INSTANT EYE LIFT! Disguise Your Sagging Hooded Eye Lids with Makeup!

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[Music] hey everybody it's angie and welcome to hot and flashy in today's video i've got a full face makeup tutorial for you this one was much requested from the last couple of videos that i did you guys love the makeup that i wore so thank you so much for requesting the tutorial i am going to concentrate in this tutorial on tutorial on the eyelids and helping to get your hooded sagging eyelids to look less hooded and less sagging so that they're not looking like they're just laying on their eyelashes which mine currently are i know when i start these videos because of the angle that i shoot at and that i am talking and animated i'm kind of lifting my brows up a little bit that it often looks like i don't have hooded sagging lids anymore but i just wanted to show you that in fact i still do anyway i just shot a couple of pictures from different angles to show you just how hooded and sagging my lids actually are and i was particularly reminded of it the other day when i put up an instagram post it was an outfit pic and someone actually wrote in and said hey what's going on your eyelids look different today you know did you not new face today is your skincare not working and i think it was just that i didn't do the good eye shadow that day and there's definitely like a good way to apply your eye shadow that makes your eyelids look less hooded your hoods look less heavy and there's a way to do it that can make those hoods recede and practically disappear so that people think you've gotten an eyelid lift so let's get right into the tutorial first step is always eyelid primer i've got a new favorite it's the hourglass veil eyeshadow primer and i love this it's a nude colored primer and it really makes your eyelids look so much better i actually got an email or a comment from somebody this week calling her lids alligator lids and she said that they were so dry and so crepey and she needed help and i said well have you used a primer because primer really just helps make your lids look so much better so this one is kind of a pale flesh tone it's almost a little bit pinky but it just feels so good going on the eyelids it just glides right on so you just pop it on like that with your fingers i don't know if it's like rubbing it on and pushing your eyelids up a little bit or if it's just that once it dries it kind of makes almost a um coating on your eyelids and it almost acts a little bit like a scaffolding that helps to hold those eyelids up a little bit so definitely use eyelid primer if you want to help your lids to look less saggy and then i'm going to let that set while i do the rest of my makeup now for the face i found a great primer that i love it's the beauty blender the leveler primer and this one is so awesome but people complain so much about this packaging because they can't get it out very simple solution just store it upside down on its head that way it's always down in this annoying little nozzle that everyone hates so that you really don't have a problem dispensing it see how easy that comes out all you have to do like i said store it on its head okay so now we've got the primer here i just apply this with my fingers i'm just going to apply this to the places where i have enlarged pores so that is the fronts of my cheeks across the top of my nose right here in my little nose crease and this is really like the best pore filling primer that i've ever tried most of them that i've used in the past the second i put it on my face looks so smooth and so great but then the second i put on makeup smoothing effect is gone and this is the first one i've tried that the smoothing effect actually sticks around after i've got the makeup on so that's why i love this one so so much and i also use some down here on my chin just go ahead and rub that in give it a little pat make sure that it's filling up your pores all right the foundation that you guys like so much was actually a mixture i was just goofing around with stuff so i used the elf camo cc cream and i have this in light 280n which is actually a little bit too dark and too tan for me but i was also trying the urban decay stay naked hydra maniac in the shade 3.0 this one's a little bit light for me and i like them both but i really like them combined together so i had worn them combined so that's how i'm going to put them on today so i'm just going to take one pump of the elf camo on the back of my hand and then i'm just going to add a little bit of the hydromaniac to it i'm not going to quite do 50 50. it's going to be like two-thirds one-third i like both of these foundations a lot um the hydromaniac i think is good but it's not quite as hydrating as i wanted it to be at least on my skin there it is all mixed up on the back of my hand now that's a better color for me so that i just take this with my fingertips i'm going to apply this with a beauty blender sponge and i love the texture of these two together they just transform each other into something that's like puffy and whipped and lightweight and lovely so anyway they're just beautiful mixed you know i've been doing a lot of mixing lately they are good together and if you're looking at the urban decay it is nice because it actually is kind of long wearing i like that about it i wouldn't say the urban decay is drying it's just not as hydrating as i