How Hard is it to Beat SPACE EXPLORATION | The Second Coming

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previously on space exploration [Music] all right welcome back to part two of the trial of will that is the space exploration mod if you haven't watched the first part you might want to go do that anyway this time we're going to spend the next hundred hours building a space space a little more substantial than a bunch of spaghetti on a rock first I've got some errands to run like setting up the wall defense Supply train to work with a new base and setting up some real pyroflux production since we've blown through all the stuff we stockpiled from the core Miner earlier without pyro flux we're not making any glass but fortunately the sand we need is right there and since our vulcanite is shipped via rocket we can just put a landing pad anywhere but after that it's all about space you may have noticed the way I've been steering all of my belts to this area up here and that's because to build anything in space we first need to get supplies to space and that's where these Rockets come in I'm going to use three of them one to handle all the science packs one to handle all the bulk resources like iron copper and steel and one to handle everything else using Logistics Bots just like our first crappy little base we're going to receive a signal from space and only have the inserters insert when we're below a certain level of that item we've got the receiver down here but to make it actually work we need the transmitter in space it's a bit cramped up here but while we were off conquering that Ingot Planet we've been slowly accumulating space scaffolding this whole time with this we can start expanding away from our little rock here this stuff sucks though it's even slower to walk on than drifting across empty space regardless it gives us a nice place to set down The Landing Pad that'll be the center of our new base I'm not gonna bother explaining how this thing works again but this plus the requester warehouse down on now Vis will let us automatically bring anything from now these into space simply by adding its signal to the constant combinators this is extremely useful because most of the special space buildings take something weird like pumps or laser turrets and being able to build a proper space mod will save you literal hours of scrounging around to bring all the special bits and Bobs into space here we just have everything off the pad getting thrown into active provider chest which then get neatly sorted in storage chests fluids are a little more complicated but for now I'm just going to be launching up thousands of barrels from now these for stuff like lube and petroleum until I can find a better solution but we've got all the supplies we need in automating a new building is as simple as expanding the mall and believe me there are a lot of special buildings now before we can start making science in Space the new base is missing something rather important we don't make any rough data substrate here they are required for every space science maybe it was a little Overkill to copy and paste our entire glass build down here but whatever now that we've got glass all we need is iron and conveniently there's an iron bus right above us it's almost like I did that on purpose or something I have no idea how many of these things I'll need but seeing as they're used in every science from now on and there's still like 20 to go I'm gonna go with a lot unfortunately making these also makes crap to get them into space I'm just gonna build a rocket right here go inside these rough substrates aren't used for anything also here I can siphon off some of the rocket fuel from the nearby sulfur rocket we still need to get rid of the scrap though and in case you forgotten this is still very much a put anything where it fits kind of Base from scrap there's a chance to reclaim some iron copper or stone and to deal with that we'll just put it on trans and treat it like any other mine all right back to space we're gonna need some more Cosmic water so I brought a bunch of ice water from the nearby asteroid and the Bots handle bringing over barrels of lubricant with the cosmic water we can start polishing the rough data substrate we've done this before but not seriously so I started off with a great idea that I'd put everything off of the main resource rocket onto belts but I have decided to completely abandon that idea the space belts are really bad the undergrounds are too short you need tons of different items but in small quantities there's tons of junk byproducts and you can only build on scaffolding so planning your design takes a lot of forethought my advice Logistics Bots all the way you would need to be some kind of masochist to design your space space around a belt and I'm definitely not one of those so I will be using robots polishing the substrate makes our water all dirty so we need to clean it before cycling it back in cleaning it also makes a small amount of this contaminated bio sludge I'm gonna clean that as well but I don't really have a use for biosludge so I'm just going to store it all in barrels once we polish the substrate we can turn them into Data cards using copper and advanced circuits yeah it's a little Overkill to give those resources their own rockets and landing pads but whatever if you're bad at circuits just giving every resource its own dedicated rocket and landing pad is a perfectly legit way to play space exploration but there's our data cards again and here's a more chemical gel and Thermo fluid the chemical gel takes up a lot of petroleum we'll be launching petroleum barrels by the thousands thankfully the thermal fluid is rarely actually used up we only lose about two percent of it every time we need to cool it down on these radiators and with the thermo fluid we can set up some super computers that is the machine learning data again all we're really doing is remaking production and utility science from that asteroid except it works this time these cards are used in every science which ordinarily would require a massive dedicated Factory but fortunately whenever data cards are used up they come out as junk data cards that we can then reformat and reclaim right now we can only reclaim junk data cards 70 of the time but with more research we'll be able to get that number as high as 95 the other 30 comes out as broken data cards that have no use but to be turned into scrap fluid management is a major part of Space Science lots of stuff takes cold thermofluid but then you need to be able to pump back the hot stuff so it's important to keep your fluid lines accessible I've got another dedicated landing pad for stone which we can combine with chemical gel to make this plasma stream back on the asteroid one plasma generator wasn't even close to enough to support science production and that was only for one kind of science so I'm making more of them this time and the basic space science again don't worry we'll get to the new stuff soon and here's the landing pad that'll get all of our ground science into space plus the landing pads for cryonite vulcanite and iron ingots because these output junk data cards as well as science we need to use the filter inserters I'm just gonna route all this science into a warehouse and make the inserters stop adding more when there's over two thousand and there it is all of the Sciences we already had but uh better this time it already looks like a giant mess let's make it even worse since we've been Landing quite a few Rockets up here we've been accumulating a lot of Rocket Parts this is just a simple rocket that sends it back to navis fortunately flying down from orbit takes about a tenth as much fuel as it does to get up here now we've actually started to accumulate some scrap so now we gotta deal with it Sam is down on navis it gives us Stone copper and iron we can't use furnaces in space but we do have these special thermodynamics facilities they're basically the same handling scrap in space is actually pretty convenient because every copper and iron plate you reclaim is one you didn't need to launch into space and here we are now it's time