Why I Destroyed my Brother with //ILLUSION

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an optical illusion is when your eyes and brain don't agree with what's happening on screen and today I want to try to trick my brother with optical illusions so insane that by the end of this build battle he quits here we've got a couple Tricks Up Our Sleeve today to make it happen all right guys let's go ahead and hit the first round and see what we're building confusing Isaac round one is a confusing optical illusion okay here we go starting off with this little Speed Racer roller coaster oh now that right there is confusing what the heck bro oh that's to your build and this is to mine let's get in there I don't even know what's happening right now I'm in what the heck All I'm gonna do for this is start with a simple white box set our roof to White concrete what's gonna be weird about it is I'm going to make it have infinite stairs now this is a famous illusion but I don't think I've ever seen in Minecraft I'm just gonna have a door there and then oh my gosh I'm so sick of these videos guys I guarantee he's over there building something that he has memorized before the video and he's just gonna absolutely wreck me again it's I mean what am I supposed to do guys I don't know how to think of things on the spot it's a portal helper I don't really know exactly if this even does anything so we're gonna find out here let's see okay and so now I definitely need to figure what okay guys here's what we're doing we're deleting our portal so that way we can clean up the portals I got a portal delete wand doing a little experimentation here now that we're getting this all cleaned up it's going to be all okay it's going to be A-Okay we have a chance to save this all right no plan today guys but I think we pulled together something pretty cool here so basically we're gonna bring lover fella over here and as you can see there's birch wood on both of the floors so that's what it looks like in here but as he walks through guys I am gonna change all of the slabs that are on this side to a different colored block with pink concrete so as you can see guys he's gonna walk through turn around and then the whole blocks are gonna change and then when he comes back to check this out we're gonna do slash slash replace with lime green concrete so as you can see guys this is going to be absolutely amazing these have to be the exact same size to work and then this should absolutely confuse the crap out of Isaac so now when I light this for flint and steel this should absolutely decimate Isaac's knowledge of what's happening and then all we have to do now now is go back through break the portals because those just help us create it and then it ends up looking like another room and then we have actually created a fully functional version of the creepy looking thing oh no time's up I'm gonna finish this it doesn't matter all right we'll go ahead then and start with Isaac's I'm gonna teleport to Isaac let's see Isaac's confusing optical illusion I am ready all right Zach why don't you walk over to the other side of this that's it yep turn around Zach whoa wait what has even just happened wait what hold on I'm confused what just happened was this not exactly this wasn't pink was it no Zach why don't you come over and look at the pink up close I'm so confused wait what it's green what Isaac what is happening what if I were to tell you Zach that these are actually just planks bro did you world edit that when I walked through maybe I did maybe I didn't Zack I don't know Applause because that actually confused me which was the goal I had no idea what was happening all right guys it's now time to test mine out either you can TP to me whenever you're ready all right I'm here there's really nothing too crazy about it all you got to do is just walk around and explore and uh check it out so go ahead the heck you built all this this is Magic yeah go check it out all right ain't no way what well I'm looking at myself dude these are like mirrors what even is this what are you doing down there dude why are you on the roof what dude I know that it's a mod and I still don't understand how this is working what is even going on here hold this maybe this will help you hurry okay oh gosh what just happened oh I'm about to throw up in real life did it solve it no what is it even doing all right guys time to vote on the first round I absolutely loved Isaacs it genuinely confused me and for that reason I'm actually gonna start him off strong with a diamond I'm giving you a gold because I have a headache I I can't even see right now all right unfair let's move on to round two coming up next is perspective all right I'm gonna use slash illusion and there is the first use of Slash illusion we gotta oh God oh God oh no oh no so guys I designed this so that now when you stand here and you look at the easel it looks like the easel's filled in but in reality the easel is like this a giant open canvas for you to paint something beautiful so I'm gonna go in here and create a confusing illusion in an illusion already to make Isaac even better confused this is about to get Illusion section alright guys we're gonna get a little ambitious this round and we're gonna try to build a giant replica of a Minecraft bed now oh my gosh I gotta stop switching to these stupid items loverfeli gave me I think we're just gonna