wanted it to be but both foundations do settle a little bit in the wrinkles not anything major not anything that makes my makeup look you know cracked and makes me look 10 times older it's actually very slight settling is all i get from it so it's actually pretty good so i think they would be good things for you to try if you were looking for a new like lightweight foundation that is very skin like very youthful looking i mixed up a lot i'm just going to take the extra and put a little bit on my neck kind of even up the color everywhere so that's looking really nice very happy with that let me go ahead and put on my concealer where the heck is it oh actually i'm going to do my concealer after we do the eye shadow because i'm using a new palette and i don't know if there's going to be fallout i would have loved to have been able to use the palette that i used that was the dior five colors palette in the 647 undress colorway i love this palette i've had it for a long long time i showed it in my recent faves where i had it on and when you guys went to buy it guess what you let me know dior has gotten rid of all of these they've redone them but they're so bright and colorful now and they didn't recreate this one exactly so there's a couple of other ones that look sort of similar you're asking me for a recommendation i don't know i've looked at them the thing that i love most about this palette is this matte color right in the center here this is the one that really makes it that really does the magic on the hooded eyelids and their new palettes none of them seem to have a matte shadow that's this color i did order one it's at nordstrom i might go pick it up today um you know because they had it there so anyway but in the meantime i did have a different palette that i just got in that i ordered last week it's not dior it's tart but it's this new one and i thought it was just so pretty it's called their juicy amazonian clay palette and i love the shades in here this one is just gorgeous nothing in here that i wouldn't use i love every shade in here it's a nice mix of mattes and shimmers and just since we have this already on my finger it's got a couple of matte like taupey colors that i think would be a really good sub for that this is the dior this is the tartlet oh that is going to be so good so it's going to be this one down here is going to be the match for the dior i'm going to be using my wayne goss brush set for this these brushes are amazing so the first one i'm going to use is the waynegas 18 brush i'm going to go into the lightest shade in the palette right here this off-white color and we're just going to apply that all over the movable lid there's two things that really make your hood recede the first one is to keep the lid really light and bright from the lashes to the first crease if you keep that light and bright that will make that more visible and then the second thing is to shadow the hood so everything that falls forward onto your eyelid then is shadow and it pushes it back so lighter things come forward so you want the movable lid to come forward and you want the hood to recede then i'm going to go in with the waynegas number 19 brush i'm going to go into this color down here so i'm going to take that and i'm going to start by placing my brush deep in the crease and then dragging it down to my eyelashes and you are not going to see a ton of color payout from this color and that is okay you don't want to go too dark with this you don't want it to be super obvious that you've got this dark color in an arc shape over your eye it's just not going to look natural you want this to come out looking natural so just take your time and work back and forth with the color until you build up enough so i'm just going to start deep in the crease bring it down to the eyelashes and then go back up to the crease and with little circular motions just kind of work it towards your nose following the arc of the crease but keeping it above the crease so that you're not getting this mid-tone color down onto the light color you see the separation of the colors there you want to keep that separation so when i have my brush in here and i'm lifting my eyebrow up that looks like i have a lot of shadow in there right that's going to really disguise the hood but then when i take the brush out and let my eye relax let my eyebrow down you can see that all that shadow just got swallowed up in the fold in there so now what you have to do is bring the shadow out from the fold and put it up a little bit higher so then looking just straight into your mirror with your eye relax don't lift your eyebrow up just let your eye relax and be natural now you're just going to take the tip of the brush with whatever is left on it and just ever so lightly apply that eye shadow onto that puffy part of the skin that folds forward this doesn't have to be dramatic or dark to make it work and another thing i like to do is kind of make a straight line from my eyebrow over here to the end of my brow on that puffy piece of skin and then you know that you're going to get it to recede enough okay see the difference this is making already it's making this eye look so much more lifted and this one it still looks like the hood is laying on my lashes so it's a really easy technique to do and if you're really not a makeup person that's really all you need you can just do a two color keep it really light really simple and