How I Created The Worst Possible Dynasty In Crusader Kings 3

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grandma wants to take over the throne well it'd be a shame if you choked on your own tongue your way hey everybody and welcome back to the i sorrow productions channel how are you all doing today that's very nice i do okay can't down it and ask for your whole life story uh i have personally been enjoying ck3 a whole bunch i've been playing it so much i'm trying to get all the achievements currently because i apparently have nothing better to do in life and today we're bringing it back to a new video in ck3 and one that is the exact opposite of what we did in our first ck free video now i know you guys have been enjoying these very much and if you have done uh please for the love of god hit the like and subscribe button um would very much appreciate that to uh you know help grow the channel that i've let die for the past two years so obviously we have made the best character in the world we've made a island nation of dwarfs and now we are going to make quite literally the worst person in the entire game of course just like making the giga chad it's actually not going to be as easy as that so i think today we want to be somewhere central where we can get a nice uh range so we can marry off our people into uh you know respectable traits nothing weird totally not gonna create a monster today yeah i think we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna do tuscany all right it's a nice you know central nation with a lot of land and it's also somewhere i haven't played yet which is italy now first thing this turf gunny is that we are only a duchy which uh isn't the best thing as we definitely want to get a kingdom tower immediately because we are under the hre which is an empire which means we can actually hold a kingdom title no problemo and uh thankfully the uh the kingdom of italy is actually a title we can get or we could go for the kingdom of sardinia which requires a lot less uh we've got a lot of options to do stuff here and i'm gonna pray and hope that we managed to do them but of course the main reason we are here is to create an absolute monstrosity and there are a lot of traits in the game such as one aptly called well hideous that we we're gonna want to get now as you can see from all of these terrible traits eventually they're really gonna start to add up and we're gonna suck some major balls all right now some of these traits you're gonna notice uh won't turn up immediately like the hideous one that takes a little bit to get into the game but slow is already here and as much i don't want to poison my gene pool just yet unfortunately we're gonna start you know hammering out brain cells already oh um well the hre is not gonna last too long as there's already a independence faction and you know what with 810 of the power we might as well click the button um well everyone's independent now [Music] is that a good thing i don't know who cares let's blow the world up oh here comes the first child that's gonna hopefully well be a terrible child out well never mind he took himself out before he was even born oh first child in and they are not slow so they are completely useless to me but again it's like we've done all of these videos we don't usually start off on the best flooding but eventually as the gene pool goes down further into the hole it does get worse but uh since we're in italy i'm gonna call you spaghetti all right and first things first we are trying to uh make our kingdom title obviously which um it's gonna take a little bit of time and people are gonna probably hate me but it needs to be done oh my god i can actually use surf the pope's kingdom title which um i am going to do for the simple fact i also don't really plan on staying under the pope oh he got a son and uh yeah he's no good to me but uh we definitely to switch up religion when we get to a male air so we can have you know many many women uh well immediately got the plague oh god so i was looking for someone who was hideous to marry my son off and they're 32 years old so they're no use to me but look at them look at that lord farquaad look at that there you go still expanding over here in italy and i think we can now actually they go and create the kingdom of italy title two but now that i've done that we need to focus on getting the empire of italy title ah okay so uh my good air actually died prince meatballs um he was he was gonna be the good air but yeah he's dead um he was killed by someone which is perfect but good news is i had another son with my ex-husband who unfortunately died and then i got this student instead and uh this guy [Music] he's an idiot perfect that is exactly what i needed mr pope i need a good crusade ah shucks i just died and now we have king mihalio of romania bibbidi bobbidi it's everything's now his property we might be slow but actually orion is stewardship which is not the worst especially since we actually hold quite a bit of land um but we did hold two kingdom titles so now we need to deal with uh well getting back the other one which shouldn't be too difficult there you go he is dead and our kingdom is back reunited which is good and we are on a little bit of a crusade a girl's not a bad hoe from the crusade we mostly need the piety now because now that we've got a male ruler we um well we need to think about churning out a baby factory oh god okay i didn't even realize this i married a woman who was quite old and she just keeps getting pregnant regardless which is pretty rare and ck free and now i've got a beaut what a handsome slow air it's not the trade i wanted but it will do i guess christianity is cool and all mr pope but think about this christianity where i can have like four wives it's kind of interesting how i could be both a wise man and an idiot at the same time right perfect i've got all the counties i need now i only need a thousand duckets and i can create the empire of italy which is going to make this and well managing this mess a lot more easier there you go now a emperor we're going to give away one of our kingdom titles to our heir or no sorry one of our sons and uh well that should hopefully be less of a hassle dealing with revolts every time we die all right now carrying on the uh good old-fashioned tradition of marrying your sister we're gonna start marrying our sisters all right there you go so we've now created the uh the religion of mother lovers i won't tell you why it's named that but it's pretty self-explanatory oh my god okay our son our air is absolutely terrible which is kind of the point but he's also dying oh yeah i