Busting 100 Minecraft Myths In 24 Hours

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today i'm busting 100 nits in 24 hours in minecraft but before i test those 100 myths i actually have a myth for you to bust and that myth is you won't watch this video all the way to the end our first myth says that if you stand next to a creeper it's going to explode on you well that's confirmed you can't eat food when you're underwater in minecraft so if you're down here and you're starving to death what happens well it looks like that works so now you can keep doing your underwater bases cauldrons with water will not save you from fall damage if you fall right into the water so we're gonna fall down and see what happens here we go i hope this saves us come on oh it doesn't it doesn't save you at all there's a common myth out there that says that fossils generate directly below iron or vein so we're gonna break this ore and see if there's any fossils under here if so this would save me a lot of time in videos looking for them doesn't seem like it though someone needs to find a working fossil hack is it true that you can jump higher in minecraft during the morning then at night we're gonna put a marker right on screen to see where we jump to in the morning and now we're gonna do one at night wow it really didn't feel like there was much of a difference there i don't think this myth is true this myth is literally the dumbest thing but it says the longer you play minecraft the taller your character gets so we're gonna measure our character right now next to a cactus and then come back and see how tall i am in a couple minutes if we look closely we're right to that little tiny white block in the cactus minecraft golden apples are pretty useful but someone said there's a myth where you can get more than two effects if you get lucky well it seems like that's true we got regeneration for like three seconds so that's pretty good if you use your minecraft username as a seed some people say that gives you the most epic spawn that's super overpowered so here's our lover fella seed and let's see if we get lucky all right well this is pretty much the worst spawn ever the next myth says that if you dig straight down from spawn you're guaranteed to find diamonds because of how notch coded the game back in the day i just don't think there's a high chance of this working it's not like impossible that we find diamonds here certainly but um i'm gonna say this one is probably not true either now i know most of you think this is probably fake and there is no aether portal in minecraft but we're gonna test it just to make sure because 1.18 might added it okay it did not it we were right now this next one is fascinating it says if you brew a potion using a cave spider eye versus a regular spider eye the potion is actually more deadly proving the cave spiders are worse so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to kill a cave spider and we have the cave spider eye so this is the cave spider eye then we're going to do a regular spider and get his eyeball there it is there's the eyeball now we're going to get our brewing stand because i don't want these to stack it will totally ruin the experiment this one is the cave spider this one's the regular spider so once this goes through on both of them we're gonna go ahead and pop it in cave spiders going in and the regular spider is going in as well what do you think mr pig you think this one's gonna work oh that's a terrible answer my friend poison for 45 seconds it definitely looks pretty normal and this one also for 45 seconds so now we just got to drink it and see if which one's worse 12 seconds later honestly there's no difference they both take you down to half a heart which means that cave spider eyes are not better than real spider eyes that's actually depressing you know what else is depressing the fact this llama is never going to be able to escape and all we're going to do here is test if it can actually spit over 10 blocks all right mr llama it's your time to shine if you hit this shot you kill me oh my gosh i think that was going another 10 blocks my boy's got freaking sniper aim on him is it true that wolves deal the most damage from any mob in the game well let's just punch one and see how much this bad boy does so three heart that's about two and a half hertz now that's not bad it's about two and a half three hearts but what if we do a blaze wouldn't that do more or maybe a ravager let's check this bad boy out hello sir yeah no i don't think the dog does more damage than that big boy what do you think buster now while we're on the topic of mobs let's see if it's true that skeletons never actually miss a shot as long as there's nothing blocking you in the skeleton is it possible to dodge okay well that didn't work oh you can't okay obviously you can do that that's busted skeletons suck except they kill me all the time is it really impossible for magma cubes to survive in the overworld well this myth says it is so i mean it's pretty easy all right it's not it is possible but what about in the water can they survive in here see that just doesn't make sense you would think it would kill it myth busted minecraft breeding is super cool but can you breed two zombies using rotten flesh and make a zombie baby it's