How Many Frogs Do You Have to Kiss to Find a Prince | Dr. Bill Winston

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers finding the right mate is where it starts call them out how many frogs do you have to guess to find the prince the Bible says any man that finds a wife finds a good thing and you cease favor of the Lord but this word fine doesn't mean go out kissing everybody the word funds Hebrew work having to do with one that appears now let's go back I'm going back to the garden I'm going back to the best of God you see I'm telling you see we have another two Kingdom way you don't have to kiss all these frog if you want to find somebody who kissed a lot of frogs look at Sullivan he said is all vanity what cuz he was shopping for a woman like you shopping for some clothes you'll end up with a suit that don't fit you don't need to kiss another man woman to find out if she's the one I asked you not to be condemned over anything that I said I'm talking about God's best I'm giving it to you so that we can know the truth finding the right mate is where it starts at because some people end up in divorce court because they never ever had the elements that were needed to get married in the first place all right just stay with me I'm talking about how many frogs do you have to kiss to find a prince going back to the best of God's a best of God let's go to Genesis chapter 24 look at verse 61 and Rebecca rose and her damsels and they rode upon the camel and followed the man and the servant took Rebecca and went his way Rebecca is the woman he's bringing for Isaac and Isaac came now the father was the one who decided it was time for Isaac and Isaac came from the way into the well la Jara FRA for he dwelt in the South Country and Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the even time and he lifted up his eyes and saw and behold the camels were coming and Rebecca lifted up her eyes and when she saw Isaac she lighted off the camel he jumped off for she had said into the servant what man is this that thou walketh in the field to meet us and the servant said it is my master therefore she took a veil and covered herself and the servant told Isaac all things that he had done now you know what happened uh he loved her married her and so forth okay no this reminds me of how I found my wife hold on the Bible says any man that finds a wife finds a good thing and receives what favor of the Lord but the word finds Hebrew word had to do with one that appears and I remember when I was in a word for computer company and I was actually going with this friend of mine and we're going to his office his fellow manager and I used to fly with him he's fly together all the time and just out of the corner of my eye I saw this woman and I went in his office and I said who is that you know pointing to her desk no why am I telling you this because this thing is not put together from the outside in finding a mate God's Way is put together from the inside out now I'd like you to see this because I really didn't see all her body she was sitting behind her desk doing some paperwork and I didn't have a chance to have a stand up look see what what we got no no I want you to see what I'm talking about because it's not about the physical first it's something deeper that God ignites now understand you got to be ready for him see you got to get the esteem together you got to know who you are you got to have this thing bitterness from all your relationships and relative get that's got to be gone I'm saying when God knows you're ready and you desire a good thing so I said and we are begin IP introduced me to her and then I the same thing because you know I am COO and I went and I went back and I remember I said boy I got a phone number and I said man I just can't I mean I could not get this woman off my mind I had never been like that and and so cause you know I knew a lot of people and listen so here we are see because if we kissing it leads to this here that there hmm you seem saying and my plenty is is how many frogs do you have to get none that's the answer not a one I mean you can be in the place where you say that lips that this leaf lips gonna kiss or it's gonna be my husband it's gonna be my wife you see I'm telling you see we have not at the kingdom way and so what happened this is kingdom working to me see and and and so here I am and and now we we gone out to dinner a few times so forth is on and I knew this was the one I just knew it and what happened we were somewhere and I just felt that hand I'd like to kiss her but then I told her I said baby I said Veronica wait a minute I got down on my knees it's a look don't let me mess up I pray I pray cuz I didn't want to mess up I wanted to please God more than I wanted that woman say Amen and I got down and pray and and I felt like something all right and I or something like that and I got up and so forth and we got married yep I knew that was the one that was it we didn't have to have sex to find out that's what happened with me you don't have to kiss all these frog say amen to that now if you want to find somebody who kissed a lot of frogs look at Solomon's he had a different woman if you could take a different woman every day for over three years that's why he had and he said it's all vanity thought cuz he was shopping for a woman like you shop for some clothes you don't do that you'll end up with a suit that don't fit you don't need to kiss another man or another woman to find out if she's the one ah yeah see y'all y'all I like it now okay let's go to another one now I'm what am i doing building your faith for Kingdom family see alright let's go to another one let's go