These Pokemon Shouldn’t be in Scarlet and Violet.

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pokemon scarlet and violet are coming out in less than seven months which means the time is ripe for players asking themselves the question what would make this the best pokemon game ever for me one of the great things about pokemon is that people value different things some players care about the designs of the new pokemon while others might be super passionate about how the trees look for me i care about how good the game is competitively i really liked sword and shield which as far as i can tell is a really unpopular opinion the reason this probably isn't surprising though is that generation 8 was one of the best generations for competitive pokemon so i've been thinking about generation 9 and what i personally would like the games to be like and i've also been thinking about what were some of the pain points of generation 8 and how to remedy them what i've come up with is a list of pokemon that in my opinion are not balanced in the slightest and don't have an easy fix when it comes to balancing i've specifically selected pokemon that invalidate a majority of other pokemon simply by existing in a format that might seem a little confusing so let's start with an example regialecki is a very bizarre pokemon it has almost no move coverage and on paper its stats aren't anything to write home about until you realize that it has the fastest speed stat in the game by over 40 points from the next legal pokemon on top of that its electric moves which are the vast majority of the moves it uses all get an innate fifty percent boost making it have effectively far stronger offensive stats than it appears on paper this means that reggie leckie actually has base 176 offensive stats on electric moves with a nature that doesn't boost its offenses and base 180 offensive stats if you're using a nature that boosts your offenses i know that specific numbers cannot mean much if you aren't as in the weeds as i am when it comes to pokemon so let's try and conceptualize the speed stat in easier to understand terms reggie leki is so fast that almost every pokemon can't out speed it while holding a choice scarf pokemon like venusaur who double their speed in the sun need to run absolute maximum speed investment including a speed boosting nature in order to outrun regia lucky even with sun present if you give regialeki a choice scarf or a speed boost somehow it will outrun pokemon like tapacoco crobat and mega gengar while their speed is doubled regia lucky isn't just faster than other pokemon it's so much faster that a lot of tools used for outspeeding fast and frail pokemon just straight up don't work because it still ends up faster maybe you don't feel totally convinced that it should be the poster child for pokemon cut from scarlet and violet well there's one final thing about reggia lucky that really seals the deal for what makes it so broken pokemon sword and shield change the way that the speed stat works in pokemon basically in every generation before sword and shield the speed order of the pokemon was set at the beginning of the turn so something like setting tailwind wouldn't suddenly make your partner faster in sword and shield however that was changed and speed was made to update mid-turn now if you switch in kyogre next to your ludicolo your ludicolo's swift swim activates immediately and applies to the current turn this is overall a good change in my opinion as it's more intuitive and allows for pokemon to more directly interact with the current board the issue is when you have a pokemon like reggie leckie reggia lucky has access to the move electroweb a relatively weak attack that hits both opponents and lowers their speed stat by one stage which as we just mentioned applies immediately this specific combination of speed high damage output and dynamic speed allows reggie lecky to single-handedly invalidate 90 of all pokemon ever created so many pokemon can't handle having their speed dropped taking damage and then being targeted by reggie alecki's partner pretty much any pokemon that used to hold the focus ash item such as gengar infernape nihilego the sharp can't do anything in front of reggio leckie this applies to nearly every fast pokemon in the game as even those that don't hold the focus dash typically invest most of their stats in speed and their offensive stat this is made even more ridiculous when you consider dynamaxx dynamax not only allows reggie leckie to double its bulk its primary weakness it also gives it access to the move's max strike and max airstream allowing it to gain a speed advantage even when the opponent protects even without dynamaxx electroweb allows reggie leckie to shut down so many pokemon simply by being present in a format which pokemon do you think should be cut from scarlet and violet let me know in the comments below also if you're enjoying the content or excited for scarlet and violet content i hope you'll consider subscribing currently only about three percent of my audience is subscribed and i'm working hard on every video to get that number up it would really mean a lot to me if you enjoy my content if you'd consider subscribing anyway back to the video reggie lucky is far from the most broken pokemon in generation 8 and i'm not saying it doesn't have counter play what i am saying is that many pokemon are made unviable due to reggia leckie's presence and i think