Can you beat Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty without losing a unit?

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[Music] it didn't have to be like this fathers sons brothers lost gone forever is it really a victory if it costs us everything there must be another way no Kerrigan easy aim on what a joke give me control of your armies and I will save the entire sector without a single friendly casualty hello ladies and gentlemen this is giant grant games with the question is it possible to complete Starcraft two wings of Liberty on heart without losing a single unit in order to test this question we need a few ground rules one no unit I have control of is allowed to die - within reason all allied NPCs must be saved three things that die in scripted events don't count for buildings aren't units five units with timed lives such as the Ravens auto turrets and mules are considered units and can only be used if they do not expire before the mission ends this is a long run so let's jump right into it the first mission is Liberation Day and it's nice and easy it's essentially the tutorial on moving and attacking the only available units are Marines and Jim Raynor a constant theme throughout this run will be babysitting Marines and this mission is no exception keep Jim the front have him tank the hits and it's an easy clear the only potentially difficult part is when a wave of Allied Marines drop into the action but a bit of micro can keep the boys safe once a marine slow in HP he has to be permanently retired meaning there is a cap on the damage we could take but Jim's here unit is so bulky it's not a problem Outlawz is the first mission that we get to build stuff the objective is simple built an army go down the path rescue the Allied outpost and destroy the enemy base also now we have the medic being able to heal up our Marines is nice but the healing isn't fast at the beginning I built up a bit too much I didn't know what levels of resistance to expect turns out rescuing the Allies was easy the real challenge started when I approached the outpost three hellions can kill Marines in one volley so I put the medics in front to reduce the damage taken then came the first roadblock of the run this damned bunker my Marines are still unabated and medics can't out heal the bunker bunkers also give an additional range to the unit's inside so moving away is difficult eventually I get pissed reloaded and attacked with everybody and it worked after clearing the bunker of death the rest of the base was breeze watch out for spawning hellions and there's no issues zero hour is the first defense submission in Starcraft 2 and in my opinion the easiest in the entire game most of the mission is sitting back and defending but there are groups of Allied Marines and medics that occasionally need rescuing due to rule number two I have to save them after everybody is safe and behind my enormous wall of bunkers the only challenge was to stay awake between missions we get our first unit upgrades and some money to buy them with I opted for marine combat shields increasing marine hit points from 45 to 55 smash-and-grab is a race both the Zerg and us won a relic whoever clears to it first is the winner it also serves as the introduction to Zerg and Protoss research bonus objectives that will provide important upgrades later in the run most importantly I now have Marauders who have 100 HP at 1 armor making them significantly less of a liability than the Marine though they can't hit air and they have lower DPS from now on Marines are staying home to defend preferably inside of a nice tanky bunker once I grab the second Protoss research all four objectives are to the east after clearing out a few small groups Protoss I pull the defenders out of the main base grab the remaining research points and move on to the objective the final challenge for the mission are three stone zealots that do damage in a line to mitigate this I move some individual Marauders forward to tank the shots and cleared the zealots easily back at the Hyperion I unlock the ability to recruit mercenaries more powerful versions of regular units but they have a long cooldown to recruit and are not cheap my enemies are getting pretty strong and mercs are very tanky I also grabbed the stabilizer med packs upgrade for the medic the objective of Devil's playground is to collect 8,000 minerals all mineral patches are gold which mine in an increased rate but there's a gimmick occasionally all the low ground areas are covered in lava quickly killing everything not ideal for a deathless run to complete this mission you're given Reapers a fast jump jet equip unit who specializes in maneuverability and hit-and-run tactics but they have a problem they have even less HP than the Marine and lower range knowing that reapers would be mostly useless I put them in a bunker timeout for the rest of the mission remembering those mercenaries that I unlocked I decided focus on them combined with medic support and a few Marauders for good measure with mercenaries recruited I moved around to grab some of the plentiful resource pickups on the map bases run out of minerals quickly on redstone forcing me to relocate my command center often I tried to pick places that were out of the way so enemies would leave my workers alone after an attack that was too close for comfort I decided my main base should have a few more bunkers now that my main was secure I moved to kill the brutalist in the south for some Zerg research I pushed into the south base with my fairly beefy army less bases means less attacks and easier mining after that one well I decided to clear out a few more bases at this point I'd stopped producing army and was going fully for the objective and the rest