disgusting but it also makes sense hey youtube the love birds come and eat eat this flesh eat the flesh stop eating me well they ate me but they didn't mix baby now you all know we can cure zombie villagers and make them regular villagers but can we cure a zombie with a golden apple do they even eat golden apples what's up dude let's go ahead and pop one of these down here golden eat it eat the apple pick it up get the apple apple apple apple apple apple alright zombies are dumb you know it's not done though gas gas are very intelligent do you think a ghast is ridable with a saddle because that's what our next smith says say that it's kind of difficult to say can you put a saddle on it can you ride it what you can't put a saddle on and you can't ride it you know how gas have gas tears well what if you could milk tears from the gas using the bucket we're gonna go find out right now wow that's like milking giant udders come here you let me get in there i'm gonna go underneath that seems like the best spot dang it can you imagine a bucket of gas juice well maybe don't imagine that but you can't do it that one's busted every 10 myths by the way to make this video a little more spicy it's going to be a mega myth and this megabit says today that you've been making your enchanting rooms wrong your entire life according to myth number 20 you only need one row and 15 total bookshelves to make a maxed out enchantment table so we're going to test it in another this is 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. according to the myth this is the max enchantment you could get now we're going to build a regular one over here and compare and now for the test wow level 30 i think this works folks i think this works let's go try it over here and see if it's comparable dude you mean to be telling me that for the last 10 years i have been incorrectly building bookshelves that's why i watch videos like this you just never know what you're gonna learn in order to test this one we're gonna need a hundred players so i don't think there's a better place to go than my minecraft server where there's 900 online so i'm gonna count down from five and i'm gonna have 950 players jump at once on my server five four three two one and jump so you can see these guys jumping this dude's punching me and eight to 900 others just jumped where they were and it looks like that definitely did not crash our server the nextness says you can't fit more than five people in a single bed or it will also crash the game no i've just been bouncing on this bed for a minute because i'm sure people will just join me because why wouldn't they we're up to four so one more person would be apparently the max limit that beds can handle and we've got five players and absolutely nothing happened all right well that's busted our next smith says that if you try to tame someone's dog they've already tamed it insta kills the dog oh man i guess that's yours forever to keep congrats cam we're gonna test this next one using a candy cane that says every minecraft player can jump four blocks come on you thought that would work one of the most common myths is what's the longest you could make your name the myth says it's 16 letters long so i'm going to ask my server who has the longest name and we're going to see what the longest name is l-e-o-v-a-r-a-d-k-a-r-r that is uh 12 c-a-r-r-o-t period c-l-a and period p-l-s period guys it is 16. i literally just looked through 900 names and not a single one was past 16. and most of them thought they were long but they were only 12. you guys can buff those names up is it true that players the shorter names can run faster than players with longer names we're gonna find out three two one go doesn't seem like the name has any impact on speed here at all i guess that would make sense otherwise dream would probably get dominated when he does speed runs by george not found we busted this one last week in bedrock edition but is it true that minecraft players blink in java seems like that's not true at all our next minute says 15 is the max number of players that can be in a hole before they start to take damage so i'm going to dig a hole right here and see how many players can fit into this hole until they start taking damage we got a couple going in right now couple tping as well here oh god now the whole server's here well that's a little bit uh a lot okay well i guess we're gonna find out pretty quickly we're at 42 right now and there's no damage so this one i think depends on the server i got to get out of here though because i think that's enough to crash the server i told them all to go jump in the water now but i guess they're all trapped in the hole so they can't but our next smith says if someone's swimming you can reel them in just like a fish so let's see if we can catch some of these guys well i know you can hook players like normally but i don't think being in the water makes any difference to your ability to hook number 30 our spicy myth says that if you die in the end using a totem of undying you actually go to a brand new dimension i mean this one's pretty darn simple we're going to dig a hole down to the ground and fall into the void and see if we go to some crazy new dimension why is this hole so deep all right let's see if it works well it didn't even trigger