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Scott dropped some pretty juicy tips throughout the video. I never would have thought about using spray sunscreen for a dewy glow. I actually already own the neutragena spray sunscreen he uses on Tati and it made her skin look instantly glowy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 496 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pinkpuppy0991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly, my first reaction was, "this explains why Tati has gone full ham on the bronzer."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 168 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peppermintoreo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how he really tied in his painting background into how he does MU. He uses big wide strokes to enhance the planes of a face. It is also refreshing to see just 3 eyeshadow colors used on the eyes and it looking so beautiful. Using the concealer and cream contour underneath her foundation again enhances his technique and really makes everything look seamless.

JLOs makeup always looks amazing in everything and i remember there was a minute when Scott was not doing her MU and she lost her signature glowy look.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 346 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meg0neurotHe11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œSometimes you see really bad nose contour and it looks like they’re behind bars” TEAAAA

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 286 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/321ss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay now I know FOR SURE the orangeness has something to do with the lighting/editing of these videos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 361 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/starinruins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She looked gorgeous at the end, but I also loved how she looked before he went in on her eyes. 21:56-22:02 is just so glowy and beautiful!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vldsa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So cool Tati got this opportunity. She has talked about some tips and tricks she's learned from watching Jennifer Lopez in the past so I'm excited to watch this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JasmineCupcake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok I haven't watched yet but why is he so ORANGE

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 105 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/athenarose_95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He didn't use any Inglot makeup? LOL

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/consciousuncoupling πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
just pose for a minute okay hey guys welcome to today's video I am a little bit starstruck at the moment I have Scott Barnes with me and how are you here right now this is so cool you guys have probably heard me talk about Scott like five thousand times he is the master of the JLo glow I would say that yeah amongst other things well you do plenty of things but my audience knows how obsessed I am with J Lo's makeup and highlight we're all obsessed with John Dewey we love her right yeah like you're always like make me look like JLo I'm like make me look like JLo yeah we both would like so but it's actually gonna try and make that happen today so we're gonna play with all of this in front of me you guys I cannot wait for you to see just this new take on makeup from someone who is an actual master you are in my mind like the best thank you I've been doing this for 28 years and I just shot my 263rd music video last weekend I know and over 450 magazine covers that over five films won Oscar consideration for one of my films yes and I've written two books I started out as a fine arts painter and then became a makeup artist by accident and it became a passion after it was an accident you are the real deal and I actually love that you started that way and it gives you such a different take on doing makeup well I do makeup which is interesting because I see people that do really beautiful makeup and people look great on the street that's not my thing like you'll look good on film but maybe in person you'd be like okay well I want to look good on film right so I do what and that's why I came out with the foundation called multimedia because it was more about red-carpet flash photography video yeah 5k and then award shows and everything else so you're looking at like layers of media mm-hmm where it's not just like you're in your bathroom look you know like Instagram is great for that but you're getting parts you know people do parts I call it parts modeling it's like here's your eyeball it's like isn't it amazing you're like it's an eyebrow you know I want to see the whole face let's see the whole picture because when you are doing makeup everything's got to work harmonious whether it's a hair makeup wardrobe everything's got to work together this is true okay so that's why I've been with Jennifer for 19 years now so we're almost 20 years together friends throughout the whole time she's an amazing person I create with yes a reason why she's amazing to create with us she gets into it elbows deep you know like if I say okay we're gonna make you into she's like yeah and let's do it like this and like that it is a whole process you think of the whole story with everything from nails jewelry wardrobe and you use everything in a very I want to say non-traditional way like you will take a powder and use it as bronzer or you'll put it on the eye and I think so many women are conditioned to think that eyeshadow has to just be eyeshadow and can I explain you why they do that why is because when you go to a department store they load a sale so you need an eye primer and then you need the eyeshadow and then you need the sealer and then you need the mascara but you can't use this eyeshadow because this is