Can I Invade My Brother While He Invades Another Base?

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today my brother and I are going to see how long we can live under somebody's base without them noticing we're there but the twist is that I'm also going to try to build a secret base under the secret base and invade my brother can I survive an entire week without getting caught or will the base owner catch us immediately so guys there's a person that lives underground right here we can see the name tag and I oh there could be more than one person actually first things first we need some wood but we really need to just steal some God pools from this guy so we can actually get constructing on some big base building yeah we got to be very aggressive the thing is though if he's right downstairs we're not exactly sure can we even go down there without getting caught you know what I mean like it's going to be tough Zach I'm just going to be honest with you we're just going to have to find a way in there though and we got to get good diamond tools right away I say we just start with like a wood shovel a wood axe dig straight down and see if we can find an entrance yeah let's do that well this one's extra hard because we don't really know what we're facing at least I don't underground I think I know the best way to do this SEC there's a bunch of animals cows right below us 27 cows we dig down to the cow pit and they'll kind of mask our noise as we go down okay all right you know that's at least an open spot in the base cuz there's a lot of animals man this one's going to be super hard I feel like this base is kind of tiny I don't know if we're going to be able to get in there oh he's right on us right on us right on us right on us stop he's crouching right there I did see that I did see that careful careful stay with me right behind me you tell me when to stop I'll keep digging we're going to find a good entrance Point dude I think we want to go lower right here on the corner the corner is going to be the perfect spot it's a good entrance Point here let's find the bottom first so we can find the floor oh he's right there he's right there I think we should stop he's really close he can definitely hear you let's see if I type SL near I can see how far away he is right now he's just 20 M away but he might not be paying attention to game sounds okay go go go he just moved a little further back the time is now okay that is actually the floor that's going to be the grass the cows launch all right stop stop stop he's literally right on top of now guys off the record I'm muted right now we took off all of Isaac's command secretly so that he can't use anything to discover the secret base that I'll eventually make under him you're going to see him complain about that a lot this video and he has no idea so guys we're getting very close to the player right now and we're just breaking we cleared this whole area and he doesn't seem to notice us so we're going to play extremely aggressive cuz in order to pull this off we have to play aggressive by the way I'm concerned right now he sees us dude I'm telling you this guy's playing without sound on people do that Zack he's listening to music right now he might be I mean I am right underneath him and this man is not suspecting a thing I think what we should do Zach is push down the floor one more so that we can add a slab ceiling in the future to give us a little barrier of protection you start pushing that down I'll get the slab ceiling going the idea of the slab ceiling is that these are going to look like wild andesite blocks and it's going to be just another layer protection in case he does happen to break down so I'm going to go all the way across this and layer it up it's a very important part for stealth look at that look at that full roof done full roof done oh it's nasty looking I know but it's a good safety layer because nobody who sees that wants to mine it and so he's going to be like oh I must live above a big deposit I ain't going through that genius guys one of the worst things ever just happened Isaac's name tag couldn't be hidden for a second that means there was a moment if we replay and show you on screen where he could have been caught but he wasn't disaster avoided guys almost lost it wait Zach did you just use super breaker yeah I did dude that shows up on his screen you can't do that he's not paying attention I'm pushing the limits we have to dude he might not have audio but he can see dude you can't have that pop up on his screen we have to there's no other option we've got to risk bro I don't even know what the inside of the guy's base looks like and that's what makes this so intense right now okay Z after we get this final floor layer like cut out here I think we need to start looking to invade bro I just broke an entire iron pickaxe just digging under the guy's base just to show you how far I dug and we're out of iron now that kind of sucks dude we got to get in there and invade I feel like like we need new stuff we need Diamond Pickaxes to really expand our little Empire down here all right we're going to start off with our crafting table over here with a furnace next to it we have this nice natural cave system down here I wonder if we can utilize that to get in the base oh yeah Zach does it connect to his base I don't know it kind of goes right up to it though I think it could be a perfect entry point if we use some torches to get up in there furnace walls looking good this is the cave you're talking about yep so we're going to take this cave Zack and we're going to go up to the left up here and it looks like it branches right up underneath this floor this is good because if we get in this way at least it makes it so that like we have a cave and we could like potentially not have him find our base but the problem here is that it's literally right below where he's currently at so I'm going to explore this way and see if I can find anything I'm going to try to move in on this side Isaac go for it get your first invade in guys we're going dark I'm muting I'm getting an invasion in right now Isaac's getting some iron for the base we've got to get some better tools or there's nothing that we can do I'm actually in the little mine system that we have found while we were uncovering our first little dig area so we're going to go ahead and get all this iron and get it smelting up I also think I might venture back to the surface try to get us some trees because I'm already running out of wood I'm down to 11 planks okay guys he's all the way over there here's what I'm going to do I'm going to clear this so there's literally nothing here by the way for me to take I'm freaking out right now he's right around the corner truth be told this is an area that I'm just going to close up and seal off and and not come back to this way though if my calculations are correct is where his base is I'm going to see if I can make another entrance that goes up here and while I am muted the first thing we got to do obviously is establish a base so that I can start invading my brother okay my stone pickaxe just broke but we managed to get a staircase all the way up here and it actually came up in a very hidden area we'll try to bring back as many saplings as possible okay this is a single side view I guess this will be a risky break I'm going to leave that open on next to me see what we can get he so close he's going n I'm I'm I'm worried here about the breakage of these blocks I'm just scared I don't know what way he's facing I can't tell and if he's looking at me and he sees a random thing breaking on the wall he's going to freak out you know I don't really know I'm going to try this one I feel like this would be the least obvious let's see what happens oh thank God it's just a secondary wall layer I can't get into the base bro please leave for like 1 second cuz all your items are over here what I do know is I'm a little bit too high see what this takes us to a double trap door now that's even better for an entrance see that's going to be the water oh these trap doors show me exactly where need to go okay I got it now we just have to wrap around all the way to the other side all right my goal is to break this Stone axe before we go back into the base that's really going to limit the amount of time I'm going to have to come back up here for more and more wood finally we found the wall I'm literally Excavating the entire exterior of this like a freaking archaeologist trying to dig out a fossil all right guys we have returned to the base we got one oak sapling and five Birches so that should be plenty we also have some dirt so I'm thinking maybe right here we'll put down some dirt and then plant the oak sapling and see if it'll grow here right around this corner though if if my calculations were correct I think we just have to go down like this and right in front of these should be the chest so we can get into God that took forever okay let's see if it worked here we go nothing you got to be joking me no where is he storing things six chests every single one of them has been empty so far well unfortunately guys that didn't yield the results I was hoping for but at least we know where not to go I'm going to go back really quick and take another Peak through these little doors these little spy holes here he got somewh over there there's only one way to find out folks let's get over there oh there's some items all right I have zero idea where lover fella is guys he's been gone for a long time I mean we went up harvested trees we got iron we're digging out the entire floor now and he's still not back I wonder if he's gotten into the base or not or if he needs my help trying to think about this is he okay I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in empty empty oh crap this one had stuff in it where is he where is he where is he oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God just taking it off oh God I'm taking that taking that crap crap crap take that take that take that take that take that go go go go go go go go go go go go crap crap crap crap crap oh man that was freaking scary I don't even know where he was I'm not even sure if he saw me I don't even know if he was in the base anymore I just sent it bro oh you're back nice dude what did you get I I just grabbed everything first off I got a full set of diamond pretty good okay that's decent but did you get any tools I got you an axe I got you a hoe and I got myself this really really rare skinned axe okay that axe is actually sick but where is the pickaxe dude the pickaxe is the one tool we needed I got also 64 iron I didn't get exactly what everything is but I found out where the rest of his items are and so I feel good I got a bunch of wood from the surface sack so I'm going to change our wood into some hardwood floors it's time to move up in the world I know where most of his items are it's just like I feel like it was so hot we got to take a breather so he can cool down cuz I think he might be suspicious after what I just did well then let's get some base improvements in here Zach and then we'll get back in there as soon as possible now the goal here is simple guys simply to make a base more beautiful than the base that that guy's actually working on all right quite a lot of building here to make this look good but now that I'm muted you guys know the real real base is convincing Isaac we're helping him while we actually live underneath this wooden floor here soon but first we got to get more established here so let's continue to pretend like we're here to help Isaac bro this is kind of a fun one like we're actually getting something huge here aren't we this place is looking good what I saw the guy's base actually looks pretty good but to be honest we've actually made a room probably bigger than some of his rooms already and it's been about an hour so far so pretty good but Isaac I'm going to go see if I can get us a better pickaxe wish me Lu all right what we're going to do is try to get a little bit Fancy with the ceiling here guys of course we do want this base to look absolutely awesome all right here's the problem we got to get to that side the problem is uh I don't necessarily want to make us run out there so I'm going to use this new iron pickaxe to dig around uh we're going to take a wild risk here got to find trap doors that are positioned in a way that I can actually climb into and do it in a way that I won't get caught he is right above me guys like I have never invaded a base where we basically have confirmed that the guy is not playing with sound like it's just a whole different experience you can get so aggressive we're digging right below him and he doesn't know oh he's inside of the chest right in front of me okay all right he's actually pretty far away it's risky time right now bro's busy oh God oh God what the heck was he doing I thought he was just straight up coming up here and saw me was about to open of the trap doors he's back out there I'm going I'm going go go no nope no pickaxe no pickax pickax oh I need to get out of here this is really dangerous I'm going to have to go guys it's just too risky I got to close this up there's no pickaxe in there it literally almost cost me everything just to walk in there once all right is he has no pickaxes I looked in everything no pickaxes what about diamonds D we got to get something couldn't even find any diamonds up there oh my gosh this is terrible we're going to be digging here forever with iron yeah it's not ideal but he is massively expanding in a secondary floor and so if we give him a little bit of an opportunity to do that it does mean he'll be up there and we can explore more so there could be some sort of secret chest maybe wait you're I was building the storage room over here dude oh but that would actually be good I like yours better I'll turn this into a bedroom maybe so if we just go ahead and extend this just a little bit more it'll give it a little bit of depth in the background and later when we get more blocks we can make this look a little bit nicer and then straight across from him I've made this awesome little like airplane hanger looking thing and we're going to turn this into the bedroom that is a master bedroom right there Isaac my goodness dude I've got to get an efficiency 5 pickaxe though this is driving me crazy we would literally be blowing through this we could expand the base five times more also we need a food source we have no food source down here yeah this there's a lot of issues with this base we are realizing you're right I'm actually almost starving what are we going to do for food we go up there and look through his stuff the only thing I haven't looked through so far are all the barrels and you can see if you can find it okay I'm going to up there after I get this cleared out good get yourself a little Invasion see what you find all right Z good luck on the base what's the best way into this base yeah well this is the best path in and you're going to understand what I've done when you're up there there's some trap doors good luck it did open up the opportunity to just begin the phase and here's my idea now he's gone nobody wants to break a random furnace all right especially if the furnace has items in it so this will be the entrance into my base right here I'm going to actually do 64 if it has a stack of 64 in it that means it's mine I got to break it to get down we'll live underneath the wooden floor but I also need to prepare this in a way that Isa won't break the wood floor and go down I got to make sure he doesn't go lower he said I would understand when I got up here oh my gosh he's one block away from me right now how did he get into this