my totem nor did it take me there could be because i'm in creative mode i don't think that one's busted now if you guys haven't noticed every time we do a spicy myth we also do a new category of myths so our next category of nine miss is actually your myths ones that you've left me in the comments like this myth which says if you drink a speed potion and then ride a boat in the water you move five times faster that's gonna be a no for me dog one myth says if you find a tree surrounded in poppies and dig straight below it it's gonna lead you to a lush cave every time i'd say this one is also not true unfortunately now since you shovel snow it would make sense that if you kill a snowman with a shovel it's faster than killing with your hands so let's see if that's true number one the hands that's four hits which honestly is pretty low i feel like the shovel's probably gonna beat it but i think any two would beat that two hits and you get snowballs back i don't think we got snowballs before shovel's definitely the move here this one's actually confirmed nice so you know if you look at enderman they attack you well this smith says they can't see you if you're looking at them through glass so if we look at one through here it shouldn't be able to attack us what's up boys hey hey i'm looking at you they're not even like acknowledging my existence are they yo i think it works i'm not getting any eye contact well if you guys ever want to look into the eyes of an enderman this is the only way i know to do it while we're here the next myth says if you run straight into soul sand without stopping from regular sand you keep the exact same speed in other words we're not going to slow down if we do this i feel like we're a little bit slower not a lot but i definitely don't think that one works this myth says if you walk in lava with a crouching you're a lot faster than if you just stood up so we're gonna time it here's without crouching ooh that is very slow it's like walking through molasses not that i know what that's like and time nope now time now we're gonna do all crouching okay this is this is not even remotely this is not even a contest we haven't even moved one block yet this is so bad this is not even this is the opposite of working my dude this is the worst myth ever this is one of my favorite myths because it says diamonds and turtle legs are the exact same item with a different texture so we're going to zoom in and hold both in our hand and see if they are i think they are they're literally the exact same shape dude they are literally identical they just change the color turtle legs are secretly diamonds that's kind of wild now i don't really know the best way to test this one of our comments says the wither is stronger than the end dragon so we're gonna spawn one in but i don't think we're gonna get a conclusive result on this [Music] so guys i don't really think there's a winner here they both are evil they both will destroy you but they just don't seem to want to kill each other and before our next spicy myth of the day we're going to test if a wolf actually kills villagers during easy mode when tamed so first we have to tame a wolf and according to this myth the only way to stop it from killing villagers is to put a lead on it and it doesn't seem like that's actually true i don't think he's a rabid dog i think he's controlling his emotions quite well good job a little fido now you guys probably realize by now that every spicy myth could change the way you play the game forever if they work our next one says if you sprint while using a boat it actually lets you sprint in the boat this is normal speed and this is me pressing sprint oh wait oh wait wait wait wait that's legit i mean it at least makes my zoom different i don't know if it's actually quicker though i think it is a little quicker but it doesn't seem like a lot i'd say that one could change the way you play if you didn't know this one all right gamers that was my creepy voice because our next myths are actually nether myths and these ones are so cool for our next myth we've got to drain our hunger because it says that you actually don't get poison if you eat rotten flesh inside the nether wouldn't that be wild all right guys hey down the hatch you know what they say let's try it out wait a minute what oh wait the first one actually didn't poison us though i don't know about this one i mean i don't know this could be real clearly you saw that right maybe there's a chance can we actually swim in lava using fire resistance potion yes you can but remember you don't want to be crouching if you're pulling this one off now while we're here in the nether i think it's best to test if we can actually turn skeletons into weather skeletons by throwing potions of harming at them oh it doesn't actually do anything it just literally does nothing although we've been here for a while i think it's time for another height check so let's go ahead and pop some sand in here and i don't think we look taller so that myth from earlier is busted pigs are kind of stupid but you know what's not stupid this myth which says taking them to the nether turns them into pigment hey if you don't want to change into a pigment you don't have to my dude what do you guys think busted i'd say so if you throw an ender pearl through