of the mission was smooth sailing no close calls at all after the mission the laboratory has unlocked allowing me to spend that Zerg and Protoss research on new perks and units my first Zerg research went into fortified bunkers and at the armory we grabbed kinetic for the evacuation is a simple escort mission bring ten NPCs at a time from the south of the map to the north once 40 NPCs have been escorted victory due to rule number two all allied NPCs must be kept alive we unlock the fire map a high HP almost melee unit who's strong against zerglings they're going to retire into my base as soon as possible the first escort is uneventful with my initial army clearing enemies easily the second escort has slightly higher numbers of enemies but some bunkers and mercenaries clean it up easily as we get to the end of the second escort we start to head back end the ai's Marine decides to commit suicide reload get out the marine to safety they're on the way down we grab the zerg research bonuses now the only thing left to do is escorting with a strong bunker position and some bailing target fire might grow the remaining escorts are completed without issue it's nice to have a relaxing mission after the stress of redstone after grabbing concussive shells and particle accelerator I move to outbreak outbreak is ideal for this challenge the mission switches between a day/night cycle during the night waves have infested attack you and during the day you must clear out all the buildings they're spawning from with little to no resistance I don't think Blizzard was prepared for someone investing as much into bunker research as I have my nighttime defense is impenetrable knowing I can't die i play slowly and steadily taking my time to avoid frustration and hunted down the bonus objective with an SCV on day 5 the last of the structures are cleared and the planet is saved oh and we unlock the Hellion it's hot garbage on the Hyperion we unlock the planetary fortress and projectile accelerator we are officially out of ways to improve the bunker feeling encouraged by mulaskey victories I head to Bell shear on smash-and-grab there are 13 altars of Terezin gasps you and the taller and Protoss are racing to control the altars whoever controls seven of them first is the winner the Protoss army consists mainly of stalkers and air units air is a bit concerning my anti air is still pathetic this run focusing on the war Pig mercenaries I denied the Protoss from sealing the altars with a large number of medics combat was slow but the low unit count from the opponent made things simple once I had my second squad of war pigs I moved on to the map to secure a second base this expansion is in the middle of the map and it gives my army significantly improved mobility to gas altars as my second base was finished I started bunkering it up making Marines to fill these bunkers I didn't feel comfortable using Marines on the open field but they're monsters inside of my super upgraded bunkers just in time too I load up the bunkers and a wave of enemy fliers attacks I have to jump out of the bunker again to target the void ray but everything goes well we're safe for now as I clear out the point as the only warp in Colossus Starcraft 2 the Protoss seal a second altar I need to get better control over the map where things are gonna cascade out of control noticing that the enemy attack waves only come from two directions I make a bunker wall that will hopefully stop half of the Protoss aggression now that I control the center my army intercepts and cleans up enemy attack waves easily Marauders with concussive shells make selfs useless and Colossus don't do much either with the attack waves denied I start to bunker up the second Protoss attack path realizing I forgot to grab on the Protoss relics I start moving around army through the first bunker line very slowly and I can take my time just seconds ago I cleaned up an enemy attack wave and they never rapidly attacked multiple times from the same direction oh never mind at least we got everybody out alive after cleaning up the attack wave I dart over to the relic now we just have to get the Terezin the altars on the east are easy captures Protoss attempts to protect them run in to my bunker line happy with that outcome I make a second bunker line in the West to repeat the same thing unfortunately the Protoss managed to seal a fifth altar while I'm building up my defenses to more and I lose but the bunker wall stands strong and the boys are able to hold all remaining Protoss aggression finally I get to the dig now I can build compositions other than mercenary medic first is a short tutorial on how to use siege tank and then a long defense mission I'm given an abandoned base with large laser drill Protoss attack from all sides with powerful compositions and must defend with siege tanks until the drill bust through the temple door considering I have every bunker upgrade and planetary fortresses most attack waves should be a breeze the only scary part is when waves of air units attack with warp prisms to drop if they get near a nun bunkered marine or kill repairing a CV I'm out I was a bit too afraid to send an army out for the bonus objective so instead I floated a barracks towards it cleared the area with the drill and made a marine to collect that marine then stayed there for the entire mission eventually my defenses were so overwhelming the enemy was barely able to get off a single attack from that point it was hands off the keyboard and wait for victory between missions I grabbed the Protoss research micro filtering the siege breakers mercenaries and both siege tank upgrades after the dig zeratul comes and gives me a fancy crystal so I can relive his memories in the form of missions this is great