I Got to #1 In the World with Pokemon Markiplier Would Smash

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
youtube great markiplier posted a video detailing whether he would smash or pass every single pokemon while the masses were enthralled by mark's uh preferences i was more interested in something else how good are the pokemon markiplier wanted to smash and is it possible to get to rank 1 on the in-game ladder using a team made up of only smashable pokemon i should tell you up front that this challenge is basically impossible right now the format allows for two restricted pokemon powerful pokemon that dictate a lot of what your team can do the only restricted pokemon that mark fancied were lunala and mewtwo and mewtwo was so bad in testing that it didn't even make it onto the team anyway here's how i got to number one in the world with pokemon markiplier with smash i started off around rank 250 a far away from the top my first opponent had a trickroom team with calorics and zekrom but i had a few tricks up my sleeve i'm pretty sure the lunalis uh moon guy's beam ignores mimik's disguise ability i decided to lead off with choice band ursufu and my sole restricted pokemon lunala now if you haven't seen nursery food before you're probably thinking haha that's a funny bear this bear is anything but funny but we'll get to that later lunala can kind of just do whatever it wants here and go after that mimikyu unless i mean there's a chance that they're faster than it was like a double up but i don't think it's likely so we'll just go for moon guys beam here and i feel like ursula may as well go for wicked blow it's my strongest move i think the real problem is gonna be the zekrom though zekrom is really scary i feel like it's probably gonna dynamics here my opponent knows that mimikyu is in danger so they switch it out ah yeah that's a good switch yeah i don't do any damage this turn that was a good switch so the question is is this zeckerman gonna dynamex and if it does can my irsu hang on urshifu is like decently high physical defense but i mean zekrom is really strong and if it has like a life orb or something we might we might be in for a bad time let's see how much this does wait but there's no dynamics huh so this can do a ton of damage oh boy that's a neutral attack to a restricted pokemon it did like eighty percent oh nice dodge nice dodger shifu good job now ursula has two quirky things about it first as you just saw its signature move always crits also its moves ignore protect for some reason now both my opponents pokemon are in danger of being knocked out so i decided to go on the offensive yes they're gonna follow me here to i mean save their zekrom i don't disagree with the move but um it's not gonna save them here and even though indeed is known for being super bulky there's no way it survives the surgery who's just so powerful yeah i mean what are you supposed to do there you just get knocked out immediately like if their last pokemon is calorics which it probably is then there was nothing they could do in that position or she would just always um uh ko there and oh my god or she going to hang on from this oh that was a crit your wing beat is so bad the wingman's actually so bad nice job shifu dodges and then survives yeah that's a super effective move from restricted pokemon and my irish view is nothing in bulk ganoli uses meteor beam a powerful two-turn rock move that boosted special attack but thanks to its power herb item it can be used immediately let's go for a meteor beam here hopefully pick up the ko i mean of course it's like okay oh this is super strong yeah that comes down and now we're up four to two our opponent reveals their last two pokemon it's all gonna come down to the horse the thing is that i'm not quite out of the woods yet because they have a couple of like kind of more like maybe they have like allies which mimic you or like glacial lance is really strong like what are they shadow sneaking glacial lands or they have cobra berry or something like there's a couple ways this can go wrong but our opponent dynamaxes but our urshibu does huge damage thanks to the choice band unfortunately oh god it's weakness policy lunala moves next and ignores mimikyu's disguise taking it out thanks to the special attack boost we set up for the turn before luna takes a max hailstorm narrowly and we win the game without losing a pokemon or even needing to dynamax a strong start i played a bit more and made it to just outside the top 100. in order to make it into the top 100 i'd need to defeat a nightmare matchup zapdos snarl ah okay they have zapdos and grim snarl and among us i think it's kind of doomed i don't think i can win this you see zapdos is able to hit my feramosa urshifu primarina and mandibus for super effective damage and even ditto depending on what i transform into to make matters worse grim snarl excels at keeping zapdos alive thankfully there's no guarantee my opponent will bring both of them so maybe i shouldn't be so worried it's so doomed it is so unbelievably doomed i decided to go for damage on the grim snarl and trick room with lunala hoping my opponent goes for max airstream pretty sure this is a light screen max airstream into the ferramosa slot oh no they didn't dynamax zapdos decides not to dynamax and grimsner sets up a light screen this is more or less the worst case scenario however dodge yes okay okay it could be worse could be worse could be worse careers that's life form damage you got a little damage down all right and i get trick room up which i mean uh could be worse it's probably not the best time for trickery but i've seen worse times as well with trigger them up grim soil is now the fastest thing on the field and my feramosa is in a really awkward spot i'm worried ferramosa