the whole you know and it becomes like you're walking away with 15 things when you could literally buy two things and just do a whole face with it true story I had to do you know I used to do the Neiman Marcus the book so we go to Hawaii and they forget my they lost my bag of makeup so I'm in Hawaii with nowhere to shop there was no Sephora spectat okay so I'm like okay CVS type of thing so I did an entire shoe with L'Oreal's bronze coin there was a lipstick called bronze coin and I used it as a highlighter lip eyeshadow I like did everything bought some mascara and a little bit of powder okay so let's dive in I'm keeping seeing at the monitor and I'm like I have no glow right now so if you do have loves your skin is really beautiful you maintain your skin really well so this is a fantastic palette to work with I always start with contouring I always start with the dark and then I add the light it's not about contouring on top of makeup sometimes it is but not usually so I'm gonna treat you as though we were doing like a video shoot music video or somehow you guys got a thing for you the end of this okay so I'm gonna use all-nighter right what I like to do with this is to bring it in and you just use it to like eliminate stuff and I'm gonna go in him like I'm gonna use makeup like I'm not gonna pretend like just drench me my skin eats makeup like it really does I do your makeup once before and it was like that you don't use primer for what I don't worry or what I don't really need you to fill everything in Wow this is look I like the contouring and everything to do the work underneath the foundation so you don't see it now this is everybody's like where do I contour so this is always this question right so I bring the light right all the way up to the edge sometimes you see really bad nose contour and it looks like they're behind bars okay couple brushes let's let's talk about horses for thinking if we're gonna talk about Jennifer Jennifer causes to cap pop oh because she goes flood it's like a cap on I love so anyway what I like to do with that is just kind of blended out and just working into the skin now I'm starting to feel like that guy from remember I used to do the painting bras okay we're gonna put a little tree and right underneath your nose yeah happy concealer hey happy concealer and there's there's a small little squirrel jumping around any for it take it you what let's get crazy you have to remember okay lift ding I'm like literally giving you all my secrets here do you hear that guys all of his secrets I'm gonna play this back over and over and over and anything like how did he do this do I have it in action so what I do is just gently watch mine turn your nose just a little bit so that everybody can see this and I just and you can do this on yourself which is very easy is I blend it up this way see and I got really grating lashes I can't wait to share all this stuff with you I know I know this is such a good timing because I am so obsessed with your brushes they are just the absolute best for application if you want a perfect blend this brush is so magical like this is the best brush ever of all time Wow oh my god so good I feel like an Avon representative and coming with all new products to your house yeah it's the other angles are already happening mmm it's kind of weird right the reason why I always hit the chin is because you want this to come forward it makes think sharper all right jaws we're gonna find with the jaws of life [Music] yes snatched snatched the house so this is what I call I'm gonna do this look I actually named it oh you named this look yeah it's called this natural it's natural it's matched but natural I love that so much kinda like glowy in Hawaii where's your merch you need some she's pretty she looks natural but a little bit more so she's naturally now if you need to minimize someone's neck this is what I do bring it into Abbi I don't think my neck needs do you know this is my area that I don't like Scott actually is always like it's people like what are you doing why are you I always try to cover this up why I don't like my bones what everybody else was like clavicle clavicle give you a little bony you're like let's get rid of it a lot of people ask how do you deal with the haters how you deal with the trolls like and that's one of those things early in my youtube career that so many people your haters okay minimizing your forehead now like the lights hitting right here so I'm just taking it to that's all so you do makeup differently per shoot per lighting like you really oh the first thing I do when I walk in look at the lighting I walk right to the director and I'm like what what are we doing where's the light and then depending on what lighting we're doing or what the ad is using for lighting it will determine what I do for foundation this is where people really mess up with contouring the over contour and then they drag all this Brown into the nose and into the side of the face and then they just face turning later saying which is which is an issue now the trick to having a fuller lip is not over lining it to death okay I'm decided I'm gonna use some Chanel on you ready oh we're gonna start with please turn already and I'm like this is so relaxing you guys I usually sit here and I have to do all the work and I'm just like this is playtime hey wait you did her makeup for her well yes but for all of her shows in Vegas yes for all of them yes but were you there the last show yeah that's of course that was I were you but I was screaming like a little girl in the audience how good was that show so good I miss doing that show actually oh oh my gosh you guys I've seen a lot of shows in Vegas and she killed it I was looking at the makeup and I'm like that is so Scott's makeup like that is just yeah so I'm gonna do like a little bit like what this is like you know like I said we're doing this for TV and for stage like for like a music there is a difference because you have to think of like I mean she looked great under all lighting situations yep you know whatever angle the