that isn't healthy for the game as a whole just like reggie lucky the remaining pokemon on my list are all pokemon who are just too powerful whether at one specific thing like regialecki or just in general like zation zation is the single most powerful pokemon ever created and it isn't even close for some reason it has the highest base stat total in the game tied with arceus the thing is though that it actually has a higher base stat total than rcs in practice as arceus only ever uses one attacking stat at a time making the other stat worthless factoring in the effective base stat total aka removing the base out of the attack or special attack stat that the pokemon doesn't use station has 40 more stat points than the number 2 pokemon this becomes even more ridiculous when you remember that station's ability gives it an innate attack boost whenever it hits the field further boosting it even more what about its typing well if you've watched my video on the top 10 best types in the game you know that zach's typing is an incredible balance between defense and offense combining the single best defensive type in the game with the best overall type okay well what about its moves surely they didn't give this thing a super deep move pool right wrong not only does nation get a 100 base power physical steel type move that never misses and also does double damage to dynamaxx pokemon that's kind of a tongue twister they also gave it the best physical fairy attack in the game play rough ordinarily the good news would be that neither fairy or steel can hit opposing steel types for even neutral damage but they gave zation both sacred sword and close combat amazing tools for hitting steel type pokemon and popular fire types who would also resist both stabs like incineroar and heatran on top of that zation has access to moves like wild charge for pokemon like charizard and kyogre as well as phenomenal support moves like swords dance substitute and in prison zation is also nearly impossible to switch into for example let's take a look at jealousens i was building a team for a tournament and theorized that jealousy might be good it has water absorb making it good into kyogre it resists steel and is immune to fighting making it easier to switch in organization and it can run strength zap and willowisp to help against physical attackers like zation and groudon if you run max defense max hp and a defense boosting nature you can still get ko'd by zation using behemoth blade as you switch in and then play rough next turn i stopped looking at jealousen after this point jealousy is a good example here because it's known for being at least somewhat bulky think about all the pokemon less bulky than jealousynt or who can't afford to invest as much into their defenses or have a worse typing against station that's like nearly every pokemon in the game zation is probably the most centralizing pokemon in the format every pokemon needs to be mindful of how they interact with it i'm not against centralization or some pokemon being better than others in fact i think both those things contribute to pokemon being in a healthier spot i am against a pokemon being so much stronger than everything else that it isn't worth even considering a majority of the pokemon zeissian and reggie lucky have something in common they're both extremely fast i was talking to my friend aaron traylor who said something i agree with any pokemon faster than base 130 should have serious drawbacks that make it difficult to use i actually think ferramosa is a really well designed pokemon for this reason it's fast and strong but its bulk is so abysmal that even resisted hits can easily knock it out leading to clear counter play this is not the case for a lekki zation or shadow rider caloric's ghost is part of a trend of generation 8 pokemon that they only don't appear turbo broken because of how they interact with dynamics calorics is practically the second fastest pokemon in the game it's ghost and psychic typing that isn't phenomenal defensively but very solid offensively due to how strong ghost is calarex has three things that really make it unbalanced first the speed as we mentioned calorix is well over that 130 base speed threshold but it's too strong given how fast it is the next thing that really sets calorics apart is its ability as one is literally just two abilities combined a nerve which is a powerful ability that prevents the opponent from using berries and grim nay which gives calorics a special attack boost whenever it takes a ko this would be enough to make calorics unbalanced but there's more calorics shadow rider has a signature move called astral barrage this is a 120 base power move that hits both opponents and also never misses i think the easiest way of understanding how broken this move is is to compare it to groudon and kyogre poen's legendary pair were given a signature move as well with the release of omega ruby and alpha sapphire precipice blades and origin pulse are a 120 and 110 base power move of ground and water type respectively in order to ensure these moves weren't too strong game freak made them each only 85 accurate this makes these moves very risky to use everyone who has used groudon or kyogre has lost games because they missed their spread move at the wrong time it doesn't stop them from being usable but it does cause players to find ways to get around the lower accuracy and not click the attacks recklessly now compare that