6 things we're NEVER adding to Satisfactory

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TL;DR Satisfactory is about automation, not survival

  1. Base Defense; building turrets, alien attack waves, too stressful, this isn't Factorio

  2. Factory Maitenance; no buildings requiring manual interaction, or machine degradation, this adds tedium, this isn't Rimworld

  3. Survival; no thirst, hunger, or cold, too stressful this isn't Subnautica

  4. Green Energy; no passive wind or solar power, doesn't balance well with how game works, this isn't Dyson Space Program

  5. Terraforming; too late to implement, and the world is too handcrafted, this isn't Minecraft

  6. Golf; golf sucks, this isn't Golf

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 266 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vacant_Of_Awareness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Today on, No we're not going to make it more like Factorio...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jonpro03 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

please don’t say blueprints… phew

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/czarchastic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I 100% agree on the "no base defense". I don't like to play Factorio without the peaceful aliens settings to on. I have enjoyed Dyson Sphere Program, but I am scared when they mention they will add monsters and factory attacks in the game. I don't like being stressed while I am designing factories, I am already thinking hard into making my design work, don't add more work and more interruption because my factories are getting attacked in the other side of the solar system. And yes, this cost a lot in dev time and in game design complexity.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nagusalty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What about golf, but instead of hitting balls into holes, we throw discs into posts?

Asking for an engineer

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InsomniaticWanderer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was pleased to not see weather on this list. That's the one thing I would really like added to the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tritriagain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a toddler and I almost exclusively play this game because it respects my time. I have almost all these other games and they are very good, but...

I will gather a ton of materials, go to the craft bench, press space bar, and walk away to do chores.

I will be laying out my new production line, hear "Dad!" From the other room, and walk away.

I will load my game just to saturate my belts, and walk away.

The worst thing that will happen is my factory will run inefficiently. I won't lose progress, I won't be punished. I return to my factory and behold all my new parts. This game respects me, and my time. It is the anti-MMO.

Thank you all for keeping this old dad in the gaming game!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Flaxscript42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks Jace! The game dev monologue in the middle is great life advice too. There will always be more what it can be than what it is, so focus on making what it is great.

Cheers and keep up the great work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TowMater66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