light was hitting her the skin looked amazing the contour looked amazing and that's to me the difference between some of the artists that you see that are dominantly on Instagram or just photo shoot and then someone like you that actually has to think about every situation I for film I live performance yeah a woman's face and I'm like okay how to make you look perfect you know what I mean like that's my that's what we like to hear no we're gonna use a little bit of a lighter foundation because we don't want to take away the contour okay so instead of just eliminating that lip we're just patting over it gently like that she's there but she's blended when did you discover that technique like really no one else does that it's where you just do that the contour under and then you do it spin everything I know listen I worked with light and dark painting okay you've got this white hand goes away I need to spray tan oh my god but if you don't have time for spring tan you can always use body bling Oh what tell me more what's that stop it Scott's like the first one to do full on body glowy makeup and I read an article I want to say an allure of you like putting it all in a blender it's great teen bodies before they would walk down the red carpet and I remember looking at like my wet and wild like little pigments and thinking like well maybe maybe I could do this workout but I was probably one of your first customers best buddy bling way back in the day I don't was like in that black pump originally yes okay well you know what it is - and this has nothing to do with age it has to do with your skin tone is you start getting blue the other one it also makes the manicure look a lot better - right so you were dealing you know it's so tragic I need to get these like zapped off this was from a swatch accident can I tell you about a swatching incident that I use very it's my very own self yes please so when I started doing makeup I would go to the counters and I was trying to figure out products cuz I didn't understand it you know so I was watching on the back of my hand and people try on lipsticks and stuff like that I got a fungus on my hand so be careful with those things oh my god this is why I always tell everybody do not try on lipsticks at Sephora you're like everybody else did it you don't know where those you don't want to know cuz I worked at a counter and I've seen people do weird things with doors and I'm just like like literally ever seen someone have like sore on their mouths yeah like like full-on herpes and then they're giving you like here let me let me give you my lipstick no no seriously keep it keep the chapstick you can Anthony it's not bad cuts Pellegrino god is just do this is his magic right here he requested mr. Nick vodka vodka breakfast for everyone let's get crazy we can all try to duplicate this and we can learn and we can you know try out these incredible techniques but there's just something about you like you're the chef like you only you can do this really I always joke around because you know flattery there's a lot of people that kind of like climbed or what I've done and think that they're better than me or whatever god bless you but my thought is this no one can be me my dad used to say to me all the time no one can have your hands yep your pressure the way you see things weigh you when you stop you know when to stop and no one can do that no way that can't be replicated I love cream I think that cream works primarily better than powder for a couple reasons it looks like it's coming from inside the skin and we went you don't look like a baby baby face so baby faces in here that is the one thing that I've noticed noise I will like try to copy you like you do this thing with your blush brush when you do powders and I was talking about it with your brush specifically these yeah where you almost like take it you don't pull so much but all you do this thing where you like love it almost flick it yeah yeah and I try to do that sometimes I get blush on my nose I'm like damn I just came out with a foundation brush it's amazing what is this best for what kind of cream foundation like what we did here yeah okay so this would be a good one to do even like the body or maybe face everything's everything yeah why stop at the body when he could do your face like and I'll show you like I love and the reason why I waited for this is because this is a dry brush mm-hmm what I'm doing here is just marrying everybody together my favorite thing is when you watch newscasters in their neck and their face are in two different zip codes you're like whoa and then they blink their eyes in the lids white okay powder [Music] so what powder I use it you're using your I'm using petal she's a little translucent with the tiny tinge of paint in her and what that does is cancels out any kind of like little bluey purpley stuff underneath I who is that highlight yeah do you know bloke at her private society oh they actually had sent me some stuff and they're like an indie brand with a lot of cool products actually I use them a lot for highlighters not that I think she's Borge and I just I'm like one of those people I just kind of mash everything together I'm watching this and I'm like okay and somehow it looks so my fan brush which is like yeah a big fan yeah with a fan brush dad jokes I got dad jokes oh we well not on my channel yeah very much look at your nose oh my god yes razors Oh razors eye plastic surgery was makeup I'm very happy I need to go places after that like all over the place like hi he's gonna drive around and just meet people so funny I did a shoot with this woman one time and she never had her makeup done I never did a photo shoot or like nothing like that right she was like oh my god I went everywhere with my makeup on I went shopping just like I went to a party she's like everybody treated me differently it was so crazy makeups powerful it really is it's a transformer okay so we have some Twitter questions wash those questions kay Harris wants to know what God what is your number one favorite product drugstore