to calorix who not only is way faster than groudon and kyogre not only has a better offensive typing and ghost not only has perfect accuracy so it never misses but also becomes stronger after getting a ko to quote the tft community who balances this game i genuinely do not understand what they were thinking when designing this pokemon dynamax helps keep calorics in check because doubling your hp stat is a really good way to ensure calorics doesn't knock you out and get a boost but i fear that without dynamaxx calorics would be far too brutal it's also an especially bad pokemon to deal with because the better calorics is the more calorics is used and as calorics can one shot other calorics speed ties become very important which is just never a good space to be in speaking of pokemon that are only kept in check by dynamaxx let's talk about urshifu urshivu landed in a really good spot in generation 8. it was good in certain formats in certain teams but never felt necessary or overpowered just like calorics though the only reason ursufu didn't feel oppressive is because dynamaxx keeping pokemon alive for longer gave them better tools to weather its powerful attacks what is it that makes urshifu so problematic first it's ability unseen fist unseen fist allows urshifu to ignore protect and attack pokemon directly this is an extraordinarily powerful ability that promotes much more aggressive gameplay than we're used to seeing it's worth noting that max guard does still block irshifu's attacks another way that dynamaxx helps keep it in check the other quirky thing about both ursufu forms is that its signature move wicked blow and surging strikes always crits this means that effectively both moves are around 120 base power now that's extremely powerful for a single target attack but the real kicker has to deal with unique property of critical hits critical hits don't just let a pokemon do 50 more damage they also ignore things like attack drops defense boosts and reflect and light screen one of the best ways to slow down powerful physical attackers is the ability intimidate or the move reflect urjavu ignores both of these and does immense damage both irsufu also get access to good priority attacks in sucker punch and aquajet as well as the great stab move close combat i worry that in a format without dynamaxx persufu could easily be unbalanced and promote a hyper-offensive style of gameplay another pokemon that became broken after the isle of armor dlc expansion is actually a pokemon that was pretty mediocre for the early part of sword and shield grilla boom received two massive buffs in quick succession with its hidden ability being made available quickly followed by the new moves introduced in the isle of armor really boom's ability is very good but not inherently broken grassy surge creates five turns of grassy terrain having the damage of earthquake powering up grass-type attacks and healing all pokemon that touched the ground the issue is the new move they gave rilaboom grassy glide this is a 70 base power move that gets priority when grassy terrain is up in addition to the power boost priority moves are normally kept in check by one of two ways having an extremely low base power or being conditional like sucker punch grassy glide is neither and it's so strong that it can kao pokemon like kyogre and reggie alecky from full hp rillaboom is yet another pokemon that is kept in check by the extra hp dynamax provides but without it nearly any moderately bulky pokemon can be knocked out from middling hp from a bulky assaultfest rillaboom even with dynamaxx providing extra hp offering another way to overwrite terrain and letting players bolster their defenses or lower rillaboom's offenses rulaboom has been a phenomenal pokemon during generation 8. i think if it makes it into generation 9 there's a very good chance it causes some problems our next pokemon is one i'm a little on the fence about grim snarl is the last pokemon we'll talk about that was introduced in generation 8. it's a phenomenal support pokemon taking advantage of its ability prankster combined with its extremely deep supporting move pool and solid defensive typing to provide immense support for its team and disruption to its opponents it's an extremely strong pokemon and one of the premier support pokemon of generation 8 but it's in a spot where it's hard to say whether or not it's unbalanced a lot of the support grim snarl typically provides has to do with its priority reflect and light screen which have much more value thanks to how they make dynamex pokemon extraordinarily tanky it also offers speed control in the form of thunder wave or scary face but again this is normally paired with dynamex pokemon taking a surprise ko it's been such a dominant pokemon the last three years but it's so difficult to tell how much of that has to do with dynamaxx specifically if dynamaxx were confirmed to be in scarlet and violet i'd definitely say we'd be better off without grim snarl alright enough with the generation 8 pokemon now for the classics you already know who we're starting with do i even need to tell you incineroar who balances this game there was a point in generation 7 where incineroar was on over 75 percent of all teams at the world championships over 83 percent of all players on the final day used incineroar that's 65 out of 78 and do you know what they did going into generation 8 they gave incineroar a huge buff incineroar is arguably