Full Face Drugstore Makeup Tutorial: Do We Like It?!

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[Music] hi welcome to this week's video it is a makeup tutorial using products that come from the drugstore but in this particular case in all honesty I did shop it all too just because it's very convenient but as you know Ulta has two sides the high inside and then also the drugstore side so I went down those aisles and I was weaving and winding through Maybelline Revlon L'Oreal elf Milani NYX and that is where I bought a plethora of product and I'm doing a full on face from start to finish and we're going to decide if we like it as much as the higher end stuff now in all honesty the first thing that I did was wash every brush because I didn't want any higher end product tainting the result so everything is perfectly clean and I'm gonna walk you through step by step everything that I bought and we're going to put it on and we'll see what we think so let's push in and get started with this tutorial all right here's our starting point I have moisturized and that is it I am going to start with a primer and the one that I'm choosing is by NYX pore filler primer and we're going to coat the face with this this is their number one rated primer it is known for smoothing and blurring so nothing like a little blurred a blurred line to get things off on the right track and have a light colored consistency and I will apply to my entire face concentrate on areas where your pores tend to be the biggest usually in the t-zone area I'm going to move on to Foundation and this one hands down is rated the best drugstore foundation on the planet and that would be l'oreal infallible 24-hour fresh wear foundation and what's so great about this a lot of YouTube vloggers rave about the coverage but also the color selection is really great it seemed like they had a lot of colors for a variety of skin tone so I'm going to take my foundation brush and I will pump in the foundation and start applying great coverage from what I can see so far I can't believe this is my first time using this foundation I know I'm a little late to the party but at least I showed up I will pull it down the neck and also since my hair is off my face hit the ears really really great coverage I hope you can tell now I know why everybody's talking about this stuff okay next up is concealer and for that I am using the morphe concealer and my particular color is number 2.25 interesting I couldn't find a shadow primers in the drugstore side so what I decided to do is I'm going to use this concealer as an eyeshadow primer and sometimes people will do that and it certainly will even out the skin tone on the eyelid this particular case because it's a matte finish concealer it will also help with the eye shadow it won't be greasy or cakey so I'm first going to use the concealer as an eyeshadow primer before I apply it below and I'm going to use a brush to smooth it in somebody is buzz sawing next door and I hope you are not hearing that in the microphone I might have to put in some smooth jazz or something to take the edge off okay concealer has been used as primer and at this point I will now take care of framing the eyebrows and for that the product that I went with is Maybelline this is 24-hour tattoo studio and I'm sort of in between shades between a deep brown and a soft brown so I'm going to do one of each do a little ombre brow so to speak so I'm going to start with the dark color that would be the deep brown and they each come with an applicator so I'm going to start with the dark one deep brown and I go I use this for the under edge of the brow to sort of shape it and then fill in [Music] so next up is the exciting part we start getting into colors and I found this this is Nick's ultimate shadow palette and it's warm neutrals these colors are beautiful they look awfully similar to the Sephora color palette that I've been using and it's nice because something like this you know these are all very affordable I will be listing of course every item every price but if you don't want to invest in a big palette these are nice small sizes so you can try play with it if you love the color scheme and you want to spend more money than you know you can go that route based on what I'm wearing this is sort of a British red color so I'm going to go in with I'm going to use these sort of Reds and plums in here to focus on my eyelid and I will start with this one has just a tiny bit of shimmer here in the middle so I'll use this and this one is going to go straight on my eyelid and of course the key to the success of a drugstore type product is staying power are the colors true or do they go on well do they have high pigments so we're gonna find out so far so good we're going to now warm that up with the more of a brick red tone and that will be this one here on the outside I'm gonna go up in the crease with this besides in the crease as you know I go higher you can always reference my put at eye video when skin starts to get a little bit heavy on the eyelid why it's important to take your warmer color up higher and I will be blending this and softening it in just a moment but right now I'm just working on building the pigment okay the next thing I want to do is block it in for that I will use this plum color and I'm going to now build in my outer edge here my outer triangle [Music] okay y'all this foundation is blowing my mind I'm serious I know we're working on eyes at this point but I'm really seeing myself up close and I cannot get over the coverage very good I'm really really happy so far with how everything is coming out I'm going to use my blending brush just a very soft malleable brush and there's no color in here I'm just basically swirling so next on my list is now a brow bone highlight and I'm looking at this I kind of like this little gold here on the outside so I'm gonna give that a try and I'm going to go in with a slightly lighter color now for the inner corner of the eye this one number two just using a firm flat brush just to block in right here in the inner corner that's a little bit of brightness to the inside of the eye okay so now moving on to some liner action I couldn't help myself of course L'Oreal voluminous smoldering eyeliner in brown this is my tried-and-true when it comes to doing a smoky I love this stuff I have used it I think since I started this channel back in 2015 14 2014 in five years there you go do the math okay so anyway we're going to line inner rim with this Brown I also picked up a liner from NYX professional makeup this is slide on glide on stay on so I'm going to use this one to basically do the upper lid from the inside and top line but that's going to run right underneath the lashes and you will smudge into your upper lash line my lash extensions are clearly nearing the end of their cycle so I will apply a fall see the rest of you will do mascara if you wear mascara you can leave it at that you can do a false E or you may have lash extensions yourself so this is that time where it's going to differ for everybody now I am going to take a shadow brush and the one that did this plum color I'm gonna take just a little bit of the leftover and just smudge right here because all I want is a really really soft shadow so we have our eye