and high-end my favorite drugstore product is Neutrogena I use like this Neutrogena spray okay tell me more spray makeup no it's like um I'll show you in effect he's like hesitating he's like I don't want to tell you but really Trish sheer body mist sunscreen at 30 okay why do you like this because I'll show you why it's you ready oh oh super glow but it's sunscreen stop that forget the max setting spray job and this is also good for your skin so when you go outside launched you maintain your sun protection oh my god Chinese orgeous right if you grabbed now watch because we have all this on there we're just putting a little bit of highlighter bronzer situation look at that can you come over like everyday this is Barbie skin oh my god so you know when Barbie just like woke up it said hi Barbie let's go party the Scott Barnes you asked about this mm-hmm here comes all right look at that I just want to show you two strokes yeah this is with just a little bit of powder it's beveled so that you can work with the curves of this brush I created this so that you guys didn't not think about it me I hate when that looks like there's a strike so let's toast the edges do you mermaid in Manhattan let's talk about that for a second so remember the Beauty scene when she becomes gorilla remember the makeup yes shimmer highlighted this is really basically what I did with that neutral lash on and a peach lip because I wanted her to look like herself but more it's natural spectral you guys these brushes are the real deal that's the jam are so so good I work with so many different brushes I've tried so many different brushes over the years doing what I do and the shape on these makes so much sense the thing is to really make makeup amazing you got to go slow and take your time with it I want to go like this and you just kind of just sloppily I just this is the trick that makes the biggest impact and I talk about this a lot I have brought this up so many times here on my channel that I've seen other makeup artists really do this and I feel that you're the one that did this multi-layer contour under foundation do the bronzer do the contour do all that and then do this additional powdering like you work in these very interesting layers yes and the end result is something that is so smooth yeah and it's - it's very seamless that's Creek it seems like well why would you do that and it's like it just smooths everything out just marries everything's younger okay so lip this is number seven which is called naked or natural or nude or something like that so remember our little contour mm-hmm underneath there see the fullness okay we're gonna connect the top so that it's not two peaks it's kind of like around I think what is really most important when you're doing makeup two is just like clothing you have to look at proportion you got a real per to my health I am a feeling the glow this you don't know these right no I think I get to show you something that you don't know about okay these are Victoria - these are my friend you're gonna love the name of this her name is hottie oh okay now this is important tip tip alert yeah what I'm doing going out to the edge not taking it and out into the palace is like makeup choreography 1 and 2 and out and to the edge I'm gonna use something on you today okay these are my new palette that I'm putting together I'm coming oh no what is this secret sauce or just a secret this is the secret sauce I can't show this but you're gonna see it on my facebook when is this happening well I know that you put a lot of development into your brushes and it takes time to do it right so yeah I'm not just like slapping my name on something this is Sarah artistry I use these for brows believe it or not hmm it's a nice color yeah that's kind of shocking actually cuz it looks very light right well I don't want this to take over I just kind of build them up slowly sent up do use I love Sarah now this is a gold I think this is called blonde shimmer okay so our marine our eyebrows well because the whole look is kind of glistening and gorgeous so we need to make the eyebrows match it just softens that and it separates the brawl really nicely mm-hmm okay so the frame first on now if you really are going out until you were wearing black I use this makeup forever this is s 118 okay like if you're wearing a black dress yeah and you want it contour with this mm-hmm Oh turn to the camera just turn your head over see that cut mm-hmm now again too strong you're just gonna grab a little bit of beyond beige which this is again one of my powders but it has shimmer in it but a slight amount to it and spheal how I'm kind of working upwards and going against it takes that sharp hardness away with your powders do they all have a slight chilling today yes they do the shine is so subtle in it just so that the skin doesn't look dead okay yeah we don't want that I don't like good good so wait I'm sorry which brush did you use for eyebrows oh I used the FB brush this one yeah okay it's sharp like this is a sharp you can draw hairs with this you guys and I lined your lip and your nose with this Oh multi-purpose right I don't like using a brush like this one right right that makes so much sense I love that now I'm using my crease brush on this I love that crease brush it is pure magic and it has the right shape to do so much it works and that's you know I was talking about this before that really you can use that one brush if you're just doing a very easy look in a few different colors and you just get a lot of mileage out of it so what I do with this just so you guys can I don't know if you can see this or if it helps I almost work it in a circle now still one color I just want to keep reminding everybody the talent is in the brush [Music] okay so what I'm doing right now is I'm taking a lighter beige your color just going right underneath the eye I'm just so like amazed this you know I do my makeup one way and then when you have somebody else do their whole thing it's pretty wild no this is another color of mine I mean it's fun to play with