Flipping 100 Bases In Minecraft!!

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today we have 10 minutes to build a nasty modern base and after those 10 minutes pass we're gonna swap plots with our neighbor and flip their nasty base to see how good we can make it so whatever blocks that we use in our nasty flip the nasty base we're making that the neighbor has to flip they have to use the same blocks the same theme they have to keep most of what we put and just improve on it so it's gonna be a real challenge to see what they can do i'm not gonna reveal my secret but i've got a very weird plan here coming in so it kind of looks like uh just a nasty rundown base something that you just maybe wouldn't want to live in maybe just needs a little bit of work yeah you can do the interior you guys can add as much detail as you want but you're gonna be swapping with your neighbor in eight minutes and 50 seconds so make it kind of look like it was a once maybe a decent base but kind of got blown up or something or whatever you want to do this is weird this is really weird i'll be honest with you there's a lot of ways you can do this guys there's a lot of weird ways you can do it i'm not trying to make it too ugly i'm just trying to make it a real challenge like if you're if you're getting my bass you don't know what you're about to be faced with you know what's annoying a two block high ceiling let's see you make something creative out of that zone because i don't know how you'll do it oh yeah this is coming together coming together very nicely right here six more minutes to build your your griefed kind of uglyish base for your neighbor to come take over and work on oh you know it would be really nasty oh yeah we're making some big plays tiny you got no idea what you're about to be seeing over here how's yours looking over there looking absolutely awful just like i want it to be i don't want it to look too bad like i'm giving you a little bit of something here to work with i'm giving you potential i'm giving you tropical vibes tropical vibes i did not go for the tropical theme for you i'll tell you that right now glowstone man i get a lot of comments about how bad they think glowstone looks people hate glowstone i don't know why people just think it's disgusting put some holes in your base random blocks oh yeah you guys are doing good you get it you get it oh this one's disgusting oh my goodness four minutes remaining wrap up the final details this is disgusting i don't know what type of modern house is built in a location like this i'll tell you that much what else can we do in here just to squiggle on a little bit more just before the deadline of course got to put some spider webs in the house so that he's got to clean up a couple of those if it's an abandoned old nasty base that got blown up you can't miss the spider webs almost like a bulldozer came here and piled it up down to two and a half minutes right now slime for mold there's an idea put a little mold in your face i like that remember guys they're gonna see your base soon so if you're gonna intimidate them in some way you know just put down a little intimidation in your base a little bit of something scary don't be afraid like mine definitely looks like an abandoned house that's for sure minuto once that goes up we're gonna flop to the other side and start improving whatever they made for us so this is my design right here gonna do a couple more details here guys just a little bit more just to really pull it together at the end here oh yeah that's it and that is time guys so time is up hopefully you've got your base looking kind of nasty right now i went for the podzol the podzu mycelium modern house that maybe got attacked in the middle of a mushroom bomb it's really just disgusting i don't know how you can make this look good tiny what do you what do you think it's something and now the challenge is to use the blocks that they gave you and flip it oh what the what all right so what i'm working with here is a modern jungle house complete with a uh hay bale roof and i've got to flip this into a modern house to get this thing to work here so it's going to be a challenge first thing though we got to clean out these spider webs which are all over the place like we were apparently living in the middle of uh i don't know australia y'all got a lot of spiders there i don't know if the sheep comes with the property but i'm gonna just slice and dice this bad boy up i don't need no animals around here matter of fact i gotta trim the lawns oh the inside is so disgusting oh my gosh oh this is hard okay i gotta get a plan here so let's think this through so the first thing i need to attack here is the floor and i think what we're gonna do is mix the old and the new one a little bit of modern a little bit of jungle hit in there i think we're just gonna go for a light jungle wood floor with a little bit of quartz highlight in here alright so let's get this floor redone all right floor has been cleaned up now it blends too much with the table so we're gonna go for a very modern kitchen uh place these quartz countertops down oh yeah oh yeah a gray table with the white coming off oh my goodness oh my good did he just pull that off dang i'm making this look clean the competition's getting scared right now guys pop down a new refrigerator oh no i should upgrade the refrigerator and make it a functional refrigerator you know what i'm saying like put a little button action on there maybe off to the side we went from a nasty fridge to a modern one that dispenses actual golden apples that's kind of a cool feature i have never seen a modern house that uses green concrete but i think this might be something we can pull off and so we're gonna try the green concrete wall design oh my goodness this actually could come together and be something right here i'll tell you that dang these walls i tiny made it extremely difficult to work with because there's just so many blocks i'm gonna miss a few but that's what the front would look like and so it doesn't really quite have the modern feel i want yet but it's keeping the jungle vibe which i like i can take this and go up maybe turn this into these pillars i don't know what's going to go here like modern houses have lots of windows right like really like thin windows and i'm pretty sure they're always like clear right maybe a little bit of