will get taken out so i protect it and try to do some damage to the zapdos with meteor beam oh no oh no oh that went so badly no no no no no no no no i'm worried my pharamosa will be taken out by spirit break and heatwave so i decided to use wide guard with vanalla the only problem with this plan is oh my god it's so doomed i feel like i'm getting every single turn wrong whoops luna's wide guard does nothing as my opponent uses both their pokemon to take out my lunala well there goes my restricted pokemon this is probably doomed beramosa finishes off grimsnar all but the situation is looking bleak my opponent sends out urshifu as i send out primarina i'm worried about taking too much damage so i decide to dynamax and max guard with primarina i'm pretty sure that the ursula wants to protect here oh no oh no they read it oh no they're gonna double fairmosa oh no oh i didn't even consider them i don't know why they'd make such a hard read i really didn't think they'd make such a hard read here um oh okay okay we're fine i mean it's not ideal but we're okay because now we bring our shiva down to focus which is um another they could be choice band so if we take it out okay okay well with pheromones at one hp and tricker mending i expect ursula will sucker punch my long bug to finish it off so i try to go for speed swap to make sucker punch fail my opponent has other plans and sucker punches primarina before primarina finishes it off and sets the rain up surprisingly zapdos targets down my feramosa before i can use speed swap leaving us each with our final two pokemon my opponent sends out station the strongest pokemon in the game and i'm forced to send my last pokemon out ditto now you might think the situation looks pretty bad but there's a secret you might not know about ditto always copies the pokemon across from it in this case since ditto is sent out across from zation it will turn intimization due to its ability what's really neat though is how transform actually works when ditto transforms into a pokemon it copies that pokemon's typing and moves but it also copies changes to its stats if ditto switches into a gartron that use swords dance it will also have the sword's dance boost makes sense so far well zation's ability gives it an attack boost when it is sent out and because abilities activate based on who is faster ditto copies asian after it's already gotten its attack boost this isn't anything too out of the box on its own until you remember that ditto transforming activates any abilities that happen when a pokemon is sent out again meaning ditto gets two attack boosts instead of one now zation with one attack boost can't normally ko otherization but what about after two my opponent protects with both pokemon to stall the last turn of my dynomax but primarina still does huge damage through protect it all comes down to if ditto can finish off station now thanks to the choice scarf my ditto always moves first so it's all up to how much damage i do please please please please i've seen i've seen opposing station survive this please please please please please please okay ditto finishes authorization even moving before their speed boosted zapdos and primarina seals up the game with moon blast i mean i i'm actually kind of in disbelief we won that that was looking pretty doomed but i mean we'll take it let's go ditto that game was pretty hairy you know what else is hairy me this video is brought to you by manscape.com the global brand for men's grooming and hygiene products i started growing facial hair over 10 years ago and i've used a bunch of razors since then and manscape clearly stands out above the rest manscaped hooked me up with a bunch of stuff from their ultra premium collection and i was especially impressed by their brand new collection of products designed to make winter less brutal on your skin and hair i personally like the ultra premium hydrating body spray to make sure my skin is nice and moisturized go to manscape.com today and get 20 off and free international shipping plus two free gifts when you use promo code wolfyvgc at checkout manscaped always use the right tools for the job after a grueling climb i made it to the top 10. rank 1 was within my sight but i still had a long way to go my next obstacle would be an opponent featuring a team with kieran white and zation two restricted pokemon with absurd damage output i'm pretty sure kiram just one shot to my whole team to make matters worse my opponent had a suicune a pokemon that could provide really annoying utility and was very difficult to remove the battle starts and i lead off with feramosa and lunala against my opponent suicune and kirim okay i mean yes we can cure them it's a good lead from them i decide to make a hard read that my opponent wants to use tailwind and preemptively set up my trick room with lunala to cancel it out okay a protect that that could be okay if they don't tell when it's pretty bad like if i eat scald here and get burned i'd probably just well maybe not to lose but okay okay so they do decide to set up tailwind here i don't blame them when you leave the theramosa most people aren't going to expect you to go for trigram turn one but uh yeah no damage is dealt but the turn goes in my favor now the cure is totally exposed i decide to double into it gorilla boom switches in and promptly gets knocked out but suicune decides to put a damper on lunala's fun with snarl oh that's not good oh that's really lucky that's actually that's actually a pretty major deal to be honest gunala dodging there is huge as it keeps my special attack up and doesn't break lunala's shadow shield we aren't out of the woods yet though as my opponent sends back in there kiram now at this point i'm thinking to myself this kirum has protected once and then switched out