use a wood texture to try to replicate the legs here all right let's look at our canvas really quick and see if we're looking like Bob Ross definitely love the way the grass looks it stands out way better when it's green so what I'm gonna do instead is come in with a world edit wand and simply replace this lime concrete powder and repeat the process about 10 times so guys bear with me while I go through and do this entire process multiple times all right we're gonna wait to do the grand reveal now that we've got this built up I want to actually go through and build a gray Mountain at the top this mountain is actually going to be three-dimensional because it's gonna have a white Peak on it a little bit of snow so that's going to be a little bit too tiny I think I want it to be as well yeah I want it to be a little bit bigger all right we are running out of time guys we are down to 200 seconds but I'm about to make some massive progress on the bed here we've just added the entire top red blanket to it and the only thing we need to do now is add the little white wool pillow and we are going to be absolutely set for this giant build let's go take a look at what our build looks like with just one minute remaining right now and see what this design is it is uh the Mountain's kind of mid to be honest with you I think the Mountain's really bad looking I don't know how to do it I'm trying to think I'm trying to think I can make it so I can't get that thing to look like it's an actual normal bed because we didn't detail out the roof and stuff enough this could be a colossal fail round I don't exactly know how we can fix this at this point so guys I actually added an immersive portal mod to the top of it so when Isaac looks at this and I'm doesn't see the painting but he also somehow sees the back of himself standing on this and I'm going to give him a very deep speech about how this painting is called you'll see it's going to be interesting let's start with mine this time um yeah sure why not welcome to my painting I call always watch your back this beautiful painting inspired by 17th century art allows you to see a future of yourself on top of a mountain I don't know what you just said but it is a pretty painting I do like it look at this when you stand on this Dot and you look above it your skin is above it do you see your skin the back of your skin oh my gosh this is so weird I don't even know what this is right here it allows it's the only painting that allows you to actually enter the painting as if you were part of the painting dude I feel like this would have been cooler if like I was like down there on the mountain but like I'm above the painting I'm not really in the painting you know what I mean I know because you're looking down at it as if you are the artist looking over your work okay I'm just confused get me out of here I'm done all right Zach you can TP to me now all right all right I'm here push all the way to the back all the way this way towards me like where I'm standing and then give me a second I want you to break the bed on the count of three are you ready okay I'm ready one two three oh it just didn't work because you teleported me to the corner of the grass you know I'm gonna be honest that I didn't I didn't know what to do here I built a giant bed and then I was like well it's not really an optical illusion is it it would have been good if you teleported me to like a different location but you put me right in the grass right at the edge literally at the corner and I saw the ground and it just ruined it round voting again Isaacs will be getting a I'll wait till you vote oh you already did bronze I hated it it was the worst thing I've ever seen okay well it's fair I guess it didn't work so sure all right round three guys things are gonna get even more intense this round it is home it's gonna be a very good looking Minecraft starter base a little double door gonna have a nice little wooden pillar right there and when you walk inside it's gonna be absolutely massive all right guys for this round we have to build an optical illusion related to home and you know what I feel like using one of the new blocks in the newest update so we are going to use this thing right here the decorated pot and we're basically gonna drop them in a mine cart so that he lands on the pot and then we're gonna teleport him into like a clay terracotta room that's going to be perfectly set up like an inside of the pot home so first of all we got to get the Little Minecart system set up this is going to be the easiest part of the build but we do have to get it set up very quickly this one's been confusing even for me to follow if you're with me now congratulations thank you there we go now we can break this now we can extend the house out now technically all I have to do is turn this into a Minecraft house that's very big or completely different and so by the power of world edit I think I could do that relatively quickly all right guys I am speed building the inside of this right now and it is actually looking pretty good we got a bedroom right now I'm creating the kitchen and soon enough guys we're going to be completely done with this build and we only have 100 seconds left so really we're just putting on the finishing details right now and I think it'd be really funny if I could still try the portal immersion where I can somehow link it to his base so I'm