his memories use Protoss units which do not require upgrading and give large amounts of Protoss and Zerg research sign me up first first memory we watch him run around to some shrines the first zeratul mission is a no build mission using zeratul's void prison to disable detectors blink to move around this mission isn't very difficult once I get reinforced by stalkers things do become a bit more tricky if it were just zeratul staying alive it'd be much easier pulling enemies in small groups and using the void prison to disable enemies is the key taking shield damage is fine but hole damage is permanent and should be avoided with a blink micro patient play and waiting for cooldowns is key here and a bit of crisis management required we meet with chaos and his zealots sadly it's impossible to save all of them the Zerg numbers are slightly too high and more importantly Kara storms his own units to death the challenge rule says to keep NPC allies alive within reason which I feel I managed to do after reaching the final temple all we need to do is escape this segment is incredibly easy just blink over the rocks that are slowing zerk down any idiot can do it I however and not just any idiot luckily our stalker friend was only somewhat battered and bruised and it's not like I'd mess up blinking a second time just kidding the next heir to a mission involves building base we have access to very basic Protoss tech tree luckily we have blink stalkers which while not a particularly great fighting unit can blink away from danger throughout this mission we are attacked constantly by respawning hybrid enemy each time he's defeated he grows stronger we're gonna need a lot of firepower to reliably beat him later on when the hybrid returns for the third time I have a fairly strong blink stalker army waiting for him he's easily dispatched and I moved west to clear away some Protoss and secured an expansion once the expansion is secured I moved to control the bridge separating myself from the main Protoss base the bridge is thin and the defenses on the other side are formidable and rebuild when destroyed meaning this will take a large army with perfect control to break after five or so tries I decide that aggressive blinking on two high-priority targets is ideal as there isn't enough room to micro my blink stalkers away from enemy immortals and void race with my new research points I get the useless Hercules dropship and automated refineries continuing sergel's visions we move to echoes of the future where zeratul must investigate the dead body of the Overmind while holding officer attacks at my base instead of clearing the Zerg with an army to get to each tendril zeratul's gonna go solo while I'm asked Photon Cannons back at home once zeratul finishes interacting with each tendril he recovers his HP shields and resets cooldowns making a quick escape possible as I make my way to the third tendril Zerg attack wave comes but it's cleaned up easily by mass cannon Colossus after reaching the fourth tendril the mission ends this is by far the least stressful mission so far there's one final mission in this chain in utter darkness zeratul's vision of the end times this mission provides a large amount of Zerg and Protoss research however it has a problem the only way to end the mission is to have all of your forces wiped out there is no victory only surviving as long as possible this optional mission will have to be skipped which is sad the research would been incredibly helpful with the research I do have I grab cellular reactor greatly improving my spellcasters I should probably go unlock some spell casters now ghost of a chance is the first split mission of the campaign you can pick between two factions to support unfortunately I have no choice in the matter between Tosh of Nova if you support Nova you can cleanly finish the mission with no losses to you or your ally while if you pick Tosh you have an ally who literally suicides hundreds of units and it's not stopping so Nova we go Nova has two abilities a snipe that deals large damage to biological units and a mind-control save for high-power targets in order to comply with the challenge I make sure mind control units are released from service before being executed the mission is split into three areas where various objectives must be destroyed the first area is pretty simple once Nova joins up with the rest of your force she can tank almost everything the enemy house and what she can't tank she can mind control the second zone is a bit more annoying after clearing landing zone for reinforcements I'm greeted with large number of Reapers a unit who I can't afford to use students on her lack of durability Nova is thus left with to siege tanks and a raven it's a game with slow pushing with siege tanks while spotting with the Raven after securing the nuclear silo and using its contents we're off to the third area in the third zone I'm given some banshees and Vikings both being fairly squishy fliers the banshees are very strong against lightly defended targets however after releasing rabbit ultralisk on my enemies stealing another nuke and delivering it to Tosh the mission is finished enough sneaking around I grab the increased repair speed upgrade and fire suppression system from the armory and head to Tarsonis let's Rob some trains the idea behind the Great Train Robbery is they use the Diamondback a high damage mobile factory unit that chases down enemy trains to kill them and loot them for cash I had something slightly different in mind setting up walls of siege tanks means that the enemy couldn't even get a range to fire my units trains were shredded like paper after repeating this process eight times the mission was over using the funds from that mission I grabbed the Dominions