for the real meat and potatoes of this mod everything we've been doing for the past hundred something hours has just been the groundwork for making the 50 billion different space sciences and that starts with researching these catalogs to make a catalog we'll need to turn our blank data Cards into four different data cards and combine them in a super computer this is where it gets a little complicated we'll start out with astronomic science and that starts out with cold thermal fluid no longer is it enough to just radiate off heat now we need to put it through these super coolers basically it just takes 40 cool thermofluid and turns half of it cold and half of it hot we'll need the fluid to cool down these telescopes that take these blank observation frames and turn them into I don't know observed frames the blank frames are simple enough to make when you're using Bots for everything space manufacturers have a whopping crafting speed of 10 so just one of these without modules is enough to make 10 frames a second which is good because we need a lot this design is a little uh pointlessly complicated but we turn them on and the telescopes start observing it takes me literal hours to realize that one telescope doesn't have a recipe set but now we make data cards all we got to do is combine these observation frames with blank data cards in this astronomics facility and then get out actual data or a junk data card or some scrap yeah there's a chance to fail making a data card because we're using robots actually making the cards is as easy as requesting blank cards in a requester chest and putting the trash in a provider chest to be taken to the scrap yard that's three out of four cards done but conveniently making the fourth card just requires combining all three with all four we can combine them to make the astronomic catalog this also takes cold Thermo fluid but just because we can make the catalog doesn't mean we can make the science we need something else called astronomic Insight which we can get from putting the catalog into another supercomputer we get two pieces of insight for every catalog which isn't great you know why just because we have the catalog and the Insight doesn't mean we can make science either we need something else called significant data it takes 36 insight to make four that is nine catalogs each you want to know how much science we get for each piece of significant data two but just because we have the catalog the insight and the significant data doesn't mean we can make the science we need beryllium plate there was a little bit that was left for us on that spaceship but that's all we have it's 20 plates each so I've only got enough to make like 60. also apart from the labs there's no productivity modules in space this is because of all the byproducts like junk data cards and hot thermal fluid because if we had productivity modules we'd actually gain thermal fluid by using it so what that amounts to is uh this is all we get unfortunately there is absolutely nothing useful we can get with just 60 asterisk signs so we will do nothing with it I'm also not going to turn all of the place into science because I'll need some later but basically we're at an impasse we can't do any more research until we have some new resources so [Music] just like we needed crynight and vulcanite to make production and utility science we're gonna need beryllium to make Astro science and it shouldn't surprise you that we can't find it on novice we're gonna need to go to another planet to get it and here we are in another planet welcome to verbity guess who forgot to unpause OBS whatever all I did was set up some oil refining by copying the base on novice this planet has no crude oil but it's got a good amount of coal so I can make do with coal Equifax action and here my associate has copy pasted the reactor designed from our crynight planet the sun rises like once a week on this planet so nuclear power is required again that transmitter and receiver chest will make sure that novice keeps this place stacked up with all the uranium it needs we'll need this oil production not only for the rocket fuel required to leave this planet but also a bunch of plastic you may have also noticed that this isn't a beryllium Planet it's a holmium planet homium is the energy science what beryllium is to Astro science and even though I don't have any energy science set up yet I looked at the research and decided I'd much rather have energy science first but now our oil production is all set up and all we're missing is some heavy oil to kick off the process excellent it's only enough to start up four of them at first but pretty soon we've got them all running you know the best part about doing all this stuff after you've already built a huge base is you can just launch rockets like it's nothing I've sent a rocket for a single stack of efficiency modules once another thing we'll need is sulfuric acid but not much there's not much iron on this planet either but more than enough then we'll need to take care of sulfuric acid this is the only thing we'll actually need iron for it's kind of funny that just for sulfuric acid I need to make this massively long Railroad foreign ite has a mining time of 300 percent so I'm using speed modules these patches have like 30 million ore in them so I am not crying over the Lost productivity now this Railway is super long and raholium only sticks to 20 which then takes two to make one Crush so if you just move it as is it would be extremely inefficient but if we just crush it at the mine we can fit as much as five trans of the raw stuff since it's Stacks to 20. the one downside of this process is that it makes Stone as a byproduct but we're just going to turn that into landfill shove it in a box and forget about it honestly when I'm all done with this series I might make a retrospective video on the whole mod so I'll save most of my thoughts until then but let me just say I'm not really a big fan of every single one of these recipe chains giving you random Stone as a byproduct also I forgot to set the filters there we go so what's next on our quest for hole meme well this one holmium chloride it's a bit yeah first off what the heck are anion ion exchange beads well these you can see why I needed this sulfuric acid and the plastic we'll just ship in the cry night straight here I want to make the finished homeium ingots entirely on this planet I'm missing plastic but the coal is right here as usual I can just copy and paste our build from now Vis in this mod it pays to put the effort in to make a few good designs up front since you'll be essentially starting from scratch on these new planets I figured I'd show you this deadlock just in case you started thinking I was too smart also we'll need this copper later but that's all the preliminary stuff out of the way first things first we're going to need the exchange beads that means a place to drop off are plastic and sulfuric acid and here's a nice landing pad for that cryonite here's something I didn't know last time I used to think you needed to Target each planet individually but apparently there's an option to launch to any empty pad with that name and have it automatically land anywhere in the universe pretty convenient this is what happens when you forget to use filter inserters all of the reclaimable cargo sections have been placed lovingly on the Belt while I've been doing that my associate has been setting up another homie of mine even if they're not that great at the game once you build it it's pretty easy for someone else to copy it I want to sustain about four belts of crush and at 300 mining speed one mind isn't enough so this homium chloride is a little bonkers it has a 50 chance to just output the ingredients occasionally spits out sand and only gives you what you want about a quarter of the time this means to make sure the thing doesn't deadlock we need to Route the output back into the input you might recall our vulcanite design and we're gonna solve it in much the same way filter Splitters and priority input Splitters actually getting both belts to take priority input from the output without looking like trash took