In regards to the potential functions of little robots, maybe they could be set to go gather a specific resource that normally needs to be gathered manually (like wood, leaves, or mycelia) and return it to a base that could then output it to a conveyor belt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Madhighlander1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone my name's jason i'm a community manager at coffee stain studios and today we're talking about things that we're never adding to satisfactory never we're going to be talking about things that um that aren't going to come to satisfactory why are we going to talk about them because i think it might just be interesting to talk about what's not coming and why we're not adding them maybe you'll find it interesting before we get into it i have a two two little news points to talk about real quick and the first is merch so we actually kind of have like two merch stores now if you remember way back when we did a video where uh there was a kickstarter by uh dave from heroic replicas doing some cool satisfactory merch stuff with the kickstarter campaign they've now launched a shop where you can pre-order some of those things including a mug by the way a couple mugs as well as liza dogger plushies uh xeno basher and stuff like that um yeah various things you can now pre-order stuff on that site so that's elizabdogo.com link in the description below but also we still have our other store which is now uh with good smile used to be four fans by fans but all that merch is still there the t-shirts and stuff but they also have a liz dogger plushie available for pre-order as well so we have three kinds of plushies now uh of varying sizes and prices so maybe there'll be a plushie that you'd be interested in getting one thing to note though is both of these stores shipped from the us so anyone outside of the us for example folks in eu uh shipping can get a little loopy so um this is still something that we're trying to solve and to try find solutions for but these two stores still do ship pretty much everywhere in the world it's just yeah sometimes shipping is not not as good as as you would you would hope but um you know check it out see if there's anything that you might be interested in links for both those stores in the description below the other thing i want to say real quick is there's been an update to the game and i'll link in the description below patch notes too the update is just a bit of a minor update some bug fixes and stuff but okay that's enough that's all out of the way let's get on with what we're not adding what we're not adding to the game now before i do get right into it another little disclaimer i'm sorry i'm just doing this because i think it might be fun and you guys might find the reasons why we're not adding things interesting and this is not a video where i'm trying to like stop people from requesting things if you hear these next six things that we're not adding and you still like them and you want to let us know by all means let us know we want to keep the communication open we want you guys to be able to give feedback whenever you want however you want and whatever it is so you can still do that in comments below and things like that but the best place is by far the qa site questions on satisfactorygame.com we always want to hear what it is that you guys want um yeah bug bug reports or suggestions can go there so uh without further ado let's get on to the first thing the first thing that we're not adding to satisfactory is going to be base defense or tower defense those kinds of elements of the game so a lot of people have requested uh to have creatures attack your factory and then you need to sort of fight them off repair your factory potentially or build turrets to make sure that your factory stays safe so basically you know the fauna attacking your factory uh this is not something that we're actually gonna be adding to satisfactory it's something that's been requested but we have said it for many years that this is not an element of gameplay that we'll be adding to satisfactory one of the reasons for that is it's just kind of not the game we're making we have a different vision of the game we kind of want our game to be chill and relaxed we don't really want the world to impose itself on you the opposite in fact you impose yourself on the world creatures attacking your factories and base defense kind of flies in the face of that we do sort of have like the exploration side of the game and and that does you know aid to provide a little bit more of a stressful or chaotic or um uh dynamic side of of the game um but you know again this is something that you can choose to do when you're feeling ready for it you know what i mean that's the the key sort of difference there and and the key reason why base defense doesn't really fit in another reason we can't really do it is that like this is not something that you can just add like this is something we would have had to decide on in the beginning that we wanted and built the game around in that direction it's now certainly way too late five years into making this game i think we're five years uh it's certainly way too late for us to then uh to now start thinking of base defense and adding those in because it's just it's going to be too much work technically and then also like design wise it's just going to cause way too many headaches and and it's you know it's entirely possible that we could achieve it but what we could also achieve in that same amount of time and with the same amount of resources is to improve the game that we're trying to make in in in a in a more meaningful way rather than pivot into something new so base defense is pretty much off the table it's not going to happen in satisfactory with a pretty high confidence so the second thing that we're not adding to satisfactory is going to be factory maintenance and you'll probably start to see a lot of parallels between the reasons for this compared with what i've already said with base defense so factory maintenance being that uh your buildings may be they shut down or you need to clean up your factory or repair certain buildings for various reasons and again it's the same kind of thing where we want things to be chill we want people to play at their own speed and we don't really want the world to impose itself on you rather you seek out the things that you want to do yourself and we think that buildings sort of just periodically breaking down or needing maintenance is not really something that will sort of help in in that regard uh people do bring up an interesting like solution for this because we've talked about this before but people do bring up an interesting solution where they're thinking you know what wouldn't it be cool if you have little ai robots that run around and maintain your buildings for you your factory for you to make sure you know things can keep up and running so you don't have to keep running back and forth um and i mean that's certainly a really cool idea i like the idea of like little robots in your factory but it really does seem that we're just going to be like justifying there we're going to be adding a really tedious aspect of the game which is your factory buildings breaking down just so we can add cool robots so what we would sort of say is like well wouldn't it just be better if the cool thing is like robots what if we just like found a reason to add little robots in the game so i don't know like do you think little robots running around your factory would be fun i think it would be fun i just don't know what they would do though so if you have any ideas for what little uh like labor robots could do by all means let us know in the comments below so the third thing that we're not adding