$10,000 Every Day You Survive Prison

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- Every day, he survives in this room, I give him $10,000. We literally have a million dollars in cash here. So if he survives a hundred days he can become a millionaire. - You're gonna be poor. - At any point if you want to end the challenge and leave just press this red button. - Got it. - You wanna demonstrate it for us? - No, you're not gonna have it that easy. - I'm gonna dramatically seal the door. Good luck. - So this is my apartment now but instead of paying rent, I make $10,000 a day. This is gonna be very easy. Very easy. (ominous music) (upbeat music) Right there. Woo. Oh my God. (drum beats) - Oh, it's disco time. - Stop messing with the lights, please. ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ - [Jim] Josh seems to think that this is gonna be easy. I don't think he understands just how hard this is gonna get. (mellow music) - So I just woke up after my first night sleeping here and I'm probably just gonna jump on the treadmill and then eat some breakfast or something. I don't know. (rock music) - Hello there, Josh. It has officially been 24 hours, but I left out a key element. When I give you the $10,000 like this, you have to let me take one item from this room. You have 10 seconds to hand me an item. - 10 seconds? - Nine, eight, - Three. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. I'm gonna give you the ice cream machine. - Chris, Chandler you know what to do. Okay. - [Josh] Oh my god! - Chandler! (drum roll) (cheers) - [Josh] There you go. - You just got rid of the ice cream machine which means you have 24 items left in this room to get rid of. And now that we just flipped your world upside down I'm gonna leave. - Thanks, Jim. So this genuinely changes everything. I'm actually worried about what I'm gonna have to choose between like family portrait or the guitar. On one hand something to keep me busy. But that's also the only time I can see my girlfriend is looking at that picture. I just need to be strategic with the items that I'm giving away. Make sure I've got enough to keep me occupied for the long run. (bright music) - Hey, get off the computer. Take the money. - Oh, wait, why'd you throw it Give us an item, in a nice way. - This is the item that I will give you. - Do you wanna give us another item? - What's in it for me? - Nothing. - Then no. - [Jim] Okay. (upbeat music) - Here's another $10,000. I request an item. - I got a for you right here, Jimmy. - What item do you think you'll get rid of next? - I think I'm gonna get rid of the whiteboard next because I can write on the walls. He left, didn't he? - To make sure Josh was comfortable here I gave him a private chef that will cook him literally anything he wants. - This is ridiculous. Let's try this. Oh my God. This is the best thing I've ever had. (sentimental guitar music) (Carl screams) - Add it to the pile, boys. - I'll add another 5,000 if you let Carl pick the item. Three, two, one. - Okay fine. - Wait, really? - The picture of him with his sister. - Carl. - This'll look great in my living room. - I'm gonna go insane now. That's the only time I can see my girlfriend. - I have to go film a video on sharks. So Carl's gonna take care of you tomorrow. - Is there literally anyone else in the universe that can - No - So I'm in charge? - You're screwed. - That's not gonna fit in the hot tub. It's not gonna fit. - There's water everywhere. - Whoa, no, Carl. I'm getting the flame thrower, no! - Keep the markers. (dramatic classical music) - So I'm getting rid of the drum set today. (heavy rock music) Oh no. I'd say that's is a pretty eventful morning. - Oh, you broke your drum set. This makes me wanna ask, mentally are you okay? - Yeah, I mean actually, got a lot of rage out so now I'm feeling really loose. - All right. He doesn't know, but there's a check for a hundred thousand dollars hidden in that guitar. If he gets rid the guitar without noticing it that's a hundred thousand dollars down, shh. Josh's room was getting pretty messy. So I paid a cleaning crew to come in and take care of it and he somehow slept through all of it. It has officially been eight days in this room and for whatever reason, he's asleep at 6:00 PM. - Probably 'cause he's bored. - Good morning, Josh. Even though 6:00 PM. - Here's another 10 grand in cash. What's the item for today? - The flame thrower. - All right, the flame thrower is gone. We totally don't have anything else planned while we're here. - Jimmy, what about? - That's it, don't give it away, Christopher. - That didn't seem suspicious at all, for sure. (angelic music) - Wait, why is my face so distorted? I'm gonna hand it off to Chris and you know how dumb he can get. - I am your god. - Chris, do you have to be so close to the mic? Show me the outside world. - You can't see anything except for like the black sky. - Is it dark outside already? - Yeah. - I've really lost all concept of time. - All right Jimmy, I'm gonna come get you. - What's that over there? (guitar music) If Nolan spends