some finagling but eventually I get it it's a bit of a mess I made this to handle one full belt of crush so we're gonna need four of them also for some reason the base is super fat on this one recording I guess it was because of my audio router and it only fixed when I reset my computer but who knows I'm a computer engineer not an audio engineer the next step is holmium powder but it is so simple compared to the chloride it takes just a little bit of copper wire and this is why we needed that copper mine earlier the centrifuges take five pieces of chloride a second which takes about 20 chemical plants to produce so this is a little over built but it looks good and math is for Chumps but finally it's ready to plug in the homium Crush no matter how much you play factorio watching a factory first Roar to life never gets old I'm not getting rid of the sand yet and that's because I have a use for it we'll just take a quick look at Taurus and copy this that's because we're going to be making molten homium next and molten homium requires pyroflux and pyroflux requires sand I actually made a train stop and a Crusher expecting to bring in outside Stone but as it turns out the homium process makes more than enough sand which I did not expect because we also need the sand to make the ingots unlike the copper and iron ingots which took like six according to my calculations we'll only need about one casting machine for every furnace so I make this rather compact design foreign lands right next to the cryonite and pretty soon we have everything we need and that's holmium and it only took us about eight hours just for reference I've beaten unmodded factorio in about four hours with some Rocket Fuel we're almost ready to ship some out of here we put down the rocket Silo and get out the blueprint for my automatic rocket part requester I'm gonna say it again but it just pays off to make this stuff right the first time and it's very satisfying when you get this stuff down to a science my compatriot decided to set up core mining which honestly probably would have saved me the effort of building those iron and copper mines since you need so little of it but it gives a lot of hole tonight as well with everything else done that only leaves one last thing covering it all in concrete I'm sorry but if your base doesn't have lamps and concrete it's not a real base it's just a starter base after all that effort here's some meteor defense to make sure space doesn't hurl any rocks at my beautiful base okay the real last thing we need to do is set up the cargo Supply rocket we set it to V for verbty hmm splendid returning to orbit with as much homium as we could ever want we can now make the first tier of energy science energy science is just like the astronomic science taking four data cards to make a catalog catalogs to make insight and insight to make significant data then all three make the science I know what buildings I need to make all four data cards so I just place them in the Bots and drag them out of the mall first thing we need is some ion stream which takes our plasma stream plus a copper plate that will make our electromagnetic field data space pipes are super short so routing the thermo fluid is quite a challenge polarization data takes multi-spectral mirrors which is no problem since we've been making those in the mall since forever for the flat solar panels but what's more annoying is instead of outputting hot thermal fluid like everything else it outputs cool Thermo fluid in the advanced Sciences pretty much nothing takes just cool fluid anymore so I need to make this hyper cooler just to get rid of it since everything in space outputs junk and there's like 80 different kinds of data cards just setting up the filters for these inserters takes a significant amount of time also we're only using one facility for every data card but don't worry about it you're practically a mega bass if you need more than one since you can't use productivity modules in space there is literally nothing stopping you from pumping these full of speed modules and in a mod with tier 9 speed modules you can get them to be pretty fast back on verb TR rocket is already almost half full and since each one of these ingots is worth 10 plates that's a lot we still gotta turn them into plates but I'll just let the Bots handle that like they're already handling everything at the start I had dreams of making this a nice organized base but I have given up so this conductivity data gives off something called contaminated scrap just one kind of scrap isn't good enough I'm just gonna shove it in storage and forget about it while I set up radiation data oh this one takes is some enriched uranium with the small Quirk that it spits it back out fifty percent of the time so we just gotta make a way to shove it back in also these particle accelerators are hilarious I only just now realize they have a power consumption of 103 megawatts if you filled it with speed modules it would consume an entire 2x2 nuclear reactor's worth of power and that is why we will be giving them efficiency modules from now on there's all four data cards and that means it's catalog time and the insight these catalogs and insights are only for energy science but we can actually use a significant data we're making from the astronomic science as well just those 50 pieces of significant data represent letting the thing run for about an hour but that's enough to make us over a hundred energy science packs now I just turn the science Warehouse into a requester and add a request for monono 2000. the only thing we can really get right now is homium cable but it's what's after that that I'm interested in space Railway now I can train but in space I also get these special space Trains full disclosure the space trains are actually a separate mod but I thought they were cool so significant data is really annoying but fortunately there is research to help using the little bit of Astro science I was able to scrounge together I can research this Astro particle simulation still takes 36 Insight total but by combining energy and Astro inside we actually get 50 more significant data it's also the first thing that takes super cooled Thermo fluid with all the thermal fluid we're using we're not cooling it down fast enough so I add more radiators God what a mess I swear it's just my second starter space base also I can research these flat solar panel twos which are twice as good as their predecessor instead of using regular burnable fuel the space trains require these power packs that can only be charged in these instead of consuming the fuel the space trains just output used packs that need to be charged again you've heard of trains yes but have you heard of space trains the biggest advantage of space real is that it doesn't need to be placed on scaffolding they're pretty fast about 60 percent faster than land trains using the last of my astronomic science I try and get pylons thanks to the productivity bonus of the labs I barely have enough although to actually make the pylons we also need beryllium but I still have 180 left over and that's enough to get me 28 total now the pylons and the space rails all of it has been me gearing up to actually get beryllium beryllium is extremely abundant in asteroid belts so we're headed back to caledus one you might remember it from where we found that broken spaceship so many days ago what we're looking for is a nice big asteroid to put our base on so we can save on scaffolding and this one fits the bill it's also very close to the two massive mines of beryllium firstly we need to get some electricity we're a little further from the Sun than now Vis but these stronger solar panels are more than enough the main reason I wanted these pylons is because you can actually place them on empty space plus their wire reaches double that of a big electric pole which makes them the perfect companion for these space rails I've still only got 28 but with how long they are that's more than enough the first thing I'm going to be getting is some more water ice there's a little patch of it on this asteroid here one big disadvantage of space rail is that suddenly all of