to satisfactory is going to be survival elements and by that i mean things like hunger and thirst and and again it's the same kind of reasons it's not really the game we want to make we don't really like having to disrupt you in that way um we don't really think that that's going to add too much to at least to the game that we're trying to make obviously survival elements are something that a lot of people enjoy in many games they're in many games and that's that's all well and good we can understand why people would maybe like that in their games um but it's just not something that we think fits for our game the other thing is if you sort of just take the thinking a little further and you and you imagine well what do you do in satisfactory satisfactory is all about automation and so if there's survival elements and you need like food or some kind of sustenance or or you know drink or something like that then like the challenge of that would probably should probably center around automation as well and if there is some way for you to automate the creation of that then again we're just introducing a random tedious step that we would automate away and essentially would just be kind of redundant in the end so we don't really think that survival is necessary for satisfactory again it strays from our original direction as well but we also just think it wouldn't end up really working too well in our game so yeah not something we're going to be adding so we've made it to the halfway point i kind of want to take a little breather for a second and i want to talk about just something that i've said for the previous three things so in all three things i've kind of mentioned that it's not the game we're making and like the thing is i think this maybe feels like a cop-out reason i've given other reasons for them as well but but that particular reason is something that might feel like a cop-out reason or maybe even feel a little dismissive but i i want to add a little weight to it because it's a very very important reason it's a very deliberate thing that we need to take care of when we decide what we're going to be doing in the game so before a game developer sets out to make a game they have near endless possibilities of what they can make they can make pretty much any game but when they sit down to make a specific game they can no longer make any game or every game they can only make the game that they're making do you know what i mean the game that you're making is is just what it is or another way to think about it is that the game that you're making is also specifically not what it isn't there are more things that your game isn't then there are things that that your game is does that make any sense and so from the perspective of where you are with your game it's very very easy to look out and find other things you know things that your game isn't and see value with them and and think well maybe i should put that in my game and this is something that developers struggle with all the time uh it's always very hard to think about well what should i be bringing in from the outside so one example that i can kind of give here is just if we just take for example the argument of like well should satisfactory have more chaotic or urgent or stressful um elements to its gameplay or should it remain peaceful and kind of chill right and the thing is like you can go either way and there's value in either direction right so satisfactory could be more stressful more chaotic have more urgency in it and that could still absolutely be a good game i can imagine that kind of game and i can imagine there being fun there right but i can also imagine the game as it is now where it is more chill and there's a lot of fun and value in this as well and so you can have these two competing ideas where where the game could be more chaotic and stressful or it could remain chill and you know calm right these two ideas are fundamentally incompatible with each other for the most part but they're both still valid and both still viable so what do you do in that case like you can't really have everything because if you try and blend them together you get something else you don't get chaotic and peaceful you get a blend which is different to the other two and so some folks might say well then what if you just have options so that people can set the game to chaotic or set the game to peaceful but then you're just making two games right like you can have game modes that kind of modify the way that the game is if you wish but you need to have a base game to modify to begin with so what do you do in that case the only thing you can do is just pick something choose something and then do that like i said before you can't make every game you can only make the game that you're making so it's just important for us to make a decision on what is our game what direction does our game go in and it's really important for us to stick to that and make that as good as possible because it is really really easy to grab other ideas and introduce more things just because they're good and it's really important that like ideas that are outside of what your game are being good is not alone a justification for that one that feature being part of your game or two that your game is actually lacking something that doesn't actually mean that at all it's just inevitable because there's more things that your game isn't than what it is that there's going to be other things on the outside that seem valuable right so i hope that makes some sense uh i don't know if i did a really good job of explaining it but if i did leave a thanks chase helps a lot in the comments below okay so we're gonna get back to it but the next three things are actually three things that are actually we feel in line with what satisfactory uh is and what we're striving for but we actually still don't think that we're going to be adding them and let's see what the reasons may be okay so the fourth thing that we're not adding to satisfactory is going to be green energy and by that i mean solar power or like wind power so the first reason we don't really want to add uh green energy to satisfactory is because like thematically like lore wise it doesn't really fit so well the point of satisfactory is you come down to this beautiful pristine like planet and then you exploit it without care for it you know that's kind of one of the thematic you know driving forces of the game right uh and so we think that green energy doesn't really make sense in this space like what why is fix it now offering green technology you know um it would certainly be interesting to have as a just a mechanic uh and you know so so we can sort of understand it from that point it would definitely be interesting uh but you know thematically doesn't make much sense but uh you know and that's a reason but that's also like you know i would say kind of a weak one because we could just change the theme of the game and add green energy right but there is another major major reason which is the real nail in the coffin for green energy and why we can't really add it and that is simply because there's a massive balancing issue with it so in satisfactory all power sources require a steady supply of resources and in fact the entire game is built around not amassing things but but improving your supply rate right parts per minute or whatever power supplies such as uh green energy would not need that at all they would break away from that completely they wouldn't have hard limitations of supply uh applying to them and so that would make them incredibly overpowered as a power source time and supply per minute is like the the driving thing in satisfactory and they're the the limiting factors that we sort of apply whenever we look into any form of balancing within