to Genesis chapter 29 and in Genesis chapter 29 Jacob finds his woman Rachel all right now he didn't know this woman before this but God led him to this woman came into this now the reason why I'm giving you all of this is because God has the best for you and he didn't want you out there fumbling with a lot of people and end up in some situation are you following what I'm saying there's an order that he has that you can run your life in nobody said in Genesis chapter 29 and verse 18 and Jacob loved who Rachel and said I will serve thee seven years for Rachel by younger daughter now who is he talking to Laban now Labor's got two daughters okay and he tricked Jacob after Jacob had worked seven years and and gave him the the one with the bad feet now as he gave us good now I tricked him now look wait a minute wait a minute hear what I'm saying watch this watch this what happened he was willing to pay he's willing to go through some time to get this person and I think sometimes folk ain't willing to go through no time see just not moved emotionally but you got to make sure you're ready if the man is gonna marry make sure you study make sure your job is intact make sure little money in the bank come on make sure so far you got something going now this is new now but also labor required something and if you remember David came to the front line in First Samuel chapter 17 he says what am I going to get if I slay this giant and he said well you're gonna get tax in no taxes you're gonna get so forth and you'll get the king's daughter that the hand of the daughter in the king whatever each other now what's that because there's another place that one of the people callable whoever was had a daughter and he said whoever can do this you get the hand of my daughter T in other words he was qualifying who was representing all the kind of qualities that he would have marry his daughter I mean they pull up outside for your kid and they got all his loud boom boom boom and so forth you tell us sit down you ain't going away see ain't no respect no respect for the parents nothing like that I you follow what I'm saying I'm saying we have something to say about that because if I've got a dull I just want to turn them over to anybody same into that I care about my family you should care about that family no no you do you qualify come in here sit down let me talk to you if you splitting verbs now I'm not I'm not trying to beat up on anybody I'm saying I want quality and so do you for our children and I think we need to demand this so the young men can come on and move back into place where they need to move into and don't think they can come in there and rip our houses off of some of the products that we have brought up over time and season and got ready for good men now I hate to say it like that but that's the truth because we need to we need to take time and qualify this thing are you with me so I'm saying that in each case remember God puts us together from the inside and I think too many times people have been put together from the outside and as a result of that we come together but it wasn't ready yet it wasn't you felt what I'm saying and I remember in my case I mean I I fought that thing I I said if this is really God I'm getting a promotion to Minneapolis I'm out of here I change God's gonna put this together gonna have to be a miracle cuz I was I was fighting it boy I didn't want to get anything that was gonna take me away from my god and it just so happened to woman that he gave me she prayed that God would give her a man that studies the word more than she does now God wants you to have people and wants people have beauty and so forth like that and if that be the case remember I put it down here that arm the beauty is what God has given to draw people's attention to him in that wonderful man that's depth that powerful stuff now some people don't want to hear this Sika they just want to go back and do what they want to do now I'll have anything get you doing that but let me tell you something this thing was made well let's read this let's read this verse 15 drink water out of thine own sister and running waters of nine own well let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the streets let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth a cistern is a container a reservoir or vessel that has a top on it a lid and it usually holds water so he's saying here drink from your own cistern and running waters out of thine own well your cistern meaning men the woman represents the sister drink from the cistern of your wife pour take of that vessel and not go out to another one and this cistern has a top and the top on it comes off it's covered and it symbolizes what the seal is on a woman's sexual organ and I'm not gonna go deep now just just say hang on the cistern is covered a well is not and it's representing of a virgin and it has something called a hymen now I'm not I'm speaking about a body part say men in ancient mythology this famous deity the son of Bacchus and Venus supposed to preside over marriages it was called the mythology he was called Haman Oh hymen pardon now this hymen is a seal until its owner comes to uncover it and so what he does he has his own personal well so when a virgin opens herself ah and allows her husband to take the seal off then the water refreshes and replenishes him but when a woman indiscriminately let's men partake of her waters law Emerson and these waters will eventually become impure and somewhat eventually diseased and these soon the waters even leave the well and the well dries up so the water soon are gone from her why because only her husband was suppose to partake and