your fancy rail blueprints don't work anymore you gotta make all of your Junctions again from scratch with 141 million Barrel ore in that mine I don't think we need to worry about depleting at any time this century Barrel has a mining time of 400 percent it's a good thing these big mining Jewels have five module slots with a minor all we need is a place to bring the ore having a waiting Bay before your big drop-offs is just good practice I was wondering why my game was lagging but as it turns out the two idiots have found a way to lag it by repeatedly trying to play Space scaffolding on an asteroid this is why I don't pay them regardless they've set up a mine for methane ice which has about no use right now but maybe later whatever you're thinking don't say it this will turn water ice back into water and here's all the battery charges for the train we also need an extra inserter to bring out the discharge power pack and take it to the Chargers as usual I'm planning for four belts of input the first step is beryllium sulfate which creates water and more sand we're not allowed to use chemical plants in space but these biochemical facilities can do everything they can do but four times faster and they'd better considering they're nine times the size well first time getting run over by a space train fortunately the factorio engineer is powerful enough to survive the vacuum of space long enough to get my gear back we're missing the sulfuric acid but I'll deal with that later next up is beryllium hydroxide which takes a crinide rod and some water it is also a liquid it's pretty easy and so is beryllium powder all it takes is the liquid just this is all it'll take to turn 180 items per second of Rob Barrel into powder also one of the helpers set up a delivery Cannon for sulfuric acid for me not like we can make it in space since there's no oil or coal up here with that rocket and hothier set up to any pad with the same name the moment we rename this pad a delivery arrives for the final step we'll also need vulcanite just like the holmanite we want to make liquid beryllium and that requires pyro flux we can use the sand output from the sulfate which is pretty much the only time I'm thankful for the sand byproduct because there's no stone up here if you'll recall we can't use industrial furnaces in space so we'll need to use these thermodynamics facilities now just look how big they are in comparison everything is huge in space tragically this means I can't just copy and paste my design from Hoth here even though it's the exact same process at least for the casting machines I can copy the steel and get designed from Taurus still need to replace the belts and pipes though they can also use the leftover sand everything's set up except for turning it on so it's time for the automatic cargo requester today's letter is c for caledus asteroid belt while I'm here I might as well set up a rocket for the methane ice as well so I thought for a second I just turned the Pyro flux into rocket fuel but then I remembered it took coal so so much for that idea instead I'll just set up a rocket on navis that carries Rocket Fuel a full rocket of solid rocket fuel is enough to make 250 000 liquid Rocket Fuel which is like four Rockets maybe two depending where you're going it's not ideal but considering one rocket full of beryllium ingots is enough to make 500 000 plates I don't anticipate launching very many Rockets from here also whenever you're making a landing in an asteroid built a little bit of it always seems to explode now we turn it on this is a good time as any to explain the problem with building something like this in space there's still no productivity modules that might not sound so bad Until you realize that making beryllium ingots takes four steps Each of which accept productivity modules assuming chemical plants with tier 3 prod mods that's 24 plus 24 plus 24 and 40 from the industrial furnace that's right from the same amount of raw Barrel we are making less than half the ingots we could be making on the ground the fast buildings in space are nice but they're not worth an extra 112 percent and that's just with tier threes my advice is if you can do it on the ground do it on the ground compared to homie ingots which are build averages about 120 per minute our beryllium ingots are not great but who knows how many of these things I'll need this might just be plenty but still we've got beryllium we've already got Astro science up so all we gotta do is turn it into plates and Chris and caledus asteroid build with its own Supply rocket here I am standing all confident next to it even though I forgot to set it to C and it's just reading Taurus's data with Astro science fully automated we can start researching things like rocket survivability so they stop crashing all the time pretty soon I'm loading another rocket to go conquer yet another planet after getting homium and beryllium there are still two more extraterrestrial materials we need to get actually technically three but we don't talk about that one just like energy and Astro science these resources have their own science paths the next material on our radar is iridium it's used in industrial science which will give me access to some very fun toys that's what brings us to this planet Weyland I've already scanned the whole thing before coming here unfortunately unlike verb tea it's got biters on it although unlike Taurus it's only seven percent threat and not a hundred the biter nests are small and far between but still annoying there is a way to make them less annoying though by killing every single biter on this planet which even at seven percent is a little easier said than done after about 20 minutes I gave up doing it manually they shouldn't bother us too much while we're building though this planet has a pretty good supply of oil which is good because we're going to be launching lots of rockets on top of that we'll also need sulfuric acid to actually mine the raw irritate I start setting up the oil refinery and leave building a power plant pump jacks and train stops to my helpers honestly if I were doing this whole thing solo it would have taken me maybe an extra 10 or 15 hours to get to this point but they are great for moral support some people were upset that I was doing this with help but I assure you that 98 of the effort is me picks up that extra two percent is the most soul-crushing work so being able to offload that means I can play longer and get these videos out faster this whole build is a little Overkill since mining iridite only takes 0.1 sulfuric acid each but we're almost ready but we'll need some iron plates for the sulfuric acid we won't need much but if you're going through the effort of building a mine you might as well just cover the whole patch we'll also need a tiny bit of this for the fuel cells to our Nuclear Power Plant so that'll go fetch some iron I randomly check up on the asteroid belt and realize it's actually deadlocked because of too much water I totally didn't realize that the whole process actually creates a little bit more water than it consumes I'll need to deal with that later there's enough Barrel to keep us going so I'm focusing on iridium we won't actually need that much sulfuric acid so most of our petroleum will probably be turned into fuel anyway we've got oil flowing another convenient thing about keeping this place stocked with uranium is I can use it to make nuclear fuel for the trains unlike holmium and beryllium I'm not going to process iridine entirely on this planet the recipe requires a lot of plastic and we don't have the coal we'd need at all on Weyland I could just ship in plastic from now these but the recipe also requires two more ingredients that would need to come via rocket one problem with this is that I'd be receiving so many Rockets the leftover Parts would vastly exceed the amount I need to actually ship out the Iridium so we'd end up with like 2 000 cargo sections just laying around obviously I could deal with this with a little more effort but since we've got more than enough rocket fuel on site and shipping in cargo sections is no problem I'd rather just launch hundreds of rockets