What If TF2 Was Like The Trailers?

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back in 2009 valve created the meet the team videos for Team Fortress 2. each of these videos was made as a way to introduce the respective character giving a brief yet entertaining rundown of what they're like both as a character and as a class but even though the introduced the character's personalities well they take some interesting Liberties on defining their gameplay sometimes the differences aren't that bad and clearly just exist to improve the cinematography but other times yeah not that much as is typical for videos based on games there exist random mistakes like this and all of them meet the team videos so while I could go through each of them and point all the mistakes out I'm interested in the hypothetical reverse question what if these aren't mistakes at all and it was actually the game itself that got it wrong or in other words what would change in TF2 if the game was accurate to the cinematics so let's go through each meet the team video one at a time and see if we can't discover what each class has been missing all these years [Music] first of all meet the Scout which is overall pretty accurate to the game you see Scout run out of his Warehouse on CP well Daws the shots of a few free-to-plays and overall just run around really upon first watch it looked like he was somehow able to dodge Sentry bullets but since there are a few other classes in front of him it's hard to tell what the Sentry was actually shooting at oh and it also just evaporates in the next shot so it doesn't even matter his fight with the heavy is slightly more interesting because even though it starts out pretty normally he does this choking move with his Bat that's obviously not something you can do in the game but after that he just smacks the heavy normally a few times probably getting a few random crits in the process and then takes a sandwich which you actually can do in the game and that's it for meet the scouts it provides an overall pretty small buff to him by letting him strangle enemies with his Bat but otherwise is pretty accurate to the game [Music] Meet the Soldier is slightly more ambiguous but overall follows the game's rules pretty well it opens up with Soldier killing a few clashes in a single cross map rocket but that could be chalked up to them being at low health or something not to mention when he Fires at the Demo Man you can hear a crit sound effect so minus the team color glow it all checks out after talking the disembodied head Gibbs which you technically can do in game if you're a psychopath it's pretty standard Soldier gameplay the only thing out of the ordinary is when Soldier runs directly at a Sentry and doesn't get targeted for some reason yeah keep that in mind for later after getting an abnormally high amount of Random crits from his rocket launcher Soldier then gets another random crit on the Spy which either means Soldier is cheating or the random crit chance is naturally higher for Soldier keep in mind well it is possible for him to get five crit rockets in a row the chances one in fifty thousand so it's probably safe to say the chances have been altered some and yes these are definitively random crits because you can hear the sound effect play for every single one even if there aren't particles maybe it's his graphic config or something I don't know so outside of more ranting it heads which once again you can do in the game if you're weird that's it for Meet the Soldier [Music] Meet the Pyro was another one where it's hard to tell exactly what's happening and because of that some things can be explained Away by factors outside of the class itself for instance is kicking down a door something the class can do or is it just a feature of the map and similarly does the Pyro in the video have the ability to light parts of the map on fire or is everyone just playing a map that's already like that well for the door I'll leave it as the former based on how TF2 Maps work but we actually do see pyro cause parts of the map to ignite when he burns the medic in the barns We'll add that one to the list everything else that could be interpreted as gameplay lines up with the game quite well including a pretty basic fire ax and Scorch shot kill pyro does cause this hole to open up in soldiers chest after killing them but we don't really see how it happens so I can't really give pyro much credit here I was going to say that because pyro is not using any pyro land weapons he technically shouldn't be able to see it but I forgot that the rainbow are not being visible to people without pyro land is a feature of the actual game pretty neat gameplay story integration there valve overall though like the previous classes there is really not that much for Meet the Pyro [Music] meet the demo man is where things get wacky right out of the gate we see demo running through a hallway presumably detonating sticky bombs that were clearly not there before meaning that he's either playing on a very weird version of gravel pit or he has the ability to make his bombs invisible since he does Place visible stickies later in the video I'll pin this one on the map because it's honestly not too far off from what you'd find on a community map but what I can't excuse at all is whatever this [Β __Β ] is the demo in the video very clearly gets a direct hit with a pipe that ricocheted Off the Wall twice even if you can't what happened to the Sentry and before you say that the pipe could have just naturally exploded right next to the Pyro I checked how long it was in the air for and it should not have detonated for another full second speaking of the century demo now apparently has the ability to distract sentry guns with his pills which barely even matters considering how much explosion range they seem to have now he then proceeds to place way more sticky bombs than normal on this wall which on top of clearly not being Scottish resistant stickies are actually more than what you'd even get with that weapon and then he detonates them all individually which also somehow kills the people who were behind the wall when they went off that