the portal it randomly teleports you somewhere in the overworld my disappointment is so hard for that i really thought it was gonna work according to this next one you can use a debug stick on a chest and actually bring water into the nether so we're going to try it on this thing there's a way to waterlog things oh we did it so we can waterlog items and bring water in then if i break it the water stays whoa i didn't know you could do that that's really cursed if we throw diamond armor into lava we'll turn another right or will it just burn sounds like it just burns can some piglets drop the pig step disc oh looks like that one's also true i guess though that's probably the only way to get this one for our last nether hack before we move on to our big spicy hack of the day we're going to go ahead and set this to the end portal because according to this myth going to the end from the nether unlocks the secret dimension and that is 100 not true at all also the wither still alive according to a couple youtube videos throwing ender pearls at items very specifically while crouching allows you to go inside of them or become them let me inside of you pig wait no that's not what i meant this one doesn't work our next batch of myths are block myths starting with this one which says you can break bedrock with your hand i don't want to test this one by the way guys we're five hours into this challenge right now and i've got i got 50 more of these to do one eternity later i mean look at the end of the day i think it's pretty clear this is not cracking so this one this one's busted uh this one's like weirdly specific but it says you can survive four anvils falling onto your head in minecraft that's weirdly weirdly specific i mean it actually pushed me backwards like i was directly under it like they're kind of on me but it pushed me backwards i i guess that's true now this one's super weird but the myth is that there's only five blocks in the game that start with the letter l and i don't know how to specifically search that so oh god there's so many to filter through i'm just gonna see if i can find enough i know ladder and there's lapis lapis lapis lapis i would say this one's busted folks we got a whole hot bar that's way more than five items i don't even think that's half of them i think there's a lot of l blocks out there is hitting a mob with obsidian do more damage than hitting with your hands let's go find out closer one two three four five six seven oh god well i don't know because we punch him down a hill we'll do another hello i've got my obsidian boxing gloves my friend one two three four five six seven okay it's the same i would i mean technically it was eight hits but i think because i knocking off the cliff it evens out obsidian does not work this one mustard so this next myth actually states that you can't break diamonds with a stone pickaxe not that you can't get the diamonds that you literally can't even break the entire diamond block i think this works i think we can break the diamond block but while we're on the topic of diamond let's pop another one down because our next block myth here says that if you right click it with another edge scrap it turns into another block this one's going to be really tricky to test but the myth states that gold ore is actually more rare than diamond so we're gonna fly in a straight line and see how many we find of each this is not a scientific study there's two gold uh three four five gold two diamond five gold six gold six gold seven eight gold i might be missing some i'm not gonna lie to you nine ten gold ten to two oh there's two three four so after flying for a little bit i have 14 gold and just four diamond that i found probably not the most scientific study there's two more gold i would say though that gold is probably a little more common than diamond at least in this particular biome our next one says you never spawn into the world spawning on stone like it's impossible to spawn on stone so i'm gonna change this block to stone and then kill ourselves and see if we actually spawn here i would assume that it would not move it forever this too becomes stone they're moving too consistently if i just do this does it move me again oh it doesn't so yeah i mean i don't know if it's impossible to spot on stone but every time i place it it moves us and it's not working and i can't remember if i have spawned on stone before so i would say it's probably impossible i bet that actually is not possible the desert is the rarest biome i'm gonna have to google this one to find out that is incorrect the rarest biome is the jungle biome who knows what that is because i don't all right now for our big honka of the day folks number 60. this was a big honko today we're gonna do a sand and dirt for this one because our myth states that sugarcane grows quicker on sand than on dirt therefore very scientifical sugar cane goes on each random tick speed one thousand random take speed oh oh the grass is quicker and that is the opposite of what's supposed to be happening so i would say that this one's busted is probably about the same on both all right let's move on to our next category of myths the next nine will be taking place in uh you guys guessed it the end these ones are probably the coolest i think although i would assume our