going to attempt that right now and I don't know if it's gonna work or not it's going to be tough I'm gonna try it though let's see what happens it doesn't work gotta get rid of it I'm gonna do something else it's gonna make him feel like he's actually at his base he's working on some sort of a pot we got 18 000 blocks copied we have 30 seconds to take this all the way back to our base paste it and then he is literally going to walk inside of a base that gets bigger he's also going to see his own base we're gonna start with Isaacs this time guys let's see what his build in store for us we have a uh where are we well Zach do you know what that little item is down there that is a is it oh it's a new Minecraft pot it is a magic Genie lamp yes why don't you go down there Zach and go down to it and give it a little rub okay I'm gonna rub the lamp on here we go oh my gosh Jack you wish for rain and it has been granted why don't you go ahead and swim up the waterfalls inspect with Isaac literally the phone okay let's go back up okay keep going keep going up going up wait what okay we'll keep going you are now inside of the genie lamp whoa I'm inside the genie lamp oh you jump in and then you get inside of it oh that's very creative this is the house of the genie attack you are now inside of the decorative pot wow inside the decorative pot by Isaac very very interesting I like it a lot uh I'm very excited to show you mine are you ready to see it okay I'm ready all right man all you got to do is go check out my house uh it was a house build so I just wanted to build a little something nice for you to check out what do you think it seems normal so far it kind of looks like a church in here I don't know if this is a house yeah it is actually a church actually you are crazy wait a minute I'm back at my place now that's what the genie can do Zach he's that powerful did you even see the size of the initial house you didn't even point out how small the initial house was look at this thing oh wow that is yeah I didn't even notice that but now I do it's back to the voting guys let's see what we can do here um Isaac was a little better than the last one I think so I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with a silk I'm gonna give you a silk too because you go to church and not a house these ratings are wrong round full command blocks what does that mean you must build an illusion utilizing command blocks all right so uh we use slash slash illusion to paste this right here and this is a incredible command block elevator this is what we made all right took us several days to pull this off there's an immense amount of commands in this bad boy I don't know any of it and Isaac doesn't know that I don't know just to be honest with you so guys this command block elevator is quite simple you're gonna open and close the door take a look at that and then as you walk inside you'll call the elevator and it actually feels like you're in an elevator that's moving even though you're not but it's going to be even better is I'm going to use the portals again to confuse Isaac to make him think he's actually in a different location than where he started okay guys he said this round had to be a command block round but he didn't say we actually had to use command blocks because I don't know any commands so what I'm doing is making a pattern out of the command blocks I realize that if you place the command block like straight down you get a circle otherwise you get this weird little triangle so we're going to make a little grid pattern with the command blocks I don't think this is what we were supposed to do this round but you know what I know zero commands and I would absolutely do nothing if I just had to put in demands it was just 140 seconds left I've been doing a lot of experimenting though and I learned how to use the portal wand which is quite interesting because when Isaac comes out of this I can actually create a portal directly in front of this it looks a little bit like this we can go and select the entire region and then all I have to do is make the portal for the second region what I'm gonna do is make that somewhere completely different as if he actually took an elevator up and it is going to take him I don't know just very high in the world all right guys we have 55 seconds to get this to work and now I basically want to get lover Phil in a Perpetual Loop of falling so we're gonna put him down a barrier little pathway right here so we can't actually see what's holding him in and every time he falls and hits his pressure plate I hope that it's going to teleport him back up he goes in he's gonna call the elevator he's gonna stand on the elevator for it to work and then when he turns around he's actually going to be high like it were all right buddy I'm ready Isaac welcome let me go ahead and close that door for you there again not even Minecraft right there what even was that oh that's my command blocks come on over and look at it dude you did not know how to do that you cheater you're gonna walk inside my elevator there's a button on the right just you're gonna see it just push the button and go right the elevator build this you did not build this I refuse to believe that you even knew what you're doing once you're done you can stop the elevator and hop on down dude there's a little like what is this little glitter I'm gonna go ahead and close that door