then you could just be done but it's going to wake up your eyes it's going to make you look so much younger if you want you can use a clean blending brush and just blend that out a little bit just to make sure that you've got no harsh edges just blend it across next i'm going to go in with my wayne goss number 20 brush and let's go ahead and use this nice chocolatey brown here so i like to create almost a little like winged effect with my eyeshadow out here just like a little wedge i don't bring it all the way up into the crease because i don't want my crease to look too dark or too heavy i just kind of keep it right out here at the corner and then i go back in with that blending brush which is the number 16 brush and i just do gentle soft circular motions just so there's not a hard line there right i did my other eye off camera so i'm just going to dip back into this darker brown color now and i'm just going to bring that up a little higher into the crease to match up with the other eye just blend that out a little bit just making that a little bit deeper looking in the crease so you can see that this already is making both my eyes look so much less hooded making my hoods look so much less saggy so much better then i usually will end up putting a little bit of a shimmer shadow on my lid i really like how that looks there are a bunch of really pretty shimmer shadows in here i would probably use this one down in the corner i'm not going to use them today because this is a tutorial from a look that i wore before and i did mention the eyeshadow that i used for that one was covergirl exhibitionist lid paint this one is in 115 sorry sweetie and i'm just gonna pop that on with my finger so i'm just gonna put that right here that looks so pretty all right let's go ahead with our eyeliner i'm going to use the sephora retractable eyeliner this is a waterproof one in shimmer navy i'm going to apply this to the waterline underneath your lashes on the part of your eyelid that's right next to your eyeball i'm going to go ahead and do a top liner with that as well today i love this one because it's so skinny it's really easy to draw your top line and not make a mess i'm going to try to do this without making a mess but you know hard to do on camera if you don't have a ton of real estate on your upper lid you might want to just stick with just the water line and then if you want you can add a little flick at the outer corner for my bottom waterline i'm going to use the marc jacobs highliner this one's in lunatic it's like a sparkly lavender color so i'm just going to go ahead and run this right at the base of my lashes so it's kind of on the water line and also on the skin below my lashes all right all we need is a coat of mascara i am going to hold off on that and hopefully i won't forget to put it on completely but i do want to go ahead and finish up my face but that is pretty much the eyeshadow tutorial it's a perfect everyday look it's not too much it's not too colorful it's definitely a little bit pinker than what i get using the dior palette but unfortunately discontinued so anyway on to the under eye concealer i'm using my favorite which is the lancome mackie complete and to make sure i don't get too much under my eyes i just scrape off the doe foot on the back of my hand then i use this little lip brush to pick up about half of it i paint it underneath my eyes just in a little triangle at the inner corner i'm going to use my blending sponge since my fingers have eye shadow all over them and just press that to blend it and blend it across and i'm just going to pick up a little bit more and put it out here at the outer corner to brighten that up a bit i'm going to go ahead and set that now with my honest beauty invisible blurring powder i love this guy it keeps my under eyes nice and matte and i love the format of this that it has the net in here so it's not always a huge giant mess so you just press your brush tap off the excess and then press it under your eyes being sure to press the brush away from your nose not towards because if you do it towards you will press wrinkles into your concealer and your setting powder i'm just going to set my t-zone and i like this combination of foundations because they're not overly shiny and they're not overly luminous so they're not making me look oily or greasy but they do look nice and youthful all right i'm just going to do a little bit of contouring with a really pale bronzer i'm using the winky luxe coffee bronzer in latte this is a really pretty pale bronzer i'm gonna use my bk 104 brush to apply this i'm just going to roll that in there i can pick up a lot of this because as i said it's really pale i'm going to start way up in my hairline and just contour this part of my face and i just kind of try to cheat the corners of my forehead because you know tend to get a little wide there then you want to make your cheekbones pop by putting a little bit of contour under the cheekbones and then of course always have to do the jawline you want to disguise those little saggy jowly so you want this to come up a little bit higher so that it comes up onto the jowl and that's how you make your jawline look straighter now i'm just going to do a little bit down the side of my nose and a little bit underneath for the blush i'm going to go ahead and use my glossier cloud paint in beam this is the most beautiful blush it just looks like a natural cheek flush