base at all oh my gosh is this a door that goes into the base there's no way he set this up I'm going to have to wait till this guy goes away before I can use this but we have to get better items first and one of the next things we got to work on here is clearing out this wall to make it look better that is so loud by the way I just heard lever fell Ed super breaker down there there's no way this guy didn't hear it I am still helping him and I'm having a lot of fun doing it actually this base is we've we've wait a minute hold on I got to go back to the base instantly there's another guy here that's going to hear us I thought Isaac got caught right there honestly I I don't know what just happened I swear I just see a purple glowing dude stop stop do not dude there's another guy here now and he's probably playing with sound see that's interesting I wondered who that was we can't be digging like dude you used your super breaker I heard it up there clear as day that was the loudest thing I've ever heard in my life I don't know how this guy hasn't caught us yet well the thing is though do you think the pink guy lives here fart ninja no but if he who's fart ninja that's one of my VIPs that's one of my guys who donates on patreon and if you guys would like to become a patreon donator Link in the description now was not the time for plugs I'm trying not to get caught but I don't know how to get into the base now cuz there's two guys up there I had to abort the mission to come back here and tell you to stop using super breaker I thought you were caught to be honest I saw you standing next to a purple glowing dude and I said well an admin got him cuz we don't tell our admins we do this so sometimes we get in trouble our admins go who are you guys we need wood and food so maybe while this guy's here we'll take out this absolutely inconspicuous uh exit point and grab a little bit of wood and bring back home you know what it is pretty inconspicuous when you get up here Zach cuz it's all hidden by the trees you really would never find us up here all right we're going to go ahead and do a quick little wood collection with my actual Beast of an axe I was like why don't you work on getting some food products well I was actually going to go break some seeds Zach and get as many wheat seeds as possible yeah that's going to be essential and water do you have a bucket uh I don't I have one here take mine and then make one we need two waters oh look at that it's a little pumpkin Halloween theme by time you guys see this video though Halloween will be long gone but what won't be long gone is this amazing Minecraft server play. which you can join get home invaded and enjoy it two plugs in a row dude jeez you can't keep you're plugging all day all right I'm going to take these back downstairs all right did you get some dirt Zach get some dirt too so we can make a farm down there all right you get you get the dirt oh you didn't do it okay oh please leave please leave stop stop this guy's definitely more aware this guy's definitely more aware this is a butt cheek clencher I place blocks he comes over looks down and goes back it is not what you want to be doing got to commit though all right this is a very Barren biome I feel like to get actual seeds for wheat and stuff like I am not finding anything of value right now we've only gotten four wheat seeds that is not near enough for what we need today we'll go ahead and make an iron shovel very quickly and then we should be able to just mine up a bunch of this dirt really quick and that will be plenty for the base right here and guys because we've been home invading bases for so long my excavation is level 181 and that means when I harvest dirt I actually have a chance to get special items like glowstone on This Server I mean we are struggling out here today folks it is just tough living out here trying to get something what is this little thing oh my gosh guys I came up to the surface I found this secret little entrance right here what little goodies await us inside of here and while Isaac explored the new found base I continued on improving look at that symmetry bro it's just like bam symmetry it looks good I love the little symmetrical thing what's up buddy well Zack I brought back some glowstone I harvested some dirt out there got some glowstone so we can finally finish the sun yes I got 21 bookshelves and I have't oh my gosh you can't use that dude it's so loud I know it's so scary it's so scary right now woo okay we got an enchanting room set up up here next to the bedroom now Zach but we have to actually get the enchanting table full on enchanting table full on bed room crop Farm can go here we've got these weird interesting doors that lead to multiple different caves roofs exteriors crafting bro this thing's looking crazy we got to get up there but there's literally like there's just nothing we can do at this point with two of them inside a base so tiny like unless we can get invisibility potions Isaac which might be a necessity to go back to that trick because I don't see how else we get in there that guy's moving careful careful careful careful that moving dude wait that's not even the original base own oh the original base own is right next to him though uhoh I wonder if they're complaining about something getting stolen and realized that it was us okay so we really need to get some invisibility potions which means we need to get first an alchemy table how do we make those oh it's it's just a blaze rod and three Cobblestone which we don't have blaze rods well first SEC we got to get our smoker down right here and we got a blast furnace you know I just like getting all the crafting things though it's a necessity we're going to need a nether portal anyway though right and then over here looks like a good area for the farm so we're going to have to dig out more of this too it's a lot of digging too bad we don't have an efficiency shovel yet or a pickaxe yet I'm going to go ahead and just extend this out oh there goes another pickaxe that is like my six iron pickaxe bro I had so much iron actually at the start of this let's see what I'm down to we've gone from 64 to 42 literally just making pickaxes we're a little bit to the right of the bedroom right here through this little doorway and this one's going to work perfectly because we're going to turn this little area that I've dug out right here into the starter Farm okay I am muted right now so I still need to work on getting the secret base underneath there without Isaac catching me he can't see my name tag and neither can the other players cool man that looks really cool it's right underneath oh wait a minute did he break my furnace and put the blast furnace bro he actually broke my furnace to place a blast furnace here which is mind-blowing because that was the one spot that I thought would be my secret base thank God I tested it for a bit cuz he actually would have discovered it I'm going to go I'm going to go stand back here I need to do a little bit of a brainstorm session because that was too risky he's already broken it there's a chance he'll break something else I feel like I need like something really sneaky to get a secret base all right we got the floor Chang the dirt we also got some water in the middle from our unlimited water source around the corner here I need just a little bit more so that we can make these so they're not actually flowing cuz flowing water actually makes noise and we don't want that down here I feel like it's got to involve water okay I've got an idea it came to me pretty quick actually I think if I can make a bucket I can gather my own water here for a second and I can move the water to a better location by filling this floor in we also need to make sure it's well lit in here because the crops need actual light to grow here's your water by the way Isaac oh you moved the water nice okay and we have a nice exit now so I moved the water there and the thing is I think I can think of a really creative build using maybe trap doors where I could get in that water dig and create a secret base it's going to be really challenging to do so we'll put these around the edge like this for like a little detail but what Isaac doesn't realize is the one in the middle will be used to squish me to get in and the secret entrance should be like right underneath this piece right here so let me grab some blocks to work on the rest of it I want to make blocks of different types because if Isaac is getting invaded by me then the more different blocks I use the more likely he's going to need to switch his tool and he wouldn't be willing to do that all right he's helping me now guys this is actually good cuz this room is taking forever and we're really just in a giant lull period until we get those guys to leave the base speaking of which when I look up there I don't really see anyone in the base right now this might be our time to strike Zack it might be our time to strike I looked up I don't see go go go move in go go go go go go go I think it's our time yep excited here now is my time to get in okay I don't have any food though I can't actually run okay this is not good guys I don't know anything about the base but I do know there's a door here this could be our way in right here all right I'm in the base now I don't know where I'm going there's all kinds of good stuff on the walls I don't know what any of this stuff is oh here is what's above the base guys is inside the base I can oh come on come on crap this doesn't squish me low enough I have to do this entire thing and test it while A's invading that base and this is the only time I can do it oh I got to be so careful because like I don't know where is's name tag is so here's the thought process that squishes me there we go get started get started get started get started no I just just can't let Isaac see me I got to see how obvious this is we're going to do quick stealth check here quick stealth check break this to get out not obvious at all that's basically borderline invisible this is literally impossible to see I'm going to clean this up so it looks a little bit better by putting a piece of wood back there oh my gosh he's back guys the guy is back I'm stuck in the base and he's back what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do oh no oh no I got to get back further if I F5 I feel like he is right around the corner from me oh my gosh what am I supposed to do right now I'm stuck in the base I have literally nothing to hide with I can't even get back to where I came in oh man I got in a rush to get in here and I think I may have panicked a little bit too much wait he's going up he's kind of far away now we're going to try to move in just a little bit we have to at least make sure we close the entrance to how we got in here the thing is that is mildly suspicious but I don't think it's going to be enough to catch Isaac's attention especially if I do something like that and put him all the way around like it just becomes like an interesting little design so it becomes a design it's supposed I'm going to tell him like some lie about it I'm going to say that it's inspired by his roof F5 guys is the best way to peek around corners it looks like he's actually up top so he's not in this room okay there is some coal in there we'll take that a slime spawner I don't even know what that is a frog spawner okay we are actually getting stuff off of this guy he's literally right above me I can hear him building I don't know what to do how you doing Isaac dude I'm stuck in the base I don't know how to get out he's back you're stuck dude I don't know you might need to come open the door cuz I don't even know how to get back out patience patience patience you got this just stay focused down there you're going to be okay dude I don't know where to go where are the diamonds dude where does he have anything stored he is literally right above me right now guys building I can hear him placing down carpet okay I can check it on eyes I can hear him so now I can get started on this this allows me to crawl right into here and work on the base I guess the problem is if I go down I don't know to get back up I would need the water to actually flow down for me so I'll have to break that to be able to swim out but when I'm down in this area it does give us like a 2X two area okay I keep opening chest but they make so much noise I'm really worried he's going to hear me okay I don't know what all this stuff is guys and I don't really want to take all of his super valuable items but I did just find something called a rainbow iridescent wig I'm 100% taking that and coming back to L fellow with it on it wasn't an entirely successful invade I feel like but we did get back without getting caught that's the most important thing but look at this helmet I got to put this thing on look at me guys I'm now like a gamer chick look at this thing right here okay yeah we got to go show LF fell this right now we're wearing this the rest of the episode see I don't know where he is oh is he around here he's not going to recognize this guys he's going to think he got caught when he sees me oh crap he's back how we looking buddy where you at oh I'm up I'm up on the surface getting some wood you want to come help me oh yeah I'm back in the base now I didn't want to risk it too much I didn't want to get caught right away and he was right above me so it wasn't worth it let come up come up top with me see if you can find me let's get some wood together are you there I'm at the top now yeah where are you at I'll be there in a second sorry I got you did you see the abandoned base near by no the one in the wall no no no there's a different base out there if you can find it that's where I'm at right now what are you I'm so confused right now the way you're talking hold on stealing something here on Apple try to collect some wood let me get through this really quick this is a cool shot collect some wood I can do [Music] that all right one sec guys it it doesn't work it doesn't work if I don't have enough food in my body Okay I lied to Isaac to get him outside but this is how intense this is going to be so I'm going to go out and join him really quick and um fix this staircase that see like that's the thing like that's all I could do in like one single time Isaac left it's going to be a little bit of a doozy it's going to be a little bit of doozy to say the least hey I fixed the staircase going into our Base by the way wait you're right there yeah yeah I got back oh I'm at the top where you at oh what's up dude getting some wood right behind you dude we need food all right we need food badly you know what if we could get into his base and kill some those cows is we get some food wait do you not notice my hair Zach I've been waiting for you to comment on my new hairstyle I didn't even notice where did you get that it's like when I get a haircut and you don't comment dude how would you not notice this where did you see it dude I mean you didn't say a word I looked at you like four times I'm like when did you going to comment on it he didn't say anything bro it's crazy that just shows you how little people pay attention Okay but look what I did bring back I have solved our food situation but I think we're going to have to put these on the surface up there and just go up and harvest them when we need them oh chicken spawners yeah you're right you're right take them up put them down down I also got these dude and I don't know what to do with these but I feel like potentially they're worth some money slime and everything hey put the put up put the Slime up there we need slime blocks for some Pistons where okay I'll put everything up there but to be honest sec I never