first one is already fake because it says you can tame the end dragon by using coarse fruit let's find out hello sir would you like to eat my fruit hello son please eat the fruit all right well i think that's enough testing for me it doesn't work i'm pretty sure that i was just being trolled but it says if you sleep in the end you're gonna wake up in density all right that'll do it can you find a stronghold in the nether using eyes of ender oh you can't even throw them in here i've never even tried this because i never get extras well i guess that's also broken we're all for three right now folks if you make an end in another portal together does it create a new dimension so far i don't know about these new dimension ones so the way i set this up was putting them side by side so that my body will halfway fall into each of these what okay well that didn't work at all did it this one i really don't want to test but it's a hidden minecraft achievement it's called minecraft forever and you have to kill every enderman on the uh dragon's island so uh let's slaughter some creatures what's up boys all right they've all been killed after a little bit of a slaughter fest i never got any bonus achievement so unless i missed one which is very possible because there's a lot of places to hide this one's busted if you mine into the end island can you find an end cave um i don't know it doesn't seem like there's actually any caves in this it's like solid end stone except this one little l right here which stands for lava fella or loser who comes up with these myths if you right click on enter dragon with the bucket you get his egg the heck you think you get eggs out of buckets something gonna work like that in real life what animal you put a bucket up to it an egg pops out that just doesn't work but it's a unique myth for the last two end myths you can uh see the first one says you can place water in the end thank god you can do that because i've done it before and i was like this doesn't work now i'm gonna lose my mind according to another myth if you end pearl into this without the portal it takes you to an end city but clearly that is not true all right the endings kind of suck low-key none of them really work that well we think we need a little bit of better so let's move on to our big hong kong for our big honko of the day then this says the biggest end portal you can make naturally without commands is 23 by 23 let's set the new record i'm not gonna lie i lost count i'm still not sure if i counted that right either to be honest with you like i feel like i might have miscounted i think we're at 23 probably i don't know if we are we could be at 20 or 25 somewhere in that range and oh it works i wonder if i made that the right dimension so that means if i go up just one it should break why would anyone want a portal this big so if this myth is false this would not like oh my gosh i built it right and that is true that is the biggest portal you could make we've done 70 myths we have 30 more to go and our next 10 myths take place in pvp let's go back to my minecraft server for this one because we're going to need some players to test because our first myth says hitting a player with a shovel does more damage than a sword so if someone crosses this barrier i should be able to fight them please this guy so if we look at that that took away about two hearts from him which was about standard for a sword like this so now he needs to come back out we'll do it again with the shovel no this guy has 20. so it looks like the definitely the sword is a lot better than the shovel all right you knew that the two strength potions at the same time give you strength too this gives you strength one so we'll drink it now we have it if we drink it again does it give us strength too the answer is no although it probably should that would kind of make sense does shooting a player do more damage than a single bow hit let's see we're going to shoot him with a bow that took him down to 11 health now we're gonna hit him with a sword i think the sword is a little better than the bow this myth says throwing a poison potion at someone's body makes them drop their items when they die hey we'll trade you throw me wood i'll poison you and you'll die on a video this is exquisite he's nodding yes he's nodding no we're going to finish him off here i think and uh he didn't drop anything so that one's probably fake if you aim for a player's shoulder do they actually move slower it doesn't seem like it although that somehow went into his butthole yep there he is that's weird you know what's weird it seems like it goes through you in the trailer if you damage a player to black hearts appear [Music] um it doesn't look like it i mean i didn't really see any black hearts when i've been slaughtering this dude repetitively the next myth says when a player dies a flower is placed i think we've killed this guy enough to know that's not true but what's this sign say oh he's really trying to communicate oh he's a fan he said thanks for hosting the server that's impulsiveness right there now our next myth states that if you fall over 500 blocks into an ocean you enter a new dimension called the abyss so here's our ocean we're gonna go in spectators we can move super fast hit that 500 block mark and then with the