color and this is the kind of color that is not offensive it still has this nice luxurious feeling to it where it's not taking away from your own natural beauty but it's definitely colorful you know I'm ready for my music video I should probably get some music together her first what do you think is a trend that should stop um that wavy eyebrow thing I hated that and I hate the ombre eyebrow Oh darker it's like oh I think you can't stand that it's like nobody looks like that it's abnormal now I have I've been saving the best for last year I have this really cool mascara we just put it off okay it's around here somewhere there they already stole it I know you talk about my talk to you pile of makeup say seems moving things over this way like over there no the packaging is beautiful this is the Scott Barnes pumped-up mascara we're gonna yes the beaches this is your fire okay okay so this is a mascara that Scott was telling me it will work beautifully with your false lashes it's as buildable and it's really great and I'm gonna show you how it looks great on but it will remove - yes so and it also works too if you have lash extensions okay oh this formula I made sure that yeah really okay I had lash extensions for a minute when I went on vacation and I was that bad girl that I went to an event and I was like screw it just let's do the mascara and it yes bad now I back home mascara in like this excuse me I know what it's weird I kind of do this to it like back home again as opposed to just going hey I'm going like in and I like down and rolling it and then I just use the point to kind of lift and separate like a 24-hour bra lift and separate okay you're gonna love these lashes you ready yes this is the Claudia mm-hmm then there's Vanessa Vanessa there's Fabiana Fabiana and Bianca Bianca she's sassy and Olivia Olivia who's the sassiest Olivia's pretty well you know who makes a lot of appearances mm-hmm our Jennifer is Vanessa hello I'm gonna use the vanessa on you you said you wanted a show that's what we need to do that vanessa it is so there she is there's like the noisiest chair it's all trying to be so professional you guys and I just I thought you had gasps I'm sure we're gonna measure these out and see how they look okay I think you like it that face told me everything as always I like to take a lash and turn it like that and you just break the band up a little bit chin down just a little bit and open just a little bit right there so what I like to do is find the inner corner and the outer corner yeah all those down and then you gently just tap it in so wait how did you trim these off no no trimming necessary I know so again break the band up and turn it this way I turn it that way I'm ready I'm ready for my award or what I have no idea all of them now I am taking your lash with my mascara and connecting it with the falsetto and then I just brush with the tip of this not like a full thing but you're just directing those hairs where you want them to go and then you can put a little mascara out here I just transported to another dimension right superstardom you know what it is everybody's like what do you do Scott that's different from everybody else I take extraordinary talented people and make their Beauty match their talent okay that's what it is so when you call me in it's for me to connect the two things together so see how we're playing this out mm-hmm I'm just using a darker Brown so what third color oh my gosh I it's so funny and in I don't want to say just YouTube but in digital you know the trend is really to get very into the color and to use ten different shades and to just keep piling it on which can be fun but it's a nice refresh to remember that technique and pulling back with maybe less color can give you a better and bigger impact I mean because this is glamorous this is very glamorous makeup and we're not using ten thousand different shades yeah I think it looks more glamorous without lookup again using ten thousand different shades [Music] oh my god stop it I will tell you this you guys I have had many makeup artists do my makeup for you know editorial for different shoots that I've been on and I usually run to the bathroom and I'm like oh and like notice them but like I know my face and I fix things you are the only one you really are literally the only one that I just I'm like alright ready to go alright you guys I hope you enjoyed everything that was broken down and the whole journey of just Scott doing my makeup and making me look as close to JLo as I possibly could I feel like I'm kind of there I've never been this close so big thumbs up for Scott being here be short this one is amazing thank you like you trusted tried and true they broke the mold with you so ah thank you no wonder you're one of the best YouTube channels out there it's because it's it people can trust you thank you I appreciate that which is also why I normally don't do codes and this is not a money earned for me this is just for you guys to use if you want to purchase any of Scott's products use the code in the description box below it's not an affiliate it's just you know to help you guys out go check out those lashes the brushes the powders that I've talked about for years everything you need to know will be in the description box below make sure that you are subscribed and that you ring the bell love you so much and I'll see you guys my next video [Music]
Channel: Tati
Views: 11,478,002
Rating: 4.9294462 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube, Beauty, Makeup, Tutorial, Review, vlogger, blogger, Tati, Westbrook, GlamLifeGuru, how to, makeup tutorial, Beauty expert, drugstore, luxury, Haul, favorites, Best, worst, cosmetics, J Lo, Jennifer Lopez, J Lo Glow, JLo Makeup, J Lo Makeup, Scott Barnes, Scott Barnes Makeup, J Lo and A Rod, JLo and AROD Wedding, J Lo and A ROD Wedding, J Lo and A ROD Engagement, Engagement, JLo, JLo MUA, JLo's Makeup Artist, JLo Transformation, Transformation
Id: ovAru8WOg3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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