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hey ladies welcome back to my channel so are we ready for 2021 do i even have to ask that question let's get this beauty started [Music] all right ladies i'm getting right into my new year's eve look for you it's called silver linings and guess what i am using a foundation that is 8.99 yes i want to hear cheers because you've been asking me for drugstore affordable foundations i've showed you multiple different ranges recently in my videos from chanel from estee lauder to my bb cream to lemare to now one that i've actually showed you before it was in my lemare dupes 8.99 and this is going to be joya truly yours natural finish foundation drop cvs 8.99 just picked it up so excited because i refreshed my supply from last time so i just put on this beautiful primer i love this primer and i'm going to go right into my eye and lip primer i'm going to prime my eyes this is my first step that i always do to neutralize out discoloration skin tone color redness darkness whatever you have going on i'm going to take my concealer brush out of my essential makeup brush kit that i have designed eight beautiful brushes in a beautiful case snaps throw it in your bag you have all your brushes and they do 98 of your application right it is a no-brainer the right brushes will give you that beautiful beautiful application mark my words because if you're trying to apply i just had it actually too one of those little those little um like foam things that come in the eye shadow that is never going to work so you definitely need the proper proper application brushes but you need them to be simple not too much so i am going from the base of my lashes all the way up to my brow bone nice thin veil of this eye and lip primer because this is going to set my eyeshadow all day it's going to look beautiful it's going to go on silky smooth and you are going to see a dramatic difference when you use a product like this all right so now that my eye and lip primer is on i'm going to just put a little bit of vitamin e lip treatment on my lips because they are dry and i want them to be nice and smooth by the time i get to my lip application so put my vitamin e lip treatment on looks better already and we're going to start with the eyes so let's go for it i don't want you to be afraid of a palette like this it has sheen to it it's absolutely beautiful i would put this on any woman whether she's in her 40s 70s 60s 80s this is a gorgeous palette you know i don't have any rules when it comes to oh i can't wear sheen i'm over 50 or i can't wear that because i'm 60 i don't i don't do that i like to give you the choice to feel free to do what you need to do and i'm going to go in i feel like where are my brushes i'm going to go in with the middle color here and i'm going to just put a really beautiful thin veil of this silvery gray color on my eyelids and i wanted to you know i want it to be just really really soft yet powerful so this is the idea so again you know if you've been watching my makeup tutorials that i like to start with loading up the color in the middle of my eye because then i'm just going to disperse and i have more control over where i'm putting the eye shadow if i do it like this compared to swirling around and going like this back and forth that's just not intentional right it's intentional placement of the eye shadow because i really want it to look a certain way i don't want it to be overwhelming i don't want it to go too far up too far down to all over the place that's why i place it right in the middle of my eye right and then i just work it to the rest of my eye my makeup makeup's very simple ladies i am not a professional makeup artist that's trying to make you do 27 steps okay that's why i developed three well palettes i have one five well palette but it's just you know that's a neutral palette which is really great it's very universal but this is what you need you just need three you don't need 12 or 18 or 24 i mean that's great for the girls that are like 16 and 20s and they really love to have like lots of different colors and play around but as a woman over 40 over 45 or 50. you want to keep it simple you want to look put together with less effort you don't want to have 27 different colors and then be like okay well i only use these two or i wasted all these or oh i'm so i'm so overwhelmed that was really my intention because every time the women would come into the studio they would open up their makeup when i would ask them to bring it in it was just like oh my god so many colors so much so many choices and it's just not realistic so i want you to feel empowered i want you to feel that you could do this and this is this is why i do my makeup the way i do it it's about being simplistic we i could go i mean i could go to town if i wanted to and give you 400 steps and do all this really intricate really advanced stuff but why we don't do that on a daily basis right i don't need to i'm not in a makeup competition where i need to show you like you know it's not like it's the food network and we're on like a makeup off right like a bake off makeup whatever you know we just need things to be beautiful and simple and motivating and feel like we can do it right that's half the battle if you open up a 27 or a 12 well palette and you're already out of the game you're like uh yep thanks nope not today i'm not gonna do that