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well hey guys welcome back to another episode i am here with the one and only bree diving on instagram uh she is uh my free diving buddy out here and actually the first person that i ever went diving with uh in california so we're just going out now we're gonna punch that way uh it's actually a lot a lot colder than me it's so cold anticipated so uh we'll see maybe we'll get in the water maybe we won't we've got wetsuits on oh we're gonna go in the water yeah i think so uh it's 57 degrees in the water right now we'll see i mean i'm good with the cold you're the one that's normally scared of going in cold water but anyway the plan is to go check out some of our dive spots down in laguna which normally we access from the beach but now that we have the sea doo we are gonna jump in from the water i went and got an anchor rope last night i have an anchor i got all the proper boatsman things so yeah that's the plan um stay tuned though because it's pretty gross and cold so maybe we'll just ride around and yeah just have a good time but when the sun comes out yeah would be nice so uh yeah let's head south see what it looks like oh do we want to say hi to the seals hi seals this is 20 feet right here see i can see a shadow so this house here on the corner that i believe from what i've told is owned by mr gucci or mrs gucci whoever yeah whoever owns gucci lives in that house right there yeah so and it's funny because when you look at it from the road when you drive up here it looks like the house is by itself it just looks like it's out on the rock by itself and then when you see it from this angle there's like tons of other houses i think that one's cool the one with the oh yeah looks like something from thunderbirds this is the beauty of having the fish finder is that it means that we can kind of like cruise in nice and slow taking a take a look at this you see all these little fishy swimming around so we're in 44 feet water lots of fishes so like i was saying in the first video if you've seen that this is made for people that want to go fishing but it's also perfect for people that want to go freediving because we can see exactly where the fish are exactly how deep it is so the first time i came south i was like ripping and then all of a sudden i see like all of these little floats all these little boys or buoys as you guys call them and um yeah they apparently they're lobster pots so they go all the way down um 112 feet there's some fishes right there but yeah it's like um literally a minefield of these things so you have to be super careful riding through that you don't end up running them over or getting tangled up in them so this is crescent bay this is the first place that we're going to check out so we are oh okay we're 26 feet deep now we were 17 but that must have just been that big old kelp frond um but yeah there's kelp right here um so we normally access it from the beach and we come out and we kind of swim in this area but um we can maybe drop the pick here and jump in and see what it looks like uh it looks pretty pretty cold um not really there's like a couple yeah so there's definitely kelp below us because it's like keeps telling me different depths it's like 20 feet 35 feet oh so brie is moving to colorado tomorrow so this is our last opportunity to go diving so i was like let's go down the city let's go and do it and then yeah got up at five this morning it was cold overcast still calling up but we're here and that's all that counts alrighty so i have an anchor i'm not afraid to use it last night i learned how to tie a bowline knot which is this one that apparently is good and is going to keep this anchor in place i hope because if it doesn't then it means that we're going to go float somewhere else i've never done this before so let's hope for the best and don't let it get my feet oh no oh what the how has that done that this is ridiculous free why is this like this do you want me to try it no i've got it i'm the captain of this sea doo okay oh we got it oh jesus oh that's it it's in the bottom okay so how do we know that it's like doing its thing so what i'm gonna need you to do is get your wetsuit on and then just drop down make sure the pick is in the sand properly and then i'll hop in and we'll go over there okay i mean it's a beautiful day here in southern california you guys you guys can see why i moved halfway across the world to live here for this gorgeousness you are now on my mask and so the audio might be a little bit crappy to the people on the um uh so yeah we're here and uh we're about 25 feet i've dropped the anchor but i want to go down and check it just to make sure because it's the first time i've done it so i want to make sure it's okay seems like it is the line's pretty straight going down there but we'll go swim down and just make sure that we're uh where we need to be and then yeah go and see if there's any fishes around is that a baby lobster it just came up off the road here climb on this i think it's a baby lobster look is that a baby lobster i think so i'm gonna hang off the idea hey buddy there he goes it's chilly [Music] [Music] [Music] seagrass is the bane of my life not when it's in your intake so it's not too bad i think it'll be uh probably better once we get in but like i can't see [Laughter] okay all right stay there don't go anywhere be a sea doo not a sea don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that little dive spot was pretty cool um visibility once you got down was all right i did find treasure but then i came up freed up and couldn't find it again but it was it was glasses it wasn't anything crazy it was just some glasses that i saw so i think we're going to go yeah the big big big big sheets head down there helps garibaldi yeah i think find of the day so far is that baby lobster that came onto the boat so we're just gonna head south uh there's some other dive spots down here so we're just to check them out see what it looks like and then uh yeah we'll start punching back home soon so i was just saying a brie because we're going to head back north because uh it's getting late she's got to move to colorado but i was like maybe we'll find some dolphins on the way back and literally as i said it these guys came and showed up so these ones are the white sided pacific dolphins so they have like a short stubby nose they don't have the long nose and they're super playful [Applause] whew yeah that was cool [Applause] did you get that yeah hey guys you showing off [Music] found some treasure wow this is like typical fishermen oh my god that's disgusting they look like how old are they i mean it's been in there a while it smells like a insider that's been in there a while [Music] and there you go just like that the sea doo is loaded up we are back and the sun has finally decided to come out right as we get back but um yeah that was fun anyway and um i appreciate you coming out and actually coming for a little dive i was just saying it's nice we the first time we met we went diving now she's off to colorado so it was nice to be able to get dive in because we haven't been diving for a while yeah it's been a few months i'm not sure i was crazy last night yeah before the road trip right yeah yeah a while ago so yeah give give brie a follow on instagram she does a lot of like traveling camping stuff with her boyfriend and they have a good old time um yeah and then hopefully you guys will see more adventures on the sea do now that i've gone out and i've kind of faced my fear of jumping in the water from the cd i was a little bit worried i'm not gonna lie i kept talking about show a little bit worried about sharks but there weren't any which is good um a lot of people do ask me they're like are you worried about sharks i'm like yeah terrifying terrified yeah um but yeah so that was fun definitely something that we're doing more of uh and obviously going over to catalina as well that is next on my agenda so stay tuned for that but i hope you guys have enjoyed this guys thank you for watching if you've enjoyed it give this big if you have enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up because that really helps with the whole youtube algorithm thing subscribe uh because i'd love to see you here again and remember until next time don't do anything i wouldn't do see ya you
Channel: Adam Swords
Views: 21,908
Rating: 4.9531479 out of 5
Keywords: seadoo, jet ski, sea doo, scuba diving, how to jet ski, jet ski fishing, scuba diving for treasure, scuba diving in the ocean, scuba diving for beginners, scuba diving with sharks, sea doo spark, sea doo fish pro 2021, freediving, free diving, scuba, diving, fish pro, seadoo spark, california diving, california scuba diving, california freediving, jet ski diving, jet ski adventure, jet ski rental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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