found anything of real value like we need diamonds and obsidian so you might need to get back in there for another invade I'm clearly the successful Invader so I'm going to go up and do what I need to do the successful Invader guys that's all in the eye of the beholder I would say I stole the coolest item ever stolen in home Invaders he's up top he's up top okay go no oh my gosh instantly put down the slime spawner and this big dog just spawns and tries to kill me this is Major because now we have slime balls which we can use to make sticky pistons which are actually going to be awesome for making secret entrances into this guy's base I mean we could get pretty elaborate with this if we get a lot of redstone and the chicken spawners right here are also going to be useful because they are going to give us unlimited food dude it's really just a matter of getting extremely lucky when stuff like this I just need the food for myself so I can swim Into My Little Secret hole we need a mine and I hate to say it but I feel like it's just something we're going to need to do down here so I guess I could just start digging a little bit of a mine or at least a little bit till I get coal so I can get enough energy right we are starving to death we could literally not have gotten these chicken spawners sooner I'm not even going to have time to cook these things but we have some raw chicken to eat before I absolutely starve to death oh yes sir just a couple of these will go a long way in getting me fed but at least I can go get myself some food and I don't want to put it in the smoker but I feel like I'm going to oh look at the speed of this dude oh my gosh I just realized I have half of a heart one and a half hearts right now those slimes are almost killing me so we're going to have to leave those alone for a little bit um we might just have to take our 14 chicken right now go back down into the base and hopefully that can get us back up to full health oh yeah look at that Isaac dude you got all the meat what was I up there harvesting chicken for well I decided I'd kill his cows I didn't get the diamonds but I got a bunch of meat I mean that's useful cuz I'm basically dying to death I'm actually going to have to eat some golden apples to get my health back up I know I'm going to replace these furnaces with two more smokers actually right here we can uh massively increase the efficiency of this oh our first crop has officially grown right here guys it is sugarcane it's always sugarcan came to be the first to grow but we actually successfully propagated crops below this guy's base now that's a pretty big step if you ask me after that Isaac needed to take a quick bathroom break so I decided to use this opportunity to try to expand my secret base quick little expansion crap all right let's get out of here I guess that's a sign for now that's too much oh that's great that is exactly what you like quick in and out see how well that worked he's never going to know that's down there now in order to make sure the owner of this base stays online because base invasions with nobody on or not fun we lied to him and said that there was a building competition so what we need to do is Isaac needs to go up there and tell him shortly that the build competition has um not concluded and he has to come back every day for the next like 4 days for us to finish Isaac came back from the bathroom and went to talk to the owner to convince him to stay online for the next several days meanwhile I hid my secret base and after Isaac came back he told me that the owner of the base is actually skipping school to play on my server but guys there's even more Isaac's commands are not working right now he can't do anything he can't teleport so I told him to hang out upstairs right now while I do some of the base Building inside and while my team is fixing his commands I will be going into my secret underground Isaac base where I'll be invading him a little bit more to get a slightly more Big Head Start okay guys lover fella is down in the base he is invading the guy right now I'm just kind of taking a chill pill and I'm just going to chop down a bunch of the trees up here around the area where always needing wood and that has not changed so I'm just going to spend a little bit more time up here and collect a bunch of wood I'm going to dig this out really really really far right now but not too big kind of just even it out a little bit this is great all right this just is great gives me a couple minutes here to just get a quick little build that was good A little bit of a corner right there where it's relatively safe and what is up here oh see you don't want to hoe that cuz that exposes you so we'll just put that there hopefully he doesn't realize what just happened and while I was upgrading my secret base Isaac finished with his wood cutting task I asked the mod to temporarily give commands back to Isaac so it wouldn't raise any suspicions and he got instantly teleported back to me luckily I was able to get on my secret base without getting caught all right Zach I am back down in the base look what I bring back with me dude it was a successful wood cutting Mission woo look at that incredible yeah we got so much wood I feel like we need a wood chest now yeah now Isaac I have a theory by the way as to what's going on and why he hasn't hurt us if this kid is in school he's probably muted us so he can listen to his online school classes oh my gosh do you think he's actually he might be in school like he might be playing this like in class that's what I'm thinking I think he's actually in school which is I mean there's no way he couldn't have heard us build this so far but we have a couple of goals Isaac and these goals are number one make a diamond pickaxe two get an enchanting table three make the base look pretty four see if the owner has more stuff to steal five fix the tree room and six craft a brewing stand one of the ones that I'd like to do is get an Alchemy room which means we need to get a mine shaft which means we need to get some diamonds because as far as I'm aware brow upstairs ain't got none you tell me we need a mine I got one started right back here and it actually leads us to a cave dude we could double dig this mine down let's just keep going together we'll basically knock this out we mined for so long that after several of our iron pickaxes broke we started to question if it was even a good idea but suddenly we found a cave baby that is what we were waiting for look up Zack look how far we came all right I'm dropping down I'll be the first to find the diamonds all right let's split up but not too much and see if we can find any I don't really think the cave goes much further but I did get some Redstone up here Zack that could be big for secret doors so is is going to keep digging I'm going to go up add some staircases on the way down for us and uh make our life easier all right we're going to get a little F3 check in right here and we are at - 55 at the bottom so I think we have to go down four more blocks and then we can actually start mining straight in order to find the diamonds all right apparently guys the most diamonds are at this level right here on the Bedrock this is a little bit more dangerous because the lava can flood in but you know what we live on the edge I want to have the chance to find the most diamonds I do not care if there's lava I can avoid lava and I will find diamonds before lover fell that's really the only goal today guys oh there we go lover fellow would have got these if he was mining guys this was his side of the mine I just found our first diamonds of the day and it's more than one please give us three if it's is just two that's going to be a real disappointment because that really doesn't help us that much while Isaac's down there mining I got to come up top I really really want to get some torches down there but we're so shy on coal right now except we have a little bit in here so we'll take this coal we'll craft ourselves 16 torches that'll be enough to light this up cuz if mobs start spawning down there and come up that's going to give us away there we go we have an entire staircase all the way down to the very bottom where Bedrock is I don't know where Isaac's at right now okay there we go it is actually more than two this is perfect yes we can get a diamond pickaxe off this at least it might be four Zack how we how we looking back here look at this come back to mine baby you get some diamonds look what I just found oh oh I know and it's a four piece I think which it would have been better if it was a five cuz we' have enough for the diamond pickaxe and the enchanting table but that's a start let's go I got a full staircase up too so that at least lets you make your pickaxe I'm going to make a pickaxe down here Zack and we need to find one more for the enchanting table yep I'm going to go back upstairs work on a couple of other things so um when you come up uh I'll see you up there all right Isaac's down here focused he's going to look for that one last Diamond okay I know that he's focused on this goal he's not going to give it up now I can move all the way up to the surface get back underneath Isaac's base and put down some of these new DEC right guys we got the diamond pickaxe that is absolutely huge let me tell you what now I don't know should we keep mining this way cuz we just found them right there I feel like we're going to have to go a long way before we find more so part of me thinks let's go back down the M shaft and go the other way anyway as I was saying back upstairs clear out the inventory bring down the essentials work on expanding the underground base and Isaac's and um we'll see how smart he is what' he say earlier he would know when somebody's invading him if you think somebody was like invading you would you actually notice you think or no I would definitely notice Z I would I've been invading and your pickaxe sound can be heard from a mile away how do they not notice it guess we'll see all right we're getting lots of redstone I always feel like that's a good sign red stone is found with diamonds I just feel like you usually find them in close proximity to each other so oh that's somebody else's claim guys if you see we're not actually able to dig there so we're going to have to turn again unfortunately I got to be so careful come on I love this it's literally the smartest thing ever cuz nobody likes to move water it just makes this such a better design now that we're in here I could make my base out of exquisitely expensive blocks to flex on them so I'm going to use the lapis as actually part of the floor down here I also have three blocks of copper and this would also be really funny and we're just going to keep digging oh there we go finally guys what did I say 5 seconds ago if you find the Redstone you find the diamonds they are literally like bonded together in life guys how many do we get here o this could be a big this might be an eight piece this is an eight piece but now it's time to go up and get that obsidian on the way out and then we can actually make a nether portal and then that's going to allow us to get potions underneath this gu base but I think this is where the cave was if I remember right yes so here is the obsidian hopefully we can mine this no problem we got in we put down some essential items we got out no problem that base is looking phenomenal I need to get some more items down there like some beds and stuff so I'm going to use this last chest as a chest to store items that I want to take down there okay and then um since these aren't growing let's just get rid of these now so that we don't have Isaac break down in these that'll be way too risky and then cover this up with wood we'll just put these back here as some beautiful decoration blocks while Isaac's down there having no idea that I just did that strategically to hide my base all right we got our 14 obsidian and now we need to make our way out up there is the exit so we're just going to have to dig or pillar up with some Cobblestone that's no big deal we have a bunch of it and now we'll go up and meet up with L fella ooh I like that oh yeah look at that that's some incredible depth in those pillars right there in the corner I got obsidian Zach for the portal and the enchanting table all right look what I did to the base I cleaned it up added some pillars fixed all the walls added some details around look at look at the detail in here yeah yeah that's good you added nice little Corners in there I'm thinking right here is going to be nether portal what do you think right here yeah why not this is the way out though so it's actually got to go back here make that flint and seal light that bad boy up then we can go there get some blaze rods and make the enchanting oh my God that guy is close boom oh that looks good it does not look symmetrical at all I knew it wouldn't look right back there yeah it does what you talking about that looks amazing there's a gap on the right side it looks all weird oh all we have to do to fix that Gap is this plug that Gap up like that bam yeah but now your exit's gone that you were all concerned about all right all right all right how about this idea Mister how about this idea ready go to the crafting table bam door we're going to have to put one of those on the other side now just to make it symmetrical and then this door will connect to this area back here it's just actually usable nope nope we're not going to do that it it's a weird glitch when it does that hold on bro we got to get rid of that door that leads right into my secret base I'm freaking out I just muted I just dug right into it straight up that is not good that door has to go I've got to make some changes I have that was so scary I thought it was over my heart just dropped oh my God I didn't know it was that high all right guys I got all the stuff for the enchanting table too I believe this is the crafting recipe yep I am a pro at Minecraft obviously I knew that and I I think our bookshelves is back here I already built this in the way so now the only thing we would need to get a level 30 pickaxe right here would be lapis like how is lapis the limiting resource in this entire base we don't have lapis anywhere really you have any obsidian on you still no I used all of it to get the I'm going to clean this corner up you're right I need to make this look better so I'll work on this okay that was scary I'm going to I'm going to I just like took over I'll work on this he's literally right above my secret base right now dude I'm really worried about this I just it's gotten so big now that like there's a high chance he finds it all right we need a little quick sugar came harvest in here and I feel like we need an actual chest in this room too because it's kind of weird that the crop storage wouldn't be right next to the crops I think that we should be okay cuz I filled that with gravel and obviously there's like a door here so what I'm going to do instead is maybe just get I don't know maybe get rid of the pillar and see if this looks better I just I got to do anything I can to basically not show him there you go little bit of a fun little loop-de-loop right there on the old door and then there is no risk anymore of Isaac finding my secret base back there at least not a huge one and we'll put a torch here okay bam all right there we go we got all the tools right here in our inventory we got a pickaxe and two more shovels so we'll go ahead and enchant all these oh you enchanting that very smart dude oh look at these bad boy Zach efficien oh that's a good pick oh my oh oh you got two we also got a silk touch pickaxe you can have the silk touch I'll just use the work pick