it's too many choices too am i mixing it right you're self-doubting i keep it really really simple because ladies i know how you are i see you coming in the studio i know i saw you all in zoom 150 of you this summer i listen to you i know what you're looking for you really want to feel beautiful you want to be able to do these looks but you don't want to be overwhelmed with 500 different products you don't need to do that and you know i i'm always available you can always email me i could see all your emails that come through sometimes it takes me a little bit to get back to you but i can help you if you're if you're having hard times if if i happen to not answer just please email again um because i will get back to you um i have this darker color with lots of those little fun specks of silver that i'm going to go into just this area here i'm using my smudge brush which i like to call my eraser brush and i just put it's not on yet but i'm showing you i will pile it on here right and then i'm going to work it in to the eye area not too much because it's a dark color right i can bring it down underneath too so loading up the brush again i'm going to get just enough again it's very highly concentrated so you want to be careful you don't want to go over the top so i'm going to go in right here press in the product to the skin you are telling the product where you want it to be on the eye remember i have no foundation no concealer no nothing i can clean this up do not worry about your eye product falling down or becoming a mess right here that's fine we're not coloring inside the lines you are free to do it whatever way you want okay we will clean that up in a minute so don't worry about it i'm going to take a little bit off of my brush here and then i'm going to work it in to the crease here into that right underneath my brow bone right into that contour of my eye and i'm going to just really diffuse it out so it really looks pretty and dark enough take the rest of this here down underneath the eye you still have it on the brush so you have it really nice and pretty it just looks it just looks so beautiful it's such a great little three well palette a lot a lot of power in this palette and it's up to you to decide where you want to place this where you want this to go so you can see i like to build it up right right into this little corner here and then i'm going to go up a little bit take anything off and then start to blend it so the key is is that this is a really important tip ladies so since i wiped off the brush right and i'm going in to blend this here so i want this nice and smooth i want it to be married into that first color i don't have more product on the brush trying to blend because if i did i'm mudding up this whole area so there's nothing on the brush so it's just gonna work with what's on my skin now bring it down a little bit go back in so we have two colors on the eye right now right we're gonna clean up a little bit on the ends but we're going to first go into the lightest color here and i'm going to just take my eyeshadow brush and i'm going to just do a little little highlight right underneath the brow bone right it's just it's very light but it's just enough to give me that highlight and to complete the eye so i have a nice brow bone color on the eye the brow bone area here and then it all looks nice and seamless now i'm going in with my alma pad this is my oil free makeup remover pad make sure you get the oil free they have ones that have oil in it that's not what you want i'm going to just take it around my finger and i'm going to go straight up like that there goes all of the extra right there on the all my pad simple easy and it looks beautiful so there's nothing underneath nothing that's going on and i'm going to go right into curling my lashes with my shuamora eyelash curler and then i'll do my little process that i like to do with then putting on my eyeliner then using my mascara then using my heated eyelash curler that's just the process i like i think it really does wonders for my lashes staying up all day so if you use a traditional eyelash curler like this you'll get the little lift that you see that i'm getting right now and then it falls you know in about half an hour an hour so even with mascara on what i'm doing with using the heated eyelash curler is i'm doing it's making insurance for it to stay and mold it because of the heat and it's absolutely beautiful and my lashes when i finish right now here with you will look the same until i take off my makeup tonight because i've insured it with that heat and having the mascara on all right so i just curled my lashes i'm gonna go in with my waterproof charcoal liner it's creamy it's beautiful i keep it really close to the lash line but today i think i'm gonna work it up just a little bit more because this is a beautiful look this is a celebration look this is time to look forward to a new year new everything right so this goes on i can feel it in my lashes bringing it down but i like to keep that line really really nice and tight because i want to make it look like my lashes are fuller and thicker i'm going to take the eyeliner and just go underneath oh like about three quarters i don't like to go all the way into the tear duct that's just my i want to keep that eye open so i'm going to just take a little bit of it and go right here and then we'll smudge it up i'm going