and it's nice and dewy and youthful looking so i just have a little bit there i wish my fingers were cleaner i'm just going to pick up a little bit of that and i'm going to start back high on my cheekbone i'm just going to bring that forward in a straight line and i'm going to blend it down from there and that is just going to lift the cheek right up and then after i've blended most of it back here then i'm just going to bring whatever's left onto the front of my cheek i never start on the front on the apple of my cheek i don't want like a little clown circle on the front of my cheeks i want this more lifted effect see the difference how this is giving me like the bigger lifted cheek look than this side let's go ahead and repeat that on the other side and you can make that a pretty drastic angle no matter where your cheekbones really are that should be you know a pretty good angle coming down from almost your temple to the front of your cheek that is really going to help to lift and then just bringing a little bit of extra out onto the front and getting a nice blend back there by just tapping and this blends so beautifully it doesn't remove your other makeup but yet it just looks so natural and so great all right going to go in with some highlighter next i'm going to use the new buxom wanderlust glow highlighter in white russian for this i'm going to use the bk 107 brush i'm just going to pick up some of this highlighter this is so pretty and then i'm going to start at the same place as the blush high up on the cheek and just bring that at a straight line down to the front and then i'm just going to pop a little bit right on the front of my cheek and that is going to give me that instantly lifted cheek look let's go ahead and repeat that on the other side this is the most beautiful highlighter might be my favorite of all time all right so now the face makeup's done i'm going to go ahead and hit it with the charlotte tilbury airbrush flawless setting spray all right now i'm going to go in with my mascara i'm using my brand new favorite the lancome idol mascara i love this because i don't have to curl my eyelashes i don't have to use a primer with it it's just so perfect and i love this brush it's got the kind that i like the ones with like the rubbery spiky bristles so i'm just gonna take that and put on a coat of mascara of course brows also add to the effect i'm going to use my two favorite brow products they are both from glossier this one is boy brow this one is brow flick i use the boy brow to fill in my brows and bulk up the hairs and hold them in place because mine tend to be a little unruly they tend to go where they want and go in the wrong direction so this helps to plaster them into place i love this product this is in i believe the blonde shade then i go in with the brow flick to fill in the inner corners because my brows they're disappearing there so i just take this and start flicking away flicky flick flick all right last step is the lippies and i had used the urban decay 24 7 lip liner in naked oh it's actually sharpened good so i'm just going to go ahead and line my lips in that video i just had on the lip bar lip gloss in girl boss so i'm gonna put that on but i did also get the buxom new lipstick the white russian limited edition lipstick in npr when i got the highlighter so someone had asked me about the color of this so i wanted to just show this to you guys it's not as pale as the normal white russian i'm just going to put it on today and then i'll put the lip bar over it i like it so that's the color of white russian lip bar in girl boss is a little bit more to the like cool bluey side so i'm just going to put a little bit of this over the top i love this because it's super hydrating it's really a good lip gloss that helps to moisturize your lips so there we go the makeup is done so we've got the full face of makeup that i was wearing in the video the other day plus the eyelid lift tutorial for you so here's the finished look i just love it i really love this new palette i think this is just awesome and like i said it's so nice and subtle and muted like i love it that four fifths of this palette is nice light everyday wearable colors there's really only three darker colors in this palette and for me that's all i need i need many more light colors and i just think that this is gorgeous and beautiful and it gives you enough of those subtle soft mid-tone mattes that you can really do a nice job disguising your hooded lids but without doing it in a way that's really super obvious and super dark and smoky because you know these days who is going anywhere and you just want to look like your best self without looking overly made up so that's what this look was really all about so that's the video for today everyone i hope you found it helpful and informative if you did go ahead and give it a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always i thank you so much for your time i really appreciate you watching so have a great day and i will see you in the next video take care everybody bye [Music] you
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 176,206
Rating: 4.9715204 out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, hooded, eye, eyelid, crepey, sagging, drooping, lift, eye lift, makeup, tutorial, eyeshadow, tarte
Id: 3xaA6s8FbaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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