silk touch efficiency five okay those are actually incredible that is really nice by the way I I made the exit door here it Blends right into the pillar and it looks really good oh yeah perfect now I'd like to go up inside of his base see if there's anything that we can steal but the gu is so unbelievably active we've got to get invisibility potions we have no option so Isaac I'm going to get some blaze rods goodbye okay let's go get ourselves some blaze rods and while we're here we're going to use our magic thing to chop these trees okay he's going to the nether folks that's a bold move but honestly that's fine because I have a diamond pickaxe right now that I can just absolutely obliterate things with now and while Isaac was making a base larger I found that unfortunately the nether was already looted and there were no blazes in sight so I decided to get more creative and search for a blaze farm ran by other players on my server play. you can actually up warps for players to teleport to with different businesses like this one for example and when I was done farming blaze rods I just headed back home to finally craft my brewing stand 17 blaze rods uh a little bit of cobblestone I think that's all you need to make a Alchemy brewing stand I'll make two of them and then I'm going to put them in a very nice location and that location will be over here so that we can further hide the little secret thing that I've been building this entire time okay I was like where should I put the Alchemy what do you think I don't know I'm actually going to be moving this whole farm so technically you could put it here okay yeah you're going to move the farm huh I think so I want to turn this into like a bigger hallway and then move the farm back to the back right uh that's a good idea I'll take that if you want it seems kind of boring cuz I I'll take that and I'll work on Alchemy cuz we need this anyway with um what I'm doing so you'll take what the I'll do the farm thing cuz it goes in with the alchemy that I'm making so I'll do this oh well I think we I mean this is a big project I think we can both do it I'll be digging maybe we should put a big wall up here out of like a cool wood or something like a little yeah yeah we'll split it up with a wall you'll make that Zach and then like behind this past the diagonal hallway will be my farm project you work on this room so I started renovating my main goal though was to secretly disguise is my secret base even more than I already had in the meantime Isaac was digging like crazy and building out the farm room but then Isaac decided to get dirt from the worst place possible oh no no no no check this out come here hold on I'm trying to mine my dirt give me two seconds I'll get you dirt come here I want to show you something cool what come here look at this look at this I was digging in this guy's base earlier while we were inside this guy's base he's look at this don't open this he's expanding on the other side of that and it looks like he's building another secret chest room out there oh man dude this is going to be impossible to get in this gu but he never leaves here's some dirt by the way 57 for you but we got to get in there so we got to get a new uh Invasion really soon watch out for that it's going to be very intense careful careful careful he's moving he's moving he's moving careful careful right above us oh my gosh what is he in oh he's killing cows he has slaughtering cows directly above us this is highly risky no noise absolutely no noise allowed he has a lava up there I think that kind of is masking our sound too if he is playing with sound I hear a lot of lava and cows get that farm built I'm getting these walls completed let's go let's make this thing look good this needs to be our nether themed room so I'm going to make this look really good here bro I don't even know what to say about what just happened right there that was just straight up panicking straight up improvisation that's not even a word been panicking all right we needed some water so I had to get two buckets out of the chest right there I don't remember where lover fell put the unlimited water source hopefully it's still in here in the potion room that would make sense to me oh he just took water out of my sink base oh my God I thought he found it when he dug down like two layers I thought that was it I really did uh then he just took water from it oh my gosh this was way too close so to prevent that from happening again I went all out on decorating this room so Isaac would not have to touch it again that's freaking beautiful bro that's freaking beautiful let's go let's see what he's done in here oh my god did you clear this whole thing out yeah we cleared the whole thing out now I'm putting on the wood wall Zach so this is going to be a big process at this point dang wow that's pretty incredible I'll get some staircases in so we can get up there a little easier I really feel like we got to get into the base soon though man I agree that's why we're making invisibility potions you got any luck on those yet any uh any Headway I'll see if I can work on these Isaac all right I think we uh averted disaster there but Isaac is going to get suspicious if I don't start making these now invisibility potions require a water bottle Nether Warts golden carrots and a fermented spider eye and we don't have any of that so I decided to start Gathering sand for glass bottles while a was working on it underground farm all right as you can see guys we now have a nice looking Farm in here with the lights all the way around um we're running out of oak logs but we have plenty of birch so I think we're going to switch to birch logs for the ceiling Okay Glass is coming together we need to get a fermented spider eye I'm going to see if there's any for sale yeah this is the shop I'm going to warp here really quick and see if I can buy any fermented spider eyes all right so we have a little bit of money we've made uh the server does have a full economy so I actually bought those at the server shop and then if I crap this with sugar using sugar cane which I happen to actually somehow just randomly have my inventory oh we need a brown mushroom fermented spider eye it looks different cuz we have a Halloween resource pack on the server all right hopefully by the time we get this finished lever fella has figured out how to make an invisibility potion and then we can really get into this guy's base and invade get these bad boys jazzed up in here now we need is Nether wart and I don't think Isaac has any of that so we could go to the Nether and try to find it or I don't think we can buy it there I wonder if anybody's selling it on the open market anybody selling any Nether wart we got seven of these plus seven Soul Sand I'm going to go plant these instead of using them because we probably want to get some more Isaac wo you scared me I'm not going to lie you just jump scared me there but the roof is almost done in here I have a small change to make in here into your farm uh I don't like what you just said I don't like when you come and change my builds I'm just going to be honest see what what are you doing right now oh okay you just need some Nether wart I could have made you a Nether wart section yep got the Nether wart I got the spider eyes I got everything else we need all we need now is some Nether wart and I I mean I'll go ahead and fill this area in here with some flooring yeah we also need some lighting I don't really have any light blocks so if you can get some light in the this Farm area that'd be good cuz the crops are going to need that to grow yeah I'll get you some lighting all right Isaac wants some lighting uh what Isaac wants Isaac gets right now as he's working on such a monumentally massive project so close to my base I really feel like uh the blocks that I had in here uh look really good so I'm going to take a quick nether trip again like watch this watch this ready super breaker gone freaking entire tree boom Another One gone another one gone I mean this that's why we have the greatest server ever then you just go back collect everything took you 20 seconds all right now that we've cut back to Isaac we can add in some more lighting for this guy and I think he will be pleasantly happy with what I've brought oh Zach got some shroom lights that's exactly what we needed yeah those really light up the place nicely more light means more quicker growth okay so this area is now looking absolutely stunning we've got water we've got plants we just really need to get this little walkway I don't know what this area is going to be for but and after we were done with the farm it was time to continue working on the invisibility potion all right that's pretty sick I would say the farm expansion is now officially done so look how beautiful this is when you walk in this room looks great it becomes our Alchemy room and it's right next to the plants which we need I told Isaac to sell some items and buy us a the carrot now we only need some gold all right I sold a bunch of the gold and ores we bought Zack I think I can at least get us one or two carrots well is just sold all the gold we had luckily I remembered that I put some gold ore in the furnace oh yeah there we go guys one golden carrot this will whip up three potions I'm going to pop these in immediately to this one after you do that then you add in the fermented spider eye then you go from the night vision potion to the invisibility potion all right take your armor off both have invisibility potions now the guy seems pretty clueless to everything so all we need to do now is get inside of his base and um we have literally built an entire room multiple bases a cave that goes a mine that goes all the way down to bedrock Alchemy room a farm and more just so we can get invisibility potions to invade this guy's base cuz he literally is online the entire time right here I mean that's what that's what invading a base is all about though Zach like it's it's challenging I'm in the cave let's go Isaac this is about to be the riskiest play ever it took us days of Minecraft be able to pull this off Isaac all right it's time Zach make sure take your hat off oh crap but it looks cool though I bet I'm going to kill some cows really quick we're running low on food oh my gosh he is lost every single rare item check all the barrels 64 diamonds what did I just find rainbow crown careful he's near us he's near us he can still see particles unless he has them off but he probably doesn't just be very careful oh my gosh Zach how did he not catch us there I stole something called a rainbow crown all right all right all right all right all right chill chill chill chill chill careful careful careful careful careful Zack you're moving around he's right behind you how is he not seeing you is he following me or no is he following me or no what the heck what is wrong with this guy oh he's he's being suspicious oh my gosh dude he just ran right in front of me and went up the water thing I thought we were done for sure bro ain't no way the particles on this Blackstone block is wild if you get in the water though it's not bad if you're in the water it Blends in with the water particles and you're practically invisible yeah get in the water just don't drown oh I'm up in the top of the water column now this is almost a perfect spot to hide there's a diamond chest right above you I think I see a diamond on a chest like on an item frame I just looked it's empty I'm looking everywhere dude I don't see carrots this guy has nothing anywhere literally nothing anywhere where is he storing his items oh I found carrots I found carrots for real okay I'm actually going to I'm going to replant the carrots so he doesn't suspect us but I got the actual harvested part of them oh I see you you're in the room with me watch your hands your hands are holding items so this is like his like little micro farm and you just found those two carrots in the corner that is hilarious there's not a lot up here that I'm seeing though to take I mean we could take the enchanting table we already have it I'm sitting on the enchanting table so that I look like the particles from the books I'm taking this armor I took a full set of it I don't think you'll notice he's Zach he's looking right up at you stop he can't see me dude it's so L you got to stop doing that I'm taking the carpet I'm taking the carpet it's going to help suppress our steps I'm taking taking oh my gosh dude he's right there you have no hey your hands you're holding a carpet you're holding a carpet oh trust me dude trust me if we get caught it's not going to be because of me I promise you of that holding items bro in your hands careful dude do do you know how much oh my I don't even want to talk to you right now 42 coal in the furnaces check the furnaces 42 coal just stole it dude you're being so obvious we're going to get caught no we're not you just have to believe everything you do I can see particles all right don't take too much don't take too much just get just enough all right I'm going to drop down because I want to see what this guy's been working on there's a new room that he keeps going into I'm going to take all his lanterns Zach it's time to invade the room that he's in we got to get more risky with this all right I'm coming down where you at I'm down here I'm trying to invade the room that he's in right now oh he's on the other side of the wall look at that I just switched sides with him this is going to confuse him so much dude he just put diamond armor on armor stand and then I just took the armor stand really he's not going to know what happened I have to wait for him to walk in here then I'm going to slip out behind him all right I took the I took it all the way up to the roof I'm playing Ring Around the Rosie with this guy and he's not catching me I got to make my Escape at some point though what is that noise me burning okay he's in the chest I got to make my run now slipped right behind him okay I'm going to break through where we came in in the cow Farm okay that was great we got to go in got the carrots got a lot of other items for decoration and I I I I don't actually know where the secret base entrance is we got more carrots so we have more invisibility potions for the future right look at this rainbow CR we still we now have the rainbow crown and we have the rainbow iridescent wig we're getting all of his rainbow items we need to get get some armor stands down here that might be what I make now so we can display this stuff I have 2 minutes left I could always go back in there and enter through the house cuz if I get up here and I get stuck and I can't find the base I'm screwed so I might have to actually go back inside and pull this off which I'm going to do so here we go back inside we go risky risky risky risky go go go go go go go go [Music] go good thing this guy doesn't understand how particles work I'll be absolutely screwed right now let's go that is how you do it are you back in the base I am I'm uh making some armor stands to display all the armor we stole what an absolutely absurd home invasion that was though Isaac's going to get started back here on making the insane underground tree farm that actually works in Gross trees so then we never have to leave again for wood and we could even seal this door up while he does that I'm going to work on a little special project I call Project X you're going to go work on that tree farm Isaac yep I'm going down like I'm going to build it down the little staircase on the mine actually I'm going to add a second level to this base it's a good idea you go do that I'm going to work up here I'm going to I'm going to make it a surprise too I'm not even going to