to take my eraser brush and i'm going to just it's really it's really not an eraser brush i like that's my little word for it it's basically a nice smudge brush but i call it my eraser brush so not to get confused but it just really kind of erases any mistakes and it smudges everything up so nicely so i gave it a little nickname then we're going to go in with my nicole cosmetics mascara and this is really great because i want to really separate my lashes i want to get my lashes really really nice and beautiful i want that to be really a focal point whether i'm going to be putting on false lashes after maybe that's something that you might want to do i want to really get my lashes up and it's like a comb because it's a flat wand teeth on both sides and it's curved i mean this is really honestly you know i use a bunch of different i use ysl recently i use the chanel one but there's not their wand is not like this because if you have really short lashes this is going to grab them and pull them up a nice creamy formulation you can see how it separates my lashes so there's not a lot of work that i have to do i don't have to go back in and comb through with a spoolie if that if if they were all you know too too close together and too chunky so this is a really nice beautiful mascara that gives you that separation and that's what i'm really looking forward to for a look like this i want my lashes to really be fluttery to really be happy and sparkly i'm going to just take a little bit of my mascara and do the bottom lashes this is an event this is an occasion this is the time that i would like to have a little bit more going on on my lashes on the bottom now i'm going to be taking my heated eyelash curler and just bending them back this is what i was talking about with the insurance so i'm going to just bend them back and they're they stay molded the way that i place them that's why i want to be really careful not to kind of squish them i don't want them to all clump together i just want them to stay up so this is how i do it molding back don't worry about that mascara that just got on my eye we'll take it off not an issue and then they're all up now this is the perfect time to show you the all may little eraser q-tip so you know how i just got that mascara up on the top right there not a problem it has a little little line where you crack it you hear it crack and then all of the makeup remover flows down to the bottom so it's all going into the tip of the q-tip and then i take it off just like that right so i'm not disturbing anything i i made a little mistake with my mascara took it away with all my all my little q-tip and there you go going in with a little brow fix i think i'm going to do a clear brow fix today we have a couple different colors blonde um clear dark brunette and brunette and this just glosses up my brows a little bit gives keeps them in place you can see it's like a nice it's almost like hairspray for your brows so i have something really special that you can do on top of the eyes if you want to a little extra sparkly i said my lashes were sparkly because i was already on to the next special excitement so this is my little toppers for the eyes i showed it in my holiday collection i use one and only and then if you want more of a gold tone we have so gorgeous i love these because you know how i love doing a little extra i love adding a little extra so i'm just going to add a tiny bit of this you know it is called glitter but i consider it more as like a nice little sparkly sheen on top it's just a little just a little bit more see just very soft but it gives me that extra punch you know how i'm always into like the extra topper of everything i just put in the center and it just gives me you know i'm wearing a sparkly top i want my eyes to sparkle i want the the new year to be a sparkly year so that is just a little thing that i did extra because i love love love the look now i'm going in with my eye brightener going to brighten up my eye area this is what i do i go underneath the eye up into this little corner underneath all here i like taper it out right i just want that to i want to brighten up this area here and that's exactly what i do this is all bright all beautiful and it looks just just really refreshed that's what i'm going for a refreshed look don't want heavy cakey this is why i can be generous with this because it's not heavy and cakey you can see my skin through it take my foundation brush it's my buffing brush push it into the skin pushing it into the skin looking really really flawless beautiful not cakey one with the skin and then we're going to take this beautiful foundation totally affordable 8.99 beautiful drop foundation was a contender with my lemare foundation dupe so you know you're in good hands because i've been using this for when did i do that video two years ago i think it was two years or two or three years ago that i did my dupe so this has been on the hot list ladies so look you know i love serum foundations look how beautiful and thin now this color i had said what did i say it was this is natural ivory i took a guess let's see if this is it looks a little light but you know what it's it could be a little light so then you know what i do when i buy the next color i'll mix them together i'll use one or the other this feels so good on the skin you would never know that i spent under 10 dollars for this