do i really think they're going to leave it exposed here or do i think it's more likely they go for protect and snarl again i decide to hard read my opponent and reveal another of lunala's supporting moves in wide guard as i switch to primarina hirum however dynamaxes oh okay that is not good that is actually really bad um if they hard read this and go for like scald plus max wormwind i probably am just straight up dead question is who are they targeting down here i really didn't think they'd attack here but oh never mind that's actually the best case scenario never mind uh assuming they snarl here if they scald i mean like the thing is if they're not snorling they're not doing anything that's that threatening okay it is just snarl just like a few turns ago we're again in a situation where the kirum is a sitting duck it's time to dynomax linala do they go for the double max guard because i think that's their best move in this instance since they know that they're vulnerable and if they get the double and snarl me then all of a sudden this whole game turns on its head i think okay they don't go for it that's really good how much is this going to do it's a lot of damage that's a criminal is actually really strong i don't think there's any world in which they can survive this is plus one max rock ball keep in mind so it's a really yeah really powerful move kiram goes down so we're in a really nice position here um we solve a turn left of trick room and suicune is i mean this weekend's a problem but um we'll have to see the snarls here because it doesn't snarl then it's kind of vulnerable to a certain extent i think okay they just called so uh the setting the same didn't matter oh yeah suddenly it didn't matter so with kiram down our opponents down to their last two pokemon i switched primarina into feramosa intending to set up for the next turn when trickroom goes down so this should be fine we should definitely knock out station through this i think with the special attack boost oh oh that's a fair bit of chip damage oh you survived why now to some of you this might look like a winning position still after all my opponent only has two pokemon left and one of them is very low the truth is i'm about to lose this game zation can protect while suicune tail wins and then primarina gets knocked out by zation while suicune knocks out my feramosa with skull with only ditto left and no speed control i'll lose with certainty normally how you get around this is to double into the sweet goon but sweeken is so bulky that my pokemon can't ko it except they do they do protect which is super nice i really need to do enough damage okay do they have citrus barrier it's probably moon loss is really strong it's going to be close here oh no citrus berry hold on i think moon blast i think moon lost kills from here it's a really powerful move that's a really really really powerful move come on come on come on come on okay all right so what happened didn't i just say that i shouldn't be able to knock out suicune well lunala left us one last gift before being knocked out even though it didn't chaotization lunala dropped suicune's defense with max phantasm allowing feramosa to do way more damage with onlyzation left my opponent knows they can no longer win and forfeits the match after that game i know what you're thinking how could anyone watch this channel and not be subscribed well believe it or not only about five percent of my viewers are subscribed if you're enjoying the content and want to see more high level battles i hope you'll consider supporting me and the channel i was top 5 after my win and feeling confident my next opponent however had a team that didn't resemble anything i'd tested against oh what is this reshiram and lunala were the restricteds with a supporting cast of unusual pokemon i think it's okay the only real thing is that i don't have a dynamics pokemon outside of lunala so it's just going to make my options kind of limited in that regard but other than that it should be okay i think i thought my opponent might want to go for trick room but as the battle starts i doubt myself my opponent leads off with tapulele and lunala oh man okay so i mean this lead is volatile oh they're shiny i think what's most likely here is that it is choice scarf tapalee but dazzlingly now i'm in an awkward spot because my luna is probably slower than my opponents and it's also the only good dynamax pokemon i have on my team fearing a scarf dazzling gleam and moon guys beam i decide to dynamax my lunala and speed swap so if they if they just are counting on them being faster than me then they would be in really big trouble here really really alice how am i supposed to cover for that all right it's pretty doomed it's actually pretty doomed ally switch is really bad and to make matters worse the opposing tapulele has a focus dash thankfully i should definitely survive my opponent's spinala because i dynamic okay it's the end of the world uh i lose i don't think i can win this this is so doomed with trickermup my dynomax activated my lunala speed swapped and my back pokemon fast this game is as good as over i decide to hope that the tapillae is fast thinking maybe pheramosa can move before it thanks to the speed swap if it's like neutral speed layer then my thermos will be slower but no yeah of course not only not only is the laylace slower than my lele or my lunala or my whatever it's called oh wait hold on oh wrong dodge oh thermostat it's actually that's actually an enormous dodge so okay shadow ball slow alice which literally is not good obviously but double missing heat wave there is a major deal but yeah this should ko i think okay that that was a huge swing my opponent sends out reshiram and rotom and i'm feeling pretty good because luna should be able to stick