh God you got a guy man is a oh man plug it up plug the hole up ASAP good good good oh I see em I see em I see em we got our first contact with mankind but he has no idea the chickens are here getting to work Isaac Isaac I would say we should Crouch just to be safe but I don't know Ben what's he looking like doesn't mean to Tricia don't be suspicious just be delicious piece of cobblestone all right how's work on the space here guys chickens are made fun of too often chicken nuggets are eaten too often we got too many chicken log at nugget lovers save the chickens eat more cows oh it's a good idea let's just do a single hole this is basically this is how Tiger Kings started he's gone are we still there people say tile the tiger can get all his money to start that animal farm this is how we did it folks right here you're watching it this guy's good to go then go ahead and work on your base a little bit while he's down oh hey hey hey careful careful he's gonna be somebody becomes what we disguise us well this guy's sit back let's seem safe yeah dude what's going on here just uh he's moving towards Ben have we got any chickens in here yet come on oh oh wait we're gonna make a big move here right away listen play for a sheep boys go go go go go I'm gonna have to punch him what does it make sense stupid Basin is mob stacking come on I can't get him I can't get me kill them all cover it up we killed every single sheep there we made a big mistake today boys all right that didn't work out came here the same animals already killed about 20 of them but that's probably tiger king did that too I'm gonna hop on up because I need to get a new pickaxe so something's up oh my gosh she's literally up here he's got to be suspicious now the 20 of his chickens her sheep have died and the whole ground is now he knows all right play it safe here folks then start working on the bat cave up top and rescue all his animals and bring them up there if we have to follow me how does it follow me yeah let's go please go follow me follow me Oh oh my gosh is this ours let's leave it for now wait there's a Joe Ben there's two now he's got a second person what do you do here in your home when you look down and you see this underneath your base what's the first thing now if you're watching this and you're thinking Zach why don't you ever do this in real life well that's a great question and we are going to at some point do this in real life so wait well then we're coming you were gonna make a connection point this will be the animal siphon chamber also been would like to shout out a couple people today from different locations around Ohio yeah I want to shout out at Cuyahoga County sanad II and you Fairfield Cincinnati people Wow Harbor State Park pen Mason Ohio as well as a clear that inventory drop what you don't need why is chicken egg in my inventory Isaac did you Bertha but you birth a baby egg are you sure you didn't birth that yeah guys what is it called when you throw an egg is someone who would birth that egg oh man man we're on the other side we've managed a tunnel under the base play it cool like a chicken this is the moment you've all been waiting for chicken stealth mission here's the chest what's in this chest ooh to enter girls looking put your items away it makes your hands are empty close the chest back away slowly pick that stuff up okay I gotta act like a chicken walk into a wall I could chicken would forgot the banner eyes on us he's going inside Ben he's now in the base we're coming in he's upstairs on the second floor with Ben he's a little bit afk so let's see if we can get in there all right it's time what's wait wait wait should we be a chicken or a better animal we do villager no experience nice oh I got it I rabbit it's Christmas it's Easter we could do a rabbit now okay this is great and look all the rabbit moves it's so natural okay wait wait don't move just don't even click anything just say here just say here I'm gonna walk into a wall here just so I seem like a stupid NPC okay here we go here we go he's definitely a little bit suspicious but I don't know if he knows anything oh oh he looked away but he gave up go I said open the door open the door nobody doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't realize you open it in why before you guys no no not yet not yet not yet I'm just trying to be like a rabbit Isaac think like a rabbit that's okay they don't know anything they just think we're glitched rabbits seeing them hit you does it look like I'm in rabbit good Nestle have a good idea take a cat would rob you ever have it Nosal Isaac follow me follow me in the house but now don't make like a direct line for it like freaking Ben then faraway izalith finish the wheat farm we can hide here Zack he's armed and may take it over here take it over here to the wheat hurry he's trying to name you he's trying to please try to make it was a hurry hide behind a rock no suspicious and where's you go we're watching the time takeover Isaac I think it's over you got to be their pet now Jack I will become a rabbit you go take the base eat it they've tamed Isaac Isaac's no they're all around now I'm in the base I'm in the base of the base I made it in Ben where's your vantage point out where you at I'm going in upstairs man upstairs in the Attic yeah I got an idea yes look at this they expanded their base they forgot to do anything about it so thank you still falling wait wait wait he's coming up he's coming up he's coming up I'm gonna make an opening for the outside bed let's regroup up top I think we've given away too much right now we need to get this base drawn for you what's happening to isaac him okay we need to get a view of him wait down I got an idea bat attack let's go man let's go man we gotta fly enabled guys Ben and I are going in Ben let's just go outside the front door they won't suspect it we're gonna take a neighbor or airborne look you're airborne look it appears as though they are really attempting to feed Isaac down there they're feeding uncooked rabbits these cannibals guys are jump in the water to save your life in there like [Music] let's just swoop down real quick and go back in the house and start building our base alright I'm swooping in okay back in the face I think we want to do is close this ladder off because now that we're bats we can just fly on up here right there like an open roof facade like it a little bit of an actual light in here and stuff this would sell really well on the market high price zelich scream I lost them where'd they go no but if I can get away further now this guy's a cow come back is a cow that's gonna be suspicious oh look at them they are hungry for they don't make cows like they used to folks like they're chasing me across the mat they're not letting a dinner disguise is something weird now you've really distracted them quite a bit look at me now I'm a Vogue or fangs is that I let's get back to the base and get this gold Isaac sought us distracted this is a new metaphor home invader sky as it keeps evolving over time very nice runway theme I like what we're doing here yeah that's a good idea dude you could be a spike on real facts guys I believe the government is using spiked odds that just came to mind hi gods yeah okay so we're gonna put some skulls of