speed should take us to a new dimension again if these big boys work they change the game and 500 now all right game mode survival and we're gonna fall down from 500 blocks and see if we go to the new dimension three two one and oh my gosh it wait oh wow i didn't okay what the heck did i just what i don't think that was supposed to happen real hot uh that was weird moving on to our animal myths of the day we've got number one which says you can die goat well i really feel like you should be able to it's got a lot of white fur just doesn't make sense you can't be dying young man you understand that you make no sense to me and i hate you but at least our next myth is possible i think which is that you can ride turtles i'm not sure who wrote these myths but apparently axolotls can't die oh that's busted let's try a different one bees give you honey if you right click on them with a bottle bro this doesn't make sense you should be juicing my bottle with some honey right now you're stupid if you use a bottle of experience the myth says you can combine mobs together to create a hybrid so let's try a turtle bee honestly i if if any myth today worked this is the one i wish worked did you know vokers can turn blue sheep red how weird is that uh if you think your spell didn't work oh you cast it on the one back there well my boy literally just out here turning them all red hey where's that goat at we tried to die now i want to try to milk it because that's our next myth can we milk goats where are you hey there you are you thought you got away from her come back here buddy let me get those otters come here oh you can thanks for the milk dude our next myth says that you can put armor on dogs using a dispenser so all i really need is just literally some diamond gear in here and i'm going to see if any of it disappears on the dog if this works a lot of people are going to be protecting their dogs like crazy after this video unfortunately it didn't work so your dog will still die there's always a black cat and a swamp hunt true or false oh i heard it's cat is it black well i'd say that's confirmed our next one says you can actually grow a tree with a beehive in it and i think you have to be in a specific type of biome so we're going to test that here by planting some oak trees and seeing if they grow a beehive negative and negative well nothing else at least we're helping team trees [Music] this is uncommon apparently if it works all right we had to twitch it up to a different type of tree and after like twenty thousand of them we finally got it to work there's like a five percent chance so it's not the most common thing but it finally became confirmed we're down to the final ten minutes gamers i am exhausted and we have just a few hours left today now these ones are just kind of the weird ones that we thought to throw in a lot of them involve other players except the first one says you can mlg using a melon wow i placed that perfectly and it seemed to have duped melons but it doesn't work what if we place a cake down is it possible to break the cake using like an axe or something and then take the cake with you oh oh you can't i thought it was going to work i was excited it doesn't work this viral myth says that you can x-ray using other people's name tags so if i look through their name tags i should be able to see through the ground but clearly this one does not work at all if you want to jump over a gap with like a very low roof you just don't even jump you run in a straight line really fast and you'll cross it oh whoa wait what okay well it actually worked but not every single time so that's kind of a risky one can you mlg lava bucket on top of the ocean like can i pour lava on the ocean before i hit the ground and survive i don't know that's a weird myth let's find out okay that doesn't work here's a cool myth that says you can't place a wither skull on your head and uh obviously that is false we can and now we're a little weather skeleton our next myth says that you can light these on fire underwater so let's try it oh man that have been cool now this is kind of the ultimate troll if it works and it's that you can force people to wear pumpkin heads if you put a dispenser by them and they're not wearing a hat oh it works we got this guy pumpkin oh dude that's great put that by your base and everyone who walks in gets a pumpkin if it's daytime and you stand under glass can the sun refract through the glass and light something on fire let's wait for 30 seconds and see 12 seconds later okay that does not work and i i really thought if it did i would probably rethink how i play the game because that would be horrible our last one says if you crafted compass just one time for the rest of your time in the world the compass is accurate with just the recipe inside of the crafting table so you can see here it's actually pointing north and that's because we've already crafted a compass that works so that actually works and that my friends is busting 100 myths in 24 hours if you made it here then that makes it 101 so don't forget to subscribe peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,388,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: ODa0ZodIK0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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