around for its final turn of dynamax my opponent dynamax is resharam but i'm not too worried because lunala is so bulky why does everything on this team have a ghost why how why is my luna been hit by two ghost moves and neither of them were from their lunala and their luna hit me the only fire move that's been shown this game is not from restroom it's from lunala theramosa not only dodged the heatwave and then goes on to dodge a willowism and because i speed swapped turn one faramosa got an attack boost from ko and tapulele rather than the speed boost it would normally get this very specific set of circumstances lets it one shot rotom with close combat something it normally can't do this feramosa ate its cheerios this morning this is insane it's reshram against my final three pokemon now reshram tries to ko my feramosa but because my extendo bug was so hard to hit it's still holding its focus ash mandibuzz misses a toxic but how much is this going to do okay that's absurd that is actually that is absurd damage pharamosa finally goes down but the damage has been done and with trickery expiring there's nothing stopping irshifu from coming in and finishing off resharam pop very nice okay we got so lucky that we actually got so lucky this game after another few wins i'd made it all the way to rank two one more win might be enough to finally let me reach rank one my opponent had a reign team with zation i'm worried about a possible kyogre and seismitoad lead with max airstream and waterspout blowing through my team so i decided to lead with urshifu and lunala so i can trick room and sucker punch all right unload the toad unclog the frog and getting the sucker punch to the kyogre here is really nice how much is this gonna do that is honestly more than i expected choice benefit is really good but they're actually choice scarf kyogre and instead of going for a water move they go for thunder here okay i mean i'm not complaining about that i'm definitely not complaining about that in the airstream is that almost enjoy view that went so well that actually went so well with trickermup the momentum has swung heavily in my favor i send out pre-marina and decide to dynamax full health primarina in the rain just demolitization how much is this going to do i think that against not assaultfest it probably should ko but if it's bulky assault fest all right that's 100 assault but it's actually way less than i expected i'm honestly not sure if even going for the meteor beam was smart because it's a 10 chance to just immediately lose the game because they thunder my premarina at that point like the special attack boost is nice but mungo's beam probably would have k out as well and mungo's beam would have been close i'm actually not positive so max overgrowth comes out that's fine um grassy terrain being up is actually okay for me how much does primary gonna take from this a fair bit to be honest my opponent sends out ditto this isn't cause for alarm just yet though as most ditto hold the choice scarf item and my lunala has a special attack boost through marina finishes off seismitoad but oh no you've got you really not only is it not choice scarf but it also wins the speed tie i really was not expecting that and things only get worse we each send out our final pokemon zation on my opponent's side ditto on mine ditto can't copy opposing transformed pokemon so my imposter fails and i'm stuck with naked ditto good god i decided to target downstation with my premarina i think that's actually bad for me if you can believe it i wanted to cover station protecting so i targeted it with transform but since i knocked it out transform redirected into ditto who i can't copy the only pokemon left that i can transform into is primarina now come on primarina you're so strong this is rain this is life orb it's low base hp ditto it's not enough oh no oh no oh i messed up big time i should have transformed the debris marina oh no oh no oh no no i tried to transform to pre marina but there's no premium transform into and i stuck with naked ditto in the end game oh my god with only naked ditto left i can't do any damage and their ditto takes mine out with a meteor beam earning me a crushing defeat i was devastated to come so close and not make it but i knew i couldn't give up after two more wins i was back to where i'd been before rank two one more shot to make it number one in the world i'd been hoping for a good match up but my hopes were dashed at team preview my opponent had both polka and amungus as well as zaishan my team is unbelievably weak to among mungus and the only pokemon i have that can handle palkia is primarina who is totally invalidated by amungus this isn't pretty but i i think it's my only chance at winning this legitimately my opponent leads off with shocker amungus and palkia i'm thinking that this might just be spore plus trichome in which case like if they want trigger to go up then what i can do is i can actually switch ditto in and copy among us and if that happens then i at least can match the spore next turn ditto does copy their amungus but something unexpected happens next they actually switched out though who is this wait what's bringing in here oh wait didn't i meteor being this thought oh i think they expected max mindstorm because lunala's psychic type like i i don't run psychic moves on luna but my opponent doesn't know that oh that is not ideal if this had been trick room we would have been in an amazing spot ah i actually think there's a chance that ditto gets one shot by max dragon here by the way because my hp is so low and moving this is best hp is your best status hp stat so we'll have to see here the question is who's faster between the nala and polkia pocky okay worm wind oh god if ditto goes down here i'm in a really bad shape okay