stealth suit dead man's port is a two-part mission first you race Colonel Orlan to be the first to collect 6000 minerals once you do marathons mercenaries will join your side and you crushed Colonel Orleans command center the command center is incredibly quote to hurt it though with nukes battle cruisers and siege tanks it cannot be broken from the front without losses it's time for a little infiltration after crippling Orleans economy I set my plan into action instead of actually fighting Colonel Moreland a ghost in position can just barely hit the edge of his command center from outside of his base with a nuke the edge of the splash does about a hundred damage or so but if it's stupid and it works it's not stupid happy with the results my spellcasters I grab the science vessel with my Protoss research and the ocular implants upgrade for my ghosts finishing up the infested colonists questline we're presented with another branching choice mission to protect the colony or to follow the advice of the Protoss and purify it unfortunately for the colonists I don't like the doctor so we're going purifying it's time for ghosts again the mission objectives are simple clear each marked area of infestation if new infestation spreads kill it no bonuses no funny business the mission gives you Vikings to clear the settlements with their air-to-air missiles however the fact that most enemies are error means that they're relying more on overseers for detection than spore crawlers this is prime time for ghosts with cloak once detection is offline the ghosts have free reign to complete the objective and wherever defenses are tough ghosts have the answer to that as well after busting into the Zergs main hive the mission was easy cleanup engine of destruction begins with a small squad of marine medic fighting with an AI controlled Tyga's Tychus is a monster so I'll attempt do most of the work while we heal him up once Tychus hijacks the Odin I'm given a base to build up also I get the Wraith who has a strong anti-air attack and can cloak Tie cusses Odin slaughters ground units but is weak against air the goal is to let AI Tychus clear the majority of the ground on his own and use race to perform surgical strikes against battle cruisers and other Flyers that might give them trouble making some of the newly unlocked science vessels I start healing Odin up it's slower than using repair but it does not put my SCV's at risk the cloaked Wraith makes a great assassin but it gets torn up quickly if ever detected good thing we have science buses to patch them up after clearing each base Tychus takes a break this is a great time to soften up the next base to keep the Odin safe after Tychus finds the big red button on the Odin finishing off the Terrence is no problem now that Tychus has had his fun with the Odin it's my turn at the beginning of media blitz is a 5-minute sneak attack with the ODE where enemies don't attack you unless you attack them first there are three enemy bases a barracks base a factory base and a star port base can't eliminate all of them I opt to attack the factory base because I'm concerned that siege tanks could snipe my workers after clearing the factory base I moved to the barracks base but don't have enough time to fully clear it out before the sneak attack ends once sneak attack is finished I get to start building and a new unit with or basically baby Odin instantly I move the Odin to secure an expansion Thor's aren't cheap in fact let's get another one for good measure while I get my economy rolling the Odin cleans up the remainder of the weakened barracks base now the only base that can attack me as the starboard base master it Thor siege tank should be enough after Mac rowing up a decent army it's time to guarantee that we will never be attacked again now all that's left is standing on each of the control points for 30 seconds and defending the enemy attack waves now theoretically the möbius quest lines can be done fairly early into the campaign but none of the unit unlocks were super important for my run so I put them off until I had enough upgrades to make it easier we spoiled on an island meaning no ground units can get on or off without transport luckily our good friend dr. new Roode has a couple medevacs for us they even come stocked with units that dr. nerd sure is a good guy medevacs both transport and heal biological units similar to the medic though unlike the medic they can't heal each other and are very expensive great to have on this mission and will never be used again the mechanic for this mission is that the ground is overwhelmed by a massive number of circ forces I must destroy a three data course before Kerrigan can reach them and instead of walking there these conveniently provided medevacs will allow us to circumvent the swarm this generally works fine but the medivac heals more slowly than the medic I'm used to causing a couple resets after building a suitable defense I start building up my main task force a squad of ghosts there are also survivors on the rooftops that can be rescued of course I have to rescue all of them and then immediately send them home the research bonus is to kill a brutal esc' this is the first time I get to perform a tech that will be very important later the rapid fire snipe moving towards the second data core shows off why I picked ghosts as my unit of choice they can operate freely without endangering my medevacs due to cloaking they don't kill the data cores quickly though after the second data core falls I pick up the last of the survivors and move to the final data core attacking the course took a bit long though so I thought of a slightly faster way to finish the mission supernova is one of the more unique missions in the run while a fire that