real quick and open it back up and he should be on the new floor all right come on out buddy okay what is happening right now you did not know how to do any of that first of all I understand that this is just like an illusion here like this isn't actually moving yeah so you just copying and pasting this whole thing up here fly around it there's nothing there's literally nothing up here what are you talking about dude this is not a fair build battle ever nobody thinks this is fair what are you talking about bro you this is fair all right let's take a look at Isaacs oh he built it out of command blocks huh go uh-huh [Music] there's nothing else dude I'm gonna make you throw up today wow you have got to be sick right now Isaac must have been panicking when he made this bro World editing gave me nausea and made me fall forever dude how do you feel right now and look at the little patterns in the blocks right here if you didn't realize I alternated it'll make it a little X this is like when you give a toddler access to Minecraft blocks you're like good job all right all right guys time to vote let's go ahead and see what the Voting is here folks I'm gonna go ahead and pull out for Isaac's just for making me sick I gotta give him one I gotta give him you vote first go ahead three let's go first [Music] and with that guys somehow hi all right guys welcome to the tiebreaker rules are simple we each have five minutes to create the most confusing optical illusion possible winner walks away as the champion and you guys decide whose is better all right I'm making this nether portal thing right now I literally just restarted the entire server so I can pull this off here's what we're gonna do step one make another portal there there is all right folks that's what I'm talking about little did you know the portals that I made are already connected because of a magic mod that I used and so all I have to do now yeah all right that's not good I'm stuck here all right guys we have now made a giant sand Mound I don't know where we're going with this or how this is going to confuse anybody but this is what we built and it actually looks pretty sweet I feel like so let's go ahead and think about how we can confuse lover fellow with this build okay I got it I got it I got it here's what we're gonna do we're gonna delete everything else that's over here we don't need any of this crap right now we're keeping another portal we're getting rid of the portal mod we literally have almost no time left so I'm just going to cover this entire thing with dirt either it's gonna walk into this and it is literally going to take them straight into The Nether as the most confusing thing you could ever imagine so all I have to do now is cover this entire thing in make it look a little bit more natural and I think that we should confuse him enough and by the way just because I cheated doesn't mean I didn't win all right you know what I feel like we've lost today because I have completely run out of ideas I don't exactly know what to do at this point like I I've just kind of over it at this point like what am I supposed to do to compete we already know he's gonna cheat it's just so exhausting to try to figure out every round all right guys there's literally no plan this round I don't even know what I built so good luck to us all right Isaac let's start with mine all I did was something pretty simple just made you a couple doors go ahead and get in there okay we already know this is gonna be cheating yep it cheated again how on Earth does that even work what oh you didn't even break the nether portal behind you I can see where you came in here that's philosophy work right there that is sloppy happy work it's even an optical illusion like you just made a gate to hell yeah it's an obstacle illusion it's a door that opens up into the nether it's genius okay sure at least I'm not voting on this one the people are gonna know you cheated okay Zach why don't you just go ahead and get down here in the tadpole pool for me okay I need you to focus really hard right now okay what do you see in there I can't get there because there's tadpoles okay what do you see down there what's the item you see don't break anything type of legs really are you sure about that turtle egg really yeah Turtle leg really yeah Turtle Lake definitely I don't know I don't know keep looking at it Zach who are you see it now oh sniffery are you sure about that a dragon egg yeah it's an ever-changing egg dude it never stops changing you never know what it's gonna go to next oh my God how are you doing that are you invisible or something how are you doing that what do you think Zach of the it's the infinite egg in there how are you down there are you invisible getting it all right the egg is off now you must have just undone and redone a few commands you just did redo undo all right guys make sure you vote down below who won today's whichever comments get the most up votes is the winner of today's challenge if you guys enjoyed it click here to check out a time where I use slash scared of scare Isaac peace oh I do not like it though it actually makes me wanna it actually and it's making me feel so sick
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 47,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: wRG22rv2Rio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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