and finish it on navis anyway we're just gonna crush it here crushing erudite is a little interesting since it frequently spits out uncrushed irides that we need to route back through for another grind honestly it kind of makes sense but that means yet another priority input splitter everything's set up so now we just need to actually make the irid-eyed mines [Music] the mines are straightforward it's just the same as mining uranium except it has the biggest mining time yet 500 percent can't forget the stuff for the sulfuric acid I ended up making three of these mines since we'll need a good amount to maintain four belts of input now we make some trains and plug in the ore you can see just how little or just one of these trains can carry but we're gonna get over 40 percent of it back so we should be able to keep it saturated everything's all set up so all that's left is to make the supply rocket except when I come back it's all deadlocked it's not making Crush at all I assume since we're getting 40 back I should have been able to shove the stuff to be reprocessed back in halfway but evidently not it might be the productivity modules but it's not clearing enough of the old erode to be able to crush anymore I reroute everything to Priority input at the start and that seems to work fine that was a lot of effort just for the first step hopefully the other steps will be easier so if I'm trying to set up iridium processing what am I doing down on Marielle well it's because I need enriched vulcanite so I gotta make a rocket just for that it does make my beautiful Vulcan I'd build a little uglier but it's not that bad hopefully it won't slow down my vulcanite block production too much so this whole time beryllium production has still been messed up on account of a water overflow but that ends now my associate is setting up a system that'll take the excess turn it into steam and just burn it off as power it sucks needing to do something like this because these tiny electrical networks actually have a fairly significant ups cost but we're lazy and it works this is a nice unused corner of my base time to make iridium first thing we'll need unnovies are these cation ion exchange beads they're the exact same as the anion ion exchange beads except they take vulcanite instead that means we can just copy our entire build off of verb tea and call it a day except I'm also going to build some anion here as well since I'll probably need them later next we need to make iridium powder and this recipe might look a little familiar once again we can just copy the entire build off of verbty all we really gotta do is change the filters it is the exact same I got a little excited and turn it on only to realize I forgot to put in the water now for the Iridium blast cakes but this is easy we just gotta bring in that enriched vulcanite although as similar as it's been we will need more centrifuges than the hellonium build I really like how the mod maker made these things glow according to the recipe alright it's Ingot time since we're on now these we can just bring in the pyroflux on a train it also gives out steam as a byproduct but I can just turn that into water and feed it back into the chem plants and there's our iridium ingots no casting machines necessary the rocket will go right here let's watch the whole process there they are all ready to be blasted off with iridium in hand we can finally open the door to Materials Science all of the science paths have their own quirks and Material Science really likes to give you scrap and contaminated stuff also pretty much every data card takes these material testing packs with how much they're used you'd be tempted to make them on novice for the productivity but they only stack to 10 so transporting them into space is a real pain by now you probably know how all this works so I'm not gonna bother explaining every single data card if you're really interested you should be able to pause both these facilities spit out contaminated Cosmic water but so little of it I'd be able to make ten thousand signs before it ever fills up basically what I'm saying is recycling is worth my time so I'm just gonna not I had high hopes for this second space space but I have long since given up but who cares we've got Material Science catalogs now and the Insight moving these fluids around is starting to get a little tough luckily since I've been away for 10 hours I've managed to accumulate quite a bit of significant data just like we could combine energy and Astro Insight we can actually combine all three to make even more efficient significant data we can also get plated scaffolding and better Thruster suits finally I'm not limited to this tiny grit if I want to be in space anymore the plated scaffolding is great as well because it makes us walk twice as fast as the crappy scaffolding really freaking expensive to make though what I really want though is this you've heard of delivery cannons yes but have you heard of weapons delivery cannons honestly it's much less a delivery Cannon and more just a cannon with this we can quite literally nuke things from orbit and I can think of no better use than deleting all light from that one pesky planet well the basic pile driver definitely kills nests but it's more like anywhere artillery let's try out a nuclear warhead [Music] not bad we should be able to clear out the entire planet from the comfort of our orbit so that's exactly what I'll do they also come with a manual targeting mode so I can just sit back and relax as I Reign death upon my enemies this is what's best in life doing it manually is good too I won't lie to you though doing it like this is extremely expensive this is what it takes to launch a single pile driver and I checked I launched about 1 300 of these after letting it run for a few hours it's cleared out most everything but there's still a few camps of annoying stragglers left behind all the nests are dead but it still won't let me confirm extinction because there's still a few Behemoth Fighters wandering around after this I just let it run for another hour expecting it to be done when I got back but still there can't be that many of them left and even Behemoth Fighters can't take more than two of these to the face so what gives well eventually I saw it the auto targeting is very dumb basically it's a complete crap shoot if the biter will walk out of the way before it lands and the high HP region of Behemoth does not help I guess that means you actually got to use something that one shots them except this one still survived at least if they're all auto firing here it means it's the last one finally it dies after my Superior brain manually targets it but the moment of truth uh finally that was so much effort the main advantage of this is that we can turn the surface and the biters won't respawn with three out of four to go there's only one resource left and that brings us to this planet called Buttercup Vita melange only appears on lush green planets and as far as I know it's impossible to find it on any planet with zero percent threat the best part is even if we did do a hostile Extinction like we did on Whalen there's these biter meteors that will randomly spawn a new Nest anyway if we put up enough meteor defense installations we could prevent it but after spending four hours clearing out Weyland I don't think I'm up for another one what I'm saying is I actually need to bother building defenses this time I don't need too much space though so just this little box will do luckily this planet has tons of oil to make rocket fuel and I'm just gonna copy the entire Refinery off of Wayland this is what late game factorio is all about except we're still on the mid game and space exploration now we actually gotta mine the raw video melange unlike every other resource except for maybe water ice it actually has a mining time of a hundred percent so from this one patch we can get like six full blue belts now I'd love to make all the video launch here and just ship out the final product like I do the whole name but there's some problems chiefly amongst them is that it requires Stone now the first step is crushing it and while it does make