satisfactory and however green energy wouldn't rely on either of those things they would sort of rely on space like where you can build them build solar panels for example or just like parts you just need to stockpile a lot of parts but those two things aren't really resources in satisfactory they're effectively infinite you you're not going to run out of space you're going to run out of frames per second before you run out of space and satisfactory let's be real here and you're not going to really run out of parts either you could just leave your pc on overnight and you're going to come back to more parts they don't really work well with the systems that we rely on to create you know limitation and conflict or whatever within the game uh to create challenge they they they green energy operates outside of that and for that reason we can't really add green energy to the game it's just kind of too strong there are like ways that we could solve it like there are some things that could be done for example uh we could balance it by having the buildings um either cost a lot or maybe they um produce really really low amounts of power that could sort of balance it a little bit but but then you need to realize that the balancing there is just tedium right we're offsetting their power by making them really tedious to build so we need to think okay is that the kind of fun we want to introduce we need to introduce tedium more tedium to satisfactory so that you can have green power we just don't think that's adding a positive element to the game so yeah some folks have also suggested but what if you need to maintain them clean them or something like that but then we get back to the factory maintenance argument that we sort of mentioned before so yeah it really looks like green energy is not going to be going ahead in satisfactory there is one sort of caveat that we have talked about and that is like hydropower might be interesting because space is limited there's only so many waterfalls on the map so there's a potential for that there but we'll have to see the fifth thing that we're not adding to satisfactory is going to be terraforming another really really highly requested feature a lot of people love the idea of terraforming we can see the value in terraforming as well it's you know you don't really need to convince us that it's a cool uh feature it certainly is we've played games that have terraforming in them and it's it's it's a great feature to have and it feels like a bit of a no-brainer for satisfactory and i mean i mean it would work as satisfactory i think it's in line with satisfactory um the problem with terraforming is that first of all it's just too late for us to add it now uh this is and it has been for years this is something that we would need to build in mind like technically so that we could actually have that sort of functionality um so for the first part there's the technical aspect it's just too late five years in to start shoehorning this feature into the game the second thing is we have a handcrafted map and this map is crafted specifically to be played exactly the way that it is uh and uh it was not uh created with uh the thought that you could deform it in mind and so the current map just wouldn't work well with terraforming anyway even if we could do it it's not balanced for it if we were to add terraforming we would need a different map that works with terraforming it's too much to to do to make it a thing to make it a reality and we just don't really think it's kind of possible or feasible we would be undoing a lot of work that we've done before uh and yeah not really something that we're going to be straying into the sixth thing on this list of things that we're not adding to satisfactory and this is a no-brainer we had to we had to talk about it we had to talk about it and it's going to be golf why easy golf sucks i'm just kidding all right i mean golf does suck i'm not kidding about that but we're not we're not not adding it because golf sucks we're not adding it because snoot lost okay you saw the video all right it's not lost not lost we would have added it but he you know he lost this can't be happening okay no for real for real though uh it's it's fun clowning on golf a little bit and we had we had a lot of fun with the community with golf but it is it is a feature that a lot of people genuinely like kind of wanted to see in the game and was really hoping for and were actually disappointed when we announced that it wasn't coming and um so i just want to like take a moment to acknowledge that yeah we we sort of see that we get it and we tried to sort of like get golf going internally as well because we saw how many people wanted it it's something that could happen if there were people within the team who sort of like banded together and had a vision for it and were excited to do it and then they could maybe make that happen but we currently don't really have that at the moment it's possible folks could make it in their creative time the employees at coffee stand have a little bit of time every week to kind of just do whatever they want and they could you know folks could make golf in that time but no one no one really has a vision for it no one really wants to really do it quite frankly there's there's that element and then if we were to try and put it into the to the regular planning it's just never going to be prioritized over the plethora of other things that we must do for satisfactory to be a good game so unfortunately golf is just never gonna make the cut it seems uh at this stage it's not entirely possible that it won't exist in some way shape or form but it's pretty unlikely and it's gonna yeah for the most part we could probably call it that quite frankly but uh it was a lot of fun to joke about it with the i say joke but some people were some people were serious but it was it was a fun moment in history but yeah it will probably never be so uh f's in the chat for golf you guys so yeah those are the six things that are definitely not coming to satisfactory at least they're not coming anytime soon um now just some closing words real quick i i assume that some people will be like well you know you said pipes weren't gonna be coming and they came yeah okay well maybe maybe all six of these things are coming you guys you also might be thinking well they didn't say x therefore x is coming who knows there's many things though there are many things that aren't coming or there are many things that like uh probably won't be coming but we would like to do but we don't think are gonna get around to it that we actually removed from this list because we want to leave the options open that those things could still happen anyway i hope you like this video this is a different kind of video we just thought it would be fun we thought that maybe you would find this interesting um yeah let me know what you thought i hope you enjoyed it have a lovely weekend everybody thanks a lot for watching leave a like and subscribe and all that good stuff and i'll catch you next time take care bye [Music] thinking a little bit on and be like okay if you could uh okay if you if you okay this is ridiculous [Music]
Channel: Coffee Stain Studios
Views: 1,078,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactorygame, game, games, videogame, videogames, indie, indie game, indie games, indiegames, factory, factories, windows, pc, openworld, singleplayer, multiplayer, coffeestain, coffeestainstudios, coffee stain, coffee stain studios, goatsimulator, goat simulator, sanctum, sanctum2, sanctum 2, fps, thq, thqnordic, thq nordic, epic, epic games, epic games store, embracer group, embracer
Id: J4LlorYbVV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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