look until you're done okay deal Isaac's down there I need to go grab all my items and move in and we're in okay so so far so good multiple days of this building and now we have some full actual blocks of copper down here because then I can keep turning this into a serious flex room on Isaac okay guys so we are about to hollow out one of the biggest areas of the underground base yet I'm going to turn this little cave section that we broke into into a tree farm guys I basically want the entire base to be self- sustaining underneath this guy's base and then we're also thinking about stealing his mob farm and if we do that I'm wondering if we can get a bunch of bone meal where we can just grow the trees automatically and we don't even have to wait for him Isaac is probably near us there's the player right there it's getting me paranoid see the thing is I can't see Isaac cuz our name tags are hidden but I can hear him so if I hear footsteps come near me that Sound closer they're going to be right on this wood and it should be loud enough that I can hear it but I got another idea I want to try to put a block up there that makes a lot more noise okay there's something in the wall right here I don't know what this is there's four zombies right here guys we have to check this out to see it's a mob spawner there's no way okay hold on a minute we have to go tell L I feel like I've stayed down here too long I want to go do a quick sweep upstairs and see if we're looking okay wait a minute I hear him guys oh no that's the base owner that could have been so bad we have got to retreat to the tree farm all right thankfully Isaac is still in there and that gives me a chance to get rid of some of the stuff all right let's get back down there I'm going to go for a full wall replace and I need to listen these are actually loud so if he does come in here I will certainly hear it Okay so we've got a pretty sizable area down here Dugout let's take a step back and just look make sure the base owner isn't around I hear him still he's building something up there but I don't know what it is down here though we have an excellent start to the tree farm we got this thing dug out now Isaac is going to ask what I've been working on when I come back when I just thought of this if I haven't actually accomplished anything when he gets back he's going to be really suspicious so I have to now come back upstairs and now add something that like looks like I've done a lot you know what I'm saying like I have to create the illusion that I've added some serious details here right this is a huge process I mean I don't know what lell is doing but there's no way he's done as much for the base as me like I am doing the big projects in this base I feel like he's just doing detail work or something I don't know we've got this little hallway right here and I know that Isaac is trying to work on his like little area down there so so I'm just going to seal off that area put up like a wall it'll take like 30 seconds but it will look like a lot of blocks and I think that will be enough to Isaac believes that I'm actually still helping him okay and then we also have this area which honestly kind of creates like a little bit of a miniature tunnel here I just feel like if I were to put a door here it would at least give Isaac the illusion I'm like oh yeah I'm working on some sort of big room that way when he comes back I tell him that's my project I'm working on and he has no idea after that was done I went back to work on my secret base I decided to expand it by adding two extra rooms okay all roofs are secured two rooms are set up let's get back out of here really quick cuz I haven't talked to Isaac in a minute and if he doesn't hear me he's going to get suspicious so let me just see how he's doing Isaac how we looking down there come down here right now actually I know I'm not finished but I got a great find down here there's a mob spawner just right below the guy's base that's actually insane yeah so we got an awesome mob spawner down here we can use that to make our own mob spawning room I think down here cuz he hasn't noticed it already so why would he notice it now that's right actually and pumpkin seeds so we can plant pumpkins I'm making this is basically going to be like a park is how I Envision it like tree farm but also a park so we can get some nice nature down here what we really got to do is get those spawners we left up on the surface bring them down here and then get a water flow to start flowing his down into this corner dude once I get this tree farm done Z I feel like you could put the Slime spawners and stuff through here and it'll be like a little ecosystem I'm going to see if they're up there see if someone robbed him I'll be right back bring some dirt too all right I'll be back see guys that's how you do it get in there make him think you're on his team and when he thinks that you're you're not as strong as him when he thinks you're weak that's when you're planning the entire time all right 64 is probably okay for now plus we got all the spawners close this up bam no Trace nobody knows we were there let's go help my brother out now and make sure he thinks that we are helpless all right Isaac you want me to put some grass down here on the floor yeah I want the whole floors out to just be straight dirt and grass that'll be perfect and then we'll put the trees on top of that turns out the dirt I collected wasn't enough so I decided to strategically ditch Isaac and go continue working on my secret base one room at a time guys room number one bedroom here we go oh yeah baby right there oh yeah there we go we have a lot of deep slate I think this would look really sick as a flooring in here I'm not even sure where I got it oh this is from this is crazy I'm using deep Slate from the mine that Isaac is currently in that Isaac probably minded himself to make a secret base to invade him like it's just it's weird okay we got a sizable portion of the ceiling done over here I think this side is obviously going to be the trees now cuz he put all the Slime spawners over here so that's something to keep in mind and then I think what we're going to do is kind of just continue on with this gradient all right this is the last bit of flooring we have to do right here for two individual rooms to be built underneath our main base that Isaac has no idea exists and then we're going to have to take another break to go back upstairs because if Isaac cleared an entire room in the time that I've like not done anything he's going to again get very suspicious I've got to finish the mission while I'm down here I've got to at least get these walls done before I get out I've got to finish this one Mission at a time one step at a time one block at a time and then we move oh look at that right there guys that must be the farm right there we could actually create a little pathway here and potentially a drop down into here I'm definitely doing that later getting the base all connected like that is going to make it feel a lot like more like a secret base all right let's go Mission successful on that one Isaac should still be down there and he is all right I just saw lover fella I think but of course he just went down here looked and then left he does not want to help with this project at all I don't want to do most of my crafting down there I would like to do it up here because it's so much riskier to just be down there at all because like it it ruins multiple invasions and Isaac realizes that this is all about actually getting him caught all right we got the slopes down we got to finish this last one right here and then all we have to do is fill in this remaining little rectangle that we'll have left and we'll be done with the ceiling I think using glass would be a pretty fun little experiment oh man to see what I can do with that go ahead and throw in some of these while those are smelting I'm going to get a double fill up here of some water so that I can start working on the pumpkin farm down in my room and see if Isaac notices and we also probably have some growth here oh that's I can build my own Farm downstairs do you know how funny that would be okay I got sugarcane I got just enough to start with some carrots and I can even convince Isaac that I worked on the farm and expanded it now I can take all of this downstairs okay last thing I need is a little bit more dirt we're going to bring that downstairs but I'm going to pretend like I'm getting it for Isaac that way he knows that I was up there working on something so I'm going to see if he needs it is you still need some dirt yep we still need to finish this down here this ceiling is taking me forever I've been working on that the whole time all right I'm going to go upstairs I'm going to get you some dirt it's going to take me a minute but I I'll bring down a ton for you perfect that's all I need really all right I'm here to help all right I'm going to give him about uh almost two stacks of 64 and see if that's enough and then I will keep like the other like 20 blocks for myself which I think is good and uh we'll just drop him a stack of 64 dirt all right Zach has just arrived with all the dirt that we're ever going to need guys so I guess we can go ahead and get that place down how about that you're welcome that's good Zach I can get working down here did you bring any saplings no they're up here though it might be time Zach while I'm down here you might need to get in there and get an invade I feel like oh yeah I do need to invade you're right we got to get an invasion going I'll keep working down here try to bring you back some saplings from the guy's base okay I'll do that good luck oh man I feel like I'm being a little bit suspicious here with how I'm like speaking to be honest but Isaac said we should do an invasion and if I say no he's going to be more suspicious so let me invade this guy's base really quick okay is that the guy oh that bro put a statue there that looks like a real person the amount of tension right now to be able to juggle two invasions oh he's not even near bro must be at the shop right now oh this is great this is excellent oh dude that's actually crazy and I also need these planks oh I'm getting R of inventory space now oh I'm killing this guy's money I feel terrible but don't worry we will make sure that we refund him all of the Lost items in pay pain all right we always do all right we're getting really fast block placement right here guys and we are almost completely surrounded now with birch logs yeah this room feels a whole lot smaller now but that's okay this is still plenty wide enough for a tree dude he's like loaded now I'm so confused what happened I'm like I'm like kind of panicking right here if he comes back he sees me but like this is crazy there's literally so much in this chest oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm literally like tearing up right now there's no freaking way oh my God that might have been the most butt clenching moment of my entire life where is this guy at right now oh he's Oh's always he AFK a zombie grinder I cannot believe pretty much anything that just happened right there that I thought that was the end I actually did I was like he just came back from the shop right next to me we're just not going to tell Isaac about that all right Isaac back from an invasion okay did you get anything good yeah it was easy didn't even remotely get almost caught at all this guy doesn't know what he's doing Zack I don't know why we're not getting more aggressive to be honest with you I mean we could take everything this guy owns and he wouldn't notice you might be right about that if you just saw what happened uh but I'm not going to talk about it what I'm going to talk about is I got you a little more present for down here here we go uh don't ask why I'm invisible I don't even know where you're at dude I don't I mean are you down at my place I threw some things for you okay I this was supposed to be a tree farm but it's just turning into where we're collecting spawners and I'm kind of okay with that oh look at that a hat kind of stole a lot of stuff to be honest so wow no you know what you should do Zach is make some armor stands to display this stuff like we did already I know I got to work on another project upstairs though so good luck down there you're always doing another project let me tell you what yeah well I'm working on something really cool up here see now he's suspicious he started to say I'm always working on another project so if I go back down there and I don't have another project he's going to know so I can't do that guys I'll tell you what if you ever tell him to do anything he instantly has another project it's just something I've noticed throughout this episode guys but you know what always makes things looks good and detailed barrels what we're going to do is a couple wall barrels couple storage barrels all over the base and I'm telling you it's going to blow his mind I I'll guarantee you he comes back and he says this is the coolest thing see that such a small little thing but suddenly it's like wow that's that's actually incredible Zach you've done so well see this little easy detail right here is enough to keep Isaac's uh curiosity at Bay like locally underground grown crops being used to decorate our walls isa's going to eat this up this place is giving me total Barn Vibes I feel like I'm on a farm in the middle of the country so we need to turn this into an animal exhibit we have all these spawners and stuff let's turn these into little fence gates and then behind this guys we can just put like blue concrete which will make it look like the sky this will be like a paradise down here like a farm that's underground we're going to make a bunch of random like detailed blocks and we're just going to throw these up on top because again ISAC will freak out about it I think I don't know I'm just trying to think of anything that would make this look like I put a little more effort in cuz I really didn't put any into it at all all right and then this side should be a grand window I feel like so this will be the center piece of the down here and then the only thing we need to do guys is buy some concrete off of the market all right so actually guys I noticing that light blue wool is a lot more affordable so we'll buy a stack of that for 3,000 and 64 should be plenty so after we get this place we just need to make some Oak fences I think and those will look the best in front of here and this will act as like the sky behind the base if there was one other thing I could do we're going to make an infinite water source right here to make it less suspicious we're going to plant sugar cane in the basement a little bit of indoor sugarcane goes a long way think we've done a nod in there I mean it's a small little touch-up it really doesn't had a lot of purpose so now that we have this guys we can put the green at the bottom the blue at the top and it's going to look like grass with a sky above it behind the fences this is really going to liven up the base let me add like a little bit more in terms of like just small simple detail we're going to get rid of this we're going to replace this with all water go here we go here we go yeah yeah you need a little bit of greenery in these bases so that's going go hard and the same thing right here oh my God that's my base oh that's so bad that's so bad that's so bad I don't know how that happened I have had a severe laps of judgment right here to make this happen see that's literally my roof right there I have to turn that into some sort of block that he's less likely to break and so I think what we're going to have to do here expose the base make it