replenish her well same into that now I'm saying this because all of this keeps purity in sexual pleasure every goldsmith knows that the pure the metal the stronger it is and the more pleasant it is to behold so marriage is supposed to be pure and it keeps us pure this behavior continues to allow marriages and pleasures of intimacy to endure they as a matter of fact they get better with old age now let let us sleep on it now think about it sexual promiscuity now remember an animal in the jungle has sex with another animal and notice they don't stay there they just go to some other animal but this is where humans differ same into that and I think that's where they got the expression you know hey don't not that kind of thing now I'm just telling what I think now I don't know now one more thing that sexual promiscuity is also interesting because this whole idea of exposure but exposure without marriage is dangerous the reason why it's violating spiritual laws now was this prostitutes have a lot of problems with depression and despair and sometimes suicide and the reason why is because you were never designed to expose yourself to someone who you didn't have covenant with and when it happens sometimes it opens the door to tormenting hittites spirits and so many of them have to be treated for drug addiction because the drug addiction comes in because they're trying to fight the depression so you have to be licensed to engage in intimacy to be covered so that no other spirits can come in so marriage is a covenant of death it's a death sentence to your will and by marrying the other person you are saying this I am giving my natural life and my soul to you and that as we engage in this thing called life and and marriage it is something that I open up myself to give to you all that I am and that's a picture of the marriage that God has in the Word of God well I trusted you were blessed by this exciting teaching now it's from kingdom families it's entitled how many frogs do you have to kiss to find a prince now here are some important points I'd like you to remember one finding a mate God's way is from the inside out not the outside in and it says whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord the word fine their means to appear it means she just appeared it's when Rebecca appeared to Isaac or when my wife Veronica just appeared to me she was sitting near and in behind a desk and I was coming down the hall just appeared and something happens so notice the connection is made from the inside out because it's a lot of people around oh I knew a lot of people but it's some connection and God has it that way because what God puts together let no man put asunder right is the Lord also the second point the exposure of sexual promiscuity is dangerous because it violates spiritual laws and it sets up things sometimes like soul ties and things that people it's hard to forget to people or get rid of the people or or break something off and so forth like that you see it's just not something just physical but it violated a spiritual law so our announce is going to give you some important information on how you can order this powerful teaching and I'll be right back finding the right mate is where it starts come out how many frogs do you have to guess to find the prince the Bible says any man that finds a wife finds a good thing and sees of the Lord but this word fine doesn't mean go out kissing everybody the word finds Hebrew work having to do with one that appears now let's go back I'm going back to the garden now I'm going back to the best of God you see I'm telling you see we had none into kingdom one you don't have to kiss all these frog if you want to find somebody who kissed a lot of frogs look at Solomon these head is all vanity God cuz he was shopping for a woman like you shop for some clothes you'll end up with a suit that don't fit you don't need to kiss another man or another woman to find out if she's the one I asked you not to be condemned over anything that I said I'm talking about God's bet I'm giving it to you so the we can know the truth love grow and live in God's best when you discover how to be complete and ready to find the right mate in pastor Winston's exciting teaching entitled how many frogs do you have to kiss to find a prince to order on CD or dvd simply write to bill Winston ministries he'll box 947 Oak Park Illinois six zero three zero three buy bank card at one eight hundred seven one one ninety three to seven or online at find your mate the kingdom Way and embrace love from the inside out when you order how many frogs do you have to kiss to find a prince today I'd like to invite you to one of the most powerful conferences that we have all year we're talking about how to put marketplace and faith together to make them work for the good it's our missions and marketplace conference right here at Living Word Christian Center March 25th through the 27th now our theme this year is Kingdom stewardship we have some of the most prominent speakers in the world they're going to be gathered here we're going to have workshops that are designed to help expand and increase your ministry or business topics such as branding leadership development financial management social media marketing and much much more register now at M MDOT or call us at 888 539 for you don't want to miss it I'll see you there the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 76,903
Rating: 4.935214 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Bill Winston, BWOF, Bill Winston Ministries
Id: P1lsGcYc8ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 20 2015
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