Can 100 Noobs Beat 1 PRO Build Team In A Build Off?

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can 100 minecraft builders beat a team of professional builders they were going to ask that question again for a revenge match by placing them against each other to see who's the best builder here are the rules you have 10 minutes for this first build in the round one you'll be building a new naturally generated structure that minecraft should add to the game like desert temples or jungle pier appear to whatever oh ben look at this there's a whole city popping up yo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's the idea because this looks pretty fire a jungle pyramid no way that is looking clean uh-oh but your neighbor here is building out a sandstone guys you got to control you've got to control these stranglers so the other team has taken a different approach a little bit of out of this world thinking they thought outside the planet for this one but uh they haven't even started they're already down 20 of the time they're meticulous will it pay off haters exploded in skill out of nowhere i won't figure out how to use world edit the thing is ben if the builders learn to actually work quick today instead of focus on the little details they're gonna be winners but what they're up against saying no this is not bad they're building the pyramid and it clashed with another build and they just destroyed that thing like ants just gone this dude building a purple blue and purple thing like that it's not even part of it we're not gonna judge your guys that's great to build we're only judging the big dogs the big dog is getting all the points the front of this ben look at the front oh my look at me oh my this might be dare i say this is the best front entrance we have ever seen a 100 player team do there is someone here that is a very talented builder the road has details there's pebbles in the road wow build team is coming to life at least they're moving this time they're definitely getting some place here and uh just about over half of time left they are getting very worried though with time could be good actually 100 players though over here the outside of this temple is so good in fact that i'm actually disappointed right now that this doesn't exist in the game it just keeps going look at this man look at these oh torches with fire this dude's got a lava chest even oh that's a lot of stuff they okay okay it seems what is this what is this thing i don't know what that is that might be like a satellite wing or something i don't really know does that even have a place in minecraft we'll find out we down here it looks like we got some nice craters they look pretty good see that that's what i don't like to see right here jazzy gems i don't know if she has world edit but that whole thing could be rolled out of it move in a second three and a half minutes remaining wow they are in trouble they are in big trouble wow every time i come over here this build is just get more and more completed wow this is absolutely absurd can they finish the roof in time and everyone flies up look at them everyone needs to finish that roof they named it love emblem the love apple it's a pyramid though should we love your man come on billers let's go clutch it up come on use that world editor oh i don't know about that red thing i don't know about that guys you have a minute and a half left that better be pulled off by the end of the minute or that's gonna hurt oh my gosh look at the front okay let's look at the front of this temple it's got a hanging skeletoid right there oh a wall in the front wow i like that skeleton hanging i would put isaac's head on there but one minute left guys you better clear off that uh clear off that front sign i'm kind of confusing what the pro team is doing i don't understand what this is why do we spend any time making it what is going on here if i'm in space i'm gonna get sucked up in the outer space there's nowhere to go in you're already not even i mean that's time guys they were just flaming them oh my gosh is there any builder that would like to speak up what exactly was this um space station i just want to double check do you know what a space station looks like no i don't okay i'll break this don't say but on the other side guys a mind-blowing creation right here the amount of detail in here is pretty absurd we'll be writing them on a score of originality and quality for round one we'll start with team 100 as far as originality this is a score of one to ten what would you rate that six a six i would give them a four that's a score of 10 for originality and as far as quality nine i'm gonna go for a seven total score 26 originality i'd give it a nine actually very unique i was going to do a seven quality photo a freaking three yeah i was gonna say four score of 23 which brings the total to uh 2600 players 23 pros all right guys let's move into round number two they'll have 11 minutes and 30 seconds for this build you guys will be designing what you think the next end update should include they redesigned the nether now if they redesign the end what would that look like your time starts now you're not going to want to make an end temple just because you made a jungle pyramid hey yay if they want to do it this might be a round that goes to the builders off the beginning design then i'm not liking what i'm seeing over here but i don't know what they're making it oh look what they have been oh that could be cool not only is it interesting it's something that actually should be in the game and it's pretty original now what are the uh builders designing starts off the same every time with this giant card in the back it's like a government job one two three four five six seven standing around one player building i mean this is why they're struggling one player out of seven is building 100 players what's going on here yeah i'll say right now the front is actually coming together kind of quick here oh okay you know what i spoke too soon guys this is pretty decent oh the builders ben take a look what they got going on it's a better start now one thing i recommended last round was you know what guys you're taking on too much like it seems like they didn't take that advice and they're still going big so they pull it off could be a win i think they're they're building small things to the others to copy paste with old edit this is a good strap but how long they take to put on small details i mean i could put i could put a timer on right now and then just count how long jessica holmes spent on this street it's done it's good let's get the next tree going you know you gotta you gotta move on and it's good it's good enough and that's gonna hurt oh oh oh this is this is a different i believe this is a tree is it i mean that's a thick trunk oh a shulker boss ben they built a shulker box yeah that's fire let's go guys well done that's pretty good the 30 of you that are building your own builds in the back need to go work on the main structure because this this ain't gonna work oh ben look at what the builders got like it seems like they're actually doing a similar concept to the other players this could be this could be a tight race here honestly if they can pull this off oh squid gets back in uh tiger king assault oh thank goodness you know what then i don't think it's actually a tree anymore i think it's a space station in a pretty good one wow all right let's let's say nothing we're just going to observe here and see into the tree oh my goodness good job chrissy very detailed very we're gonna watch chrissy right here and put her under pressure there's only eight people she hasn't placed a block in a good 10 seconds and counting around about 15 seconds on not a block placed by her getting very stressed it seems like right here probably twenty gets one there we go just one though breaks oh still zero for 30 seconds on chrissy this is a terrible look puts it back watch out i'm coming through if my advice