is not how explosions work if you're not on this side of the door frame you would not be taking damage and just as one last middle finger to the concept of game balance all the sticky bombs in the last scene were detonated as the Demoman was taunting which leaves us with a whole laundry list of changes that in combination would make Demoman bust it as all hell and yes before anyone says it I know the direct hits on bouncing pipes is something that was actually in the beta builds of the game but considering that meet the Demoman came out a full year and a half after the game's official release I think it safe to say he's not playing the beta [Music] so with Domo man is broken as he now is what can heavy get to match or pass that level of stupidity well nothing actually meet the heavy is not only completely accurate to what you can do in game it's also pretty close to what you'd actually find heavy walks forward while shooting for the entire video I mean to be fair there aren't many things you can do to make this class look interesting but if I saw a hatless heavy on Dust Bowl doing this exact thing I probably wouldn't bat an eye but hold on what's this unheavy shoulder could it be his beta implements that of his current one I mean yeah that's what it is ironically this isn't even a change that we could 100 make because the heavy and the other meet the team video has the normal icon instead so I guess there's a random chance to get a different icon on your sleeve big gameplay changes only I know oh also the Sentry in the background of this shot is targeting someone who is clearly farther away than the blue Soldier further proving that soldiers have magic Sentry evading properties okay next video meet the engineer is another wacky video because the things this engineer is doing are not normal once again we see several classes take much less damage than normal to kill which I guess could just be fresh installs deciding to rush a century at low Health but then we see the century do this turning 90 degrees nearly instantly and causing the sniper to scream like a soldier for some reason I was originally going to say that the sniper was clearly outside of the Century's range but I actually went on a hydro and tested it myself and as it turns out a Sentry on the bridge can easily see at the top of the nearby Cliff mate but then there's this scene and uh yeah I think you can spot the problem here and before someone says that these sentries could have all been built by different engineers in the same spot all four of them caused the strange counter to go up meaning that they all belong to the same player we then see this scene where yet another Soldier isn't targeted by centuries but randomly dies anyway and then we see the level 3 Sentry shooting at something that is clearly not in its effective range what this implies about its targeting I honestly have no idea so for now I'm going to say that level 3 sentries get a massive range increase in color today so yeah that's the engineer changes they are powerful they are plentiful and yet he's somehow not even the most broken class yet [Music] meet the medic is where the Cinematic videos start to take a weird turn because unlike the ones we've seen already this one has more of a plot to him and we can't just take everything we see at face value I'm not gonna sit there and tell you that oh medic does surgery to Uber someone in the meet the medic video so now you have to perform surgery at the start of every match some stuff that's shown is clearly outside of the setting of the actual game which is purely combat so like I've been doing for the rest of the videos the only scenes I'm going to Source information from are the ones where combat is happening the upside to these more complex videos though is that we get a lot of extra information for the other classes most notably in this category is the soldier can now fire homing Rockets we don't actually see which weapons these Rockets come from so it's hard to make too many judgments but at least keep it in mind for now also scout and demos somehow survive four direct hits from a rocket while at presumably low health so maybe these homing Rockets have a damage penalty or something because a lot happens off screen it is a little bit hard to tell what's happening but that's what I'm going with for now also random crits and finally we get to the classic Uber charge scene of medic popping a normal Uber from a quick fix but only on the heel Target not the medic himself Act in the lore the Quick Fix was a prototype with the medic shut up I don't care it's in me the medic so it's going on the list if you want it to be more accurate maybe we can make only the first Quick Fix charge per Life grain and vulnerability or something the last two things of note are that Rockets are sometimes deflected by Uber charge instead of just exploding and ragdolls now seem to have Collision both of which I will add for future consideration [Music] meet the sniper starts out strong immediately showing a major change of the stock sniper rifle having penetrating shots akin to the Machina right after that there's a shot of this demo man blowing up crates after falling off the balcony which could technically count as something new but again I'm leaning more toward custom map Shenanigans unless something that Demoman himself did based on how the internals of the game actually work we then see sniper ascending the [Β __Β ] map geometry to get a better sniping spot which on top of being absolutely terrifying is not something you can currently do and then in this scene we see him producing and collecting multiple giratis at the same time implying that he can store more than one but just doesn't currently for some reason after that we observe what I can only describe as a tot Kill from the kukri but like not actually because he then does the normal kukri taunt so maybe it's random I don't know lastly in the be efficient scene sniper kills a pocketed soldier in a single uncharged shot but again we can't exactly see Health values so that can technically be explained Away by the soldier being at low Health overall though sniper gets quite a few Buffs