leaves a little bit of jungle leaves outside [Music] all right so we added some leaves on the outside just to give a little bit of shrubbery here you know you know modern houses they like them leaves i don't know why but they usually have a lot of them around the outside of their house perfectly trimmed you know how it'd be and let's give them a little bit of a path to get inside and uh this thing will look real good yeah there it is there it is it's the minor details guys that pull it together that is looking absolutely phenomenal let's get the rest of this wall cleaned up here now it's really not bad i don't know what i'm gonna do with the roof though that's kind of like i was thinking i could use it as insulation but like i am not 100 sure i mean really the hay is what kind of threw me off here i just i'm not sure hey i mean what what a terrible block to have as part of your part of your arsenal here all right here's what i'm thinking first off let's clear out a lot of it you need a little bit of hay all right you don't need the whole entire roof to be hay this will be our insulation on the top your liver in the jungle need a little bit of insulation that's what this comes into play all right it could be a functional detail that gives us the dub right here today okay carpal tunnel trying to clear it all oh my gosh how did you even place this much hay in 10 minutes i mean geez all right that took about five years but now we are back in business here [Music] what says modern more than a big fat window so let's go ahead and put this in right here so big fat wall uh big fat window i think we're gonna do another big fat window here i don't want it to be too much though like i don't know if you can do too much window is the thing like windows are kind of like op in this game but it feels like it already feels like it's too much window the times constraint you got here really makes you gotta commit kind of to the ideas you have and i i don't feel like this is the right idea to be committing to oh this is a good idea this is going to look really cool the back wall becomes a literal snake and i think i can use like just a slightly different color on this back wall just to kind of signify there is a tail right here and then right here in the front we need to give them a red tongue i don't know can a banner work as a tongue could this be epic that is very good we've got the snake look your flora someone said their floor was all diamonds all right that's actually such a cool backdrop for the wall i've never seen anything like that before i feel pretty happy about that i'm proud i'll be honest with you i'm pretty proud of that one all right this window though is kind of awkward i don't know maybe like uh something weird like this but i don't know how to make this window look better like oh i just brown just bring it down that's that's what i could do okay that's a nice looking window a little bit of modern highlights right here boom boom boom boom and then get the fine details guys this is where you win what's a modern light i feel like sea lanterns are to be honest with you oh yeah look at that look at that maybe not the i don't know why i put a red mushroom in there but uh it's probably not the right move how about a wither rose oh i like the weather roast that looks really good let's get some more details on the side of this window oh look at that like little baby curtains right there oh that's adorable now we need an answer for what goes in this awkward corner here wait a minute wait a minute are we uneven is holding on even like that there we go okay i thought i thought the whole thing wasn't even i was a little bit scared right there two of them are scooted in one of them is not scooted in then we're gonna give him a little bit of a snack action coming in here you boys in the jungle eating a little bit of chicken i need to figure out what i'm doing with the roof and the rest of the interior walls like this is to me it still doesn't seem like it's modern and like that's the goal to make a modern base i love the idea of framing these windows naturally with all the grass that we have here just giving it such a good vibe to it like tell me that you don't see fancy houses looking like this i mean you do we need more black and white though i mean frankly that's kind of what makes things modern little bit something like this okay that you literally thought it did a lot more than it did it didn't actually change a whole lot about the place now one of the big challenges we're facing here is um the hay i'll be honest with you that is kind of the uh the most difficult part of this all how do you make hay look good down to 38 minutes to finish this flip right now 38 minutes to take what i was given and flip it and the thing is it only took 10 minutes to build so it really puts in perspective how long it takes to fix a base that needs work i want to be honest guys i i feel like it looks like i might know what i'm doing right now but i don't i want to make that very clear i have no clue what the next step is after i finish this interior decoration coming in here all right this is going to hide the hay internally so you have to worry about it give us a little bit of a higher roof use that course because you know that course be looking fresh and clean and modern i just don't know about this whole wall over here i mean it's a good-looking wall i'll be honest it looks good it's like a very friendly wallet okay that's a good wall that's what your friend would say if they saw it your friend wouldn't say like whoa that's a really good wall you know it'd be kind of like just an average wall kind of disappointing to me to have an average wall but all you got to do is this and now it's a good looking wall now it's got details i feel so bad my house was nice but i gave my neighbors a horrible house well that is the game a modern jungle roof how do you do that i mean generally like they're super flat like you have a very flat design so that's what we're gonna do something like this i'm actually really happy with how this is turning out like when you look at where it started where it's at now it does look like immensely better and then i guess if we bring it in wow oh wow wow wow wow wow that looks good i'm afraid to do more because i feel like i might ruin it now it looks so good now this whole time my neighbor is still working on the mycelium modern