some Stone as well as a wood it's not enough so I figured I'd make like our iridite planet and just ship out the crushed stuff it seems like a no-brainer thing as raw vitam launch only Stacks to 20 whereas the crush vitil launch Stacks to 50. if you'll recall the recipe we actually get anywhere between one and a half and two and a half as many nuggets as we have Rob vitamelage averaging up to two times as much this effectively means that just shipping raw is worth 40 nuggets in each slot it's still short of 50 but when you factor in simple tier 3 productivity modules suddenly one slot of 20 raw vitamel launch turns into 52.8 nuggets meaning that it's actually more space efficient on average to ship the raw stuff than the crushed stuff and that number only gets bigger with better productivity modules pretty funny now since I don't want any biter meteors falling inside of my walls I'm going a little Overkill with my meteor defense that other rocket is for vitamel launch core fragments we'll need them later but for now our work here is done now that we're mostly done with the planets it's time to address a pretty major problem that's been brewing over the last 50 hours we've been busy we've almost completely depleted all of the stone inside of our walls unlike copper and iron which are practically infinite thanks to Taurus we still Source all of our Stone locally no stone means no circuits or low density structures and that means no cargo Rockets this however is a perfect task for someone else while I do more important things like setting up vitamelage I put down a landing pad below our erudite processing add some Crushers think about it and then realize there is absolutely nothing worthwhile in biological science wow five percent faster handcrafting and better Med kits hmm so I decided it would be infinitely more worth my time to start working on the second tier of energy science just like the first tier it's four data cards to make a catalog except the data cards are a little more complicated this time you have stuff like force field data that takes two data cards from the first catalog only for a 50 chance to make the actual card still with Bots even stuff like this is relatively easy the game's so much easier when you give up making everything look nice most cards are fine with having only one building but with recipes like this that have very high failure rates you'll generally want more than one the second here is pretty much the same except it takes the first tier of broad catalog and some homium cables instead that means they all take insight and significant data energy Science 2 probably unlocks the best stuff most especially the pylon substations and wide area beacons I don't think you're fully prepared for just how good they are but we gotta unlock them first while I wait for some of that science to build up this is the perfect time to give my associates some support from orbit that'll teach him with our combined efforts the whole area is almost cleared even though these cannons can fire automatically they're best used manually to thin out a nest before you clear it yourself so you know how we can combine insight to make more efficient significant data well we can also combine catalogs to make more insight instead of only two for each Insight we're now getting eight for both very useful [Laughter] [Music] yeah we'll talk about that hmm environmental storytelling anyway this whole area is about ready to be captured here's the pylon substation it's got the same wire length as the regular pylon except it has a 64 by 64 power grid which is quite a bit bigger than the substations we've been using up to this point this one pylon is all it takes so when it says wide area Beacon it really means wide area I wanted to get the new walls and mines squared away before I actually used them but behold not only is it massive but it also holds twice as many modules the only downside is that it takes 10 megawatts just by existing but that's well worth it even though I have about zero intention of setting up biological science anytime soon I'm still gonna finish processing vitamel launch four builds of raw Venom Lodge's input means we need to deal with eight belts of nuggets we've also got to deal with the trash instead of just burning the wood there is a recipe that lets you make green circuits using wood instead of stone so I make some of that and throw it on the main bus the stone byproduct will cover most of the sand we need for the next step but we'll need some more here's a nice way to let both ingredients use stack inserters we're gonna need a lot of these also we're gonna need a good bit of water this is a lot of belts next we stuff it all into a furnace with some vulcanite the process also gives out a small amount of methane gas which I have absolutely no use for so I'm just gonna stuff it in a tank and forget about it but now let's actually turn this thing on it's very green around here there's one more step while we do need spice for a few recipes the vast majority of the vitilange needed is from extract the furnaces occasionally spit some out and to actually make the extract we seed the process with a single extract to make even more it's very similar to vulcanite enrichment all we need to do is Route both outputs back into itself and only let the excess extract out as a usable product now it's all ready for when I decide to make bioscience in about a hundred hours although the extract is an ingredient in making tier 4 productivity modules so at least I have that after capturing all four of the extra planetary resources this is the first time in like 50 hours I've had to think about what to do next one thing I can think of is to fit some trains in here if you're doing something like this it's always better to place the tracks first and then build around them on the heels of a recent Stone shortage I've decided to do something to help it out a little bit there's actually a more efficient recipe to make processing units by using homium cables to half the circuits required fitting the whole holium cable build around here is a little awkward but it's legitimately the only place I could put it and still be able to Route it into the blue circuits it's a bit of a squeeze but it works foreign so this whole time I've been thinking about how I could improve my space base obviously I can't keep using that spaghetti Abomination into the late game just making energy Science 2 is already pushing it to its limits but playing around with these trains gave me an epiphany and that starts with Material Science too but you've already seen me do this multiple times four data cards catalog science yada yada except this one is special because one of the cards takes a freaking train and makes 1.5 K scrap whatever there's the science this place is at critical mass of trash okay random aside I made a water ice rocket on caledus asteroid belt the next step to toning down our trash factor is getting all the funny new resources in one area each resource has a few of these Advanced products like heavy girders and bearings which are used primarily in science but also for some very Advanced buildings like the wide area beacons and sorry if I'm being a little terse on all these stations and manufacturers but this video is already 50 minutes long and we've still got a lot of stuff to cover but hey here they are in a bus there are some are still missing but I've planned around fitting them in and we'll get them with later research but now we need to deal with getting them into space and turns out cargo Rockets just aren't sexy anymore space elevators are the new hotness with one of these babies we can go to and from orbit whenever we want and even send trains into space obviously if it involves trans I'm gonna be struck with a compulsive need to structure my entire base around him the mod maker should have known better to actually make it work you first need to fill it with over a thousand of these special cables then there's a maintenance cost over time and whenever you send a train up when I first put it down I was rather surprised to see it about a million miles away from my space base turns out it's locked to the