the next 24 hours with you I'll give you an extra 10 grand today. - Do I get money too? - No, just him. - So I just have to stay in here? - Ready to start the challenge? - Yeah, we're chillin', let's do it. - One, two, three, four. (upbeat music) - You shouldn't have gotten rid of the drums. - I know, dude. (upbeat music) (Hip Hop music) - All right, I'm done. I'm going home. - Nolan, you're not leaving. - I am leaving. - No, no, no, no. - I'm pressing the button. Okay, it has a little bit of battery left on it. (upbeat music) - It's you. - Chill! - I can't take it anymore, they won't open the doors. Are you kidding? There's another wall. Dunk contest. - All right, let's go. Yes. - Just two dudes in a hot tub. - Boys, there's another digit. - Do you even know what that means? - No. - Can I just say whatever I want and you guys just don't question it? - Yes. - Yes. - To celebrate 10 days we had a custom $10,000, five foot cake made for you. - Oh my God. - Guys, guys, guys. - I don't know what to do. I'm just gonna stand back and let this happen. - What do you mean let it happen? - Eat it. - Oh my God, it's incredible. - Even though the cake is a mess there's some of our Feastables bars on it. Just go to feastables.com, they taste amazing. - It's so much better than the cake. - Enjoy your $10,000 cake. - Bye Jimmy. As of today, I am now at $115,000 thanks to the extra 10 grand for Nolan staying here. (upbeat music) - What up Josh? Sorry I couldn't be there today. I'm out of town filming a different video but we still gotta give you your 10 grand. Do it. - Oh my God. - Throw an item outside the door. - Here we go, boys. - Mission complete. Josh is getting super lonely. Every time I talk to him, he mentions how much he misses his girlfriend. Every day we've been grabbing a briefcase from this pile and look how much it's shrunk. Would you rather, I deliver you another 10 grand in a briefcase or your girlfriend delivers it but it only has five grand in it. - Is she here? - Yeah, right outside. - Oh yeah, five grand. I don't care. - As I promised you simp, here's your girlfriend. - Oh my God. - Hey. - Put that down, I don't care. - Here's your money. - They look so happy. He's gone 12 days without seeing his girlfriend. - Been the longest that we've gone without seeing each other in our entire six year relationship. - Also, I forgot to mention that you only have 10 minutes and it's been like three, so you have like seven minutes? - No. - Ah. - I feel like as long as I know that you're doing okay out there, I'm gonna be doing fine in here. It's kind of like surreal that you're even here right now. - I hate to ruin the moment but the 10 minute timer is up. - No! - I'm deaf now. Love you, bye. - Ah, I don't know if this helped or hurted me. I hurt. - [Jim] On day 13 Josh reminded me of a $10,000 bet he made with Chandler. - I'll bet you 10 grand I go longer than 10 days. - All right, deal. - I'll bet you 10 more of Jimmy's thousands. - How about, I don't care what he's saying? Take this, no more bets. - I actually want you guys to take this 20 grand and I want you to buy a ring with it because I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend at the end of this video. - Oh wow. - Are you sure you trust these hooligans to buy you a ring? - I don't, but I have no other choice. On a real note though, I have been wanting to propose to Kenna for years now. Being trapped in here has made me realize how valuable time is. I'm just done waiting. - [Jim] So the audio might have gotten messed up here. - We're at the local diamond shop. - [Jim] But Chris and Chandler still made a deal with the jeweler and found the exact ring that Josh was looking for. - Yay Josh. We're back. - So this is your first time ever seeing your wedding ring. - Yeah, this is crazy. - Yo, that's insane. Bits aside, this is exactly what I wanted. I literally can't stop looking at this ring but to be honest it's making me want to get out more than anything. Every day I spend in here it's like I'm holding myself back from being engaged. - [Jim] Josh has now made $160,000 and been inside of this room for two weeks. And I was out of town on day 15 so I had to FaceTime Josh with a special guest. - Hey buddy. - Is that Jake Paul? - You're just winning at life. (classical music) - A perfect centerpiece to my room. The recliner's gone, I'm now down to nine items and I have no clue what I'm gonna give up next. I don't look stupid playing VR. You look stupid playing VR. Oh my God. Oh no. Oh no. No. It's gonna be the treadmill. Nolan's here to hang out. - What was that? Ah. Whoa. Ow, what is that? - Maybe this is cheering me up a little bit. Knowing that I could leave right now with 190 grand is making it incredibly difficult. It's honestly like the lack of fresh air. I feel sick. The doctor checked me out today. My throat's like kind of messed up. Slightly considered the possibility of pushing the button. - Boohoo, I'm Josh. I'm making hundreds of thousands of dollars to lay in a room and do nothing. - Okay. Are you mocking me right now? - No, no, no