dark okay so now that is literally right below my base and honestly I think the best thing is like to make this a little taller because if he doesn't look in the water he's going to be less likely to break the water so what I'm saying is if I can like put more sugar cane around it I doubt he's going to go in the center of that and I might be able to make that another secret entrance in to my base so now that these are too high there's a less likely chance he goes to the middle and I don't know if I could put a trap door there or a piston or something but it'd be kind of a crazy project to do all right and I just got some inspiration I feel like we might as well add a sun to this one this one feels like it would have the Sun in the sky it's the grand window in the back so what we can do to get that is actually use some glowstone I think which will really light it up I don't have any glowstone on me and I don't really want to buy it I do know we tucked some away under here yeah we could steal this one and then there's also one behind the stone cutter oh he's above us he's putting carpet down it sounds like it that sounds like it I think that's him I'm going to go to the shop I have a little bit of money stack of dark oak I'm going to slowly Crouch so he can't hear me going to move over here and then craft some of these come on come come come we have to eat to get out of here here we go here we go full speed spr oh he's upgraded up here too he's put some sugarcan I don't know if I love that but you know what it's his own creative like little prerogative so we'll leave it all right there we go and we're back upstairs no Isaac no Isaac okay looks like he's actually just left here's what I'm thinking if I can cover this with trap doors I might be able to make a double A trap door this now covers up the water in the center so you can comfortably walk over it and if Isaac open this he sees that below it but if I can make four more of these and put four more down there I can then open these let the water flow and come up through this as a secret entrance right in the center of our base but before I do it I want to show him it now that way he doesn't get suspicious and look more in depth later when I change it all right Isaac let's see what you've been doing down here welcome Zach this is the new barn wow a this is crazy and this is going to be all of the animal cages down here Zack we need a self-sustaining animal area bro this goes hard I got a little more dirt in here good that's exactly what I needed cuz I don't have any of that left but let me show you what I made added sugarcane I decked this room out right here this took quite some time I had to dig the whole thing out and carve it oh this does look nice actually I do like this little chill area right here below the guy's base we'll just be sitting here talking while he's above us I like that yeah this is the only thing I don't know if I like we need more Greenery down here it's depressing I don't know something about that I feel like it takes away from the ceiling maybe oh no trust me it's just just step one there's more I got to do here okay okay I'll keep working down here we're almost done down here so we'll be able to switch soon all right I'm going to do an invasion soon good luck okay um I actually didn't plan to do more I realized that I didn't Center this and that's going to trigger Isaac so I need to now get creative to basically I have to completely redesign this in a way uh with that I don't move this that I also impress Isaac all right so I think four cages is going to be the perfect amount down here for the farm we got them all even for the most part like these ones are coming right off the staircase and then these two are back here the only thing I can genuinely think of is that if I move the entire thing right here while I was making my perfect centerpiece Isaac was still making the mob farm without a single idea of what I was actually doing what do you think okay you know what that's a little bit better with the little thing for some reason though the sugar cane like I don't like how tall it is that I think that's what I don't like I think it would look better if those were flowers if we get some tall flowers like rose bushes or something well I got to go up top to get some uh some dirt so if I see any flowers I'll bring it back down all right good luck up there guys thank God he's upstairs and he didn't open this cuz I just realized that this actually had a hole all the way down to my base and if Isaac would have opened that we would have been totally exposed right there we're going to cover that up we're going to seal this we're going to go back downstairs we're going to check how our base looks you can't ask lover fell to do anything I feel like I asked him to get dirt like an hour ago he said he'd do it and then he didn't bring me enough and then and that was the end of it he was not going to go out and get more after he didn't get enough so what we're going to do is we're up at the top and we are just going to find more and more of this stuff oh there is a little water that seems like it is poking through here there we go fully sealed up ready to go now if I want to leave I think I have a double trapo exit right there it kind of does change the base just a little bit down here plenty of dirt to finish this now oh look at that the slimes have spawned in here guys so now we have our first little animals in the animal exhibit I'm about to buy a few blocks of grass to put down here so that it can propagate and spread throughout the area let's just go ahead and buy 64 of them it's only 1,600 I mean we've stolen items worth like hundreds of thousands this time I think we've got this set up in a really cool way where we can just have that water flow down whenever we need is an emergency escape right there into the central main room which is pretty phenomenal all right here we go so we're going to do this right here we'll put a double door here we got to be very careful cuz I imagine Isaac will be coming back home soon but we've now got a double door that leads into the emergency Escape Route which we can try but I'm getting a little bit more paranoid now that he's going to find us and so what I'm actually going to do is start segmenting my rooms like this by actually sealing them off from each other so now like if he does find this he doesn't realize there's more rooms do you guys think Isaac knows that this is here cuz if he knows it's here then I'm the one getting roasted here if he knows that I've done this then I'm the one that'll be made fun of the end of this video not him if Isaac does know this base is here and I don't know if he does there's the only way that I can embarrass him do I want to invade myself invading Isaac but then I remembered one of the tricks Isaac would always pull as a little kid in our house he would always bring two snacks out of the snack drawer knowing he'd get caught with the first one and then when our parents guard was down he'd sneak out with the second snack and they wouldn't be suspicious and that's the same thing I was going to do to him today by creating a second base under the first base I've lowered his guard and now there's no chance to have any idea it's down there look how awesome this looks down here this is maybe one of my favorite builds I've ever done in a home Invader base guys you come down this look how good this looks the blue and the green detail behind the fence the only thing this place is missing is maybe some hay bales oh it looks like we might at least be able to make one if I can show him that the base already exists and then actually invade the base that's there he's not going to think that I would have thought that far ahead to do a double Invasion it's going to get a little bit crazy here to be completely honest with you but I'm actually going to go do something right now and the actual Invasion will be under here cuz I'm just getting suspicious bro as I'm doing this have I not built most of this base what has he been doing if he's done as much as me we would have a really cool base I feel like I don't know where lover fella is right now I I haven't seen him in a while come to think of it I'm getting super confused all right here we go I think this is going to work I want to show you something I want you to be totally honest with me all right did you know this entire time you've been building I've been building a secret base underneath invading you no no what actually be honest tell me dude I'm being honest how long have you been invading me you had no idea this was here wait is this all it was cuz if this all it was this isn't really a big Invasion I don't know how it would have heard this well I it was very difficult to make it took me forever how long have you been doing this for like 3 days yeah this was just a little secret Invasion I was going to invade your base but now I think I'm going to uh turn this into an expansion on the above room which is pretty cool wish me luck that's going to be my project so get up there how do I get out even you got to have food and you got to swim all right apparently he's been invading us the whole time now I don't know though has he been doing that the whole time though like I didn't know this was down here but at the same time that's not a very big room down there guys like he did all that like he's saying he's been doing that for this entire time I don't know cuz I just did this in a very short amount of time now that I've revealed this exists he's not going to expect that I'll be invading the same base that I invaded him with originally so I'm going to leave this open and there's zero chance in the world that he would think I would reveal that to him and then also invade it a second time if I let this water flow on down now we have this like beautiful little waterfall right here that's going to be an actual entrance into the main base this will be totally usable and add a second story to our base and now all I have to do is actually invade the base that I have here that Isaac won't realize I confused by that maybe he has another secret base under here somewhere cuz he has been disappearing a lot so maybe he's just been like tricking me and invading me the whole time I don't know I'm getting super suspicious now like how am I supposed to catch him I thought he was on my team like when I hear him doing stuff I just assume he's building with me I'm not even sure I might have to go for a triple invade on him now um but he did see me digging here which is a little bit suspicious so what we're going to do we're going to go right down here in this corner and now we're going to start invading the base that's right there that Isaac doesn't realize is there we're getting a double Invasion on him because I can't have him know okay so we've actually got a massive cave down here that we can work with to build and there's going to be no chance chance he realizes this is actually happening the fact that this is already mostly dug out makes this even easier so let's go ahead and clear out the corner really quick let's go ahead and see if we can work that out if he actually invaded me guys like that if he was being legit there then he has basically broken the home Invader roles like you can't invade a fellow Invader I feel like oh that's right I said that I was going to connect the farm over to it also because we found that little secret pathway so we could do that right now okay now that there's basically 0% chance Isaac thinks I'm still continuing with this cuz because he found me I think that this really allows us to actually engage in the actual Invasion here so I I will make sure that he get it's absolutely embarrassed at the end of this video one way or another I mean it's essential that this this happen all right guys I think I've decided I'm going to turn this little area into my mini invade on L fellet he's not going to know this is here and I'm going to turn this in on my own little secret hideout and we're going to see how long it takes him to discover it I want to make this right here a secret Redstone door so for now we're going to cover this up and hopefully he doesn't ever come over here to notice it and that's what we're going to be working on I'm going to seal this off from the cave in case Isaac were to ever jump into that cave that way there's like no chance he finds it I'm going to leave that stone there so I know never expand that way we're going to be a little bit sneaky through here in my opinion all right there's the Redstone I think the other items we're going to need are iron probably and then we're also going to want those sticky balls are we actually out of iron right now guys I don't think we have any iron that's kind of concerning in my opinion all right this place looks phenomenal and now we've got enough water to make our own infinite water source down here so we're going to go ahead and work on that really quick and then I got to go back upstairs and I got to find a way to get up cuz we're getting really deep all right so we need some smooth Stone to craft some Pistons guys that we're going to need to make our door but we also need some more iron because we don't have any iron right now we got some slime balls now so that's all those we're going to need I think what we're going to do is actually just go down here into the mine break off and try to find some iron really quick so what I'm I'm kind of trying to do here is make a staircase that ladders us up right to that corner that's exactly what we're looking for and then very quickly now we can create a little design like this where the water can flow down them ready we can shimy right on up oh no that's not actual real water okay what's that from where's that oh that's coming from up top because this was filled in so the actual water flows down right here my actual entrance is under this redstone torch right here so in order to get up we need to make sure water actually flows down which means this needs to be broken but for now it works I have a way to get down inside my secret base and I have a way for Isaac not to be suspicious about it because we've now double invaded him let's go see what he's doing and see he suspicious how are we looking up there awesome oh good good good this base is really coming along isn't it what are you doing Zach you've been invading me like you haven't been helping I'm I just I feel like you broke the trust of me today like I don't know I thought we were invading brothers and then you're invading me I did invade you but at least you caught me and that's what counts why I kind of caught you but I don't know what to make of that you know but what I'm thinking is if you come up with me back here uh what are you working on downstairs uh well I'm making the M shaft look a little nicer I did the oak stairs and then now I'm just doing a little bit extra torch detail I mean this place is basically done so I'm almost done down here well what what I'm thinking is because we made the secret Invasion down here we should expand this and turn it into a great feature of the base imagine when we have a secret room down here come on in you know what I mean imagine what what if we make this look a little better Spruce it up I mean this is I feel like what this is good for actually I don't know if we need to Spruce this up too much if he comes down here and finds a sec we could come down here and just hide it's like an emergency hiding area yeah I mean this is nice so I feel like it's actually doing the job pretty well already it's getting the job done you're right about that I'm going to work on making it a little bit better with some hidey holes I think I'm going to go for an invade right now if you don't