exact coordinates of where you put it down while I was planning on building a new base anyway now it's time to introduce my super awesome idea why have a bunch of small trends when you could just have one really big terrain this one's 20 wagons long not only is it super long but it's also going to carry every single item we could ever need into space I should probably mention right now that this isn't exactly optimal but it is cool however there's more than 20 things we'll need in space and so some of these wagons will need to be mixed it might sound prone to overflowing but we'll use the exact same design we've been using to manage the cargo Rockets to control how much these Trends will pick up we'll also add some special conditions so the train will automatically leave whenever something runs out the first wagon will handle all the random supplies via Logistics Bots traversing through menus to set up combinators and filters probably took me at least 30 minutes the left hand constant combinators handle everything that comes in from the Train on belts and the right hand handles everything else [Music] it's a good thing I set up this train that goes in between the new and old bases also I just realized that because it's a double-headed train I accidentally put all the filters up in Reverse let this be a lesson just in case you're in danger of thinking I was smart or something now that we've taken everything off of the train let's put it all back onto another train or rather trans plural why yes it would be more efficient to just bring each of these trains down to now Vis instead of mixing it and unmixing it but those are just how I decided to do it the throughput of this build is pretty limited but like I said most of the space exploration recipes seem to use a lot of different items rather than a lot of one item here's where I'm gonna fit the new Supply Hub I don't want to need to take a Thousand Mile train ride every time I want a new item the best part about making a third base is now we get to re-experience making all the preliminary stuff like data cards for a third time hooray well no use crying about it now we've got all the items we'll need in space but we'll need some fluids as well space takes a surprising amount of light oil and petroleum gas especially the petroleum since we have the elevator we don't need to worry about shipping barrels anymore we can just use fluid wagons though I had hoped to keep my space and ground rail networks mostly separate but adding fluid wagons to the mega train felt like a step too far still I don't like it I might do something about it in the future I think I'm gonna stick with this double-headed Tran stack design for the whole base again nowhere near optimal but kind of cool also it's kind of convenient which is great because I've got a video to get out from there we remake all the space fluids like Cosmic water chemical gel Thermo fluid and this new stuff cryo slush then we load it all onto their own double-headed fluid wagons this is what we made that water ice rocket for [Music] then it's just a matter of setting up train stops for all the supplies if you're going to make a design like this make sure you give your train stations a train limit of one you'll never guess what happened though apparently the trans stops are too short and the trains can't get far enough in to clear the incoming curved rail to get on the outgoing one even though they worked when I placed them at the trend stop they break when they go in themselves that means I need to lengthen every single one of these train stops by one rail well I lengthened enough of them for now now we bring in the fluids from now VIs [Music] I don't actually have the cry night for the crynight slush yet so I gotta bring it in from a landing pad and put it on a train I have no idea if this will be enough fluid for the base but one way to find out but thanks to the flexibility of my trains even if I need more it's just a matter of effort while we're making fluid we might as well make more fluid plasma streams and all its derivatives are used in some form for every science and the buildings you make it in are absolutely enormous so it's best to be making in a central location and put it on trans as well to make it even more compact I've put the train steps as close together as possible I don't bother with buffer chest because these take so little I'm convinced a single train could leave and come back before the belt runs dry altogether we only need to bring in five resources to make all the different streams and remember these particle accelerators use 10 megawatts each so you better remember your efficiency modules whenever you're done building something it's best to remove all the scaffolding you didn't need especially this super expensive plated scaffolding here we put them on trains I guess my one takeaway that I want you to get out of this run is that you can just do whatever you want with trans put down those City Block blueprints you got off of Reddit and go crazy okay that's done what next well I'd love to make blank data cards but that creates a ton of contaminated Cosmic water so first I'll need to make a place that decontaminates Cosmic water I'll also make a decontaminated contaminated scrap now there is a recipe to polish substrates without creating byproducts but it's super wasteful compared to Cosmic water seeing as it consumes the much more expensive chemical gel instead of just contaminating it besides since it doesn't make scrap it actively deprives us of free resources anyway this will ensure that our Cosmic water is squeaky clean okay now it's time for blank data cards nothing has changed in the last two times we've made them except for how we're handling moving the resources since we've got the main terrain I've mostly done away with the need for landing pads but this is one of the few resources I'll still bring on Via rocket we'll also want a waiting base since we'll be sending these blank cards to at least six places by the time we're done with all the science the data cards also make scrap so now we'll need a place to deal with it after seeing that one recipe and Material Science that created 1 500 scrap on its own I'm reasonably confident that I need to build a pretty large scrapping area the reclaimed materials all go on trains and eventually will make a circuit condition that forces trans to pick up from here instead of the main base whenever there's a full load's worth but I'll deal with that later I promise we'll get to the real science eventually unfortunately we need to make production and utility science again that means we need machine learning data it's pretty simple though just need some thermal fluid all the other ingredients and a way to take off scrap since it makes that as well Machine learning data is also used in tier 4 modules so I can use this as a stop to bring down to now v x and our module production before I make the science build again I decided to make another weird stop for multi-spectral mirrors they're annoying to make and used an astero and energy science so worth making a dedicated stop for also it lets me put off making the science also it makes quite a bit of scrap so now we can watch the recycling facility in action this is probably the only stuff I actually care about throughput hence the 12 inserters we're making space science utility science and productivity science here which takes a lot of different things and that means a lot of different trains however I don't have everything I need on trains and that's where the science rocket comes in it's the only one of these four rockets that will be spared I do need to redo the circuits though the rest of the signs will go on belts and be put on a guess what a train whatever it works third time's the charm I guess the main reason to set it up like this is to watch the pretty colors go by ah well there it is with everything up we can finally get back to work on the big four but I don't know take another moment to soak it all in can you believe that I forgot to turn the ore into place before putting them on the recycling trains and then there is a coronal mass ejection on hothier weaker than our