no. Here's your 10 grand. What's the item? It's gonna be the VR. - Then what are you gonna do tomorrow? - Play guitar I guess. - You sound defeated. - A lot of you guys are probably like, oh this would be a cakewalk, it's the easiest thing ever. But it's something you truly won't understand until you-- - You know what? You're right. It's very hard, you should just leave. - No, I can't. - Hello Josh. - What's going on? - Is he wearing his clothes on the hot tub? Buddy, how you doing? - I'm just existing right now. - Just existing in the hot tub. The item he's getting rid of is the hot tub. - Mm-hmm. - You're in charge of removing it. Turn on the lights. - Here we go. - I don't think it'll fit. - Wouldn't it just be easier to drain and disassemble the hot tub in the room? - Wouldn't it be easier to worry about yourself? - That's fair. (saw whirring) I think I can ram the forklift into it and it'll just fall. - Oh no. Oh my God. Oh my god. - Honestly, Jim this is the most excitement I've had the whole time I've been here. - This is actually very entertaining. Just watching him being idiot. - Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop. - Oh my God, my room. - Oh no, I'm getting the rug pulled on me. - What is going on? (horn honks) - Oh God, oh God. - Okay, oh he made it. - How is this going well right now? (wood cracks) - Am I going through the floor? - You're about to. - Oh my God, get it out, go. (Chris screams) Oh my god, the floor. (Chris screams) Oh my god. - He got it out. - Let's go. - [Jim] Oh yeah, oh. And that concludes Chris being an idiot. Here's what things look like at the start of the video. And here's what things look like now. I think the forklift tire marks really add character. - I mean, look at this place. I feel like I'm living in a construction zone. (upbeat music) Oh my God I forgot about all the water jugs. Early on, I had to fill my hot tub up with more water 'cause it was getting low and I threw these up here. Can you gimme the stars? (mellow music) - Lights on. What up, Josh? Josh? - I'm up here, Jim? - Here's your 10 grand for the day. What item are you giving up? - I think it's gonna be the pool table today. Jimmy, can you let me down first? Jimmy no. I don't want to be here anymore. - Then leave. I just made you rich. - Yeah, I know, thanks Jim. Hey, on a real note, you're the best. - I love you. Speaking of love, I talked to your girlfriend and she said, she misses you a lot. - Bro. - That's enough human interaction. If you survive the night we'll bring a ladder in the morning. - I miss everything outside of this dome. (guitar music) I just keep thinking about Kenna. - [Jim] I think Josh is getting sick of people watching him all the time. - Let's go. Nope. Oh no. - What are you getting rid of? - Basketball. - Say no more. - Oh my god. - Honestly now the most exciting part of my day is them taking my items. - All he has left to live off of is this guitar and this bed, and 230 grand. - It's less depressing when you add that at the end. Because I kept the whole bed together I only have the guitar and now I need to start sacrificing sleep. (dramatic music) (string twangs) That's it, that's the last straw. I just broke the string on the one thing that was remotely keeping me insane. Keeping me sane. I can't even talk. (dramatic music) Woo. Oh, that felt good. What is this? (guitar music) What? Is this a check for a hundred grand? Woo. Let's go. - What's up Josh? - Look what I found, Jimmy. - Why'd you smash it? - There's my item. 11 briefcases for today. - There you go. - Beautiful. Jimmy, it's time. Go get Kenna. - You want me to go get your girlfriend? - Right now. - Are you sure? - I am 100% sure. - You don't want to stay in this room? - I made 340 grand, I'm done. I'm good. We're doing this thing now. - Okay. - And I'm leaving. - Enjoy the last few moments before he gets out. - I just want to talk for a minute. Like on a real note, spending this time apart from you has made me realize even more just how much I love you and need you. - He's about to do it. He's about to do it. - I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I want to grow old with you. And I need to ask you a question. - Oh my God. - Will you marry me? - Yes, yes. - Oh! (Kenna laughs) (Josh laughs) - They tripped over the money they just won. - [Jim] And on top of that, we brought your family out. - Oh my god. (upbeat music) - Okay, let's take a step out. - Let's go. - You're gonna make me cry, Josh. - If you haven't already, subscribe. Goodbye. Someone random that subscribes to this channel in the next seven days will receive $10,000 in cash. That's right guys, we're closing in on my dream of 100 million subscribers and I really wanna hit it. It would mean the world to me. So subscribe if you haven't already because you could win $10,000 in cash. - Woo, fresh air baby.
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 181,962,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hD1YtmKXNb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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