house that i gave them so i'm excited to see what that looks like here at the end of time okay that is uh still again the hay bale is not quite it see that guys we still got the hay it's still part of the roof just a little bit of insulation is all um a little bit of unevenness coming in and that's kind of a big mistake to be real i didn't realize that i didn't i didn't know i'm gonna leave it for now all right we gotta do some more things modern house has got that kind that kind of vibe to it so i'm gonna give it one of those if you know what i'm talking about a couple cops outside sounds like they're coming for me am i right the outside looks better but like it still doesn't feel modern to me and trying to get that modern vibe into a house like this is challenging i mean it's not bad halfway time i got time to think so these furnaces should come together pretty nicely kind of bring the kitchen together and i feel like you know sometimes you got like a furnace like on the back side like a crafting table in the kitchen type thing like you just come to the kitchen like you can like do work there you know and then this is gonna become the bedroom uh right next to the kitchen i mean that's really how i'm forced to build it based on the house size here so bedroom is now the kitchen i'm trying so hard right now to get like super weird details in the base because those are the things that you're gonna win with you go something like this you see that people don't do that too often these are the winning plays as far as lighting man you could add some crisp details with these throughout hang it from the snake i mean that's probably weird but you could do it i feel like i should have looked in more pictures of like modern houses before i just jumped into it you know i just kind of sent it i said let's freaking go i'm ready for a modern house i don't need no help oh no no no no no no this is what we're gonna do we're keeping the consistency throughout this space all right gray goes on the bottom pull it over like this now that doesn't really do anything for us yet but when we add the details 22 minutes guys 22 minutes look him a ladder in case they want to somehow climb up to like the crawl space and oh yeah you could walk up here okay little functionality floor wise um this is not gonna do it it's not as detailed as you'd want i mean you've got like the different rooms here oh that's good that's good i could work with this i think i don't use this log too often we'll give her the old test we've committed to this point we're about out of time i mean we have 20 minutes but i don't think we can change it again i feel like it looks kind of softer like you get like a nice a soft touch when you walk on this thing you know i should probably look at the outside to be honest the inside looks okay the outside still scares me a little bit first off a little bit of gardening got to get that outside looking clean you've got a whole plot you got to use every aspect of it so a couple flowers here and there a little rose garden maybe some maybe some tulips all right pop a couple thules down if we can connect this to our house in some way that looks good we're gonna get up inside of this and try to create a modern treehouse you know i forgot the glass panes those are very modern blocks and i haven't really used many of them today gives you a nice view of the balcony very interesting in terms of the design here how do you get up here is a great question as well i guess we're going to go with the old vine the old vine travel so this is going to be the chill zone all right a little bit of rooftop crafting overlook all the other bases time is running out right now there are 13 minutes left of this challenge then we're going to drop the wall in the center and see what our partners built with the grief base we gave them i feel pretty happy with how that looks i think it could be better i feel like the inside actually looks really good i feel like it looks pretty incredible a couple details like so everything that i did i just broke i didn't like any of it yeah okay that's good that's good i think i think that was a pretty much needed improvement guys we are now down to eight minutes on this build i'm like struggling now because i know there's like some big things i could do to make it a little better it just still doesn't feel super modern i mean that's the biggest thing actually that is such a unique design for living room i like that so much these are the final details this is this is literally the last bit right here front door is made um a little strange in terms of its design but it's eloquent that is time that was one hour let's go take a look at what the competition did first i tiny why don't you come look at mine and tell me what you're thinking guys go look at your neighbors i like the little enchantment and that's a very good touch not bad not bad take a look at the main base what we've done with what you gave us well i like this little like cockpit like living room area oh yeah very cozy and look at the snake in the back wall giant snake back there to get your attention that's pretty cool overall rating on a scale of one to ten tiny what you're giving it seven point five seven five that's not bad seven five is not bad let's take a look at tinies now wow oh my goodness this is not what i expected to see all right let's take a walk inside and see what we got here this is the corner we made that was too tall it's a hedgehog cave a little bit of a fireplace room in here we've got a kitchen the outdoor zone which had just about very very detail-oriented here even a little chicken cage clothes hanging out back diving board into the wow you didn't do too bad here tiny's is red mine is on the blue see which one you guys like the most what do you think is the more modern house mine is uh blue by the way guys mine is blue mine's the blue one i don't think you really mine is blue guys blue drop a comment down below who do you think won i tiny in red or me and blue if you guys thought this was cool click right here to watch my professional build team take on 100 minecraft noobs it is absolutely insane look at that screen
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,419,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: W-SOA_h1PjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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