married him to a scaly by the way that's the next trait we're getting um you might be wondering why i'm burning sweden to the ground and that's because i i need to start collecting my holy sites which are both up here oh there you go he left to 73 years old and he got a lot done and now we've got to be well this dumbass at least we can look for some new fun trace to play with like scaly uh i'm gonna romance my beautiful reptilian wife oh i just uh my vassal just took out the pope which means i don't even have to get that out of a province up there in uh ireland i can just create my head a fake title that's me look at me poop idiot okay my dad died now i've been moved on to a seven-year-old boy which isn't the best but we do still have the trade slow and also still handsome we are beautiful but uh gotta try and get this trait next up died again this time i'm a beautiful dwarf great but uh quite hoping when i you know get to age where i can marry this woman we might have some better luck passing on some bad traits oh my god i have finally found someone with the hideous trait and uh they they definitely look like a bootleg sims character that's for sure you know i'm not having the best of luck passing down these terrible genetics uh so far i've just got a normal son no good i've got an inbred son not the worst and i've just got two normal ones which um this one's sick wait who's your mom oh oh it's frog woman oh she's given me a son with a uh well slightly disgusting face but that's not what i wanted i wanted the full thing okay it's getting better we just got a daughter who's a dwarf and dumb as bricks uh that's the best one we got so far because of our rules we can actually designate our air but we're gonna wait a little bit we're still pretty young and i'm sure we can pop out something worse oh my god okay scaly giant but also handsome i forgot that the giant is technically a bad trait because it gives you a health penalty but best one i got so far i'm gonna call him king lizard faith all right so first things first we got a little lizard face married after someone who's hideous because if we can get an ugly giant scaly thing that's that's like job well done okay we also got an extra scaly girl over here okay we can start marrying these off to uh other people were related to as well and uh we'll just make the gene pool even worse oh my god what a disgusting family look at his little plague face there guy i thought it was about time we also started kicking the pope out of our lands uh he's just you know yeah get back down there where you belong so uh my era has come of age and i think i'm gonna go ahead and jump off a building so we can play as him as quickly as possible oh my god okay first child is looking good we got a scaly ugly one and um yeah it looks pretty i got god i literally look like a lasagna hey oh i'm married to my stepmom what are you doing stepmother there you go my stepmom is now my soul mate the lizard king does not mess around hey guy might as well uh make the title official uh i'm too much lucky obviously we've got our scaly ugly child but then we've also just got another ugly child and then another ugly child i need more uh so our air is now an ugly giant kind of missing out on the lizard trait though and uh that means i'm probably gonna have to murder you at some point uh [Music] okay we're getting better uh now because i haven't really bothered to explain what i've been doing uh because the way i made my religion with communion and lay clergy meaning i can actually hold all of the temple holdings i get a whole bunch of party money mostly from these estates down here which is pretty damn good and then on top of that because i'm head of the fate and i've got communion on that means i can seek indulgences so all my vassals every time they do a sin they pay me 100 gold yeah it's pretty overpowered oh my daughter inbred has died there you go we haven't done any expanding in a while so i just kicked the byzantines out of uh italy while they were busy doing with well they're losing the water to the hre so good luck with that i also took a bunch of prisoners which was the whole point of actually invading the byzantines because if you take dark insights you get a chance of when you torture to uh get an intrigue or a prowess it's kind of 50 chance so park oh oh king lizard has died now we just have ugly giant man and i swear to god if i can not get free bad traits i am going to die irl you know i'm starting to think it's naturally impossible to inherit too many bad genes and uh that's because of all the children i have now not a single one of them actually has two bad genes at once um i mean some of them are still pretty ugly looking though oh well i died and uh i don't actually have a good air here he's just an albino but he's married to a scaly but i don't think we're actually going to get any further than this genetics-wise i mean to be fair we didn't make the worst ruler but we did make the worst dynasty oh the uh the one air i ever wanted he was actually pure hideous he died he was too ugly for this world you know i think we're gonna have to call it uh i've tried and i've tried but it's just not happening we can't get any more than like two bad traits but i do have something pretty interesting which we have a ugly child who's scaly and also my son and my nephew at the same time oh it's safe to say we did not make the worst character but we did make the worst damn dynasty completely possible and yeah whilst we didn't get any real notable rulers we did have the lizard king the lizard king the scholar of lizard to be more precise just look at him he looks like a wrinkly t-shirt uh but nonetheless it was a pretty fun video i think we're gonna start with the eugenics programs now for a little bit and try and just play some uh some more interesting scenarios in ck3 but if you've enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like and subscribe button down below and from me and pope lizard king the second who's not even a lizard um just don't trust me ever you know being in charge of anything [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 327,846
Rating: 4.9577956 out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings 3, crusader kings iii, crusader kings 2, ck3 traits, ck3 bad traits, crusader kings 3 worst character, crusader kings 3 bad ruler, crusader kings 3 terrible ruler, crusader kings 3 meme, ck3 funny, crusader kings 3 funny, ck3 isorrow, ck3 isorrowproductions, isorrowproductions, isorrow, ck3 guide, crusader kings 3 guide
Id: dz4iPiDVdVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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