to the build team forget the details my advice to the hundred players is focus on the details quit building too much opposite advice wow it's looking real nice look the builders need to copy these trees copy paste them like 20 times it would take about a minute to fill this whole area up with trees and i don't understand why i wasn't doing i just know they're gold in the center so now they're getting it in they're getting it that's what i need to see right there that is a good look builders you keep doing that rocky's gone they've lost a building and they've added a very interesting windmill 100 players that is awesome it uses the space wind to power it oh look at the trees they put on the top that's time what are your thoughts on this one right off the bat empty now i'm looking at the 100 players side not empty uh let's start with the uh builders here for originality i would go for probably a six i was gonna do five quality seven six that's thirteen twenty four one point better than last round seems about right now a hundred builders for originality i'd go with uh five i was gonna do a six quality i'm going with a five i was gonna do seven that's a 12. total score comes out to 23. voters down by two points for round number three you'll be building what's underneath bedrock there's gotta be something under there now guys builders made a big play they said they were gonna use half of the plot and i feel like that's smart 100 players what are they doing over here man hundred players are they don't know what they're doing milwaukee is leading the idea board charge today i don't dislike the idea oh no isaac bc junior doesn't like it he said no no no the builders seem a little more confident on this one ben don't they they know they're visualizing it before they start you know a lot of great professionals visualize then they do it so this is what they think is underneath ben the bedrock and what do you think of this off the bat it's it's really creative what is this i don't know it's it's uh i don't know what it is but i really like it oh ben obsidian icicles elon musk magma these are the ideas is this uh like um it's gonna be a dude grabbing you okay hey i don't i don't understand what it is they can pull it off it'll look cool i like the black or on the side actually that's probably one of the best looking features they've had yet dude this tree actually is probably one of the cooler trees we've seen yeah this thing's kind of sweet it's got tentacles and heads on chains but this is coming together so freaking well uh those that are building right now are just absolutely clutching up this tree this is magnificent wow what are you guys doing to the top of this this could be a big play or a bad play it seems like there is a signing it's getting there's only really one build on this side and uh it's a monster and that's it all right guys we're wrapping up here this is uh actually quite cool man take a look what the builder's got right now that's not bad oh they changed it good good that's not bad at all now on this side ladies and gentlemen what do we call this the void tree they call it the void tree now that is like the tree from the movie avatar there's a lot going on here uh ben score here for the hundred players for originality void tree ah seven five twelve their actually most original score yet quality how what is the quality of that build ben i think it's also seven i'm gonna give it a three that gives them a 10 for their lowest quality score yet the builders originality six i'll give it an eight fourteen originality and then four our quality score i'll give it a four i was thinking about a four as well total score 22 for the builders making that their worst round yet that's also 22. 22. that's just both of your worst rounds 71 47 plus 20 69 69 so guys for this next round you will be building anything that you want to build the choice though is that you will be building your build in trying to guess what the other team is making you're going to be building what you think the other side is making someone just said if we match their style we have to make something bad and empty oh oh ben look what else yeah spoopsies are making if the other team could build anything would they build this ban i think the answer is a resounding yes yes they will that's kind of an insult to that team oh man look what they're doing to the wall yeah whoa look at this yo builders are excelling here today at this one oh my gosh if they are matching the style i i can't believe how great this is this might be their best performance yet today wow wow wow wow then the hundred players are not really they're looking like themselves over here ben yeah they definitely are see the thing is they've got a two-point advantage so they still could pull this one off but right now with seven minutes left if it ended right now i think the builders would win the entire event if they don't clean up the random builds they have lost you got among us you got poop emoji art i mean it literally looks like the same side on both the builders are predicting you guys like it's nothing do you see what uh spooksies just said in staff chat yes at lava who wants the grief our build there are self griefing to get the dub today they've got that one build that's beautiful if they can focus on that one tree and not make it too detailed they're gonna be in good hands oh no no no ben look at this the builders have griefed themselves so much that it's unrealistic now oh they most certainly have way too much grief on that side it's definitely coming together though i'll tell you that it looks pretty it looks pretty good pretty good the bad news is he got a bunch of players and makes some rounds harder and uh today it seems that we're seeing that in full force i mean take a look at this man i mean that is just straight out of that is just straight out of the playbook right there and i do see the responsible person yes sir justin zach is weak today if you go like halfway you can't even tell there's like a wall well i guess hold on is the 100 player team building but there they are oh my gosh are they reverse playing this game they're predicting that the builders will nail it so by predicting it they're building the same thing which is like literally next level oh my gosh ben you're right that could be the point because these are identical so that's a two hundred thousand iq player that's right because that's what i'm saying then you just you just opened up a whole can of worms i didn't want to get into and now we are here wow i don't know how i'm going to judge you've been worried about that the whole time but now i'm starting to feel the same fear that's what i'm saying because i'm like these are they're both doing such a good job guys 100 players this is your chance to shine clutch up build random stuff you got one minute to do it if that's your strat and it seems like it is one side grief the other side does more the other side does too much it's so similar no more building let's start with the builders originality eight six quality i will do a seven i will do another eight total score 99 is the final score for the builders now for the 100 player's originality i'm giving him a seven i don't know i don't know what we're judging they're getting a second giving them a seven so 14. now for quality i'll give him another seven if it's how good they match the other side they want the scores to be identical like yeah that's what i'm saying so we'd have to give them a 15. listen if zack gives it an eight the hundred players when if he gives it a six the builders win you're right guys i am putting a dispenser full of eights and sixes all right ladies and gentlemen i have the final score it was an eight congratulations team 100 you guys just won again
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,471,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: -_OBt5rKfV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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