from his video not that he really needs them but exists they do nonetheless [Music] and finally meet the Spy and other more story driven meet the team video that'll have to be more selective about when choosing gameplay changes most of this video is Idle conversation so there's not a ton to look at but there certainly are a few things of note first of all the opening scene with heavy knocking down the doorway seemingly locked two Ford intelligence room raises some eyebrows but again custom maps could be behind this one skipping ahead to the main combat scenes though some interesting happenings are afoot there's obviously this sliding sapper maneuver which I see mentioned a lot in discussions about this scene but I'm equally as fascinated by the fact that the Spy got a headshot kill with the stock revolver on top of being ignored by the Sentry despite not being disguised I'll also note that unlike the human characters sentries do have visual cues for being at low Health which this one doesn't have what this means is that based on how fast the sapper destroyed the Sentry it is significantly faster than the ones we currently have in game pretty terrifying considering the circumstances also the sniper scene has played off as badass but if you really think about it what actually happened is the Spy got like three butter knives on a distracted sniper before finally Landing a stab at 5 HP just thought I'd point that out overall the sniper part is mostly fine but the medic part has an interesting move performed spy being able to not only Parry melee hits but also obliterate the person he parried without dropping disguise is an insanely cool ability it is obviously not one we have in game though so under the list it goes and last but certainly not least shotguns deal headshot damage now cool so that's it for the meet the team videos yes I know there's technically one more but meet the sandwich doesn't have anything happening so it's getting skipped but to meet the team videos aren't the only TF2 cinematics so there are some more that we can at least look at the MVM trailer number two sound of medicine doesn't have anything new but it does confirm the existing theories of soldiers homing rockets that seem to do less damage than normal so that's nice at least Man vs machine the video not the mode has stuff that I thought would be new but actually isn't dropping weapons became a thing two years after this video was released and since the only Shenanigans we see with shotguns in the beginning aren't actually in the combat scenes there's no need to take him as gospel also Low tour medic stop trying to deal damage and heal your damn team but as far as all of the other TF2 videos go that's really it all of the other cinematics either had next to zero actual combat scenes are abided by tf2's rules perfectly fine I could go through expiration date and tell you why driving cars should be added to TF2 but if I open that can of worms I feel like we're just designing a completely different game I'll also at least mention that I don't consider into the line to be Canon since it's fan made and the comics are clearly set up as their own thing so on top of not being videos they're getting skipped too but with all of that being said we still have quite the selection of differences so let's run down the list of what would actually change for each class Scout now has the ability to grab enemies from behind with his Bat pretty simple Soldier is immune to being targeted by centuries has a higher random crit chance it could somehow fire homing Rockets pyro can set parts of the map on fire with his flamethrower which may or may not affect the map itself depending on how you figure things Demoman can get direct hits with bouncing pipes distract centuries of pills place up to 15 stickies at a time and can detonate sticky bombs one at a time and while taunting heavy can randomly spawn with a different icon on a sleeve game breaking stuff I know engineer now has the ability to place up to four sentries that have much longer range and turn almost instantly medic gets invulnerability with a quick fix but only on his patient and also only once per life if you value lower accurate sniper now has penetrating shots on all of his rifles the ability to claim parts of the map multiple droughty charges at a time and a tank kill with the kukri and finally spy has a throwable sapper that breaks buildings nearly instantly headshot damage on all revolvers the ability to Parry melee hit and the ability to perform melee attacks as he's disguising that may or may not kill the Target in one shot and just to top all of that off ragdolls now have Collision physics Ubers can sometimes deflect projectiles and shotguns now get crits on headshot dear Lord Almighty so what would happen if TF2 was lower accurate in its promotional material well Madness really it's weird to think that in Another Universe we could have gotten all of these changes in the game though in a lot of ways we actually did after these videos came out weapons like the Ambassador and the Scottish resistance allow their respective classes to act out to meet the team videos much more accurately which is honestly pretty cool if you think about it so while I know I'm not the only person to ever have this question hopefully I'll be the last person to have to answer it anyway I want to thank last limit on Discord for submitting this video idea well I normally stick to my own ideas I'm always open to input from others so if you have a video topic you'd like to suggest you can do so in the Discord server in the description if you enjoyed this video make sure to like if you hated it make sure to turn your screen upside down before pressing dislike and most importantly have a good one [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Great Blue
Views: 995,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 meet the team, tf2 meet them all, tf2 scout, tf2 soldier, tf2 pyro, tf2 demoman, tf2 heavy, tf2 engineer, tf2 medic, tf2 sniper, tf2 spy, tf2 great blue, great blue
Id: v2d6Qiu8Iyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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