kills everything moves from the left to the right of the screen you must use Terrans ability to lift off buildings to mine out bases and evacuate them before the wall of fire can get you all while being attacked by the Protoss we unlock the Banshee a cloaking anti ground helicopter with strong damage output very good for what we're about to do the early Protoss forces in the mission don't have much detection so clearing the area is fairly painless I wanted upgrades so I decided to build my armory in the middle of the map because it can't fly the first Protoss attack comes but has no detection with Viking mercenaries and some science missiles to heal I can now fairly easily control the enemy attacks while I move my command center to another base moving to engage the first Protoss base will be a challenge they have Photon Cannons that can detect the banshees also that armory I built on the map accidentally got ground vehicle attacks that was waste reaching critical mass of banshees means that nothing can Kontest them the first Protoss based false and I move into my new home and the neighbors want to say hi do I need any more mercenaries probably not once my Air Force is large enough I sneak around the edge of the map towards the objective if I can still the air and banshees kill the ground and we target down the objective for an easy win wait what three deaths did you miss it so it turns out this mission is bugged the post mission cinematic has three Marines that die and they count as units being killed this drove me crazy to figure out but if you hit escape to cancel the cutscene right as it begins much better after the mission I got the drop pod research and both Banshee upgrades it might be a bit late but finally some heavy firepower ma the void wants me to build battle cruisers and I will kindly oblige there are massive numbers of resources on the ground to be picked up funding production past what normally these bases could sustain the rip field generators deal steady damage to everything inside its radius but the battle cruisers barely notice kill the generator and clear out the second base the mission is pretty easy but the Protoss keep attacking my main base drawing me back home to defend but the AI is really stupid so it's fine there are also captured Dark Templar who need rescuing normally I wouldn't bother but no man left behind after getting a few battle cruisers online the route field generators dive very quickly the enemy has capital ships but their joke compared to this fleet after moving to another rip field generator I can't caught off guard and lose my second base but managed to evacuate the units having no more mining I rescue the two remaining Templar groups and fire a volley of Yamato cannons at the objective to finish the mission this is the endgame no more planet hopping no more tax upgrades or unit unlocks we just have to finish this gate Sahel is a two-part mission in part one a series of draw pots come down around my position but they're pinned down by the Zerg if you eliminate the Zerg and rescue them they'll join you no man left behind means we have to get all of them while the early pods aren't difficult to clear - the enemy is consistently attacking your base from two sides it's important not to venture too far out after grabbing the first few pods I short my defenses and transition into ghosts of our safer movement around the map every time rescued allied units return to base I worry about my defenses less and less pod six and seven drop at the same time and require a bit of splitting up once all the pods are rescued it's time to show off why we got the drop pods research earlier instead of clearing the entrenched Zerg position to rescue general Warfield we can stead drop ghost right on top of him and end the mission with a bang the second-to-last mission is the final branching choice in preparation for the final battle we can either destroy the Zerg airforce or there nydus worms I'm gonna go for the Zurich Air I start by attacking the nearby Zerg base with banshees and a battle cruiser after securing the expansion I start battle cruiser and science bustle production I also grab the battle cruiser mercenary Jackson's revenge the targets are cooling towers once destroyed the platform thereon will explode flyers recommended here for faster evacuation after the first cooling tower is down I head Northwest Yamato cannon is perfect for these surgical strikes after the second tower is done the Leviathan spawns an overpowered flying death machine ground armies would have to engage it but the fleet can avoid it easily at this point my battle cruiser army is unstoppable I can simply walk over to the last cooling tower and shoot it down this is it the final mission this entire run was done with this mission in mind each piece of tech every unit unlocked every credits spent was in order to make all in as smooth as possible no amount of planning could have truly prepared me for this mission all in is hell the mission objective is easy survive to assist we have the power of a Zell Naga artifact to occasionally wipe out advancing Zerg it's nice to have but mostly we're on our own nice worms will constantly emerge throughout the mission they spawn wave after wave of zerg units until killed if not answered quickly night Isis can easily add over a thousand more enemies to the mission making it impossible finally Kerrigan herself will attack five separate times throughout the mission I'll spare you the details of my many hours of failing trying to find the correct approach for this mission you can watch stream vods for that instead let's go over Carrigan's abilities and discuss why she counters almost every unit in the game implosion instantly destroy a nearby mechanical unit razor swarm