mind Go Get It Go Get It I wish you luck we are not going for an invade boys if we are going for an invade it's on him because he disrespected us guys I could care less about the base owner now the new objective is to invade lover fella I don't care at all costs we are invading this man now first of all I got to remember how to make a piston there we go okay so now we got three Pistons if we combine those with the Slime balls we now just need to make some repeaters and we should be able to make a secret door all right is's up for an invasion I'm going to add just a little bit more detail down here and then I have this really crazy idea to see how much I can deck this place out before he actually finds it we're working in this corner but I can't have Isaac come in this room and make things and so I'm going to try to put something in this corner that he will definitely never look under which is a crafting table and if I can do this correctly I can turn this little thing into a secret piston door which is only activated by a redstone torch being placed so I'm going to see if I can do that right now so both of us decided to work on hidden Redstone doors and after 20 minutes of trial and error I finally finished mine and to hide it better I placed a bunch of buttons around the room while Isaac now see the problem with this is guys I know nothing about redston and I refuse to watch a tutorial video like if I'm going to do this I'm going to do it right all right and now we've got a really cool way to get in Fall Down boom you're on this and then this leads right literally perfectly to the staircase the only thing we don't have right now is a the same block to get the staircase going and B of course uh we don't have a way to get out of this so I need to actually wire that getting in is the the cool part getting out is is not as important we we'll figure out getting out when that comes we got a beautiful staircase let's get this thing looking magical here we go okay holy crap guys I know nothing about Redstone but look at this little Contraption I've made here I don't think this is really how it's supposed to look but watch if I pull the lever opens up the door secret entrance if I close it it's completely hidden from the inside because that's the corner right there we now have our secret door constructed so what we need to do is deck out this little room back here he's never going to know it was here so I placed down uh like a little bit of a ring on the edge up there so we have some black stone right there and then down here we have uh all the stuff that we've actually brought down from the upstairs base and then we can start organizing stuff and then start actually going in and just straight up invading him and start taking blocks down now we got to figure out how we get back upstairs but I think it's going to be as simple as uh jumping up here breaking this going into the room sealing this back up then something like this seal that back up all right this is just kind of just process of elimination guys I've completely like simplified the Redstone I got rid of this one too I realized that most of it was completely worthless this is all you need to make a secret door all right two entrances in two entrances out we got a redstone secret door let's see what Isaac's doing we're actually going to make a little water pathway down here into the cage that we can climb up he'll never suspect a little water path cuz we're going to put it in all four corners to make it look like a decorative how's the invasion going what how's the invasion Z we're going great but stop I'm in the water paths in his base right now quiet oh okay well good luck good luck all right he's still in there good good good let's get back downstairs okay good guys he's gone he it's not fair how am I supposed to invade him when he clearly joins he definitely heard to say something he's 100% suspicious now and there's nothing that we can do about that the water play is no longer going to work I think the only way to get in here we're just going to have to make it you have to just break through this corner here and then when you get in you close it all right let's get a little bit more building we got to get this thing looking good now I can use a little bit of my wood here to create some sticks out of just like this and then I can create some ladders we've got oursel a beautiful Central bunk bed system all right that looks pretty clean and what we want to do now is just kind of spruce up the place we'll add some furniture in here we kind of want it to be a chill spot without the fella like having a spot to just get away from L fella that's really what this is all about guys I would say that this Invasion base is done it looks way better than his ever did the one thing I'm thinking we can do if we go to SL shop and we buy a few pieces of wool we can actually make some paintings which I think will look awesome in here and we'll just put these up on the wall and they're going to really make this place feel pretty awesome so beautiful staircase right here in the center of the room it looks absolutely phenomenal let's clean this up it is awkward how you have to walk into it here but it it takes you right up to where you need to be so we've got bunk beds we've got chests we've got crafting zones we've got a lot of the basics anything else that we could put down here to make sure this invasion is extra spicy and embarrassing for Isaac a farm yeah definitely we want to get a little bit of a farm down here really quick we're going to go back upstairs now uh grab some more supplies to bring back down we're going to go through here seal that back up and then of course we go back up through the Redstone chamber through this wall here that we sealed up as well seal it back up through this bam and Isaac has no idea what's going on down here all right that is the genius of the double home invasion all right it is literally the most advanced possible tactic ever 0% chance he actually realizes that's happening let's go ahead and walk out of here now and say we didn't get anything good I'm going to be honest I really want the Redstone to work from this side too so I'm going to try to get that to work all right guys if lover fellow walks back here we are absolutely screwed he's going to catch us I don't know what I'm doing with redstone but I'm trying to Jerry rig this to work okay we've actually done it we're just going to leave that there and go back and talk to him see what he's up to how we looking buddy I got some wood oh we got some wood let's go all right guys our base is looking really juicy and spicy and clean right now but we got some serious upgrades we need to make namely we've got to get this giant tree farm made so Isaac can you get started on that I think we need a two-person job on this I'm not going to lie I tried to do it myself and it turned into a farm I I have a I have a more important project to work on I'm going to be making the mob grinder well you know what that's actually Fair we need a mob grinder I forgot about that all right I'll get the tree farm I can do it finally all right uh good luck down there so guys before I do that base downstairs and start roasting Isaac we need to make like a mob grinder and I want to use the mobs okay there's Nelly right there bro's really working on this build competition so we need to reward him cuz he thinks there's a real one guys my secret base is right there and I'm hoping that L fellow doesn't notice the water dripping down right he's looking at me I don't know what he's doing he's giving me a little bit of nerves right there you know what I'm going to do I'm going to make this feel very natural down here I feel like we could put a doorway out of the barn right here and it's going to go out into the world per se and it's actually just going to be like a grassland biome that houses our trees underground I need to move some of the mobs down and I'm looking at the name tags I can see that's Nelly I can see there's zombies here I mean I feel like I could go for zombies but the thing is if I could get these to fall down potentially it would be great the thing is though I I I need to do it quick cuz I got to get working on the secret Baseline Isaac we got to tear this out we have a lot to dig out for this tree farm everybody all right I have an awesome vision for this place guys so basically we made it look like we're outside even though we're underground in our animal farm right here and I wanted to kind of carry that theme on into the tree biome in here so we're going to walk out the door right here we're going to make this look more like an entrance or an exit to the barn and then out here we're going to do the whole ceiling in blue wool and we'll use grass in green wool too to kind of make it look like we actually walk outside down here we're going to move these beds and frankly it's a weird spot for beds anyway I mean it's always been weird I don't know why none of you said that already let's sleep in the ground in a little indented beautiful little sleeping area with some separation between us because we're not going to sleep next to each other it's weird it appears as though there's water right here so if I were to dig this out I might be able to really carefully build a a actual mob grinder all right so the mobs will theoretically then fall down into the center of this we can then kill them and then collect their dead bodies she's all looking good folks uh next step is how did I misalign this so poorly what in the world I must be the dumbest person cuz I don't understand how that's even possible to miss so bad I mean it's not even a difficult thing to make okay we've got a sizable Little Portion dug out right here now it's not massive yet but I just wanted to get it lit up before I went any further cuz then the creepers start to spawn and you know how I am with creepers they always kill me then you got yourself a new little walkway in there I think it looks fine and then we can seal this off right in the middle and now the staircase is even more hidden it's just got like a double door I I think it's fine I don't care I think it looks great let's get in here break this water and the zombies should theoretically come right on in here okay risky play of the day folks has been engaged um look at that let's make some wood we need some trap doors there we go some trap doors here that way we have a way to get in oh my God he's being sucked up oh we got drowned wa I didn't know that when you put a zombie grinder in the water they turn into drown and it appears as though Nelly is actively killing them actually right above us right now and must just think this is a hole what the heck they not realize oh they sealed it back up bro that's actually crazy Isaac look at this dude this is actually sick dude but the base owner is right above you you better be careful well the base owner just killed some zombies the items fell down we actually got some free flesh and I'm going to kill these yeah you don't want those piling up there cuz it shows the name tags that's the problem with it I'm going to replace these with trap doors so we can open and get in easier I think though we need like an auto kill thing or they're going to accumulate and he's going to see the name tags you're right you're right we do need an a Auto kill thing maybe you need like a magma floor down there or something yeah but that's going to make a lot of noise it would but I think it's better than the name tags cuz he doesn't play with noise remember we kind of already decided that yeah I mean it's probably at this point pretty much guaranteed there's no noise I could just dig a deep hole and have them die on Fall damage but they would be in water so that's not going to work well they looks like they're falling so I think that would work as long as you dug this deep enough let me let me do a brainstorm session you head back down there and I'll keep working on this all right and I'll just think it over and see what I can see what I can resolve good luck all right now's our chance guys here we go wrong button correct button all right back inside actually in the action here folks this is where we need to be right now now this base is looking phenomenal but I know where Isaac's working on a tree farm I know that tree farm is just around the corner over here I want to use super breaker here again if you guys play on my server play. lover fella. comom soon we'll be supporting Bedrock you'll be able to use things like super breaker this creates a nice little tunnel that kind of cuts right underneath the old base right here and then we can just woo what did he just do up there oh my gosh he's got to stop using whatever that tool is guys that's so loud so now this hallway is literally open to the exact mine and staircase that Isaac is actively working on I'm not exactly sure where Isaac's making the tree farm guys so here's the plan if Isaac sees me creeping around in these caves he'll be very suspicious so we're going to go in this we're going to walk up and see if there's anywhere he's building right over there okay so what a perfect little secret thing he'll never find this absolutely ridiculous truly insane and when he finds out that I use his own strategy against him he'll be even more freaked out what we need to do now is actually go back to the market I sold like 10 diamonds so we have enough money to buy all the wool we're going to need of course I sold the diamonds that this guy sold to us but what I want to do is kind of get like these lime green Walls and the ceiling up and just see how that makes the place feel I'm going to just come up with a solution for him here so he knows that I'm working on this cuz I'm trying to brainstorm a little bit these are going to be how we open it to let them come down I'm assuming we'll be okay there we go get them down get them down close it off there we go all right that's excellent so now we can go up there pull the trap door those will open and we can get the zombies to fall down inside of our base which is kind of nice hopefully Nelly doesn't notice what's going on and I hope I didn't ruin any of the water this is the biggest base we've ever made inside of somebody else's home all right guys we got two stacks of green wool and then we got four stacks of the other wool I think this will be good we're going to use this as our artificial turf down here and then we'll obviously put a real dirt block wherever we put the saplings Isaac's right over there I have the base right here I need to get underneath Isaac's base but I need to do it in a way that's like smart and intelligent so I'm going to close this off I'm going to go back here and I'm going to start digging a hole and I'm going to see if I can get a hole dug and start invading Isaac while he's literally building a tree farm that he thinks we're both building very risky though I'm thinking that this is tall enough to grow a tree in though between this lime green wool and the blue ceiling that's big enough in my opinion so I think tree F will be a what do I hear being dug right now if I go really there it is there's the floor there's the floor if I go really really fast is that lever fella oh wow statites hey these could kill the freaking this is perfect I'll tell Isaac I was underneath him collecting statites and that's why he was super breaking he won't even have any susp now okay I'm very confused what I just heard I'd love to go check out my base up there guys there's my secret base I got to get this covered up as soon as possible so let's go ahead and place some dripstone down bro that's actually so crazy looking the only thing that would make this better is if there was a slightly easier way to get up there