shadow it's time now to put on some false eyelashes and for that I have always loved the Ardell strip lashes these are black number 120 in Demi they're a very light thin type of a strip lash nothing too crazy and I will be using to apply it the Ardell clear brush on eyelash adhesive lash grip and you know take your time with eyelashes if you've done them for a while then you're a pro if not I don't get frustrated but take this little baby apply some glue on the back end and then when you apply the lash you're gonna go in top down [Music] and just press it right on your lashline and just take your time might take a few minutes he's on into it all right there's one on [Music] and then just use your fingers and push it into the lash line now one thing you can do is add a little bit of a liquid top line I like to do it just a little bit on the outer part so for that I bought the NYX professional makeup epic ink liner basically looks like a felt tip pen and it's a thin thin point so you can make it very thin or you can build on it depending but again I'm just going to follow my lashline and sometimes you may need to come in the inner corner just a tiny bit just sort of complete the look of the last strip so good time to clean her up for that we're going back to the morphe foundation the fluidity and I will use the same brush that I used to blend it underneath under each side of course the true test with concealer will be how it wears throughout the day does it sink into the lines do you look 10 years older by the end of the day I'll get back to you on that ok eye makeup look is complete concealer is applied it's now time for a little contour and highlight for that I am going to elf cream contour palette and a nice array of colors these are all matte so I will try this one right here not quite the darkest but the second two kind of duckface it get the hollow their cheek [Music] and now for the sides of the nose a smaller brush obviously okay and then the highlight color the lightest will go right down the tee I do it here on the smile lines time to set it with powder for that we are going to elf this is HD powder in soft luminance and I'm going to use a powder puff by covergirl and very simple you just take out a little puff you open up the elf it's a loose powder like so and just get a little bit on there I always start small again you can always build but now we're just going to set everything but what's so great with the L'Oreal infallible is it's a wonderful matte finish so now it's time for blush we are almost done here for my blush I am going to another product by elf this is primer infused blush in always rosy real pretty color and I have cleaned my blush brush so no remnants of anything and we go perfect moving on to the lippies time to do a little pencil and for that my choice was a lip liner by Milani color statement lip liner in oh nine spice kind of a neutral brownish skin tone look very similar to Mac spice how ironic so let's line the lips great color goes on well perfect I like to blend my lip line a little bit have more of a soft kind of a blurring effect so I'm just gonna take a very thin flat brush and soften and my lipstick du jour today is a product by elf and this color is that's a really good question what is this color Oh elf liquid matte lip in prolene praline prolly hey it's the southern thing FRA lean okay again a very neutral sort of a dusty rose color matte shade here we go this color is strikingly similar to who to beauty's feminist that I wear nice very very matte if you like matte lipsticks you're gonna love this alright I'm gonna push out alright here's everything all pulled together and let me ask you can you tell a difference between this and the higher-end products I can't I honest to goodness cannot you know let me go through I think some of my personal favorites and here are some areas where you could save money clearly the infallible foundation is a must give it a try for me for a nice matte finish for good coverage it's incredible for the price heck yeah the next thing I really love is this morphe concealer this is another one that I would buy again again really nice coverage it worked great as an eyeshadow primer as well so this was sort of a dual-purpose product for me the other thing that I loved the tattoo studio eyebrow gels I did wind up mixing a little bit but I found that the combination of putting on the gel and then using that brush to soften it gave it more of a softer powder feel and this stuff is supposed to last 24 hours so that was a great purchase this eyeshadow palette what an amazing color selection the pigments are great I wear these colors all the time this saves a lot of money in my opinion and I think Oh also the the pencils of course I wear the voluminous the smoldering brown but this NYX pencil in black another really good one went on very very easily for a nice top line so I loved that I think the lipstick while I love the color maybe a little bit too matte for me I probably should have gone with a more cream based lipstick just because of how dry my lips get but if you are a matte lover please give the elf product line a try because it is a true matte finish Oh in the elf blush as well I mean so inexpensive and it went on so easily so I'm really raving about most of this stuff I I'm so impressed I can't wait to see how it wears throughout the day but according to what I'm seeing now I think I'm going to like it I hope this was valuable for you the key word valuable it's all about trying to save money sure sometimes it's worth splurging on a high-end product but if you can find something on the lower end side that does just as good of a job why not save the money and use it for something else that's my feeling so there were some great discoveries in here for me hopefully some really good discoveries for you happy to share again if you look in the description box by clicking more underneath the video if you're watching on your computer or the down-arrow you will see it expand all the products and the prices will be listed there in case you didn't catch it on the screen also please follow me on social media where we keep the conversation going I post all kinds of slice-of-life stuff there too Instagram and Facebook also if you haven't done so by now subscribe to my channel ring the little bell what that does it'll send an email notification straight to you saying hey your friend Dominique has released a new video we are so close to a million subscribers on this platform I am floored blown away and so excited because I think we might reach that threshold by this year sometime so yeah you because it's all about you I thank you I appreciate you I hope you like this leave ideas below for the kind of content your look for and i look forward to seeing you next thursday at one o'clock be bold be blessed save some money why don't ya we'll see each other then five [Music]
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 144,965
Rating: 4.941433 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, Dominique sachse 2018, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, drugstore makeup haul, full face makeup tutorial, over 40, over 50
Id: JkDVzGSsYt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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