power grid though so hardly worth mentioning up until now I've been pretty casual about where I've put the builds but for the science I'd like them to follow some semblance of structure for this I'm going to reserve this Central Area then put the science next to it the first of the four Sciences I'll make is going to be astronomical science all the science paths are very similar but they each have their own quirks astronomical science uses a ton of thermo fluid luckily we can make the process more efficient by adding cryonite slush it lets us get more cold fluid without creating as much hot fluid not only does it mean more cold fluid but it also means less radiator since we're not creating as much waste hot fluid so you know what I thought would be a really cool idea making all the Sciences without Logistics Bots what could go wrong anyway we'll run all the thermofluids this way with the help of these super long pipes and then plug it into the telescopes to make observation frames just like last time except we only made three of the seven observation frames last time since we only got up to Tier 1 Astro science the other kinds of observation frames are made in these other facilities and yes they are re-skinned transmitters and receivers or maybe it's the other way around hmm regardless the point is I can only make Tier 1 Astro science but I'm designing this whole thing for all four tiers from the start even though I don't have all the buildings yet I'm able to do this because of my massive brain but mostly the power of the recipe book mod once we've got all the observation frames we turn them into observation data we'll also need astronomical data but as we get more research we'll actually unlock more efficient astronomical data that takes all seven observation datas at once so we'll build for that here's where the blank data cards come in and here is when this build gets a little messy since we need to handle scrap and junk data cards with belts there's a lot of funny belts required also we'll be reformatting and scrapping the data cards on site before cycling them back in but I probably should have shoved them on a train to a dedicated reformatting area and save myself this belt nightmare oh well you know hindsight 2020 whatever that leaves all the other data cards I don't even know how much I want to explain these they're complicated but not really in an interesting way and I'm building for data cards I haven't even unlocked yet so it'll just look like a giant mess I guess past tier one they all pretty much take astronomic data in some form as well as other data cards that took astronomic data then there's this one that takes particle streams with the worst other recipes that output cool thermal fluid instead of hot it's all a bit convoluted and I don't want to be here all day so I don't know pause and try and decipher it with your eyes God knows I've already forgotten half of it but at the end of it all we should have a grand total of 16 data cards and this area at the top is where we will turn them all into catalogs and load them onto a train of course after we unlock the other catalogs well after all that we've got something that can theoretically make tier 4 Astro catalogs but the science is another matter and that is what we need to make next and that is also I have reserved his Central Area first we'll need some Thermo fluid unfortunately I can just copy the build from Astro all the catalogs from all the Sciences will converge here as well as the other ingredients and that's because if you'll recall we need to combine all the insights from all the different catalogs to make the most efficient significant data plus all the other catalogs to make the most efficient insight and all three to make the science so bringing the catalogs here is the cleanest way to do it I will say building it all at once is probably a little confusing but keep in mind that even though we only have one this is designed ahead of time for all four Sciences the significant data design won't even work until I've got more than Astro available to actually make the science we need tons of different items this especially gets awkward when we're not using Logistics Bots just for the Astro science we'll need to bring in beryllium plates rods Arrow frames and bulkheads then another four unique items for all the other Sciences thankfully we have trains this is what our double-headed train station design was all made for the ability to make this belt only build without wanting to rip my hair out if my calculations are correct I should be able to fit eight stations here and so it does and so does the other side I love it when a plan comes together I am genuinely astonished that I was able to get it to look this good we can only make two out of the four beryllium products but expect that to change soon hopefully it's a little more understandable when I've got the fluids going through it now we actually got to get this science to a lab there are 28 different kinds of Science in this mod and getting them all on belts is non-trivial but this is where we want to drop off the Sciences from the other science Zone at first I considered putting all the Sciences into a warehouse and dulling them out to the labs that way but that's still 14 separate belts so what the heck it's sushi Bell time in the ongoing theme of form over function it's got throughput issues but at least it looks cool or at least it will when there's science in it if you want to know more about how this thing works I'm not going to explain it and you're just going to need to live with that sorry but who cares about seeing crappy old science on it we want to see new science well the moment that catalog train shows up we'll get our science we've only got two out of the four catalogs but it's just a matter of time yeah again we can't actually make significant data here but we'll be able to later but to tide us over we can take this chest full of it from the old base as well as some of the science packs we've already stored up and there they are on the carousel now we can research these Arrow frame scaffolds which we will need for the third tier but before that I gotta deal with all these junk data cards the science production makes a lot everything in space is set up to make tier 3 and 4 Astro science but we still need to finish the buildings down here the aeroframe scaffolding is pretty straightforward though I don't have them researched yet but while I'm here I might as well set up the bulkheads too then it all goes on the train I really planned ahead with all this stuff now that I've unlocked tier 3 Astro I can finally get rid of those placeholders and make all seven kinds of observation frames hmm very colorful unfortunately the belts aren't arranged correctly to make a rainbow but that gets us tier 3 catalogs the main thing this will let us research is this after this we'll be able to make our own spaceships Conquering the whole solar system is now in reach it'll also help us get tier 4 of the Astro science because we need a data card that can only come from asteroid belts but it's been about another 100 hours plus another 40 to edit the video altogether so I'm gonna call it here I hate to say it but rest assured the third part will be the last one but let's build us a spaceship or rather just make the one we've already got fatter these parts are expensive okay the main difference is now that we have rocket engines we can actually land on now these with everything set up I don't think it'll be long at all before we finish the other tier 4 sciences and if you're interested in seeing that happen eventually consider subscribing this is also a part where I heap of fulgent Praise upon all of my patrons who love watching me ramble around in factorio so much they actually pay for it that's crazy anyway we're past the midpoint of space exploration and the end is in sight look forward to the next episode where we actually explore space but until then see you later
Channel: DoshDoshington
Views: 161,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 81JmjIBsx60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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