deal massive area of effect damage to enemies within a medium radius pardon shield all non-spell damage taken is reduced to a maximum of six spell resistance all spell casters deal reduce damage high ground vision Carrigan can see onto cliffs as if she were a flying unit building damage Carrigan does a massive 150 damage at range two buildings 1250 HP this combined with the damage reduction abilities means she does not die quickly these abilities together mean the individual strong units die in one shot while swarms of smaller units are torn to pieces by razor swarm there is an upside though taragan does not gain razor swarm until her third attack meaning we have some time after hours of attempts here is the answer I found two all in without losing a single unit take your initial defenses and put them behind - starting bunkers build for planetary fortresses - at each choke evacuate your forces behind the planetary fortresses setting up the tanks to shell the enemy while everything else goes into timeout in the corner pump tanks from your factory and set up four or so barracks and get a shadow ops remember to build SCV's to repair the planetary fortresses and set up another planetary fortress on the wider western flank start building ghosts get siege breakers and to the dusk winged mercenaries once available at this point - worms should be spawning send dusk wings and three batches you start with to target the worms down their undefended now but there will be spore crawlers defending them later use ghost with cover and fire from tanks to secure the artifacts position while the banshees do their job and remember to uncloak banshees when not in use they have to regenerate energy as Kerrigan makes her first attack evacuate the tanks from the side she approaches from during the assault she does not have razor swarm so SCV's can freely repair the planetary fortress without problems while the ghosts attack as long as the plant area does not fall she will not change targets you're safe for now after Kerrigan is down return the tanks to position and built two more command centers from now on whatever night is the spawn you must send banshees ASAP to live flyer to new command centers da the high ground and morph them into planetaries there'll be a large number of overlords that come to drop use your starting marine medic force to keep everything secure build a pair of depots next to the new planetary fortress make sure they are in close proximity to each other this is the last easy carrier from now on whenever Kerrigan isn't around the mission is mainly about quickly cleaning minuses up as soon as they spawn when Kerrigan spawns for her third attack it's time to look at the tactics used to defeat her first is the tank Pole this is required every time she will kill tanks nearby in one shot razor swarm is the biggest threat to your units however I found a manipulation of the AI to make things easier as soon as Kerrigan comes into range of 3 valid targets she will cast razors for him to hit them all this is where the supply depots come in keep the ghost back and abused Carrigan's cheating high ground vision she'll see a planetary and to depose all valid targets for razor swarm and cast it then she'll begin attacking the planetary fortress you now have 9 seconds to kill Kerrigan before she casts raise a swarm again and kills someone this is where the ghosts come in snipe deals 12 damage to Kerrigan meaning it takes around 100 Snipes to take her down you must cast snipe 100 times in 9 seconds unfortunately I'm human so I can't do that fortunately I don't have to in comes a rapid-fire snipe technique set the hot keys of both snipe and the confirm ability targets to W after setting the keyboard repeat rate and Windows to as fast as possible you can reliably hold the hot key and hover your mouse over Kerrigan and reach the 100 Snipes required to take her down assuming you have enough ghosts and energy as far as I'm aware the building bait into rapid-fire snipe combo is the only way to take care again down without losing unit once third Kerrigan is down it's rinse and repeat the night is spawning gets faster and faster and banshees continue to kill them eventually I managed to defeat Kerrigan twice more and it turns out at some point an Ida swarm spawned under an SCV and my tank line proceeded to vaporize that poor soul with its splash damage I don't know when this was so I had to restart the entire mission but finally after four long days and five more Carrigan's success with a staggering ten thousand two hundred and seven to zero kill ratio it is possible to finish Starcraft two wings of Liberty without losing a single Yuna next up part of the swarm and I'm sure it'll be smooth sailing hey guys thank you for watching this is the first time I've ever made a video project of this scale if you enjoyed it please toss me a like or subscribe or whatever it is that makes the algorithm happy and check out my twitch stream every day from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Pacific time I'd also like to give a shout out to to my twitch viewers the real Ryan and Hans bod who both helped me route this run and kept me sane through it I really enjoyed doing this and if I get enough support I'd like to make this a series and move on to other games until next time peace
Channel: GiantGrantGames
Views: 2,096,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft 2 wings of liberty, wings of liberty, wol, jim raynor, tychus, tychus findlay, challenge, challenge run, deathless, no death, campaign, starcraft campaign, sc2 campaign, sc2, single player, starcraft 2 single player, starcraft single player
Id: OMlvGhwX8y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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