beautiful foundation buff into the skin really natural not a heavy coverage ladies this is not going to be heavy it's not a matte finish either which is nice too because if you don't like matte but look it look how beautiful on the skin silky glides fresh beautiful great for mature skin again affordable i would try if you can't find it at your cvs i would order it online from cvs i don't think you can order this product joya j-o-h-a i don't know if you can order it online i don't think you can order online from their actual website i think they just distribute out but look how beautiful it is really a fabulous fabulous finish so i'm going to go in with a cream cheek which also can be used on your lips but this is plummy now i know this is going to be probably a little bit of a shock that i would pick this color to go in with this eyeshadow palette but i have to tell you i'm gonna do a little bit of a different lip that is not expected so um i'm excited so this is going to kind of pull the look together because i'm using this beautiful plum color on my lips on my cheeks and it's going to just give me you know we're giving dimension to this look you would think i can imagine what color you were thinking i was going to do on cheeks and lips but i always am up for surprises right when it comes with color and doing things different beautiful beautiful cheek cream you can add more if you want more of that color you can go really really punchy or you can do it really sheer that's what i love about cream cheeks it looks great on mature skin melts into the skin it doesn't look cakey doesn't look powdery it's beautiful so i'm just doing a nice little touch of freshness to the cheeks nothing too much now we're going to go in with my one of my favorite lip liners is called cameo i'm going to line my lips it's creamy it is a cool lip pencil i decided to go into a very different color something that you probably wouldn't have picked for this look and it is called ambitious it's from the fall collection and it is in the plum family and i thought with the silvers i love silvers and plums and pinks together and i thought you know what we're just gonna go for it we're gonna be ambitious and go for it so this is the name of the product it is going to look absolutely stunning so there you have this beautiful look a little bit different you might want to switch up this lip and put maybe do a red lip a pink lip a nude lip whatever you want to do i just wanted to go outside the ball i was being very ambitious going outside the box today with this look wearing this beautiful silvery top beautiful silver linings eyeshadow and just taking it a step outside of what you ex what you would expect for me to do for my lips i wanted to surprise you i wanted to kind of give it a little bit extra of course you know i like that now the extra for my hair is so if i wanted to maybe keep my hair down you could slick your hair back you could put it into a ponytail you could do all kinds of stuff but what i love to do is i love to finish off my whole look with a hair mist i have this in rose and i have this in baccarat rouge 540. i showed this before in one of my videos um about why i use this and the the perfume is so expensive it's so like out of reach for me so i do the scented hair mist instead and i just i i love because throughout the evening right you're i smell it in my hair it smells so good it's such a it's just such that extra little you know what it's like it's like putting that raspberry in your champagne i never thought that was like would did anything until i tried it and i thought oh my gosh this brings out so much flavor this is amazing i couldn't believe it so i love doing that for my hair because it brings out a little extra throughout the evening or when you're putting your head on your pillow you just it just smells so good so i hope you enjoyed something a little bit festive a little bit different a little bit fun a little bit of doing doing things different than i normally do right normally don't do a little topper on the eyes i've showed you a couple different uh companies though that i have used with that the hourglass at one time um i used oh i used the face glow before from my line to do that also but this is a little little bit punchier this is a little bit more of that special special glow if you will and 8.99 ladies an amazing foundation to feel good about yourself even if you just use a foundation for new year's eve and put on a little mascara and say i'm here i'm ready my skin looks flawless and it's affordable so all of those things wrapped up in one i hope you enjoyed that look let's make the best out of this last month of the year and until my next video i'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Nikol Johnson
Views: 247,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikol johnson, nikol johnson eyebrows, nikol johnson hair, over 50 makeup, gray hair, silver hair, grey hair, eyeshadow for mature eyes, eyeshadow for mature skin, how to apply eyeshadow, fresh beauty studio, nikol cosmetics, best eyeshadow palettes 2020, best eyeshadow primer, best eyeshadow palettes, over 60, classic makeup, new years eve 2021, new years eve makeup tutorial, new years eve makeup tutorial glitter, beauty over 50, makeup over 50, style over 50
Id: MyKtoZDAyNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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