and actually open those so the zombies would fall like I feel like if I could just hit it with like a clean little ladder system right here you climb up the ladder I'm going to try that and then I think that'll be enough to like really start hitting like two birds with one stone get a grinder that Isaac will believe is legit what I'm working on at the same time literally get a giant thing underneath Isaac and I'll reason to be there so he won't be suspicious all right there we go we got the ceiling done right there and I actually want to carry the sky down a little bit onto the walls I think two down because that's going to make it look like the sky goes off into the Horizon look at that wao look at this craziness this must be the original roof layer we place down to block Ours from theirs and then it seems like there's now like there's like three layers now between us I don't even know if we put this here I'm not even sure who did this no wonder maybe Neil couldn't hear us there was three layers of blocks between us what you mean to tell me I can home invade Isaac below and above at the exact same time and have no idea that I'm also up here simultaneously getting the double home invasion I I'd really like to clean this out but I feel like it's too risky to build up here at the moment given that Neil is literally 3 ft away from me so we'll leave this open and then all you have to do is walk up and you've got absolutely stunning access to the access panel so we'll give it a shot here he'll very close to me we go let him in okay so it didn't actually kill them kind of like I anticipated it would it did do a little damage but it's better than nothing I'll tell you that right now I should show Isaac this Isaac take a look take a look wao do those actually kill it when they fall on no but I found them underneath the base and if you climb up this ladder you can take this right up and look at this it gives you access to the panel where you can now open the panel right here they'll fall go he's right in front of you it is so weird dude yeah you're going to get caught up there not only that you can get into the base that way it's like a free access panel right into their base and he has no idea this is nice well I'm working on the tree farm it's not done yet so don't come look yet but we'll get there okay he's looking anyways he just completely ignored me ooh ugly good luck though if I can tell as it's ugly it'll keep him distracted a little bit longer so I can get back down here and get working on what matters lover fella just came down here and said this is ugly now here's the thing you can never take lover Fella's opinion on anything building wise if you look at any of the house flips guys I don't think I've ever been out bu by the man like the man does not know how to build he watches Tik Tok hacks and kind of red does them I mean that's not even building guys he's just copying what other people already do let's go ahead and do a little bit of decoration in here because the more detailed I can make a build the more stunned Isaac will be when he comes down and sees it so one thing that I love is a nice indented wall all right I think it adds a lot of value a lot of just Beauty look at that just truly stunning now that we have this beautiful little indentation here we do need some sort of decoration I feel like to make it look good then uh you know what we could do here we'll put a little sign down and we'll say Isaac got home invaded and then we have our little secret door here not exactly secret now that I put a door on top of it but it gets the job done let's go get back under Isaac space Oh that's the floor that's right that's right so I'm trying to think about how I could mine this out while he's actually actively building in it cuz that that has slightly a little bit of a challenge to make this borderline impossible to do I'm going to try to go this way and see what this takes me to crap crap this slowed me down oh that's that's the staircase for the mine no way and I know that Isaac won't be able to hear me I don't think this far away cuz I can't hear what he's doing all right guys I know lell said he didn't like it but look how this is coming along now we got the clouds up here we got some white wool to make it look like there's clouds floating in the sky and then of course we have the sun now I don't have any saplings on me right now I don't think um I do have the bone meal we were able to get that from from some of the mob spawners um but I need to go up here and kind of find some saplings I thought we had some Birch ones but I'm sure we got something I can use somewhere I'm going to use this to store some of the items that I have so far in my inventory that I really just don't need cuz they're destroying my inventory space but I do want to make a Nether wart farm and since I have 12 of these I think I can go to the shop and I've probably sold enough at this point to buy just a little bit more Soul Sand so with 13 Soul Sand instead of building it in my main room this becomes my new Soul Sand farm right in here all right check that out we have our own secret Soul Sand Farm now underground inside of our base which is under a base which is inside of that secret base so if he finds that base he won't find this which is and it's just it it's just a ridiculous oh there we go we got 13 Oak saplings in here I knew we saved some from earlier in the episodes hopefully once I put these down I can bone meal them and actually get them to grow we got one now this other one though I don't know if it's going to grow you know what I'm saying it's going to we're going to go through a whole thing of bone meal but we did actually get a tree to grow in here so that's pretty cool now are these look at this guys we're actually going to be able to get four trees in here I think look at that that is so good now this is a tight tree room that's all I can say on that but it is very efficient with the space there we go guys we got an underground path now that leads right directly to underneath Isaac underneath the stairs we have access everywhere and then we talked about how on the roof there was a secret area up there that I like to connect to this base so in order to do that we're going to go back into this main Central room right here we're going to put these back all right always seal it up like that and then if I go upstairs I need to find a way to connect the actual mob grinder to this secret base and that's going to be very challenging so here's what we do we climb the ladder system we go through here we break this little secret entrance that leads you into the secret base close it back off then we need to go back to here and then actually dig down around our base into my actual secret base you're going to see my idea here in a second it's going to be mindboggling it does feel like maybe we should make this a doorway too I'm not really sure to what though but I think in order to keep this place symmetrical we should break this out right now all right so this side kind of opens up into a natural cave and I think that's fine we could kind of use that to our advantage and we could kind of make this like a mine shaft entrance from the inside of the barn all right so we've got a pretty cool area right here coming down and we made this little platform at the bottom just kind of as your walkway to enter the cave um we're going to make some Birch slabs I think those will look a little bit better for the staircase going up so folks we are finally getting this thing going somehow and all the staircases that I made are actually useful so anybody who said they weren't useful guess what they are we just have to take this all the way down and connect it to my secret room and then we'll be able to get above Isaac below Isaac and we'll have invaded him in literally every single possible angle in every single possible situation all right guys in the entrance to the cave is officially done we added some ladders right there cuz the staircase wasn't kind of steep enough but also it feels a lot more protected now that we did it like that so now you have an awesome entrance into the cave over here and then on this side you have an awesome entrance down into the tree farm seems like that's our base oh this is my secret base no way what are the odds of that just randomly spamming it and we get finding it oh come on this is too good this is too good this might be one of the best invasions I've ever done above Isaac below Isaac inside of Isaac we are every possible angle we're inside of his dreams we're in his walls so then all I have to do is bring this into the actual main base cuz I don't want it to actually be here what did I just find down here everybody look at this guys I was digging my tree farm out I said I want to reposition the trees I dig down and I find this mole hill is he invading me again there's no freaking way that I just found him invading me again what the heck is this nonsense down here or is this just how we got the dripstone guys is anybody else seeing this how on Earth did I just find a random little M shaft down here right below my tree farm okay everything that way seems clear we got to we got to investigate this guys we're going to have to follow this tunnel so now you're able to walk up here get out of the base walking upstairs to the roof entrance and then you make it into here and then you are able to be above Isaac as well absolutely incredible it clearly goes right below where we were is this some sort of invasion from him where's it going we're going to sneak up this so he doesn't notice Us by the way guys just so you understand where we are this is Isaac's special light feature that he made above the base and now this little special light feature is my floor cuz I'm disrespecting it now and his whole little fancy roof pattern all of it oh my goodness oh my goodness we have done so much here multiple secret bases absolutely incredible how's that tree farm looking Isaac it's looking good we're not done with it yet though all right I'm looking forward to seeing that thing you need any help over there uh I think I'm good for now we'll meet up in like 5 minutes in the central base so I can show you all right 5 minutes Central base base meet up sounds like a plan he is definitely in this base guys anyone just hear his voice he doesn't normally talk like that he's asking me about my build no I couldn't give anything away guys he's in this tunnel we're about to come face to face with him look at this elaborate system he has like a secret nether work down here grown he's got invisibility potion production look at this base we just discovered once we meet up with Isaac in the central base it might be time to show him the giant reveal that's been happening this entire time he's been playing when he finds out that there is not one not two not three but like 15 secret bases under him including an entire secret base path there he's probably going to absolutely lose his mind now I think it would be more funny to leave a message to him because if he finds this he's going to realize that we found it I don't even want to tell him that we found it guys we're just going to leave a little message in here we're going to say hi hopefully he doesn't notice this now I don't even know where this is but we found his secret base let's just go this way too now can I use this to make an entrance into Isaac's base and I think the enters a resounding yes because I know this way behind this piece of block that I placed should be yep right there go ahead and do this always mark it with andesite and just like that we're inside the base so now Isaac literally could never find me no matter what I'm doing now he's going to find that and he's going to freak out he's going to be like did he find me of course we found him Z you can't invade me I'm too good at this game we're just going to cover this all up act like nothing happened and we're going to get these two trees planted cuz this room clearly fits two trees better than it would have fit four I hear him breaking stuff right now guys he is the worst Invader ever do you hear this right now oh he's in here what do you think oh look at this look at this little area yeah what is this little spot I'm not sure I dug into the wall and there was a hole here so I was like well I might as well just add the hole to make it do something is your room ready to look at yeah tree Farm's done um it you know is it the best build I've ever done no but it's very functional and I'm happy enough with it that's pretty cool let's take a look at it oh look at that we actually got grown trees yeah we got two trees down here it works we got the it's just a little scene you know it feels like you're walking out of the barn you know what I'm saying cuz right here it feels like you're in the barn you can look out this is crazy Isaac I want to ask you a question though this was me invading your base down here and you know what I I thought to myself today I thought how can I make a video where I invade my brother right where I could trick you wait is there another one did you invade me again no but there's a lot of things that we did to hide this from you we changed the name of this video we named the Google Drive something else we convinced Isaac it was a civilization so he thought that's what we were doing I even lied to him over the last week and said our commands were disabled and all of that was a lie okay but you know what's even crazier Isaac what do you remember when you were a kid and you used to steal two candy bars once you got caught on purpose because you knew once they caught you they would stop looking for the second one yeah that's a pro move still impressed with myself I used to do that do you remember earlier Isaac when you caught my base yeah I do do you think maybe I left that hole there on purpose so that you would catch me and lower your guard one in here and if you follow me downstairs you will see that I built this entire base to Simply distract you and use your own trick against you because my friend right down here what is the actual secret base that I've been building this entire time now Zach I have a reveal for you what I believe if I'm correct yeah yes why don't you check this chest Zach no Get Wrecked but I have a reveal for you oh wait another one you may have found this space but this wasn't even the real secret base the entire time have you follow me upstairs through this there's another one you got to be kidding me and upstairs you'll see the entire time I've actually been living above you Isaac the entire time using your beautiful chandelier as my flooring okay well you know what Zach screw this follow me okay I don't even know how many times you invaded me cuz I did not find that ceiling one come through here Zach no way oh my get invaded baby and I was smart enough to take all the valuables so I have all the good stuff no dude I've been looking for stuff and wondering where it went I took it all so I am the champion ofon Vaders and I have an indoor swimming pool dude I swear if there is a secret base behind one of these signs I will lose my mind no this this is it this is it this is as far as I got this is crazy Isaac but if you dig down right here which you're going to find way I'm just kidding oh my gosh I was getting worried there oh wow congratulations Isaac but I know you didn't know my roof was up there no I didn't but you didn't know my base was there Z I'm calling this a tie well I have a reveal for you you
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 2,011,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: aqLchFXMgXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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