it goes into lunala that's okay it's actually okay it might like honestly even if ditto goes down i would have had plus one max like luna who i could have max which would have been all right i think if i miss meteor beam here we are in really bad shape but if i connect i actually if i if i recall correctly i have a chance to ko here right i'm actually might even be a good chance depending on how they're trained however now is the moment of truth do i connect it if i connect to iko like going up a pokemon on the first turn is okay i connect if i can pick up this ko is gonna make my life so much easier okay that's really really really fortunate honestly like given how bad the leads were this went went really well i think that honestly went way better than expected but our opponent sends out a moongus once again and we're in the same spot that we were turn one wait wait wait wait wait ditto's ability is imposter and a mungus is among us ditto transformed into a mungus is literally imposter among us it's literally i literally have a posture among us wait that's so funny okay here i'm pretty sure they want to max dragon into ditto and spore into my luna so what i'm going to do is i'm going to ma i'm going to moon guys beam into their mungus and i'm going to switch into premarina because what this does is it it's immune to dragon moves so if they go for max dragon into my ditto oh they actually rage powder if they max dragon into primarina i'm actually in such good shape oh okay okay it's not good it's not the end of the world though it's pretty bad actually but it could be worse i mean i think i see what i have to do so what i'm going to do here i'm going to set up i'm going to play this kind of complicated i think i go into ditto i transform into polka now because i'm on the right side rather than the left side um the opponent can't ko my primarina and they can't kill my pocky and they really don't want polky running around so we know their pokey is going to go for max wormwind into my premarina because my dude was choice garb i'd move first so what i can do here is i can go for spatial run into a mungus max geyser into a mungus because i'm gonna need the rain up for next turn and pray that akos and count on them k owing my ditto uh this turn and what that allows me to do then is that we i'll give up ditto palkia iko there are mungus hopefully i i want a starfield to prevent war here but i won't chaos i need to go for geyser um and then azation switches in and then i have primarina next to ferramosa and i go i can go for my final gambit here's my dynomax this is their last turn of dynamics as well which is nice i think i've done a pretty good job of stalling it out i don't know how their pocky is trained so does spatial rend and max geyser do enough to opposing among us that ko's because if we don't ko here and they just sport even if we don't ko and they don't support it's it gets really messy really quickly they don't protect which is good protect would have been awful i wouldn't expect it to protect here to be honest because they were you know vulnerable to my pocket and my premarina so we're going over spatial we connect that's the that's some of the rng that we can avoid this turn if we miss space jordan is just doomed how much is it going to do we need to do like 60 oh i think i'm i think i'm in really bad shape i think i am in really bad shape ditto goes down this is part of the plan oh man just premiering it i mean it's a really powerful move it's stab boosted it's rain boosted doesn't do enough here come on premarina i don't think it does enough 60 especially only like 40. wait i can win i can win i can win i can win i can win that was a huge ko i mean i'm assuming it's station i actually haven't gotten confirmation okay another station i just assumed i mean it makes sense that a musician it's two versus two but i have one final trick left up my sleeve normally zeissian would not speed and ko my premarina but even though house beats premarina it doesn't have to be ferramosa and by speed swapping primarina i give pre-marina pharaoh as a speed stat allowing it to move before is asian max geyser comes out there's no way it lives this and that's that's a one hit ko and and now i don't think polka can be primarina it shouldn't be able to do anything here hydro pump okay it connects but i it doesn't matter i don't need uh fairmos anymore i think i've done it wait hold on focus activates very nice we know they're items so they can't even quickly powder us this is guaranteed game there's no way they can win this and they forfeit wait hold on is that enough i think that might be enough we were ranked two wait did we do it do we just do it there's no way right i feel like this has got to be some kind of cruel joke come on come on come on come on come on come on please please oh it's not gonna do it oh that's taking so long huh oh my god we did it i'm in disbelief i literally can't believe that i did i legitimately didn't think that this one was possible and that's how i got to number one in the world using only pokemon markiplier would smash i win i had a lot of fun with this challenge so i hope you enjoyed watching if there are any other goofy challenges you'd like me to try let me know in the comments thanks for watching and please remember to either subscribe or stay hydrated
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 670,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, markiplier, markiplier smash or pass, smash or pass, rank 1, markiplier pokemon, pokemon markiplier, markiplier plays pokemon, smash or pass markiplier, smash or pass pokemon, pokemon smash or pass, markiplier wolfey, wolfey markiplier
Id: lt-sAQ7HpFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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