Top Indian Grandmaster Invents a Counter-Gambit to my Stafford Gambit

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okay okay guys we are continuing the star food okay take a color what okay brilliant i'm gonna do this sometime oh cause you're you're guaranteed to be white if i'm playing a staff right now okay yeah okay good luck yes let's go oh yeah okay yes oh okay yes let's go stafford again at this time i feel like you you've actually studied this opening i'm like well we'll see what happens yeah yeah it's cool i just know what bird traps i should not fall into yeah let's be greedy i think vidit would be very proud of moving on to your con ah okay let's see we are already yeah i think this is okay okay okay all good live streams yeah you're playing safe yeah but because like the object of the game is to demoralize eric before it's next game like after this game you should be thinking wait i don't want oh no my gambit i don't want the secrets to be out there how to demolish me eric should be like oh no my gambit is just gone i think eric's already there all it takes is one bad game don't say that too soon no the thing about trash talk is people are like oh what if i do the trash talk and then then i don't win i'm like i don't care about that i'll do the trash talk as long as you trash talk on your own time i'm completely happy but yeah eddie is this amazing grandmaster who is also awesome with content okay now ah it's time to show eric's french what it takes to be a beast what it takes to wow so you're gambling back yeah yeah that's kind of reckless yeah but this is how we roll like a bowling ball yeah it's jokes you can never guess what's coming yes oh no my pawn i kind of want to take it yeah everyone is greedy nowadays greedy everyone is that greedy i kind of don't want to take it okay i am getting distracted distracted by what nothing just breathtaking okay now he is toast guys he's completely toast he will not have any hope left in life i'm a pawn i'm up i look for it official threat is better than execution that's true but winning is better than losing okay now what's happening yeah it's very pretty yeah it's okay you mean the breathtaking view of the staff at cambridge everything okay now what do we do i wouldn't have done that i've taken the group really god it just cute down i didn't want to double all my pawns they just keep developing this is great life okay now his king is permanently going to be on here but eric is playing uh no castling chess he's supposed to play that it's not like he has a choice what's castle eric a castle is like oh i can't demonstrate legally unfortunately i would love to show you does that even exist you'll have to use your imagination uh oh this this is i can show you what's not castling that is what you're showing your every game okay now i'm just trying some oh i think this game is going to be a masterpiece i'm already scared but hopefully it's a masterpiece in my favor and eric you know who what your mistake was starting the game yeah choosing me as your operand oh okay well inviting you to come over with us okay this was yeah i guess still it's fun just let's demoralize eric your bishops are preventing all of mine my writings don't want to do in life no hope i can already imagine the title of the video getting killed by the indian bishops it's not comfortable just now you realize that i'm realizing it more and more i just want to trade with you oh this is not a bad idea thank you but it's not good enough okay what do we do so many ways to continue okay let's just keep the pieces i am coming for you eric okay now it's gonna be so much fun yeah let's be greedy oh eric oh no oh no oh no yeah it's really hard no okay should i play for audience of course okay always always go for the show the show must go on this is what actually maria told me before the game i think that was the even the strongest moves that's oh yes now guys it's time for picking the brilliancy okay i don't know why but okay it's fine still we are winning better late than never what do i even do here yeah it's so difficult oh my god i can't oh yes let's just push no it's not bad until it is bad oh yes i think i know what to do yeah okay what is this so many days to win take your time yes let's let's do this oh finally you found the right moment today yeah okay i think i'm completely missing keep it going keep it going now what are we doing okay fine i'll just take this pawn there's no need to do this off okay let's bring the rope where he cannot attack okay oh okay fine i have to show something i cannot believe it came to this oh now you're being greedy wait it is very similar to my game okay y'all okay let's just okay let's see if he wants don't hurt me don't hurt me okay great oh my god it's actually losing i'm waiting oh yeah someone to protect you or to weaken your opening it's such a sweet analogy being this has gone so bad so eric do you want to continue of course okay how did i not win this yeah this video has gone on for so long we have to do some multiple mini clips okay guys this is the price you pay for blundering for being coffee yes it was growing quite well i don't know that it yeah okay yes okay yeah yeah the show must go on i like knight but it was a fun game night decent yeah and then before you took planet f2 oh 97 yeah it's probably losing but it looked fun yeah because no actually after that i didn't see a clear win actually it was funny i really thought i'm just kidding no i thought i was a porno when i played queenie actually yeah oh yeah it was funny okay yes at least i tied that's great um be sure to check out aliban bhaskaran on youtube i'll link his instagram his whatever what else do you mind start with twitter yeah all the links in the description um we had special guest commentary from srinath if you want to show your face real quick thank you guys yeah and then jesus okay and stay tuned for more comments
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 893,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, International Master, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, rapid chess, chess 2021, adhiban chess, adhiban baskaran, india chess, grandmaster, stafford gambit, IRL Chess, OTB Chess, Sochi Russia, World Cup Chess, chess hustling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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