the best support pokemon of all time it has intimidated to weaken opposing physical attackers fake out which is one of the best support moves ever and amazing natural bulk and defensive typing on top of that it has an extremely valuable role as a pivot a pivot is a pokemon that allows you to switch into your other pokemon easier incineroar is relatively slow which is actually a strength in generation 7 it used the move u-turn to help bring its partner pokemon in safely however in generation 8 incineroar gained access to the move parting shot unlike u-turn which does a measly amount of damage parting shot lowers the target's attack and special attack stat and then allows the user to switch out it's also a sound type move so it can't be blocked by substitute i have no idea why they gave incineroar arguably the single best move it could have asked for when it was already too powerful but that's the world we live in insider almost always runs fake out parting shot and a physical stab move like flare blitz or throat chop but it also has other good moves that can run like taunt burning jealousy snarl and protect to make matters worse it has an incredible array of viable items it can hold safety goggles for a moongus and venusaur shookaberry for groudon and landorus citrusberry assaultfest and figgyberry for general strength weakness policy for surprise factor and a dynamax option the list goes on incineroar is wild because not only is it one of the single best pokemon in a general use case but it's also so flexible with items and its fourth move slot you can actually tailor it to help you with specific problematic match-ups and pokemon as well incineroar to me is kind of the rich get richer pokemon if your pokemon is already good incineroar will help keep them alive and get them into position making them even better and because incinerator isn't a pokemon whose primary goal is to do damage it's very difficult to make beating it the main strategy of a team in other words if a pokemon isn't already popular that's probably because it's weaker than the pokemon currently being used and incineroar by virtue of its ridiculous supporting options only makes that gap even wider speaking of pokemon i hate that were popular in generation 7 xerneas long time viewers of my channel know that xerneas is one of my least favorite pokemon ever xerneas has a signature move called geomency this move if you're holding the power herb item immediately doubles your special attack special defense and speed stats xerneas ability also acts as a built-in life orb for fairy attacks without the recoil further boosting its damage output in other words with just a single attack xerneas becomes extremely fast powerful and bulky and it also has the best type in the game with both moonblast as a powerful single target move and dazzling gleam to hit both opponents in the formats where it was legal in generations six and seven xerneas was the number one pokemon to beat people had to run multiple xernea specific texts on their team such as roar red card haze taunt etc though not the case during generation 8 xerneas at its peak is an even more centralizing pokemon than zation a single bad turn against xerneas can instantly lose you the game xerneas against zernius was also extremely susceptible to critical hits which made using xerneas even more frustrating i would love to never have xerneas in the game again and i think in many ways we just got lucky that xerneas was hurt more than helped by dynamaxx i have two more pokemon to talk to you about but not because they're too strong i just don't like them personally and think they're bad for the game first venusaur venusaur is a very stupid pokemon because people just run focus ash sleep powder hair with a sunsetter and hope they hit their 75 accurate sleep powder and that their opponent stays asleep it's uncompetitive uninteresting very luck based and does not do anything good for the overall health of the game it isn't the most broken pokemon and it does have counter play but i think it would be better for everyone if venusaur didn't make it into scarlet and violet our final pokemon is one that didn't even make it into sword and shield smeargle is one of the worst pokemon of all time by virtue of being able to learn every move in the game it's extremely annoying to play against and often has an annoying mix of supportive moves like wide guard and follow me and disruptive moves like fake out and spore to make matters worse it also has moody meaning if you don't remove it quickly it can sometimes get an annoying boost that makes your life very unpleasant smeargle is a fun goofy concept in theory but in practice it just isn't worth the headache and i'd love to leave it behind like the mistake it is and that's every pokemon i'd cut from scarlet and violet i'd love to know what you all think about this video so let me know in the comments below thank you for watching and i'll see you again soon
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 807,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, scarlet, violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon not in scarlet and violet, new pokemon game, new pokemon scarlet, new pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet violet legendary, new pokemon gameplay, scarlet violet, scarlet violet gameplay
Id: 8E_ZqmJveLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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