Maya here just to kind of scare people away at this point one right there I think is a good idea of a bumble bee hive in here too that's do eat honey so that's a great idea hey let's get a little as possible it's get a little honey in our bodies thinking there's a painting disguise oh my gosh dude that's brilliant Isaac's moving in I just moving in fish is moving in folks todd has made it around weaved in and out oh he's looking at you is looking at you mm okay you did it but he's looking at you you're glitching into the wall dude dang it they won't leave me alone oh they're not going to bat because we're natural looking creatures man is he a running painting now I know I'm moving painting that's terrible Isaac don't move for a better can I think they're I think they've noticed something here Ben was make a distraction so we can get Isaac free and a dragon real quick there's also a giant good idea I got it dad here move move move they won't expect this all right then get inside both you make it up top I'm taking one for the team right now turning it on full spraying boys I'm sending it I'm taking it off all right boys I'm now fresh sauly I'm gonna get back into their base now they don't know which ones real I don't know which ones fake I'm just gonna start building like it's normal all right let's do that so I'm gonna be placing some paintings here these are to block the windows hopefully if I can do it right there it is one block the window there there it is there's another there's another there's another okay all windows have been blocked so far you can't really hear you guys up here building so just so you know it's pretty pretty pretty this is pretty well yeah all right I got him on fire I'm trying to kill him I hear that don't you worry boys this is now my mates this is our home all right why you guys work up there I'm gonna start maneuvering them away from the base because I think they're getting on to us I'm gonna turn back into a chicken return to our original base spot from the beginning and then we can get back to where we actually wanted to do is rescue those animals we might've got a little sidetracked here all right they're still following me they're still following us we build me a staircase up to the base keep on keep on keep on I got him follow me guys go go well speed here every single enemy needs rescue bright now take them to the Attic halfway to the house go Coco Coco I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan all right I'm getting I'm getting a Maysville underground trying to strapped in here that's me this is what you guys did okay well I got him lost out there in the woods in the middle of nowhere I don't particularly know this is the best way to do it here folks can't you bait them with freaking wheat but it won't work really cause it seems to be working for me look at me I'm building whee oh my goodness how easy is that all it takes is the older brother to come along to show you what's up Zach oh why is it a one-shot killing these noobs just kill the only sheep we got to follow I pushed him in and he died one hit just like Carol Baskin and we're here to save animals and really we're just making our lives worse here we go got one what we can just bust them in recommend recommend this is the best way to do it this will help you get him down there I'll be on the lookout I'm about look out bat got one keep going keep going people and I got to look out here guys they're coming over the hill right now Enderdragon someone just just ignored so the peer like a parrot closest okay they are upstairs ok they are upstairs I do see that he's made his way up top he might be a little concerned about it now he's killed a sheep that's what we tried to rescue them from right here this brutality you may think that this is wrong but at the end of the day this is all that we can do I dropped in my ahead on them for disrespect look they're trying to they're trying to tame us oh my gosh they won't stop guys they literally do not know that it's us we're all up here now let's block the ban and we'll talk to Ben flock to Ben and then fly off act like we're a natural let's get a new disguise in here and let's try again I'm kind of free do your disguise and we'll see that's like 1 2 3 Prime TNT let's go no one will suspect a thing alright then you lead the way control Isaac you be our helicopter vantage point I got it okay I'm in your mouth go ahead I'm going in I'm going in okay I made it in the fire ball has entered the base they don't suspect a thing all right bays to prime CMT prime TNT boys I entered me into the base he's launched a package in I'm now entered as a missile inside the base boys take a look inside when you can we are now in the base I'm moving in don't worry guys they won't suspect this obeys plopped in front of me let's go let's go let's go friend we're in we are you the block oh my gosh Ben turn into a poly block with me hurry I'm gonna make it so they can fall down so that way they can't see us all right let's start tunneling to their base Minecraft except the blocks mine you got one we got one we got another way another oh that's okay cover back up moving in nobody is okay we can all they're on the roof on the roof I think they're hang on to it or something on the roof on the roof block on the roof folks I'm a block on the roof make sure you guys blend in at night what do they do we come to the party he's looking he's looking he notices you can walk through it oh good idea become a zombie pigman down there I said walk maneuver squeeze together not a zombie or do they see the zombie horse oh they got they like that they like to look at that when I say go I want you to just follow me all right ready go see your chest plug it up no they can't get to their own chest when are we bringing out the nuclear option soon I'll go Enderdragon someone else go with her stay in between us Isaac well moon roll stays fsy way to fly away just fly away here we go I can use all thing that village now go go go go go slash fire ball boys better watch it up boy I'm right in here Audio slash fireball way there and I'll think we're real it bends like a machine alright just spam it Wow alright boys let's wrap up this monstrosity by joining its spawn pretty common ender dragon and then start shooting fireballs so many of us Bryce the brothers I don't know what this video was today but it sure was a lot of fun if you want to be a part of these events in the future you can join our server at the link in the description it's in our discord as always thank you guys so much for watching this is a weird home invaders but if you want to see more don't forget to leave me one of these click here to subscribe see you all tomorrow peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 3,381,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, minecraft, loverfeller, loverfella server, how long can I hide in someones base, home invaders, home invader mobs, hiding in someones base as a mob, minecraft home invaders, invading homes, minecraft gameplay, minecraft funny moments, minecraft how to, minecraft servers, minecraft suvival, mine, craft, mine craft, minecraft let's play, let's play
Id: l7tV4Vw4bgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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